Who painted the picture of the Snow Maiden. Painting Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden" - the embodiment of the spiritual beauty of the Russian people


V. M. Vasnetsov, the great Russian artist, painted his famous "Snow Maiden" in 1899. Initially, this picture was supposed to be a decoration, which the author dedicated work of the same name the great Russian writer A. N. Ostrovsky.

In the picture, the viewer can see a girl of extraordinary beauty, who, as if quite recently, came out of the thicket to the edge of the forest and now stands alone and peers deep into the forest.

ground to create this masterpiece V. M. Vasnetsov took in Russian oral folk art. In the tale dedicated to this mysterious beauty, it is said that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost and Spring.

The artist depicted a girl in white dresses - in this way he tried to emphasize the fact that the Snow Maiden is a wise, kind, innocent girl, she is naive, as she lives far from human society.

V. M. Vasnetsov painted a village in the background of his picture, the outskirts of which are illuminated by lights. The Snow Maiden seems to be in disarray, it is obvious that she wants to get to know people, but at the same time she feels her belonging to nature.

To write his picture, the artist chose cold tones, mainly - White color. This indicates not only the time of the year that is depicted in the picture, but also the purity and whiteness of the meek girlish soul.

V. M. Vasnetsov wrote a large number of paintings on a fabulous plot theme, one of his famous works is the Snow Maiden.

Cold winter night. Silence. Glade. Moonlight illuminates the lonely figure of the Snow Maiden. In her appearance - tenderness, purity, inaccessibility. Her eyes are indescribably beautiful. She

thought about something. Maybe about the transience, the shortness of life? Or about the impossibility of hopes, about the uniqueness of every moment, about the inevitability of parting with that inexpressible beauty that is nearby?

The dark sky and the stars on it complement the fabulous mystery of this night. Together with the Snow Maiden, we peer into the winter night, feel the silence of the forest and wait for miracles to begin to happen.

Magical beauty, immediacy of feelings, richness of content - all this makes the picture very attractive to the viewer.

Composition based on the painting "Snow Maiden" Vasnetsov

Winter has come. Frost hit. Sitting by the stove, warming up, you just want to tell a story that will amuse both adults and children. Perhaps this is how the fairy tale was born about a cold-hearted girl who came to people from nowhere, and for no one knows why. She lived with people for a short time, but left many fables, stories, and even paintings in her memory. One of the works of art belongs to the brush of the great painter V.M. Vasnetsov.

How mysterious the fairy-tale beauty looks on the artist's canvas. It is known that the work was made as a decoration for the production of Ostrovsky's play. But done so masterfully that it perfectly conveys many details, she herself can perform solo, and tell the story of a girl who was looking for love, perhaps even guessing what the price of this is.

Right now, confusion froze on the face of the Snow Maiden. She does not know where to go, and the footprints in the snow will not tell her: only a slanting bunny ran along the edge and hid in a spruce forest. But wait a little more, she will look around and see lights in the distance that they will wave and beckon her so friendly. The girl has a long way to go, but having passed it, she will find what she is looking for. First, warm human souls, which is completely unknown girl ready to offer hospitality. Strangers will accept the Snow Maiden into their family, call her so affectionately and tenderly: granddaughter, and will protect her from any evil word. And then the beauty will meet the joy of love. They will love her, but this will not be enough for the girl, because she is the daughter of Spring, and she needs much more, she needs to love herself. And this will also happen in the life of the Snow Maiden, but will cause her disappearance. There will be no Beauty, but so much will be said and done in memory of her.

And right now, the young girl is confused. She is beautiful, as perfection itself can be beautiful. Her face and her outfit are magnificent and deserve the most exquisite epithets. And yet, she wants more than to be beautiful, she wants to be loved. She is waiting for this feeling with all her heart. And she will wait for him. The artist did a great job of imagining to the viewer that the action is about to begin and that it will definitely unfold in full force, and this story deserves to be captured, and we unwittingly became a part of it.

Composition on the painting "Snow Maiden" Grade 3

The painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov depicts a girl in winter clothes. She stands in a dense forest in a clearing. The forest glade is covered with a thick layer of snow, deep traces left by the girl testify to this. There are beautiful, green Christmas trees and a few bare trunks around, probably, in the warm season, these bare trunks turn into lush birch trees.

Judging by the name of the picture, this is not just a girl walking or lost in the forest, but a real snow maiden.

She is dressed in a rich outfit of a fur coat and a hat, decorated with beautiful patterns. The Snow Maiden traveled winter forest and suddenly, something noticed and froze in place. What did she see? Not the artist Vasnetsov? We will not know this. Whatever it was, but the picture has a magical, New Year's atmosphere, bringing fragments of fairy tales into our world.

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  1. composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov the snow maiden
  2. essay on the picture snow maiden
  3. essay on the painting in m Vasnetsova snow maiden
  4. Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Snow Maiden
  5. essay on the painting by V M Vasnetsov snow maiden

Elena Astashova
“Acquaintance with the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”. GCD for educational field"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Scenario GCD

By educational field« Artistic and aesthetic development» « Acquaintance with picture B. M. Vasnetsov« Snow Maiden»

preliminary work: looking paintings, monitoring winter nature, viewing Ostrovsky's fairy tale « Snow Maiden» ; drawing on the topic "Winter landscape".

Target: Acquaintance of children with a painting by Russian artist Vasnetsov« Snow Maiden» .

Program content:

Educational tasks: to acquaint children with the painting of the Russian artist V. M. Vasnetsov« Snow Maiden» ; teach children to describe picture; expand the horizons of children; develop the ability to see the background paintings and other details.

Development tasks: develop verbal-logical thinking, coherent speech; to form an idea of ​​painting as a genre of art; imagination.

Educational tasks: arouse interest in fairy-tale characters; cultivate a love for fairy tales; arouse interest in the work of V. M. Vasnetsov; help children see and understand all the beauty paintings; develop the ability to see beauty; educate the aesthetic perception of painting.

Equipment: tape recorder, projector, reproduction paintings B. M. Vasnetsov« Snow Maiden» .

move: The music of Rimsky-Korsakov sounds.

Dear Guys! Miracles are happening this New Year's Eve! You can get into a fairy tale and meet with fairy tale characters, and I suggest that today you go on a trip to Berendeev camp and meet with Snow Maiden from fairy tale A. N. Ostrovsky. And help us with this painting written by a famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Let's take a look at this picture and try to see everything that I wanted to show us artist(for questions):

1. What do you see picture B. Vasnetsov« Snow Maiden» ?

(children's answers).

2. How the artist depicted the forest, nature?

(children's answers)

Additional material:

Fabulously beautiful winter night: snowy forest, filled with moonlight, starry mysterious sky. A ringing silence reigns in the forest clearing. Environment only emphasizes the general atmosphere of magic and unreality of what is happening. We, like Snow Maiden, we look into the distance, listen to the silence of the forest and involuntarily wait for something wonderful and fabulous.

3. What Snow Maiden?

(children's answers)

Additional material:

Fragile and touching looks young Snow Maiden. All of it is the embodiment of snowy purity and amazing tenderness.

Her brocade outfit (fur coat, mittens, hat) absorbed all the shades of snow, forest, sky. dazzling white snow, blue-green night, young Christmas trees in the foreground - all in picture written with extraordinary beauty and precision.

4. Where is it Snow Maiden? What depicted by the artist in the background?

(children's answers)

Additional material:

Snow Maiden has just emerged from the forest, she is already ready to take the first step towards people. Village lights are visible in the distance. In front of the heroine, a barely noticeable trap or trap. Native forest warns Snow Maiden about danger. The trees seem to look like fairy tale characters. Whether Mother Spring escorts her, whether Father Frost.

The lights of the village look unkind, like a monster from the darkness. Not easy Snow Maiden make a choice. But in the next moment, she boldly steps towards the new, alien, unknown.

5. How does it feel Snow Maiden what mood is she in?

(children's answers)

Additional material:

Snow Maiden has just emerged from the forest, she is already ready to take the first step towards people. Village lights are visible in the distance. At that moment she, frightened, pale, but determined, last time looks back at his house - the forest. Perfect eyes Snow Maiden hold many mysteries. What was she thinking about moonlit night?

Anxiety fills picture, a premonition of trouble. No, Snow Maiden bypasses the trap for the beast. But soon she will fall into a completely different trap. Yarilo-Sun will melt the daughter of Frost and Spring for knowing love without being a person.

6. Did you like it painting? How?

(children's answers)

Let us turn into snowflakes and fly in a forest clearing.

Musical-rhythmic composition "Snowflakes" to the music of Rimsky-Korsakov.

TO painting by Vasnetsov it is impossible to remain indifferent. She literally attracts us with her mystery, sincerity of feelings and expressiveness.

The poet Ivan Esaulkov wrote a wonderful poem, looking at this beautiful picture:

Impenetrable dark forest.

A village is visible in the distance.

pouring Moonlight from heaven.

The view is mysterious and ancient

Berendey's country

It will beckon you with magic.

The girl got up alone

In a sparkling field

Enjoying the silence

Hearing the distant sound of the flute, -

It's at night under the moon

Lelya's song is heard.

Both birds and animals sleep.

Forest Snegurka surrounds.

Her mood

All nature repeats.

There are fir trees nearby.

Snow sparkles under the moon.

Branches are ringing with ice

At birches sometimes at night.

And a premonition of trouble

Sows anxiety in the soul

And there were no traces

To the village of Berendey

Outcome: That's what happened New Year's miracle! We met with you Snow Maiden. Do you want to change the end of the story? For this we will need "revive" picture and come up with a different ending to the story. But we will see this miracle next time.

The painting "The Snow Maiden" was created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov back in 1899. The master wrote this picture in order to use it as scenery when staging play of the same name Ostrovsky, written on folk motives.

Folklore as a muse

The theme of the Snow Maiden has become a leitmotif throughout the artist's work. In 1881-1882 - the scenery for an amateur performance in the Mamontovs' house (based on the play of the same name by Ostrovsky), in 1885-1886 - again the scenery, but for the opera The Snow Maiden by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" is just one of the manifestations of the artist's interest in folk art. Initially, it was it that served as the inspiration for writing the picture. According to the motives of the Russian fairy tale, the attractive young girl Snegurochka is the child of Frost and Spring. She represents purity, like white snow, but, alas, her cold soul did not know love at all. With all my heart beautiful girl trying to discover this unknown feeling. Unfortunately, by an evil irony of fate, just when the heart of the Snow Maiden is about to open love, she is destined to die. This the purest creation, which combined earthly and unearthly qualities, fascinated Vasnetsov's soul so much that he embodied it on canvas. So the idea appeared, and soon Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" itself.

Reviews from critics

The author of the picture was deeply imbued with the image of the Snow Maiden and therefore penetratingly outlined the completeness of his understanding of the image of this winter beauty. I must say that contemporaries met this canvas unfriendly. Moments of poetic convention, and indeed the whole picture of Vasnetsov's "The Snow Maiden" caused controversy.

Critics and just spectators spoke about the inadmissibility of such free interpretations of folk stories. The painter was also blamed for the deliberateness of artistic techniques. Critic V. Stasov wrote: "There is very little nature, and there are too many conventions."

cold beauty

The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden” is made in cold colors. Literally half of the canvas is occupied by the purest untouched snow, it is depicted in the foreground. According to the artist's intention, this snow should reflect the purity of the girl's soul and at the same time the coldness of her heart. But the image of the Snow Maiden is written in motion, she goes out into the clearing, looking around, as if she wants to recognize something in the opened landscape. Her sweet face radiates purity and tenderness. V. Vasnetsov complemented the image of a young girl with a wonderful fur coat made of expensive material - brocade. A wonderful hat completes the look, giving the Snow Maiden even greater purity and tenderness. She is charming, even nature admires her beauty. Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" has another "zest" - the snow is illuminated by an unknown light. So the author wants to emphasize the attractiveness of a young girl even more.

It should also be noted that the mysteriousness of the forest depicted in the background creates an impression of the depth of the Russian soul, which is really impossible to understand with the mind. In the depths of the picture, houses are visible, which makes the picture even more complete.

The personification of folk beauty

It was in the image of the Snow Maiden that the master V. M. Vasnetsov unusually managed to embody his understanding of the real female beauty. The artist approached the choice of a model with special attention, which was supposed to personify folk beauty, simplicity and at the same time significance. His choice fell on Sasha - the daughter of S. Mamontov. This extraordinary work of the author still amazes all viewers with its penetration and depth of feelings. And those feelings that inspire

So that the essay does not coincide with what is on the Internet. Click 2 times on any word in the text.

Use these essays to write your own based on them.

First essay for grade 3

We have a picture winter night, cold and mysterious. A ringing silence reigns in the forest clearing. Not a soul around. And among this icy silence, the young Snow Maiden looks especially fragile and touching. All of it is the embodiment of snowy purity and amazing tenderness. This is a fairy tale come to life that does not belong to ordinary world of people. The beautiful eyes of the Snow Maiden conceal many mysteries. What was she thinking about this moonlit night? No one knows. Perhaps the heroine reflects on how fleeting life is and how elusive every moment of it is. That nothing in life will repeat itself, and even with that fleeting beauty, which is now at hand, sooner or later you will have to leave? May be.

The environment only emphasizes the general atmosphere of magic and unreality of what is happening. We, like the Snow Maiden, look into the distance, listen to the silence of the forest and involuntarily wait for something wonderful and fabulous.

It is impossible to remain indifferent to Vasnetsov's painting. She literally attracts us with her mystery, sincerity of feelings and expressiveness.

The second essay based on Vasnetsov's painting The Snow Maiden

Own famous painting"The Snow Maiden" Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wrote more than a hundred years ago, back in 1899. The artist began to create his masterpiece commissioned by a theater where Ostrovsky's play of the same name was planned to be staged. Literary work was written based on the Russian folk art. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Vasnetsov also drew his inspiration from the bright and original fairy tales of our people. The plot of the story, transferred to the canvas by the will of the artist, is familiar to many.

Snow Maiden is magical character, pure and beautiful child of two opposites. Her parents are Spring and Frost. The girl is very beautiful, but her beauty is like winter snow: just as pure, flawless and cold. The heart of the Snow Maiden has never known warm and tender love, but the heroine subconsciously seeks to experience this delightful and dangerous feeling for her. Even if love threatens her with inevitable death. This image, so fragile, unearthly and unimaginably beautiful, could not but touch the sensitive soul of a true artist. ingenious master embodied his vision and understanding with the help of a brush and paints.

For the painting "The Snow Maiden" the author chose cold, calm, "winter" tones. A significant part of the canvas is reserved for the image of snow. It immediately attracts attention with its purity. This sparkling blanket, given to the earth by mother winter, has not yet been disturbed by forest animals and birds. And just as pure, fresh and untouched is the soul of the Snow Maiden, her heart is cold and serene, not knowing worries and unrest.

The heroine has just emerged from the mysterious thicket to a moonlit forest clearing. The Snow Maiden peers into the distance, as if she wants to see something very important for herself. She is truly wonderful! Her face literally glows with youthful purity and light tenderness. To match the rich outfit of the Snow Maiden, sewn from magnificent brocade. A charming hat makes the heroine very tender, touching and feminine.

Yes, the Snow Maiden is a child of nature, and nature is proud of its magical creation. White snow seems to illuminate the picture from below. This artistic device Vasnetsov further emphasizes the amazing charm of the heroine of the picture. The second plan of the canvas is occupied by the image of the forest, gloomy, mysterious and a little frightening. Its mystery personifies the depth of the Russian soul, which many strive to comprehend, but few succeed in doing. Somewhere far away you can see the luminous windows of village houses, where life is filled with its own meaning.

In December 2015 in primary school our lyceum held an aesthetic week. The Day of Music, the Day of Technology, the Day of visual arts, Literature Day.

Third-grade students participated in an essay competition based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”. I bring to your attention the essays submitted for the competition from our class.

State budgetary educational institution

lyceum the name of the Hero Soviet Union P.I. Vikulova

urban district of Syzran Samara region

In front of me is a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”. The artist wrote it in 1899 based on the play of the same name by A. Ostrovsky and a Russian folk tale. It depicts dark forest, girl Snegurochka, small young Christmas trees, lights flickering in the distance and a fabulous January night.

The forest looks gloomy, a little scary, but on dark blue diamond stars shine in the sky. The snow gleams with silver lights in the moonlight.

The Snow Maiden girl is dressed in a beautiful outfit. She is wearing a patterned brocade coat, a hat with a white fur trim, warm mittens and boots. She stands alone in a forest clearing. Next to her is the same lonely and defenseless birch. At the bottom of the picture, young Christmas trees flaunt. In the background, the lights of a distant village sparkle.

The pose and look of the Snow Maiden in the picture express both fear and uncertainty, and at the same time the expectation of a miracle, a magical meeting.

I really liked the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”. It evokes a feeling of amazing purity, beauty and a revived winter fairy tale. Admiring the Snow Maiden, I would like her, like a heroine from another fairy tale, to come across a New Year's fire with twelve months, where she would meet Santa Claus.

Kuzmina Ekaterina, 9 years old

Composition based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

It is known that the picture of the Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "The Snow Maiden" was written based on the play of the same name by Alexander Ostrovsky and the opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. When I look at the Snow Maiden on Vasnetsov's canvas, I remember a sad folk tale about the sweet girl Snegurochka and her kind parents.

From Ostrovsky's fairy tale, I learned that the Snow Maiden was the daughter of Spring and Frost and that she really wanted to live among people. But people deceived the trusting heart of the Snow Maiden.

Vasnetsov's painting depicts a snow-covered forest at night. moonlight. Probably, the artist painted the landscape while reading these lines from Ostrovsky's fairy tale:

Sad view: under the snowy veil,
Deprived of lively, cheerful colors,
The fields are cold...

By fairy forest the Snow Maiden is coming. Around - only trees with branches hanging from the weight of snow, and snowdrifts. The Snow Maiden is dressed in a warm brocade coat, a hat with a fur trim, warm mittens and boots. She looks around fearfully. Her eyes are very sad. Maybe she got lost?

In the background of the painting is a mysterious greenish-black sky and diamond stars. And another lonely birch. As if in reality, alarming lights are visible in the distance - fireflies and roofs of houses covered with snow. So there is a village nearby.

I really want the beautiful and kind Snow Maiden, who looks at us from Vasnetsov's painting, to find her way to people so that she does not feel fear and loneliness. And so that the end of the tale would not be so sad.

Kisurina Irina, 9 years old

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