Scenario names in the history of the small motherland. Scenario of the evening of the edge day


My small homeland is the village of Dubrovka. (Screen saver)

Bryansk is our land, our Motherland.Where does it begin?(in the background of the song "Where does the Motherland begin?").

Pupil: Where does the Motherland begin?It begins with a trembling and carefully his attitude to nature, to the first lily of the valley, which you did not dare to pick, to spring, which you cleared with your hands kami.

Student: Where does the Motherland begin? She begins with pride in one's ancestors, whom this earth has nurtured and nurtured...

Pupil: Where does the Motherland begin?It starts with a memory, with a broken helmet, with the surname beza minted soldier who was brought to Knee gu memory...

Leading: We turn the pagesthe history of the village of Dubrovka, its heroic pastth and present. You will learn about what how the village lives - our small homeland. So sing along dem in my land.


Let's go to my land, to the fields, to the meadows of the Bryansk region,

Nowhere have I seen a better edge.

I'm here on "you" with any stream and grove,

This is the beginning of everything for me...


1 There are such places in vast Russia

What you won’t find on large maps

In a special way the sky there seems blue

There is a special smell of cherries

This is the place where you were born

Often referred to as a province

Only the edge of relatives and there is no more beautiful

He will always be the only one for us.

2 I am happy: my homeland is a village.
It gave me the joy of creativity.
And I draw strength from the earth,
Which fathers could save

I am glad that there is a native land in life.
I cannot count my favorite places in it.
And if they ask where my soul is,
I will answer: “The houses where I was born!”

The word "motherland" comes from ancient word"genus", which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship and each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family.

What is homeland for a person? The country where he lives? The house where he was born and raised. Or maybe a birch at the native threshold? Probably, all this taken together is the Motherland, that is, the most dear and dear place to the heart, about which so many poems and songs have been written. "For most people, the feeling of the Motherland, the Fatherland is supplemented by the feeling of the homeland of the small, original, homeland in the sense of native places, fatherland," wrote the poet A. Tvardovsky. Every person should have a feeling of love for his country, for his Motherland, for his land. Everyone should love their homeland and be proud that he has it. Not without reason, many people who went abroad, until the end of their days, could not get rid of the aching feeling of homesickness. And this despite the fact that the majority of life in a foreign land has developed successfully. Homeland, parents, home, family - these are the roots of every person, this is something without which it is impossible to live in the world. Here the water is clearer, and the sky is doves, and the sun is brighter. The biography of each person begins with a small homeland.

“You are my native land! My small homeland!

Scenario solemn event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Kursk region.

Target: to form civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral

personality traits of students by means of visual

activities; cultivate love for the small motherland.


To instill love for the native land, to develop the desire to study the history of the native land to maintain a careful and respectful attitude towards the memory of their ancestors;

Develop students' creative and communication skills;

Moral and aesthetic education schoolchildren through involvement in active creative activity;

Age of participants: 5-11 grades

Preparatory work:

    For decoration of the hall (balloons, posters)

    Choose costumes for participants

    Choose musical arrangement

Leading the song E. Krylatov on the next. L. Derbeneva "Song of the native land" take the stage.

1 leader.

How many fabulous places at Russia.

There are countless regions in Russia.

Maybe it's more beautiful somewhere

But it will not be dearer than here!

2 leader.

Kursk region!

An agitated bird

My soul flies to you.

Everyone who was born a chicken

Keep the spirit of the homeland in your heart!

3 leading.

And in breadth, and in the distance lay the native land,

Where every corner of it is good;

But there is no mile of native land in fate,

Where you were born and live.

4 leading.

The earth lies, warmed by care,

What do they give her peasant sons,

Soaked in blood, hot sweat,

From our days to antiquity.

1 leader.

You are famous for your glory

Since the days of the epic, apparently for a reason,

My native Kursk side -

Russian nightingale places.

The song "Kursk Territory" sounds (Alexey Pogibelov)

A girl in a costume representing the Kursk region comes out, performs several dance movements to the song, stops in the center of the stage.

2 Lead. Each nation has its own history, its heroes, its own memory. The ancient Kursk region, famous for the nightingale trills, is part of glorious history Russian people. This region is not to be confused with any other. Anyone who has been here is imbued with sincere respect for the ancient cities on the banks of the Tuskari and the Seim - Kursk, Rylsk, Lgov, Sudzha, Oboyan. Known for a long time, inhabited talented people, the Kursk region has rightfully become an important link in the long chain of the history of the development of the Russian state, being for several centuries strong point at first Kievan Rus, and then the Muscovite state in their fight against external enemies, in expanding trade relations, in strengthening the economy and defense.

(Under musical accompaniment warriors appear.

Glorious is our land proud of victories,

Glorious for those places where there were battles

We repulsed the Tatar-Mongolian hordes,

They securely fortified their borders.

We stood up like a wall - trouble will only come,

Protecting our native lands;

And in the regiment of Prince Igor there were Kuryans,

The brave ones are those who were fed from the spear.

Our commanders are highly valued,

That they led us to victories in a deadly struggle;

And Donskoy and Nevsky glory does not fade,

And Suvorov and Kutuzov are in our destiny.

We fought for Rus', we fought for freedom,

Each of our battles with the enemies of heroism was holy;

Here we once had a wild field,

And now the cities and villages are standing here.

There is nothing more precious than the native land,

What is a reliable stronghold for everyone in life;

And our holy faith lives in centuries,

That our people will always prosper.

(they leave to the music)

The song " Kursk Bulge- Kursk Territory "(Evgeny2 Cherepnin)

Children with fragments of the Coat of arms and the Flag of the Kursk region go out to the music, performing dance moves, the Coat of arms and the Flag of the region are folded from fragments.

Presenter 1

First, you united the family,

Districts, in fraternal - a colorful bouquet!

You gave them maternal love,

And as if, children, brought to light!

Lead 2.

Districts, cherished, cherished, loved,

As if, hostess, - indoor flower,

And gradually, each turned,

In a picturesque paradise!

Lead 1.

Let's go through your districts

For your anniversary! All as one will come

And like a mother, with a smile and a bow,

They will bring you a bouquet for happiness!

Song. "Kursk Territory" (Basmanov Sergey)

A group of children comes out - readers. Children give a hand to the "Kursk region" and lead them forward.

You are young! Your anniversary is not years

And 80 is still not a century.

And, as a worthy ruler of nature,

Here the main thing remains - a man!

endured hardships, hardships,

Aimed only at success

Blessed be, Rus' great pride!

Always - today, tomorrow and forever!

Your years are not old age - nonsense!

As long as you are young at heart!

With our love you will become more beautiful and sweeter,

With avenues - beauties, with the decoration of the squares.

Words are not caressed native side.

You stand for centuries, my pearl!

Song "I look into the blue lakes"

Leaders come out.

1 leader.

Hospitality and kindness
Our Kursk region is famous.
Here for you and Russian songs,
And a honey loaf.

2 leader.

My dear side! Such a painful native land!
You ring in me with a ringing song, you live with me the same fate.
So mysterious, wonderful, with a beautiful pure soul
And with the trill of a nightingale, and with a song about our Kursk Root.
(the song "Root" sounds)

1 Lead:


2 Host: Remembering and loving our Motherland is our duty!

Peaceful work on earth is the main thing
We live for the coming ages
Illuminated with good glory
Famous countrymen
IN new music you hear the old
Above the water of man-made seas,
Kursk Territory - Small Motherland
Honor and pride of my Russia

Song about the Kursk region

Alyosha Boroznyak

Song about the Kursk region

My heart is my native land,
I'm happy here with you
Pain and longing - away from the chest!
Reward me with your strength!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,

Nightingale land, I will dawn yours
I give this line to the Kuryans!

IN long road, a long way,
Better than you will never be found
Your apple trees unearthly aroma
As if a magnet always beckons back!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,
I cry, I love, I breathe deeply ...
Nightingale land, I will dawn yours
I give you all this line!

Trills and maples, the whisper of foliage,
The smell of lilacs, your lakes,
Everything for me is you, my dear land,
Forever bloom and prosper!

I sing a song, I praise, I write,
I cry, I love, I breathe deeply ...
Nightingale land, I will dawn yours
Thanks for every line...










Goals and objectives:

  • cognitive: familiarizing students with folk traditions Russian, Bashkir and Kazakh culture, with the history of the native land, objects ancient life;
  • Educational: education of citizenship, patriotism, love for one's native land, the formation of a tolerant consciousness of students, the adoption of a respectful attitude towards different nationalities;
  • Educational: development of family creativity and cooperation between the family and the school, fostering a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in one's family;

Decor: the name of the holiday “My land is my home”, in the center is a map of the Orenburg region, around the map are pictures of the peoples inhabiting the region in national costumes


  • costume for brownie Kuzi,
  • grandmother's chest with relics,
  • situation cards for dads
  • quiz question cards
  • paper, pens for commands

Presenter 1:

Oh, holy motherland,
What heart does not tremble
blessing you?

Lead 2: Our Motherland is Russia. But everyone living in this vast country has close to heart a place where you want to return again and again. For us, this place is our Orenburg region.

Student 1: (reading a poem)

native land
(R.P. Gerasimov)

On the map - with a palm or even smaller,
And on foot - try to bypass it!
Look: endless - endless
All steppes and steppes run ahead.

Can I express the river in words?
I better comparison did not find
By the hard hand of the native Orenburg region,
Like a blue vein, the Urals flow...

The people are rooted, hard-working, broad-shouldered,
The soul of the people, like the steppe, is wide.
Go to the dance:
Movements that shots.
And songs are slower than clouds.

I love everything here
And everything here is familiar to me:
And the sky, and the sun that wanders in the bread.
Remembered forever
How in parental home
Smelly loaf in maternal hands.
And does the heat dry us,
Are snowstorms blizzard
We are proud, having generously washed the fields afterwards,
What's in the Emblem of our Motherland
Bread of the Orenburg region
We woven with golden ears of corn.

Presenter 1: (reading a poem)

My land

My Orenburg region,
The edge of wormwood!
The world of trembling aspens and birches.
Over the steppe road loamy
salt flash,
The fading of white grew.
In the old year, almost epic
From the Volga gloomy land
On this long, long road
My father and grandfather came here.
I walked and ran along it,
He fell prostrate on a distant boundary.
To their last night now
I come to stand in silence.
I embrace the earth with my soul
Dear until the end of days.
Clouds like cherries in white May
Float slowly over it.

Lead 2: But each person also has a small homeland.

Student 2: (reading a poem)

Small homeland
(V. Tikhomirov)

Small home!
My father's land, I am your blade of grass.
You can leave...
Nobody will judge.
How many people are sitting at the stations
People believe in a bright future.
What lies ahead for them?
Maybe I'll leave one day too
I have seen better places in Russia.
But is it really not important for the heart,
Where two cherry bushes will bloom.

Small home!
My father's land, I am your blood.
The sun bakes or bad weather beats,
Without you, I'm like a fire without fire.

Presenter 1: At the confluence of the rivers - Kuraganka and Blyavy - The village is located, Blyavtamak is my native.

Lead 2:

Here in the world we are year after year
We live helping each other
And lives here with us
History of the native land.

Presenter 1: Small homeland, Father's house, the family is the beginning of all beginnings.

We are Family.
Fatherly strict
We have native lands.
And the Fatherland, too, in the end -
No, not just a people, but a family.

We are united in love and faith
We are united by land and labor.
And open doors to friendship
To our solid, sustainable home.

Lead 2: Today our families will open their friendly doors for us.

(Representation of families).

Presenter 1: Our families will be evaluated by the Family Council consisting of:

(Introduction of the members of the jury).

So we start our holiday "My land is my home."

Lead 2:

The family is like a fortress - impregnable, indestructible,
And every year it gets stronger and stronger.
Everyone has their own - united and loved,
And it is famous for its foundations, its tradition.

Presenter 1: So, according to tradition, the first contest "Business Card".

(Families present their business cards.)

Lead 2: The ethnic picture of our region is many-sided. The land of the Orenburg region is very ancient, preserving the memory of many generations and historical events. There are about 80 nationalities in the region. As part of the multinational population of the Orenburg region, in particular, Russians, Bashkirs, and Kazakhs live. Therefore today in competitive program families of different nationalities are involved.

Presenter 1: The culture of the Orenburg region consists of ancient traditions and customs of different nations, which are carefully preserved, respected and passed down from generation to generation. And today, our contestants will demonstrate the features of the national song, dance and cuisine. You probably already noticed that our contestants are in national costumes. Please show them.

(Families display their National costumes, perform national songs, dances, offer their dishes to the audience and the jury).

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the Family Council (card scores).

Lead 2:

I am happy: my homeland is a village.
It gave me the joy of creativity.
And I draw strength from the earth,
Which the fathers were able to save.

I am glad that there is a native land in life.
I cannot count my favorite places in it.
And if they ask where my soul is,
I will answer: “The houses where I was born!”

And now our contestants will have to answer the questions of a quiz dedicated to their native land.

Local history:

  1. When was the village of Blyavtamak formed?
  2. Where does the Kuraganka river originate, and why is it called that?
  3. In what year was Blyavtamakskaya opened high school?


  1. How is the name of the river "Blyava" translated from the Bashkir language?
  2. How is the name of the village "Blyavtamak" translated from Bashkir?
  3. How is the Yaman-Kas copper ore deposit translated from the Bashkir language?


  1. Name the rivers that flow through the territory of our city and are polluted by industrial effluents, household waste.
  2. For what reason were the waters of the Kherson reservoir drained?
  3. Name the enterprises of the city, the production of which adversely affects the ecology of the city of Mednogorsk.

Presenter 1: A word to the family council (scores for costumes, dance, song, dish).

Lead 2: In today's world it is difficult, uncomfortable. People sometimes, not noticing each other, run somewhere, inattentive to each other. We argue, we regret good word And warmth for your near and dear ones.

Presenter 1: And it depends only on us what our house will become - a continuation of these problems, turmoil, uncertainty and anxiety, or a source of vigor, optimism, warmth and tolerance.

Lead 2: The British said correctly, locking the door: “My house is my fortress”

Presenter 1: And I propose to open the gates, lower the bridges, open the windows and let them into your fortresses more light and warmth.

(Suddenly, the light begins to flash on the stage, hooting, the sound of a broken bowl are heard).

Lead 2: What is this? Who is this?

(There is a “quacking” and “Brownie” appears on the stage).

Brownie(looks around at all the hosts, studies the stage scenery): Have they really forgotten about me? Everyone knows well that the brownie loves families that live in complete harmony, and those owners who take good care of their property, keep their yard in order and cleanliness. If one of them forgets to feed the cow or simply turn off the kettle on the stove, then the brownie himself will take care of him. Don't you agree?

Presenter 1: No, no, grandfather Brownie! We know and believe that you testify to the vitality of the domestic spirit and are close to the good human interests!

Lead 2: Yes, Grandpa Brownie, look, because today wonderful families came to visit us: students of our school, together with their fathers and mothers, with brothers and sisters, grandparents. Families are friendly, cheerful, talented: everyone sings, dances, plays musical instruments.

Brownie: And now we'll check it out!

Presenter 1: As much as you want!

Brownie: In the old days, what kids were smart!

Lead 2: And ours are not worse either!

Brownie: I have a chest. This is my great-grandmother's chest. I often find in it gifts from the owners: interesting book, then a candy, then a piece of cake ... Oh! How many surprises are here! But anyway, I'll share with you.

(The brownie pulls out the contents of the chest).

Presenter 1: It seems to me that these are antiques that few people now use in our time.

Lead 2: But despite this, we must know what they are called.

(Children guess what this or that antique item is called correctly and what it is intended for).

Presenter 1: What do you say, grandfather Brownie, smart children?

Brownie: So it is so, may they be healthy. By the way, I want to check whether all mothers know how to keep their children healthy themselves, without the help of a doctor. For example, a small illness attacked. Tomorrow we have school, and during the night the children must be put on their feet.

Lead 2: So try it. I think our moms know secrets traditional medicine and they will now say how garlic, radish, and potatoes help with diseases.

(Moms tell recipes of traditional medicine, for example: Garlic treats sore throat, hypertension, insomnia, influenza, is used to remove warts and calluses. radish helps with cough, kidney stones, neuralgia, antihelminthic, removes freckles. In diseases of the stomach is contraindicated. Potato used for burns, eczema, for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, for gastritis and ulcers in its raw form, as a cosmetic product with milk and yolk.)

Presenter 1: Write what associations you have with the phrase "your family." The result of this competition depends on how many matches there will be in the answers of parents and children.

(This information, received simultaneously from both children and parents, helps to determine the position of the child in the family, the desire of parents to know their child, his problems, his internal state.)

The answers are read out in turn by the parents, then by the children.

Lead 2: "Nature in the house is a family healer." And now let's listen to the ditties that funny girls will sing to us.

Presenter 1: But let's forget about illnesses, we are here, thank God, healthy, and let illnesses not overshadow the holiday.

Brownie: Agree! And now it's the turn to see what the heads of families are capable of. It often happens that dads take a passive part in family life, they have no time to pay attention to children, wife ...

Lead 2: No, ours are not like that, they know how to support the company, they are cheerful, resourceful, sociable and attentive.

Brownie: Please console my state of mind with a proverb or saying. Cheer me up!

  1. I lost a large amount money.
  2. I forgot to buy my wife a gift for March 8th.
  3. They call me back to school.

(Dads recall proverbs or sayings that are appropriate for this situation, for example:

  1. Money can not buy happiness.
    Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
    Whatever is done is for the best.
  2. Better late than never.
    Himself as a gift.
  3. I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty.
    Little kids, little problems big kids- big problems.
    Too many cooks spoil the broth.)

Presenter 1: Word to the Family Council. (The jury evaluates previous competitions).

How our mothers treat, we heard. Will they be able to remember how small their children were, tell a fairy tale or sing a lullaby? I am very pleased to announce the contest "Evening Tale or Lullaby".

Brownie: Well done! Withstood the test. Now I am sure that guests, having come to any of your families, will not get bored, if they are sick, they will improve their health, and will be surprised by smart kids. So, you can be allowed to any holiday.

Lead 2: And now he came to the family house (name the family name). We are ready to listen and visit their holiday, but first each family will tell about one of their national holidays.

Presenter 1:

Lead 2: Just great! So many guests, and even more fun! But we, unfortunately, must sum up the final results of our "Family Holiday".

Presenter 1: Word to the Family Council.

Lead 2: Friendship won! Otherwise, it could not be. This means that we will meet again and again as a friendly multinational team. We will sing and dance, cry and laugh, which means we will live, all together Russians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs ... Live together!

Presenter 1: Thank you very much families, all participants, those people who helped us in preparing and holding this great bright holiday!

Lead 2:

Let the spring wind tease everyone
We cannot live without holidays.
Do not leave the heart, holiday,
Until the new holidays, friends!

Teacher: September has come, summer is over,The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come!Summer has blazed with hot heat,Behind the happiest days...And again, as before, we are with youIn the morning early autumn came.And everything will start all over again.At school from bell to bell...Again from the September pierThe school river will carry us ...- Hello, dear guys. I am very glad to see you in our spacious and comfortable class. What is a school? (children's answers)School is a special world!School is a unique state!School is joy and sorrow.The school is miracles and traditions.School is our second home where we spend most of our time with you.School is a small country with its own rules and laws.What does the word country mean to you? (children's answers)- Yes, the country is the state in which we live, our homeland.-Now look at the map, compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the most large area?
- What country do we live in?
- Which country are you a citizen of?
- What is the name of the capital of our country?
- We all live in huge country name, which is Russia.
Russia is the most big country in the world.
The borders of Russia pass both by land and by sea.
Our country is very beautiful and rich. All this is our country.
- What does each of you consider your small homeland?
What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?
MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my school ...
SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.
MOTHERLAND - because people close to my heart live here.
What is RODINA for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where he was born; birch at the native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.
- Motherland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that's the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is your own, and all the rest are a foreign land, even the most beautiful, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your homeland is, you are always expected, understood and loved.
Motherland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from the ancient word "Rod", which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship (Kin).
- Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, service to the Fatherland. native mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.
- But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow up - this is our motherland, this is our small homeland.The teacher's story about Lipetsk region . The territory of the Lipetsk Territory was formed in 1954 by annexing neighboring lands: the Voronezh, Ryazan, Kursk, and Oryol regions. It is located in the central part of the European territory of Russia, 450 km south of Moscow, with the administrative center - Lipetsk. The diversity of its natural attractions - rocky river banks, vast areas of forests, lakes, a variety of flora and fauna, several protected areas are amazing.The cultural heritage of the Lipetsk Territory is a great value, the history of the Motherland and its identity.The land of Lipetsk remembers and honors the names of many world famous writers, poets, musicians, scientists, historical figures, saints. remembers historical events and heroes - countrymen.The Lipetsk region today is the territory where a large number of various modern industrial, agricultural enterprises equipped with the latest advanced technologies.- Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?- Do you know famous countrymen?
- What can you tell about the history of your region?
The teacher's story about the Izmalkovo region . On the hilly forest-steppe expanses of the fertile Chernozem region, in the west of the Lipetsk region, 131 km from Lipetsk, is the Izmalkovsky district. Its history, according to archeology, originates from XI century, since the time of the first settlers. The name Izmalkovo, which was formed in XVII century.The main river - Pine, rivers and streams, ponds and springs, exotic representatives of some species of flora and fauna, listed in the Red Book, are the wealth of the Izmalkovo region.IN distant times this land was famous for its craftsmen - craftsmen who mastered pottery. And now the pride of the region is its people, outstanding fellow countrymen who glorified the land of Izmalkovo with their achievements. This is St. Theophan the Recluse, N.Ya. Danilevsky is a thinker and publicist, A.M. Izmalkov is a sculptor, P. Shubin is a front-line poet, A. Stakhanov is an innovator in the coal industry, N. Melgunov is a composer.Izmalkovtsy honor the memory of fellow countrymen - all those who did not return from the battlefields during the Second World War.- Russia, motherland, small motherland. Such painfully native words.
Life scatters people in many corners of the Earth.
But wherever we are, your native land will always be for us that bright light that will be our own. bright light call us to our native land.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his kind.
Be proud of the people who glorify your country
Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Song about Izmalkovo "Izmalkovo region".

MBOU secondary school No. 1 with. Izmalkovo


Class teacher 3B class

Kofanova Svetlana Vitalievna


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