Cool phrases to cheer up a girl. How to cheer up your neighbor: encouraging phrases for all occasions


Finding a job is hardly an easy task, especially if we are talking about the employment of a specialist without experience. A cook is a profession that combines creativity and rationality. But, even in such an original specialty, one cannot do without specialized education. Today, work as a cook "threatens" graduates of colleges and schools, higher educational institutions. Additionally, the presence of certificates or diplomas obtained at thematic courses can play in your favor.

Where to start looking for a job as a chef?

  • Create resume. Of course, the best resume that has to offer is exquisite delicious dishes its preparation, but documentary evidence of your skills is important and even necessary.
  • Soberly assess your abilities and capabilities: the presence of a diploma, certain skills and abilities. Consider how competitive you really are in the job market. Fortunately, any gaps in knowledge and skills can be easily eliminated by going to courses or taking several individual lessons.
  • Create resume. Of course, the best resume that a hot shop chef can offer is the exquisite delicious dishes of his preparation, but documentary evidence of your skills is important and even necessary.
  • Explore offers. Today it is more convenient to do it all remotely, using a search agent.

Where can a chef work?

Despite the seeming simplicity of this specialty, a cook is a rather flexible and multifaceted concept. Just like where he works.

  • Dining room. On initial stage it is best to stop at the canteen in a state institution. This is especially true for those who want to gain experience and enroll in work book. Among the advantages, we note the absence of the fuss inherent in cafes and restaurants, the simplicity of the menu and the lack of great competition among applicants. The disadvantages of such employment are obvious: low wages and lack of dizzying career growth.
  • Seasonal cafes. can easily count on employment in a summer cafe or restaurant. The only downside is the best wages can be obtained in popular establishments that are located in a resort or in tourist places, and there the path is ordered without work experience. Fortunately, new cafes are regularly opened, where staff is always recruited.
  • Restaurants. Work in good - if not the ultimate dream of every cook, then something very close to him. In order to hold this position, it is not enough just to cook well - you need to be a culinary guru and an inventor. On the other hand, the work is less creative, but no less responsible and exciting.
  • Night clubs. It is wrong to believe that in a nightclub, visitors only dance. You can always find cold appetizers and even full-fledged hot dishes on the menu. Club cuisine usually has several differences from traditional cafes and restaurants, but it is an excellent “school” for a beginner.
  • Outbound work. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and anniversaries, corporate events and other celebrations are a great opportunity to earn money for a novice chef. To get the first orders, it’s not a sin to use the help of friends, for sure one of your friends is organizing some kind of celebration. This is how you can get invaluable recommendations and feedback from customers who will talk about you. better than any advertising.

Regardless of which employment option is chosen, it is imperative to remember the following: continue to improve in your profession, conquering new horizons, and fulfill your work duties 100 percent. Then you will not look for a job, but the job will find you.

Generally, I for a long time I was a builder, a guest worker, you can say so: I lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg, built houses, although my education is precisely a cook. And then I got tired of all this construction, I decided to get a job in a restaurant in Kaliningrad. It was seven years ago, I went to get a job in one institution, it still works, but then it was just insanely popular, for the position of a butcher - work at night, a good salary for that time. But they took me right away as a cook, not even an assistant, but a cook. The chef of that restaurant looked at me and said: "You will work."

I began to work, specialized in hot dishes. At the very beginning, something doesn’t work out for someone, everything went well for me right away, there were almost no mistakes, I coped with everything. A month later, I even received a promotion, a position for which a whole thousand rubles were paid in addition to the main one - “cook-teacher”. During my time at that institution, I trained many people.

The most interesting thing is to cook a dish that you have never made before. When I get bored in one restaurant, I just go to another. Status doesn't matter to me: I'm a chef or just a chef. I worked as a chef, now I'm just a cook - it all depends on the salary, a chef in Kaliningrad gets a little more than usual, but he has much more responsibility.

There is no such thing that you like to cook some dishes more, and some less. I don't like making dishes I'm not ready for. Let me explain: for example, there are positions on the menu that may not be ordered for two weeks or a month, and then guests come and begin to demand this particular dish on the same day. It is impossible to predict when this will happen, but it is also impossible to be constantly prepared for it. It is impossible to make preparations for potato pancakes in advance, because grated potatoes quickly darken and deteriorate, and if you are not sure that in five minutes ten people will come to you just for potato pancakes, you will have to throw it all away. But it's hard to scare me.

It is said that many dishes are made from the leftovers of others. This is the practice of different canteens and not very good restaurants. I believe that if a product in the kitchen is missing, then it is better to throw it away immediately and not regret it. You can, of course, feed the guest, but then who will be responsible for his health? True, the alteration of the alteration is different. For example, cold cuts are often put in a hodgepodge that did not leave the previous evening - and this, if the cut is still fresh, is not bad, this is called waste-free production.

In almost all city establishments, there is a 100% cheat on menu items. This is understandable - after all, the owner of the establishment wants to recoup his investments, but it is not a fact that they will be beaten back. The maximum cheat is done on dishes from the cheapest products. For example, on crackers, various snacks, deep-fried capelin or some sprat in a spicy sauce. This sprat with bread with a yield of one hundred and twenty grams costs more than one hundred rubles.

Let's count: for a hundred rubles we will definitely buy two kilograms of this sprat, and a dish weighing one hundred and twenty grams is three fish on a loaf plus greens. All clear. A restaurant whose menu lists all the dishes for three hundred or four hundred rubles simply cannot sell this appetizer for, say, fifty, which is why it has been brought to the price limit of the main dishes. If I had my own establishment, I would do exactly the same. This is logical.

Kaliningrad has almost no gastronomic culture of its own. I met guys in Spain, immigrants from Ukraine, they keep a small restaurant on the seashore, they have been living and working there for a very long time. Once they took me to the kitchen, and the sanitary condition of their kitchen, compared to almost any Russian one, is complete darkness. The garbage cans are overflowing, and they still contain half-dead shrimp, squid and other marine reptiles. But, despite this, it is still delicious there, because everything is made from a living, real one: what was caught in the sea was served on the table. Everything we do is made from frozen food. There are only two or three establishments in the city where no frozen ingredients are used in cooking.

I would like to open a small restaurant for my own people, I would cook there for my own pleasure, but this is only in the plans.

At one time, molecular cuisine was very popular, especially in Moscow. I also decided to try how it all works, not for a restaurant, but for myself, it’s interesting, after all. I baked a raw egg for two hours in the oven at a low temperature - then it becomes almost transparent when you peel it from the shell - and then breaded it in breadcrumbs and deep-fried it. I pumped pineapple fresh into the pork through a syringe and also fried it - it turned out interesting, it looks like a good chop, and due to the juice it tastes very similar to high-quality stew. But this is all so, home experiments. He did not turn a herring under a fur coat into a cream.

A guest is dissatisfied with something - this is an almost everyday situation, and, as a rule, the cook is least of all to blame for it. This is a waiter, who is an intermediary between the kitchen and the hall, and must work well with both the guest and the chef, that is, with me. Yes, in some cases I had to go out to the guests, but in general all such conflicts are easily resolved. The easiest way is to cook for the person you see, with whom you can talk, different factors are already starting to work here: your guest - who is he? Man or woman? How is he dressed? How old is he? What time of day did he come to us? What time of year? Everything is important.

A good cook is like a bartender: he can look at the guest and understand what he wants. For example, that girl in a beret at the next table would not refuse crackers or some kind of snack for beer or chips, and you would probably eat fish.

Each dish has its own temperature serving. But it is clear that if they bring you a slightly warm hodgepodge, this is a complete mess, and the waiter is most likely to blame, who, instead of taking a plate of hot soup and taking it to the customer right away, went to smoke, chewed something, shabby, and then took the order. I sometimes shout in the kitchen: “Well, quickly bring the soup, otherwise I will pour it on your head.”

In general, the waiter is main enemy cooks. Just imagine, it’s late in the evening, the place will close soon, I’m almost ready to go home, I’m sitting in the kitchen, I’ve washed and cleaned everything, and here on you, he comes running from the hall and brings the order. Who is guilty? Well, not a guest who suddenly wanted to eat.

If we talk about some kind of professional slang, then yes, it exists. But in general, as for speech, in this regard, almost all cooks, and I, too, are real rednecks: a terrible mate in the kitchen, especially when there is an influx of guests, goes to everyone: assistants, workers in the shops and waiters. Yesterday, how to put it mildly, in general, I asked one waitress girl: “Are you a virgin, or what, until now?” But not to offend, but to work better, faster, for prevention, so to speak. Helped.

The most unpleasant thing in the kitchen is when people cut their fingers or burn themselves on a hot stove. I cut my finger only once in my entire career, and then at home, quite by accident. And so I can cut anything with eyes closed. You know, it's like electricians - they shock either beginners who don't really know anything, or seasoned ones who can try the wire on their tongue.

The dumbest myth I've heard about chefs is that a chef can spit on someone's plate. Complete nonsense. I have seen this once in all my work, and then it was not a cook, but a bartender, and he spat into a glass of freshly squeezed juice, which was not for a guest, but for his manager. And also about the fact that food is stolen, I don’t understand this at all and have never seen it, and if I saw it, I would immediately tear off my hands: have you never seen food or is it not enough for you here?

Working in a restaurant brought up in me a hatred of food, I do not like to eat at work or in other establishments, even in those in which I did not work. Cooking a dish for someone is a pleasure, and I will make it very good and tasty, but I won’t even touch it myself. Have you noticed that a lot of chefs are not fat? Because at work they drink, smoke, but do not eat. And if I do eat, then I like to do it alone, so that no one sees and does not bother me. When I'm alone, I eat like a barbarian: I gnaw and suck on the bones, dip the sausage in mayonnaise, take something with my hands, lick my fingers, champ, and so on.

Polina Manskaya, culinary journalist, creator of a website about food and travel, told The Village about how, after studying at Italian school For professional chefs she stayed for an internship at a Michelin-starred restaurant, what it cost and what she taught.


Before studying at the culinary academy, I had never worked as a chef, but it was interesting for me to get an internship in a restaurant with Michelin stars. So right after graduation, I started looking. I had a huge list of requirements for what a restaurant should be like. First, famous, but very small. In large, a beginner only does what he peels potatoes for months, or even years. And in a restaurant with a small team, you immediately begin to try yourself in different roles: you cook desserts, bread, meat and everything else. It was also important that the restaurant was aimed at modern cuisine, but not molecular, but more classical reading. Well, I had a small choice of region: Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna. I am deeply convinced that the most interesting cuisine in Italy is there. I had just completed my culinary education in Piedmont, so I started looking at restaurants in Emilia-Romagna.

I wrote to all the restaurants that I liked and received a response from Il Rigoletto, one of the most famous restaurants in Italy. They asked for recommendations from my teachers in Piedmont and for an average score on the exams. I was lucky: I had the most high score in the group, it suited them, and they took me.


For Italians, going to a Michelin-starred restaurant is a ritual. You need to get ready, go by car to a beautiful picturesque place and, perhaps, even spend the night there, because such restaurants always have excellent rooms. This is a cultural event, like a trip to the Milanese opera. Therefore, 90% of all restaurants with two and three stars are located in tiny villages, there are practically no Michelin restaurants in cities.

The town of Rigiolo, where I lived and worked, is one hundred percent wilderness. Being there for the first time, I could not believe that the famous Il Rigoletto, which every Milanese taxi driver knows about, is located here. The restaurant occupied the entire first floor of a beautiful old mansion with a garden and a pond. On the second floor there was a bakery and a pastry shop, and on the third - luxury rooms.

“In large restaurants with a huge staff, a newcomer does nothing but peel potatoes for months, or even years.”

I lived a stone's throw from the restaurant, in a three-star hotel owned by the chef Il Rigoletto and his wife. I happen to be incredibly lucky. Then I talked with the guys who also work in Michelin restaurants - most lived in terrible conditions, almost in the kitchen, in a closet or in a room with no windows. On the very first day, after meeting the chef, I was already standing in the kitchen. For half a day I just watched, as at any job, and in the late afternoon, together with everyone, I was already preparing a pastry cream. At night, however, they let me go five minutes early - the first and last time.


Working in the kitchen is a very hard job. And even more so in one of the best restaurants in Italy and, perhaps, in the world. Extremely high level was in everything, even in washing the kitchen. The cooks themselves scrubbed it twice a day for at least an hour. All possible surfaces must be washed first with a soapy solution, then with vinegar, a damp cloth, an antibacterial agent, and then wiped with a paper towel. And twice a week, washing of the ceiling, walls and major cleaning of the plates was added to all this. No matter what time we finished the night shift - at one or two in the morning - and no matter what time we went to bed before that - we still washed.

The working day here is from 8 am and an average of 20 hours. One day off a week, Monday, but it is constantly canceled. On this long-awaited day, the chef often came up with some kind of event. For example, she worked at a restaurant cooking school and we assisted him in class. The chef was invited to TV or to give a master class at festivals - we assisted him there too. Plus everything that we did not have time to do in working week He postponed until Monday. In all the time that I worked there, I had three real days off.

As a beginner, the attitude towards me was snobbish: if you didn’t work in the kitchen of a restaurant, then you don’t know how to cook at all. They taught me everything from scratch, at first they didn’t even trust me to cook pasta. Gradually, I earned the trust of the team: I did what I was told and worked from morning to night with them shoulder to shoulder. Even the fact that I didn’t pack my suitcase in a week surprised them: most of them can’t even last a few days. They began to trust me to make full-fledged dishes, and I could cook the order from beginning to end. This is, in general, very cool for a Michelin-starred restaurant.

There were cuts and serious burns. But working all day at the stove with hot, sharp objects, when everything needs to be done very, very quickly and clearly, you are absolutely fine with this. You cut - you wind up and do not pay attention.

Only young guys work in the kitchen of a Michelin-starred restaurant. This pace can be sustained as long as you have iron health. The oldest guy in the kitchen was 28 years old - in principle, this is the milestone when you have to finish working as a simple cook. The guys give all the best, gain tremendous experience with one goal - to open their own restaurant and then become a chef.

Everything in the kitchen is under the control of the chef. As the boss is used to, it should be done as he wants, as it should be. In fact, we were his hands. If the chef likes the butter to be visible on the bread, we make sure that it does not melt without question. To my surprise, I learned that there are very few chefs who want to get a job in Michelin-starred restaurants. They just know what to expect. I didn't know, I had never worked in a restaurant before. I took everything that happened there as a fact, I had nothing to compare with. Everyone works this way, and this is how I work. Everyone is up for 20 hours and I am up for 20 hours. All my fellow students at the academy, young chefs from all over the world whom I met during this time in Italy, could not stand the stress, gave up this business and went home.


All six months that I worked in a restaurant, I was the only girl in the kitchen. Except for two days, when a girl from China flew to us for an internship. Already on the first day, she was shocked by the loads, and on the second she said that she had had enough and went back. They gave me small discounts in the kitchen only at the beginning, and in the end they began to treat me like my boyfriend and even sent me to carry heavy boxes and bags of sugar.

I didn’t understand before why there are so few female chefs, and only a few female chefs with Michelin stars. The reason is not so much the hardest physical exercise how much is a matter of privacy. If you want kids, it's a 100% either/or choice. The chef should always be in the kitchen.

I tell my husband and dad that I served in the army for all my men. Restaurant cuisine is a tough military discipline. The possibility of skipping or being late is simply excluded. It was often unbearably hard to get up in the morning, especially if we finished late before that. When terribly tired, after working at some event, we arrive at 4 in the morning, sleep for an hour - and again go to the kitchen until late at night. And there is no strength, but you still get up and go, because you understand: you will not let these people down.

With all this hard work, there were no breakdowns. And this is one hundred percent merit of the chef. He is very good man and chooses a team to match. We already worked 20 hours at the hot stoves, and if the boss had yelled at us, we would have gone crazy for real. Although I learned all the obscene Italian words right away, and there were moments when the chef threw frying pans - this is not because he is unbalanced, but because, due to time pressure, hard work, nerves simply cannot stand it.


I consider it my main achievement that before leaving I was offered to stay. I was invited to work in a restaurant with two Michelin stars - this is something I can really be proud of. I knew I would say no, but the very fact of the offer is an achievement. To agree is to build a career as a chef, and I don't want to be one.

The whole business - a restaurant with two Michelin stars and a luxury hotel - is run by only two people - the chef and his wife. Of the staff - four cooks in the kitchen and one maid. Their life is this restaurant, period. And if there were more than 24 hours in a day, they would spend them in a restaurant. And here you come to a restaurant and see 20 idlers: an art director, a PR director, an assistant to a PR director. At the same time, an empty hall, not a single person, but they sit and discuss what kind of concept to come up with, what to do.

Working in the kitchen did not change my plans. I will do the same as now - develop my project, write about food. Although, of course, I have new goals, for example, to open my own restaurant (such proposals in Lately often do). My attitude to work, to other people's work, discipline has changed, and in general everything has changed in me. I saw the best cuisines in Italy, met the best chefs, and working at Il Rigoletto is like another life lived.


Evolution is inextricably linked with the acquisition of human skills and abilities. Cooking is one of the first and key abilities that allowed our ancestors to step into the next stage of development. After all, properly prepared food is not only very tasty, but also safe for health.

What does a chef do

What does a chef do and what does he do? Today, this profession is one of the most sought after. Many of us can cook deliciously, but the chef makes the products a work of art. For a dish to become a culinary masterpiece, it is not enough to follow the recipe and correct proportion ingredients. Here you need colossal experience in cooking, knowledge in various fields, creative mindset to prepare the presentation of dishes, talent and inspiration.

The work of a cook involves important points, because you need not only to feed people deliciously, but also to monitor the quality of the products so as not to harm your health. Perhaps one of the most important requirements for the profession of a cook is attentiveness and a good memory.

It is not at all necessary to know by heart the recipes of all the dishes in the world, but a quick orientation in the properties of products, their energy value and compatibility is a must.

It will not be superfluous to be good developed sense time and the ability to determine the required amount of the ingredient "by eye".

A key feature in the profession is the taste perception of food. Need to develop creativity for decorating and presenting gourmet dishes. Otherwise, there is a possibility of "stuck" at work in the factory canteen.

We only see final result the chef's work is a finished dish. It seems to many that at the stage of cooking all duties end. Not at all, the specialist's duties include the following:

  • receiving products, their further processing;
  • skillful use of kitchen appliances;
  • storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

To get a job in a canteen or cafe, it is enough special education, which can be obtained at the technical school. This is not enough to work in an elite restaurant, you need to constantly improve your skills in professional courses and trainings.

Accuracy and tidiness are integral companions of this profession. If in a restaurant a client sees a foreign object in his plate, this will not only tarnish the reputation of the chef, but also damage the image of the establishment. Slow people will constantly face a number of problems: while one dish is being prepared, the second may burn, overstay, or lose its original taste.

Remuneration, of course, depends on experience, professional skills and talent. The most popular restaurants are European and Japanese cuisine.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of being a chef


  • creative profession;
  • market demand there;
  • decent salary;
  • the acquired skills can be used in everyday life, surprising friends, relatives or a soul mate with a gourmet dish.


  • he spends the whole day on his feet, the work is quite difficult physically;
  • arise daily dangerous situations(cuts, burns);
  • The working day in a large institution passes almost without pauses. You will have to constantly monitor the readiness of several dishes at the same time.

Mastering the practice of cooking begins in educational institution. At the end of it, a novice specialist must have the skills that are enough to get a job as an assistant cook.

The next step is the position of a cook in the kitchen, the highest level of the profession is a chef. The ever-growing number of restaurants only increases the demand for qualified specialists, so there is no doubt about the demand.

Everyday life confronts us with periodic problems at work, which are sometimes difficult to solve without a sense of humor. That is why in reserve you need to have a couple of funny aphorisms that will completely defuse the stop.

  • To knock on the clave is not to control the joystick.
  • The programmer is sleeping - work is in progress.
  • System administrators don't die - they go offline.
  • I am a politician and I know how to send people so that they will be happy to wait for a trip.
  • Users social networks and those who like to play "Klondike" at work have greatly developed the ability of peripheral vision and quick reaction.
  • Give me a point of support, at least I will lie down there (an analogy with “I will turn the Earth over)
  • The chief wants to find a magician, but he gets only storytellers.
  • If management disagrees with you, then immediately argue why you are wrong.
  • Disagree with the team? Be the boss. Let them try to disagree with you.
  • Russia is an amazing country. Everywhere they work to get a bonus, but here, so as not to lose it.
  • The boss is always right, because this unique person decides on a courageous act: to voice the decision made by the back seat with his mouth.
  • A woman has two paths: to successfully marry and not work, or to find a job that does not need to be married.
  • The best corporate party is the one after which, at the entrance of each colleague, everyone applauds and hoots in unison.
  • They talk about the bosses either well, or at another job.
  • The first vacation, when you rest yourself, the second - when the boss.

Easily cheer up colleagues is not difficult. And you will still become a noble comedian, which is priceless in a team. After all, finding friends and like-minded people is priceless, for this you should use cool phrases to cheer up the team.

How to cheer up people

If you want to become the soul of the company, then you will need in the arsenal of eloquence interesting statements about life to cheer up. They can be used in perfect different situations and it is easy to juggle expressions in dialogues with others. What encouraging phrases with a touch of irony and humor can be used?

  • Wife refuses to talk in the morning? Rejoice, the corporate party was a success.
  • A man should have a wonderful family so that he would happily return home and a terrible mother-in-law so that he hurries back to work.
  • Small children in the back seat lead to an accident, and an accident in the back seat leads to small children.
  • And why aren't women like dogs? They understand everything, but they cannot say.
  • What you sow, you will not find.
  • With alcohol, you need to know the measure, otherwise you can drink less.
  • I know my limit, but can you drink it?
  • - What is missing in the child's body if he eats plasticine? – Brains!
  • Frighten customers who are interested in how to get to our car dealership by bus from the metro station. After all, they are interested in Gelendvagen.
  • You have to work for a miser, he pays twice.
  • Drinking tap water is harmful, but an apple washed with it is immediately free of bacteria.
  • To print photos of winter St. Petersburg, it is enough to have a black-and-white printer at hand.
  • Life experience comes only with reptiles.
  • Millionaires earn hundreds of times more than me, but I'm the only one that's interested in the IRS. Looks like delivery problems.
  • Grandma lets you walk without a hat in winter? Check to see if she's not yours.
  • An alarm clock is like the sound of a gunshot. Most lie dead.
  • - Good afternoon, we are from St. Petersburg. Well, you should not threaten from the threshold.
  • If your boyfriend does not hang out with friends, does not interrupt, is with you all the time, then poke him with a shelf - he, like, died.
  • If before work you are happy to look at the opposite sex, and after that you don’t, it means that the intimacy was somewhere in the middle.
  • When on Monday the boss says: “Well, get to work!” The main thing is not to think that this is a toast.

Use your humor to add something of your own to the suggested phrases. It is possible that in the company you will be valued precisely for impromptu jokes, understanding someone else's mood; and very soon they will quote your statements. Sometimes one word or sentence can establish contact in a team if you bring a genuine smile to your faces.

Laughter is the solution to all problems

Even when you feel tension in the team or are very depressed yourself, it is enough to remember positive thoughts to cheer you up, and everything around will sparkle with new colors. And if you are positive, you will be able to give a charge of positive energy to everyone who is close to you.

  • Do you want to enjoy life? So live and enjoy it.
  • Fate often throws us back a step, but this is only for a run before a big jump.
  • It's nice to think that in someone's fate I'm also a rake.
  • You need to dream about what is forbidden to even think about.
  • Said you were born to crawl? Rejoice, you are one of those people who will never spoil from above.
  • Always go for your dream. Tired of walking? crawl. There is no strength to crawl, well, at least lie down and lie in the direction of the dream.
  • I have a conscience! I use it rationally.
  • I got in a good mood. To be treated and I don’t think, let everyone else get infected.
  • Every pancake is lumpy? So sculpt cool lumps.
  • The black streak of my life will be only from the best chocolate.
  • If life is a series of black and white, then I intend to stop at white and go along.
  • Only the one who does not lie to the question: “How are you?” is happy.
  • Happiness does not come, I will go, I will step on it myself.
  • I want a miracle! Do not offer yogurt!
  • If a man leaves you, do not hold back, but ask him to throw out the trash along the way.
  • And where I just did not go. I didn’t go to the Maldives, I didn’t go to Cyprus, I didn’t even go to Greece. I think where not to go this year.
  • Why do you think I'm vindictive? I have a very bad memory, I have to write everything down.
  • Previously, if a girl met a guy in a cool car, she knew that he had money, and now that he has a loan.
  • Dad, please, when he asks for my hand, just say that you don't mind. No need to hug him and call him your savior!
  • My parents told me that it was time for me to live alone. Well, I collected their things, I'm waiting.
  • In the look of my cat it is read that I live in her apartment and it seems that it is time for me to move out.
  • I like that you are not sick with me ... I don’t like that you are sick in life.
  • Came home. The husband cooked dinner, cleaned the apartment. I thought I screwed up in what, but no, the computer broke down.
  • Are you trying to spit on my back? Fine, so I'm ahead.
  • Look for the positive in everything. A fire is being put out above you in an apartment, which means it’s worth having a foam party.

It is not difficult to memorize words and phrases for every day to surprise friends, colleagues or relatives. But you will be the star of the program at any party and gatherings. Of course, you should not say them out of place, but it is easy to wait for the right moment to impress others.

Joke about everything and always

Sometimes even laconic sarcasm will not cause discontent. A subtle prank on someone will only spice up your humor. It is worth remembering that this can only be done in the company of close friends. Unfamiliar people will not appreciate your impulse. But any positive statements addressed to someone will always go with a bang. Aphorisms to cheer up will cause your popularity.

Funny phrases to cheer up short and long ones that you should keep for yourself:

  • I'm a cat and I don't care what mice think of me.
  • I was not noticed in the connections discrediting me. - Were there any such connections? - What are you, just not noticed.
  • Even if I fall on my face in the mud, it will be curative.
  • Horseradish is a very educated plant, because it knows everything.
  • All poisonings begin with the words: "There will be nothing in the refrigerator for this."
  • Everyone has a hobby. Someone collects stamps, someone models ships. My husband has been collecting wardrobes from Ikea for three years now.
  • We just ran and jumped in childhood on construction sites, and now - parkour.

You can easily find and come up with many witty, positive statements for every day, if you look at it with humor the world. In every even the most serious problem, you can find a curious, funny. The main thing is not to lose heart, then it will become easier to worry.

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