A report about our graduates from the solemn line. Graduation party "On the air" School News "- Document


Moderators: Semkov R. V., Shelkoplyas G. Yu

When the column approaches the square:

Sounds like Beautiful music and presenters enter:

R. V.: Good evening, Dear friends!

G. Yu: Hello, dear residents and guests of the Apsheron region, all those who will witness today the solemn ceremony of awarding gold and silver medals "For special achievements in teaching" to school graduates of our region!

R.V. Very soon, ______ young and beautiful graduate(s) of 2015 will come solemnly and festively to the main square of the Victory Square!

G. Yu. And of course, those who faithfully walked alongside them along the school steps for these 11 years are teachers, mentors.

R. V. And those dear people who helped to overcome this first life road - parents!

Again June in the world,

On the school joyful planet.

Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant!

We celebrate the holiday with you:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of ​​​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

G. Yu. solemn excitement soars,

Sounds like a familiar intro.

For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the holiday break out under the thunder of fanfare!

Fanfare sounds

A detachment of drummers enters and lines up along the perimeter of the square

R. V. School graduates of 2015, awarded with gold and silver medals "For Special Achievements in Teaching" and their parents are invited to the square!

G. Yu: And now graduates, teachers and parents of Lyceum No. 1 are coming to the square……………

Report on schools (read during the construction of schools on the square)

Beautiful callsigns

R. V. Dear graduates! Final chord school symphony exams were over. You have finished writing difficult sentence of his childhood - the time of happy discoveries, kind and cheerful worries.

G. Yu. And today's holiday is a launching pad to a new life,
which gives you the command: "Take off!".

R. V. I am sure that the graduates of 2015 will reach stellar heights in their flight and write many glorious pages in the history of their family tree, their school, city, district, our mother - the Kuban, and perhaps the whole of great Russia!
G. Yu. And it cannot be otherwise! After all, this year is a glorious year Russian history! This year we have to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the 770th anniversary of the victory of Prince Alexander Nevsky on Lake Peipus, 340th anniversary of Emperor Peter 1.

R.V. This year, the inhabitants of our region celebrate two main anniversaries- 220 years since the settlement of the Kuban by the Cossacks and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory.

G. Yu. Dear graduates! Be proud of your unique and original history! Live, learn, create always and everywhere for glory Great Russia, to the glory of the native Kuban!

R. V. Let the sky over the country

Will be blue

Was lined with victories

Our Russian way!

Multiply the history of Russia,

And for the fatherland, be a patriot!

Thematic screensaver "Russia - we are your children!"

At the end of the screensaver, graduates release balloons - tricolor Russia

Solemn ceremony of awarding gold and silver medals.

The fanfare ceased.

The drums are tired

We are waiting for the main action with you,

Looking forward to the award ceremony

The highest award for years of teaching.

This is a great teaching job.

The genes that mom and dad give

These are the efforts of mothers and fathers,

Work and perseverance of students.

Shine of gold and silver grandees,

- This is the wedding of minds and talents,

Higher ranks - an honorary honor:

The best chosen ones are counted.

Call sign fanfare sounds

R. V. For the solemn ceremony of honoring graduates general education schools, presentation of gold and silver medals, announcement of gratitude to parents, the head of municipality Apsheron district A. E. Kravchenko and Chairman of the Council of the municipality I. A. Vodyanov

The head congratulates graduates on finishing school, receiving certificates of secondary education, medalists on receiving high awards- gold and silver medals "For special merits in teaching".


The graduate walks along the star path, the presenter reads a report about him. G. Yu. Serious, independent, possessing a creative, analytical mind, ______ reached high results in teaching. Her hobbies are mathematics, geography, English language. She was repeatedly awarded Certificates of Honor for academic excellence and active community service in class and school.

A little behind, the parents are coming.)

The head of the district A. E. Kravchenko presents a medal to a graduate.

I. A. Vodyanov presents gratitude to parents (father).

41 medalists

Honoring talented graduates, winners of Olympiads

G. Yu. Today, at our holiday, we honor graduates who have been for long years successfully demonstrated knowledge of sciences at zonal, regional and all-Russian subject Olympiads!

R.V.: You paved the way to success with your diligence, curiosity and painstaking work!

G.Yu.: You are always ready to solve the most complex tasks and move forward towards the intended goal! Your victories make up the diamond fund of our region.

Awarding of graduates - winners of subject Olympiads.

G. Yu. Agree, Roman, all roads lead to childhood. Our graduates are joining today adulthood leaving the walls of his native school.

R. V. But a little time will pass, and on the first of September a new generation of girls and boys will go to the land of knowledge. May the first call, and the first teacher, and the first ball be sure in their life!

Choreographic composition “Cadets. First Ball"

A waltz sounds for graduates - participants in the governor's ball.

On the introductory chords, the presenters read.

G. Yu .: Kuban, your youth is spinning in a waltz!

And on the wing becomes like a bird.

But, scattered to distant lands,

She will definitely come back!

R. V ... He will be able to bring glory to you,

Your beauty and wealth to multiply.

So that you, Kuban, could bloom like a garden!

To increase the Cossack valor!

Waltz of graduates and teachers.

G. Yu ... Dear adults, look how young, beautiful our graduates are, and the air is filled with them beautiful dreams and looking forward to a great future!

R.V. So let each of your dreams now grow wings, and they will rush up with these blue balls!

The song "Don't drop the ball!"

Stars and large blue balloons are released into the sky

G. Yu. We, the Apsheronians, have this motto:

Graduates: To the stars, soaring, strive up!

Live and study only on the "five"!

To multiply the glory of the native Kuban!

G. Yu .. Apsheron region, dear to all of us since childhood.

He bound us together forever with a single destiny.

And wherever fate takes you

Remember it every day, every hour!

R. V .. Emerald green of forests and fields,

Nice, kind and generous people.

Clean air, intoxicating at an early dawn.

And be proud that you were born on this earth!

The final song "Over Apsheron!"

Prototype development in Classroom section and published on 16th December, 2014
You are at:

An exciting moment for hundreds of thousands of eleventh graders across Russia. Today they say goodbye to school. Solemn lines, a sea of ​​flowers, parting words from teachers and, of course, the last call.

This year, for the first time, schools themselves chose a convenient date for the ceremonial rulers, so in some places they have already taken place, and somewhere they will still be celebrating during the week. But most still traditionally celebrate May 25.

The last bell rang today in the Crimea. At a school with an international children's center Artek organized a ball for graduates. In Moscow, Red Square, Vorobyovy Gory, Poklonnaya, and VDNKh will become the place of the largest celebrations. Say goodbye to the school and the students of the Kolmogorov boarding school in Moscow.

They came to their last lesson without delay. And I didn't want it to end! After all, today graduates were allowed to choose which teacher to go to. They wanted to remember every moment of that day in detail, which is why they did not stop taking pictures for a second and once again went around the whole school together.

Girls will not sit down - they are afraid to wrinkle ironed blouses and skirts. The boys are helped to straighten their ties and bow ties. The last day at school should be spent on "five plus".

This is the most exciting moment. The school yard is full. Parents and teachers freeze in anticipation, graduates are preparing to leave. The music is about to stop, and the last bell will ring for them.

The most successful students get the right to carry the bell, although it is not easy to choose them here. To the boarding school Kolmogorov, only the best come from all over Russia. But today they do not think about grades and exams, but only talk about how much they will be bored.

“It’s a pity to leave such an environment, to leave the guys with whom we became so friends here and became really family. It’s sad to leave our teachers… But, on the other hand, it’s natural that we are growing up, and today everyone put on the ribbons of graduates with such pride, and it was at that moment that we really felt that we were graduates, ”says a graduate of the Kolmogorov Special Educational and Scientific Center of Moscow State University Natalya Strelnikova.

“I will mostly miss the conversations that we had with friends, about mathematics, about physics,” says Djibril Musigarbe, a graduate of the SOSC.

They say goodbye to the school so that they will be remembered for a long time. On holiday concert each number is a dedication to one of the teachers. The voice sometimes broke, and it became more and more difficult to hold back the tears.

“The holiday is twofold - both joyful and at the same time, of course, sad. Usually our graduates do not forget us, they often come, especially in the first year. They are bored, and we are happy to meet them,” says Larisa Smirnova, teacher of biology at the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Moscow State University named after Kolmogorov.

For graduates of this gymnasium, saying goodbye to school is also saying goodbye to home. More than half of them live in hostels. They are not just friends, but family members. So many decide to enter one university and one faculty.

“They will still end up somewhere nearby, they will enter Moscow University, other universities - they will not go far. So they will maintain this connection for the rest of their lives,” Kirill Semyonov, director of the Specialized Research Center of Moscow State University named after Kolmogorov, is sure.

Tomorrow they will again sit down for textbooks. The first exams in geography and literature are already on Friday, and they promise not to forget school and everyone to come to the holidays together.


"On Air" school news»

Footage "The Beginning of Graduation".

Presenter 1 Good evening.

Lead 2

We are glad to welcome dear teachers and parents of graduates, distinguished guests and simply cordial friends in the festive hall.

Good evening to you! Good graduation party!

Slide "School news"

Presenter 1

On the air "School news"

Lead 2.

Time is running at full speed

He is calling us!

Flew year after year

It's been many days and now...

Everything is ready, everything is ready:

Flowers, smiles and words.

So meet me in this room

The culprits of a great celebration!

We welcome the graduates of 2010 and the class teacher Perova N.A. with friendly applause.

Graduates rise to the stage to the music of the "School Waltz"

Celebration is best time in a year.

Everyone is smart, kind and considerate.

We all wish the sky to be a big star,

You must be on fire today.

May star fate without delay

Write a new chapter in life!

Dreams, love, success and inspiration,

Let you give a holiday in reality!

Graduates descend to the "School Waltz" in the hall

Dear graduates!

Behind the year of your studies ...

And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And tonight we wanted to

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, class, still close ...

So, our program opens with a report from the hall of the House of Culture, where the solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of graduation from the basic comprehensive school is taking place. And the honorary right to open the ceremony is granted to the director of the school, Zolotukhin V.I. .(out to the music) The director addresses them with greetings and wishes of good luck.

The solemn moment is coming...

Graduates receive a school leaving certificate.

Presentation "Awarding of certificates"

( Graduates receive certificates and remain on stage) + certificates from the school + certificates from the recreation center and the library.

Vedas. So, the report from the graduation ceremony is over and now we are passing the microphones to the heroes of today's celebration to find out how they feel now.

(Word to graduates) poems for teachers + song to the motive "Just Give"

It is difficult to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I want to find kind words for everyone.

I will never be a schoolgirl again.

Don't rush to class.

Mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but there was confusion in the soul,

The girls are in tears. Why?

How we've been waiting for this moment

How many years have you been preparing for it!

Close and a little far

School - our second home -

Like a bright and strict memory

We will take it with us to our hearts.

Nine years ... from such first-graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so many years older today

Became those who taught us good.

The gray strands are powdered,

A new wrinkle lay...

Smart, beautiful, good,

Strict my teachers!

I give you spring flowers

All the love that is in my heart.

In life until the last moment

In unpaid I owe you.

We continue our program. We bring to your attention the announcement of the final series of TV series "My Fair Nanny". The first teacher of our graduates is invited to the stage, brilliantly performing throughout three years my important role. We meet Suyunchalieva B.K.

Slide "photo of 1st class with S.B.K" + fanfare for the exit

Poem for the first teacher.

Did you recognize us? Look...

Here are your first graders!

We wore large satchels,

Rulers, pens, and notebooks

We remember you with love

So dear, so familiar.

Like a mother, you treated us

And with you we were at home.

Thank you, earth bow

Accept from all graduates

We will remember you like this

And we can't change our memory

Graduates now in front of you

They want to bend their knees

Give flowers

Vedas. The word for congratulations is given by S.B.K.

Who led you deep and wide of knowledge,

Who gave before you opened,

How hard it is to say "Goodbye" to them..

It's not easy... But the moment has come!

We meet the class teacher of the 9th grade Perova N.A.

Congratulations for children.

A word to the graduates (Vik's verse)

Everything was: roads, and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of beloved eyes ...

I look back on the years

I remember you with warmth and feeling...

I took an example from you, went to you for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give everything to great work,

You wake up a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for being alive.

For your deeds and thoughts beauty!

We will never forget you

We will love and remember all our lives.

The second mother - you are with us!

Thanks to you all our class.

Graduates sing for you

who didn't carry diaries every day.

And, sometimes, everyone ran away from the lessons ...

But you, believe me, everyone respected you!

(song to the motive "Birthday")

Vedas. the day before High school prom a special correspondent visited the teacher's room of our school and found out the opinion of teachers about today's graduates. So, attention to the screen.

Vedas. So, this was our special correspondent, who visited the secret place for our students - the school teacher's room.

And our broadcast will continue with a report on the topic "School weekdays"


They bring in the current model of a loser (he).

Model of the Losers of the end of the 20th century, made in full size. Outwardly, she is no different from a good student, but inwardly ...
(point to head)
- What do you think it is?
All: head.
He: - What do you know about the head?
One student (raises his hand). One head it's good, but two better.
Loser: Ha-ha-ha! You and one of mine will be enough to make everyone's head spin!
He: Let's move on. These are two ears. Why two?
Loser: - So that it flew into one and flew into the other ...
He: - The eyes are given ...
Loser: - Look into other people's notebooks. Written off - order!
He: That's the mouth. For what? To speak...
Loser: - But I did not learn! And I forgot my notebook! ... Why a deuce?
He: Let's move on. These are hands...
Loser: - Why are you so little about my hands? You would talk a lot about the hands of an excellent student. Yes, the whole class and the whole school are crying from my hands and feet: pulling braids, unscrewing nuts at chairs and tables, scribbled tables, notes in all directions, calls, conversations, chatting on the phone - my work ...
He: - Yours, yours... Do you have any questions?
Loser student: - And we will leave the school, will there still be such people?
He: - We wish you that this was the last loser in your school life(taken away, he resists).
Loser: - I'll leave myself! They took the fashion to criticize ...

Song to the motive "Forgive me, believe me"

Vedas: Thank you, graduates.

And now on the air - a permanent heading "For you, parents"

Dear Parents! Graduates, of course, do not say goodbye to you, but they say goodbye to you school age, their school joys and failures, grades and diary entries.

Mothers, beloved kind mothers!

We want to thank you.

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take their exams.

You went from class to class,

Gain knowledge and grow

Everything we were taught in school

You helped us to master everything.

Always be young

Beautiful like now

And we will try very hard

Nothing to upset you!

Vedas. The word is given to parents of graduates

To the song " parental home» Parents go up to the stage.

If the son is first everywhere,

Stars from the sky are easily missing -

It's all parenting

Heaven is moving towards him.

If a daughter grows up to others for joy,

Clever, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried

She was also a mentor and close friend.

Here they are - beloved children:

Your boys and your girls

Your children, your bloodlines.

There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given to daughters and sons!

How many hard and long years

Given to daughters and sons!

Song to the motive "Light the lights"

Perova N.A.

Who loved children, caressed

Who didn't get enough sleep at night

Who worried about them

And sometimes strict?

Patiently day by day

He raised them.

Helped the teacher?


Presentation of letters of thanks to parents. (screen saver 21)

Well, we continue the School News program with the report “This never happens again ...”

Video display.

Under the words of the presenter, the children rise to the final song.

Nine flew by unnoticed school years, you have become more mature and now you understand well that in the world there is good and evil, good and bad, beautiful and noble. At school you learned justice, honesty. And today it's time to say goodbye. Some of you will continue your studies in the tenth grade, some will leave school, but all of you will always remember your school years, the lessons that you learned here, those with whom you had the good fortune to meet every day.

Song to the motive "Light it up"

Dear graduates! And today you will continue the tradition of our school and light the star of graduates of 2010 in the schoolyard.

This concludes our broadcast.

And you, dear viewers, turn on any program to your taste, and you can also actively participate in such programs as "You'll lick your fingers" (i.e., a banquet) and the Dance Show "Dance while you're young."

Goodbye, see you again.

June 25 took place, perhaps, main holiday, which all of us - eleventh graders - were waiting for - graduation party. We greeted him with sad joy, sad because we will never see our beloved school again, to which we have become so accustomed for all ten years spent within its walls, because this holiday was an omen of the end of our beloved childhood, because that there are many difficulties ahead of us, but despite all this, we were happy and ready to meet a new world that we had not yet known, full of dangers and unpredictable situations, but so strongly enticing us.
The holiday was full of surprises, both for graduates and teachers and, by the way, for the director of our school himself, as he was awarded a prize as a statuette and verbal congratulations, however, like all the nominees of the evening, in the nomination "Chief Millionaire ”, the graduates decided in this way to congratulate him and the whole school on a win of one million rubles. Congratulations, dear Nikolai Semenovich! In addition to rather funny nominations, there were other funny and interesting situations. Everyone was surprised by Gabtulgalev Vladlen, who played a wonderful miniature associated with a very current situation in Lately, with exams. Also, the graduates repeatedly surprised everyone present with their wonderful voices, performing equally wonderful songs one after another. All viewers were delighted with another miniature, dedicated, of course, to childhood, in which Anna Maltseva, Dmitry Kozlov and Elena Vostrikova showed remarkable artistry.
The festive program was interrupted by a slightly protracted certificate and award ceremony, but the waiting time was more than compensated by the award itself, and all, without exception, the graduates were waiting in the wings to get on stage and get the results of their long and hardworking "work", and for those who tried better than the rest were additional awards, their work was not in vain and every grain of it was appreciated. Along with the graduates, the works of their parents were also noted, who made a lot of efforts to educate and release worthy representatives into society. This year we have six wonderful, talented and very erudite guys: Abdukhalipov Roman, Dvoryanov Dmitry, Lychagina Alexandra, Skibina Daria, Smolyakova Alina and Trunova Svetlana. In addition to the medalists, excellent students for grade 11 were noted and awarded. Among them Dvoryanov Dmitry, who scored five out of five, that is, all the exams, he passed the A and for this he was separately singled out and awarded diploma on a par with our excellent students. Also, the achievements of our editorial staff were not left behind the scenes. school newspaper: Abdukhalipov Roman, Prestinskaya Tatyana, Smolyakova Alina, who took part in the draw of the regional public award "Golden Lion" in the nomination "Digital Universe Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", and were awarded the title of Grand Prix, they were separately awarded memorable prizes.
When, finally, the awards ceremony ended successfully, having exhausted all the prizes prepared for the graduates, the festive program continued. The continuation was no less impressive than the beginning: ringing songs, cheerful numbers, deep, pure wishes also sounded. The culmination of the evening was a warm, reverent dialogue with the school of Roman Abdukhalipov, in front of some graduates they drank tears, perhaps it was at that moment that they began to understand what was really happening ... A little later, a number followed in which the guardian angel in the form of a girl descended from above, and, to a similar song, presented the graduates with flowers, and promised to protect them in the future life path. The celebration ended with the moment when champagne was brought to the graduates in the "bowl of friendship" by their class teachers. The official part was pos hell, but the evening was just beginning and ahead was the graduates' ball, as well as night and dawn, which, according to tradition, should be met by awake graduates ...

Roman Abdukhalipov, former technical editor of the School Window editorial office, was already reporting from the prom.

prom script

On air "School news".

Time is running at full speed
He is calling us!
Flew year after year
It's been many days and now...

There comes a moment of goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye...

Each of you has your own dream, and everyone strives for it.

But tonight is your last evening, when you are all together, last time you have everything in common - this hall, mood, music. And even today you will have a common dream!

Leading: Today the school has its own television and radio center.

And we are not just presenters, but announcers of school TV.

We take our places in front of the cameras. I ask you to pay attention to the news of the day, as well as in between the news, watch our favorite TV shows.

___Motor double first.

And we announce the TV program of the day.

Moderator: Good evening, let's briefly talk about today's report. So, the program opens with a report from the assembly hall, where the solemn presentation of school graduation certificates takes place.

Then, watching the series "Who's the boss at school."
Next - the program "For you, parents"

The program "Cooking duel" will be broadcast from the school cafeteria

For university teachers the program - "Wait for us"

The retrospective show of the telecast "From the bottom of my heart" will also not leave you indifferent.
At the end of it, we bring to your attention the next series of a film about class teachers - "My Fair Nanny".

So, "News of the Day" opens a report from the assembly hall, where the solemn presentation of school graduation certificates takes place. __________ Can you hear me, please tell us what is happening now in the assembly hall of Aydarlinskaya high school.

Good evening, Irina. The assembly hall is full of people, everyone came to see our graduates into adulthood. But for now, I don’t see the graduates themselves, we’ll wait, Irina ... ..

Because now comes the solemn moment - the presentation of school certificates!


Leading: So, we start the live broadcast from the solemn meeting of ________ high school. Leading - main character“Who is the boss in the house” director of ______________ secondary school ______________, the head teacher of the school ______________ also takes part in the program

Dear viewers, dear guests, I feel like a conductor now. My symbolic wave of the hand will mark the beginning of the main event of your school life.
Welcome graduates of 2015!

Leading: Dear viewers, you have a unique opportunity to see the most solemn event in the life of the school - the presentation of certificates.
Director's word
Presentation of certificates

Leading: We continue our TV program. We bring to your attention the next series of t / s "My Fair Nanny" Our favorite teachers are invited to the stage, brilliantly performing their important role for many years. We meet!

(number-parody of t / s "My Fair Nanny", performed by teachers and class teachers schools)

Leading: We continue the program. On the air program - "From the bottom of my heart"

Leading: With all my heart in silent words
What else can we say today?
How not about you, who have been with us for so many years,
Who taught us to read, write, count ...

Leading: Who led us into the depth and breadth of knowledge,
Who gave before us opened,
How hard it is to say "Goodbye" to you..
It's not easy... But the moment has come!

Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates.

Leading: On the air of the TV show "For you, parents"

Leading: Dear Parents! Of course, we do not say goodbye to you, but our school age, our school joys and failures, our fives in physics and entries in diaries say goodbye to you.

Leading: You don't have to come to school for family meetings anymore. You did a great job and deserved to be awarded the document -
School graduation certificates No. ___ series ___ dated 200___.
Issued civil. Parent with a common surname Shkolnikov Klass Parallelevich. By this document, we certify that you, together with your child, entered school No. ___ in 19___ and successfully graduated from school with him in 200__. During the training, he repeatedly showed deep knowledge and brilliantly passed the state exam. He also showed respect for teachers, helping them in everything.
Date of….
School No.___

Leading: And now a word to the parents themselves.
(receipt read)


We, the undersigned parents of current graduates of the school, issue a receipt to the school for what we really receive in 200__. Back our children, who were sent to school in 199__, for temporary storage, upbringing and education. There are no complaints about the school, there is only an endless and sincere thanks. There is, however, a discrepancy: we handed over small-sized children, but we get large-sized ones back. They, you know, are much more difficult to feed, put on shoes, dress up, and further train ... Although, looking at them smart faces, we hope that our children will soon give the knowledge gained at school for the benefit of the public, and the society from these benefits, you stroke, will allocate something to us.

Thank you for this and subscribe: mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers of 2015 graduates

Leading: And now, dear viewers, turn on any program to your taste, you can also actively participate in such programs as "Lick your fingers" (banquet), Dance show "Dance while you are young", etc.

Leading: And for today we do not say goodbye, everything is just beginning!

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