Folk images in the novel war and peace. An essay on the theme of the image of the common people in the novel “War and Peace


The people in the epic. “I aspired to write the history of the people,” Tolstoy remarked about War and Peace. But he was sometimes reproached for the fact that in such a large-scale work the writer paid little attention to the people, did not reflect all the horrors of serfdom. It is estimated that only 8 percent of the text consists of episodes with the participation of ordinary people. But at the same time, in the epic of only mass scenes, there are more than a hundred, over two hundred named characters from the people. The writer did not identify the people only with the peasantry. In the novel, the word "people" is used in a sense more close to the concept"nation", in the center of which there are two estates - the peasantry (representatives common people) and the nobility, but the author does not oppose them to each other: the best representatives nobility inner world extremely complex, and the peasant view of the world around them is harmonious in its simplicity. As a result of their spiritual quests, the heroes-nobles, beloved by the author, come to unite with the people, accept their way of life and moral values.
folk thought”, which, according to own remark, most loved in Tolstoy's novel, is revealed in "War and Peace" in two aspects: philosophical and moral. From the standpoint of Tolstoy's philosophy, the people are driving force stories. It is precisely because the whole people began to defend their country that the Russians won the Patriotic War of 1812. Napoleon could not win this war, even theoretically, because he fought not with the army, but with the whole people. In moral and ethical terms, the people are, bear the best human qualities, so with popular positions absolutely all events in the novel are evaluated. Both of these aspects are inextricably interrelated and give the author a criterion for evaluating his heroes - proximity to the people, their fate and history divides the heroes of the novel into two groups.
Tolstoy poeticizes the people in the novel as a spiritual unity of people based on centuries-old traditions. He opposes the crowd to him - aggressive, selfish people. The crowd is led by Rastopchin, Napoleon's army fleeing from Russia turns into a crowd. These characters cannot be called heroes. true hero is Kutuzov - the bearer of the "people's feeling" in the epic.
Through the prism of the people's worldview, the novel assesses secular life. Natasha Rostova could not appreciate the opera at which she met Anatole. The girl saw both in the scenery, and in the plot, and in the acting of the actors, artificiality, falseness, “she felt funny for the actors, then ashamed of them.”
Tolstoy's people are both the army, and the partisans, and the Smolensk merchant Ferapontov, who is ready to set fire to his house so that the good does not go to the enemies. These are the men who did not want to sell hay to the French even for good money and burned it. These are Muscovites who left their homes, because it was impossible to remain under the rule of enemies. This is Marya Bolkonskaya, who, after the death of her father, was horrified by the offer of her companion Bourien to stay in Bogucharovo and ask for protection from the French general. This is the Rostovs, leaving their belongings to find a place for the wounded. In Tolstoy's sense people's soul reflected and Vasily Denisov, and Kutuzov, and Rostov, and Bolkonsky, and the author himself. They are characterized by compassion and patriotism - best features folk character which were most clearly manifested in the Patriotic War.
And yet the writer does not degas the people. He tells about the Cossacks, returned Muscovites and peasants from neighboring villages who returned to the capital to plunder "continued what the French were doing." Tolstoy introduces into the novel the story of the rebellion of the Bogucharov peasants as a kind of elemental force that suddenly broke through and is difficult to explain, not controlled by reasonable means. The Bogucharovites refused to give carts to Princess Marya, they did not accept the landowner's bread, which Princess Marya allowed them to distribute. But they did so by believing fake French leaflets that Napoleon would grant them freedom and land (which he had no intention of doing). The author draws attention to the fact that such a senseless rebellion could only occur in this estate of the Bolkonskys, since life in Bogucharovo and in peacetime was very different from Lysogorsk. There were few literate people here, the village was actually isolated from the outside world. Therefore, the peasant revolt was quite natural, but extremely untimely. Bogucharovites fall out of the general unity, they are ready to betray their masters and their homeland, submitting to French Emperor. This spontaneous rebellion could not be resolved with the help of reasonable actions, as Princess Marya tried to do, but Rostov's unreasonable animal malice was able to sober up the crowd of peasants.
The embodiment of the Russian folk character is considered to be the images of Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty. These heroes are united not only by peasant origin. They were at war. But Plato joined the army by recruitment, and Tikhon joined Denisov's "party" of his own free will. Both of them attract people: Tikhon - with jokes, Plato - with stories. Both are able to adapt to the situation, can be called craftsmen. But each of them represents his own version of the Russian national character: Tikhon is his active principle, and Plato is a passive worldview, close to Christian mercy.
Tags: The theme of the people in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", People's thought in the work "War and Peace", the image of the people in "War and Peace"

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The image of the people in the novel War and Peace

The people in the novel "War and Peace"

It is believed that wars are won and lost by commanders and emperors, but in any war a commander without an army is like a needle without a thread. After all, it is soldiers, officers, generals - people who serve in the army and take part in battles and battles, become the very thread with which history is embroidered. If you try to sew with only one needle, the fabric will pierce, perhaps even traces will remain, but there will be no result. So a commander without his regiments is just a lonely needle, which is easily lost in the haystacks formed by time if there is no thread of his troops behind him. Sovereigns are not at war, the people are at war. Sovereigns and commanders are only needles. Tolstoy shows that the theme of the people in the novel "War and Peace" is main topic the whole work. The people of Russia are people of different classes, and the highest society and those who make up middle class and ordinary people. They all love their Motherland and are ready to give their lives for it.

The image of the people in the novel

The two main storylines of the novel reveal to readers how the characters are formed and the destinies of two families - the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys - develop. Using these examples, Tolstoy shows how the intelligentsia developed in Russia, some of its representatives came to the events of December 1825, when the Decembrist uprising took place.

The Russian people in War and Peace are represented by different characters. Tolstoy seemed to have collected the features inherent in ordinary people, and created several collective images, embodying them in specific characters.

In Platon Karataev, met by Pierre in captivity, embodied character traits serfs. Kind, calm, hard-working Plato, who talks about life, but does not think about it: “He, apparently, never thought about what he said and what he would say ...”. In the novel, Plato is the embodiment of a part of the Russian people of that time, wise, obedient to fate and the tsar, who loves their homeland, but went to fight for it only because they were caught and "given to the soldiers." His natural kindness and wisdom revive the "master" Pierre, who is constantly looking for the meaning of life and cannot find and comprehend it.

But at the same time, "When Pierre, sometimes struck by the meaning of his speech, asked to repeat what was said, Plato could not remember what he had said a minute ago." All these searches and throwings are alien and incomprehensible to Karataev, he knows how to accept life as it is at this very moment, and he accepts death humbly and without grumbling.

Merchant Ferapontov, an acquaintance of Alpatych, typical representative merchants, on the one hand stingy and cunning, but at the same time burning their own property so that the enemy does not get it. And he does not want to believe that Smolensk will be surrendered, and he even beats his wife for her requests to leave the city.

And the fact that Ferapontov and other merchants themselves set fire to their shops and houses is a manifestation of patriotism and love for Russia, and it is already clear that Napoleon will not be able to defeat the people, who are ready to do anything to save their homeland.

The collective image of the people in the novel "War and Peace" is created by many characters. These are partisans like Tikhon Shcherbaty, who fought the French in their own way, and, as if effortlessly, destroyed small detachments. These are wanderers, humble and religious, such as Pelageyushka, who went to holy places. Militia men, dressed in simple white shirts, "to prepare for death", "with a loud voice and laughter" digging trenches on the Borodino field before the battle.

IN Hard times when the danger of being conquered by Napoleon loomed over the country, all these people came to the fore with one the main objective- the salvation of Russia. Before her, everything else was petty and unimportant. At such moments, people show their true colors with amazing clarity, and in War and Peace, Tolstoy shows the difference between ordinary people who are ready to die for their country and other people, careerists and opportunists.

This is especially well manifested in the description of the preparations for the battle on the Borodino field. A simple soldier with the words: "They want to fall on all the people ...", some officers, for whom the main thing is that "great awards should have been distributed for tomorrow and new people should have been put forward", soldiers praying in front of the Smolensk icon Mother of God, Dolokhov, asking for forgiveness from Pierre - all these are strokes overall picture who stood in front of Pierre after a conversation with Bolkonsky. “He understood that hidden ... warmth of patriotism that was in all those people he saw, and which explained to him why all these people were calmly and as if frivolously preparing for death” - this is how Tolstoy describes general state people before the Battle of Borodino.

But the author does not idealize the Russian people at all, in the episode where the Bogucharov peasants, trying to preserve their acquired property, do not let Princess Marya out of Bogucharov, he clearly shows the meanness and baseness of these people. In describing this scene, Tolstoy shows the behavior of the peasants as alien to Russian patriotism.


In an essay on the topic “The Russian people in the novel “War and Peace”, I wanted to show the attitude of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstov towards the Russian people as a “whole and unified” organism. And I want to end the essay with a quote from Tolstov: “... the reason for our triumph was not accidental, but lay in the essence of the character of the Russian people and army, ... this character should have been expressed even more clearly in an era of failures and defeats ... "

Artwork test

Of course, the most important of any military operations are the commanders-in-chief and generals, who, in fact, accept all important decisions. However, not one of them could have succeeded without having their own army, which, as a rule, faithfully and unquestioningly fulfills all the instructions of its commander in chief. Much, if not almost everything, depends on the cohesion of the army, on its attitude.

IN famous novel"War and Peace" two main storylines are undoubtedly given to two families, these are Rostov and Balkonsky. It is in relation to these families that many readers get an idea about the behavior, character and goals of the people of that time.
And this is absolutely natural, since the author this work initially I wanted to show the life and its image of the so-called intelligentsia of that time.

As for the Russian people, they this novel presented completely in various ways. Leo Tolstoy, the author of this work, seemed to collect these images bit by bit, making each character not like a friend on a friend.

Moreover, among all the images presented in the work, there are several basic, perhaps the most collective, those that represent the life of the people of that time in the best possible way, in those in which the reflection of almost the entire people is felt.
It should be noted that in each person represented in the work in the current life situation, one task came to the fore, to protect his home country from enemy attack, to protect their homeland. This is only to say that every person of that time was very patriotic and this is felt in everything, in actions, in manifestations, in deeds, in phrases, and so on.

But, by the way, it will be fair to note that in spite of everything, the author still does not idealize the Russian people, openly showing them not the best sides.

Composition The theme of the people in the novel War and Peace

In his work "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy pays great attention peasants. According to the author, the peasants know life more and understand it than the representatives of the upper class. However, Mir is made up of both nobles and peasants. Positive traits these two different classes complement each other, and the reader is before him a morally rich Russian person. Those representatives of the upper class who are able to establish contact with the people are also distinguished by spirituality and morality. The people for Lev Nikolaevich are not only peasants, but the rest of Russian society. According to Tolstoy, history is made by people and the masses, not individuals.

The Rostov family is a prime example those who love their people. It is not uncommon to notice that the peasant goes beyond acceptable behavior. For example, Danilo dared to look at Nikolai with contempt. But master Rostov was not embarrassed, because at that moment they were united by one common cause: hunting. The obvious desire to get closer to the people is most noticeable in the image of Natasha Rostova. In her image, the author initially laid the character inherent in the Russian folk society. The family of Natasha and Nikolai Rostov and the Bolkonsky family are considered morally healthy. Princess Marya, like her brother, possesses the features of a Russian character, this can be judged by their actions and behavior. However, at the beginning of the work, Prince Andrei is obsessed with the Napoleonic idea, so the features of Russian spirituality are little expressed in his behavior.

The hero of the novel, who personifies everything truly Russian, is Platon Karataev. The meeting with him was milestone spiritual development Pierre Bezukhov. He was amazed by his simple attitude to life and harmony with this world. After Pierre, more than once recalled Karataev and assessed his life from his point of view.

The author contrasts the nationality with pseudo-nationality, a fake for it. This is shown in images. statesmen Rostopchin and Speransky. the main task these historical figures speak on behalf of the people of their state. However, they have nothing to do with their people. Each of them takes care of himself and his advantageous position in higher societies.

Those images that embody the thought of the people are in constant search for the truth and meaning of life. The continuous search for oneself testifies to development. The family of Rostovs, Bolkonskys and Count Pierre Bezukhov are considered to be morally rich and pure.

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    Everyone is familiar with the work of the well-known writer Leo Tolstoy and his one of the most best work" War and Peace". In this novel, he describes the history of many heroes, and each is close to the soul, reading the work of the reader

"War and Peace" is one of the brightest works of world literature, revealing the extraordinary wealth human destinies, characters, an unprecedented breadth of coverage of the phenomena of life, the deepest image major events in the history of the Russian people. The basis of the novel, as L. N. Tolstoy admitted, is “the thought of the people”. “I tried to write the history of the people,” said Tolstoy. The people in the novel are not only peasants and peasant soldiers in disguise, but also the Rostovs’ courtyard people, the merchant Ferapontov, and army officers Tushin and Timokhin, and representatives privileged class- The Bolkonskys, Pierre Bezukhov, the Rostovs, and Vasily Denisov, and Field Marshal Kutuzov, that is, those Russian people for whom the fate of Russia was not indifferent. The people are opposed by a handful of court aristocrats and a "big-faced" merchant, worried about his goods before the French take Moscow, that is, those people who are completely indifferent to the fate of the country.

There are more than five hundred characters in the epic novel, a description of two wars is given, events unfold in Europe and Russia, but, like cement, all the elements of the novel are held together by “folk thought” and “original moral attitude author to the subject. According to L. N. Tolstoy, individual person valuable only when he is an integral part of the great whole, his people. "His hero is whole country fighting against the invasion of the enemy,” wrote V. G. Korolenko. The novel begins with a description of the campaign of 1805, which did not touch the hearts of the people. Tolstoy does not hide the fact that the soldiers not only did not understand the goals of this war, but even vaguely imagined who Russia's ally was. Tolstoy is not interested foreign policy Alexander I, his attention is drawn to the love of life, modesty, courage, endurance, selflessness of the Russian people. Tolstoy's main task is to show the decisive role of the masses in historical events, to show the greatness and beauty of the feat of the Russian people in conditions of mortal danger, when psychologically a person reveals himself most fully.

The plot of the novel is based on the Patriotic War of 1812. The war brought decisive changes to the life of the entire Russian people. All the usual conditions of life were shifted, everything was now evaluated in the light of the danger that hung over Russia. Nikolai Rostov returns to the army, Petya volunteers for the war, old prince Bolkonsky forms a detachment of militias from his peasants, Andrei Bolkonsky decides to serve not at the headquarters, but directly command the regiment. Pierre Bezukhov gave part of his money to equip the militias. The Smolensk merchant Ferapontov, in whose mind the disturbing thought of the “death” of Russia arose when he learned that the city was being surrendered, does not seek to save property, but calls on the soldiers to drag everything out of the shop so that the “devils” do not get anything.

The War of 1812 is more represented crowd scenes. The people begin to realize the danger when the enemy approaches Smolensk. The fire and surrender of Smolensk, the death of the old prince Bolkonsky at the time of the review of the peasant militia, the destruction of the crop, the retreat of the Russian army - all this enhances the tragedy of events. At the same time, Tolstoy shows that in this difficult situation something new was born that was to destroy the French. In the growth of moods of determination and anger against the enemy, Tolstoy sees the source of the approaching turning point in the course of the war. The outcome of the war was determined long before its end by the "spirit" of the troops and people. This decisive "spirit" was the patriotism of the Russian people, which manifested itself simply and naturally: the people left the cities and villages captured by the French; refused to sell food and hay to enemies; guerrilla detachments formed behind enemy lines.

battle of Borodino is the climax of the novel. Pierre Bezukhov, watching the soldiers, experiences a sense of the horror of death and suffering that the war brings, on the other hand, the consciousness of “the solemnity and significance of the coming minute”, which the people inspire him. Pierre was convinced how deeply, with all his heart, the Russian people understand the meaning of what is happening. The soldier, who called him a “countryman”, tells him confidentially: “They want to pile on all the people; one word - Moscow. They want to make one end." The militias, who have just arrived from the depths of Russia, in accordance with custom, put on clean shirts, realizing that they will have to die. Old soldiers refuse to drink vodka - "not such a day, they say."

In these simple, related folk concepts and customs forms manifested the high moral strength of the Russian people. The high patriotic spirit and moral strength of the people brought victory to Russia in the war of 1812.

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    • The meaning of life ... We often think about what can be the meaning of life. The path of searching for each of us is not easy. Some people understand what is the meaning of life and how and what to live, only on their deathbed. The same thing happened with Andrei Bolkonsky, the most, in my opinion, bright hero novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". For the first time we meet Prince Andrei at an evening in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Prince Andrei differed sharply from all those present here. There is no insincerity, hypocrisy, so inherent in the highest […]
    • This is not an easy question. Painful and long is the path that must be passed in order to find the answer to it. And can you find it? Sometimes it seems that this is impossible. Truth is not only a good thing, but also a stubborn thing. The further you go in search of an answer, the more questions arise in front of you. And it's not too late, but who will turn halfway? And there is still time, but who knows, maybe the answer is two steps away from you? Truth is tempting and many-sided, but its essence is always the same. Sometimes it seems to a person that he has already found the answer, but it turns out that this is a mirage. […]
    • Leo Tolstoy is a recognized master of creating psychological images. In each case, the writer is guided by the principle: “Who is more human?” Does his hero live real life or devoid of moral principles and spiritually dead. In the works of Tolstoy, all the characters are shown in the evolution of characters. Women's images somewhat sketchy, but this manifested the attitude towards women that has developed over the centuries. IN noble society the woman had the only task - to give birth to children, to multiply the class of nobles. The girl was beautiful at first […]
    • Epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is a work grandiose not only in terms of the monumentality of the historical events, deeply researched by the author and artistically processed into a single logical whole, but also by the variety of created images, both historical and fictional. In depicting historical characters, Tolstoy was more of a historian than a writer, he said: “Where they speak and act historical figures, did not invent and used materials. Fictional images are described […]
    • Character Ilya Rostov Nikolai Rostov Natalya Rostova Nikolai Bolkonsky Andrey Bolkonsky Marya Bolkonskaya Appearance The curly-haired young man is not tall, with a simple, open face Does not differ external beauty, has a large mouth, but black-eyed Short stature with dry outlines of the figure. Very handsome. She has a weak, not very beautiful body, thin-faced, attracts attention with large, sadly veiled, radiant eyes. Character Good-natured, loving [...]
    • In the life of every person there are cases that are never forgotten and that determine his behavior for a long time. In the life of Andrei Bolkonsky, one of Tolstoy's favorite heroes, the Battle of Austerlitz was such a case. Tired of fuss, pettiness and hypocrisy high society, Andrei Bolkonsky goes to war. He expects a lot from the war: glory, universal love. In his ambitious dreams, Prince Andrei sees himself as the savior of the Russian land. He wants to become as great as Napoleon, and for this Andrei needs his […]
    • The main character in the novel - the epic of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is the people. Tolstoy shows his simplicity and kindness. The people are not only the peasants and soldiers who act in the novel, but also the nobles, who have a people's view of the world and spiritual values. Thus, the people are people united by one history, language, culture, living in the same territory. But there are interesting characters among them. One of them is Prince Bolkonsky. At the beginning of the novel, he despises people of high society, is unhappy in marriage […]
  • In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is most clearly displayed "people's thought". The author draws us the spirit of the people and its individual representatives, bright personalities. Relations with the people of L.N. Tolstoy also characterizes the intelligentsia in the novel.

    So, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, spiritually developed, intelligent person, at the beginning of the novel is shown to us too immersed in his ambitious dreams, sometimes arrogant. But only tragic events, including the Battle of Borodino and examples of heroism ordinary people, soften him, make him understand something that he had passed by before.

    Much thinner feels the people of Pierre Bezukhov. The meeting in captivity with Platon Karataev shocked him. Why is Pierre rushing about all the time, tormented by something, looking for something to no avail? And why is Plato so calm, peaceful, submissive to fate? It means that he knows something that Pierre did not know, he is wise with wisdom that cannot be gleaned from books.

    But the greatness of the people is most clearly manifested on the eve and during the Battle of Borodino. If higher ranks and before the battle they could think about promotions and promotions, the common people understood that a formidable moment had come - the fate of the country with which they were connected as one was being decided. And they have no choice - either lay down their lives, or defeat the enemy. “They want to attack with all the people,” a simple soldier says before the battle. How much wisdom and strength in these words! It is no longer even “to go into battle”, but to “lean in” in order to crush, destroy, destroy what threatens to destroy the foundation of their life.

    And what is going greatest power- the spirit of the people is getting stronger every minute - Kutuzov understands best of all. He is depressed, trying to understand how he allowed the enemy to reach Moscow, reproaches himself, but at the same time he clearly understands that he can’t do anything and change anything here. Kutuzov is calm and even, as it were, detached before the battle, because he knows that everything is going the way it should go, because the people can no longer withstand the retreat, their morale is too high.

    The war of 1812 became an event where the idea of ​​spiritual unity and moral greatness of the people was realized, and this was vividly shown in his novel by L.N. Tolstoy.

    Composition The people in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace

    IN famous work writer, the main leitmotif is the disclosure folk image, ranging from commoners and ending with representatives of high society.

    home story line is based on a description of the fate of the Bolkonsky and Rostov families, on the examples of which the author shows how the events of that time developed in Russia.

    The folk theme, considered throughout the novel, is represented by the writer by numerous characters and has collective image characteristic qualities of the Russian people.

    This is the representative of the Ferapontov merchants, in ordinary life a dodgy, stingy man, but in the conditions of the outbreak of war, deciding to burn all his property so that it does not fall into the hands of the enemy. The merchant does not want to hear that his hometown can be surrendered to the enemy and, unable to bear the lamentations of his wife, even raises his fists against her.

    Peculiarities simple peasants shown by the author in the image of Platon Karataev, whom Pierre Bezukhov meets in captivity. This is that part of the Russian people who submitted to fate and the royal will, wise and good-natured in their own way, loving their homeland, but who ended up on the battlefield only because they were caught and sent to war. These people accept they live in the present moment and even accept death meekly and meekly.

    The character of Tikhon Shcherbaty depicts a desperate man who created a partisan detachment and destroys the enemy with his own methods, as if playing war.

    Folk traits are also represented in Pelageyushka, a humble religious wanderer who wandered around the places of the shrine and prayed for the fate of the country, and in simple militia men digging trenches before the Battle of Borodino in white shirts, therefore they prepared to die, but at the same time they did not lose optimism.

    Most deeply revealed folk theme in the part of the novel that describes the preparations for the Battle of Borodino. Here and vivid images ordinary soldiers who understand their impending death, and careerist officers who expect to receive big awards at the end of the battle, and Russian people worried about the fate of their homeland, asking for forgiveness from God and praying before icons.

    All the characters of the Russian people, collected by the writer into one general image, characterize the main features of Russians who find themselves in difficult life situations during brutal war- fearlessness, courage, endurance, perseverance, humanity.

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