The first work of fm Dostoevsky was called. Fyodor Dostoevsky - biography, personal life of the writer: Man is a mystery


Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881)

Great Russian writer. Born in Moscow. Father, Mikhail Andreevich - Head Doctor of the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor; in 1828 he received the title of hereditary nobleman. Mother - Maria Fedorovna (nee Nechaeva). There were six more children in the Dostoevsky family.

In May 1837 future writer travels with his brother Mikhail to St. Petersburg and enters the preparatory boarding school of K. F. Kostomarov. A literary circle is formed around Dostoevsky in the school. After graduating from college (end of 1843), he was enlisted as a field engineer-second lieutenant in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but already at the beginning of the summer of 1844, having decided to devote himself entirely to literature, he resigned and retired with the rank of lieutenant. Finished the translation of Balzac's Eugene Grandet. The translation was the first published literary work Dostoevsky. In May 1845, after numerous alterations, he finished the novel Poor People, which was an exceptional success.

From March-April 1847, Dostoevsky became a visitor to M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky. He also participates in the organization of a secret printing house for printing appeals to peasants and soldiers. Dostoevsky's arrest took place on April 23, 1849; his archive was taken away during his arrest and probably destroyed in the III section. Dostoevsky spent eight months in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress under investigation, during which he showed courage, hiding many facts and trying to mitigate the guilt of his comrades as much as possible. On December 22, 1849, Dostoevsky, along with others, awaited the execution of the death sentence on the Semyonovsky parade ground. According to the resolution of Nicholas I, the execution was replaced by 4-year hard labor with the deprivation of "all rights of the state" and subsequent surrender to the soldiers.

From January 1850 to 1854 Dostoevsky was serving hard labor, but was able to resume correspondence with his brother Mikhail and friend A. Maikov. In November 1855, Dostoevsky was promoted to non-commissioned officer, and then to ensign; in the spring of 1857 the writer was returned hereditary nobility and the right to publish. Police supervision over it was maintained until 1875.

In 1857, Dostoevsky married the widowed M. D. Isaeva. The marriage was not happy: Isaeva agreed after long hesitation that tormented Dostoevsky. Creates two "provincial" comic stories - " Uncle's dream"and" The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants. In December 1859 he came to live in St. Petersburg.

Dostoevsky's intensive work combined editorial work on "foreign" manuscripts with the publication of his own articles. The novel “Humiliated and Insulted” is published, “Notes from dead house».

In June 1862 Dostoevsky went abroad for the first time; visited Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, England. In August 1863 the writer went abroad for the second time. In Paris, he met with A.P. Suslova, whose dramatic relationship was reflected in the novels The Gambler, The Idiot and other works.

In October 1863 he returned to Russia. 1864 brought heavy losses to Dostoevsky. On April 15, his wife died of consumption. The personality of Maria Dmitrievna, as well as the circumstances of their "unhappy" love, were reflected in many works of Dostoevsky (in the images of Katerina Ivanovna - "Crime and Punishment" and Nastasya Filippovna - "The Idiot") On June 10, M. M. Dostoevsky died.

In 1866, the expiring contract with the publisher forced Dostoevsky to simultaneously work on two novels - Crime and Punishment and The Gambler. In October 1866, the stenographer A. G. Snitkina came to him, who in the winter of 1867 became Dostoevsky's wife. New marriage was more successful. Until July 1871, Dostoevsky and his wife lived abroad (Berlin; Dresden; Baden-Baden, Geneva, Milan, Florence).

In 1867-1868. Dostoevsky worked on the novel The Idiot.

At the suggestion of Nekrasov, the writer prints in " Domestic notes" mine new novel"Teenager".

In the last years of his life, Dostoevsky's popularity increased. In 1877 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. In 1878, after the death of his beloved son Alyosha, he made a trip to Optina Hermitage, where he talked with Elder Ambrose. Writes "The Brothers Karamazov" - the final work of the writer, in which artistic expression received many ideas of his work. On the night of January 25-26, 1881, Dostoevsky began to bleed in his throat. On the afternoon of January 28, the writer said goodbye to the children, in the evening he died.
On January 31, 1881, with a huge gathering of people, the funeral of the writer took place. He is buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Dostoevsky F.M. - biography Dostoevsky F.M. - biography

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881)
Dostoevsky F.M.
Russian writer. Fedor Mikhailovich, the second son in the family, was born on November 11 (Old Style - October 30), 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where his father served as a stacker. In 1828, Dostoevsky's father received hereditary nobility, in 1831 he acquired the village of Darovoe, Kashirsky district, Tula province, in 1833 - neighboring village Chermoshnya. Dostoevsky's mother, nee Nechaeva, came from the Moscow merchant class. Seven children were brought up according to the traditions of antiquity in fear and obedience, rarely leaving the walls of the hospital building. The family spent the summer months on a small estate bought in the Kashirsky district of the Tula province in 1831. The children enjoyed almost complete freedom, because time was usually spent without a father. Fyodor Dostoevsky began to study quite early: his mother taught him the alphabet, French- half board N.I. Drashusova. In 1834 he entered with his brother Mikhail in the famous boarding school of Chermak, where the brothers were especially fond of literature lessons. At the age of 16, Dostoevsky lost his mother and was soon identified as one of the best educational institutions of that time - the St. Petersburg Engineering School, where he gained a reputation as an "unsociable eccentric". I had to live in cramped circumstances, because. Dostoevsky was not admitted to the school at public expense.
In 1841 Dostoevsky was promoted to officer. In 1843, after completing the course of the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, he was enlisted in the St. Petersburg Engineering Team and sent to the drawing engineering department. In the autumn of 1844 he resigned, deciding to live only literary work and "hell work". First try independent creativity, the dramas "Boris Godunov" and "Mary Stuart" that have not come down to us, refer to the beginning of the 40s. In 1846, in the "Petersburg collection" Nekrasov N.A. , published the first essay - the story "Poor people". As one of equals, Dostoevsky was accepted into the circle by Belinsky V.G. , who warmly welcomed the newly-minted writer as one of the future great artists of the Gogol school, but a good relationship with a circle soon deteriorated, tk. the members of the circle did not know how to spare Dostoevsky's morbid vanity and often laughed at him. He still continued to meet with Belinsky, but he was very offended by the bad reviews about new works, which Belinsky called "nervous nonsense." Before the arrest, on the night of April 23 (old style) 1849, 10 stories were written. Because of his involvement in the Petrashevsky case, Dostoevsky was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where he stayed for 8 months. He was awarded to death penalty, but the sovereign replaced her with hard labor for 4 years, followed by a definition in the rank and file. On December 22 (according to the old style), Dostoevsky was brought to the Semyonovsky parade ground, where they performed the ceremony of announcing the sentence of death by shooting, and only at the last moment the convicts were announced, as a special favor, the real sentence. On the night of December 24-25 (according to the old style), 1849, he was shackled and sent to Siberia. He served his term in Omsk, in the "Dead House". In hard labor, Dostoevsky's epileptic seizures, to which he was predisposed, intensified.
On February 15, 1854, at the end of the term of hard labor, he was appointed as a private in the Siberian Line Battalion 7 in Semipalatinsk, where he stayed until 1859 and where Baron A.E. took him under his protection. Wrangell. On February 6, 1857, in Kuznetsk, he marries Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, the widow of the overseer of the tavern, whom he fell in love with during the life of her first husband. Marriage increased Dostoevsky's financial needs, as he took care of his stepson all his subsequent life, he more often turned to his friends and his brother Mikhail, who at that time was in charge of a cigarette factory, for help. On April 18, 1857, Dostoevsky was restored to his former rights and on August 15 received the rank of ensign (according to other sources, he was promoted to ensign on October 1, 1855). Soon he submitted his resignation and on March 18, 1859 he was fired, with permission to live in Tver, but soon received permission to live in the capital. Since 1861, together with his brother Mikhail, he began publishing the magazines Vremya (banned in 1863) and Epoch (1864 - 1865). Summer 1862 visits Paris, London, Geneva. Soon the magazine "Vremya" was closed for an innocent article by N. Strakhov, but at the beginning of 64 "Epokha" began to appear. On April 16, 1864, his wife, who had been ill with consumption for more than 4 years, died, and on June 10, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's brother, Mikhail, unexpectedly died. Blow after blow and a lot of debts finally upset the case, and at the beginning of 1865 the Epoch was closed. Dostoevsky was left with 15,000 rubles of debt and a moral obligation to support the family of his late brother and his wife's son from his first husband. In November 1865 he sold his Copyright Stelovsky.
In the autumn of 1866, Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina was invited to take shorthand of The Gambler, and on February 15, 1867, she became Dostoevsky's wife. To get married and leave, he borrowed from Katkov, under the novel he had conceived ("The Idiot"), 3000 rubles. But out of these 3000 r. hardly a third of them moved abroad with him: after all, in St. Petersburg, the son of his first wife and the widow of his brother with children remain in his care. Two months later, having escaped from creditors, they went abroad, where they stayed for more than 4 years (until July 1871). Heading to Switzerland, he stopped at Baden-Baden, where he lost everything: money, his suit, and even his wife's dresses. For almost a year he lived in Geneva, sometimes in need of the bare necessities. Here his first child was born, who lived only 3 months. Dostoevsky lives in Vienna, in Milan. In 1869, in Dresden, a daughter, Lyubov, was born. The brightest period in life begins upon returning to St. Petersburg, when smart and energetic Anna Grigoryevna took charge of money matters. Here, in 1871, the son of Fedor was born. From 1873 Dostoevsky became the editor of Grazhdanin with a pay of 250 rubles a month, in addition to the fee for articles, but in 1874 he left Grazhdanin. 1877 - Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Last years the writer suffered from emphysema. On the night of January 25-26 (old style), 1881, a pulmonary artery ruptured, followed by an attack of his common illness - epilepsy. Dostoevsky died on February 9 (according to the old style - January 28), 1881 at 8:38 in the evening. The funeral of the writer, which took place on January 31 (according to other sources - February 2, according to the old style) was a real event for St. funeral procession 72 deputations participated, and 67 wreaths were brought to the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. He was buried in the Necropolis of Masters of Arts of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The monument was erected in 1883 (sculptor N. A. Lavretsky, architect H. K. Vasiliev). Among the works - stories, novels: "Poor People" (1846, novel), "Double" (1846, story), "Prokharchin" (1846, story), "Weak Heart" (1848, story), "Someone else's wife" ( 1848, story), "A novel in 9 letters" (1847, story), "The Mistress" (1847, story), "Jealous Husband" (1848, story), "Honest Thief" (1848, the story was published under the title "Stories experienced person"), "Christmas Tree and Wedding" (1848, story), "White Nights" (1848, story), "Netochka Nezvanova" (1849, story), "Uncle's Dream" (1859, story), "The Village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (1859, story), "Humiliated and Insulted" (1861, novel), "Notes from the House of the Dead" (1861-1862), "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" (1863), "Notes from the Underground" (1864 ), "Crime and Punishment" (1866, novel), "Idiot" (1868, novel), "Demons" (1871 - 1872, novel), "Teenager" (1875, novel), "A Writer's Diary" (1877), "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879 - 1880, novel), "Christ's Boy on the Christmas Tree", "The Gentle One", "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man". In the USA, the first translation of Dostoevsky into English ("Notes from the House of the Dead") appeared in 1881 thanks to the publisher H. Holt; in 1886, a translation of the novel Crime and Punishment was published in the USA. The attitude towards Dostoevsky in the USA was much more restrained than, for example, towards Turgenev I.S. or Tolstoy L.N. , many prominent American writers did not understand and did not accept his work. In the United States, interest in it increased after the publication of English language 12-volume collected works (1912 - 1920), however feature many American writers, which included E. Sinclair and Nabokov V.V. , the rejection remains. Dostoevsky's work was highly appreciated by Hemingway Ernest (Hemingway), William Faulkner (William Faulkner), Eugene O "Neill (Eugene O'Neill), Arthur Miller (Arthur Miller), Robert Penn Warren (Robert Penn Warren), Mario Puzo. Puzo. __________ Information sources:"Russian biographical dictionary"
Encyclopedic resource (Large soviet encyclopedia, Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg", Encyclopedia "Moscow", encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, Encyclopedia of Russian-American Relations) Project "Russia Congratulates!" -

(Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom."

Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011 .

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Someone calls him a prophet, a gloomy philosopher, someone - evil genius. He himself called himself "a child of the century, a child of disbelief, doubt." Much has been said about Dostoevsky as a writer, but his personality is surrounded by an aura of mystery. The multifaceted nature of the classic allowed him to leave a mark on the pages of history, to inspire millions of people around the world. His ability to expose vices without turning away from them made the characters so alive, and his works full of mental suffering. Immersion in the world of Dostoevsky can be painful, difficult, but it gives birth to something new in people, this is exactly the kind of literature that educates. Dostoevsky is a phenomenon that needs to be studied for a long time and thoughtfully. short biography Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, some Interesting Facts from his life, creativity will be presented to your attention in the article.

Brief biography in dates

The main task of life, as Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote, is “not to lose heart, not to fall”, despite all the trials sent from above. And he had a lot of them.

November 11, 1821 - birth. Where was Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky born? He was born in our glorious capital - Moscow. Father - head physician Mikhail Andreevich, a believing, pious family. Named after my grandfather.

The boy began to study at a young age under the guidance of his parents, by the age of 10 he knew the history of Russia quite well, his mother taught him to read. Religious education was also given attention: daily prayer before going to bed was a family tradition.

In 1837, the mother of Fyodor Mikhailovich, Maria, died, in 1839, father Mikhail.

1838 - Dostoevsky enters the Main Engineering School of St. Petersburg.

1841 - becomes an officer.

1843 - enlisted in the engineering corps. The study did not please, there was a strong craving for literature, the writer made his first creative experiments even then.

1847 - visiting Fridays Petrashevsky.

April 23, 1849 - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

From January 1850 to February 1854 - the Omsk fortress, hard labor. This period had a strong influence on the work, the attitude of the writer.

1854-1859 - the period of military service, the city of Semipalatinsk.

1857 - wedding with Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva.

June 7, 1862 - the first trip abroad, where Dostoevsky stays until October. For a long time I was fond of gambling.

1863 - falling in love, relationship with A. Suslova.

1864 - the writer's wife Maria, older brother Mikhail die.

1867 - marries stenographer A. Snitkina.

Until 1871, they traveled a lot outside of Russia.

1877 - spends a lot of time with Nekrasov, then delivers a speech at his funeral.

1881 - Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich dies, he was 59 years old.

Biography in detail

The childhood of the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky can be called prosperous: born in noble family in 1821, he received an excellent home education, upbringing. Parents managed to instill a love for languages ​​(Latin, French, German), history. After reaching the age of 16, Fedor was sent to a private boarding school. Then the training continued at the military engineering school of St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky showed interest in literature even then, visited with his brother literary salons I tried to write myself.

As evidenced by the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, 1839 takes the life of his father. Internal protest is looking for a way out, Dostoevsky begins to get acquainted with the socialists, visits Petrashevsky's circle. The novel "Poor People" was written under the influence of the ideas of that period. This work allowed the writer to finally finish the hated engineering service and take up literature. From an unknown student, Dostoevsky became a successful writer until censorship intervened.

In 1849, the ideas of the Petrashevites were recognized as harmful, the members of the circle were arrested and sent to hard labor. It is noteworthy that the sentence was originally death, but the last 10 minutes changed it. The Petrashevites, who were already on the scaffold, were pardoned, limiting the punishment to four years of hard labor. Mikhail Petrashevsky was sentenced to life imprisonment. Dostoevsky was sent to Omsk.

The biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky tells that serving the term was difficult for the writer. He compares that time to being buried alive. Hard monotonous work like burning bricks, disgusting conditions, cold undermined the health of Fyodor Mikhailovich, but also gave him food for thought, new ideas, topics for creativity.

After serving his term, Dostoevsky serves in Semipalatinsk, where the only consolation was the first love - Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. These relationships were tender, somewhat reminiscent of the relationship of a mother with her son. The only thing that stopped the writer from proposing to a woman was the fact that she had a husband. A little later he died. In 1857, Dostoevsky finally achieves Maria Isaeva, they get married. After the marriage, the relationship changed somewhat, the writer himself speaks of them as "unfortunate".

1859 - return to St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky writes again, opens the Vremya magazine with his brother. Brother Mikhail does business ineptly, gets into debt, dies. Fyodor Mikhailovich has to deal with debts. He has to write quickly in order to be able to pay all the accumulated debts. But even in such a hurry were created the most complex works Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

In 1860, Dostoevsky falls in love with the young Apollinaria Suslova, who does not at all resemble his wife Maria. The relationship was also different - passionate, bright, lasted three years. Then Fedor Mikhailovich is fond of playing roulette, he loses a lot. This period of life is reflected in the novel "The Gambler".

1864 claimed the lives of his brother and wife. Something seems to have broken in the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Relations with Suslova come to naught, the writer feels lost, alone in the world. He tries to escape from himself abroad, to get distracted, but the longing does not leave. Epileptic seizures become more frequent. This is how Anna Snitkina, a young stenographer, came to know and love Dostoevsky. The man shared with the girl the story of his life, he needed to speak out. Gradually, they became closer, although the age difference was 24 years. Anna accepted Dostoevsky's offer to marry him sincerely, because Fyodor Mikhailovich evoked the brightest, enthusiastic feelings in her. The marriage was perceived negatively by the society, Dostoyevsky's adopted son Pavel. The newlyweds leave for Germany.

Relations with Snitkina had a beneficial effect on the writer: he got rid of his addiction to roulette, became calmer. Sophia is born in 1868, but dies three months later. After difficult period shared experiences Anna and Fedor Mikhailovich continue to try to conceive a child. They succeed: Lyubov (1869), Fedor (1871) and Alexei (1875) are born. Alexei inherited the illness from his father and died at the age of three. The wife became for Fedor Mikhailovich support and support, a spiritual outlet. In addition, it helped improve financial position. The family moves to Staraya Russa to escape the stressful life in St. Petersburg. Thanks to Anna, a wise girl beyond her years, Fyodor Mikhailovich becomes happy, at least for a while. Here they spend their time happily and serenely, until Dostoevsky's health forces them to return to the capital.

In 1881 the writer dies.

A stick or a carrot: how Fedor Mikhailovich raised children

The indisputability of the father's authority was the basis of Dostoevsky's upbringing, which passed into his own family. Decency, responsibility - the writer managed to invest these qualities in his children. Even if they did not grow up to be the same geniuses as their father, some craving for literature existed in each of them.

The writer considered the main mistakes of education:

He called the suppression of individuality, cruelty, and the relief of life a crime against a child. Dostoevsky considered the main instrument of education not corporal punishment, but parental love. He himself incredibly loved his children, greatly experienced their illnesses and losses.

An important place in the life of a child, as Fyodor Mikhailovich believed, should be given to spiritual light, religion. The writer rightly believed that a child always takes an example from the family where he was born. Dostoevsky's educational measures were based on intuition.

Literary evenings were good tradition in the family of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. These evening readings of masterpieces of literature were traditional in the childhood of the author himself. Often the children of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky fell asleep, did not understand anything they read, but he continued to cultivate literary taste. Often the writer read with such feeling that in the process he began to cry. He liked to hear what impression this or that novel made on children.

Another educational element is a visit to the theater. Opera was preferred.

Lyubov Dostoevskaya

Attempts to become a writer were unsuccessful with Lyubov Fedorovna. Maybe the reason was that her work was always inevitably compared with the brilliant novels of her father, maybe she did not write about that. Eventually main work her life was a description of her father's biography.

The girl who lost him at the age of 11 was very afraid that in the next world the sins of Fyodor Mikhailovich would not be forgiven. She believed that life continues after death, but here, on earth, one must seek happiness. For Dostoevsky's daughter, it consisted primarily in a clear conscience.

Lyubov Fedorovna lived to be 56 years old, spent the last few years in sunny Italy. She must have been happier there than at home.

Fedor Dostoevsky

Fedor Fedorovich became a horse breeder. The boy began to show interest in horses in childhood. Tried to create literary works, but it didn't work out. He was vain, sought to achieve success in life, these qualities were inherited from his grandfather. Fedor Fedorovich, if he was not sure that he could be the first in something, preferred not to do it, his pride was so pronounced. He was nervous and withdrawn, wasteful, prone to excitement, like a father.

Fedor lost his father at the age of 9, but he managed to invest in him best qualities. The upbringing of his father greatly helped him in life, he received a good education. He was very successful in his business, perhaps because he loved what he did.

Creative path in dates

Start creative way Dostoevsky was bright, he wrote in many genres.

Genres early period creativity of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky:

  • humorous story;
  • physiological essay;
  • tragicomic story;
  • Christmas story;
  • story;
  • novel.

In 1840-1841 - the creation of historical dramas "Mary Stuart", "Boris Godunov".

1844 - Balzac's translation of Eugenie Grande is published.

1845 - finished the story "Poor people", met Belinsky, Nekrasov.

1846 - The Petersburg Collection was published, Poor People were printed.

In February, "Double" was published, in October - "Mr. Prokharchin".

In 1847, Dostoevsky wrote The Mistress, published in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti.

In December 1848, "White Nights" was written, in 1849 - "Netochka Nezvanova".

1854-1859 - service in Semipalatinsk, "Uncle's Dream", "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants".

In 1860, the fragment " Notes of the Dead Houses". The first collected works were published.

1861 - the beginning of the publication of the magazine "Time", the printing of part of the novel "Humiliated and Insulted", "Notes from the Dead House".

In 1863, "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" was created.

May of the same year - the Vremya magazine was closed.

1864 - the beginning of the publication of the magazine "Epoch". "Notes from the Underground".

1865th - " Extraordinary event, or Passage within Passage" is printed in Crocodile.

1866 - written by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "Player". Departure abroad with family. "Idiot".

In 1870, Dostoevsky wrote the story "The Eternal Husband".

1871-1872 - "Demons".

1875 - printing of "Teenager" in "Notes of the Fatherland".

1876 ​​- the resumption of the activities of the Writer's Diary.

The Brothers Karamazov were written from 1879 to 1880.

Places in Petersburg

The city keeps the spirit of the writer, many books by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky were written here.

  1. Dostoevsky studied at the Engineering Mikhailovsky Castle.
  2. The Serapinskaya hotel on Moskovsky Prospekt became the residence of the writer in 1837, he lived here, seeing St. Petersburg for the first time in his life.
  3. "Poor people" were written in the house of the post director Pryanichnikov.
  4. "Mr. Prokharchin" was created in Kohenderfer's house on Kazanskaya street.
  5. IN tenement house Soloshich on Vasilyevsky Island Fedor Mikhailovich lived in the 1840s.
  6. The profitable house of Kotomin introduced Dostoevsky to Petrashevsky.
  7. The writer lived on Voznesensky Prospekt during his arrest, wrote "White Nights", "Honest Thief" and other stories.
  8. "Notes from the House of the Dead", "Humiliated and Insulted" were written on 3rd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street.
  9. The writer lived in the house of A. Astafieva in 1861-1863.
  10. In Strubinsky's house on Grechesky Prospekt - from 1875 to 1878.

Symbolism of Dostoevsky

You can analyze the books of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky endlessly, finding new and new symbols. Dostoevsky mastered the art of penetrating into the essence of things, their soul. It is thanks to the ability to unravel these symbols one by one that the journey through the pages of novels becomes so exciting.

  • Axe.

This symbol carries a deadly meaning, being a kind of emblem of Dostoevsky's work. The ax symbolizes murder, crime, a decisive desperate step, crucial moment. If a person pronounces the word “ax”, most likely, the first thing that comes to his mind is “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • Clean linen.

His appearance in the novels occurs at certain similar moments, which allows us to speak of symbolism. For example, Raskolnikov was prevented from committing a murder by a maid hanging out clean linen. A similar situation was with Ivan Karamazov. It is not so much the linen itself that is symbolic, but its color - white, denoting purity, correctness, purity.

  • Smells.

It is enough to skim through any of Dostoevsky's novels to understand how important smells are to him. One of them, which is more common than others, is the smell of a putrid spirit.

  • Silver pledge.

One of the most important characters. The silver cigarette case was not made of silver at all. There is a motive of falsity, forgery, suspicion. Raskolnikov, having made a cigarette box out of wood, similar to silver, as if he had already committed a deceit, a crime.

  • The ringing of a copper bell.

The symbol plays a warning role. A small detail makes the reader feel the mood of the hero, imagine the events brighter. Small objects are endowed with strange, unusual features, emphasizing the exclusivity of the circumstances.

  • Wood and iron.

In the novels there are many things from these materials, each of them carries certain meaning. If a tree symbolizes a person, a victim, bodily torment, then iron is a crime, murder, evil.

Finally, I would like to note some interesting facts from the life of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  1. Dostoevsky wrote most of all in the last 10 years of his life.
  2. Dostoevsky loved sex, used the services of prostitutes, even when he was married.
  3. Nietzsche called Dostoevsky the best psychologist.
  4. He smoked a lot and liked strong tea.
  5. He was jealous of his women for every pillar, forbade even smiling in public.
  6. Mostly worked at night.
  7. The hero of the novel "The Idiot" is a self-portrait of the writer.
  8. There are many film adaptations of Dostoevsky's works, as well as those dedicated to him.
  9. The first child appeared with Fedor Mikhailovich at the age of 46.
  10. Leonardo DiCaprio also celebrates his birthday on November 11th.
  11. More than 30,000 people attended the writer's funeral.
  12. Sigmund Freud considered Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov the greatest novel ever written.

We also present to your attention famous quotes Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky:

One must love life more than the meaning of life. Freedom is not in not holding back, but in being in control of yourself. In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once crossed, it is impossible to turn back. Happiness is not in happiness, but only in achieving it. No one makes the first move because everyone thinks it's not mutual. The Russian people, as it were, enjoy their suffering. Life goes breathless without an aim. To stop reading books means to stop thinking. There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering. In true loving heart either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.


The result of a person's life is his deeds. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (years of life - 1821-1881) left behind brilliant novels, having lived a relatively short life. Who knows if these novels would have been born if the life of the author were easy, without obstacles and hardships? Dostoevsky, who is known and loved, is impossible without suffering, mental turmoil, inner overcoming. They are what make the work so real.

In 1834 Fyodor with his brother Mikhail, after preparatory classes away from home, they give them to the Chermak boarding house, which used to be famous in Moscow in its time. The brothers entered there as full boarders and only came home for the holidays. Shortly before that, Fyodor Mikhailovich's father acquired a small estate in the Tula province, where the family spent the summer and where the boys' first acquaintance with the peasant people began. These vacations in the countryside always made the most gratifying impression on Dostoevsky, but they did not tear him away from reading, which, with his admission to the Chermak boarding school, under the influence of literature lessons, took on a more systematic character. Pushkin in the foreground, then Walter Scott, Zagoskin, Lazhechnikov, Narezhny, Karamzin, Zhukovsky - were read and re-read all the time.

Fedor Dostoevsky. Portrait by V. Perov, 1872

Early creative attempts also belong to this time. "Poor people" were written by Dostoevsky at night at the school. The attraction to literature grew by leaps and bounds, the head was full of the most diverse plans and literary enterprises, which, in the opinion of Dostoevsky, who was impractical in organizing his money affairs, should have brought him fame, a secure position, a guarantee from creditors and annoying little things in life. . The service to him, as he writes, "tired like potatoes", and in the fall of 1844 he retired, hoping to "work hellishly", but so far without a penny for a civilian dress. Continuing to work on Poor Folk and translating George Sand, he wrote to his brother: “I am extremely pleased with my novel. I'm not overjoyed. I’ll probably get money from him, but there…”

In the spring of 1845, the novel, at the direction of D. V. Grigorovich, was given to Nekrasov. The poet was delighted with the work of the "new Gogol" and handed over the manuscript to Belinsky. She made a very strong impression on critics. “The truth has been revealed to you and proclaimed to you, as an artist, you have received it as a gift,” he said to Fyodor Mikhailovich. Appreciate your gift, and remain faithful to her, and you will be a great artist. This was the most memorable moment of Dostoevsky's entire youth, which he recalled with emotion even in hard labor. “I left him in rapture,” the writer later said. “I remembered with all my being that a solemn moment had taken place in my life, a turning point forever.”

Fyodor Dostoevsky as a mirror of the Russian soul

In 1849 literary activity was unexpectedly interrupted. On April 22, 1849, Dostoevsky was arrested in the case of Petrashevsky, this “conspiracy of ideas”, about which, according to Baron Korf, the commission itself found it difficult to judge: “for if it is possible to discover facts, then how can one be caught in thoughts when they have not yet been realized by any means? manifestation, no transition into action? Nevertheless, Dostoevsky was accused of participating in meetings at Petrashevsky's, where on one of the Fridays he read Belinsky's letter to Gogol. Fyodor Mikhailovich was imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress, and after 8 months, after hearing the death sentence and pardon, he was exiled to hard labor, from where, after 4 years, he was sent as a private to one of the Siberian battalions.

Be that as it may, Dostoevsky returned to literature 5 years after his arrest and remained faithful to it until his death. But the circumstances were difficult in the second era of his life. In 1857 he married a widow and took over the upbringing of her son. Funds were needed, but they were not; Dostoevsky was supported by the hope of literary talent, but for some time he languished with the uncertainty whether to allow him to print. “If printing is not allowed for another year, I am lost,” he writes about this. “Then it’s better not to live!” Permission to print was given around 1858, and new torments set in for Dostoevsky: he had to write too much, was constantly in a hurry - not having time to finish one work, to be taken to the second. (See Dostoevsky in Semipalatinsk.)

Dostoevsky's prophecies. Reader Lyudmila Saraskina

Around the middle of 1859, Dostoevsky was allowed to leave Siberia, and then, after a few months in Tver, to settle in St. Petersburg. Here he found a circle of close people, began to work hard and soon became the de facto editor of the Vremya magazine, founded in 1861 by his brother Mikhail. The magazine business was in full swing in his hands, and in the third year of its existence, Vremya had four thousand subscribers - a fairly large number for that time. Dostoevsky cheered up, but not for long. In April 1863, an article was published in the magazine Strakhova The "Fatal Question", caused by the Polish uprising. Due to some strange misunderstanding, this article, which carried the idea that “one should fight the Poles not only with material, but also with spiritual weapons,” seemed unintentional, and Vremya was banned.

The magazine's ban had a heavy effect on the Dostoevsky brothers. For Fyodor Mikhailovich, the old ordeals began - troubles about loans, the sale of work that had not yet begun. His wife was slowly dying, he himself was ill, and he had to write, write to the deadline, grinding out every page. “My position,” he wrote on April 5, 1864, “is so difficult that I have never been in such a situation.” The wife soon died. Eight months after the termination of Vremya, Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was allowed to publish new magazine, under the name "Epoch" (the previously intended titles "Truth" and "Case" were recognized as inconvenient). But the subscription went sluggishly, and the magazine barely reached February 1865, introducing Fyodor Mikhailovich, after the death of his brother, into significant troubles and debts.

In the same year, Dostoevsky created one of his most important works. - "Crime and Punishment", which immediately took one of the most prominent places in Russian literature. After 2 years, he entered into a second marriage, which brought him family happiness, but after that, pressed by creditors who threatened to put him in a debtor's prison, Dostoevsky went abroad, where he spent four years of painful wanderings, which ended only at the end of 1871 with a return to St. Petersburg . Crime and Punishment appeared in 1868 in Russkiy Vestnik; "Idiot" and "Demons" were also printed there. How he lived during these years abroad is evident from his letters. “Is it really impossible for him (the publisher of Zarya) to realize after my two letters that I have not a penny of money, literally not a penny! If only he knew how I got two thalers to telegraph him. How can I write at this moment?”... “I am again in such need that I can even hang myself,” he writes in another letter. Irritability and suspiciousness alternate in his letters; he is tormented by disrespect for his letters from editors and publishers, it seems to him that the police open his letters, that they are ordered to wait for him at the border to search him rigorously.

With his return to Russia, the most peaceful period of his life begins for Dostoevsky; material affairs are greatly improved, as both the publication of works and the sale of individual works they go further, the more successfully: the last sale was made in 1878 in the editorial office of the Russkiy Vestnik, and since then it has become possible not only to live without debts, but also to think about providing for children. Since 1873, the journalistic vein spoke again in Dostoevsky: this year, at the suggestion of Prince. V.P. Meshchersky edited the magazine "Grazhdanin" with extreme care, but then, for unknown reasons, refused. Since 1876, his "Diary of a Writer" began to appear, under preliminary censorship (for lack of a pledge for uncensored publications), which began three years ago in "The Citizen". It was a series of articles where the author touched on a variety of public and literary questions. During the two years of publication "Diary" had big success from the public, touching with a lively, hot tone key aspects Russian life. He discovered a significant turn in Dostoevsky's world outlook. In the early 1860s, the writer still expressed respect for Belinsky, who had once taken part in the young author. Now, in the person of Belinsky, before Dostoevsky "was the most stinking, stupid and shameful phenomenon of Russian life", a weak and powerless "talent", a man constantly hovering in dreams divorced from life. Dostoevsky now called the future handbook of all Russians " Russia and Europe» N. Danilevsky- and prophesied about the coming capture of Constantinople by the Russians.

Two major events in Dostoevsky's life date back to 1880: his passionate speech at the Pushkin Festival in Moscow, which delighted the public and sold in thousands of copies, and the appearance of The Brothers Karamazov. Literary glory Dostoevsky has reached its apogee. The Pushkin holiday, which put him in first place among the then writers, brightened up the decline of his life, but the days of Fyodor Mikhailovich were already numbered. He passed away at the end of January of the following year. Dostoevsky's grave is located in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich famous writer. He was born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital, where his father served as a staff physician. He grew up in a rather harsh environment, over which the gloomy spirit of the father of a nervous man hovered, ... ... Biographical Dictionary

Fedor Mikhailovich, Russian writer, thinker, publicist. Started in the 40s. lit. way in line with the "natural school" as a successor to Gogol and an admirer of Belinsky, D. at the same time absorbed into ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Fedor Mikhailovich (1821-81), Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877). In the story Poor People (1846), White Nights (1848), Netochka Nezvanova (1849, unfinished) and others, he raised the problem of the moral dignity of a little man ... Russian history

Dostoevsky F. M. DOSTOYEVSKY Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 1881) brilliant representative literary style, created by urban philistinism in the conditions of the destruction of the class feudal system and the rise of capitalism. R. in Moscow in the family of a doctor, ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 1881) Dostoevsky F.M. Biography Russian writer. Fedor Mikhailovich, the second son in the family, was born on November 11 (October 30 according to the old style) 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where his father ... ...

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich, Russian writer. Born into the family of a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School in 1843, he was enrolled in the service in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (1821 1881) Russian. writer, publicist. In the work of D. found a deep reflection of religious, ethical and metaphysical problems human being; his works contain images and philosophy. ideas that clearly express the essence of man, features ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1822-1881) was born into the family of a doctor who served at the Mariinsky Hospital in Moscow. After graduating in 1841 from an engineering school in St. Petersburg, he entered the military service. Soon after his promotion to the officers (in 1844) ... ... 1000 biographies

- (1821 81), Russian. writer. First and especially strong impressions D. from reading prod. L. belong to 1840. Recalling this time, D. wrote: “We also had demons, real demons; there were two of them, and how we loved them ... " Of these "two demons" L. and N. V. ... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

Writer, b. in 1820 in Moscow, in the family of the headquarters of the doctor of the Mariinsky hospital; died in 1864. After being brought up at home, in 1834 he was assigned to the boarding school of L.I. Chermak, where he stayed until 1837, when his father took him along with younger brother,… … Big biographical encyclopedia

Dostoevsky F.M. Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 1881) Russian writer Aphorisms, quotes Dostoevsky F.M. biography If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself. smart wife and jealous wife two items are different. You can't love what... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms


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  • Dostoevsky. Collected works in fifteen volumes. Volume 9, Dostoevsky. 1991 edition. The safety is good. The ninth volume of the Collected Works includes the first three parts of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov"...

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