Draw an old house step by step Roof and door contours


How to draw a house in stages with a pencil using perspective. In this lesson I would like to tell you how to draw a flat house. You have probably heard the word perspective. Do not be afraid of this word, because it is the perspective that will always help you draw even buildings.

How to draw a house step by step

I'll try to tell how to draw a house step by step, on the most simple and understandable language. That is why I will not bore you with many lines.

Practice and only practice will help you learn what perspective is and how to draw a house with it. To draw, you will need a ruler and a soft pencil.

Let's start by drawing a horizon line, approximately in the middle of the sheet. Mark two points on the horizon line - "A" and "B". From each point we draw lines intersecting with each other.

From the intersection point, draw up one vertical line. Then, on the right and on the left, we will also draw one vertical line. See the picture below.

Our walls are ready!

We wipe the extra lines with an eraser, and get ready to draw the roof. This is the next stage of the lesson on how to draw a house in stages with a pencil.

Draw two horizontal lines from point B. Then you need to draw a vertical line, until it intersects with the top horizontal line. See the picture below.

After that, you should carefully wipe all the extra lines, and bring the roof and walls of the house. You should leave a horizon line so that you can draw the doors and windows. Thus, everything will be even and symmetrical. I deleted my horizon line so that you consolidate your knowledge and try to draw further on your own.

The next step is to draw the door, windows and chimney of the house. You can arrange the windows and doors however you like!

With a 3B pencil, I draw the roof, the sunny side of the house (the wall on the left) with an H pencil, and where the doors are with an HB pencil. Do not press on the pencils so that the stroke is invisible.

How to draw a house with a pencil in stages? In this article, we will learn how to do this. It may seem that drawing a house is very difficult, but it is not at all the case.

We are drawing a house, not a house :) Therefore, we will draw with a side view without drawing volumetric figures. This will greatly simplify the drawing process, of course, if you feel strong in yourself, you can finish drawing volumetric elements house, that is, the second wall and draw the roof.

On paper, we will depict the most ordinary village house, which can be found in almost every city in the world. So let's get started!

Step by step drawing example

We will draw with pencils, so stock up with an ordinary pencil, colored, eraser and sharpener. And, of course, paper.

Stage 1
The house will consist of two parts (you can see the finished drawing), draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts. Please note that the rectangle needs to be divided not in the middle, but slightly offset to the left.

Stage 2
In the second step, we outline the roof and doorway. We plan the doorway so wide for a reason. The doorway is so wide because it will not have one door, but two.

Stage 3
Now we detail the roof with a pencil and insert windows into our house. Windows do not have to be square, very often rectangular windows are installed in buildings.

However, the windows must be at the same height, otherwise your building will look very unrealistic. You can even use a ruler for precise marking. And if you have a diamond eye, then you don’t have to use a ruler :)

Also, along the entire bottom of the building you need to draw a decorative strip.

Stage 4
We circle the windows and the door with another line, this will give a little effect of volume, despite the fact that our goal is not to draw a three-dimensional house.

On the roof, you must definitely depict a chimney, otherwise where will Santa bring gifts for Christmas?

Stage 5
Fifth - very important step because it's time to detail the whole building. We insert the doors, under them we paint on the stairs. We insert glass into the windows, we also detail the roof and the lower, decorative strip of the building.

“This is the uncle with the beard. This is a chimney house. Well, what is it? Incomprehensible, wonderful…” Today uncles with a beard are rebuilding a house with a chimney. And they call their creations not “byakoy - hard biting”, but - the houses of the future.

This is the first commandment of futurist architects. The second is functionality. One of the lovers of these principles is Luigi Colani, a well-known designer of cars and trucks. Only having become adept at stuffing the unpushed into cars, Kolani built his house.

“I don't think small houses are better. Here are small and stuffed with technology - another matter, ”says the designer. in his house with characteristic name"Rotor" from the general functionality did not hide a single millimeter.

The size of the "Rotor" is slightly larger than the garage, its area is only 36 square meters. m. The designer decided to save on corridors and other little-used housing elements. And he squeezed all the necessary furniture into a rotating cylinder in the middle of a single room. Here you can find a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom (owners of Khrushchev - think about it)! All elements of the decor of Kolani's house repeat the softness of the forms of his cars.

However, the smoothness of the lines is generally a trend both in architecture and in the interior design of houses of the future. And the "Rotor" can be expanded by attaching another of the same "house" to it. No wonder another principle of architecture tomorrow- mobility.

Ideas for simplifying houses are not taken from the ceiling. The world's population is growing at an alarming rate, Natural resources depleted at the same rate. And then there is this fashionable theme of environmental friendliness!

Big houses are vulgar. Demonstrating one's viability in this way is a bad form, says British architect Richard Hordan.

On effective use Richard's spaces inspired airplanes. His house is a tiny cube with a side of three meters. But in its compactness and efficiency, it is similar to a Swiss Army knife. All furniture and appliances are built-in. To test how popular these cubes would be, the enterprising architect placed them on the territory of the Munich University of Technology and began to rent them out to students.

The last ones liked the houses: the students are simple people.


Today, "houses of the future" are built using computer-controlled tools. This reduces the risk of error. It happens like this. First, a module is made (something like the “Rotor” Colani room). And already a large "apartment" house is being built from ready-made modules. This cuts the build time in half. In addition, the entire structure is often made from recycled materials - durable and inexpensive.

Architect Steve Kieren, for example, believes cellophane is the future. So he built himself a house out of plastic bottles. Recycled, of course. His apartment is a few blocks of transparent plastic. You can independently choose the configuration of such a house, rebuild and adjust the modules.

Such a house does not need power lines - it is powered by the Sun. At the same time, at night the house shines like a Santa Claus hut at Christmas: LEDs that accumulate solar energy are placed everywhere here.

The task of the houses of the future is to save electricity, so they themselves will be able to decide when to heat a particular room, and when, by opening the windows, to naturally ventilate. For example, on the roof of designer Michelle Kaufmann's house, there are new galvanic batteries that store solar energy.

When they are equipped with special sensors, they will be able to calculate the required amount of electricity for a particular house themselves. They will decide what is best for this moment- buy energy, or generate it yourself. And if there is an excess of electricity, the house itself will sell it to the side.

"House on the Volga" - such a romantic name was given by Russian designers Petr A Kostelov, Alexei Lyalin, Andrey Tolstoy and Vladimir Kostelov to a large warehouse with boxes. However, this is, of course, only a deceptive appearance. Inner world"Houses on the Volga" is much richer: it is trimmed with wood various breeds, cork, furnished with greenery. Modest and tasteful.

The house is located 140 km from Moscow and is a talented variation of the principle of Soviet dacha construction - "from what was." Almost all popular finishing methods are used here: traditional (board, overlapping board), modern (lining, imitation of timber, blockhouse), exotic (finishing with round handles from shovels and bars of different sections). Needless to say, a very Russian embodiment of the principles of economy and environmental friendliness.

mobile hotel

The concept called Drop Eco Otel was conceived by the creative group In-Tenda, and brought to life by the Urban Square studio in the project of a mobile eco-hotel. It is a one-room capsule that can be "landed" in any corner of the Earth, even the wildest. For example, on a rocky coast or in wooded mountains.

The main materials used in the creation of the hotel are wood and spherical glass, which can be opened from two sides, while getting the effect of being in a large hollow log. And during installation, the hotel rises slightly above the ground to least impact on environment. Needless to say, the dream of "Greenpeace"!

Electronic housekeepers

Here he is - real principle future. Futurologists promise that soon robots will appear in every home, taking over housekeeping. At least for "them" - for the happy citizens of post-industrial developed countries.
So, the houses of the future will be practically alive - they will have eyes, ears and even a brain.

Brian Conti, a programmer from Seattle, has already created such a house. The housekeeper in it is an electronic module with the royal name Cleopatra. She is responsible for comfort and safety. She is practically a member of the family: "Cleopatra" has her own face and voice. You can communicate with her through the monitor screen. This is the first generation of computers that will control the homes of the future.

To see the housekeeper's work in action, all you have to do is give her some command out loud: light the fireplace, name today's date, or turn on the music in the living room. You can control Cleopatra using a special bracelet with an electronic microchip, which every family member has. But "Cleo" looks after the house not only with the help of radio signals. Its system has built-in motion detectors, lights and caller ID. For example, when the family goes to bed, the electronic housekeeper will set the alarm and turn off the lights. Brian Conti's goal is to teach her complete independence, so that she herself decides what to do, anticipating the desires of people. One thing is not clear - how soon will "Cleopatra" seize power over the Conti family?

Microsoft programmers also did not lose face. And while their electronic housekeeper doesn't have such a noble name—her name is simply Grace—it's not a single computer, but a network of devices placed throughout the home. "Grace" is not visible, but she is always there. The Microsoft guys' program can project images onto the walls of any room.

And in the future, all the walls, as they promise, will be made of LEDs, like in New York's Times Square. And "Grace" will be able to project anything on the walls: from standard wallpaper to movies from the Internet. You can also choose a special mode for guests. For example, in the "Grandma" mode, the system will project her favorite photos with her grandchildren, paintings or antique clocks onto the walls, table and ceiling.

Grace can also cook dinner. Rather, help the hostess in this difficult task by offering several recipes from the database. They will appear right on the table. “Knead the dough,” Grace commands. The developers of the program hope that this will make your life easier. Well, if you are not a very experienced housewife.

wonder trees

In the spring of this year, a garden of huge steel structures appeared in Singapore. Each of these "giant trees" is a separate bioclimatic station that generates solar energy, supplies air currents and collecting rainwater. On each grow the most real flowers.

The project was implemented by order of the Council national parks Singapore by the British architectural firm Grant Associates. The urban oasis occupies an area of ​​about 1 sq. km, in the bay in the south of the island, where there is a unique living museum of world flora and fauna.

The mechanical forest consists of 18 super-trees from 25 to 50 m high. In addition to accumulating solar energy and water, their branched "crowns" also play the role of temperature regulators that absorb and dissipate hot air. The 11 trees are equipped with solar photovoltaic systems that generate electricity to provide light and water to two orchid-shaped mega-greenhouses. Here is a grandiose collection of plants - 220 thousand copies brought from all over the world.

Each green pavilion could accommodate four football fields, and their horticultural waste "feeds" a massive steam turbine that helps maintain the necessary microclimate inside the greenhouses. Among other things, the most tall trees connected by bridges, allowing passers-by to walk at a bird's eye view.

The Supertrees project is part of a program to modernize the new urban center. Its goal is to graphically illustrate the viability of autonomous artificial biosystems designed to withstand both climate change nature, and the harmful effects of man on it.

Take, for example, the mirror in the bathroom. The news of the day, your favorite series, or just good music. The shopping list can be made right on the refrigerator door. The data will be immediately transferred to the online store, and the purchases will be delivered right to your door. Thanks to special labels with chips, the refrigerator will be able to keep track of whether the products have expired. And if necessary, he will send the order to the store.

Instead of a bed, you will be offered to sleep in ... a cocoon. It is something like a large closed bed and is indispensable if children are allergic to dust or animal hair. The cocoon was also made in order to save on electricity: what's the point of warming up the entire bedroom if you can maintain the desired temperature only in the place where a person sleeps? .. But the cocoon is also directly connected to the Internet. Goodbye laptop on the pillow!

A certain music lover client suggested that architect Robert Harvey Oschats build a forest house for him in Portland, and not downtime, but a musical one. He wanted the building to become the architectural embodiment of music. In 2004, Oschatz presented the snail house, a model of sustainability and softness of forms.

Is there really no place left on Earth someday? Who knows. But Patrick Lai from American company US Submarines already invites us to live ... in the depths of the sea. Not very deep - from 6 to 18 m, somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcoral reefs with their myriads of fish - and away from strong storms. The project is called "H2-house", and US Submarines, which specializes in the production of private submarines, is not going to be limited to one copy. She wants to build entire villages underwater.

If you don't like the sea, welcome to the sky. famous architect David Fisher designed the world's first revolving skyscraper, the Dynamic Tower, for Dubai.

This giant will change shape every second. According to the architect, this design is the best way to reflect modern life: Each apartment will be able to rotate 360 ​​degrees and rotate separately from the others. The speed is controlled by the owner. To get inside, residents will be able to use the elevator, which runs exactly in the center of the building, and then carefully exit on their rotating floor.

But if you want to live there, prepare 30 million dollars: this is the approximate price of one apartment. But no electricity bills - wind turbines will be installed between the floors. There are 79 of them on 80 floors - not a house, but a whole power plant! According to the developers, excess electricity can even be sold to neighbors. By the way, almost the same skyscraper, according to Fisher, was going to be built in Moscow. So far, however, the miracle house has not yet been built, and when this will happen is unknown.

And what about in Russia?

- There are several futuristic tendencies. These are bionics, environmental friendliness, rapprochement with nature, constructivism and functionality. Of course, the West is much more progressive in this regard. Of course, everything is more complicated here, - says interior designer, decorator Ksenia Yasvina.

For example, bionics. That is, by definition, these are natural forms. Often this principle is applied in furniture, repeating the lines of trees, leaves, flowers, this is the absence sharp corners in the interior. Very prominent representative bionics in architecture was Antoni Gaudí. Of the modern ones, the designer, architect and great original Javier Senosian, well-known in Mexico, with his Nautilus house. For his love of natural forms and images, he is called a "bio-organic" architect. Or the villa of Alexandre de Betac. Or famous house Wilkinson Robert Oshazu.

More “advanced” in terms of the adoption of such fashionable bionic interiors is the generation of fairly young people (up to about 45 years old), whose tastes were formed after perestroika, who saw things of a completely different aesthetic quality than those that were made in the USSR. Nevertheless, in our country, unfortunately, a fairly large percentage of people still love pompous classics.

The concept of the Mexican designer, architect Javier Senosian - the Nautilus house

As for environmental friendliness, this is a difficult question. The idea of ​​waste recycling takes root in our country with great difficulty, and the youth is progressive in this matter, again, rather. Despite this, some domestic designers still use this principle. For example, furniture is made from recycled raw materials, such as plastic. We produce faucets that save water consumption as much as possible, household appliances which saves energy. Young designers come up with chairs that turn into a hanger or a table.

Moreover, such things combine both functionality and excellent design - concise, strict, modern. In general, laconic interiors are becoming more and more popular. But constructivism pure form, as a permanent habitat and recreation, not everyone is able to withstand. So in our country, too, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. But as for the houses made of transparent walls, then I can't help but smile.

Of course, aesthetically, I really like it, but we must not forget that we live in Russia, and our climate is not very warm, and the time period when the room needs to be heated is very long. Meanwhile, such transparent rooms require very good heating. It is difficult to live in Russia on solar batteries alone. But again, despite this, we have more and more houses with panoramic windows. It's just that usually one or two walls are made panoramic.

In general, the unity of the landscape with architecture and interior is a powerful trend today, both here and in the West. Abroad, houses appear that continue the natural landscape (hill houses, tree houses, etc.), and in our country, in turn, everything more projects with green facades, when the facades of the building are completely covered with plants. Of course, not everyone in our country can afford this. And yet this trend is gaining momentum and gradually becoming more accessible.

And the “smart home”, which has long been not uncommon for our country, is nothing but the forerunner of new technologies in home maintenance – computerization and robotization. Fresh heads are also emerging in industrial design.

So we are not far behind the West. So far, all these trends are reflected in private construction or in the construction of business-class houses, but little by little they reach mass development. For example, the issue of robotization of the construction process itself is being actively discussed among engineers. I think that in ten years new technologies will come to the homes of ordinary citizens.

Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide from this world there. I will tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is a permanent abode of people and all the good things they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited Internet and a cat. Carefully protected by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. On the territory of Rashka, most often it is a communal apartment in Khrushchev, less often - an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this can be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant renovations and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty appearance. Grants protection from acid rain and petty brawl hurricanes, as well as from Gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. specific variety houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital, Kashchenko) — Habitat for creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for experimenting on people healing and healing of the soul. Settlement by special invitations.
  • The White house . A pumped version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, he spreads democracy throughout the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • Dom-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's level the building a bit, add some formal bushes around and tweak the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add a design to this hut, a beautiful porch and a facade ornament.
Step four. Now let's draw a few windows in front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. Still need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.
This is how my house will look, and what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work below this article. It will be useful for you to know more.

As soon as you cross the threshold, you feel warm. The smart home has long learned that on Tuesdays you return at seven, and added the temperature in the batteries to your arrival. Heating, lighting and other communications, as well as all appliances in the house can be controlled from a smartphone.

But why take out your phone when you can just say, "Close the door and turn off the lights." A smart home knows the voices of all family members and recognizes intonations: you turned to it, and now you are discussing with your wife what wine to open for dinner. By the way, where does it smell so good?


From the point of view of our grandmothers, the appearance of a microwave and a slow cooker in the kitchen is already a technological miracle. But technology has a truly brutal appetite - a completely different kitchen landscape awaits us.

It is unlikely that every housewife will soon have a robotic assistant like Moley or Care-O-bot, but the approach to cooking and food storage will definitely change.

Robot chef Moley is ready to bring any recipe from the Internet to life

In 2015, a design for a kitchen table was presented that would recognize foods, report their calorie content, and suggest recipes based on them. Under the smooth tabletop there are special induction coils, here you can also cook the desired dish.

The implementation of such a project is not far off. And now there are smart ovens with a delayed start function and video cameras on the market. You can watch from your phone screen how the chicken is being fried for dinner while you are driving home.

Refrigerators are getting smaller and smarter. A two-meter box has no place in a small kitchen (alas, due to overpopulation, apartments in megacities will become smaller).

Back in 2010 on international competition industrial design Matthew Gilbride introduced the concept modular kitchen, where the shelves simultaneously act as a refrigerator, stove and air conditioner.

The refrigerator will keep track of your food. Electronic tags will tell him which products have deteriorated and which are about to run out. Every two or three days you will receive an up-to-date shopping list on your smartphone.

However, go shopping modern man once. In a few years, online shopping will become so commonplace that replenishing food supplies and buying household chemicals will be possible at the touch of a button.


Renowned futurist Ian Pearson believes that in 10-20 years the bathroom will have more sensors and sensors than some laboratories currently have.

Standing on the rug in front of the dressing table, a person will be able to find out their weight, body temperature, heart rate and other parameters. After all, smart scales are already on sale, which, coupled with mobile applications help to control the physiological parameters of the body.

A smart mirror will not only tell about the state of health, but also give recommendations on self-care. How to disguise a pimple? What is the best makeup to do today? A prototype of such a mirror was presented at CES-2015.

More and more attention will be paid to the environment. Now there are devices that help control the consumption of water and energy in the bathroom. In the future, these processes will be automated. You can stand in the shower and listen to the radio and wash your hair, and the system will supply exactly the amount of water you need to wash yourself, and at exactly the temperature that you are comfortable with. In this case, water will not leave through the sewer pipes. Humanity faces an important task - to learn how to purify and reuse water.

Some toilets, especially Japanese ones, already look like spaceships. In the home of the future, the toilet will become more than just a place to hide away, where you can safely play games on your phone. This will be your personal “clinic branch”. The toilet bowl will warn of danger if it finds something superfluous in the analyzes.

living rooms

Forget about bulky armchairs and massive wardrobes. All furniture in the apartments will be light, compact and multifunctional. With one movement, the transforming table turns from a coffee table into a dining room, and the bed becomes a sofa.

When you're cozy in the living room with dinner and a glass of wine, artificial intelligence smart home will select the right lighting and turn on the movie.

It will also take care of the quality of your sleep when you go to the bedroom. Turn on the air conditioner to ventilate the room, tightly curtain the windows so that the body begins to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.

An important point is lighting. Artificial light sources will be subject to human circadian rhythms. But priority will be given to natural light.

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