Sandy teacher questions for the story. Andrey Platonov


Literature lesson on the topic: The story of A. P. Platonov " Sand teacher". Essay analysis. problem in the story.

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of students holistic vision problems of the story "Sand teacher".

Tutorial: to acquaint students with the problems, compositional and plot features story;

Developing: development of logical and figurative thinking; formation of dialogic skills;

Educational: on the example of the image main character to form an active life position, civil courage.

Lesson type: lesson of new knowledge.

Lesson form: dialogue lesson using computer slides.

Methods and techniques: partial search; visual, verbal

Visual materials: portrait of A.P. Platonov, text of the story “The Sandy Teacher”, slide presentation, reproduction of the painting “Christ in the Desert”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. Teacher's word.

A. P. Platonov’s story “The Sandy Teacher” tells about the life of a young teacher, belonging to a generation of honest, purposeful people who believe in a bright future for people, real enthusiasts of their work, striving to transform the world and devote themselves to building a new life, new relationships between people, between peoples in the era of eradication of illiteracy.

II. Definition of the topic, goal setting.

1 . 1) Why is the story called “The Sandy Teacher”?

2) What issues are raised in the work?

3) Formulate the objectives of the lesson. (slide 2)

4) Work with the epigraph: It will be difficult for you

Yes, you have a heart

And the heart and mind will come,

And from the mind, even the difficult will become easy.

(From the collection of fairy tales by A. Platonov)

III. Quiz - test knowledge of the text (slide 4)

1). How old was Maria Nikiforovna when she started teaching?

2). Why didn't the children in the village go to school?

3). Which new item had to teach the teacher?

4). Could Maria Nikiforovna help the inhabitants of the desert?

5). Did she stay in Khoshutov forever?

IV. Text research work.

The events of the story “The Sandy Teacher” take place in the desert. According to a Western European scientist, an expert on Carol's symbols, in the desert a person manifests his most strengths. Jesus Christ, according to biblical tradition, went into the wilderness for forty days without food or drink to strengthen his spirit.

Painting “Christ in the Desert” (slide 5)

Lyrical hero A. S. Pushkin's poem "Prophet" inspiration in the image of Seraphim also appears in the desert: Spiritual thirst tormented,

In the gloomy desert I dragged myself

And a six-winged seraph

He appeared to me at a crossroads. (slide 6)

V. Image of the desert. (Work on text)(slide 7)

2. Why scary picture devastating storm in the dead Central Asian desert ends with a description of another land “filled with the ringing of life”, which seemed to the traveler beyond the sea of ​​dunes?

3. What was the desert for the villagers?

4. Find a description of the desert, transformed by the efforts of the villagers and the young teacher.

5. What is the character's action? (slide 8)

(Giving your young years and your whole life to the service of people, voluntarily giving up personal happiness).

Highlighting “Values” - serving people. (slide 9)

Pupils highlight their (modern) understanding of this value, as well as that other understanding.

6. What is the purpose of serving people?

Hypothesis : If a person gives all of himself to serve people, his life has meaning.

Maria realized that it was necessary to help people in the fight against the desert

She did not lose all her strength, stamina, and yet she achieved her own goals.

She decided to sacrifice herself to save her village.

Answer: The meaning of service to people is selfless performance of work that improves the lives of others.

Conclusion: People like Maria are needed. I recall the words of N. A. Nekrasov: (slide 10)

Mother nature! When would such people

You sometimes did not send to the world -

Life would have died out...

7. The heroine achieves results, but at what cost?

“I returned as a 70-year-old woman, but…

VI. regional component.

1. Until the 70s of the XX century, visiting teachers worked in schools in our area. They, like the “sand teacher”, were sent to us. Their merit is the education and training of local personnel, familiarization with culture, etc.

Filimonova Lyudmila Arkadyevna came to work in her native school and works to this day. Her pedagogy is ___ years.

VII. Reading an essay.

VIII. Presentation display. The song "teacher" sounds

IX. Outcome. Ratings

X. Homework.

Write a mini-essay on the topic “The role of a teacher in the countryside” (slide 11).

A. Platonov's story "The Sandy Teacher" was written in 1927. The heroine of this story, Maria Nikiforovna Naryshkina, is a young teacher who, after graduating from pedagogical courses, ended up in a remote village lost in the sands.
The existence of the villagers is reduced to a constant, exhausting struggle with the sands: “Maria Nikiforovna also saw almost unnecessary work, because the cleared places were again covered with sands, silent poverty and humble despair.”
Platonov divides the short story into five small chapters. This technique turns the story of Naryshkina, as it were, into a short story about three truly heroic years of her life - years filled with work for the benefit of people.
From the first chapter, we learn the background of this young, but such a strong woman. We learn about her calm, cloudless life in parental home, about a father-teacher who doted on his daughter and tried to do everything so that his little Mary had happy childhood, so as not to inadvertently inflict "deep, non-healing scars" on his daughter.
And after completing the courses, Maria plunged into adulthood. She was assigned as a teacher in the village of Khoshutovo, located "on the border with the dead Central Asian desert." Platonov writes that the heroine of his story grew up in the sands, "the desert was his homeland." But where this girl comes from, she saw “the sandy steppes of the Caspian region agitated by the lightest breeze, caravans of camels leaving for Persia, tanned merchants.” There was some poetry in it homeland Maria Nikiforovna. To match the harsh nature sandy land that demands the maximum from people vitality, energy, and the character of the heroine - strong, courageous, persistent.
Here, in Khoshutov, the girl saw the "almost unnecessary", meaningless work of the peasants, since the cleared places were again covered with sand; saw "silent poverty and humble despair", completely badlands, hungry children. Naturally, the peasants did not feel any interest in the school: "The strong, cheerful, courageous nature of Naryshkina began to get lost and go out." The school was empty.
The girl understood that "the peasants will go anywhere for those who will help them overcome the sands, and the school stood aside from this local peasant business." And then Maria Nikiforovna (it is symbolic that the author of the story respectfully calls the young girl by name - patronymic, paying tribute to her courage, strong character) decides to take up the fight against the sands. The government refused her real help, only provided her with literature on the culture of the sands.
But the girl did not despair, she led the fight against the sands, studied many books on the sand business. She managed to organize the business in such a way that in a year Khoshutovo was unrecognizable: it was surrounded on all sides by green plantings, a pine nursery; every day the desert became friendlier, greener. And it is strange to realize that this magic, created, however, by human hands, is entirely the merit of a young girl who has barely graduated from the institute, so inexperienced!
When, three years later, the nomads rudely trampled all the greenery, drank all the water in the wells, Maria found the courage to go to the leader of the nomads, go with "young malice" to accuse him of inhumanity and cruelty. Maria Nikiforovna was ready to start all over again: to raise the destroyed village, to revive it to life.
But the girl receives another task, even more difficult: she is offered to go to another village, to Safuta, in order to teach its inhabitants what the peasants from the village of Khoshutova already know how to cultivate sands. The desire to save the peoples, "squeezed in the dunes of the sands," made the heroine say "yes." She remembered the words of the leader of the nomads: “Our steppe, young lady. Why did the Russians come? He who is hungry and eats the grass of his homeland is not a criminal.”
This smart and noble woman decided to sacrifice herself, her life for the sake of saving the village. Isn't it strength of character to give not just your young years, but your whole life to the service of people, voluntarily renouncing personal happiness? Isn't it strength of character to help those who destroyed your achievements and victories? Even the short-sighted boss recognized this girl's amazing courage: "You, Maria Nikiforovna, could manage a whole people, not a school."
Is it a woman's job to "manage the people"? But it turned out to be within her power, a simple teacher, and most importantly, strong woman. How much has she already achieved? But how many victories she still has to win ... I think a lot. Unwittingly believe in such a person. They can only be proud!

Andrei Platonovich Platonov lived a rich, meaningful life. He was an excellent engineer, worked hard to benefit the young socialist republic. First of all, the author was remembered for his small prose. In it, Platonov tried to convey to readers the ideals that society should strive for. The embodiment of bright ideas was the heroine of Platonov's story "The Sandy Teacher". This in a feminine way the author touched upon the topic of giving up personal life for the sake of public affairs.

The prototype of the Platonic teacher

Platonov's story "The Sandy Teacher", a summary of which you can read below, was written in 1927. And now mentally transport yourself to the 20s of the last century. Post-revolutionary life, building a big country...

Literary scholars believe that the prototype of the main character of Platonov's story "The First Teacher" was the author's bride, Maria Kashintseva. Once, as a student practice, the girl went to the village to fight illiteracy. This mission was very noble. Maria was also frightened by too violent feelings and courtship of Andrei Platonovich, so she made a kind of escape into the outback. The writer dedicated many touching lines to his beloved in his stories and novels.

Storyline of the story

"The Sandy Teacher", a summary of which we provide, takes the reader to the Central Asian desert. Do you think by accident? Western European experts believe that the most powerful features of a person are revealed in the desert. Biblical tradition says that Christ wandered in the wilderness for 40 days, did not eat or drink anything, strengthened his spirit.

Maria Naryshkina had a wonderful childhood with wonderful parents. Her father was very wise man. Working as a teacher, he did a lot for the development of his daughter. Then Maria studied at pedagogical courses in Astrakhan. After graduation, she is sent to the remote village of Khoshutovo, which is near the desert itself in Central Asia. The sands made life very difficult local residents. They could not engage in agriculture, they had already given up and abandoned all undertakings. Nobody even wanted to go to school.

The energetic teacher did not give up, but organized a real battle with the elements. After consulting with agronomists in the district center, Maria Nikiforovna organized the planting of sheluga and pine. These actions made the desert more welcoming. Residents began to respect Maria, students came to school. Only soon the miracle ended.

Soon the village was raided by nomads. Plantings they destroyed, water from wells used. The teacher is trying to negotiate with the leader of the nomads. He asks Maria to teach forestry to the inhabitants of a neighboring village. The teacher agrees and decides to devote herself to saving the villages from the sands. She encourages the residents and believes that someday forest plantations will flaunt here.

The image of the teacher - the conqueror of nature

A. S. Pushkin wrote: "We will reward our mentors for the good." It is a mentor, and not a teacher, that the main character in the book "Sandy Teacher" can be called. Summary does not convey the ruthlessness and coldness of the desert to people. Only purposeful, with active life position one can resist it. In her actions, Maria Nikiforovna uses humanity, justice, and tolerance. The teacher does not shift the fate of the peasants to anyone and looks to the future with optimism. Once she dreams of coming to the village along the forest road.

Topics, issues and values ​​raised by the author

The main characters of The Sandy Teacher served Platonov to convey the main idea - the value of knowledge for the villagers and entire nations. Maria proudly carries out her main mission - to give knowledge. For the inhabitants of the village of Khoshutovo, the most important thing was to plant plants, strengthening the soil and creating forest belts.

The heroes of the story almost do not communicate, this style of narration can be called reportage. The author only narrates and describes the actions. The feelings of the characters are conveyed by Platonov very emotionally. There are many metaphors and colorful expressions in the story.

Central to the book is the theme of cultural exchange. The author proclaims special values- friendships and location common language with various figures, even with nomads.

The story of A.P. Platonov's "Sandy Teacher" was written in 1927, but in terms of its problems and the attitude of the author expressed towards it, this story is more similar to Platonov's works of the early 20s. Then the worldview of the novice writer allowed critics to call him a dreamer and "environmentalist of the entire planet." Speaking about human life on Earth, the young author sees how many places on the planet and, in particular, in Russia, are unsuitable for human life. Tundra, swampy areas, arid steppes, deserts - all this a person could transform by directing the right direction their energy and using the latest achievements of science. Electrification, melioration of the whole country, hydraulic engineering - that's what worries young dreamer seems necessary to him. But leading role people must play in these transformations. " Small man”should “wake up”, feel like a creator, a person for whom the revolution was made. Just such a person appears before the reader the heroine of the story "The Sandy Teacher". At the beginning of the story, twenty-year-old Maria Naryshkina graduated from pedagogical courses and received a job assignment, like many of her friends. The author emphasizes that outwardly the heroine is “a young healthy man, looking like a youth, with strong muscles and firm legs. Such a portrait is not accidental. The health and strength of youth is the ideal of the 20s, where there is no place for weak femininity and sensitivity. In the life of the heroine there were, of course, experiences, but they tempered her character, developed an “idea of ​​life”, gave her confidence and firmness in her decisions. And when she was sent to a distant village "on the border with the dead Central Asian desert", this did not break the will of the girl. Maria Nikiforovna sees extreme poverty, "heavy and almost unnecessary work" of the peasants, who daily clear away places filled with sand. She sees how the children in her lessons lose interest in fairy tales, how they lose weight before her eyes. She understands that in this village, "doomed to extinction", something needs to be done: "you cannot teach hungry and sick children." She does not give up, but calls on the peasants to vigorous activity- to fight the sands. And although the peasants did not believe her, they agreed with her.

Maria Nikiforovna is a person of active action. She turns to the authorities, to the district department of public education, and does not lose heart because she is given only formal advice. Together with the peasants, she plants bushes and arranges a pine nursery. She managed to change the whole life of the village: the peasants got the opportunity to earn extra money, "began to live more calmly and well." About her two closest friends, the author says that they are “real prophets new faith in a desert".

The arrival of the nomads inflicts the most terrible blow on Maria Nikiforovna: after three days there was nothing left of the plantations, the water in the wells disappeared. Tossing about “from this first, real sadness in her life”, the girl goes to the leader of the nomads - not to complain and cry, she goes “with young anger”. But, having heard the leader’s arguments: “He who is hungry and eats the grass of the motherland is not a criminal,” she secretly admits that he was right and still does not give up. She again goes to the head of the district and hears an unexpected proposal: to transfer to an even more distant village, where “nomads who are switching to settled life” live. If these places were transformed in the same way, then the rest of the nomads would settle on these lands. And of course, the girl cannot help but hesitate: is it really necessary to bury her youth in this wilderness? She would like personal happiness, a family, but, understanding "the whole hopeless fate of the two peoples, squeezed into the dunes of the sands," she agrees. She looks at things realistically and promises to come to the district in 50 years "not along the sand, but along the forest road", realizing how much time and work it will take. But this is the character of a fighter, a strong man who does not give up under any circumstances. She has a strong will and a sense of duty that prevails over personal weaknesses. Therefore, the manager is certainly right when she says that she would "manage the whole people, not the school." The "little man" who consciously preserves the achievements of the revolution will be able to transform the world for the sake of the happiness of his people. In the story “The Sandy Teacher”, a young woman becomes such a person, and the firmness and determination of her character are worthy of respect and admiration.

The story "The Sandy Teacher" was written by Platonov in 1926 and published in the collection "Epifan Gateways" (1927), as well as in the newspaper "Literary Wednesday" No. 21 for 1927. Platonov's wife Maria Kashintseva became the prototype of Maria Naryshkina. In 1921, Platonov's fiancee eliminated illiteracy in a village 60 km from Voronezh, running away from a relationship with her future husband.

In 1931, the film "Aina" was created based on the story.

Literary direction and genre

The work belongs to the direction of realism. Platonov in the second edition was working on a realistic explanation of how the Russians appeared in Khoshutov. He calls them settlers, suggesting that they could have settled there during the period of the Stolypin agrarian reform. Platonov, for realism, changes the interval for the appearance of nomads from 5 years to 15, but the settlement could hardly have arisen and stayed on the path of the nomads.

Another thing is the story of the taming of the sands. Indeed, there are cases when villages and villages were resettled because of the advancing sands. Platonov in a white autograph defines the genre of the work as an essay, as he conveys in it practical knowledge for sand control. The story is the plot of a whole novel-education, which tells about the formation of the hero.

Theme and issues

The theme of the story is the formation of personality, the problem of choice. The main idea is that in order to achieve life goals, one needs not only determination, but also wisdom, humility in front of life circumstances. In addition, Platonov in the 5th chapter solves the philosophical question of the coexistence of two ways of life - settled and nomadic. The heroine understands the intention of the Soviet employee and voluntarily, even with joy, accepts the lifelong role of a sandy teacher.

Rise also social problems associated with the neglect of power towards people (Maria is politely listened to, they shake hands as a sign of the end of the conversation, but they help only with advice). But they are asked to devote their whole lives to a social cause. Relevant to the story philosophical problems sacrifices and rewards, gratitude, inspiration, wisdom and short-sightedness.

Plot and composition

A short story consists of 5 chapters. In the first chapter, the childhood and studies of the main character are retrospectively mentioned, and her father is characterized. The present in the story begins with the fact that the young teacher Maria Nikiforovna Naryshkina is sent to the distant village of Khoshutovo on the border with the Central Asian desert. The second part is about how after 3 days, having arrived in a small village, Maria Naryshkina faced the senseless hard work of the peasants, who cleared the yard spaces again covered with sand.

The third part is about trying to teach children to read and write. The peasants were so poor that the children had nothing to wear, they were starving. When two children died in winter, the teacher guessed that the peasants did not need any science, except for the science of fighting the sands and conquering the desert.

Maria Nikiforovna turned to the district with a request to send a teacher of sand science. But she was advised to educate the peasants herself with the help of books.

The fourth part tells how the village has changed in 2 years. Only six months later, the peasants agreed to work twice a year for a month. community service for landscaping Khoshutov. After 2 years, the shelyuga (a half-meter red shrub) already protected the gardens and wells, pine trees grew in the village.

The last part is the climax. After 3 years, all the fruits of labor of the teacher and peasants were destroyed. When the nomads passed through the village (which happened every 15 years), their animals gnawed and trampled the plants, drank water from the wells, the teacher went to the leader of the nomads, then to the district with a report. Zavokrono suggested that Maria Nikiforovna go to the even more distant village of Safuta, where the settled nomads lived, in order to teach them how to fight the sands. Maria Nikiforovna resigned herself and agreed.

Thus, compositionally, the story is divided into several stages in the process of becoming a person: study and dreams about the future application of one's skills, difficult start activities, successes, the collapse of hopes and disappointment, awareness through the sacrifice of one’s true purpose and humble acceptance of one's own destiny.

Heroes and images

The main character is Maria Naryshkina, who is described in the second sentence in masculine: "He was a young healthy man." The appearance of the heroine emphasizes the resemblance to a young man, strong muscles and firm legs. That is, the heroine is strong and hardy. The author seems to be specially preparing her for physical tests.

Maria experiences mental suffering while studying at pedagogical courses, from 16 to 20 years old, when “both love and a thirst for suicide” happened in her life. These shocks prepared her for independent living in a remote village on the border with the desert. Self-confidence and a calm character were raised by a father who did not explain the events of the revolution and the civil war.

Maria also fell in love with her desert homeland from childhood, learned to see her poetry, similar to the fairy tales of the Thousand and One Nights: tanned merchants, camel caravans, distant Persia and the Pamir plateau, from where sand flew.

For the first time, Maria encountered the elements of the killing desert on the way to Khoshutovo, having survived a sandstorm. The forces of the desert did not break the young teacher, as they broke the peasants. The death from starvation and disease of two students out of 20 made Naryshkina think. Her "strong, cheerful and courageous nature" found a way out: she learned the gritty business herself and taught others.

For the peasants, the teacher became almost a god. She even had “prophets of the new faith” and many friends.

The first sadness in the teacher's life was connected with the collapse of her new faith in victory over the elements. The new element - the hunger of nomadic tribes - also did not break the girl. She knows how to objectively judge people. Wise is the answer of the leader, and the answer of the circle, which at first seemed unreasonable to the girl.

The choice of Maria Naryshkina to go to an even greater wilderness is not a sacrifice, as a result of which Maria allowed herself to be buried in the sand, but a conscious life goal.
The leader of the nomads in the story is contrasted in a straight line. The leader is wise, he understands the hopelessness of the struggle of nomads with settled Russians for grass. Zavokrono at first seems to Mary narrow-minded, but then she catches him exact calculation: when nomads move to sedentary life, they will stop destroying the greenery in the villages.

The story shows how a myth and a fairy tale form a person's personality, and a person then transforms the space, turning it into a fairy tale. Geography, the story of distant lands, was the poetry of the heroine. The thirst for conquering spaces, mixed with love for the motherland, prompted Mary to go to remote villages in order to make the myth of the green spaces of the former desert come true.

Artistic originality

The story contrasts the deadness of the Central Asian desert and the liveliness of the heroine herself and her idea of ​​landscaping, “the art of turning the desert into living earth". The dead is conveyed by metaphorical epithets and metaphors deserted sands, unsteady sandy graves, hot wind for dead children, steppe extorted from itself, steppe died long ago, half-dead tree.

At the climax of her decision, Maria Naryshkina sees her youth buried in sandy desert, and herself - who died in the shelugovy bush. But she replaces this dead picture with a living picture, she imagines herself as an old woman driving along a forest road from the former desert.

Landscapes in the story are an important part of the idea, realizing the antithesis of the living and the dead.

The short story is full of aphorisms: “Someday youth will not be defenseless”, “Someone dies and swears”, “He who is hungry and eats the grass of the motherland is not a criminal”.

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