H with scaffolding information from the biography briefly. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov: biography, creativity and personal life


Voronezh region

Liskinsky district

"MKOU Dobrinskaya secondary school"

Public lesson on literature

Grade 10

Subject: Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov. Life and creative destiny writer.

Performed: literature teacher

Shaikina Nadezhda Vasilievna

Dobrino 2015.

Lesson outline

Subject: N. S. Leskov. Life and creative destiny of the writer.

Goals:- to get acquainted with the biography and creativity


To identify the features of the writer's work;

Get to know the characters


Develop coherent speech of students;

To instill a love for the work of writers

XIX century.

Methods:- teacher's word;

- student reports;

- use of ICT;

- notes in a notebook;

- oral survey.

Equipment:- computer, slides;

- portraits of the writer and his relatives;

- photos of monuments to Leskov and his heroes


Lesson Plan

1. introduction teachers.

2. Learning new things:

Journey through the biography and work of N. S. Leskov;

Journey through the writer's work;

Excursion in the footsteps of Lesk heroes;

oral questioning on the material studied.

3. Summing up.

4. Homework.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.(1 slide)

Greetings. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. (2 slide)

Introduction to the lesson plan. (3 slide)

Leskov "as if set a goal" to approve himself,

inspire Rus' and began to "create for Russia

the iconostasis of her saints and righteous - small

great people". M. Gorky

II . Introduction by the teacher.

The work of N. S. Leskov is one of the brightest and most original phenomena in Russian literature XIX century.

His fate reflected such an image of the righteous of the Russian land, which is given in The Enchanted Wanderer, Lefty and other works.

The creative manner of N. S. Leskov is extraordinary, unique and original, and the language, unexpected and strange, sharply distinguishes the writer from other artists of the 19th century.

In the works of N. S. Leskov reflected the contradictions of time, its rebellious spirit and tirelessness in search of truth. Noticing the paradoxes of Russian reality, the writer did not lose hope for the future renewal of the country, because the unpredictable Russian character is fraught with inexhaustible forces.

So, what is this man, where did he "scoop" materials for his works?

Writing in the notebook of the topic of the lesson.(2 slide)

III. Learning new.

We are embarking on a journey through the biography of N. S. Leskov. Our guide will be…

1. Leskov, Nikolai Semenovich(1831-1895) - Russian writer.

(4 slide)

(5 slide)

Father - Semyon Dmitrievich - came from the clergy, but went through the civilian part and rose to the rank hereditary nobility. Mother - Marya Petrovna, nee Alferyeva - was a noblewoman.

(6 slide)

He was brought up mainly in the village of Gorohovo in the house of the Strakhovs. He was brought up more by his grandmother - Alexandra Vasilievna Alfereva.

(7 slide)

In this house, together with his brothers, he received the basics of secular upbringing and education, knowledge foreign languages. In 1839, he moved with his family from the Strakhovs' house to the city of Oryol on Third Noble Street. (8 slide)

In 1841-1846 he studied at the gymnasium in Orel. He left the gymnasium before finishing his studies and got a job as a minor employee in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court. (9 slide) Serves in the criminal court from 1847 to 1849.

In the autumn of 1849, at the invitation of his maternal uncle, medical professor of Kyiv University S.P. Alferyev, he left for Kyiv and got a job as an assistant in the Kyiv Treasury Chamber.

From 1850 to 1857 he attends lectures at the university as a volunteer, studies the Polish language, is fond of icon painting, participates in a religious and philosophical student circle, communicates with pilgrims, Old Believers, and sectarians.

In 1857 he left government service and became an agent in a private commercial firm"Shkott and Wilkins", the head of which - the Englishman A.Ya. Shkott - was the husband of Leskov's aunt. From 1860 he began to print small notes in St. Petersburg and Kyiv periodicals. First major publication Distillery industry essays» (1861).

In January 1861 he moved to St. Petersburg. In search of earnings, he collaborates in many metropolitan newspapers and magazines, most of all in Otechestvennye Zapiski,

Actually writer's biography Leskov begins in 1863, when he published his first novels ( The life of a woman, musk ox) and novel nowhere(1863–1864). Leskov's second novel appeared in this edition. On knives (1870–1871),

In the 1860s, he strenuously seeks his own special path. At this time the story was written Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district (1865) He also tries his hand at dramaturgy: in 1867, on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, they put on his drama from a merchant's life Waster.

Search goodies, the righteous on whom the Russian land rests is expressed in stories Sealed angel And The Enchanted Wanderer(both 1873) and in the chronicle Cathedral(1872).

(In the 1860s and early 1870s, his works were published under the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky.) In the second half of the 1870s and 1880s, Leskov created a cycle of stories about the “Russian antiques” - the righteous, without whom “there is no hail of standing.” Such " good people” appear in the works ( Cadet monastery, 1880), (Non-lethal Golovan, 1880), and ( Man on the clock, 1887),

In his later years, creating stories based on an anecdote, a "curious case", Leskov combines them into cycles. This is how stories come about. Voice of nature, 1883; vintage psychopaths, 1885; Interesting men , 1885 and others.

In 1875 Leskov, after own confession, "Most of all, he was at odds with churchliness." In contrast to his stories about the “Russian righteous”, he writes a series of essays about bishops, and the result is ironic, sometimes even partly satirical texts: little things bishop's life (1878), Bishop's detours (1879), Diocesan Court (1880), Holy Shadows (1881), Synodal persons (1882)

Latest works Leskov (novel-pamphlet Damn dolls, 1890; story Midnighters, 1891; Vale etc.) are marked by sharp criticism of the entire political system Russian Empire.

(11 slide) For the last five years of his life, Leskov suffered severely from constant asthma attacks, which eventually brought him to his grave on February 21 (March 5) in St. Petersburg. He was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

2. Notebook entries

Biography of the writer. (12 slide)

2. Father - Semyon Dmitrievich Leskov. Mother - Marya Petrovna Leskova.

3.1839 - moving to the city of Orel.

4. 1841 - 1846 - studying at the Oryol male gymnasium.

5. 1847 -1849 - service in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court.

6. 1849 - service in the Kyiv State Chamber.

7. 1857 - service with A. Ya. Shkott.

8. 1861-1862 - moving to St. Petersburg and working in the newspaper " Domestic notes».

9. Beginning in 1863 writing career Leskov.

10. In 1875, he fell out with the church, his works were sharply criticized

Now we will get acquainted with the features of the work of N. S. Leskov. Let's listen to a report that will reveal to us the secrets of the writer's work.

4. Journey through the work of N. S. Leskov.

Leskov is a prose writer and publicist. The service provides abundant material for creativity. Since 1861, Leskov's articles appeared in the Russkaya Rech newspaper. Substantial part early works written in the genre of creative essay.

Leskov keenly felt the economic and cultural backwardness of Russia in comparison with Western European countries. In the early 60s, he was sure that with the abolition of serfdom, Russia would quickly follow the path of progress. But observations of the post-reform reality have shown how few changes for the better have taken place in the life of the country. The theme of serf survivals becomes one of the main ones in his work.

The writer's work in the 60s is distinguished by great diversity in genre. Leskov tries his hand at essay, short story, story, novel, writes the only play "The Spender".

All works are impregnated folklore motifs. They sound lyrical, ritual songs, proverbs, conspiracies and much more.

A striking feature creative manner Leskov is a documentary image. Many of his heroes are real prototypes(“Cadet Monastery”, “Vladychny Court”, “The Man on the Clock”).

Leskov throughout his creative way distinguished by continuous genre searches. The features of his writing talent, life experience and worldview were most clearly manifested in small genres: in essence, Leskov was the first Russian writer who managed to create the broadest picture of Russian life not in large epic works but in short stories and novels.

5. Notes in a notebook. (13 slide)

Features of the work of N. S. Leskov.

    Leskov is a prose writer and publicist.

    Early works were written in the genre of a creative essay.

    The theme of feudal survivals becomes one of the main ones in his work.

    He tries his hand at an artistic essay, a story, a novella, a novel, writes the play "The Spender".

    The works are saturated with folklore motifs.

    A feature of the creative manner is the documentary image.

    Leskov is the first writer who created a picture of Russian life in stories and novels.

6. Excursion in the footsteps of the Lesk heroes.

Without leaving the classroom, mentally overcoming time and distance, we will find ourselves in places associated with the life and work of Leskov and his heroes.

(14 slide)

Oryol is the city of Leskov's childhood and youth. Throughout the 35 years literary path Orlov's impressions nourished creative imagination writer, were the source of his wonderful works. He settled many of his heroes precisely on the Oryol land, on his small homeland... (15 slide)

We are at the monument to N.S. Leskov. Installed in 1981 in the homeland of the writer, when the 150th anniversary of his birth was celebrated, this monument has not ceased to amaze the residents of Oryol and the guests of the city for 35 years.

And around, raised on columns to the height of human growth, the heroes of Lesk's works come to life . (16 slide)

Here, the “stupid artist” (that is, the make-up artist, hairdresser) shows his skills, combing the actress of the Oryol fortress theater of Count Kamensky. The love of the “stupid artist” for the serf actress ends tragically: Arkady did not escape torture in the count's dungeon, and Lyuba did not escape the violence of the count. (17 slide)

Love did not bring happiness to another famous heroine of Leskov - Katerina Izmailova, “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district”. Squinting her eyes, petrified, she stands in a prisoner's robe at pillory before being sent to jail. Four murders were committed by this woman for the sake of her reckless passion; suicide sums up the terrible drama that played out in the life of the Mtsensk merchant's wife. (18 slide)

And here we see how it winds in fiery dance gypsy Grushenka, the heroine of the story "The Enchanted Wanderer". Leaning on the guitar, the “typical Russian hero” Ivan Severyanych Flyagin is enthusiastically looking at the dancing gypsy - the embodiment of the mighty physical and moral forces of our people. (19 slide)

Nearby, “conjures” over the anvil with a hammer in his left hand, a Tula gunsmith - “an oblique left-hander, a birthmark on his cheek, and hair on his temples was torn out during the exercise.” We notice vise - a left-handed working tool, a samovar - a symbol of the city of Tula. And the hero himself is shown just at the moment when he managed to shoe an amazing clockwork flea. (20 slide)

The first is Archpriest Saveliy Tuberozov. The second is Priest Zakharia Benefaktov. The third is Deacon Achilles Desnitsyn. (21 slides)

Leskov went to the service every day on the bridge across the Orlik River past the Church of Michael the Archangel (1801). This temple is mentioned in Leskov's stories "Non-lethal Golovan", "Yudol", essays "Noble Revolt in the Dobrynsky parish". (22 slide)

R poison with a monument to Leskov - the building of the former male gymnasium, which is described in his stories, novels and essays: “How I Learned to Celebrate”, “On Cowardice”, “Laughter and Grief”, etc.

7. Notes in a notebook (23 slide)

Famous works of N. S. Leskov.

    1863-1864 - "Musk Ox", "Nowhere".

    1865 - "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district."

    1872 - "Cathedrals".

    1873 - "The Enchanted Wanderer", "The Sealed Angel".

    1880 - "Non-lethal Golovan".

    1882 - "Synodal Persons".

    1883 - "Lefty", "Dumb Artist".

    1887 - "The Man on the Clock".

8. Oral questioning.

1. When and where was N. S. Leskov born? 2. What newspapers did the writer work for?

4. What is the main theme of creativity?

5. What is the peculiarity of Leskov's creative manner?

6. What is the peculiarity of Leskov's writing talent?

7. Name the most famous works of the writer.

8. What kind of people are they talking about?

III. Summarizing. (23 slide)

At the beginning, I asked the question: So, what is this person, where did he "scoop" materials for his works?

Answer the question after everything you have heard and said.

IV. Homework. (24 slide)

    The underachieving group:

    1. Prepare a story according to the notes in the notebook.

    Strong group:

    2. Select several stories in the story and prepare their retelling.

    3. Prepare a report on the peculiarities of the language of the works of N. S. Leskov.

(25 slide)

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov can be safely called the genius of that time. He is one of the few writers who could feel the people. This extraordinary personality had a passion not only for Russian literature, but also for Ukrainian and English culture.

1. Only Nikolai Semenovich Leskov graduated from the 2nd grade of the gymnasium.

2. In the Court of Justice, the writer began to work as an ordinary clerk on the initiative of his dad.

3. After the death of his father, Leskov was able to grow up in the judicial chamber to the deputy head of the court.

4. Only thanks to the Schcott and Wilkens company did Nikolai Semenovich Leskov become a writer.

5. Leskov was constantly interested in the life of the Russian people.

6. Leskov had to study lifestyle Old Believers, and he was carried away by their mystery and mysticism most of all.

  1. Gorky was delighted with Leskov's talent and even compared him with Turgenev and Gogol.

8. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov always remained on the side of vegetarianism, because compassion for animals was stronger than the desire to eat meat.

9.Most famous work this writer considered "Lefty".

10. Nikolai Leskov received a good spiritual education because his grandfather was a priest.

11. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov never denied his belonging to the clergy.

12. The first wife of Leskov, whose name was Olga Vasilievna Smirnova, went crazy.

13. Until the death of his first wife, Leskov visited her in a psychiatric clinic.

14. Before dying, the writer was able to release a collection of works.

15. Leskov's father died of cholera in 1848.

16. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov began to print his works at the age of 26.

17. Leskov had several fictitious pseudonyms.

18. The political future of the writer was predetermined through the novel Nowhere.

19. The only work of Leskov, which did not use writer's editing - "The Sealed Angel".

20. After studying, Leskov had to live in Kyiv, where he became a volunteer of the Faculty of Humanities.

22. Leskov was a passionate collector. Unique paintings, books and watches - all these are his rich collections.

23. One of the first this writer made a proposal to create a book of recipes for vegetarians.

24. Leskov's writing activity began with journalism.

25. Since the 1860s, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov began to write about religion.

26. Leskov had a son from civil wife named Andrew.

27. The writer's death occurred in 1895 from an asthma attack, which exhausted him for 5 whole years of his life.

28. Leo Tolstoy called Leskov "the most Russian of writers."

29. Critics accused Nikolai Semenovich Leskov of distorting his native Russian language.

30. Ten years own life Nikolai Semenovich Leskov gave the service to the state.

31. Leskov never looked for highest values in people.

32. Many of the heroes of this writer had their own oddities.

33. The problem with alcohol, which was observed among the Russian people, Leskov found in many drinking establishments. He believed that this is how the state earns on a person.

34. The publicistic activity of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov is connected primarily with the subject of fires.

36. At the end of Leskov's life, not a single work of his was published in the author's version.

37. In 1985, an asteroid was named after Nikolai Semenovich Leskov.

38. Leskov managed to get his first education in rich family on the maternal side.

39. Uncle Leskova was a professor of medicine.

40. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was not only child in family. He had 4 brothers and sisters.

41. The writer was buried at the St. Petersburg cemetery.

42.Baby and early years Nikolai Semenovich were held in the family estate.

43. The child from Leskov's first marriage died when he was not even a year old.

44. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, while working in the newspaper, was able to visit European countries such as: France, Czech Republic and Poland.

45. A good friend of Leskov was Leo Tolstoy.

46. ​​Leskov's father served as an investigator in the Criminal Chamber, and his mother was from a poor family.

47. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was engaged in writing not only novels and short stories, but also plays.

48. Leskov had such a disease as angina pectoris.

49. The most serious activity of this writer began precisely in St. Petersburg in 1860.

50. In total, Leskov's women gave birth to 3 children.

51. On Furshtadskaya Street there was a house where Leskov spent last years own life.

52. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was quite temperamental and active.

53. During his studies, Leskov had a lot of conflicts with teachers and because of this, he subsequently abandoned his studies altogether.

54. For three years of his life, Leskov had to travel around Russia.

55. The last story of this writer is considered to be "Hare remise".

56. Leskov was discouraged from entering into his first marriage by his relatives.

57. In 1867 Alexandrinsky Theater Leskov's play was staged with the title "The Spender". This drama is about merchant life in Once again criticized the writer.

58. Very often the writer was engaged in the processing of old memoirs and manuscripts.

59. The influence of Leo Tolstoy affected the attitude towards the church on the part of Leskov.

60. The first Russian vegetarian character was created by Nikolai Semenovich Leskov.

61. Tolstoy called Leskov "the writer of the future."

62. Maria Alexandrovna, who was considered the empress of that time, after reading Leskov’s Cathedral, began to promote him to state property officials.

63. Leskov and Veselitskaya had unrequited love.

64. At the beginning of 1862, Leskov became a regular contributor to the Severnaya Pchela newspaper. There he published his editorials.

65. Because of the criticism presented to Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, he was not going to correct himself.

66. This writer considered an important element of literary creativity precisely speech characteristics heroes and the individualization of their language.

67. Throughout for long years Andrei Leskov created a biography of his father.

68. In the Oryol region there is a house-museum for Leskov.

69. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was a slanderous person.

70. Leskov's novel "Devil's Dolls" was written in the style of Voltaire.

Shoe a flea, you can meet an enchanted wanderer only when you plunge into art world famous writer Nikolai Semyonovich. short biography Nikolai Leskov allows you to understand what he talks about in his works.

Nikolai was born in the Oryol province in the small village of Gorohovo in February 1831. His mother came to this area to visit relatives, but it turned out that this visit also served as the birth of the future writer. Relatives were rich and prosperous people. It is worth noting that the Leskov family belongs in its origin to the clergy. So, all the men on the paternal side were priests in the village of Leska, which belongs to the Oryol region. Hence the name of the writer Nikolai Semenovich - Leskovy.

Leskov's parents are pious people, but having title of nobility. So, the father of the future writer Leskov Semyon Dmitrievich was a servant of the chamber of the criminal court, for such service he was granted the title of a nobleman. The mother of Nikolai Semenovich, Marya Mikhailovna, bore the surname Alferyev as a girl, and belonged to a family where the noble family was passed down from generation to generation.

Born in the village of Gorokhovo, in the house of a close relative, Nikolai spent the first years of his life with the Strakhovs. Until the age of 8, he lived and was brought up with his cousins ​​and brothers, of whom he had 6 people. To teach children in this family, teachers were hired, both of Russian origin and German, as well as a Frenchwoman.

But soon Nikolai showed his talents and began to do much better in his studies than his cousins and brothers. Of course, this state of affairs did not please the parents of the children, so very soon the future writer was disliked. Grandmother, the mother of Nikolai's father, wrote a letter to her son asking him to take the boy home. So, future writer at the age of 8 he finally got to the house of his parents, who at that time lived in Orel. But Nikolai Semenovich did not have to live long in this city, because the family soon moved to the Panino estate. So, his father was engaged in farming and farming, and Nikolai was sent to study at the Oryol gymnasium. The future writer at that time was 10 years old.

Nikolai Semenovich studied at the gymnasium for five years and proved himself to be a talented and gifted student, who was very easy to study. But in the 4th grade, he did not pass the exam well, and suddenly, unexpectedly for the teachers, he refused to retake it. As a result of this situation, he was issued a certificate instead of a certificate. It was impossible to continue his studies without a certificate, so he was forced to go to work.

Father helped Nikolai Semenovich find a position as a scribe in the Oryol Criminal Chamber. At the age of 17, he held the position of assistant clerk of the same chamber. But in 1848, Nikolai's father suddenly dies and help in the future young man wants another relative Alferyev. The professor at Kyiv University was the husband of his mother's sister, and he offers Nikolai Semenovich to move to him in Kyiv.

Nikolai Semenovich accepted the invitation of a relative and already in 1849 he moved to Kyiv, where already in the Kyiv chamber he occupied the position of assistant clerk, but already on the recruiting table. And here, quite unexpectedly for all relatives, Leskov decides to marry. Parents try to dissuade him, but to no avail. His fiancee was the daughter of a well-known merchant in Kyiv, and besides, he was also a rich man. But the interests of the spouses, as it turned out later, turned out to be completely different, and the death of the first child only increased the gap between them. And already in 1860 this marriage practically did not exist.

But at the same time, his promotion begins: 1853 - a collegiate registrar, then a clerk. In 1856 he was provincial secretary. 1857 - an agent of the Schcott and Wilkins company, which was headed by Leskov's aunt's husband, an Englishman who came to Russia. On the business of this company, Nikolai Semenovich had to travel a lot, so he managed to visit many cities. He spent three years in this service and decided to try himself in literary creativity. He enjoyed writing very much. But he did not want to publish his works under his real name, so he used the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky. But then he came up with other pseudonyms: Nikolai Gorokhov, V., Peresvetov, Freishits and others. For example, there were such interesting ones as the Watch Lover, or the Man from the Crowd.

In 1861, Nikolai Semenovich moved to St. Petersburg. He publishes his articles in the most popular magazines of the time. But, only after leaving his homeland, Leskov begins to write novels.

Nikolai Semenovich dies at the beginning of March 1895 in St. Petersburg. His death was not a surprise, because he had been suffering from asthma attacks for 5 years and he died from her next attack.

Leskov Nikolai Semenovich- Russian writer-ethnographer was born on February 16 (Old Style - February 4), 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province, where his mother stayed with wealthy relatives, and his maternal grandmother also lived there. The Leskov family on the paternal side came from the clergy: the grandfather of Nikolai Leskov (Dmitry Leskov), his father, grandfather and great-grandfather were priests in the village of Leska, Oryol province. From the name of the village of Leski, the family surname Leskovs was formed. The father of Nikolai Leskov, Semyon Dmitrievich (1789-1848), served as a noble assessor of the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court, where he received the nobility. Mother, Marya Petrovna Alferyeva (1813-1886), belonged to noble family Oryol province.

In Gorokhov - in the house of the Strakhovs, relatives of Nikolai Leskov on the maternal side - he lived until he was 8 years old. Nikolai had six cousins ​​and sisters. For children, Russian and german teacher and a Frenchwoman. Nikolai, gifted with greater abilities than his cousins, and more successful in his studies, was not loved, and at the request of the future writer, his grandmother wrote to his father to take his son. Nikolai began to live with his parents in Orel - in a house on Third Noble Street. Soon the family moved to the Panino estate (Panin's farm). Nikolay's father himself sowed, looked after the garden and behind the mill. At the age of ten, Nikolai was sent to study at the Oryol provincial gymnasium. After five years of study, the gifted and easily studied Nikolai Leskov received a certificate instead of a certificate, as he refused to be re-examined in the fourth grade. Further education became impossible. Nikolai's father managed to attach him to the Orel Criminal Chamber as one of the scribes.

At the age of seventeen and a half, Leskov was appointed assistant clerk of the Oryol Criminal Chamber. In the same year, 1848, Leskov's father died and to help in the device further fate Nikolay volunteered his relative - the husband of his aunt on the maternal side, renowned professor Kyiv University and practicing therapist S.P. Alferyev (1816–1884). In 1849, Nikolai Leskov moved to Kyiv with him and was appointed to the Kyiv Treasury Chamber as an assistant clerk at the recruiting desk of the revision department.

Unexpectedly for relatives, and despite the advice to wait, Nikolai Leskov decides to get married. The chosen one was the daughter of a wealthy Kyiv businessman. Over the years, the difference in tastes and interests manifested itself more and more among the spouses. Relations became especially complicated after the death of the first-born Leskovs - Mitya. In the early 1860s, Leskov's marriage actually broke up.

In 1853, Leskov was promoted to collegiate registrar, in the same year he was appointed to the post of clerk, and in 1856 Leskov was promoted to provincial secretaries. In 1857, he moved to serve as an agent in the private firm Schcott and Wilkins, headed by A.Ya. Shkott is an Englishman who married Leskov's aunt and managed the estates of Naryshkin and Count Perovsky. On their business, Leskov constantly made trips, which gave him a huge supply of observations. ("Russian biographical dictionary”, article by S. Vengerov “Leskov Nikolai Semenovich”) “Shortly after Crimean War I became infected with the then fashionable heresy, for which I later condemned myself more than once, that is, I left the civil service, which had begun quite successfully, and went to serve in one of the newly formed trading companies at that time. The masters of the business in which I settled down were the British. They were still inexperienced people and spent the capital brought here with stupid self-confidence. I was the only Russian.” (from the memoirs of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov) The company conducted business throughout Russia and Leskov, as a representative of the company, had a chance to visit many cities at that time. Three years of wandering around Russia was the reason that Nikolai Leskov took up writing.

In 1860, his articles were published in "Modern Medicine", "Economic Index", "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". At the beginning of his literary activity(1860s) Nikolai Leskov published under the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky; later he used such pseudonyms as Nikolai Gorokhov, Nikolai Ponukalov, V. Peresvetov, Protozanov, Freishits, priest. P. Kastorsky, Psalm Reader, Watch Lover, Man from the Crowd. In 1861, Nikolai Leskov moved to St. Petersburg. In April 1861, the first article, Essays on the Distillery Industry, was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski. In May 1862, in the reformed newspaper Severnaya Pchela, which considered Leskov one of the most significant employees, under the pseudonym Stebnitsky, he published a sharp article about the fire in Apraksin and Shchukin yards. The article blamed both the arsonists, to whom popular rumor attributed the nihilist rebels, and the government, which was unable to either put out the fire or catch the criminals. A rumor spread that Leskov connected the fires in St. Petersburg with the revolutionary aspirations of students and, despite the writer's public explanations, Leskov's name became the subject of insulting suspicions. After going abroad, he began writing the novel Nowhere, in which he portrayed the movement of the 1860s in a negative light. The first chapters of the novel were published in January 1864 in the "Library for Reading" and created an unflattering fame for the author, so D.I. Pisarev wrote: “is there now in Russia, besides the Russkiy Vestnik, at least one magazine that would dare to print on its pages something coming from the pen of Stebnitsky and signed by his name? Is there at least one honest writer in Russia who will be so careless and indifferent to his reputation that he will agree to work in a magazine that adorns itself with Stebnitsky's stories and novels? In the early 80s, Leskov was published in the Historical Bulletin, from the middle of the 80s he became an employee of Russkaya Mysl and Nedelya, in the 90s he was published in Vestnik Evropy

In 1874, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was appointed a member of the educational department of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Public Education; the main function of the department was "to review the books published for the people." In 1877, thanks to positive feedback Empress Maria Alexandrovna about the novel "Cathedrals", he was appointed a member of the educational department of the Ministry of State Property. In 1880, Leskov left the Ministry of State Property, and in 1883 he was fired without a petition from the Ministry of Public Education. The resignation, which gave him independence, accepted with joy.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov died on March 5 (old style - February 21), 1895 in St. Petersburg, from another attack of asthma that tormented him for the last five years of his life. Nikolai Leskov was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

  • Biography

The second half of the nineteenth century was a real golden period of Russian literature. At this time, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Ostrovsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Goncharov worked. Isn't it an impressive list?

Another great Russian writer lived and wrote during this period, familiar to all of us from childhood, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov.

Biography of the writer. Family and childhood

The future classic of Russian literature was born in 1831 in the Orel district, in the village of Gorohovo. His grandfather was a priest, his father also graduated from a theological seminary, but went to work as an investigator in the Oryol Criminal Chamber. After his forced retirement, he moved with his family to Panino (village), in

The writer's childhood passed in the countryside. It was here that he "absorbed" the language of the Russian people, which formed the basis of the unique "Leskovian language" - a special style of presentation, which later became main feature his

The biography of Nikolai Leskov contains a mention that he studied poorly at the gymnasium. Later, the writer said about himself that he was "self-taught." Without passing the exam for transfer to the next class, the young man left educational institution and began working as a scribe in the Oryol Criminal Chamber.

Biography of N. S. Leskov. commercial service

After the death of his father, the eldest son Nikolai takes on the responsibility of caring for the family (besides him, his parents had six more children). The young man moves to Kyiv, where he first gets a job at the Kyiv Treasury Chamber, and then goes to the commercial company of his maternal relative, English businessman A. Ya. Shkot (Scott). On duty, Nikolai Leskov often travels around the country. The knowledge and impressions gained during these trips will then form the basis of many of the writer's works.

Nicholas the Writer - an opponent of nihilism

As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. In 1860, the Shkot and Wilkens company closed, and Nikolai Semenovich moved to St. Petersburg, where he took up writing in earnest.

At first, Leskov acts as a publicist: he publishes articles and essays on topical topics. Collaborates with the journals "Northern bee", "Domestic notes", "Russian speech".

In 1863, "The Life of a Woman" and "The Musk Ox" were published - the first stories of the writer. The following year, he publishes the famous story "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District", some short stories, as well as his first novel "Nowhere". In it, nihilism, fashionable at that time, is opposed to the fundamental values ​​of the Russian people - Christianity, nepotism, respect for daily work. Next major work, also containing criticism of nihilism, was the novel "Knives" published in 1870.

Attitude towards the church

Being a descendant of the clergy, Leskov attached great importance to Christianity and its role in Russian life. The chronicles "Soboryane" are dedicated to the priests, as the stabilizing force of their time. The writer has novels and stories, united in the collection "The Righteous". They talk about the honest, conscientious people with which the Russian land is rich. In the same period, the amazing story “The Sealed Angel” was published - one of the best works created by a writer named Nikolai Leskov. His biography, however, suggests that he subsequently succumbed to the influence of Leo Tolstov and became disillusioned with the Russian clergy. His later works filled with bitter sarcasm in relation to "clergy".

Nikolai Leskov died in 1895 in St. Petersburg, at the age of 64.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov left behind a large number of original and beloved works by us to this day. His biography reflects hard way thinking and self-seeking person. But no matter how it goes creative development, we still know and love his "Lefty", "The Enchanted Wanderer", "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" and many other creations.

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