Russian people: culture, traditions and customs. Feasts and hunting in Ancient Rus'


A. Tereshchenko

Life of the Russian people


It is impossible to imagine all the diversity of our amusements: they are so numerous and changeable that it is difficult to collect them into one, to bring them under one level of amusements in order to draw a general conclusion about them. The common people, preserving the beliefs and customs of their ancestors, merged them with their own habits. Foreigners portrayed our games very wrongly; not knowing our language and caring little about the fidelity of the presentation, they included everything in their diaries indiscriminately. It suffices to look at a few modern news from foreigners to be convinced of their ignorant description. Surrounding themselves with books foreign, not worthy of trust, they write out of them what they please, and say,<будто>have seen everything. The amusements of our people, a reflection of their true and genuine joy, can only be described with real picture their lives.

In warm weather, men and women, young people and girls gather in front of the house. First, men greet each other by removing their hats from their heads, and the female sex meets them with a smile or a question about health; Then they sit next to each other on a bench near the house. If there was not enough space for women, then the old men themselves get up and ask them to sit down. Women are respected everywhere, in all conditions. The young whisper among themselves, the old men grin and tell them with simple-hearted laughter that they have been overheard. Then the conversation begins more lively, the conversation is more frank and they cease to be alienated, they approach closer friend to a friend and make a general circle. The balalaika appears, and everyone moves apart. The girls are looking forward to the invitation. Everywhere girls start first, and everywhere they<имеют>your rights.

Well done, who is the boldest of all, steps forward and, taking off his hat, asks the beauty to have fun with him. The whole society is in festive attire: men in caftans, a red shirt with lapels and a hat on one side. Girls in sundresses, long-sleeved white shirts and a white handkerchief. The dance has not yet begun, but they are only eager for it. Here the boys interfere with everyone: they distract everyone's attention with their running around and games, in which adults often take part. The girls disperse, form their own circle, and plot their amusements; married people separate from them, go aside; some old people stay in front of the house and talk about their activities: everyone disperses and, it would seem, the fun is over. Here it is<и>begins: frisky and carefree naughty start their horses and launches, the guys knock down the towns, the girls jump on the boards. When they have fun, then they start general games in which only children are not accepted; the latter do not regret it, because they have their own, belonging to them alone. But girls and men, in addition to common amusements, also have their own separate ones: then the guys do not interfere in the girlish, and the girls in the men's games. Gender and age are separated from each other, and therefore the natural division of games follows in itself.


Children's age loves unconcerned, simple games, but they hide either a lesson or an expression of their age.


Magpie - ubiquitous fun. She amuses toddlers and young children. Mothers or nannies, putting the child on their knees or placing him next to them, finger the child and caress it so that it does not cry, saying: “Magpie, crow, cooked porridge for children: she gave one, gave another, , they say soon, - but didn’t give it to the third. The magpie has flown away! In Little Russia they say: “A magpie, a crow, sat on a drink, cooked porridge for children; I gave it to one, I gave it to another, I gave it to this one, I gave it to this one, but I didn’t give it to this one - hai! guy! Magpie snailed. Having tickled the child, they awaken laughter in him and then make him repeat the same thing. With a successful repetition, the child kisses him every time. This fun continues until the child has fun.

In some places they say: “Magpie, crow, cooked porridge for children, chilled on the threshold. She gave it to him, she gave it to him, she snatched his neck, and flew away! - Dry, dry! .. ”They still amuse like that; “Magpie, magpie, cooked porridge, jumped on the threshold, savvy guests. Guests in the yard - porridge on the table; guests from the yard - porridge from the table. She gave it, she did not give it; this one got it, this one didn’t get it: who is small, who didn’t carry firewood, who didn’t heat the stove, who didn’t cook cabbage soup, who didn’t go for water. Shu, fly! And wagged her tail."

"Okay, okay! Where were you?" - "By Grandma! They ate pancakes." - "What did you eat?" - "Cash". - "What did you drink?" - "Brazhka". - "Kashka slatenka (sweetie), drunken mash." When rocking, children sing in a drawling voice:

Coo, coo, my dear,
Cry, little one.
You fly through the yard, you coo;
You fly like a tent, you listen.
And who is talking in the tent?
Speaks in the tent
Brother with sister
Relatives with relatives.
- My dear sister!
Let's go for a walk in the green garden.
Pick a flower in the garden
Sow yourself on a wreath.
We will carry wreaths to the father,
To the birth mother.
- You are my sir, father,
You are my lady, mother,
Which wreath is alley?
Which one of us is cuter?
- My dear child!
All wreaths are scarlet,
All children are cute.

Sometimes they amuse children with lamentations:

At the cat, at the cat,
There was a stepmother;
She beat the cat
On all sides
The cat turned around.
Give the cat dad
On the hind legs.
- Eat, cat, do not crumble;
Don't ask dad for more


AT holidays, especially in summer, you will always and everywhere meet boys with ropes in their teeth, running in twos or threes, holding hands, pretending to be horses. They are ruled by the fight - the coachman, who incessantly slams his whip and shouts at them. This game is one of the favorites for peasant children. As soon as a boy starts walking in the village, he already carries a trampled bast shoe or rides on a stick; waters his horse, puts him in the stable, gives him oats and cleans him. When he can already run along the street, then he enthusiastically equips a troika, which is sometimes harnessed to a cart, and a coachman is placed on it. The troika runs first at a quiet trot, then rushes, beats and overturns the wagon. The bruised coachman forgets about his pain: he runs after the horses, stops them, pats each one on the head and carefully examines whether it has been detected? He wets their feet with water, but does not think about himself. This game expresses the passion of the coachmen for their occupation.

They play horses even more simply: boys and girls sit on a stick and, imagining that they are riding a horse, tie it with a string or rope, whip it, and in the absence of it - with a thin twig, turn their head to the side, gallop or at full speed and shouting: “Go! Fall!” Girls are not as willing to ride horses as boys, discovering from childhood that this is not characteristic of their sex - therefore they leave it to men to ride.


In older children, it is still a favorite pastime - running in distillation. The players overtake each other, and whoever overtakes whom boasts with complacency. Girls take part in this game. Distillation serves to strengthen the body and develop agility. This game is called in Little Russia vyvydki.


Children who are forbidden to leave the house gather near the gate and play dumplings. Having formed from a large and index finger circle, pass their saliva through it. Who, passing saliva, drops it on any finger, he gets the name dumplings. Then everyone starts teasing him: “Dumpling, dumpling; sour dumpling, dumpling!” He runs after them and catches; whoever he catches becomes a dumpling, who then catches them in the same way as the first. The game continues until there is enough to run. She makes up one kids prank.

Children of both sexes climb new huts with only one ceiling, or any other building with one ceiling. Having climbed the stairs, four stand in the corners, and the fifth, standing in the middle, jumps on both legs and sings:

Stump, stump, give me cannabis.
Troshka, peas -
Oil from a spoon.

At last word everyone changes places, the stump tries to seize anyone's place, while the one who loses it plays the stump. The game continues until she gets bored; but who stayed last time stump, he bears this name for a long time. The game of stump, although there is childish playfulness, is nevertheless expressed by it as a fool.


Naughty children, bored with some kind of game, rush at each other, push, scream, run, fall, hurt themselves - this is not enough, this is not enough for them: they are looking for other sensations. Who is more frisky, he calls for a new fun - to pull his nose. They stand opposite each other and shout: “Start!” - "No, you start." Then one begins to ask, and the other answers him: “Whose nose?” - Savin. - "Where have you been?" - "Slavil". - "What did you exalt?" - "Kopeck". - "Where are you going?" - "Bought a gingerbread." - "With whom did you eat?" - "One". At this word, the questioner grabs his nose, twitches in all directions, saying: "Do not eat alone, do not eat alone." If the twitching one then says: “I ate with you,” then his nose is left alone. It happens that intrusive naughty people stick their noses on so much that they remember them for a long, long time. And who forgets noses? Many lead by the noses, and many pull them so long - what is your German!

A person all his life - from birth to death - is surrounded by household items. What is included in this concept? Furniture, dishes, clothes and more. with items folk life associated with a huge number of proverbs and sayings. About them in question in fairy tales, they write poems about them and come up with riddles.

What items of folk life in Russia do we know? Have they always been called that? Are there things that have disappeared from our lives? What kind Interesting Facts associated with household items? Let's start with the most important.

Russian hut

It is impossible to imagine the items of Russian folk life without the most important thing - their homes. In Rus', huts were built on the banks of rivers or lakes, because fishing has been one of the most important industries since ancient times. The place for the construction was chosen very carefully. The new hut was never built on the site of the old one. An interesting fact is that pets served as a guide for selection. The place that they chose to rest was considered the most favorable for building a house.

The dwelling was made of wood, most often of larch or birch. It is more correct to say not "build a hut", but "cut down a house". This was done with an ax, and later with a saw. Huts were most often made square or rectangular. Inside the dwelling there was nothing superfluous, only the most necessary for life. The walls and ceilings in the Russian hut were not painted. For wealthy peasants, the house consisted of several rooms: the main dwelling, a canopy, a veranda, a closet, a yard and buildings: a flock or a corral for animals, a hayloft and others.

In the hut there were wooden household items - a table, benches, a cradle or cradle for babies, shelves for dishes. Colored rugs or paths could lie on the floor. The table occupied a central place in the house, the corner where it stood was called "red", that is, the most important, honorable. It was covered with a tablecloth, and the whole family gathered behind it. Everyone at the table had his own place, the most convenient, the central one was occupied by the head of the family - the owner. There was space for icons.

Good speech, if there is a stove in the hut

Without this subject, it is impossible to imagine the life of our distant ancestors. The stove was both a nurse and a savior. In extreme cold, only thanks to her, many people managed to keep warm. The Russian stove was a place where food was cooked, and they also slept on it. Her warmth saved from many diseases. Due to the fact that there were various niches and shelves in it, various dishes were stored here.

Food cooked in a Russian oven is unusually tasty and fragrant. Here you can cook: delicious and rich soup, crumbly porridge, all kinds of pastries and much more.

But the most important thing is that the stove was the place in the house around which people were constantly. It is no coincidence that in Russian fairy tales, the main characters either ride it (Emelya), or sleep (Ilya Muromets).

Poker, grip, pomelo

These household items were directly related to Kocherga, who was the first assistant at work. When firewood burned out in the stove, the coals were shifted with this object and they looked so that there were no unburned logs. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the poker, here are just a few of them:

  • In the bath, a broom, gentleman, in the oven, a poker.
  • No candle to God, no poker to hell.
  • Black conscience and the poker seem like a gallows.

The grip is the second assistant when working with the stove. Usually there were several of them, of different sizes. With the help of this item, cast-iron pots or pans with food were put into and removed from the oven. The grips were taken care of and tried to handle them very carefully.

Pomelo is a special broom with which they swept excess garbage from the stove, and it was not used for other purposes. The Russian people came up with a characteristic riddle about this subject: “Under the floor, under the middle, it sits. Usually, the pomelo was used before they were going to bake pies.

A poker, a fork, a broom - they certainly had to be at hand when food was cooked in a Russian oven.

Chest - for storing the most valuable things

In every house there had to be a place where the dowry, clothes, towels, tablecloths were put. Chest - items of folk life They could be both large and small. Most importantly, they had to meet several requirements: spaciousness, strength, decoration. If a girl was born in the family, then the mother began to collect her dowry, which was put into a chest. A girl getting married would take him with her to her husband's house.

There was a large number of curious traditions associated with the chest. Here is some of them:

  • The girls were not allowed to give their chest to someone, otherwise they could remain an old maid.
  • During Maslenitsa, it was impossible to open the chest. It was believed that in this way one could unleash one's wealth and good luck.
  • Before marriage, the bride's relatives sat on the chest and demanded a ransom for the dowry.

Interesting names of household items

Many of us do not even imagine that the usual things that surround us in everyday life were once called in a completely different way. If for a few minutes we imagine that we are in the distant past, then some items of folk life would remain unrecognized by us. We bring to your attention the names of some of the things familiar to us:

Broom - naked.

A closet or small closed room was called a cage.

The place where large domestic animals lived is a flock.

Towel - rukoternik or utirka.

The place where they washed their hands is a washstand.

The box where the clothes were stored is a chest.

Place to sleep - bed.

A wooden bar with a short handle, designed for ironing linen in the old days - a rubel.

A large cup for pouring drinks - valley.

Folk household items in Russia: interesting facts

  • The city of Tula is considered the birthplace of the samovar. This item was one of the favorites among the Russians, it was difficult to find a hut in which it was not. The samovar was a source of pride, it was protected and passed on by inheritance.
  • The first electric iron appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Until that time, there were cast-iron irons in which coals were put or heated. long time over the flame of the furnace. It was very inconvenient to hold them, they could weigh more than ten kilograms.
  • One of the most prestigious household items was the gramophone. In the villages, you could exchange a cow for him.
  • A large number of folk traditions and rituals are associated with the table. Before the wedding, the bride and groom had to walk around the table, the newborn was carried around the table. These customs, folk beliefs, symbolized a long and happy life.
  • Spinning wheels appeared in Ancient Rus'. They were made of wood: birch, linden, aspen. This item was given by the father to his daughter for the wedding. It was customary to decorate and paint spinning wheels, so none of them looked like another.
  • Household items for children - rag homemade dolls, balls made of bast and wool, rattles, clay whistles.

home decoration

The decor of folk household items included wood carving and artistic painting. Many things in the house were decorated with the hands of the owners: chests, spinning wheels, dishes and much more. The design and decoration of household items concerned, first of all, the hut itself. This was done not only for beauty, but also as a talisman against evil spirits and various troubles.

Handmade dolls were used to decorate the house. Each of them had its own purpose. One drove away evil spirit, the other brought peace and prosperity, the third did not allow squabbles and scandals in the house.

Items that have disappeared from everyday life

  • Chest for storing clothes.
  • Rubel for ironing linen.
  • A bench is an object on which they sat.
  • Samovar.
  • Spinning wheel and spindle.
  • Gramophone.
  • Cast iron iron.

A few words in conclusion

Studying the objects of folk life, we get acquainted with the life and customs of our distant ancestors. Russian stove, spinning wheel, samovar - without these things it is impossible to imagine a Russian hut. They united families, next to them grief was easier to endure, and any work was argued. Nowadays, special attention is paid to household items. Buying a house or country cottage area, many owners tend to purchase them with a stove.


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Hut. In the steppe regions, rich in clay, huts (huts) were built instead of huts. In the depths of the hut there was a hearth made of stones. This structure persisted for a long time. Since the 15th century, stoves with pipes have become widespread. But, basically, among princes, boyars, merchants, etc., and only in cities. Some of these huts have survived to this day. The floors in the peasant hut were earthen, that is, the earth was simply trampled down. The floors were made from logs split in half, in rich houses - from boards. The floors were laid along the hut from the entrance. As already mentioned, the hut did not have windows as such. The hut was installed directly on the ground or on poles. - Izba.pptx

Russian hut

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Russian hut. Hut on the territory of the museum in the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal. Izba, a log dwelling among Russians; heated living space in the house. The construction of the hut. The construction of a house for a peasant was significant event. During construction, the location of the house was important. General form hut. A kind of entrance hall was often attached to the hut - a canopy about 2 m wide. They used the canopy in a different way. The cage served as a summer bedroom, a year-round pantry, and in winter - a kind of "refrigerator". The interior space of the hut. Furniture, utensils and decoration of the Russian hut. Icons were the main decoration of the houses. - Russian izba.ppt

Houses in Rus'

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Educational - Toolkit"traditional life in a Russian house". Main page. Traditional life in a Russian house. Exit. The construction began with felling the forest and a settlement appeared on the cleared land - a "village". It wasn't built in a day or two. First, the area had to be mastered. They prepared the land for arable land, cut down, uprooted the forest. It was they who chopped, not sawed: it was believed that this way the tree would be better preserved. Such was the experience of centuries-old wooden construction. Back. Table. Izba - a wooden (log) log house. The log house was made up of "crowns". From the ground to the roof of such "crowns" it was necessary to collect about 20. - Houses in Russia.ppt

Russian life

Slides: 38 Words: 297 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Russian hut. Life of Russian people. Museum "Kanavino at the turn of the century". Russian proverbs (tell): Do you like to ride:…… Hurry up:….. What you sow, then……. Measure seven times: .... Business - time: ... .. The hut is not red in the corners: ... ... Russian stove. Items of Russian life. Millstone. Pots, pots, bowls. Samovars, jugs, krinks… Babi kut. Tableware. The situation of the hut. Riddles: There are four legs under the roof, Soup and spoons on the roof. Table. There is a bullock, akimbo barrel, Hisses and boils, orders everyone to drink tea. Samovar. Walks, walks But does not enter the hut. Door. The borders are wooden and the fields are glass. Window. In the hut - a hut, in the hut - a pipe. - Russian life.ppt

Life of the Russian people

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Project. There are also photographs of household items, costumes, production tools. Winter. FORTUNE about one of the most ancient rites of the Russian people. Fortune-telling most often took place on Christmas, Epiphany and St. Basil's Day. Nativity. Spring. The Annunciation is the holiday of the Annunciation - one of the most revered for the Russian people. SOWING about the rules and stages of sowing grain. Summer. Haymaking. Autumn. Collection of berries and mushrooms. EXCELLATION about the holiday of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Lord's. Spinning. Tree Origins and roots of the Russian people Traditions and rituals of the Russian people. - Life of the Russian people.ppt

Culture and life of Rus'

Slides: 77 Words: 2942 Sounds: 0 Effects: 187

Culture and life of Ancient Rus'. Europeans called Rus' "Gradariki" - a country of cities. Medieval cities were centers of culture. The largest in Europe were Kyiv, Novgorod, Galich. Behind the fortress walls, crafts developed, which numbered about 70. Many items were for sale. Urban development. Torzhok. Engraving of the 16th century. Plan of Kyiv in the middle of the 12th century. As a rule, the Golden Gate was built at the entrance. On the walls, on birch bark, scientists find many inscriptions. Golden Gate in Vladimir. Reconstruction. A typical view of the boyar choir. Most buildings Kievan Rus were wooden. - Culture and life of Russia.ppt

Russian national cuisine

Slides: 15 Words: 921 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Russian National cuisine. Old Russian cuisine of the IX-XVI centuries.1. Old Russian cuisine of the IX-XVI centuries.2. Cuisine of the Moscow state of the XVII century. Kitchen of Petrovsky-Catherine epoch XVIII in. Petersburg cuisine late 18th c.-60s XIX years in. All-Russian national cuisine of the 60s of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Modern cuisine from 1917 to the present 1. The main place on the Russian table, especially on the national table, was and is occupied by bread. Soups have been of paramount importance in the history of Russian cuisine. The spoon has always been the main cutlery of Russians. Modern cuisine from 1917 to the present 2. - Russian national cuisine.ppt

Folk costume

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Tula folk costume. Kursk folk costume. Oryol folk costume with pony and red apron. Tambov folk costume with a pommel. Voronezh folk costume with poneva. Nizhny Novgorod folk costume. - Folk costume.pps

National costumes

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National costumes. National men's suit. In the past, the Kyrgyz costume had territorial differences associated with the settlement of tribes. Women's national costume. Conclusion. We met Kyrgyz national costumes. We learned the names of women's and men's hats. All costumes are beautifully decorated with ornaments. - National costumes.ppt

Russian folk costume

Slides: 16 Words: 444 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Russian folk costume. The clothes reflect the soul of the people. Russian costume surprises with its diversity. Each pattern and cut has its own story. By clothing you can learn about the traditions and customs of your people. The peasants sewed clothes from simple fabrics - linen, wool. A boyar costume could weigh 15-20 kg. In Rus', the main clothing for women was a sundress and an embroidered shirt. From above they put on a shower warmer. If the sleeves were lowered, then it was impossible to do any work. Hence the expression - to do carelessly. Sundresses could be of different colors: red, blue, brown ... At that time, only natural dyes were used for fabric. - Russian folk costume.pps

Finnish clothing

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Finnish folk clothes. Folk clothes - the result of the creativity of many generations - are an integral part of cultural heritage Finns. Clothing differed in composition, way of wearing, cut, material, colors, ornament. Local features existed in each county, and conceived in a separate church parish (kirchspiel). On the turn of XIX– In the 20th century, Finnish folk clothing fell into disuse almost everywhere. Folk clothes of the Finns of the Vyborg province. -


important integral part ancient Russian culture folklore appeared - songs, legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, fairy tales. Many features of the life of people of that time were reflected in wedding, drinking, funeral songs. So, ancient wedding songs also spoke about the time when brides were kidnapped, “kidnapped” (as a rule, with their consent) or ransomed, and in the songs of the Christian time, it was about the consent of both the bride and parents to marriage. The whole world Russian life opens in epics. Their main character is a hero, a defender of the people. The bogatyrs had a huge physical force. So, about the beloved Russian hero Ilya Muromets, it was said: “Wherever you wave, here the streets lie, where you turn away - with alleys.” At the same time, he was a very peaceful hero who took up arms only when there was no other way out. Folk heroes they also possessed great magical power, wisdom, cunning. So, the hero Volkhv Vseslavovich could turn into a gray falcon, gray wolf. In the epic images of enemies, real foreign policy opponents of Rus' are also guessed, the struggle against which has deeply entered the consciousness of the people. Under the name of Tugarin Zmeevich, a generalized image of the Polovtsy with their Khan Tugorkan is visible. Under the name of Zhidovin, Khazaria is displayed, where Judaism was the state religion. Russians epic heroes faithfully served the epic Prince Vladimir. They fulfilled his requests for the defense of the Fatherland, he turned to them at crucial hours. The relationship between the heroes and the prince was not easy. There were resentments and misunderstandings. But all of them - both the prince and the heroes - in the end solved one common cause - the cause of the people. Scientists have shown that under the name of Prince Vladimir, the generalized image of both Vladimir Svyatoslavich - a warrior against the Pechenegs, and Vladimir Monomakh - the defender of Rus' from the Polovtsy, and the image of other princes - brave, wise, cunning, merged. And in some epics reflected legendary times struggle of ancestors Eastern Slavs with Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Scythians. Epics, telling about the ancient heroes of those times, are akin to the epic of Homer, the epic of other Indo-European peoples.

Life of the people

culture of the people inextricably linked with his life, everyday life, and the life of the people, determined by the level of development of the economy of the country, is closely connected with cultural processes. People lived both in large cities for their time, numbering tens of thousands of people, and in villages with several dozen households, and villages in which two or three households were grouped. by the most big city Kyiv remained for a long time. In terms of its scale, many stone buildings - temples, palaces - it competed with other European capitals of that time. No wonder the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna Yaroslavna, who married in France and arrived in Paris in the 11th century, was surprised by the wretchedness of the French capital compared to Kyiv. Here golden-domed temples shone with domes, the palaces of Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod Yaroslavich amazed with grace, they surprised with monumentality, wonderful frescoes Saint Sophia Cathedral, The Golden Gate is a symbol of the victory of Russian weapons.

And not far from the prince's palace were bronze horses taken by Vladimir from Chersonesos; in the old city of Yaroslavl there were courts of prominent boyars, here on the mountain were the houses of wealthy merchants, other prominent citizens, and the highest clergy. The houses were decorated with carpets, expensive Greek fabrics. In palaces, rich boyar mansions, Difficult life- Vigilantes, servants were located here, servants crowded. From here came the administration of principalities, cities, villages, here they judged and ordered, tributes and taxes were brought here. Feasts often took place in the hallways, spacious gridirons, where overseas wine and their own, native “honey” flowed like a river, servants carried huge dishes with meat and game. The women sat at the table along with the men. Women generally took an active part in management, farming, and other affairs. Many women are known - activists of this kind: Princess Olga, sister of Monomakh Yanka, mother of Daniil Galitsky, wife of Andrei Bogolyubsky, etc. At the same time, food and small money were distributed on behalf of the owner to the poor. The favorite pastimes of rich people were falconry, dog hunting. Races, tournaments, various games were arranged for the common people. An integral part of Russian life, especially in the north, was a bathhouse. Below, on the banks of the Dnieper, a merry Kyiv market was noisy, where products and products were sold not only from all over Rus', but also from all over the world, including India and Baghdad. On the slopes of the mountains to the Podol descended diverse - from good wooden houses to wretched dugouts - the dwellings of artisans, working people. At the berths of the Dnieper and Pochaina, hundreds of large and small ships crowded. Temples, palaces, wooden houses and semi-dugouts stood on the outskirts in other Russian cities, there were noisy auctions, and on holidays smart residents filled the narrow streets. His life, full of work, worries, flowed in Russian villages and villages, in log huts, in semi-dugouts with stoves-heaters in the corner. There, people persistently fought for existence, plowed up new lands, raised livestock, beekeepers, hunted, defended themselves from "dashing" people, and in the south - from nomads, again and again rebuilt wooden dwellings burned down after enemy raids. Moreover, plowmen often went out into the field armed with spears, clubs, bows and arrows to fight off the Polovtsian patrol. Long winter evenings by the light of the splinters, women spun yarn, men drank intoxicating drinks, honey, remembered days gone by, composed and sang songs, listened to storytellers and storytellers of epics.

"Oral folk art" - Lyrics - a kind of literature in which the author expresses his feelings. (c) Maksimova G.G. Russian language teacher GOU secondary school №156 2007. Folklore of the peoples of Russia. Ed. N.I. Kravtsova. Content: Oral literature, oral poetic creativity. Folklore genres. Any folk art(dance, music, woodcarving, etc.).

"Russian folk art" - Proverbs and sayings (compiled. Fundamental question: How in Russian folk art reflected moral qualities? What are jokes? Didactic tasks: Authors of the project: Kudryavtseva Anastasia Nikolaevna Popova Irina Vyacheslavovna. The work of children to discuss the tasks of each in a group. - 5 lesson.

"Life of the Russian people" - Autumn. Exaltation about the feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Haymaking. Winter. Project. FORTUNE about one of the most ancient rites of the Russian people. Spring. Director of the school "POSSIBILITY" in Dubna, Moscow Region Ignatovich Svetlana Nikolaevna. Spinning. Collection of berries and mushrooms.

"Russian Traditions" - Target: Russians folk traditions. Results of our work. What traditions did our ancestors have in the fall? Photo report. The decoration of the Russian hut. Carols carnival. Large table Samovar Long benches Homespun rugs Russian oven. Spring traditions. Winter traditions. Traditions. We learned a lot about the life of our ancestors and tried to tell you.

"Russian epics" - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. Alyosha Popovich and the beautiful girl. Avdotya the Ryazan. Volga Vseslavevich. Heroes of Russian epics. Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets. Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich. Dobrynya liberates Fun from the serpent. Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber. Svyatogor. Sadko and the king of the sea. Svyatogor and the blacksmith of fate.

"Russian Writers" - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Agnia Lvovna Barto.

There are 11 presentations in total in the topic

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