How to describe erotic scenes. My view on writing bed scenes in works of an erotic nature


I recently started reading Aldous Huxley's novel "The Blind Man in Gaza" and came across a veiled but obvious description of a sexual act between the characters, which caused me a storm of delight, because the unexpectedly discovered passion in the works of the authors, the key feature of which is high level intelligence and even some coldness, stiffness
and learning, causes an incredible emotional outburst.

Before, I experienced similar emotions of delight and pleasant surprise when reading Hesse's work "Narcissus and Chrysostom". The descriptions of the hero’s sexual pleasures, beautiful in their form, the story of the acquisition and accumulation of sexual experience by him, became a kind of revelation for me, expanding the boundaries of understanding, confirming my subconscious suspicion that it is possible to describe sex in this way, and that it is beautiful and correct.

Here is the same excerpt from "The Blind Man in Gaza"
"Blind Man in Gaza" Huxley
There were sunbathing mattresses on the roof, and on one of them Anthony and Helen lay with their heads toward the narrow shadow of the south wall. The day went on towards noon; sunlight streamed from the sky without a single cloud, and a light breeze swooped in, weakened and then intensified again. The skin, seized with convulsive heat, seemed to become more sensitive, almost gaining higher power soaring. She seemed to absorb the nectar of life sent by the sun. And this strange, rebellious, flaming life of the open space, apparently, penetrated through the pores, penetrating and burning through the flesh, until the whole body turned into coals, and the soul seemed to fly out of its shell and become the fifth element, something else, some that extraterrestrial substance.

There are not so many facial gestures, we can say that they are generally very few compared to the wealth of thoughts, feelings and sensations - an incomprehensible poverty of facial reflexes - even if you grimace consciously and purposefully! Still in a state of self-estrangement, Anthony watched the picture of the deathbed, in which he was involved both as a killer and as a compassionate victim. Helen tirelessly tossed her head from side to side, as if trying, by changing her position, at least partially, at least a little, for a single moment, to get rid of unbearable torment. Sometimes, as if imitating someone who, in a moment of despair, prayed for this cup to pass from him, she prayerfully folded her hands and, raising them to her mouth, dug her teeth into the knuckles of her fingers or pressed her brush to her lips, as if wishing to drown out a cry of pain ready to break from her lips. . The distorted face was a mask of unbearable grief. Anthony leaned to her lips and suddenly realized that now this woman looks like the Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross in the painting by Rogier van der Weyden.

And then there was silence for a few seconds. The victim no longer turned his head on the pillow; pleading hands became like cotton. The expression of dying pain gave way to an inhuman, almost exalted calmness. Seriousness, like that of a saint, was imprinted on the lips, and some kind of vision, enchanting in its beauty, was probably opened to the closed eyes.

So they lay for quite a long time in golden sunny renunciation, fed up with everything. Anthony was the first to wake up. Touched by mute, grateful thoughtlessness and the tenderness of a contented body, he extended a caressing hand. Her skin was hot to the touch. He propped his head on his hand and opened his eyes. (c)

Under the cut are several excerpts from Narcissus and Chrysostom. (copied from e-book)

"Narcissus and Chrysostom" Hesse
Here the woman smiled in response to his
surprised look, smiled very friendly, and he, too, became slowly
smile. Her mouth fell on his smiling lips, they said hello with that
tender kiss, in which Chrysostom immediately remembered that evening in
village and a little girl with braids. But the kiss wasn't over yet. Mouth
women lingered on his lips, continuing the game, teased and beckoned, grabbed them
finally with strength and greed, stirring the blood and excitement to the very depths, and in
long silent game, barely perceptibly instructing the woman gave herself to the boy,
allowing you to seek and find, ignite it and quench your ardor. marvelous short
the bliss of love seized him, burst into a golden flame, subsided and
went out. He lay with eyes closed on a woman's chest. Neither was said
words. The woman lay quietly, gently stroking his hair, letting him slowly come
into yourself.

They sat down in the hay, taking a breath and enjoying the rest, both of them a little
tired. They stretched out, listening to the silence, feeling their foreheads dry and
their faces gradually become cool. In pleasant fatigue Chrysostom,
playing, he pulled up his knees, then lowered them again. taking a deep breath of the night and
the smell of hay and not thinking about the past or the future. Slowly giving in
charm of fragrance and warmth of the beloved, responding from time to time to
stroking her hands, he blissfully felt how she gradually began to
flare up next to him, moving closer and closer to him. No, not here
no words, no thoughts were needed. He clearly felt everything that was important and
beautiful, the power of youth and simple healthy beauty female body, his
warmth and passion, it was also clearly felt that this time she wants to be
beloved differently than the first time, when she herself seduced him now she was waiting
his offensive and passion. Silently passing currents through himself, he felt
happy, as a silent living fire flared up in both, making their bed
breathing and blazing focus of the whole silent night.
When he, bending over Lisa's face, began kissing her lips in the darkness,
he suddenly saw her eyes and forehead flicker in the gentle light, he was surprised
looked around and saw that the radiance, having dawned, was rapidly increasing. Then he
understood and turned around: over the edge of the black forest, far stretching, rose
moon. A tender white light flowed marvelously over her forehead and cheeks, round neck,
quietly and admiringly said: "How beautiful you are!"
She smiled as if she had received a gift, he lifted her up, carefully
taking off her clothes, helped her get rid of her, bare shoulders and chest
glowing in the cold moonlight. With eyes and lips he followed
carried away, behind gentle shadows, admiring and kissing; spellbound, she is quiet
lay with lowered eyes and a kind of solemn expression, as if
her own beauty at that moment was revealed to her for the first time.

He never tired of learning from women. True, he was more attracted to girls,
very young, who did not yet have men and who did not know anything, in them
he could fall passionately in love; but girls were usually out of reach: they were
someone's lovers were timid and well watched. But he also
women willingly studied. Each left something for him: a gesture, a way of kissing,
a special game, a special manner of surrendering or resisting. Chrysostom
agreed to everything, he was insatiable and compliant, like a child. He was
open to any temptation: that was the only reason he himself was so tempting.

She leaned towards him, her longing lips close to his,
they silently greeted each other in the first kiss. His hand is slowly
wrapped around her neck. She led him through the door to her bedroom
illuminated by tall bright candles. A meal was served on the table, they
sat down, she thoughtfully offered him bread and butter and some meat, and poured
white wine in a beautiful bluish glass. They ate and drank from one
bluish glass, playing hands with each other in the form of a test.
Where did you come from, my wonderful bird? she asked. “You are a warrior,
or a musician, or just a poor wanderer?
- I - everything that you want - he laughed softly - I'm all yours. If
if you like, I am a musician, and you are my sweet-sounding lute, and if I put my fingers on
your neck and play. on it, we will hear angelic singing. Let's go my heart
I'm not here to eat your food and drink white wine, I'm only here
because of you.
He carefully removed the white fur from her neck and freed her body from clothing.
Let the courtiers and clergy confer, let the servants scurry about, and thin
the crescent of the moon will completely emerge from behind the trees, the lovers did not want to know anything
about it. Paradise bloomed for them, enticing each other, absorbed in each other, they
lost themselves in their fragrant night, saw in the twilight their bright secret
places, plucked the cherished fruits with gentle grateful hands. Never yet
a musician played on such a lute, a lute had never sounded under such
strong skillful fingers.
- Chrysostom. - she whispered to him fervently in his ear - oh, what a magician you are!
From you, dear Chrysostom, I would like to have a child. And even more I wanted
to die from you. Drink me, love, make me melt, kill me!
Happiness sang deep in her throat as he saw her
hardness in her cold eyes. Like a gentle shiver of dying, a thrill ran through
deep in her eyes, fading like the silvery chill of a dying fish, dull
golden, like the reflections of a magical shimmer in the depths of the river. All
happiness, which only a person can experience, it seemed to him
concentrated in this moment. (c)

Hello! I am here again, again with you, again with an article, in general, everything is as always. Nothing much has changed since the previous article, only the topic is new.

What is the topic today? Let me explain. Often I have seen works where, in addition to the plot, there was a love line. Or there was a plot besides the love line. Or… Okay, I think you get the point. And sooner or later, this very love line led to the inevitable - to the bed scene. The main characters passionately loved each other on the bed / table / floor / chandelier (underline as appropriate), while the author nibbled on a pencil / pen / keyboard, wondering how to describe this process.

Actually, this is what my article will be about. So let's get started!

“And he entered his train into his black tunnel ...”, or a couple of words about speech and anatomy

I won’t talk about what needs to be roughly imagined, what and where it is thrust: it is repeated too often, I think everyone who reads articles of this kind has long been familiar with the unfortunate anatomy. It will rather be about whether these anatomical details are appropriate during the description of sexual intercourse. And whether the opposite is appropriate is what you can admire in the title of this unfortunate section.

It all depends on what genres slash is combined with. This is such a genre that there is no such spherical purely slasher work in a vacuum. When combined with the Fantasy genre, some abuse of beautiful phrases may be quite appropriate, but medical terms will scare away and make most readers laugh. Not because they are funny in themselves, but because they are out of place. Try to look at the style of your work. If you have not disdained modern and scientific words before, then “member”, “prostate” and so on will not stand out from the general row.

Exaggerated "dandelion stems flowing with milk of pleasure" can also be useful in humor or banter. Or psychedelic. Because these phrases seem to be so absurd, they do not become bad. They are bad when they are inscribed in a text that does not match the style. Well, you must admit, it is strange to read a beautiful, atmospheric fantasy, and then with a stone poker face - about the scrotum, urethra and ejaculation.

What can you advise specifically on the style? Here, each author has his own. The main thing - do not forget to make sure that your bed scene does not stand out from the rest of the story, looks organic in it, and not like sticking out in the middle of the board, but not a hammered nail.

Although, perhaps, I’ll still note: try not to pile up words like “Mind-blowing, unreal, amazing.” The more often you repeat the word, the less the effect produced. One description is better than ten if they repeat the same thing. Once they wrote that he felt simply amazing - and that's enough, no more. It's better to focus on the details: one random forehead thump during a bad kiss sometimes looks more real and erotic than a hundred general epithets.

The descriptions themselves

Do not be afraid to describe what is happening, be bold! If you have already taken up the bed scene, justify the rating. As they say, it's too late to drink Borjomi... Well, it's not about Borjomi. As for the descriptions.

There are two extremes here. First - complete lack descriptions of the external and a continuous, splintering description of actions. It looks like this in an example:

John pulled Sam close and kissed him, then pushed him onto the bed and began to undress him. Then Sam smiled and rolled onto his stomach. John began to gently stretch it, after which he went inside and after a couple of thrusts came. Sam came after him and called out his lover's name.

And John was not the favorite, ahem, I'm sorry, I was carried away by the example. It is very unlikely that such a text will evoke emotions. No, the sequence of actions is observed here - no alternative anatomy, the picture is clear ... But I personally imagine two mannequins, one of which hangs a sign "John", on the other - "Sam". Dummy John with dummy Sam show correct sequence actions during lovemaking. A kind of video lesson "Homosexual intercourse for the smallest", forgive me such cruel humor.

Why is this extreme bad? The fact that it is informative, but does not carry anything but information. After reading this, the reader is very likely to say: “They had sex. And what?"

This "So what?" should not occur. Do not be afraid to describe how the same John bit his lip, closed his eyes, licked his lips - and what they are, these same lips. Wet or dry, swollen and reddened, or, conversely, pale ... Yes, the text will be a little more loaded, but it is precisely such details that make the reader immerse himself in what is happening with his head, and not just read and forget.

It is appropriate to describe thoughts, fantasies. Perhaps some proportion of comparisons: associative series the characters during the bed scene does not fall off. But here there is a danger of hitting the second extreme, which looks like this:

John kissed Sam, and then, undressing, looked at him. How beautiful his lover was! This slightly tanned skin reminded him of a recent trip to Italy, where they spent wonderful days own life. They swam, sunbathed, went on excursions different cities and took many different photos. One of these photographs now stood on the desk opposite. Sam in the photo was trying to cover his face with his hand: he never liked to be photographed, and at that time John hardly managed to capture him against the backdrop of St. Peter's Cathedral ...

… Do you still remember that they have sex there?

I think you also see the problem of this extreme: an excess of description that is not related to the erotic scene. This happens in two cases: either the author got carried away and decided to write about their trip to the Vatican to spite the poor Pope, or the author forgot that he was not writing a term paper and it was not necessary to fill the pages with extra text. In the end, no one will eat you if the bed scene is a little shorter, but you will describe the scene itself, and not the photo on the table and the carpet on the wall. How will it approximately look like? Something like this:

John pulled Sam towards him, kissing him greedily. The lover immediately grabbed at his hair, slightly pulling his head back and trying to take the initiative. Unbuttoning his lover's shirt, John ran his nails over his chest, watching the lightly tanned skin turn red.

Okay, I will not paint an example for twenty lines - I think you understand the essence. There should be a description, but it should refer to the sex scene itself. If a gun hangs on the wall, then it should shoot, and if a photograph flashed in the bed scene, it means that they are jerking off at it or it was accidentally brushed to the floor, knocking someone over on the table. Or it seemed to the nervous guy that it would be nice to turn the photo upside down - otherwise the person depicted on it is staring at how they make love. Although if I were the lover of such a guy, I would be wary if the poor fellow has persecution mania, but the characters are different. Suddenly there is one.

About the characters

Suddenly, right? Although okay, who am I kidding - a very expected point. This is one of the most common mistakes - when in a bed scene the characters are confused and do not know what to do, and the almighty author adjusts them to one Procrustean bed world yaoi standard. Let's take the same abstract John and Sam as objects for analysis. So, we have John - a guy of the "bangs, piercings, tight pants" type. He is sometimes melancholy, but quite emotional and easily succumbs to impulses of emotions. Sexual experience - do not live so long. He is enthusiastic about the intimate side of life and is happy to please his partner. And Sam is a simple moderately shy guy of the "nerd flower" type, glasses, no muscles, forever a virgin until he meets John. So… Imagine that you are reading about this couple. And then it starts...

John looked at him in surprise. closed door rooms:
- Sam, would you like to talk?
Instead of answering, the beloved sat on John's hips, squirming insolently and licking his lips depravedly:
- Come on, fuck me, I know you want...

There is one of three things: either Sam has a split personality, or, as in Brazilian TV series, he has an evil twin brother abandoned in infancy, or the character of the characters is not sustained by the author. Let's assume that in our case it is the latter.

Remember, going to new stage relationships, your characters do not immediately become different people with a different psychology. No, an unexpected transition is possible - a confident macho may turn out to be a virgin and feel shy, but there is a very high risk of precipitation with tomatoes and slippers. It is necessary to throw at least some traces of uncertainty into the previous text, so that the reader has the opportunity to at least briefly think: “What if he is not so macho?” Then everything will be organic in the bed scene.

But if the hero Everyday life did not show an easy and slightly curious attitude to the sexual side of life, he is unlikely to run even to a loved one with a cry: "Let's go fuck!". Heroes are still people (or elves, or gnomes, or vampires, or demons, or aquarium fish - to each his own), they have a character. Do not change it in the bed scene. Don’t be afraid to describe how a joker tried to make an awkward joke, or how a shy young man blushed and asked: “Maybe you shouldn’t?”, Or how a rude punk swearing from a buzz ... In general, remember: your heroes are people, not abstract models .

"Today I'm on top, and tomorrow you"

Due to the huge number of yaoi anime, there was a division into "sem" (active) and "uke" (passive). But then, having decided that you need to be original, someone decided: “And let them change places every Monday!”.

In part, these people are right: a couple of two men is not a parody of a heterosexual couple, men most often do not have clear roles in the spirit of: “You are from below - to the kitchen, woman!” and "You're on top - provide for the family, man!". If the guy is from below, he is not necessarily a cutesy snot and snot. If the guy is on top, he is not necessarily a cool brutal.

Alright, I'll open terrible secret, the question "From above or below" is purely for the personal tastes of the couple. Someone in a buzz in any position (even in position 69 on a sacred chandelier), if only with a loved one. Some people like to be fucked doggy style, on all fours, and prefer to be underneath. But this is not at all such a matter of life and death, as they like to position it: if from below, it means that they are passive with everyone and everywhere, if from above, they will not let anyone near their royal fifth point and will fuck all those who attempt for arrogance.

The question “from above or below” is quite solvable for most couples at the level of those same tastes. But not so that the passive begins to think “Oh, I was fucked, I am morally humiliated and subordinate!”. IN loving couple such thoughts are unlikely to arise, and if they arise, they are quickly treated with an elementary frank conversation. Men generally don't like to be inconvenienced - if they don't like something, they'll likely prefer to say it straight out rather than sit in a corner and sulk. My sisters girls, do not be offended.

What to do and why this item? To the fact that you should not sharpen the issue on the topic "active-passive". This is not a physiological necessity (with rare exceptions). Liabilities aren't born with a penis smaller than a finger, and assets don't have an anus stitched up. If they do not change their position and are used to one from above, the other from below, it only means that they are more pleasant, and not that one of them is a girl.

Transferring someone else's personal experience" to work

Now I am writing about those cases when a girl (let's not pretend - slash is mostly written by girls, I am one of them) tries to find on the Internet necessary information. Suppose she honestly approached the study of anatomy and other necessary things, that's just the problem ... Young men gay Those who decide to “enlighten” the unreasonable most often believe that if it was so with them, then it cannot be otherwise. A a poor girl gets confused in the testimony: one writes that the first time is sure to hurt, the other - that if the partner is experienced and there is lubrication, then only discomfort, and not hellish pain. One writes that if you do not caress the member of the passive, then he will not end at all, the second - that you don’t need to masturbate at all, because it “distracts” from the main sensations.

What to do with it? Apply someone else's "personal experience" in a dosed manner so that there are no contradictions. Try to be more careful with these "hundred pounds of truthful" articles written by "one hundred percent" gays. Even if the article is really written by a guy, this does not mean at all that his personal experience is an indisputable truth. In no case am I trying to offend anyone and I hope that this advice will not be understood as: “Forget these tips from experienced people!”. Don't kill it. You just don’t need to follow them unquestioningly: remember, it happens in different ways, and not just the way one person described. Isn't this evidenced by the contradictions in works of this kind, belonging to different authors?


This is the end of my article. Dear readers, love, be loved and let your heroes find happiness: do not make dummy out of them. Let them also love each other without losing their face.

Best wishes to you. And good luck with your work!

Ok, if this is all bad, then what is good?

In fact, there are no universal criteria for the “goodness” of a bed scene. If it does not contain the negative elements listed in the first part, it should no longer cause disgust or laughter. However, it is still far from an ordinary unremarkable scene to decoration. This is where the “give the reader something else” factor comes into play.

"Anything else"

Describing this phenomenon, for me personally, is difficult. Maybe this is perceived at the level of personal feelings, but I will try to formulate my thought. A good bed scene is filled with feelings. Not just sensations, impressions, or filled with nothing, like a police protocol, but feelings. She must make sense. That is, if you crown your chic love line such a scene, or at least introduce her like a climax, she should change heroes.

For example. A girl can feel different - more mature, more sensual (everything was different before - but now she knew what real pleasure is), bolder, crazy (now the sea is up to her knees, she has achieved what she wanted), more detached and calmer ( she realized that he could never love her, so let him at least sleep with her). The guy can understand what is real love(and before that there was only pure sex), or a real woman (and before that there were only girls), or real art (for example, if they suddenly hit tantra), or real beauty(well, he didn’t see naked women live, what to do ...), etc. In general, the scene should open up new horizons for the characters, and your job is to show this beautifully to the reader.

The idea is not new. But usually even cool authors who do not forget to introduce conflicts into every dialogue, every scene, carefully watching the growth of the character, forget to do this in the bed scene as well. Of course, you can describe sex well without it. But, as it was said, this is terry IMHO, and for me personally it is so “tastier”. Now let's move on to specific suggestions for improving your art.

Epithets, metaphors, comparisons - that's our motto

1. Compare. I don't think it ruined a single scene. She will immediately become juicy and beautiful. Compare movements and actions, flexibility, smoothness of lines, passion, ardor, etc. This is especially true for women. It is only desirable to avoid cliches a la “passionate like a tigress”, “flexible like a cat”, “strong like a lion”, “cold like ice”, well, I think you yourself know which comparisons are better to use))

2. Metaphyse what is hard to say in plain text. Oh, this is my favorite item. Probably should have taken it out separately. Anyway. In general - if you are shy about something or do not want to seem vulgar, describe it with a metaphor. In my opinion, in general, using specific words and expressions, unless you have tough male prose, where necessary, so that all this slobbery romance does not get out of the general context, is not acceptable. Saying "orgasm" is very easy. And to show this feeling through the hero is difficult. Show a fall into the abyss, flashes, lightning, thunder, sparks, darkness, light, peace, satiety, fullness (well, or whatever you feel there, xs). Show feeling. The reader will understand what you are talking about, even if you do not say, like Captain Obviousness, "Vasya Pupkin has never received such an orgasm." The same is true for other elements.

3. Sing praises to the sexiest parts of the body. Yep, it's not just the parts you think of. There are hundreds of ratings in the network - both from Man's Health, and simply, and polls on various portals, etc. If you don't rely on sociology and men's/women's magazines, sing about what you like specifically. Beautiful hands- OK. Chest and inflated press - excellent. Pink buttocks (XDDD) smooth beautiful line backs, strong broad shoulders, satiny skin, rounded knees, slender hips, a long neck after all… Think and describe nicely. And do not forget - we metaphyse, compare, so that the reader salivates. By the way, it should be noted here that the author is often outraged by the inattention of writers to the female breast. No, you come up with something beautiful and original, not "swollen nipples" TM! In general, it seems that these very “swollen nipples” are the only indicator of arousal in a woman! Yes, it can manifest itself in different ways! Blush on the cheeks, perspiration, glitter in the eyes, trembling, etc., etc.. "Swollen nipples, damn it! .. Sorry. So what am I talking about. In the bed scene, you can show the appearance of the characters in all its glory. Just do it!

4. The smells, sounds, taste and touch of the characters are your friends. Give the reader 3D. This is right now, oh, how fashionable) The reader should see a three-dimensional picture in the bed scene, for greater identification, this is especially important. What does the skin feel like? What does she smell like? What does hair smell like? What do lips taste like or something else? What are the tactile, taste, sound parameters of the present moment? Immerse the reader. The description of tactile and gustatory sensations is often much more important than the actual physiological component.

Do you watch erotic films yet? Then we go to you!

Yes Yes. And light porn is also possible, if you really want to write bright and original, but you don’t know what to invent, or you don’t have enough personal experience. In general, the most universal way to learn to write bed scenes without reddening of the skin, trembling in the hands and a hail of cold sweat behind the scruff of the neck is the good old essay-description. Take a movie. Look at the picture. And you describe it beautifully words. Yeah, with a visual range in front of your eyes, this is much easier to do. See where the hero put his hand? How did he run along the heroine's body? How did he tilt his head? How did the heroine hold her breath and open her eyes wider? WRITE! One, two, three scenes - and all in openwork.

And you can also compose stories where a beautiful detailed bed scene is actually an end in itself. This is what the author does on a regular basis. And now she wrote all this with a slight smirk, although once, describing a kiss, she almost hid under the table with shame.

Good luck and great work!

To be honest, the best bed scenes were written, and perhaps they will be written exclusively by the fairer sex. Who, if not sensual natures, can subtly notice all the facets of the experiences of the main characters? Who can squeeze out of seemingly simple words what makes you cry, or squeeze out an amazed smile? To excite, or it is opposite to be twisted. Well, of course girls, only you, and no one else. That's about all I wanted to say...

Kidding. Not everything said ... If we are talking about a single sex scene, in most cases, with a little practice, there can be no clues. Each author individually visualizes his picture, and then either finds his reader or not. But what if you do not write small erotic sketches? Here everything is much more interesting and more complicated ...

Men see images and fantasies schematically, sometimes visually, as pictures, representing different scenes of the future creation. It's like watching a silent movie with subtitles, something like: Ja-ja... Das ist fantastisch. We are driven by the desire to express our imagination more vividly, but quickly getting down to business, we fade away just as quickly, often unable to fully express our writing potential. Girls in terms of expressing their erotic thoughts are much more diligent than us. It should also not be forgotten that creative process it's not a matter of minutes. Of course, more often than not, the original thought comes first, or separate moment, which then grows storyline. But the vision of the female-male picture itself is radically different. You, like us, also initially see a separate person, or a certain situation that you want to express in words, and further develop your plot, trying to present the whole thing written, or at least its finale, with dialogues, perhaps even with voice acting. But you have different eyes, and your picture is also not the same as ours. Women see images, and the most important thing in them is inner sensations. What was the weather like? What dress or costume are the characters wearing? How strong is the tan, what shade of the eye, how thick is the stubble??? And important not only small parts but also the tone of the story. Lovely young ladies adore semitones and shades, affectionate or diminutive adverbs, as opposed to a more mean, but practical description by us, men. All this is not strong, or weak sides our distinct worldviews, but only indisputable differences. We see the world differently, which means we describe it the same way...

Now my advice regarding ideal bed scenes the eyes of a man. Yes, we are pigs. Ruthless, brutal males who love themselves and sex. And most often sex is in the first place. We love harems, where we are the center of the female universe, although we can also dream of that one and incomparable. We like to take girls by force, breaking your modesty, forcing you to reveal the nature of a real sex slave, or at least an ordinary wet pervert. So that at the end of the scene, you yourself begged you to fry well. Although sometimes we fall for the hard-to-reach, whom we are ready to conquer with our perseverance and imagination, in the desire to achieve your favor. We are different, and love to read different things. But most importantly, we can be turned on not by the sexual act itself. Here, as you understand, all the words have long been invented, and written down, along and across. Men can, and even need to get a syllable. Most often, simple hints, reflections of characters and plot, or captures, or not. That's why best advice that you can hear to get more high altitudes in describing erotica, be yourself. They are frank to the last drop, each time improving their style. Experiment, and often surrender to the power of your own fantasies, listening to your second "I". Write for the most important critic of your life, for yourself, not forgetting to get high from the process itself...

The guy broke away from the sweet and long-awaited kiss. Taking the keys out of his hands, he brought one of them to the keyhole, but the door did not open. -Damn!

Mi Suri smirked lightly as she noticed how the hands of the poor teacher were shaking. It was evident his desire and irresistibility in time. -Wait. I can't do that. Let's leave it all for later. Please understand me. You can't. Our relations, already fragile, cannot be developed so quickly. Ki Hong, you just understand and don't interfere. - The girl sadly lowered her eyes and covered her honey eyes. "Or maybe it's worth staying? Or ..." Mi took the psychologist's hand in her palm and brought it to her lips, lightly touching the gentle fingers of the guy. "I love. Only you. But why can't I tell you this? Such simple words and so hard to pronounce. I hope .... you understand this from without explanation" Ate, grinning noticeably, she approached a little young man but immediately pulled away. "Stop. Stop me. Ki Hong, please stop." Mi continued repeating the same phrase to herself, having no explanation even for herself. Not showing your feelings and not meeting your gaze with the eyes of your loved one. "Heart. How stupid you are now and cannot make a decision."

And suddenly he realized that he could lose his happiness if he did at least something wrong. One had only to look into her eyes - and everything became clear ... No, this time he will stifle his crazy emotions, pride will come to his throat - if only not to lose his Mi Suri. That is why he implicitly fulfilled all her requests. With gratitude, squeezing her fragile fingers, he put the keys in the pocket, having already opened the door at the same time, he took a step back. "No, I have to. I have to for her... Forget about yourself!"
“Of course, Mi, you can do whatever you want,” he lowered his eyes sadly, “But know that I always think about you and worry. Always. - Leaning slightly, Li weightlessly kissed the girl on the top of her head, inhaling the aroma of her hair and perfume with rapture.

Thank you. It is very important for me to know that you are nearby .... - "You still do not understand anything." The girl smirked lightly. "Ki Hong... kiss me," she looked away in embarrassment and then continued, "... if-, it's not difficult for you." She stepped back and leaned against the wall. "You're not going to refuse my request, are you?" The girl reached out and grabbed the guy's jacket, gradually pulling him closer to her. and I don’t really want to stay at home. Just cuddle up to you, just talk, stay up all night, and then meet a new day together .... damn .... something I completely became sentimental. But I can’t now leave him and I don't want to be alone."

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