Works by famous composers. About misinformation in the names of musical compositions or what is "music of angels"

Song "Love Story"

In 1968, Yale University professor Eric Segal wrote the novel Love Story. Unassuming but very good story about two young lovers immediately became a bestseller, despite the tragic ending - which is not typical for America, where they love happy endings. The following year, Hollywood director Arthur Hiller began filming. The film of the same name was a huge success and was nominated for an Oscar, an award from the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts, in seven nominations at once, but was awarded only one: for music written by composer and pianist Francis Ley. The melody for "Love story" is not the only famous one to his credit: Lay composed songs for Edith Piaf, Juliette Greco, Yves Montana, Ella Fitzgerald, Johnny Holiday and Frank Sinatra. He is the author of music for the films "Man and Woman", "To Live to Live", "Mayerling" and other famous films. In addition to the "Oscar", Lei received for the music for "Love Story" more international award Golden Globe.

At first, the leading theme of the film was instrumental, then poet Carl Sigman added lyrics called "Where do I begin." However, the audience, as usual, made an amendment, changing the title of the song according to the title of the story and the film. The ballad is best known for its performance by singer Andy Williams, whose television show was one of the highest rated in the United States in the sixties. It is difficult to say whether television contributed to the song's popularity or whether the process was interpenetrating. One way or another, now this veteran of the pop scene is remembered, perhaps, exclusively for "Love story".

Of course, it would be unfair if the “Love Story” were performed only by male representatives. On the “feminine side”, Mireille Mathieu did the best rehashing, which is not at all surprising, since the author of the melody was her accompanist at one time. And in general, having, as it were, France as its historical homeland, the song simply could not fail to sound on French before it was sung on many more. Probably, this song is also why people like it so much that the theme "Love story" in all three of its incarnations - a story, a film and a song - proclaimed main idea: "Love is when you don't have to say" sorry "...".

Where do I begin
To tell the story
Of how great a love can be
The sweet love story
That is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love
She brings to me?
Where do I start?

With her first "hello"
She gave the meaning
To this empty world of mine;
There'd never be another love,
another time;
She came into my life
And made the living fine.
She fills my heart.

She fills my heart
With very special things
With angel songs
With wild imaginations.
She fills my soul
With so much love
That anywhere I go
I'm never lonely.
With her along
Who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand
It's always there.

How long does it last?
Can love be measured
By the hours in a day?
I have no answers now
But this much I can say:
I know I'll need her
Till the stars all burn away
She fills my heart...

How long does it last?
Can love be measured
Bby the hours in a day?
I have no answers now
But this much I can say:
I know I'll need her
Till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there..

Russian text by M. Podberezsky

How, where to start
My history
To not repeat again
familiar words,
To let people know:
My story is true
I have nothing to hide.
Where to begin?

How can I explain to you
That sometimes you live the way you want to live,
That sometimes it's the way it's supposed to be
How can I explain to you what it is to "love"?

How to explain, without words and phrases,
To which the ear is accustomed
Our love is
Not like others.
And my story
Not taken from books
A love story - and in it line after line
Let them save and keep for centuries
The warmth of your hand in my hands!

Started a long time ago
My story, but I know one thing:
Let the days go by forever
Doesn't matter
I am every day and hour that I am destined to live,
Love you.

Russian text by Robert Rozhdestvensky

Touched the candle
Breath of the evening
I won't upset you
Nothing to be afraid
but i just want
To say about
that I had love...

There was love...
It was here, look
One in a thousand
stretch out your hand.
And suddenly it will be found -
you open your heart
Is it in him
Yesterday was love...

There was love.
She passed
Like a train at midnight
Where to now
run for help
Who to blame
and how to get it back
I'm sorry,
for what, I don't know
I'm sorry,
for what, I don't know
I'm sorry
for anything.
In heart and blood
Solid mysteries.
And people out of love
They're probably getting old.
They will tell me: "Live!"
I will live,
I will know - love was ...

There was love ... That's all.
The earth is shaking
from my cry.
Love ends
but I'm sorry for that
Who never said:
"There was love..."
Love was...

Any of the composers that will be discussed in this article can easily be called the greatest composer classical music ever existing.

Although it is impossible to compare music created over several centuries, all these composers stand out very clearly from their contemporaries. In their works, they sought to expand the boundaries of classical music, to reach new heights in it, not previously attainable.

All the great classical music composers listed below are worthy of the first place, so the list is not presented by the importance of the composer, but in the form of information for review.

For world classics, Beethoven is a very significant figure. One of the most performed composers in the world. He composed his works in absolutely all existing genres of his time. It is a harbinger of the period of romanticism in music. Instrumental works recognized as the most significant of all the legacy left by Ludwig van Beethoven.

The greatest composer and organist in world music history. is representative of the Baroque period. In his entire life he wrote over a thousand works, however, during his lifetime only about a dozen were published. He worked in all genres of his time with the exception of opera. He is the ancestor of the Bach dynasty, the most famous in music.

Composer and conductor, virtuoso violinist and organist from Austria, possessed an incredible musical memory and amazing hearing. Started creating with early years and excelled in all genres of music, for which he is rightfully recognized as one of the great composers of classical music in history.

The most mysterious and mysterious work of Mozart - "Requiem", was never completed by the author. The reason for this was sudden death at thirty-five. The Requiem was completed by his student Franz Süsmeier.

Great German composer, playwright, conductor and philosopher. He had a huge impact on modernism and, in general, the whole European culture at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

By order of Ludwig II of Bavaria, Bayreuth was built Opera theatre according to Wagner. It was intended exclusively for the works of the composer. Wagner's musical dramas continue to this day.

Russian composer, conductor and musical critic belongs to one of the best melodists in the world. His work has made a huge contribution to the development of world classics. Among classical music lovers, he is a very popular composer. In his works, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky successfully combined the style of Western symphonies with Russian traditions.

A great composer from Austria, and a conductor, and a violinist, and recognized by all the peoples of the world as the “king of the waltz”. His work was dedicated to light dance music and operetta. His legacy includes over five hundred waltzes, quadrilles, polkas, as well as several operettas and ballets. In the nineteenth century, thanks to Strauss, the waltz gained incredible popularity in Vienna.

Italian composer, virtuoso guitarist and violinist. A very bright and unusual personality in musical history, is a recognized genius in the world art of music. All the work of this great man was shrouded in a certain mystery, thanks to Paganini himself. He opened in his works new, previously unknown to anyone. known species violin technique. He is also one of the founders of romanticism in music.

All these great composers of classical music had a very big influence on its development and promotion. Their music, tested by time and generations, is in demand even today, perhaps even to a much greater extent than during their lifetime. They created immortal works who continue to live and pass on to the next generations, carrying emotions and feelings that make you think about the eternal.

So one of the greatest composers Ludwig van Beethoven has been recognized for the third century now. His works leave a deep imprint in the souls and minds of the most sophisticated listeners. A real success at the time was the premiere of the composer's 9th D minor symphony, at the end of which the famous choral “Ode to Joy” to the text by Schiller sounds. In one of contemporary films a good montage of the entire symphony is presented. Be sure to check it out!

L. van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor (video editing)

How many times have you come across a situation where you heard a great song on the radio or in a YouTube video, but did not know who sang it, and no one in the comments could say its name? In such a situation, various music recognition programs such as Tunatic, AudioTag, Shazam and Midomi will help you. In this article, we will review their main features, test them, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of each.


An online music recognition service that doesn't require you to download a file. It is enough to press one button and the program will start listening to the track you want to find. The recording of a fragment is very fast - it takes less than 10 seconds to determine the artist. Before recording, the application asks permission to access your microphone.

The search results will show the title of the work, the name of the artist and the cover of the album. You will also be prompted to find a clip or purchase an mp3 file. It will be possible to watch all the songs from this album, listen to small 30-second excerpts to get acquainted with the opportunity to purchase the songs you like.

In order to start the search, just go to the site and download the file from desired fragment or link to it. The site developers recommend uploading tracks with a duration of 15 - 45 seconds, but no one forbids you to submit the entire song.

Supports work with MP3, WAV, OGG formats. At the top of the site there is a button to switch to Russian. If the quality of the passage is low and the robot cannot unequivocally determine the name, then it will offer several options.

The analysis takes place within 20-30 seconds. Unfortunately, if you heard music on the radio, you won’t be able to find it right away. Therefore, you need to have time to record a fragment. The developers claim that the robot will be able to cope even with poor quality recordings.

As a result of testing, the AudioTag service was able to find all five tracks. He easily coped with both last year's compositions and songs from ten years ago. The only drawback is the need to additionally record a snippet of the song and upload it to the site.

is a free desktop application. It can be installed under OS Windows and MacOS. After a simple installation, a program window appears with the inscription “Tunatic ready. Click to identify song. Working with it is extremely simple - just press the white button with the image of a magnifying glass while the track is playing. After connecting to the server, the message “Identifying song. Please wait" - this program collects and sends data to the server to look for matches in the database. If your microphone does not work or the music is not heard, then the message “Signal too weak. Check your microphone. If the song is defined, then the name of the artist and its name will appear.

The test results are as follows: out of 5 foreign songs found only 3. The search for each track takes about 45 seconds. I can't say if this is a regularity or an accident, but the tracks older than 2010 could not be identified.


Summing up our review, I want to give first place to Shazam for almost instantaneous recognition, as well as wide choose solutions, both for desktop computers and for almost any mobile device. Second place goes to Midomi, who also quickly and accurately found the suggested tracks, and, moreover, is able to analyze recordings on the fly without the need to download files. Third place goes to AudioTag for identifying all passages, but with the ability to search only files saved on the computer. Fourth place goes to the Tunatic program for not having coped with all the works offered to it.

Some evil genius persists in signing popular music records with random beautiful names. The authors indicate classical composers never wrote these works. "Music of Angels" became, probably, the most popular question on music search forums. So, a revelatory list (although, under paragraph 20, an example of a “good” hoax):

1. Mozart - Music of Angels- Wrong name, wrote this melody Yiruma and it's called "River Flows in You"(Download sheet music), rarer replacement - Jan Kaczmarek- Goodbye (from the movie Hachiko) (Download sheet music). Another melody from the film Hachiko can be found under the name Wilhelm Richard Wagner - "Spring Waltz"

2. Composition "Melody of Tears" (or "Tears of Rain") Beethoven never wrote, VKontakte flaunts an erroneous name that ignorant people came up with. This composition was written by a South Korean pianist under the pseudonym The Daydream.
original song title: Tears(Download sheet music)

3. “Mozart W. A. ​​Pure Symphony. Closer to the dream."- wrong name, in fact, this composition was written by the team secret garden and it's called The promise(Download sheet music)

4. Music for the film "Requiem for a Dream"(notes) wrote Clint Mansell, but not WAGNER and not MOZART! (Wikipedia contains an error in the article about the film, do not read anything there)

5. "Chopin Frederic - Spring Waltz (or autumn waltz). (4.27)"Chopin never wrote this either., composition Mariage D'amour with a duration of 4:27 belongs to the composers Paul de Senneville And Olivier Toussaint(Download sheet music). Performed by Richard Clayderman

6. Wagner - wedding march / midsummer night's dream / overturesong title is wrong VKontakte, music composed by Jan Tiersen and called Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre ete: L'apres midi. Wagner has a wedding chorus from the opera Lohengrin. (Download sheet music) Second version of Hans Günter Wagener - Sommernachtstraum

7. D. D. Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5. (Symphony of the soul) or else it is called prelude - name is wrong this song belongs to the group secret garden and it's called Song from A Secret Garden.(Download sheet music)

8. Chopin Frederic - Spring Waltz. (1:31)"another wrong name, a melody with a duration of 1:31 was written by Jan Tiersen and is called Yann Tiersen - Mother's Journey.(Download sheet music) It is worth noting that no matter how they call Tiersen, human imagination is limitless.

9. "Chopin Frederic - April of dreams."- real name Yanni Hrisomallis - One Man's Dream(Download sheet music)

10. Strauss - Romeo and Juliet- it's not Strauss, but Nino Rotawho wrote the soundtrack for Romeo and Juliet, is called What Is a Youth?

11. Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Träne (Wagner - tear) wrong name, it's actually Dmitry Malikov - Goodbye, cruel world

12. Verdi - Sicilian Vesperswrong name, composer of the film's title theme « Godfather» all the same Nino Rota.

13. Strauss - Slow Waltz- real name Secret Garden

14. Puccini - melancholy (violin)also attributed to Verdi, Vivaldi (Vivaldi generally died long before the appearance of Puccini) and Vanessa May- these are all wrong names, true composer Edvin Marton processed the melody from Aria Cavaradossi.

16. Richard Wagner - Requiem for love; Diesses Leben; Lifewrong name, actually it is Secret Garden

17. Beethoven Silensewrong name, actually it is Ernesto Cortazar - Beethoven's Silence

18. Claude Debussy - Heroic lullabywrong name, actually it is Carter Burwell - Bella's Lullaby

19. "Adagio" Albinonifamous myth, in fact the composer is Remo Giazotto not Albinoni.

20. Giulio Caccini - Ave Maria. the truth of this composition is told

21. Clou - Listening to silencewrong name, actually it is Origen - Dance of the Clouds

22. Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude No. 13- in fact it is Ketil Bjornstad Prelude 13 (from the movie Loneliness in the Net)

In the book “Muslim Magomayev. Betrayed Orpheus ”by Sophia Benois, the memoirs of the master are cited Soviet stage about how Nikolai Dobronravov offered him the composition "You are my melody." Shortly before that, he met future wife Tamara Sinyavskaya and "experienced a romantic time." She performed in Italy, and he lived in Moscow, so the lovers could only talk on the phone for a long time.

Muslim Magometovich said that he immediately liked the song. He did not even ask to change something in the work, although he usually had such requests to composers. A couple of days later, a recording was made, and "I was able to play it to Tamara on the phone."

The explanation of the legendary artist led journalists of domestic publications to the idea that the composition was written specifically for Muslim Magomayev. But the story of Nikolai Dobronravov about the history of the song "You are my melody" refutes this version:

Often she [Alexandra Pakhmutova] first writes a melody, and only then I compose a text for it ... I'll tell you using the example of Melody. We lived then in Ruza, and one evening Alya says: “Kolya, listen to one new melody, I myself still can’t understand whether it is interesting or not. Listen, is it worth making something out of it? Played. I say: “Alya, I don’t know, but I think it’s amazing.” I don't sing very clean, but bad music I will always distinguish from the good. Well, in general, I took up this Alina topic.

The first line came up immediately: "You are my melody." According to the laws of the verse, the second should be something like this: "I am your dear." Third: "You are my good." And the fourth: "We are with you again." And exactly, based on the rhythm of Pakhmutov's melody, it turned out: “You are my melody, I am your devoted Orpheus. The days that we have passed, Remember the light of your tenderness.

Here the rhythm is constantly changing, every word is stressed. This rarely happens in poetry. Insanely complex subtext. I worked on it for two years! During this time he published a collection of poems ...

"Labor", 2009

Let's see music video with the song "You are my melody".

  • They say that the first composition performed by Magomayev was heard by his wife on the phone.

Lyrics of Song "You Are My Melody"

You are my melody
I am your devoted Orpheus
The days that we have passed
Remember the light of your tenderness

Everything melted like smoke
Your voice is lost in the distance
What made you
Forget the melody of love?

You are my doubt
Secret long way
Through the autumn rains
I hear a bitter "I'm sorry"

Dawn of farewell glow
Your voice is lost in the distance
What made you
Betray the melody of love?

You are my melody
I am your devoted Orpheus
The days that we have passed
Remember the light of your tenderness

Be my universe
Revive the silent strings
Inspirational heart
Bring back the melody of love

Song quote

Usually on first contact with new song I asked the composers to change something here, to do something differently there, argued, argued. And then he took the song from the very beginning.

"Muslim Magomaev. Devoted Orpheus"

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