Jack London Wiki. Life story


The famous American writer, author of novels " White Fang », « Martin Eden», « call of the ancestors», « sea ​​wolf» . Many of his adventure stories take place in the Klondike during the Gold Rush. He also has a cycle dedicated to travel in the Pacific Ocean.

He was one of the first professional American writers whose novels were published in popular magazines and, thanks to this, brought their author world fame and condition. At the same time, the writer was active public figure and did not hide his socialist views.

John Griffith Cheney/ John Griffith Chaney, famous as Jack London/ Jack London, born January 12, 1876. His mother Flora Wellman/ Flora Wellman moved to San Francisco from the East Coast and worked as a music teacher. In addition, she arranged seances, claiming to have an astral connection with the spirit of the leader. Indian tribe. It is not known whether she was officially married to Jack's alleged father, an astrologer. William Cheney/ William Chaney, as records of their marriage may have disappeared as a result of the devastating earthquake that struck California in 1906.

Cheney did not want a child, and after his birth, Flora first gave her son to the nurse - a former slave Virginia Prentiss/ Virginia Prentiss, who replaced Jack's mother. Flora then married a veteran civil war John London/ John London and took her son to her.

Back in childhood Jack London became interested in reading, he took books in local library. When he was 13 years old, London began working at a cannery. He hunted for oysters, then got into the sea patrol. At the age of 17, he became a sailor and went on a ship to the shores of Japan. When he returned, he, like many of his compatriots, could not find work due to the economic crisis and wandered for some time. He then returned to Auckland and graduated from high school. Thanks to borrowed money from a local bartender, in 1896 he was able to enter the University of California. By that time, he had already begun to write, inspired by his life experience.

At the age of 21, he became aware of the existence of Cheney, who still denied paternity. As a result of correspondence with Cheney Jack London dropped out of Berkeley and went to Alaska, where the " Golden fever". She inspired London to create the first novels, but the conditions of life in the Klondike led to the fact that the young writer began to have scurvy.

In 1896, Jack London joined the Socialist Labor Party. Later, in 1901, he moved to the New Socialist Party of America.

In 1898 Jack London returned to California determined to make a living literary work. The first published stories barely made it possible to make ends meet. However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a real boom in cheap magazines began, which were sold in large quantities and brought a good income to the authors published in them.

In 1903, one of early novels Jack London « call of the ancestors”, which was a great success with readers. Over the next six years Jack London wrote his own famous novels: « sea ​​wolf"(1904)," White Fang"(1906)," Iron heel "(1908)," Martin Eden» (1909).

In total, during his short life, Jack London wrote more than 200 stories and 21 novels and short stories.

Personal life of Jack London / Jack London

In 1900 Jack London married Elizabeth Maddern/ Elizabeth Maddern - a girl from his circle, with whom he had friendly relations. London did not like Bessie, but believed that she would be an excellent mother to his children. Despite the marriage, he continued to communicate with Anna Stransky/ Anna Strunsky, with whom he wrote “ Letters from Campton to Wes».

In 1901 Bessie London gave birth to a daughter Joan, a year later was born Becky. However, despite the children, the marriage of Jack and Bessie officially broke up in 1904.

In 1905 Jack London married Charmian Kittredge/ Charmian Kittredge, who worked as a secretary to the head of the publishing house in which his books were printed. In 1907, the couple went on a yacht cruise together, visiting Hawaii and Australia. There were no children in London's second marriage.

In 1905, publishing income enabled Jack London to buy a ranch in Sonoma County. The writer moved to the ranch and got carried away agriculture, trying to build an ideal farm on their land, but it turned out to be unprofitable.

Last years life Jack London suffered from kidney disease, bouts of excruciating pain were relieved by morphine. It is possible that the cause of his death was an overdose, either accidental or intentional. The writer died on November 22, 1916 at the age of 40.

Screen adaptations of the novels of Jack London / Jack London

By works Jack London several Soviet films: « Martin Eden"(1976)," sea ​​wolf"(1990)," White Fang"(1991)," Hearts of three"(1992)," Hearts of three 2» (1993). The most famous Hollywood film adaptations are " sea ​​wolf"1941," White Fang» 1991.

In 2009, a mini-series " sea ​​wolf" With Sebastian Koch/ Sebastian Koch,

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Biography, life story of Jack London

Jack London is an American writer and socialist.


January 12, 1876 in the city of San Francisco (California) was born a boy who later became one of the most prominent people in world literature. The boy was named John Griffith Cheney. The mother of the newborn was Flora Wellman, a music teacher who was very fond of spiritualism. birth father John - astrologer William Cheney - was not at all happy that he would soon have a child. He even demanded that Flora have an abortion. However, the woman categorically refused. William continued to insist and brought the pregnant Flora to such a tantrum that she even tried to shoot herself. Fortunately, the woman only slightly injured herself.

When little John was born, he spent the first months of his life not with his own mother, but with Virginia Prentiss, a former slave of Mrs. Wellman. In late 1876, Flora married American Civil War veteran John London. After that, Flora took her son and brought him to a new and big family(Flora's new husband already had two daughters). They began to call the baby John London, and in the family circle and people close to him called him simply Jack.

The London family settled in one of the working areas of San Francisco. At that time, the whole country was in a terrible economic crisis, there was practically no money, people were fired by the thousands. The head of the family tried several times to take up farming in order to feed his family, but Flora, a lover of easy money, constantly interfered with him, assuring him that this was too long and painful way. The family was poor. Londons often moved from place to place, children had to change schools, forget friends. Perhaps this was precisely what served to ensure that the offspring of the Londons became close friends and were able to maintain a warm relationship until the end of their days. The last refuge of the family was the town of Oakland, which is located near San Francisco. It was there that Jack London finally managed to finish elementary school.


Due to the fact that the family was in dire need of money, Jack had to start working very early. So, while still a schoolboy, every morning and every evening he delivered newspapers to the nearest districts. On weekends, he set up skittles in the bowling alley and cleaned the beer pavilions in the park. At the age of fourteen, Jack abandoned his studies and got a job as a worker in a cannery. But the work was too hard for young boy. Jack quit and began to look for new ways to earn money. In the end, he asked Virginia Prentiss, with whom everyone maintained friendly relations, three hundred dollars. A kind-hearted woman could not refuse the boy, who considered her practically her own son. Taking the money, Jack bought a used schooner and started fishing illegally for oysters in San Francisco Bay. A little later, he got a job in the fishing patrol.


At the age of seventeen, Jack London went to work as a sailor on a fishing schooner called the Sophie Sutherland. Team members were engaged in catching fur seals in the Bering Sea. The first long voyage impressed Jack very much, he was amazed by the huge sea ​​spaces, that feeling of freedom and at the same time a sense of defenselessness that the endless water column gives.

After the sailor's work, for some time, Jack London also worked as an ironer in the laundry, and even as a fireman.


At one time, Jack London decided to enter the University of California. He independently prepared for the entrance exams and successfully passed them. However, he studied for only three semesters. Jack simply did not have the money to pay for education in such a prestigious educational institution.

Political Views

In 1894, Jack London got acquainted with the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Socialist ideas impressed the young Jack so much that he immediately joined the Socialist Labor Party of America. In 1900 he became a full member of the Socialist Party of America. In 1914, Jack London renounced his beliefs, claiming he had lost faith in the fighting spirit of socialism.


On November 12, 1893, Jack London's very first essay was published in a San Francisco newspaper. The essay was titled "Typhoon off the coast of Japan". The debut work of a young and talented writer had some success.

In 1894, Jack London took an active part in the march of the unemployed to Washington. It was at that moment that he clearly realized that physical work can't give him everything he wants. Only intellectual work is highly valued. So London came to the conclusion that he urgently needed to become a real writer.

Throughout his life, Jack London published a huge number of works - novels, short stories, plays, short stories, essays ... Each of his creations is a description of real situations that he encountered in his life. None of the works of London is not taken, as they say, from the sky. He himself experienced all those moments (or saw how others experience them) that are captured on the pages of his books.

Jack London wrote in a very light and poetic style. He could deftly and almost imperceptibly for the reader himself instantly immerse him in the thick of events, let him realize and feel the mood of the book. Jack London to this day is one of the few writers who can only clearly characterize the hero through dialogues.

"Golden fever"

In 1897, Jack London succumbed to the general madness and went with his comrades to Alaska in search of gold. At first, they were lucky - friends were able to overtake many gold diggers, get to the Yukon River and stake out one site. Is it true, precious metal they never found it there. As a result, almost all would-be hunters had to return home with nothing. Everyone except Jack London. He brought two things from the trip - scurvy (a disease caused by an acute lack of vitamin C) and images of the future heroes of his books.

Personal life

In January 1900, Jack London was legally married to Elizabeth Maddern, ex-fiancee his dead university friend. Elizabeth gave birth to a wife of two charming daughters - Bess and Joan. True, already in 1902, Jack fell in love with a girl named Charmian Kitterge. The passion between them was so strong that Jack left Elizabeth. In November 1905, Jack and Charmian officially married.


The last years of his life, Jack London was in the deepest creative crisis. At one time, he became so desperate that he began to wash down his pain with alcohol. Depression and alcohol led to the fact that he developed uremia (kidney disease). On November 22, 1916, London died of an overdose of morphine (with his help, Jack coped with constant pain in the lower back). He was only forty years old. Many researchers tend to believe that the writer deliberately took an excessive amount of medicinal product because he no longer had the strength to fight for a place in the sun.

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Photographs by Jack London


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Jack London(born John Griffith Cheney) is an American writer best known for writing adventure stories and novels.

Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. The mother of the future writer, Flora Wellman, was a music teacher and was fond of spiritualism, claiming that she had a spiritual connection with an Indian leader. She became pregnant by the astrologer William Cheney, with whom she lived together for some time in San Francisco. Upon learning of Flora's pregnancy, William began to insist that she have an abortion, but she categorically refused and, in a fit of desperation, tried to shoot herself, but only slightly injured herself.

After the birth of the baby, Flora left him for some time in the care of her former slave Virginia Prentiss, who remained for London important person throughout his life. At the end of the same 1876, Flora married John London, an invalid and a veteran of the American Civil War, after which she took the baby back to her. The boy's name was John London (Jack - diminutive form named John). After some time, the family moved to the city of Oakland, neighboring San Francisco, where London eventually graduated from high school.

Jack London started his own career early working life full of hardships. As a schoolboy, he sold morning and evening newspapers. At the end elementary school At the age of fourteen, he entered a canning factory as a worker. The work was very hard and he left the factory. Was an "oyster pirate", illegally caught oysters in San Francisco Bay. In 1893, he was hired as a sailor on a fishing schooner, going to catch seals to the shores of Japan and the Bering Sea. The first voyage gave London many vivid impressions, which then formed the basis of many of his sea ​​stories and novels. Subsequently, he also worked as an ironer in a laundry and as a fireman.

London's first essay "Typhoon off the coast of Japan", which served as the beginning of his literary career, for which he received the first prize of one of the newspapers of San Francisco, was published on November 12, 1893.

In 1894 he took part in the march of the unemployed to Washington (the essay "Hold on!"), After which he spent a month in prison for vagrancy. In 1895 he joined the Socialist Labor Party of the USA, from 1900 (in some sources 1901 is indicated) - a member of the Socialist Party of the USA, from which he left in 1914 (in some sources 1916 is indicated); the reason for the break with the party in the statement was the loss of faith in its "fighting spirit".

Having independently prepared and successfully passed the entrance exams, Jack London entered the University of California, but after the 3rd semester, due to lack of funds for his studies, he was forced to leave. In the spring of 1897, Jack London succumbed to the "gold rush" and left for Alaska. He returned to San Francisco in 1898, having experienced all the charms of the northern winter. Instead of gold, fate endowed Jack London with meetings with the future heroes of his works.

He began to engage in literature more seriously at the age of 23, after returning from Alaska: the first northern stories were published in 1899, and already in 1900 his first book was published - a collection of stories "The Son of the Wolf". This was followed by the following collections of short stories: "The God of His Fathers" (Chicago, 1901), "Children of the Frost" (New York, 1902), "Faith in Man" (New York, 1904), "Moon Face" (New York , 1906), The Lost Face (New York, 1910), as well as the novels The Daughter of the Snows (1902), The Sea Wolf (1904), Martin Eden (1909). The writer worked very hard, 15-17 hours a day. And he managed to write about 40 great books in his entire not very long writing career.

In 1902, London visited England, in fact, in London, which gave him material for writing the book "People of the Abyss". Upon his return to America, he reads in different cities lectures, mainly of a socialist nature, and organizes departments of the "General Student Society". In 1904-1905 London worked as a war correspondent for Russo-Japanese War. In 1907 the writer undertakes trip around the world. By this time, thanks to high fees, London becomes a wealthy man.

In recent years, London has experienced creative crisis, in connection with which he began to abuse alcohol (later he quit). Because of the crisis, the writer was even forced to buy a plot for a new novel. Such a plot was sold to London beginners American writer Sinclair Lewis. London managed to give the future novel a name - "The Murder Bureau", - but he managed to write quite a bit, as he soon died.

Jack London died on November 22, 1916 in the town of Glen Ellen. In recent years, he suffered from a kidney disease (uremia) and died from poisoning with morphine prescribed to him (many believe that he committed suicide in this way).

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Jack London, whose real name is John Griffith Cheney, was born in the middle of winter - January 12, 1876 in the States. The parents of the future writer cannot be called ordinary: John's mother has always been stubborn, self-willed, besides, she was engaged in spiritualism; his father was an astrologer and loved adventure, which was inherited by Jack London.

Little John received the surname "London" when he was not even a year old. During this time, his mother married a Civil War veteran, John London. Soon the stepfather's surname became creative pseudonym writer. By the way, Jack is just a shortened version of the name John.

Jack has been used to hard work since childhood: as a schoolboy, he sold newspapers. To earn money, he got up before dawn. Both before and after classes, the boy returned to work. Oddly enough, this did not prevent him from reading: as a child, Jack liked adventure literature most of all.

Jack London loved the sea no less than books, so at the age of thirteen he bought a small boat with his own money. On it he made boat trips, fished and read.

When Jack was fifteen, he had to get a job in a cannery, as the family had almost no money to live on. The conditions at the factory were terrible, the wages were paltry, and people were injured every day. Energetic Jack could not stand the monotonous mechanical work So I started looking for alternative ways to make money. So he began to engage in illegal oyster fishing and, becoming a leader wild life, spent everything he earned on drinking parties. Having come to his senses in time, Jack hired a ship for legal work - the extraction of fur seals.

In general, in youth future writer managed to try almost all the “charms” of life: after working for six months on a ship, he joined the march of the unemployed, and as a result, he lived with vagrants for the same amount of time. During this period, Jack decides to still get an education and start a writing career. Now he set to intellectual work: he graduated high school and even passed the entrance exams to the University of California, Berkeley. But since the young London did not have enough money, he had to leave his studies.

Jack began writing his first stories and novels at the age of 22. All his works were constantly returned from the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, which soon served as the basis for writing a novel. After six months of persistent unsuccessful attempts, his story was nevertheless published.

The dizzying success was a real gift of fate for Jack London: now he was earning incomparably more than ever, and could afford everything he wanted. Yes, the writer, who grew up in poverty, highly valued his wealth.

Jack London lived only forty years, but managed to write more than two hundred stories, novellas and novels. His works became known to the whole world, and "White Fang" and "Hearts of Three" are included in school curriculum. But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that this man, thanks to his perseverance, courage and diligence, managed to make his dream come true.

Jack London, bibliography

All Jack London books


  • 1902 - "Daughter of the Snows"
  • 1903 - ""
  • 1903 - Letters from Campton to Wes
  • 1904 - ""
  • 1906 - ""
  • 1908 - ""
  • 1909 - ""
  • 1910 - "Time-does not-wait"
  • 1911 - "Adventure"
  • 1912 - "The Scarlet Plague"
  • 1913 - ""
  • 1914 - "Mutiny on Elsinore"
  • 1915 - "

During the first lesson at school, the teacher asked little boy: "What's your name?", and he replied: "Jack London." Despite the fact that in the book he was recorded as John Griffith Cheney, the guy liked the name Jack very much and remained with him for the rest of his life.

In literature, we also know the writer under this pseudonym, many critics tried to find out all his innermost secrets of life, and some nevertheless became known to the world community.

Jack was born under an unlucky star on January 12, 1876. The marriage of the parents of the astrologer Chani and the respectable Flora was illegal, and not entirely happy. My father wandered the seas for many years and wrote astrological memoirs, and washing went to early youth from home and wandered around various cities and villages, earning a living with music lessons.

At 33, she contracted typhus, became ugly, wore false hair, and kept away from people and society. A fateful day brought them together, when Chani was on the pier of a small town cut off from the world.

Flora gave birth to a child under the ill-fated cries of her husband - kill him and do not show me. She could not stand such torment and shot herself in the temple.

After all these terrible events, the man left the city forever, without recognizing the child as his son.

Later life of Jack London

Later it turned out that Flora's suicide was fake, invented by Chan for his more truthful departure from the city, and the single mother, already in the eighth month of the baby's life, marries John London and lives with him for the rest of her life.

The stepfather loved the child, pampered and honored him, he was a gentle person by nature and a very beautiful person. He brought Jack into the world bright colors, warmth and family comfort. Gave the boy two excellent sisters, from his first marriage, Elsa and Martha.

The family later moved to Oakland, a suburb of San Francisco, due to financial position. Therefore, from the age of 10, the boy already independently earned a living.

In literary biographical sketch he will later remark: “Everything that I have, I owe only to myself!”. Work and only work made Jack strong and strong-willed person.

At first, the child sold newspapers on the streets, when he was 14 years old, Jack went to work at a canning factory. I read, drew, studied a lot mystery stories cities and settlements. At the age of 15, he was called an oyster pirate, because he traded in illegal fishing. sea ​​fish. He sold goods to restaurants and had a good income.

And soon in 1893, as a sailor, he went on a long voyage to the shores of Japan. Returns to native home eight months later with one ambition - to go to university. But in order to earn money and then do all the dirty work, the guy will later write: “I did not know a single horse that would work harder than me!”.

His mother pushed his son to write when Jack spent long evenings telling her about the traveler's great wanderings and turning his dreams into reality. Thus, overnight, Jack London's first short story, "A Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan," appeared.

First prize, praise from the audience and encouraging reviews from critics who did not even suspect that the author of the work was a 17-year-old boy without a completed secondary education.

In 1896 young writer preparing to enter the university. He passed the exams with excellent marks and began to spend happy student days at the educational institution. Unfortunately, Jack studied for only a semester, and then there was not enough money to live on. I had to quit my studies and work all day as an ironer in the Belmont Laundry. He also worked at a jute factory and as a stoker. The author subsequently conveyed this difficult life experience in his autobiographical novel"Martin Eden" (1909).

From the captivity of severe trials, he was pulled out by the Klondai gold rush. On July 25, 1897, the young man sails on a ship to Alaska for the coveted gold. He will spend many months on the verge of life and death, numerous dangers will lie in wait for him at every step. During this time, Young Jack will write many essays and observations, which later will serve him with great honor. Unfortunately, he never earned any money, returned home with empty pockets and found out that his beloved stepfather had died. Now all the responsibility for the family fell on his shoulders.

The whole Klondai experience moved to the pages of the rather famous and popular "Son of the Wolf" these days, critics admired and wrote bright and laudatory reviews. But while this was of little use, Jack worked hard, and after have a hard day sat exhausted at the table and wrote new essays. Everything was so difficult that one rainy day he began to think about death. Thank God that at that moment letters began to arrive from reputable literary publications "Monthly", "Black Cat", which began to pay young talent first fees. Literary luck came to his house!

Later, he will get a job at the Post Office for $65 a day. It was for his family a fortune that allowed Jack to marry his beloved Mabel.

He never stopped writing, his goal was a thousand words a day, and he never backed down from his desires. The spiritual fathers of the writer were Darwin, Spencer, Marx and Nietzsche.

With the first literary successes, confidence and love of life came into his life.

In 1901, he wrote his first novel, The Daughter of the Snows, then collected materials for his other book, The People of the Abyss, and began to receive $ 150 every month for the right to publish.

Grief and disappointment

The mother of her beloved Mabel did not allow her daughter to agree to the proposal of the hand and heart of the ardent Jack, so he, by calculation of the mind, soon married the bride dead friend Bassey. Yes, in marriage they made two daughters, but soon dispersed scandalously. An ardent passion for Charminan, 6 years older than Jack, became a lover. She was never able to give birth to the desired son, and the joint daughter died a month after birth. But the emotional attachment and solidarity of their relationship always warmed the soul of the wandering writer.

In 1908, a serious illness put Jack London to bed, then he undergoes an operation and a year later returns to his ranch in Glen Helen and writes new novel"Time does not wait." Autobiographical essay about difficult life.

Whomever Jack writes about, he always puts the heroes in situations where they must show their best best qualities, show your essence, courage and fortitude.

The last years of the life of the great writer

In 1916, Jack London falls ill with uremia, constant fatigue, depression, lack of joy and pleasure lead the writer to his grave.

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