Description of the hero Ilya Muromets. Reflection of the moral criteria of the Russian people in the epic "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber


The epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" is one of the works of the epic cycle about the exploits of the most revered hero in the Russian people. The bylina tells about two heroic events in which Ilya Muromets participates: a battle with the enemy's army - "Silushka", which was "black-black", and the victory over the Nightingale the Robber.


The work has no copyright and is an example of a folk epic. The time of creation of the epic can be determined approximately - it was laid down by the people in oral up to the 14th century. The epic has undergone many changes throughout its history, acquiring new characters, enriched with poetic images. The first mention of Ilya Muromets, as a defender of Russian lands, was found in the 16th century in correspondence between one of the subjects of the Commonwealth and his king. The hero in it is called Ilya Muravlenin. Twenty years later, a traveling foreigner mentioned in his notes that he saw the relics of the Russian hero Ilya Morovlin in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This indicates that at that time the epic, like her main character, was already widely known among the people.

Analysis of the work

Description of content

The action of the epic begins with the fact that Ilya Muromets is going on a journey: after standing for "Minning in Murom", he wants to be in time "to capital Kyiv-grad" by mass. Before Chernigov, he meets an enemy army, which he defeats. Chernihiv "peasants" ask him to become a governor in the city, but Ilya Muromets refuses and goes further along the dangerous straight road to Kiev, despite warnings about the Nightingale the Robber living there - he kills travelers with "whistles of a nightingale" and "screams of beasts."

The hero wounds and captures the robber, and then, having arrived in Kyiv, leaves him for princely court connected. Prince Vladimir does not believe in the story that the guest traveled along a straight road to Kyiv and defeated the Nightingale the Robber. Surprised that the formidable enemy is really captured, the prince asks him to whistle indicatively. When he produces destruction in the city with his whistle, Ilya Muromets takes him out into the open field and executes him.

Main characters

The two main characters of the work personify one - absolute good, the other - evil. Ilya Muromets is fearless and reasonable. Warned of the danger lurking on the way, he does not turn off him, but boldly enters into battle with the robber and defeats him. The hero appoints himself the defender of the Russian land and people from enemies and responsibly, skillfully carries out his service. The image of Ilya Muromets is partially written off from fairy tales, fictional characters, but also has historical prototype- St. Ilya Pechersky Chebotok. Many features of the hero speak of his connection with the mythical Perun and Veles.

The origin of the image of the enemy of the protagonist Nightingale the Robber is not entirely clear. If we talk on a large scale, then in the epic he replaces another well-known villain, the offender of the Russian people, the snake. However, it can also be assumed that this is not a mythical image, but an ordinary robber, distinguished by his outstanding power to produce a whistle.

There is another hero in the work - Prince Vladimir. Judging by the time of action, Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko is depicted. The prince is shown to be absurd and not very reasonable person. He suddenly becomes angry at the suspicion that in the words of Ilya Muromets there may be a mockery of him, he asks the robber to whistle, although he has heard about the destructive power of his whistle. The image of the prince is described in the mocking tone of the description of kings, traditional for the folk epic.

Analysis of the structure of the work

The action of the epic develops progressively sequentially. A lot of attention is paid to the details and conversations, the description of the characters and the circumstances of the actions. The action itself is conveyed in concise and precise, but figurative expressions: “stretched a silken string”, “imposed a red-hot arrow”, “shot” and “knocked out the right eye”.

The epic conveyed the dream of the people about a faithful defender, formidable for the enemy, faithful and just for his own. Ilya Muromets is equally independent of the requests of the people if they do not answer him main goal- to protect the whole Russian land, and not individual cities, and from the attitude of the prince towards him - he is polite and respectful to him, but is not afraid to argue and defend his human dignity.

The work is written in a kind of "epic" style, with repetitions and a leisurely flow of the plot. All the characters have a pronounced individuality, the motives of their actions are explained by the direct speech of the characters, and not by the narrator. Direct speech itself is poetic, replete with figurative expressions.

The epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" is one of the best examples of the epic epic. The characters and the plot are reflected in some non-Slavic epics.

The bylina “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” is a poetic creation of the Russian people, created in oral form, and is one of the best examples of folk heroic epic. The main characters of "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" are a Russian knight and a robber, personifying two human hypostases, good and evil. As in all fairy tales, good triumphs over evil, so in the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" the hero, who is the Russian people, defeats the invaders.

Characteristics of the heroes "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber"

Main characters

Ilya Muromets

Hero of the Russian land, strong and fearless. Decisive, wise knight. Never turns off the intended path, always moves straight, not avoiding obstacles and dangers. He is the defender of the Russian land, sacredly protecting his people from the invasion of enemies. Fair and honest, he does not pursue power and wealth, remaining a simple warrior, ready to defend and defend his land.

Nightingale - robber

The fairy-tale hero, personifying all evil forces, is an enemy and a destroyer. The main weapon of the robber is his mighty whistle, from which everyone wallows dead. Fearless, strong conqueror, confident and proud. Killed a lot of people passing by his nest. Could not cope with Ilya Muromets, who cut off his head.

As part of school curriculum students study the characteristics of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade. This is one of the main characters of epics about the ancient Kievan Rus who defended their homeland from the invasion of foreign enemies, courageously fought for their native land. Ilya Muromets in Russian literature personifies strength, courage, courage and honor. The reality of this character has long been studied and proven, which leaves no doubt about the real life and exploits of the glorious hero.

Healing a Hero

Ilya was born in the village of Karacharovo, near the city of Murom, was the only son in a family of peasant parents. From his birth, he could not control his arms or legs.

Epics about Ilya Muromets tell that until the age of thirty-three he remained physically weak, until one day three elders entered the house. There was no one else in the hut, and they asked Ilya to give them water. The owner really wanted to give the travelers a drink, he lowered his legs to the floor and suddenly felt strength in them, he was able to stand on them. He gave the travelers a bowl of water. The elders did not drink themselves, but told him to do it himself. The water turned out to be healing, after drinking it, Ilya was completely healthy. He drinks the water again and feels a huge inhuman strength in himself. Then the elders ordered to drink more water to reduce it.

Finding Your Ministry

After the healing, the elders send the bogatyr to serve Prince Vladimir in Kyiv, to defend his homeland, predicting a great future for him and numerous victories over his enemies.

They also predict the hero that he must find a huge stone on his way to Kyiv and move it.

Parents were very happy miraculous healing their son and blessed him for the faithful service of Kievan Rus, for protecting it from the invasion of foreign enemies.

Having gone to Kyiv, Ilya found a huge boulder, which the elders spoke about. Moving it, he reveals beautiful armor and weapons underneath. Immediately a black heroic horse galloped up to him, which becomes a true friend, faithfully and faithfully serves Ilya, helping him in great feats.

External Data

Description appearance Ilya Muromets in epics are given very modestly. However, it is known about his great growth (more than one hundred and eighty centimeters), powerful physique.

The hero had a courageous, kind face with large strong-willed features, a beard with gray hair. Described in the image of Ilya Muromets is also his sharp look under black eyebrows, curly hair, presumably a light blond shade.

The hero is armed and dressed in the following armor:

1. Chain mail - a long shirt - consisting of metal rings, which protected from wounds inflicted by cold weapons.

2. A helmet that protects the head from arrows and shells.

3. Mace - a heavy wooden club, consisting of a handle and a metal striker.

4. Shield for defense against impacts of guns and arrows.

5. Spear - stabbing wooden weapon with a metal tip.

All this equipment was necessary for the battle and protection of the warriors of that time.

Character traits

In order to make a characterization of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, you need to know what was not only his appearance, but also his inner spirit. All those long years, which the hero had to lie motionless in his bed, not only did not weaken, but, on the contrary, tempered his character, made him patient and enduring.

Legends about Ilya Muromets describe him as a very courageous, brave warrior who does not spare his life in order to stand up for his homeland. Bravely and disinterestedly he defended the common people from the raids of the Polovtsians, Pechenegs, and Khazars. Calm, kind, confident, strong not only in body but also in spirit. For his qualities and courage, he was appointed by Prince Vladimir the eldest among all the heroes.

Epics tell that he was a believing Christian. According to some sources, after the hero finished his service to the country, due to a serious injury at the age of fifty, he began to spend his days in the monastery, taking the monastic vows.

He was a devoted, fearless defender with boundless love for his homeland, people and his ministry.

The feats of arms of the hero

When compiling the characteristics of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, it is important to know his brave deeds.

After the hero sets off to serve the Grand Duke, the captured city of Chernigov stands in his way. Here the first feat is accomplished - the liberation of the city from the nomads. The people warn Ilya, telling that on the way to Kyiv another danger awaits him - the Nightingale the Robber. But the brave and courageous hero is not afraid of this news. He goes to specified place to defeat the robber.

Seeing the hero, the Nightingale begins to scream and whistle with incredible strength, so that even a faithful horse is unable to cope with this whirlwind. But the fearless hero shoots an arrow at him, which hits and injures the enemy. After such a victory, the hero goes to Kyiv together with the captured Nightingale, where he executes him on the orders of the prince.

The hero won these and other numerous victories over his enemies, but he never boasted about it.

Despite the exaggeration and amazing events that are told in the epics, all the actions that take place intersect with real events that time, have the truth behind them.

Probably, the opponents in the person of the Nightingale the Robber, the Pogany Idolishch, the Kalina Tsar and others are collective images, implying all the robbers, as well as foreign enemies with whom the glorious hero had to fight.

Significance in Russian culture

The number of epics written about Ilya Muromets characterizes him as a brave and valiant hero.

The image of Ilya Muromets is expressed not only in literary works. Behind centuries of history the courage and valor of the hero was reflected in architecture, culture, art, music.

A display of the strength and courage of Russian heroes was found in beautiful pictures famous artists V. M. Vasnetsov, A. P. Ryabushkin, M. A. Vrubel, I. Ya. Bilibin.

Majestic monuments to the valiant hero adorn the city of Murom in the Vladimir Region, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, the city of Izhevsk in the Republic of Udmurtia, and other cities of Russia and Ukraine.

The exploits of the Russian bogatyr are beautifully illustrated in documentaries, fiction, animation works by many directors, which allow not only to read about good deeds hero, but also to see them performed by actors and cartoon characters.

All these facts of life and exploits will make it possible to draw up complete description Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, to reveal the personality, the inner core of the hero.

1 option

One of the most famous and loved by readers epic heroes is the hero Ilya Muromets. In the image of Ilya, the most noble and high quality- physical strength and wisdom, devotion to the motherland and selfless, disinterested service to one's people. Only Ilya Muromets alone is able to fight against the innumerable army that has taken the city of Chernihiv into a siege ring. Nobody walks here, nobody rides a horse, birds don't fly, animals don't run. But nothing stops our hero on the way to victory:

And he rode up like a great power, He became something of this great power, He began to trample on a horse and began to prick with a spear, Ai beat this great power all.

Neither money nor power seduces Ilya Muromets. His wealth is a faithful horse and a reliable weapon. He has a goal to get to the capital city of Kyiv, so the bogatyr rejects the offer to become governor of Chernigov without hesitation. The next test of the strength and courage of Ilya Muromets is the fight against the formidable Nightingale the Robber. In folk art, they are sharply condemned, and the struggle against them is sung as a great heroic feat.

Ilya Muromets can choose not a "straight", but a "roundabout" path to Kyiv, thereby avoiding a dangerous collision with a robber. But the Nightingale, Odikhmantev's son, cannot frighten the hero, from whose nightingale whistle

Then all the grass-ants are entwined. All the azure flowers are crumbling, The dark forests are all bowing to the ground, And Thu. oh there are people, then all are dead lie.

Ilya Muromets chose the straight path, went to the Black Dirt, to the Smorodina River, to the Levanidov Cross. The Nightingale whistled like a nightingale, the villain shouted like an animal. The heroic horse could not stand the whistle and the cry of the robber, but this does not stop Ilya Muromets:

Yes, he takes his, tight, torn bow, In his own, he takes in white. in pens, ... ... Then he shot at that Nightingale the robber, He knocked out his right eye with a pigtail.

The Nightingale the Robber was defeated by the hero, fastened to a damask stirrup. Arriving in Kyiv, Ilya follows without delay and fear to the royal chambers:

He laid down the cross in writing,

He bowed to the scientist.

For everything, for three, for four, bowed low to the sides ...

It's a shame that Vladimir the Prince calls the hero a peasant peasant, he doubts the veracity of his words.

Ilya Muromets easily convinces the prince that he is right: as soon as the prince comes out into the wide courtyard, he will see with his own eyes the defeated Nightingale the Robber, chained to a damask stirrup. Unlike the prince, the defeated robber respectfully addresses the person who defeated him in a fair fight: “Ah, you are the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.” The epithet "old" rather indicates not the age of the hero, but his experience and wisdom. Odikhmantyev's son does not want to obey the will of the prince, he obeys only the will of Ilya Muromets.

But Ilya in his heroic service is completely disinterested and incorruptible. The bogatyr sternly responds to the robber's attempts to soften him with flattery: everyone should be punished according to their deserts. Ilya Nightingale took out to the field and cut off his head. Enough robber at-

He carried the ruins of his native land, killed enough - the Nightingale suffered a worthy punishment.

The image of the protagonist of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" hero Ilya Muromets with the greatest completeness and strength reflected the historically established moral criteria of the Russian people.

According to V. G. Belinsky, in mythical image the hero "sees the image of the people themselves and together the symbol of their fate."

Option 2

Many years ago, the first epics arose in Kievan Rus - oral folk songs-tales about the exploits of heroes.

At that distant time, it was alarming on Russian soil. Pechenegs, Polovtsy attacked, burned villages, trampled fields, and people were killed or taken into slavery. It was also restless inside the country: Russian princes fought among themselves, and robbers roamed the roads.

These hard times were reflected in the works of the Russian folk art- epics. main topic, which unites most of the epics - the heroic struggle of the Russian people for independence native land for strengthening its unity and power.

A special place in the epics is occupied by the image of Ilya Muromets. This is a Russian hero, embodying best qualities man - courage, honesty, loyalty, selfless love for the motherland. Epics tell about his miraculous strength, about the fight with the Nightingale the robber, with the filthy Idol, about the victory over Kalin the Tsar, about the quarrel with Prince Vladimir.

Together with him at the outpost, the brave and kind, but loving to brag, Alyosha Popovich and the intelligent, educated Dobrynya Nikitich. All of them are defenders of the Kyiv state.

They turn to Ilya: “Honorable, good fellow», « old cossack". They respectfully say about him: "strong mighty hero, Ilya Muromets son Ivanovich.

Ilya Muromets was not afraid when the peasants of Chernigov warned him that the Nightingale the Robber lives on the straight path, from the whistle of which both plants, animals and people die. Ilya defeated the Nightingale the Robber. The epic epic embodied the code of heroic behavior, it was an example and a role model. But, of course, the epic is not only the glorification of heroes.

It was about the black intrigues of the enemy, and about the unworthy deeds of low people. But in these cases, heroism was the measure that was applied to everything. Even the enemy appeared even more powerful, so that the hero's feat became even more significant. Bogatyrs were idealized in every possible way, and everything that opposed them was created as not corresponding to the heroic ideal.

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Russian folk literature rich in stories and legends. A separate place is given - these are legends written in the form of a song about the exploits of heroes. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that they still remain loved by the people. The Russian land has always attracted foreigners with its large territory and riches. Therefore, Rus' needed a defender who would always protect the state. In the 7th grade, children make up the characteristics of Ilya Muromets, the most famous hero in Rus'.

The image of the heroes

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All their deeds were recorded in the form of epics, which were passed from mouth to mouth. And so the image of a great, powerful and fearless warrior, who defended Rus' day and night, was fixed in the minds of the people. Of course, not all heroes received such great fame as Ilya Muromets, in the 7th grade his characteristics are considered in more detail.

How the defender of Kievan Rus gained strength

In the characterization of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, he is still one of the most interesting facts his biography is to gain strength. As they say in the epics, Ilya, up to 33 years old (in some sources, a different age may be called) could not move his arms or legs. One day, the Magi came to him and asked for water. But there was no one at home except Ilya, and he answered them that he could not do this.

Then the elders told him to go and fetch water. He obeyed and, to his surprise, realized that he could walk. The Magi told him to drink water, and Ilya felt an exorbitant strength in himself. And the elders said to drink more to reduce the strength a little. After that, Ilya was told to go to the service of Prince Vladimir and protect the Russian people.

The personality of the hero

In the characterization of Ilya Muromets (in the 7th grade), one should also talk about what the Kiev defender was like. The hero was very strong, and he received strength from his native land. Perhaps that is why he is the most famous of the heroes. Ilya also had leadership inclinations, otherwise he would not have been able to gather a powerful squad near him and become its head. The hero was fair, honest and always defended Kievan Rus.

The character of epics about Ilya Muromets has a heroic and patriotic connotation. As in all legends of this genre, all the qualities of the heroes and their exploits are deliberately exaggerated in order to create the image of an invincible hero-defender of the Russian land. Children write an essay in the 7th grade - they give a description of Ilya Muromets. Such a task is great opportunity get acquainted with the great people's defender of Kievan Rus.

All the ancient Russian inhabitants were calm, because Ilya Muromets and his squad guarded them. After reading the cycle of epics, children will not only be able to get acquainted with folk epic and features this genre, they will also learn about the great heroic deeds. And they will be able to understand how much the image of the great hero meant.

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