How to dance a striptease at home for a husband. Striptease - a beautiful dance for liberated girls


Is it possible to learn how to dance strip plastic at home? Yes! Is it easy? No! But you are not looking for easy ways. There is nothing that a person who has set a goal for himself cannot cope with.

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Of course, if you want to learn how to strip plastic, then start with the video tutorials that are presented at the end of the article, but we also recommend reading useful advice that are suggested in this article.

Start with stretching

You should choose a set of stretching exercises. If, suddenly, you have previously been engaged in yoga, fitness, dancing, then you should start with a more advanced stretching course, which consists of different dynamic elements (tilts, swings, and so on) and static ones (in which you linger in certain positions for a while). ). If this is your first time deciding to do physical activity, you should choose exercises for beginners, which will consist of moderate stretching elements with a subsequent increase in load. Our recommendation: If stretching causes muscle pain, you should consult your doctor.

How often should you stretch? Everyone will unanimously say: “The more often, the better!”. But this is true. Only regularity can guarantee results. It has to do with muscle structure. human body. If you have done one session a week, you will feel a soreness (this normal condition, the muscles stretch and “ache”). Now you wait until the body stops “breaking” and then start training again - believe me, the previous session has been multiplied by 0 - the muscles have returned to their normal position. But you need the opposite, when you stretch your muscles, you need to consolidate the result - on time to hold the next lesson. Thus, we advise you to stretch at least twice a week for an hour every day. But if you want fast results (3 to 6 months), you need to train at least three times a week.

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Work on coordination

After you understand that the first steps have already been taken - you have started stretching - you can continue learning strip plastic at home - add movements that develop coordination. To control the body, you need to do regular raises of arms, legs, tilts, rotations, penetrations - you can learn all these elements from video lessons. Repeat these movements as often as possible, you can perform them not only at a specific time - you can walk around the apartment, from room to room, using the “dance gait”. You can stand up during a working break and do a couple of tilts left and right, a couple of rotations. Be sure to stretch your arms and neck. If you're embarrassed, this could be your first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking! Prove to others and to yourself that you are confident.

The result of coordination classes will be confident control of the body. People learn this all their lives - the more you do, the more difficult the movements you can perform. But the basics: balancing on one foot, lifting the legs, spinning in a straight line or on one point, jumping with a clear landing, transferring weight to the heels, the ability to stand on toes, transferring weight from one foot to another - all these and other simple elements should be the ABC of your self-learning.

Develop plasticity

Naturally, the most striking skill of all strip-dance dancers is excellent plasticity. This should be given 50% of your workouts. Special exercises, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help you take the first steps. Once you have a course of exercise that you compose yourself, and you have made the first progress, you will be ready to come up with your own plastic exercises, and then your own dance elements for your dance.

Listen to music

And the last thing that is quite difficult to learn, but still possible - to listen and hear music. To make the dance organic, musical and graceful, you need to choose the appropriate music, you need to listen to the rhythm, use different movements at certain moments. They will help to beat and complement musical composition, and won't just crash into it and look out of place. It should be understood that dance is not an ordinary set of movements, it is an art to music. Especially in strip-dance, where it's nice for a dancer to be seductive, flowing, graceful, gentle - you have to become musical.

Let's summarize.
You can learn stripdance at home. Video tutorials on strip plastic and various tutorials can help you with this. You need to pay attention to musicality, coordination, plasticity and stretching. You should exercise regularly. You should practice performing in front of an audience. But don't forget that all is well in right place and on time - there is no need to show strip plastic elements where it will be “inappropriate”, as well as in front of those who do not like it or seem “vulgar”!

Video lessons

A show with a male striptease is no less popular than its female counterpart. Many people think that male striptease performed only in nightclubs, at theme parties. But, why shouldn't a man please his beloved woman, and bring zest to their relationship by performing a playful striptease dance in front of her in an intimate setting, to your favorite musical composition.

Intimate setting

If you still decide to give your beloved a gift in the form of a striptease in your own performance, the main thing is to create the right atmosphere and prepare environment, which, in this case, has its own significant role. Stock up on exciting and pleasant aromatic oils of jasmine, nutmeg, ylang-ylang in advance. The main thing is that both you and your beloved woman equally like the chosen fragrances.

For oil, it is necessary to use special lamps with bowls in which the oil is slowly heated and exudes a delicate aroma. Don't forget to set the right lighting. To create a unique romantic atmosphere, you can place several multi-colored candles around the room. To decorate the lighting, you can use lampshades that will give a gentle, subdued light.

The main accompanying attribute of striptease is music. Choose compositions, slow, fast - at your discretion, which will fit well into your dance. The room must be prepared in advance, remove everything extra items, which can interfere during the dance or destroy the conceptual design of the room.

Dance performance

When dancing a striptease for your woman, do not rush to immediately take off all your clothes. Speaking of clothing, it also needs to be thought out in advance. A dressing gown or T-shirt with shorts is absolutely not suitable for this occasion. Put on a suit, tuxedo, or fancy dress. Rehearse the dance in advance so that you don’t trip or get tangled in your clothes during the dance. When performing a striptease, approach the woman, flirt with her with movements and gestures.

Get the girl into your dance. For your dance, consider an image that will express your feelings and that your girlfriend will like. Feel relaxed and confident. No need to dance with a forced smile, as if performing an unpleasant duty. The purpose of striptease is to give pleasure, and not only to the viewer, but also to oneself.

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Every man likes female body, and when the female body performs some dance moves then the man begins to simply melt like a piece of ice and idolizes his woman. It's no secret that every man just dreams that his chosen one would dance to him privately. erotic dance. Today, dear girls, we will give you some tips to help you learn to dance. private dance.

If you have read up to this paragraph, then you probably decided to still learn to dance and surprise your young man. The first thing we need is to overcome ourselves, to throw out of our heads all the prejudices and embarrassments that can only arise in your head. Even if you are not a slender model, even if your body is not perfect, forget about it and remember that your dance will be great. Secondly, do not worry during the dance, even if something does not work out for you or you do something wrong, there is nothing to worry about. Any movement can be replaced by something else, and your chosen one clearly does not belong to professional dance judges.

If you have overcome all fears, then move on to the next one. To the manner of behavior during the dance. Now, let's talk about your perspective. During the dance, try to look your chosen one in the eyes, the look should be like that of a cat, sometimes playful and cheerful, and sometimes bold. It is this look that will help you awaken passion in your young man.

The demeanor and other things are undoubtedly important in the dance, but do not forget about the external environment, namely the lighting. For dance fit Not bright light, night light or sconce light. Not bad enough, your movements will also be visible on your shadow.

One of the most important things in a lap dance is your clothes. Clothing should be light and fairly easy to remove. So that during the dance you do not suffer with fasteners, buttons and zippers, otherwise your dance will definitely not go according to plan, given that there will still be some kind of excitement. For example, you can take a classic outfit that you have obviously seen in many films. For example, a jacket and tie that barely hangs around your neck. The jacket can be replaced with a translucent white shirt or something similar. Shoes can be used as footwear high heels. From underwear, thongs in conjunction with stockings. Seeing you, a young man will be delighted even without dancing, and in fact the outfit in this case is not yet a key moment.

Remember, you should not immediately pull off your clothes and be naked in front of a man. As a rule, a man likes mystery more than open nudity.

You can use a chair as a dance equipment, you can perform a sufficient number of interesting movements, and you can also just put your young man on a chair in the middle of the room and start dancing.

Everyone knows that there can be no dance without music. So for dancing, and even more so for this, you need to choose a decent composition. It is better to choose a track that both you and your chosen one like, but remember that you must repeat the movements to the beat of the music, otherwise the dance may come out not what you wanted.

Do not get involved in dancing for a long time 3-7 minutes for dancing will be enough. And so the climax. For you, we have prepared several training videos that once went on TV. In our opinion, these lessons are worthy. Alisa Malkova will be your erotic dance teacher for the next 10 lessons.

How to dance a striptease?

Now we will tell you how to dance a striptease. Many women want to learn this to please their men, and it must be said that if you love to dance and have a sense of rhythm, there is nothing impossible in learning how to dance a striptease.

Preparing for a striptease

The main thing in any business is, of course, desire. The most interesting thing is that most women know perfectly well how to behave with a man, how to please him in bed, but at the same time they are afraid to perform this incendiary dance that gives joy to both. The reasons, as a rule, are the same - fear and shame. But if you think about it - you are beautiful and sexy, moreover, you are desirable for your man, and besides, you did everything together. Think about it, discard false shame and ridiculous complexes and forget about stiffness and shyness. Try to convey your sensuality in dance, because you are dancing for your loved one. In addition, striptease will help not only to give your beloved man and get the newest great feeling, but will bring you a very tangible benefit.

Firstly, if you are dissatisfied with your body, then before striptease you willy-nilly have to do it. To do this, you can sign up for classes in a fitness club. The time of classes may vary, but usually two to three weeks will be enough to make the buttocks elastic and tighten the press. It is possible that at the end of this short cycle of exercise you will enjoy it - this can serve as an incentive to further improve your body.

Secondly, before a striptease you will have to take care not only of your figure, but also of your body in general. The skin should be tender and velvety, and for this you will have to visit a bath or spa, as well as use various moisturizing and nourishing face and body masks. You also need to take care of your hair and nails. You can also visit the solarium. After all these procedures, your skin will look very beautiful and full of freshness.

Music for striptease

After you have put your body in order and are satisfied with the results, it is time to directly prepare for the event. What is the most important thing in any dance? Of course, music! And striptease is no exception. Basically, homemade striptease you can dance to almost any music, and the main thing here is your personal preferences. Of course, your favorite music will contribute to greater emancipation, however, do not overdo it - it is unlikely good dance it will turn out under some black metal rock. If the choice of music is difficult for you - watch a video on how to dance a striptease or buy a disk with a striptease - since today it is not difficult. Watching the video can help you decide on the style you would like to dance in.

There is one more nuance: if there is any melody that both of you have associated with some pleasant joint memories, use it in the dance. After all, your favorite pleasant music, evoking pleasant memories for both, will create an amazing atmosphere. AND last tip- do not choose boring music. It can be both fast and slow, but always dynamic, with transitions, with a clearly defined rhythmic pattern. After all, you will dance a striptease for your man, and not put him to bed.

Learn moves for striptease

After choosing the music, it's time to learn the dance moves. Let's start with "equipment". A striptease pole at home is a rarity, so a regular chair will work just fine. It is best to choose a chair with a high back - it will serve you as an excellent support when cornering. It will also be possible to sit on it and put legs - for example, in order to remove a stocking. Now about the movements. They should be smooth and a little slow - it is these movements that excite men the most. Sharp twists and turns distract a man's attention and can knock both of you out of a romantic mood. In order not to create a feeling of monotony, you do not need to repeat one movement more than 5 times in a row, but less is better. And, of course, watch your lover's reaction to your movements. Now let's move on to the movements themselves, because in order to properly dance a striptease, you need to know the basics well.

There are usually three groups of movements for striptease:

  • Hip rotation. For the best performance of these movements, stand on both legs to begin with and push one leg slightly forward - for example, the left one. Relax it and shift the weight to right leg. Your hip will thus be at a slight angle to your favorite viewer. Now you can begin to slowly rotate your hip in a circle. This is a basic movement with which you can come up with a lot of different combinations.
  • Squats. To practice this group of movements, stand against a wall and spread your legs slightly apart. The legs, like the back, should be pressed against the wall. Now lift your heels and start sliding down the wall, spreading your knees with your hands. The back should not come off the wall. Thus, you will find yourself squatting with your legs apart. Then start to stand up without taking your butt off the wall. You can also use a chair for support.
  • Tilts. Everything is easier here. You need to turn your back on the man, while spreading your legs wide. Now lean as low as possible - ideally your face should be visible to a man. If at first it is difficult for you to bend over, use a chair for support.

Clothing, striptease shoes and other subtleties

Now you know almost everything about how to dance a striptease at home - it remains to talk about some of the subtleties. For example, about the choice of clothes and shoes for striptease. For clothing, the main thing here is that it can be easily removed. Perfect option(because most men like it) - a peignoir, stockings and a belt. Shoes are usually chosen between shoes and boots. Both options are perfect for striptease.

As for other subtleties, then, of course, it is important for beginners to know that during a striptease you need to undress slowly, there is no need to rush here. It is best to "torment" a little beloved man, so that he is seething with passion and desire. During the dance, it is best to look into the eyes of your man - after all, the eyes can convey the most secret desires. And the last thing: during the dance, touch your man, but do it casually, as if teasing him.

A few words about male striptease

Let's talk a little about how to dance a male striptease. As for preparation, everything is the same here - you must be in shape, that is, first, put your body in order, if necessary, go pump up or do it at home. During the dance, use some original costume and in no case do not undress immediately, do it gradually. If you have a good figure, then you can use miniature underwear - for example, a thong. But, for example, with a big belly, thongs will look simply ridiculous. Of course, the dance movements must also be rehearsed in advance, improvisation can be afforded if you know how to basic elements. And one more detail: when you take off almost all your clothes, try to involve your girlfriend in a dance - it will be very unforgettable and erotic. I wish you success!

The dream of every woman is to be the only one, loved and desired by her lover. But how can this be achieved? To date, there are many courses and trainings where they teach the art of seduction. And many beauties spend part of their income on their visits, various surgical interventions in order to achieve desired result. But it doesn't always work. And some women, with their ordinary appearance, are popular with the stronger sex. What is the secret? In charisma? May be. But one thing is invariable: men have always been attracted and attracted by the "forbidden fruit", that is, a woman who wants to be conquered.

How to increase attraction

Psychologists advise: in order not to get bored with each other, you need to make a variety of life together, make surprises for loved ones, and sometimes, if possible, appear before a partner in a different, unusual way. A series of everyday life develops a habit in us, and the introduction bright colors can significantly affect the development of our relations.

A great way to surprise your chosen one will be candid dance- striptease. But how to arrange this if there are no choreographic skills, or the complexion is not the same, or constraint is through the roof, you ask? Yes, it's very simple ... Gain courage and do it! Moreover, there is nothing supernatural in this. You just need a little information on how to quickly learn to dance striptease, your diligence, training, self-confidence - and your lover will look at you with different eyes, and you will increase your personal self-esteem.

The main thing is mental attitude

So, how to learn to dance striptease at home? The first thing to do is to tune in. This liberated dance is a game based on the attraction of a man. For 5 minutes you have to become a lioness, a vamp, sexy, make a man's fantasy play out, but at the same time remain inaccessible. Only in this case the striptease will have a good result. You must be confident in your irresistibility, and if you have flaws, turn them into virtues or veil them. For more confidence, you can do auto-training in front of a mirror, convincing yourself with the affirmations "I am sexy", "I am attractive", "I am the woman that men desire", and at the same time rehearse your alluring alluring look, making tilts and turns of the head, while not tearing eye from its reflection.

Temptation is a delicate matter...

If you decide to surprise your partner, learned how to learn how to dance a striptease for a husband or boyfriend, then here are the components of your unforgettable evening that you should also take care of:

1. Location of the dance.

2. Creating an intimate atmosphere.

3. Music.

4. Your image.

5. Sexy lingerie.

6. Preparation of the striptease itself.

7. Light treats.

If you work on each step, be sure of your success!


Make sure that your surprise does not become complete surprise for a man after a hard day at work or trouble at work. Choose the day when it is most appropriate. And be sure to intrigue him. You can directly say: "Darling, do not linger: a surprise awaits you tonight ..." - and then until the end of the working day he will walk in anticipation of a "miracle". Or you can pretend that you feel bad and need it. Just do not overdo it so that it does not happen that you will meet your joyful lover in a negligee along with a gang of his friends.

How to learn to dance striptease at home

Striptease is one of the most frank and liberated spectacles. Based on oriental and Latin American dances, jazz, he has always been popular with representatives male half. Well, of course, if you are related to choreography, and if not, then it's okay, because the main goal is to captivate, seduce, tempt your loved one. The main thing is that he understands that you have changed for him, you are beautiful ...

In order to learn how to learn how to dance striptease at home, use the video courses, which are very numerous on the Web, and select a series of exercises that will be within your power.


1. Do not forget about the warm-up, otherwise the movements will be awkward.

2. How to dance a striptease if you don't have a good physical form? Simple: take time to stretch, and of course, plastic.

3. Movements such as shifting weight from one leg to another, sexy gait, turning, tilting the torso will form the basis of your dance, so practice them without even taking time to train, but doing your usual household chores. Make your hips, swaying, and shoulder movements seductive. At the same time, touch yourself as if your chosen one is doing it.

4. Learn to slowly take off your clothes to the music.

Important! Be sure to consider the level of closeness in the dance (whether you will conquer your beloved at a distance of several meters or allow yourself to come very close to him, or maybe even sit on his knees). At the same time, remember the taboo: do not let yourself be touched with your hands! Let the man desire you. And the continuation will follow, if you yourself want it.

And one more thing: do not take your eyes off your beloved! Don't let him think about anything else. At the moment of your dance, only you should be in his mind. Go confidently towards your goal!

Secrets of erotic clothes

In order to be seductive, take care of erotic lingerie. Keep in mind that you will need several layers of clothing in order not to be naked in front of a man after 2 minutes.

The classic black lace set with a belt and stockings has always been a winner. When choosing a bra, bet on the "balconette" style, as it favorably opens the chest, but at the same time holds it well. Therefore, you can be sure that during the dance your charms will not appear in front of a man ahead of time. Take the belt with metal clothespins. And be sure to practice unfastening them: your movements should be light and relaxed. Stockings in vintage style (with stripes at the back) have always excited the imagination of men. Stop your choice on them. And in general, you can take two panties: the first are high, closed, and the second under the bottom are thin thongs. This will create intrigue. And on top, put on any costume for role-playing games or a blouse with a skirt.

Clothing should not be too revealing if you want to get a man. Show him a part of you and let his imagination fill in the rest. Remember: clothes should be easy to remove! Otherwise, how to dance a striptease if you experience difficulties? Be sure to have a "rehearsal" before your performance so that everything goes as you planned.

Your new image

Having prepared a romantic evening, tune in to the fact that you are allowed to be different today. Before you dance a striptease, think over your It should be interesting for your lover. If the admirer is an avid puritan, do not shock him in a too frank way if he loves role-playing games, give him this pleasure, and if he visits a strip club every weekend, create the image of a reserved lady or, conversely, "punish him for it."

How to create an intimate atmosphere

As mentioned above, in order for your dance to become unforgettable, you need to make the whole evening extraordinary. To do this, consider some of the nuances:

1. Prepare a place where the man will be located. He should be as comfortable as possible. Or maybe, according to the plan, you will choose a chair and tie your "captive" to it. You decide.

2. The partner must see the striptease, but the flaws of your body must be hidden. Before you dance a striptease, think carefully about the lighting.

3. Music. Must be subtle and slow. good options performers - Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, and others. At the same time, do not forget that you need to hear the melody and move to it.

4. Aroma will help you create an intimate atmosphere: use special candles, essential oils, perfume.

5. Prepare a light alcoholic cocktail. It will help relieve stress after a hard day at work.

Before you learn how to dance a striptease for a guy, think about what goal you are pursuing: to make your intimate life, appear before her husband in a new light, give a man a private birthday present, etc., because this will significantly affect the preparation of the dance. Show a sense of your taste, intrigue him, be liberated, but at the same time do not lose a sense of proportion. And then the attention of the beloved to your person, devotion and passion will be provided to you!

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