Why I liked the work of Woe from Wit. Review of the book "Woe from Wit"


Griboedov, using the experience of Krylov's fables, introduces a free iambic into his comedy. Unlike the six-foot, traditional for comedies, it is more suitable for transmitting live speech. The movement of the verse is subject to the movement of thought: the verse line is broken up by replicas, pauses, varies in rhyme.

deepens psychological basis: the characters' characters are revealed and enriched in the course of the development of the action. In comedy, as it were, the formula of the Russian national drama is contained, the flowering of which will fall on the second half of XIX century.

Griboyedov the Realist Enriched Russian Literature with Elements of Imagery vernacular And colloquial speech. Many quotes from the comedy have become proverbs: “happy hours are not observed”, “well, how not to please native person!”, “went into a room, got into another”, “everything is there, if there is no deceit”, “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”, “a huge distance”, “blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world” and etc.

My impressions

I fell in love with "Woe from Wit" when I was at school, when we started studying the work of A.S. Griboedov. This comedy struck me with the lightness and freshness of the poetic stanzas, which fit in my head on their own, and almost every one of them carried a deep meaning.

I really liked this work, it's nice to realize that comedy has been around for many years, and it has not lost its relevance yet.

Chatsky, with his mentality, his behavior, is very similar to maximalist teenagers. He and his personal problems are especially close to teenagers who feel lost, not accepted and not understood in this world, although the very problematic of the work will never become outdated and will be close to any society at any stage of development. Especially ours. There will always be Molchalins, Chatskys, Skalozubs. There is no escape from this. Therefore, "Woe from Wit" can be re-read an infinite number of times. I'm not talking about the amazing language and the fact that such a small book is parsed into quotes.

In any case, I can say with confidence that "Woe from Wit" is a must read. At least, because this book causes everyone's thoughts and gives rise to completely different opinions about it.

In my opinion, the meaning of the book is to live honestly, not to lick the shoes of the authorities, to have your own firm and decisive opinion, to change pink tone points for more transparent.

It is difficult to make a revolution in the minds, it is even more difficult to seek one's happiness, going against society. From that and Woe that you want to make the world around you as good as possible. But!

We wanted the best - it turned out as always ... and this is no longer from this book.

The history of the creation of comedy

The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the main and most valuable result of A.S. Griboyedov. When studying the comedy Woe from Wit, one should analyze, first of all, the conditions in which the play was written. It touches upon the issue of the brewing confrontation between the progressive and conservative nobility. Griboedov makes fun of morals secular society early 19th century. In this regard, the creation of such a work was quite bold step during that period of development of Russian history.

There is a known case when Griboyedov, returning from abroad, found himself at one of the aristocratic receptions in St. Petersburg. There he was outraged by the obsequious attitude of society towards one foreign guest. Griboyedov's progressive views prompted him to express his sharply negative opinion on this matter. The guests considered young man crazy, and the news of this quickly spread through the community. It was this incident that prompted the writer to create a comedy.

Theme and problems of the play

It is advisable to start the analysis of the comedy "Woe from Wit" by referring to its name. It reflects the idea of ​​the play. Woe from his sanity is experiencing main character comedies - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, who is rejected by society only because he is smarter than the people around him. Another problem follows from this: if a society rejects a person of an extraordinary mind, then how does this characterize society itself? Chatsky feels uncomfortable among people who consider him insane. This gives rise to numerous speech clashes between the protagonist and representatives of the society he hates. In these conversations, each side considers itself smarter than the interlocutor. Only the mind of the conservative nobility lies in the ability to adapt to existing circumstances in order to obtain maximum material benefits. Anyone who does not pursue ranks and money for them is a madman.

Accepting the views of Chatsky for the conservative nobility means starting to change their lives in accordance with the requirements of the time. Nobody finds this convenient. It's easier to declare Chatsky crazy, because then you can simply ignore his diatribes.

In the clash between Chatsky and representatives of aristocratic society, the author raises a number of philosophical, moral, national, cultural and everyday issues. Within the framework of these topics, the problems of serfdom, service to the state, education, family life. All these problems are revealed in comedy through the prism of understanding the mind.

The conflict of a dramatic work and its originality

The peculiarity of the conflict in the play "Woe from Wit" lies in the fact that there are two of them: love and social. social controversy lies in the clash of interests and views of the representatives of the "current century" in the person of Chatsky and the "past century" in the person of Famusov and his supporters. Both conflicts are closely related to each other.

Love experiences force Chatsky to come to Famusov's house, where he has not been for three years. He finds his beloved Sophia in a confused state, she accepts him very coldly. Chatsky does not realize that he arrived at the wrong time. Sophia is busy with experiences love story with Molchalin, his father's secretary, who lives in their house. Endless thoughts about the reasons for the cooling of Sophia's feelings make Chatsky ask questions of his beloved, her father, Molchalin. During the dialogues, it turns out that Chatsky's views differ from each of the interlocutors. They argue about service, about ideals, about the mores of secular society, about education, about the family. Chatsky's views frighten representatives of the "past century" because they threaten the usual way of life Famus Society. Conservative nobles are not ready for change, so a rumor about Chatsky's madness, accidentally launched by Sophia, instantly spreads in society. The protagonist's lover is the source of unpleasant gossip because it interferes with her personal happiness. And this again sees the interweaving of love and social conflicts.

Comedy character system

In the depiction of characters, Griboedov does not adhere to a clear division into positive and negative, which was mandatory for classicism. All heroes have both positive and negative traits. For example, Chatsky is smart, honest, brave, independent, but he is also quick-tempered, unceremonious. Famusov is the son of his age, but at the same time he is a wonderful father. Sophia, ruthless towards Chatsky, is smart, brave and determined.

But the use of "speaking" surnames in the play is a direct legacy of classicism. In the surname of the hero, Griboedov tries to put the leading feature of his personality. For example, the surname Famusov is derived from the Latin fama, which means "rumour". Consequently, Famusov is the person who is most concerned about public opinion. It is enough to recall his final remark to be convinced of this: “... What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!”. Chatsky was originally Chadsky. This surname hints that the hero is in the midst of his struggle with the mores of an aristocratic society. The hero Repetilov is also interesting in this respect. His surname is connected with the French word repeto - I repeat. This character is a caricatured double of Chatsky. He does not have own opinion, but only repeats other people's words, including the words of Chatsky.

It is important to pay attention to the placement of characters. social conflict occurs mainly between Chatsky and Famusov. A love confrontation is built between Chatsky, Sofia and Molchalin. These are the main characters. Unites love and public conflict the figure of Chatsky.

The most difficult in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is the image of Sophia. It is difficult to attribute it to people who adhere to the views of the "gone century". In relations with Molchalin, she despises the opinion of society. Sophia reads a lot, loves art. She is disgusted by the stupid Puffer. But you can’t call her a supporter of Chatsky either, because in conversations with him she reproaches him for his causticity, ruthlessness in words. It was her word about Chatsky's madness that became decisive in the fate of the protagonist.

Both secondary and episodic characters are important in the play. For example, Liza, Skalozub are directly involved in the development of a love conflict, complicating and deepening it. episodic characters, appearing on a visit to Famusov (Tugoukhovskaya, Khryumin, Zagoretsky), more fully reveal the mores of Famusov society.

Development of dramatic action

Analysis of the actions of "Woe from Wit" will reveal compositional features works and features of the development of dramatic action.

All the phenomena of the first act before the arrival of Chatsky can be considered an exposition of the comedy. Here the reader gets acquainted with the scene of action and learns not only about love affair Sophia and Molchalin, but also about the fact that Sophia used to have tender feelings for Chatsky, who left to wander around the world. The appearance of Chatsky in the seventh appearance of the first act is the plot. This is followed by the parallel development of social and love conflicts. Chatsky's conflict with the Famus society reaches its peak at the ball - this is the culmination of the action. The fourth act, 14th comedy phenomenon (Chatsky's final monologue) is the denouement of both the social and love lines.

In the denouement, Chatsky is forced to retreat before the Famus society, because he is in the minority. But he can hardly be considered defeated. It's just that Chatsky's time has not yet come, a split in the noble environment has only just begun.

The originality of the play

Research and analysis of the work "Woe from Wit" will reveal its bright originality. Traditionally, "Woe from Wit" is considered to be the first Russian realistic play. Despite this, the features inherent in classicism have been preserved in it: “speaking” surnames, the unity of time (the events of the comedy take place within one day), the unity of place (the play takes place in Famusov’s house). However, Griboyedov refuses the unity of action: two conflicts develop in parallel in comedy, which contradicts the traditions of classicism. In the image of the protagonist, the formula of romanticism is also clearly visible: an exceptional hero (Chatsky) in unusual circumstances.

Thus, the relevance of the play's problems, its unconditional innovation, the aphoristic language of comedy are not only of great importance in the history of Russian literature and dramaturgy, but also contribute to the popularity of comedy among modern readers.

Artwork test

If they asked me what I liked about the comedy “Woe from Wit”, I would answer like this: “ Interesting story, bright heroes, unique thoughts and statements emotionally affected me.” This work is one of those that, once read, you leave in memory for for a long time. The comedy "Woe from Wit" cannot be imagined without the author himself. Griboyedov and "Woe from Wit" - this is something without which neither one nor the other could exist alone.
The very name of the comedy “Woe from Wit” suggests that the main character was not understood by the people around him. This hero, to whom the author pays more attention, is Chatsky. He is an intelligent, smart, honest, kind, sincere, courageous, disinterested, cheerful, progressive person. He is not afraid to express his point of view. He soberly assesses the situation and the position of the Famus society, not being afraid to express his opinion. Boldly entering into a conversation, he expresses his thoughts to the faces of his interlocutors. For example, the quote “Houses are new, but prejudices are old” speaks of the modern view of this person on life in Russia. The subtle and penetrating mind of Chatsky does not accept the Famus society, which he criticizes. The main character is disgusted to humiliate himself in front of people who are higher in the service and, perhaps, undeservedly occupy military posts, for example, Colonel Skalozub.
Comparing Chatsky with the colonel, we can say that he is higher in mental development, thinking, courage, which Skalozub does not have. I think that Skalozub, who holds such a position in the state, is not worthy to manage and command the regiments that were under his command. He could not cope with his duty to the Fatherland, because he does not have such virtues as Chatsky.
The face completely opposite to Chatsky is Molchalin. I have a special opinion about him. Even his last name speaks of meanness, flattery. He always takes advantage of the situation. Molchalin is able to betray, deceive, frame, but at what cost?! Only to get a new position! Chatsky exposes the character of Molchalin and expresses his opinion: “But by the way, he will reach the known levels, because now they love the dumb.”
Speaking about the main representative of the Famusov society, Famusov himself, we can say that this person has a very high opinion of himself: “He is known for his monastic behavior.” In fact, he is an egoist, there is nothing interesting in him as a person. Even contrasting Chatsky with Famusov is impossible. Chatsky is much higher and much more worthy of him.
Chatsky is the winner, despite the fact that he was mistaken for a madman. He was forced to leave Moscow: “Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore." As a result, he was never able to achieve the recognition of Famusov and the reciprocal love of Sofia.
Chatsky is a spokesman for new ideas, and therefore society could not understand him correctly and accept him as he is. His image in literature will live on until the mind of mankind understands what ideas need to be fought for and defended.

A. S. Griboedov belonged, according to the critic V. G. Belinsky, “to the most powerful manifestations of the Russian spirit.” And his immortal comedy"Woe from Wit" he marked the beginning of the flowering of realistic drama, introduced a new stream into Russian national literature.

Pointing to the originality of his work, P. A. Vyazemsky wrote: “The most oddities of Griboedov’s comedy are worthy of attention: expanding the stage, populating it with people actors, he, no doubt, expanded the boundaries of art itself. The main motive of "Woe from Wit" was the opposition of the educated, progressive-minded Chatsky to the rest of society. The author brought together such different characters in one place and at one time - and this helped him to reveal the idea of ​​​​his work in the best possible way. He showed the meeting of these antipodes with that extraordinary courage, the grandeur of poetic thought, a completely new look at reality, which Russian literature did not know before Griboyedov.

"Woe from Wit" is called a comedy, but the comedy in it is created not by artificial situations, but true image vulgar aspects of life, ridicule of everything low and vile. In this work, with amazing skill, the true essence of the society of insignificant, pathetic people who live by obsolete, immoral rules. All their aspirations are aimed only at enrichment, acquiring ranks and other personal benefits, spreading gossip, humiliating the human dignity of other people, destroying any bright impulse, everything reasonable and new.

"Woe from Wit" completely destroyed the established division of genres. This work was not household comedy, nor a comedy based solely on love affair. Here, public satire, a comedy of characters and morals, and a psychological drama were organically combined. V. G. Belinsky defined the originality of Griboedov’s work in this way: “Comedy, in my opinion, is the same drama as what is usually called tragedy, its subject is the representation of life in contradiction with the idea of ​​life, its element is not innocent wit, which good-naturedly mocks everything from one desire to scoff, no: its element is the same bilious humor, this formidable indignation, which does not smile jokingly, but laughs furiously, which pursues insignificance and selfishness not with epigrams, but with sarcasms. On genre originality“Woe from wit” was also pointed out by A. I. Goncharov, who saw in the work both a “picture of morals”, and a “gallery of living types”, and “eternally burning satire”, and at the same time a “brilliant comedy”.

Griboyedov's innovation also manifested itself in the inexhaustible richness of the bright satirical language of comedy, in which all shades of live colloquial speech are widely used. Wherein speech characteristics heroes most accurately and fully reflect their inner essence, reveal all their base, vulgar sides.

As a talented historian, artist and psychologist, Griboyedov was able to reveal all the typical aspects of Russian reality of that time, to identify the main conflict of that era: the opposition of an intelligent, honest, freedom-loving person to all the vices of society. He sought to reveal in the particular, the individual, the general, inherent in all time and all of society. In scenes from life small group people gathered in Famusov's house are reflected typical features the entire nobility. And in the character and fate of one progressive thinking young man - Chatsky - the character and fate of the entire generation of freedom-loving youth. At the same time, the conflict reflected in the comedy manifests itself in sharp clashes, a constant, ever-increasing struggle. The author observes some traditions of Russian comedy of the 18th - early 19th centuries, namely the three famous unities: the action takes place within one day, in one place, around one protagonist. However, at the same time, he shows how realistic a comedy can be, even a classic, if it recreates the truth of life. Unlike traditional comedy in those days, in which vice was always punished in the final and virtue was rewarded, Griboedov did not give a certain moralizing ending, abandoning everything that hindered the development of Russian literature.

A. S. Griboedov created amazing work, striking with its sharpness, the typical accusatory images, the vitality and truthfulness of the recreated situations, the inexhaustible richness of the bright satirical language. The time in which the comedy "Woe from Wit" was written is far from us, but the bold struggle of the patriot-kovator Chatsky against everything backward, vulgar and low in a person arouses the keen interest of readers today.

"Woe from Wit" Quotes.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov - a famous Russian writer, poet, playwright, brilliant diplomat, state councilor, author of the legendary play in verse "Woe from Wit", was a descendant of the old noble family. Born in Moscow on January 15) 1795

Comedy "Woe from Wit", written by A. S. Griboedov in early XIX century, is relevant for today's Russia. R his epics famous characters scattered around the world, becoming "winged" expressions. In this work, the author reveals with all depth the vices that struck Russian society the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it the heroes of the present day. The names of the comedy characters collected by Griboyedov in the house of the Moscow gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov did not accidentally become household names. Let's look at the owner of the house. Each Famusov's remark, each of his monologues is a zealous defense of the "age of humility and fear." This person is dependent primarily on traditions and public opinion. He teaches the youth that, they say, you need to take an example from the fathers:

-“Would study, looking at the elders”.

And what is, in Famusov's understanding, the experience of the older generations? This can be seen from his review of the late uncle Maxim Petrovich, who "ate not on silver - on gold." Maxim Petrovich, a nobleman from the time of “mother Catherine”, is a role model for Famusov:

-“when it is necessary to serve, he bent over backwards.”

Flattery and servility in the price of this comedy character. Occupying a high post, Famusov admits that he serves in order to obtain ranks and other benefits.

-"And with me, what’s the matter, what’s not the case, My custom is this: Signed, so off my shoulders".

A. S. Griboyedov brilliantly reflected in the image of Famusov the feature of bureaucracy, which we call today “protectionism”. Comedy hero admits:

-"With me, strangers who serve are very rare, more and more sisters, sister-in-laws, children ... How can you introduce yourself to a baptismal, to a place, well, how not to please your own little man ".

The measure of a person's value for Famusov is rank and money. He says to his daughter Sophia:

-“Whoever is poor is not a match for you.” Colonel Skalozub, according to Famusov, would suit Sophia as a husband, because he“not today - tomorrow general”.

And the bureaucracy, which has already become a social phenomenon, rests on these same Famusovs. They are accustomed to “light” bread, which they achieve by currying favor with their superiors. They like beautiful life, which is rewarded for servility and sycophancy. So, Molchalin lives by the principle:

-"Firstly, to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, his servant who cleans dresses, the doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the janitor's dog, so that he is affectionate".

It's scary when there are famusovs, silencers, pufferfish in society. Due to the fact that the silenced are silent, innocent people suffer, although they are right. Relevant for today and Chatsky. In it, the writer embodied many qualities advanced man of his era. He does not accept careerism, servility, ignorance as the ideals of the “past century”. Chatsky - for respect for common man, service to the cause, and not to individuals, freedom of thought, affirms the progressive ideas of modernity, the prosperity of science and art, respect for national language and culture, to enlightenment. After listening to Famusov’s enthusiastic story about Maxim Petrovich, Chatsky speaks with contempt about people who “not in war, but in peace, took their foreheads, knocked on the floor, did not regret”, about those “whose neck often bent”. He despises people who are ready at the patrons to yawn at the ceiling, to appear silent, to shuffle, to dine. He does not accept the "past age": "The age of humility and fear was straight." Critical of the dominance of foreigners:

-"Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, peppy people, although in language we are not considered Germans".

After reading the comedy, Pushkin said: "I'm not talking about poetry - half should go into proverbs." Pushkin's words came true quickly. Already in May 1825, the writer V.F. Odoevsky stated: “Almost all the verses of Griboedov’s comedy became proverbs, and I often happened to hear whole conversations in society, which most composed poems from "Woe from Wit".

Text from various sources.

- She has no sleep French books, and it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.
- Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's wrath, and lordly love.
- happy hours are not watching.
- Carriage to me! Carriage!
- Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.
- Signed, so off your shoulders.
- Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
- I don't care what for him, what's in the water.
- Blessed is he who believes - he is warm in the world!
- And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!
- Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go as for dinner.
- What kind of commission, Creator, be adult daughter father!
- I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve.
- Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
- Houses are new, but prejudices are old.
- Who are the judges?
- Ah, gossips scarier than guns.
- I'm strange; but who is not strange?
- Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived.
- Commendation sheet to you: you behave properly.
- Ba! familiar faces!
- Shouted women "Hurrah!" and threw caps into the air.
- Do not read like a panomar, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement
- Where is it better? Where we are not.
- More in number, cheaper price.
- What says! And he speaks as he writes!
- If evil is to be stopped: to collect all the books and burn them.
- I don't go here anymore.

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