The first blockbuster released by DiCaprio. Knights Bridge to film 'Putin' blockbuster starring DiCaprio

, as you know, he began acting at the age of two, his parents gladly attached their son to TV shows, commercials and TV shows, he even got his own agent pretty quickly. DiCaprio became famous, received awards for his roles, even appeared in the TV series Santa Barbara. But all this was clearly not enough for the boy, and a completely different life was prepared for him. It began when Leonardo reached the age of seventeen. He himself selected him among 400 other young men for the lead role in the film This Boy's Life. DiCaprio was to play with him in a pair, and the young actor did an excellent job, which was noted by American critics. A problematic boy who is in conflict with a problematic stepfather, lives with a problematic mother, and is friends with a problematic homosexual classmate - this is still a test for a young man, albeit professional artist. DiCaprio set in motion expression - and won.

Trailer for "This Boy's Life"

Playing a lead role with DeNiro at the age of 17 is not the ultimate dream? But in the same 1993, everyone knew about DiCaprio - in connection with the picture, where he played in tandem with the then already superstar. Depp also looked at many young actors and also chose DiCaprio among many other candidates, and Leonardo's role was also very difficult - a demented teenager with whom his older brother needs to constantly look for contact. Depp was the star, and DiCaprio had a clearly secondary role, but the only Golden Globe and Oscar nominations were for young actor, and from that moment on, DiCaprio became one of the elect: before any mention of his name in the press, a note was made about his involvement in the main national film award.

Trailer for What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Streetball, girls, fights, drugs - it's time for DiCaprio to play a real bad boy, but not just a simple, but a very talented guy with a future. Which you still need to live to see, especially given the constant hallucinations where he shoots people with a gun. For millions of viewers of this film, it was obvious that the guy who was harassed in the shower by his coach would grow up famous poet and musician Jim Carroll. But DiCaprio so merged with the role that everyone quickly forgot about Carroll: in front of the audience there was a bunch of nerves that lived on the screen one boundary situation after another.

Trailer of the film "The Diary of a Basketball Player"

DiCaprio could not play at the limit here: he was approved for the role after the one who had previously received it died of an overdose, and hardly anyone expected that DiCaprio could adequately replace him. By the way, it is believed that Phoenix was supposed to play in the "Diary of a Basketball Player", but in fact he refused, because he could no longer convincingly portray a 15-year-old guy. But Arthur Rimbaud suited him perfectly, and in the way this image was embodied by Leonardo DiCaprio, there is a subtle shade of a requiem for a brilliant colleague. Rimbaud's role as Paul Verlaine's friend and lover suggested a certain daring, but DiCaprio didn't have to. The film was not a commercial success, but it retains cult status to this day.

Trailer of the film "Total Eclipse"

This picture started new period in DiCaprio's life. If before that he was an actor of "adult", dramatic cinema, which was more loved by critics than by the masses, now he has turned into a hero-lover, for whom schoolgirls of all countries dry. Shakespeare's text became the pretext for a youthful postmodern blockbuster with guns and kisses. DiCaprio plays here a little less subtly than before, but he did not lower the emotional degree. The scene of Mercutio's death was played by him at the limit of human capabilities, and already because of it the picture is worth seeing.

Trailer for Romeo + Juliet

Not into superstars, but immediately to the first place among everyone and everything - after the Titanic, DiCaprio turned from a man into a symbol, a picture on a T-shirt, the dream of all women on Earth, regardless of age. A retro melodrama about a poor artist who falls in love with an aristocrat from the first class of the Titanic, unexpectedly even for the filmmakers, became the highest-grossing record holder in the history of cinema. Moreover, it has become a phenomenon mass culture, its milestone point in the transition to the 21st century and at the same time a bridge between generations, because over tragic love young couple cried all ages.

Trailer of the movie "Titanic"

Was DiCaprio looking for just such fame? Hardly. Because more than once in his life he never played a young man in love, and a man in love, as commercial genre cinema suggests, too. The world has never seen such acting asceticism. There were a couple of cases that can be called exceptions (and failed exceptions), but in general, DiCaprio did not change himself. And shortly after the "Titanic" he confirmed the seriousness of his intentions, playing with, which is a sign for any actor highest quality. Therefore, DiCaprio played a supporting role, and even one that many considered a self-parody: the young movie star is going crazy from the suddenly fallen glory. DiCaprio is a very serious person in life, but he is always ready to make fun of himself. And Woody Allen helped him a lot in this.

Leonardo DiCaprio in Celebrity

A few years after the "Titanic" DiCaprio seemed to be unable to find a place in the cinema. All that was offered to him was either a repetition of the past, or commercial crafts, where he had nothing to play and was simply not interesting. A turning point happened in his career when, who, too, had been in the next creative crisis, called DiCaprio to star in "Gangs of New York" - a brutal and monumental film about what immigration to the USA is. Leonardo DiCaprio has never before played such a brutal character, never played a leader, never staged a massacre on the screen. Spectators all over the world were at first dumbfounded, and then they were incredibly delighted with this spectacle. Although there was not one for DiCaprio among the 10 Oscar nominations for the film, it became clear that this friendship must be continued and strengthened.

Trailer for Gangs of New York

A notable example of this collaboration is a remake of a Hong Kong police thriller, also tough, uncompromising, but made not monumentally, but dynamically, as if not by a living classic, but by a nervous young genius. The incredible number of stars in the company with DiCaprio did not overshadow the merits of his game. For the role of an undercover cop, he received a Golden Globe nomination, but the "academicians" again ignored him. At this point, not awarding DiCaprio a statuette was already considered not so much unfair as simply ridiculous.

Trailer of the film "The Departed"

Despite the fact that the film instantly became a cult hit, while also remaining a commercial hit, it became clear that DiCaprio again seemed to have nothing to play. Not too interesting. Just being the hero of a thriller, just being in big action scenes filled with special effects, and just playing the drama that a commercial movie can afford is boring. And although next to the "Inception" is another remarkable film "Shutter Island", DiCaprio there does not show anything new in comparison with his past works. It became clear only that he gravitates more and more towards negative, and not just complex characters.

Trailer of the film "Inception"

And it's best to be an antihero. There has never been such a bastard in DiCaprio's career: at the sight of his bloodthirsty planter, the viewer's hand reaches for the holster itself, even if it doesn't really exist. It was said that DiCaprio's Oscar for supporting role was already in his pocket, but the Academy chose not to notice this film, which is much more striking than the one that was kindly treated to it the following year on the same topic.

Trailer for Django Unchained

Here DiCaprio unexpectedly appeared in a completely new way. Indeed, it would be impossible to come up with a better candidate for the role of Gatsby, and given that the film itself is similar to the presentation of Fitzgerald's book as if from Gatsby's point of view, the Oscar seemed to float into DiCaprio's hands. And again - nothing, despite the warm reception of the film in Cannes, where he opened the festival.

Trailer for The Great Gatsby

The theme of the financial frauds of the Academy is much more interesting and much closer, here DiCaprio managed to get at least to the nominees. The film had a huge financial success, DiCaprio here plays a skilled and cunning businessman, playing on the stock exchange, earning millions with the help of a team of adventurers and leading the most unbridled lifestyle imaginable.

Trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street

Covered in myths and legends, a film describing fantastic story revenge, brought DiCaprio the long-awaited triumph - "Oscar". An implausible story, like a grotesque retelling of Jack London's northern tales, DiCaprio played as if it were a documentary of his personal journey through the impossible. Untouched by the artist's dramatic talent, academics have always greatly appreciated overcoming physical obstacles, and although DiCaprio did not lose 30 kilograms for the role, such exhausting conditions are rare in the United States. Since then, however, the Oscar has lost main intrigue which fueled interest in him for a long time.

Trailer for The Revenant

From the stage, DiCaprio spoke not about his path in cinema, but about environmental issues. In 2014, the actor was appointed UN Peace Ambassador for Climate Affairs, and it was clear that this issue had long occupied him much more than cinematic vanity fairs. In the new documentary, he talks about his discoveries, and although the film set of The Revenant and Donald Trump are in the frame, it is clear that DiCaprio gave himself up to the fight against global warming with all his characteristic passion. And, probably, if he were asked which of his films he considers the main one, he would name this one. By the way, the "Oscar" once already went to documentary O global warming, so the next ceremony now also has intrigue, and again thanks to DiCaprio.

Trailer for the movie "Save the Planet"

the world's largest film database IMDB has announced a film about the President of Russia under by the same name"Putin".

These announcements state that the film is in a state of "development".

Moreover, the opposition TV channel Dozhd has learned that the main role of Putin himself will be played by the legendary American actor Leonardo DiCaprio. He, according to media reports, "given his preliminary consent to play the role of Vladimir Putin."

"The producer of the project is Mark Damon. Work on the film Putin was carried out throughout Last year, and the final version of the script is now being approved. The film was written by three authors, and the name of the director is "everyone's word". Several Hollywood stars of the first magnitude are involved in the casting of the film at once, but the names are not disclosed before the start of filming, ”Rain quotes KBE top manager Valery Saaryan. According to journalists, the filming will take place in Russia, the USA and Europe - starting in 2016 The film itself will be released in 2017.

The film company also released information that the film will be a "political thriller" based on "facts from the life and work of the president, who found himself at the top of world politics." "From KGB officer, prime minister to president. Myth man. A look at the personal life and career of one of the most influential people in the world," reads official description future film project.

Earlier, Leonardo DiCaprio (who spoke about his love for Russia and a Russian grandmother) told the German edition of Welt am Sonntag that he dreams of playing the role of Vladimir Putin. “Putin would be very, very, very interesting, I would love to play him,” DiCaprio is sure.

"Look, on the one hand, Putin is the No. 1 leader in the world, the most influential person, peacemaker, unbending president of a great power. About him - as if not a third of world news every day. On the other hand, now we have almost a "cold war-2" with the West, and Hollywood (let's be honest!) has always worked as a means of influencing millions of people, "introducing" them in the right way, "said the famous Russian director, asked not to be named (yet).

He added that "Here everything depends on the same DiCaprio. He loves Russia, and as far as I know - sincerely. Will he agree to frank" cranberries ", pumping the myths" Putin has children "," Putin is to blame for ... " "Or will he refuse to act in this case - and there will be a scandal? Or will there still be a sane film, honest? You need to read the script."

The director also explained that "This film will not do without filming in Russia, near the Kremlin or in the Kremlin, in other" powerful "and iconic places. I think that the Kremlin will receive the script of the film when it is contacted for approval - and then we'll find out what kind of blockbuster it will be."

Wed, 12/11/2014 - 14:15

November 11 to the great Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio is 40 years old. From the age of 14, the actor, whose name everyone knows, began acting in films and acquired worldwide fame after filming in the legendary "Titanic", which made him the object of adoration for many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Even at that time, many wondered why Leo did not teach an Oscar for the main role in this film, because he played it flawlessly. Years passed, Leonardo DiCaprio more than once became the star of new films that became blockbusters only because of his participation, but oddly enough, the golden statuette never fell into his hands. We present to your attention 15 films with the participation of Leonardo DiCaprio, for which he is simply obliged to present the coveted Oscar.

"What's Eating Gilbert Grape" (1993)

The very first serious film work brought DiCaprio a nomination for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Having played in a duet with a young Johnny Depp, 19-year-old Leo received not only acting experience, but also a direct path to the heights of Hollywood. The picture of the ordeals of the Grape family from a small provincial town affected almost everyone social problems of his time. DiCaprio brilliantly played 18-year-old Arnie, a mentally handicapped guy who, according to doctors, could die at any second. "Oscar", Leo, however, did not receive, but American film critics unanimously recognized him as the "discovery of the year."

Romeo + Juliet (1996)

One of the most striking films of the 90s, Baz Luhrmann's interpretation of Shakespeare's play received only one Oscar nomination - and that one for the work of production designer. But the beautiful and passionate duet of DiCaprio and Claire Danes left few indifferent, and the film itself became more than successful at the box office. Romeo's monologue performed by DiCaprio at Juliet's coffin was so good that Claire Danes almost burst into tears in the frame and ruined the scene. When the director said, "Cut!", Danes kissed DiCaprio's hand and said, "Don't make me cry. I'm supposed to be in a coma!" By the way, Kate Winslet originally auditioned for the role of Juliet, but was harshly rejected by Luhrmann. A year later, she still played with Leo - in "Titanic", a film that became finest hour for both of them.

"Titanic" (1997)

The story of the crash of the legendary liner, embodied by the brilliant director James Cameron, turned out to be not only the main cultural event of the year, but also a box office record holder. The picture became the most highest-grossing film in the history of cinema, and held this title for 12 years - until it was beaten by Cameron's "Avatar". Titanic was nominated for 14 Oscar nominations and received 11 of them, becoming, among other things, the best film of the year.

And what about Leo? The actor whose character broke millions female hearts all over the planet, once again flew past the award. Film academics did not put forward Leo in the category "Best Actor". In protest, more than 200 fans of the actor turned to the Academy with complaints, and DiCaprio himself flatly refused to attend the ceremony.

However, he did not lose. It was the role in "Titanic" that put him in the ranks of the most highly paid actors Hollywood. In the same 1997, Leo was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people world according to People magazine.

"Beach" (2000)

In this picture, DiCaprio played the American guy Richard, who dreams of free life. In search of adventure, he finds himself in romantic Thailand, according to the hero, heaven on earth. But not a single secret island will save the human world from violence, cruelty, envy, indifference. DiCaprio is here in all his glory - loves and fights equally desperately.

"Catch Me If You Can" (2002)

2002 was a fruitful year for Leonardo for outstanding roles. Steven Spielberg's crime comedy Catch Me If You Can brought DiCaprio a nomination for the Golden Globe, but was again ignored by film academics. The actor played Frank Abagnale, a charming swindler who in the 60s was known for his daring and witty financial fraud. On film set Leo worked side by side with Tom Hanks, who got the difficult role of an agent who caught the same hero DiCaprio.

"Gangs of New York" (2002)

The epic film by Martin Scorsese, which showed the details of the bloody clash between gangs of Native Americans and immigrants, had every chance of success. Large-scale plot, historical background, spectacle of a gangster action movie and impressive acting work The film received 10 Oscar nominations. As a result, the "Gangs" did not receive a single statuette!

Film academics were scared away by the bloody naturalism with which Scorsese showed criminal battles, and the presence in the film of an "American idea" that could cause rejection among the public: the release of the tape coincided with the start of the war in Iraq. DiCaprio did not even get a nomination: instead, his colleague in the film, Daniel Day-Lewis, was nominated for Best Actor.

"Aviator" (2004)

Martin Scorsese's film about one of the most eccentric characters of the era of formation and heyday of Hollywood, millionaire, inventor and film producer Howard Hughes was simply doomed to success.

DiCaprio brilliantly embodied the image of a brilliant madman who built airplanes with equal ease, made films and had affairs with the most beautiful film stars of his time.

The tragic story of success and loneliness touched the stone hearts of film academics: the film received eleven Oscar nominations and eventually received five of them. Guess who's back in the air again? That's right, Leo! He never got the golden statuette for the best male role.

"The Departed" (2006)

Again Scorsese as director, and again DiCaprio in leading role. By the way, the famous Martin Scorsese went to his first Oscar no less long and difficult than Leo. The crime thriller The Departed finally brought the director the coveted award.

In addition, the tape became the best film of the year. DiCaprio, on the other hand, was left out of work again: his co-star Mark Wahlberg received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Leo was again content with the Golden Globe.

"Blood Diamond" (2006)

A film about a young smuggler Danny Archer, who trades in the search and sale of diamonds in the civil war in Sierra Leone in 1999, brought DiCaprio another nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar. Not a single statuette for this film, however, he did not get.

"Road of Change" (2008)

Titanic fans rejoiced: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet met again on the same set! The actors played the spouses, painfully experiencing a family crisis. The film adaptation of the novel by Richard Yates put an end not only to Leo's next Oscar dream (although the picture received three nominations), but also to Winslet's marriage: after this film, the actress broke up with her husband (and part-time director of Revolutionary Road) Sam Mendez.

"Shutter Island" (2010)

DiCaprio is back on set with Martin Scorsese, this time on psychological thriller"Shutter Island" adaptations novel of the same name Dennis Lehane. Leo played US Marshal Teddy Daniels, who heads to the Ashcliffe Asylum for the Criminally Insane on Shutter Island to investigate the disappearance of a patient. The picture was well received by critics, film fans noted the brilliant performance of DiCaprio. But the film was not nominated for an Oscar.

"Beginning" (2010)

Christopher Nolan's impressive science fiction film about the geniuses of industrial espionage, infiltrating consciousness through dreams, received 8 Oscar nominations and 4 gold statuettes. Leo, who played the main character, - none.

"Django Unchained" (2012)

Even before the release of Quentin Tarantino's spaghetti western, many film critics included it in the lists of the best films of the year. Ironic "Tarantino" style and brilliant cast provided the picture with five Oscar nominations, but the role of the cruel slave trader Calvin Candy did not bring DiCaprio the desired award.

Film critics again did not nominate Leo for the award: the statuette was received by Christopher Waltz as best actor second plan.

The Great Gatsby (2013)

Screen adaptation of the classic novel American Literature Francis Scott Fitzgerald became the most anticipated picture of last year. When released, the film spawned a real boom in the Jazz Age. Hollywood was filled with parties in the style of the 20s, and DiCaprio, Tobey McGuire and Carrie Mulligan became the most mentioned actors in the press. Nevertheless, film academics met the next brainchild of director Baz Luhrmann more than cool.

At the Oscars-2014, the picture is presented in only two categories, and even then in frivolous ones - best job production designer and best design suits. It's a pity - Leo as Gatsby is a miracle how good.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

DiCaprio's next hope for an Oscar is a nomination for Best Actor. Martin Scorsese's black comedy is nominated, among other things, as best movie of the year.

The film is based on the memoirs of the same name by Jordan Belfort, a former New York broker: the story of a successful financial tycoon, in which ups and downs alternate, alcohol and money flow like water, and drugs are used by the main character in such quantities that they would be more than enough for a good half of Hollywood. Leo received the Golden Globe for this tape, and the Oscar eluded him again. About the forty-year-old actor and the golden statuette of the Film Academy, there is already a joke: "Catch me if you can." Ahead of DiCaprio is another cool round of his career. We hope it can!

On the film company's portal Knights Bridge Entertainment and in the special section of the world's largest movie database IMDB, announcements of a film about the Russian president under the same name "Putin" appeared. These announcements state that the film is in a state of "development".

Moreover, the opposition TV channel Dozhd has learned that the main role of Putin himself will be played by the legendary American actor Leonardo DiCaprio. He, according to media reports, "given his preliminary consent to play the role of Vladimir Putin."

"The producer of the project is Mark Damon. Work on the film Putin has been going on for the past year, and now the final version of the script is being approved. The film was written by three authors, and the name of the director is "everyone knows." Several Hollywood stars of the first magnitude are involved in the casting of the film at once , but before the start of filming, the names are not disclosed, "Rain" quotes KBE top manager Valery Saaryan. According to journalists, the shooting of the film will take place in Russia, the USA and Europe - starting in 2016. The film itself will be released in 2017.

The film company also released information that the film will be a "political thriller" based on "facts from the life and work of the president, who found himself at the top of world politics." "From a KGB officer, a prime minister to a president. A mythical man. A look at the personal life and career of one of the most influential people in the world," reads the official description of the future film project.

Earlier, Leonardo DiCaprio (who spoke about his love for Russia and a Russian grandmother) told the German edition of Welt am Sonntag that he dreams of playing the role of Vladimir Putin. “Putin would be very, very, very interesting, I would love to play him,” DiCaprio is sure.

"Look, on the one hand, Putin is the No. 1 leader in the world, the most influential person, a peacemaker, an unbending president of a great power. About him - as if not a third of world news every day. On the other hand, now we have almost " Cold War-2", and Hollywood (let's be honest!) has always worked as a means of influencing millions of people, "introducing" them in the right way, "said the famous Russian director, who asked not to be named (yet) his name.

He added that "Here everything depends on the same DiCaprio. He loves Russia, and as far as I know - sincerely. Will he agree to frank" cranberries ", pumping the myths" Putin has children "," Putin is to blame for ... " "Or will he refuse to act in this case - and there will be a scandal? Or will there still be a sane film, honest? You need to read the script."

The director also explained that "This film will not do without filming in Russia, near the Kremlin or in the Kremlin, in other" powerful "and iconic places. I think that the Kremlin will receive the script of the film when it is contacted for approval - and then we'll find out what kind of blockbuster it will be."


Today, November 11, marks the 40th anniversary of Leonardo DiCaprio - an actor who has proven the legitimacy of his place in the Hollywood elite many times.

1. Name in honor of da Vinci

DiCaprio earned his name, rare for Hollywood, in the Florentine Uffizi Gallery- Pregnant Irmelin DiCaprio (pictured right), an American, was standing in front of a Da Vinci painting when her future son first pushed his mother in the stomach. DiCaprio's agent urged him to give up beautiful name And Italian surname father in favor of the neutral pseudonym Lenny Williams, but 10-year-old Leo did not follow the bad advice.

2. Fired from a children's TV show for "destructive" behavior

Before landing several roles on television (including as a young Mason Capwell in the 2137-episode Santa Barbara), DiCaprio was fired from a children's TV show for "destructive" behavior (at the age of either three or five years old) and managed to scare the teachers with shockingly reliable impersonations of Charles Manson. Leo's Hollywood debut was a role in the humorous horror Critters 3 (pictured).

3. Eminent colleagues were the first to appreciate talent

DiCaprio's eminent colleagues were the first to appreciate his talent. Robert De Niro personally selected Leo from over 400 candidates to play his adopted son in This Boy's Life (pictured). “When Leo works, you can’t tear yourself away from him,” Meryl Streep, who played with him and De Niro in Marvin’s Room, said. “If necessary, I would wear it myself to the shooting,” Sharon Stone echoed her, donating part of her own fee for The Quick and the Dead to DiCaprio.

4. First Oscar nomination - for the role of a mentally retarded

Directors, when it came to Leo, were more likely to have doubts - say, the director of the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape? It seemed to Lasse Hallström that the actor's appearance would detract from his role as a mentally retarded teenager. DiCaprio brilliantly justified the trust placed in him, earned an Oscar nomination and the moral right to apply for other difficult roles. It is symptomatic that handsome Leo shared his first screen kiss with a man - David Thewlis in "Total Eclipse".

5. Regrets not doing Boogie Nights because of Titanic

Baz Luhrmann's title role in "Romeo + Juliet" was the preparatory shot for a salvo of all guns, which turned out to be "Titanic" - a two billion dollar and 11 Oscars sentimental blockbuster that made DiCaprio not just a superstar, but the most recognizable face on the planet . To the credit of the hero and victim of Leomania, he never blamed the phenomenal success of Titanic - although he regretted that filming the film deprived him of the chance to play in Boogie Nights, a film about people from the porn industry.

6. Didn't do The Dreamers because he thought he was old

Other roles that DiCaprio was forced to turn down include those that eventually went to Christian Bale (in the film adaptation of American Psycho), Matt Damon (in De Niro's The False Temptation) and Michael Pitt (in Bertolucci's The Dreamers). , above in the photo). Leo did not use the chance to star in The Dreamers, not for the reason that everyone thought about (there is a rather frank role), but because he considered himself too old for the role of a 20-year-old student.

7. Spielberg and Scorsese - maturity

DiCaprio's acting maturity officially came in December 2002, when Steven Spielberg's "Catch Me If You Can" and Martin Scorsese's "Gangs of New York" were released a few days apart, in which Leo came face to face with Tom. Hanks and Daniel Day-Lewis. Collaboration with Scorsese turned out to be especially significant for DiCaprio - the living classic found in him a second De Niro and led Leo to two Oscar nominations for his roles in The Aviator and The Wolf of Wall Street.

8. Avoids blockbusters, earning tens of millions

DiCaprio eschewed blockbusters for a long time and consistently - until he agreed to star in Christopher Nolan's Inception, which won both critics and box offices (pictured). The current five-year period has proven that in an era when there are practically no reliable stars left in Hollywood, DiCaprio is one of the few people to rely on: five out of six latest films with Leo earned in total nearly $2.3 billion.

9. Actor's victories on the personal front

No less impressive is the illustrated list of the actor's victories on the personal front. Gisele Bündchen, Bar Refaeli, Toni Garrn and Blake Lively who knows how to worm his way in here is a long list. But DiCaprio never married.

10. "Green"

Before becoming the canonical Jay Gatsby and winning a Golden Globe for his most spectacular role (in The Wolf of Wall Street), DiCaprio promised a good break from the movie, focusing on third-party work as an activist of the new "green" (on photo at the environmental march in New York). But he could not resist the temptation to star in Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu - the premiere of the revanchist western "Returner" is scheduled for next Christmas.

11. He is Russian, which explains a lot

12. Leonardo and the Oscars

DiCaprio was nominated for an Oscar four times. For the films "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", "The Aviator", "Blood Diamond" and now - for "The Wolf of Wall Street". One of the most caustic jokes about the eternal flight by says that the Oscar will be given to the actor who will play DiCaprio himself in the biopic. Chelyabinsk also spoke here chamber theater, who made a cast-iron Oscar especially for DiCaprio.

Materials of Elle magazine are used

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