Description of the quest game based on fairy tales. Quest for the day of knowledge "along the fairy paths"


Abstract of a lesson in drawing in a group preparatory to school.

Theme: Still life "Gifts of Autumn"

Program tasks.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​the composition. Show role color background for still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three or four objects in watercolor. To acquaint with the concept of "flare", ways of drawing it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision aesthetic beauty still life

Equipment and materials.

Still life reproductions, still life (life) Watercolor, A4 sheets of white watercolor paper, brushes (squirrels No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

Course progress.


Guys, remember, we looked at paintings and got acquainted with one of the genres visual arts- still life? Let's take a look at one of these today. paintings - reproductions from the painting by I. T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.

What do you see in the picture? (children's answers)

This painting is called "Flowers and Fruits". Why did the artist call her that? (children's answers)

What genre of painting does it belong to?

Still life translated from French means "dead nature", but this name does not define the whole essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe the richness of the natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty, originality. In still lifes, things speak for themselves, offer to admire the beauty of their form, texture, color, make us feel the aroma.

How do natural fruits and flowers differ from those depicted in the picture?

What color is the fruit depicted by the artist?

Where do you see the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

Ask the children to find composition center paintings, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn looked,

Left the gifts, Asked to pass

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

What has she prepared for us? generous autumn? Look what beautiful fruits!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. To say that the objects in the composition can partially cover each other, for example, an apple can lie on a table in front of a vase.

Show the children how to sketch the main details correctly with a simple pencil- when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects, all the details. The line should be barely visible so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying in tone. Without drawing details, generally applied light tone watercolor. Over dried, a more saturated one is applied, to highlight dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. To draw the attention of children to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To transfer the glare in the picture, a light tone remains in its place, the dark one is not superimposed.

(Turn on soft music, the children get to work)

At the end, consider all the drawings with the children, come up with a name for your still life.

State budgetary educational institution Samara region average comprehensive school No. 4 of the city of Syzran of the urban district of Syzran of the Samara region, a structural unit that implements educational program preschool education, - "Kindergarten" (446028, Samara region, Syzran, Koroleva Ave., 7-A)

Prepared by the teacher: Paramonova. E.V.

Plan - a summary of directly educational activitieswith preschoolers in the preschool group.

Topic:"Gifts of Autumn"

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", " Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.


"Cognitive Development"

To consolidate the generalizing concepts of "fruit", "berries", "harvest".

Give an idea about characteristic properties berries and fruits.

Continue to form an understanding of the sequence of fetal maturation, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

"Social and communicative development"

Practice matching adjectives with nouns.

To develop the ability of children to express and justify their judgments. Activate children's vocabulary: fruits, berries, harvest, garden, gardener.

To develop the ability of children to make a descriptive story about fruits and berries. - Continue to develop children's skills to talk about the benefits of berries and fruits for human health.

Strengthen the ability to interact with peers during the game. "Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Continue to develop the ability to convey in the drawing characteristic shape and coloration of familiar fruits and berries.

To consolidate the skills of working with gouache paints.

"Physical development"

Develop motor activity, the ability to combine a word with movement.

Develop fine motor skills hands

Create conditions for the perception of a literary work.

Methods and techniques:
- practical: didactic game, dynamic pause, surprise moment, examination, creation of an artistic product - drawing;
- visual: looking at illustrations, dummies (fruits, berries).

Verbal: riddles about fruits and berries, situational conversation, reading, story, question.

Materials and equipment: a basket with fruits and berries, a doll - bibabo grandfather Harvest, screen, dish, illustrative material, wonderful bag, game " delicious juice”, halves of drawn fruits and berries orange, apple, lemon, watermelon, pear, plum; sample with different arrangement arrangement of fruits and berries. Children have sheets of paper in the form of a circle with a diameter of 8 cm, brushes, gouache.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


1. Dynamic pause"Apple"
Purpose: to develop the motor activity of children, the ability to combine a word with movement
2. Finger game "Orange"
Purpose: to develop fine motor skills.


Drawing "Gifts of Autumn".
Purpose: to form the ability to convey in the drawing characteristics fruits and berries.

Cognitive research

1. Game exercise "Drawing a riddle"
Purpose: to develop the ability to find the other half of the whole.
2. Didactic game"Wonderful bag"
Purpose: to form the ability to find and recognize objects by touch.

3. Didactic game "What first, what then" Purpose: to determine the sequence of the natural cycle (from flower to fruit). 4.Simulation problem situation"What's in the basket?"

Purpose: to develop the ability to find solutions to a problem situation.

1. Journey game"Visiting Grandfather Harvest" Purpose: to develop the ability to negotiate and interact with each other.


1. Guessing riddles.
Purpose: to develop verbally -logical thinking.
2. Drafting descriptive story according to the "Gifts of Autumn" scheme.
Purpose: to develop coherent speech; activate vocabulary children words: fruits, berries, round, juicy, sweet, sour, juice.
3. Word game "Delicious juice".
Purpose: to exercise in agreeing a noun with an adjective.
4. Conversation about fruits, berries.
Purpose: to develop coherent speech, the ability to answer a question with a full sentence.

Reading fiction(perception)

Reading a poem by A. Igebaev "Generous Harvest"

Purpose: to contribute to the figurative perception of the poem.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group.

Still life "Gifts of autumn".

Prepared and hosted:

teacher Andreeva T.V.

Moscow 2013

Abstract of a drawing lesson

Still life "Gifts of autumn".

Program tasks.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​the composition. Show the role of color background for still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three or four objects in watercolor. To acquaint with the concept of "flare", ways of drawing it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life

Equipment and materials.

Still life reproductions, still life (life) Watercolor, A4 sheets of white watercolor paper, brushes (squirrels No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

The course of the lesson.


Guys, remember, we looked at paintings and got acquainted with one of the genres of fine art - still life? Let's look at one of these paintings today - a reproduction from the painting by I. T. Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits".

What do you see in the picture?(children's answers)

This painting is called "Flowers and Fruits". Why did the artist call her that?(children's answers)

- What genre of painting does it belong to?

Still life translated from French means "dead nature", but this name does not define the whole essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe the richness of the natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty, originality. In still lifes, things speak for themselves, offer to admire the beauty of their form, texture, color, make us feel the aroma.

How do natural fruits and flowers differ from those depicted in the picture?

What color is the fruit depicted by the artist?

Where do you see the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

Invite the children to find the compositional center of the picture, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn looked,

Left the gifts, Asked to pass

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

And what has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look what beautiful fruits!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. To say that the objects in the composition can partially cover each other, for example, an apple can lie on a table in front of a vase.

To show children how to correctly sketch the main details with a simple pencil - when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects, all the details. The line should be barely visible so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying in tone. Without drawing details, in general, a light tone is applied with watercolors. Over dried, a more saturated one is applied to highlight dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. To draw the attention of children to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To transfer the glare in the picture, a light tone remains in its place, the dark one is not superimposed.

(Turn on soft music, the children get to work)

At the end, consider all the drawings with the children, come up with a name for your still life.

Natalia Basargina
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for drawing "Gifts of Autumn"

Target: to learn on the basis of impressions and knowledge and skills, independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, color scheme objects, background, as well as ways of depicting in a drawing.

materials: Parsley doll, gouache, brushes, paper, jars of water.

Lesson progress:

The teacher reminds that children have learned to depict different vegetables, fruits, autumn branches, know their shape and color, know how to make beautiful still lifes from them.

Today you will come up with and draw your own autumn still lifes . In a still life there can be a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, autumn branches. They can be depicted in a vase, in a basket, on a dish. You know that in every still life there is a main subject. How does it stand out from other items? (Location, size, color.) What should be kept in mind when depicting other objects? (That these objects should match the main object in size, but differ from it in color or shades.) Having offered the children to start work, the teacher gives them complete independence.

In the end lessons children's works are exhibited at the stand.

Let's play, says the teacher. - We will invite Petrushka to see our still lifes. He, of course, does not know what a still life is.

He puts Petrushka on his hand.

Parsley, we want to show you our still lifes.

And what is a still life? - asks Petrushka.

The child tells.

If you see in the picture

A cup of coffee on the table

Or juice in a large decanter,

Or a vase in crystal

Maybe a glass of kefir, a liter of kvass or a cake

So this whole picture

Will be called - still life.

And I see a still life. There he hangs on the wall. It also has natural objects on it. drawn! - Petrushka exclaims.

Parsley, do you know that in every still life there are main subjects? - asks the teacher.

And how do you know which subject is the main one?

The teacher invites the child to explain to Petrushka how the main subject differs from others. You can continue the conversation with Petrushka and talk about the connection of other objects with the main ones through their size, color and location.

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