The script is the final words of the circus performance. Scenario entertainment "circus lights fires"


Oksana Ostapenko
Scenario competitive gaming program"The circus lights the fires!"

Target: generalize and consolidate knowledge about circus animals and the work of artists circus received in the course of the c\game programs: « The circus lights up


Expand knowledge about features circus animals and the work of artists circus;

Improve dexterity and speed when performing tasks, develop speech, concentrate attention;

Cultivate respect and careful attitude to animals.

Leading. Today we will go with you. guess where? That's right, in circus. An extraordinary show awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because in the ordinary circus artists are artists, spectators are spectators. And in our circus you yourself will be both spectators and artists.

Before starting our program, please introduce yourself to each other like real artists, I I will announce: "In an extraordinary circus performance are taking part. ”, and you will loudly name your names. Get ready! "In an extraordinary circus performance are involved. (Children say their names out loud.) Nice to meet you!"

(Sounds musical epigraph circus program.)

Leading. Well, we got to know each other. You, like real artists, prepared to participate in the performance. But it seems we forgot to meet one more circus performer, the funniest party of any circus program. Who is he? (children call.) Well, of course, the clown. So, let's call our clown Klepa to us. Get ready. (children call Klepa). ‘The clown, juggling, goes out to the children

Clown. Hello kids, hello kids! What a young change I have is growing up! And you know, I have been in circus working, learned a lot, because in circus so many interesting genres. Do you know them? Name! (Children list.)

And do you know that circus was born almost 200 years ago and was at first only equestrian, i.e. nothing but horse racing, in the circus was not shown. But the horses prancing so beautifully!

Leading. Guys, let's make our Klepa a gift. Let's give him a horse performance, but not a simple one, but with real riders and jugglers.


Held equestrian competition. On those who wish are invited to the stage.

Participants are given "horses"- Animal heads on a long stick. To the music, children, like riders, run in a circle. At this time, the leader stands in the middle of the circle and throws a ball to the running ones. If the participant loses the horse” or drops the ball, he is out of the game. Contest continues until a winner is determined.

Klepa. What you guys are great! So I was pleased. Do you know what is now circus there are a lot of animals and birds. Guess who I'm talking about.

white mansions,

Red supports. (Gese.)

Silent during the day

Screams at night. (Owl.)

gray hat,

Vest, non-woven

Ruffled caftan,

And he walks barefoot. (Crow)

small ears

Cling to each other

wool rings,

And there are hooves. (Sheep)

Born with a beard

Nobody marvels. (Goat)

There is a mop in the middle of the yard:

Forks in front, brooms in back. (Cow.)

Over the mountains, over the valleys

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep.)

Four legs, fifth tail,

Sixth mane. (Horse.)

soft paw,

And the claw is awake. (Cat.)

The legs are thin, the sides are ringing,

And a squiggly tail. (Dog.)

Ears are long, large,

And his eyes are slanted.

Curly tail, gray fur,

He is the most cowardly in the forest. (Hare.)

Waddle along the path

To the water pillows and duvets.

They are excellent swimmers

On paws

Flippers are red. (Gese.)

Leading. And I want to say that in Moscow there is a real cat circus Yuri Kuklachev. Indeed, what kind of animals you will not see in circus! What is the largest animal you have seen in circus? (Elephant.) And what is the smallest? (Ant.)

Clown. Since we're having a real extraordinary performance, why don't some of the guys turn into hard-working ants?


Teams, consisting of four people, are built at the doors of the hall. The first member of each team runs through the hall past the first row to the opposite wall, then returns, and now, holding on to a stick ( "reed", "ants" two run, then three, then four. The winner is the team that first returns to its door without losing a single thing along the way. "straw", nor "ants".

Leading. Guys! What do you think the audience does when they want to thank the artists? Are they whistling? Are they screaming? Are they kicking their feet? That's right, they applaud. Let's learn how to applaud. When the presenter comes out at the beginning of the performance, we applaud not very strongly, politely and restrainedly, as if talking: "Thank you for starting the show". Let's try to applaud as if the performance is just beginning. (Children applaud.)

Well done! And if the performance of the artist was pleasant, how do we applaud? (Applause.)

What if you really liked it? (Applause.) Well done, real thunderous applause.

What if you really liked the performance? (Applause.)

Remarkably, it was a long applause turning into a standing ovation.

Clown. So you guys said that I am the most main character V circus. Do you know which number is the most important. Such a number is often called deadly.

Leading. In order to perform this number, we need to choose the most daring boy in the hall. (The host announces who is speaking.)

Attraction "Death Number"

The daredevil is given a tray in his hands, on which stands a vase of flowers. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing the obstacles in the way - skittles. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the skittles are and not knock them down while moving towards the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the skittles are quietly removed. Viewers have a lot of fun watching how the daredevil overcomes obstacles.

Clown. Well, was it scary? Why not, all the guys hid under the chairs. Do you want me to make you laugh? Just you help me.

On children rise up the stage. The clown puts clown noses on them backstage. Hall laughs.

Leading. Now in our performance artists of a very interesting genre will take part. Without saying a word, they will be able to tell us a lot of interesting things. Think it's easy? Here, try everything together not with words, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures to say phrase: “Give me a balalaika. A Now: "I have a big balloon» . Well, everyone did very well. Klepa, I think that the artists are ready to demonstrate their skills, and you guys can guess what they are telling us about.

Contest of facial expressions and gestures

Three participants with clown noses alternately depict lines of famous children's poems by A. Barto:

Bear is clumsy. ;

There is a goby swinging. ;

I love my horse.

Klepa. I think the guys deserve your thunderous applause. You know, I was just backstage and watched you with great interest - the spectators who are sitting in the hall. Everyone behaves differently, although there are a number of rules of behavior in the theater, in the cinema, on circus performance. Do you want me to tell you about them?

Bad advice.

You can enter the hall whenever you want. If the audience is already sitting in it, do not be afraid, make your way to your place, step on everyone's feet. You can eat delicious chocolate. During the performance - why is it melting in your pocket! You can, if you like the concert, stomp, shout. And it’s hard for you to see behind the head of the girl sitting in front, pull her braids + let her bend down. Basically, make yourself at home.

Leading. Guys, tell Klepa how to behave in the hall, otherwise he doesn’t see anything behind the scenes. (Children answer.)


VED.: - Now we have to tame the snake, and not even one.

Children are built in 2 chains. They take hands. The music sounds "snake" moving around the room (hands can not be disengaged). As soon as the music stops, the guys need to spin into a snail ( "snake curled up in a ball").

VED.: - Animal trainers!

Give me some sugar.

For a long time the animals taught you

To give them awards.


Contest"Trained Hares"

(a rope with carrots attached to it with clothespins, 2 rims with bunny ears, blindfolds)

For participation in competition boys and two girls are called (assistant).

The boys are given rabbit ears and are blindfolded. Their task is to collect, i.e., tear off as many carrots as possible while the music is playing. A rope with a carrot is held by assistant girls.

Contest goes to the song about hares from the movie « The Diamond Arm» and to the cheers of the audience.

VED.: - Music is cheerful

Let it thunder with us!

Chastushki will give us

Girls now!

PARTS, girls

1. Put your ears on top,

Listen carefully.

Cheerful ditties

We will definitely sing for you!

2. We, funny girlfriends,

We'll sing ditties to you.

And about the summer, and about the garden,

And about how we live!

3. Sleep with my girlfriend,

We like to sleep for a long time.

But from eight in the morning we are in the kindergarten,

And you have to get up!

4. In our kindergarten, of course,

Plenty of entertainment.

Our educators

Just super-class!

5. Leshka is sitting at the table

Picking his nose

And the goat answers:

I still won't get out!

6. All ditties are already sung,

You can start clapping.

You can even flowers

Throw us, girlfriends!

VED.: - I regretted the juggler glutton:

- It's a pity he won't have dinner soon.

Many plates, many dishes,

But they don't put hot food in them.


(paper balls)

Participants must juggle paper balls for as long as possible. The one who dropped it is out of the game. Task for other participants gets more complicated:

Juggle standing on one leg;

Juggle squatting;

Juggle and walk, etc.

VED.: - In the arena of ballerinas

Like light fluff

And dance and spin

And don't be afraid!


VED.: - Hello! Let's start the rides!

Here acrobats are champions.


Relay race "Jumping Artist"

(2 felt-tip pens, 2 large sheets fixed at a height)

Participants have to draw a smiling person, but the poster they will draw on is hanging high. You have to jump for every stroke.

VED.: - One athlete in a stormy fight

He threw the other on the shoulder blades.

May the vanquished winner

Embrace in front of the viewer.


Participants stand inside the hoop. They lean on each other's shoulders. At the leader's command, they try to push the opponent out of the hoop. Who will be stronger?

VED.: - The orchestra is excellent circus,

Performed a fire opus.

Well, what a number without an orchestra!

Thank you all maestro!

ORCHESTRA, group of children 6 pers.

Orchestra "Who is on what much"

(various things that can imitate musical tools: basins, combs, bottles with peas, plates, spoons, etc.)

The guys sing some children's songs, "playing" on "musical instruments".

VED.: - Cheerful circus wonderland,

A country with open borders.

Where everyone is kind, where laughter is heard,

Where there are no people with frowning faces!

Circus - fun and success

And perky children's laughter!

We'll clap our hands

Because we love everyone! Thanks to all the artists for their active participation!

The circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and kindness. Children especially love him - for the fact that the circus easily turns an ordinary everyday life into the bright fairy tale, develops physically, educates character and teaches to overcome their weaknesses.

The song "Circus, circus, circus" performed by O. Popov sounds.

A clown comes out (a teacher in a clown costume)

clowness. Hello dear viewers!

Today in our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applause), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a applause) will not perform! But then, today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade - alle"

Sounds like a march from the movie "Circus" by I. Dunayevsky. All participants pass in front of the audience with their hands raised high and go behind the curtain.

Clowness. Clowns Seryoga and Shurik are in the arena all evening today!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, greet, grimace.

Clowness. Today in our program... (suitable Seryoga)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes hands with the clown)

Clowness. Hello! Today in our program... (Shurik approaches, also greets).

Clowness. Today in our program... (Serge approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clowness: Hello! You are already greeting me for the 3rd time, better show what you can do!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

clowns they sit on chairs, play to the phonogram, Seryoga on a fake balalaika, Shurik on a tambourine. Shurik imperceptibly gets up, sneaks up from behind Seryoga and lowers a huge spider (props) on a fishing line in front of him. Seryoga yells.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks). What's happened?

Serega gestures in fear of a spider (what kind of "eyes", "paws" does it have).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and it seemed to him.

Serega again sits down to play the balalaika. Shurik puts the spider on Seryoga's head again. Serega screams, showing Shurik the spider with gestures. Shurik takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Seryoga's head. Sergei falls. Shurik blows Seryoga with a balalaika (when Seryoga wakes up), shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga pounces on Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clowness. And now in our program the trainer Polina (name of student) and her trained dogs.

Number "Trained dogs"

Children's chairs stand in a semicircle. To the circus music, "dogs" run out - the children of the older group. On the heads are caps with sewn on ears (clean insoles for shoes), on the neck are various bows. They run around the hall barking, running like a snake around the chairs, then each around his own chair, stopping.

Trainer. Hello! Up!

"Dogs" jump on a chair, "paws" in front of them, breathe, sticking out their tongueand like dogs.

Trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to theachke") Ball, what number?

Shows the number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

Dude, how much is 2+1? (dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands with paws)

Another! ( the child turns, gives a "leg", healthya)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

The Russian folk melody “From under the oak” sounds. The trainer is playingpipe, the dogs "howl".

Hello! Up! ( circling on chairs, wagging their tails)

Hello! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall on bent elbows)

Hello! Up! ( the trainer builds the "dogs" to bow, all clanyatsya and run away with barking).

Seryoga and Shurik come out to the music of "Clownery - strongmen". Serega is dragging a huge sham “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what are you up to?

Seryoga. Easily!

P pulls out the weight, grimacing that it's heavy, spins it around him, drops it on Shurik's leg. Shurik writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding on to the patient. The child runs up, easily lifts the weight on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns run away.

Clowness. And now the strongmen will come to the arena!

Number "Strongmen"

To the song " Heroic strength"boys come out - strong men with dumbbells (in the striptight vests, with muscles), with a heavy gait, go around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift a kettlebell with one hand (each with their own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 approach the bars, make a jerk, twist the bars overhead (aftereach type of exercise "wipe" the sweat from the forehead). They leave.

Clowness. The next issue of our program "Predators" and their fearless tamer - Ksyusha (name of pupil)!

Room "Trained Tigers"

The music is "Kornilovs. Trained elephants ”The trainer comes out, bows, in her hands is a wand. Slowly, stealthily, "predators" come out and carry out the commands of the tamer.

Trainer. Hello! Up! ("tigers" kneel and restput their hands in front of them).

Trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers» neghands off the floor and “show paws”).

Trainer. Hey, well done! And now in a hoop! Up! ("tigers" jump through a red hoop, on which shreds are attached orange color imitating fire).

Trainer. Hello! Up! (the trainer goes forward and rotates the wand, the "tigers" turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clowness. Attention! Attention! The faint of heart, please leave the hall!

Death number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up and sudden movements not to do!

Under the drum roll, the “tiger” children lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer carefully lays down on top of them and raises her hand, while saying: "Hello! Up!” To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music is playing. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in his socks, under his shirt. He runs and knocks on wooden spoons.

Clowness. Wait, Shurik, you can't make noise here! ( picks up spoons and takes away). Shurik teases the clowness, takes out a tambourine from his bosom, runs around, rings.

Clowness. I told you not to make noise here! ( picks up the tambourine and takes it away). Shurik takes out spare noise musical instruments from pockets, socks, sleeves. Teases Clowness by playing even louder. The clown runs after him, swears, takes away the instruments and takes them backstage.

Shurik. I'm out of tools, but I have ribbons!

clowness. How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won’t make any more noise, because we have a performance of gymnasts according to the program!

Number "G" them nastki"

To the music of the show-ballet "Todes" the girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clowness. And now, the best trained Bear Cub Potap will perform in the arena in front of you! Meet the trainer Polina and her trained Potap.

Number "Trained bear cub Potap"

To the music of Nikulin's Circus. Bears on bikes "on a children's motorcycleLe leaves the child - "bear", the trainer with a stick goes ahead, gives commands.

Trainer. Potap, stop! (“bear” gets off the motorcycle, somersaults).

trainer. Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to all the guys! ("bear" performs movements).

Trainer. Well, Potap, show me how the girls are going for a walk! (“bear” dresses up, looks in the mirror, paints her lips).

Ah, show me how the girls go to work (Potap goes, reluctantly, "boflies")

Ah, show me how the girls go home from work (joyfully runs, bounces)

Trainer. Potap! Somersault! ("bear" somersaults)

trainer. Potap! Squat! ("bear" dances in a squat)

Well done! Spin around! (performs the girl's command)

Trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

To the applause of the audience leave the hall.

Cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere runs into the hallha and screams loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clowness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clowness. Come on, open your mouth! Po-shi-re! Even wider!

(Takes out pliers from his pocket, shows the tool to the viewerpits and "pulls out" a large dummy tooth)

Seryoga. Oh what is this?!

clowness. It's your bad tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth?! Ooo! (falls)

Clowness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. I fainted!

clowness. And who is speaking?

Seryoga. My language!

Clowness. Well then lie down! And I announce the next number of the program!
Attention! Attention! For the first time on the arena - acrobats!

Number "Acrobatics"

Boys (6 people) are built in a column one by onecorner and walk in a circle under the circus march "Parade Alle", one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it - time!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and get on one knee,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do two.

(fourth and fifth acrobats come out and stop at the side of each kneeling)

Acrobat: Do three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels first, two standing acrobats one ruwhich hold it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: Figure two "Cuckoo". Do it - time!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the arms and begin to swing. When the third acrobat is facing the guests, he loudly shouts: “Ku-ku!”)

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat. The figure of the third "Wheel" (the first acrobat performs the "wheel") Acrobat. The fourth figure "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the "frog")

Acrobat. The fifth figure "Bridge" (the third acrobat performs the "bridge").

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, walk in a circle to the music and leave.

Clowness. And now on the arena you will see dashing riders!

Room "Dashing Riders"

The music is Cowboy Dance. Run out "riders" - children with chairs (on the back of the chair - the head of a horse). They run around the hall, put chairs, sit down with their faces to the back, like on a horse, pushing off with their feet, make the movements of the “rider». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each "Alle ... up!" riders change positions on chairs, always depicting a galloping rider ("shake").

1 movement - "just on a chair";

2 movement - one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (by the bridle);

3 movement - lying on your back, with one hand holding the spinca chair, other hand up;

5 movement - lying on the stomach, arms to the sides, head in sightspruce.

They run away one after another, holding a chair in front of them with 2 hands.

Clowness. Our next number is unusual.

I would say very exotic.

In our number of the program, the magician fakir performs

Speaking at the arena, he surprised the whole world!

The mysterious music “Maurice Ravel. Bolero ”and the magician appears, walks around the arena.

Mag. I am a magician, I am a magician, I am a sorcerer

And I can prove to you

And right now here in the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Sounds oriental music "Tarkan. Smack", appearexact beauties, perform a dance.

clowness. You did it cleverly

These tricks are easy.

And can you or not

Color the water red?

Mag. For me it's nothing. I'm not in vain a great magician.

Focus "Colorful water"

Sounds mysterious music "Caravan" from the m / f "Just you wait"

The clown brings in a table, on it stands a jar of water, covered with a handkerchief. The magician takes a jar with a tightly screwed lid (paint the inside of the lid red watercolor paint) and demonstrates to viewers so that the inside of the lid is not visible. "Just like in a fairy tale, turn the water red." With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash away the watercolor layer of paint and turn red.

Mag. I am a great mage! I can see through walls!
(he leaves the hall, and at that time the Clown puts one handkerchief in the casket (the color of the shawl is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the casket is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if it is yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and the Clown know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the handkerchief is in the casket.

Clowness. And now only in our circus program is an amazing spectacle " Dancing people spiders"

Dance "Hip-hop"

A group of boys dressed in Spider-Man costumes are dancing a hip-hop dance.

Clowness. This concludes our circus performance! But that is not all. All of you were waiting for the "starfall", in front of you are the stars of the garden. Meet!

Music "Fanfare magician" sounds. To the applause of the audience, all the participants of the performance come out. The clowness calls the names of all the children. Children line up in four lines and sing the final song "We are little stars"

The song of the Fidget group "We are little stars."

Used Books:

  1. I.Kaplunova. I.Novoskoltseva “Circus! Circus! Circus!"

New Year's circus performance

(script for older groups)

Reb: We invite friends to the holiday,
Let's open the door wider.
Look at our tree
Hurry all soon! Let's say together

All: “One-two-three, our Christmas tree shines!”The tree does not light up.

Presenter: Something does not light up our Christmas tree,

One, two, three, four, five - we begin to count.

Once! We'll take hands hold hands)

Two! Let's knock a little (pounding their feet on the floor)

Three! Let's smile at each othersmile at each other)

And four - keep quiet

Five! Let's prepare the palms

Six! We clap: " One two Three!"

Seven! Let's say together:

All: “Our Christmas tree, shine!”

Reb: Let's join hands together, let's go near the Christmas tree.

We will smile at the dear guest, we will joyfully sing a song!

Round dance "Herringbone"

Reb: Everything today is unusual. The mood is great!

For guests and children, the Circus came to the kindergarten.

Reb: The circus is very good! Everywhere is festive, light!

Here, cheerful laughter rings, the tree is lush for everyone.

Here it is and our stage is called ... Arena!

Reb: We'll put on a surprise performance for everyone!

Tickets are the most expensive in the world, the ticket price is a smile wider.

Reb: Prepared surprises, songs, jokes, just class.

And today the circus is cheerful, let the lights light up for us.

Reb: Listen and watch everyone -Let's start our parade!

Let's say one, two, three.

All: Circus, light your fires. (garlands turn on.)

Sounds "March" by I. Dunayevsky from the movie "Circus". Children perform rebuilding, stand in front of the audience.

Reb: This is a miracle - look! The circus has lit its fires!

We will sing and dance, celebrate the New Year in the circus.

Reb: How many spectators are here! Popes. Moms. Do not count everyone!

Meet the artists cheerfully and don't forget to clap for us.

Dance composition “Christmas tree. Balloons. Flappers "(go to the chairs)

Presenter: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Happiness to you, friends!
Let's start the show, and I'll be the host!

In every circus, he is warmly welcomed by kids.

What miracles he does: he speaks amusingly,

It pours a fountain of tears, somersaults, sings,

Brightly painted, acts ...

Children: CLOWN! (Jumps out to the music on a ball - fitball)

Presenter: Clown, say hello to the audience.

Bim - Bom: Where are the bagels? What bagels?

Presenter: Here is the audience!

Bim - Bom: A! Public! Hello, hello little ones and big ones.

Sad and funny. Kind and funny. Quiet and perky.

I'm a Bimbom clown. What's your name, tell me, tell me your name!

Game Say Your Name(children scream in unison)

Bim - Bom: Everything is clear: all the boys are called “Boo-boo-boo”, and the girls are “Fi-fi-fi”!

2 Lead: Where did you buy this red tomato, señor?

Bim - Bom: Amazing question! This is my own nose!

I have more interesting questions with riddles.

I will guess, and you will guess, and your parents will help you.

Game "Funny Riddles».

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ... (not five, but four)

Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheelers ... (not sleds, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections, mothers take children to ... (not to schools, but to a clinic)

Both capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten ... (not mother, but daughter)

Mom asked Yulia to pour tea into her ... (not a pan, but into a cup)

It became drier on the roads - I have dry ... (not ears, but legs)

Birthday on the nose - we baked ... (not sausage, but cake)

All wheezes, sneezes Lada: I ate a lot ... (not chocolate, but ice cream)

For lunch, Vanya's son, mom cooks soup in ... (not in a glass, but in a saucepan)

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for myself for ... (not for legs, but for hands)

Frost is cracking in the yard - you put your hat on ... (not on your nose, but on your head),

Bim - Bom: How many of my colleagues are in the hall - little clowns. How glad I am to see you! What a surprise. Everyone is waiting for your number, the applause does not stop.(everyone clap)

Clown: We are mischievous clowns, funny jokers.

small: I will go out - and laughter is heard!
I can make everyone laugh.

Clown Rings fly higher and higher

small: Hoops, skittles, balls.

Clown jugglers entered the arena,

We are the smartest in the world!

Number of clowns - jugglers with rings

Leading: Bravo clowns! Bravo and encore!

Leading: Our next program is:

PREDATORS and their fearless tamer.(drum roll sounds)

Trainer: Here are the cage doors opened.
Animals enter one after another.

Trainer in a subtle matter

He is friends with a predator, like with a kitten.Hits the floor with a whip.

A lion: I can toss the ball

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I am a wonderful circus performer

I am a training miracle!

Tiger: Art with all my heart,

I love the arena

I give myself to train

From morning until late at night!

Tiger. You don't come close
I'm a tiger, not a pussy.

Trainer: And now the big friend will make a jump on the pedestal. Hello, op!

Trainer: In the morning there is a training session on the arena:

Predators jump into the hoop deftly.

Number of animals with hoops

Clown small: Attention! Attention! The faint of heart, please leave the hall!

Death number! During the performance of the number, please do not get up and

Do not make sudden movements!

To the drum roll of the children -"tigers and lions" lie down on the floor on your stomach(facing the audience), The Tamer carefully lies on top of them and raises her hand, saying:“Hello! Up!”

Leading: Bravo artists! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave to the sultans

Leading: We continue the circus program

We invite kitty gymnasts to the arena!

Gymnast: We gymnasts bend deftly,
Instead of dinner - carrots,
Haven't eaten for two weeks
Look, you've lost weight!!

Dance “Cats” to the background of the song “Mongrel Cat”

Leading: Bravo, kitties! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Leading: In the circus, the music does not stop today, the cheerful clown entertains everyone.

Music - run clown on the ball

Bim - Bom: I see you - funny boys: love to laugh and play.

To shake things up, not to yawn, we will play together.

Attention! Attention! The cowboys have arrived

Attraction "Who will ride the fitball faster" (2 times)

Leading: Bravo to the winners! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, all the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Leading: Difficult dogs are invited,
Our dogs are circus!!!
Here they run on their hind legs,
All artists in trendy hats!
They stumble, squeal, finely tails tremble.

Dog: In a trained dog

There is no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples

jump over barriers,

Carry balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

Dog: We are circus dogs

Smart and mischievous.

We can perform the number

Dog: Six artists wish to sing.

Six artists bark in unison.

Song of the dogs

Leading : Come on, entertain the audience. Follow the commands.

Sit! …. Stand! ….. And dogs can also count.

Count your nose.They yap once.

Count your tail.They yap once.

How many eyes does each have?They yap twice.

How many paws does each have?They yap four times.

How much hair is in wool?Indiscriminate barking with a howl.

Leading : Bravo! Dogs! Bravo and encore!

Music - Spectators wave sultans

Presenter: The program does not end, the program continues!

The next number is very unusual.

You can call it exotic.

Performs magician, wizard, sorcerer.

Delights adults and children.

FAKIR: I am a fakir and a sorcerer! Two hundred years of my turban!
sings: Having mastered the art of transformation for three thousand years,
I will embarrass any sorcerer.
I can get the moon from heaven with a skillful hand
I'll make an elephant out of a fly and not bat an eyelid.

All children sing the chorus, accompanying with hand movements:

Up, up, sari - vari - sari - vari up

Up, up, Shari - cook, Shari - cook up!

FAKIR: There is a box in front of you, I put a handkerchief in it!
(shows the box, it has a double bottom)
I close ... One, two, three! Hit with a stick, look!
I open the box... But where did the handkerchief disappear to?

Blow everything on the boxes! That's where the handkerchief was hidden!

Music- Pulls from the second bottom of the ribbons connected one with the other

FAKIR: More I will "treat" you with miracles. I'll show you some more magic.(showing other tricks)

2 Leading. You are a good fakir and you know everything about tricks.
Just give me an answer:

Someone must come big

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!

Leading. I want Santa Claus to appear and bring gifts to everyone!

FAKIR: Shari-vari-ap. Let the drum rumble

We ask Santa Claus to visit us!

Drum roll sounds.

Leading. Goes calmly, slowly, the meeting will be good.

An outfit made of gold is sewn, it will make everyone laugh today.

It will freeze your nose to all of you, meet - grandfather ... .. music - Elephant enters.

To thunderous applause, the Elephant enters the arena!
He waves his trunk quietly. And she dances very well.

The elephant dances and bows

FAKIR: He is a world champion, he walks the tightrope. Walking on a rope.

On distant islands, someone rides on elephants.

Easily sits on horseback and rushes wherever he wants.

Ride on it, I think he does not mind!Rolls children - (2 times)

Presenter: The daredevils and the elephant! Bravo and encore!
In honor of you, the sultans rose up!

Music - Spectators wave their sultans, the elephant and the fakir leave.

Presenter: This is how magicians fool us again!
Our wizard is kind, but cunning. Our wizard, I know, is the best -
Steps are approaching ... I don’t understand whose they are

Steps in the snow. Music, Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello guys, dear grandchildren.

I made my way to you through the blizzards, finally reached the goal.

And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.

And the desired hour has come. I am very glad to see you.

Come on, circus people, get into a round dance.

Because in our circus

All: New Year, New Year!

The round dance "Santa Claus rides on a sled" muses fell. No.

Father Frost : Come on, circus people, admit it. Are you afraid of frost and cold?

So, are you not afraid? And now let's check.

The game "I'll Freeze" Santa Claus holds his staff close to the feet of the children.

Children bounce in place.

Father Frost : Well, really, they were surprised. You are not afraid of cold and frost does not matter.

Haven't played like that for a long time, though not old, but tired.

However, I visited the circus, I also saw the artists.

Keep on having fun, and it's time for me to leave.

1 Presenter: We will not let you go, do not even hope.

The game "We won't let you out"

Father Frost : Oh, and clever people live in this garden. How can I get out?

Presenter: It's nice for children to lead a round dance at the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

But still, it’s more pleasant to hide, to receive your gifts.

Father Frost A: There are gifts, how not to be. Oh! I love being generous.

It's time to surprise everyone. I just need to recharge my staff.

Let's go, the artists will go to the chairs. And I'll tell you where to start. - sit down

Listen carefully. To cool the staff, you need to clasp it with your palm. Only your hands are warm. You'll have to bewitch.

I'll knock with a staff - one, two, three - and the boys are all snowballs.

And the laughing girls will all turn into snowflakes.

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
If “snowballs”, then the boys run, grab the staff with their hands, if “snowflakes” - the girls run out, they take the staff. Speaks differently, or stretches out ssssssnowballs, or snow ---- inks, the children are waiting for Santa Claus to say and run out to the staff.

Father Frost: Now I must fulfill a wonderful desire.
It's delicious and very sweet.
It's always fun for kids.

I have a bag, I hid gifts in it. dragging a bag

I'll untie my bag, I'll show you what lies there.Drum roll sounds.I'll say the magic word. Eat healthy kids!

A clown jumps out of the bag

Bim - Bom: Ole-op! Here I am! Clown Bim-Bom as a gift to every home!

It can be seen that you are tired of the frost, you have conjured with gifts. Let's play strong men.The second attempt is not the worst. Only here! And only now!

Presenter: Well, bravo! We continue the circus program

We invite you to the arena of strongmen!

A decent weight is lifted, a bag of gifts is easily pushed!

Holiday in primary school"The circus has arrived!" Scenario.

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the material, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and educators of the extended day group. It is recommended to pre-arrange for the event.
Target: create a festive atmosphere, evoke positive emotions.
- to acquaint children with the history of the emergence of the circus, as well as with the professions of circus artists;
- to educate in children the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate for the holiday.
Preliminary work: decoration of the hall (classroom), design of the exhibition of drawings “I love the circus” and essays “I would like to be in the circus ...”, preparation of reports and presentations, preparation and rehearsal of numbers for the holiday, purchase of special paints and brushes for applying makeup, purchase of wigs, spouts and ties for the competition, making commemorative booklets, purchasing souvenirs (it is desirable that they remind you of the circus: bubble, glow sticks, wind-up toys, etc.), learning poems, buying tickets to the circus.

Event progress:

Presenter: Hello dear children and respected adults!
Everyone is looking in the middle
In the middle - magic:
There an eccentric bunny took out
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing...
Of course you have been there.
What is it guys? (Circus).
Music sounds.
Presenter: Of course it is CIRCUS! The circus is one of the most ancient, massive and popular species art. Today we are waiting for a Journey to the circus! It is the circus that brings extraordinary fun and joy to the lives of children. Bears riding bicycles, tigers jumping into flaming rings, acrobats masterfully performing the most difficult tricks, etc. - all this leads to indescribable delight not only children, but sometimes us adults. Today holiday "The circus has come to us!".

This is followed by a presentation or report by children about the history of the circus.
Approximate content:
Circus- from Latin word"lap" refers more to racing than to other forms of entertainment.
Man has always loved to be entertained. IN Ancient Greece, for example, there were chariot races, in China - a "snake man", in Egypt - a trainer of wild animals. Over time, the idea of ​​combining these and other entertainments in the circus appeared in Rome.
Circus art is much older than the Roman spectacles that gathered thousands of spectators. For the first time (3500 BC) it appeared in China. Chinese circus performers demonstrated mainly balancing act, acrobatic and gymnastic numbers, as well as juggling. It is these numbers that the Chinese are famous to this day. The Chinese circus is a spectacle in which artists demonstrate the incredible flexibility of the body. IN Ancient China circus art was represented by performances of acrobats who kept their balance while performing complex exercises: in the Chinese circus there were no numbers involving animals.
In turn, the ancient Roman circuses - monumental structures for several thousand spectators - were, first of all, places for horse-drawn cart competitions. Later, after the invention of the folding circus tent, traveling circus troupes appeared.

Circus "Maximus" appeared in the III century BC. It was also the largest: 150,000 people could fit in it. When the Romans came to the circus, they found themselves, as never before, in a beautiful entertainment area. They sold sweets and other products. Entrance was free, because the rulers used circuses to please the people, distract from public problems and worries.
There were no organized circuses in the Middle Ages. Troupes of artists traveled from city to city, showing tricks of varying complexity.
The first circus, most similar to the modern one, was created by the Englishman Phillip Astley in 1768.
So from an ordinary performance and love of a person for horses, a circus appeared. In order to attract students and earn more money, Philip began to hold demonstrations of his riders. Things went well for him, very soon he was able to build a special building that had a domed roof, an arena, a round auditorium and a stage with an orchestra.
On August 4, 1777, the first circus performance took place in this building, which was then called the Astley Amphitheatre. At first, all performances consisted exclusively of numbers with horses. Miracles of training, acrobatics were shown. However, over time, combined performances began to be staged in the Amphitheater, where both numbers with riders and other numbers were present. Dog trainers, tightrope walkers, clowns, acrobats, mime and jugglers took part in the first circus programs.
Astley's idea was also interested in other countries. Since then, circuses have become a popular spectacle all over the world.

Presenter: The circus is bright, breathtaking or infecting with optimism numbers. Indeed, where, if not in the circus, can you see so many extraordinary personalities with unique abilities, skills and readiness to tirelessly entertain the public? At first glance, it seems that the life of a circus artist is full of carelessness and fun, but, meanwhile, his work is very hard work.
Representatives of many specialties work in the circus: trainers, illusionists, clowns, acrobats, athletes, aerialists, tightrope walkers, equestrians and others.
All professions are in front of your eyes, they are written on a blackboard or hang on a stand.
Presenter: To master professional skills, each of these specialists requires years of training. In such an area, those who are not ready to devote circus art all of my life. The circus for them is not just a place of work. For all those who have chosen to serve circus art as their profession, this is life, this is home, this is family.
A circus performer must have the following qualities:
- perseverance and patience;
- good physical data;
- exactingness to oneself and others;
- creative thinking;
- ease of work;
- acting skills;
- physical endurance;
- readiness for daily risk;
- ease;
- the ability to overcome fear and fatigue.
All qualities before my eyes
they are written on a blackboard or hang on a stand.

Presenter: Let's see if you have these qualities?
Competition "Merry pantomime". Everyone is invited to participate. The task is given. In 5 minutes, you need to come up with a pantomime and show it to all participants in the holiday. Those who do well and those who guess correctly receive souvenirs as a keepsake.
Sample tasks:
portray famous painting, a proverb, a line from a well-known poem.
Presenter: The modern circus is primarily entertainment, so its obligatory element is the performance of clowns.

Presenter: Children's favorites - brightly colored actors in huge shoes with artificial red noses - are designed to make the audience laugh. It is not easy, and often requires a variety of talents - acting, music and gymnastics. The most popular representatives of this group of circus performers are acrobats, mimes - "red" and "white", whose images originated from traditional comedy characters - Harlequin and Pierrot.
This is followed by the work of children in pairs. They apply makeup to each other with special paints. You can invite a professional to help the children, or you can handle the involvement of parents yourself.
1 child:
Clown Red, Clown White,
Clown is a coward and a clown is brave,
Clown Bom and Clown Beam
The clown can be anyone.
Gazing at their tricks,
We shout: “Wow!”…
Only the villain clown
Never happens!
Presenter: Next Clown dress up contest.
For this competition, it is necessary to divide into 2 teams, you can boys and girls, children and parents, etc. Attributes are already ready for the competition: wigs, spouts, ties, bows, etc. On a signal, the teams begin to put on all the attributes of a clown. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.
Fun music sounds. At the end of the competition, children in costumes dance. Some children, who prepared the clown's number in advance, act out skits and amuse the guests.
Presenter: There are dangerous jobs in the circus.

2 child:
If trembling in the hands, do not touch,
This sharp long knife -
You first tremble,
And then you throw it!
Presenter: The balancing act and acrobatic numbers require extraordinary skill, which comes only as a result of many years of training, as, for example, in trapeze acrobatic tricks under the dome of the circus, invented in France in mid-nineteenth V. This requires an accurate sense of timing, agility, strength and flexibility of the body. No less difficult numbers are riding a unicycle, which requires an exceptional sense of balance, as well as throwing knives at a target. Each incorrectly performed movement is associated with a huge risk and can threaten the life of the artist.
3 child:
Hoops on it do not count:
Ten, twenty, twenty six
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, is she playing hide and seek?
We still see heels!

This is followed by competitions: "Dart Throwing", "Kingleys", "Town", "Who spins the hoop longer", "Who jumps on the rope more" and others. All competitions are held with the help of parents. This is followed by children's gymnastic performances, with ribbons, maces, hoops, balls and other attributes.
Presenter: Guys, I suggest you - Riddles contest "What do I know about the circus?".
Sample riddles:
Is it in Moscow
Is it in Prague
Is it in Madrid
Who is in the circus
Waving a wand -
The predators are dancing.
Frowning face -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a regulator?
No, it's... (trainer).

Any object in my hands
As if bewitched.
There is a ball, but there isn’t!
Here it is again!
Here and there, then no, then there is!
And now the balls can not be counted!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And very strange,
I'm getting them again...
From your pocket!
The ring is on fire, it's on fire
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight, he fluffed his mane
And wagged his tail playfully.
(A lion).
“Wow, wow,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front legs
It stands on a narrow board,
And with an apple on his head.
Juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on the paw, on one,
He is very nice and funny.
He used to sleep in a lair,
The circus called him to him.
He lifts weights -
The circus performer is strong.
All the first guessers are given souvenirs.
Presenter: Classic numbers are performances of trained animals. The program may include performances of dogs riding bicycles, seals juggling balls, as well as horseback riding. Particularly popular are performances featuring dangerous animals such as bears, lions, tigers and elephants. The sight of a trainer putting his head into a lion's mouth is heartbreaking, but just as exciting is the sight of huge elephants standing on two legs like little dogs.

4 child:
In a trained dog
There is no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples
jump over barriers,
Carry balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.
Next, the guys who prepared the numbers with their pets perform. (Required with the help of parents). Animals must be safe. If there are children in the class who are allergic to animals, then this item should be excluded from the script.
Presenter: There are a lot of interesting things in the circus. Let's watch and listen to our guys. They cooked The section "Did you know?" and tricks.
Sample messages:
Under the huge circus tent there are places for spectators and an orchestra, as well as an arena for artists.
IN old days the audience was very attracted by the performances of the fire eaters.
Many people think that showing trained animals is cruel. In order for animals - for example, lions - to become obedient, safe and follow the orders of a person, they have to be trained for years in the most ruthless methods. Often the animals are kept in inappropriate conditions, such as cages that are too small, where they are unable to move and play freely. Therefore, some modern circuses are returning to Chinese forms of entertainment - no animal performances, only fantastic performances of superbly trained people.
In addition to the usual circus, there are also “Circus on Water” and “Circus on Ice”, in which circus performers perform tricks in the water and on skates.
Next, the children show prepared tricks in advance.
Presenter: And now competition of readers "Poems about the circus".
Sample verses:
Clown in the circus
It's a clown!
All the people laugh with him!
Tears are pouring into three streams, then he
It sings under the dome!
Everyone is laughing
He is crying!
Climbs to the tigers on the rampage!
I have a big dream
I will be a clown!
How is he!

For the joy of a child
The traveling circus has arrived.
In singing and in ringing,
Everything in it is like in the present.

The gymnast flies and the horse jumps
The fox jumps into the fire
Dogs learn to count
It turns out the pony to ride them.
The monkey hurries to the mirror,
And the clown makes the audience laugh.

At the end, the sorcerer comes out
And in front of everyone
From nothing, from emptiness
Alive gets flowers,
Then, as if for a game,
Throws balls at the audience.
The children's eyes are shining
And doves fly into the sky!

Mom and I went to the circus
(Dream about it for a long time).
We saw various artists
And I liked the juggler.

Throwing plates in the air
And didn't drop one!
I just held my breath
I clapped for him with all my might!

I wanted to try
When I grow up, I'll be a juggler.
Get a little exercise
And then perform in the circus.

I took the plates out of the cupboard,
And he began to toss, as he ...
But the plates fell on the floor
And they fought, making a ringing.

Probably looking at the juggler
Some secret overlooked ...
Oh, he will fall for this soon! ..
I don't want to be a juggler!

Their jumps are light and accurate.
The lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The unfortunate yogi ate the coals!
Don't be scared kids
It's Peter the Clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - from a rope,
Looking out of the basket
Rubber Cobra!

- 33.54 Kb

MBOU DOD "DSHI" Kolpashevo

Teacher Eliseeva E.A.

"Musical Circus" (performance for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren cities)

Fanfare sounds. The curtain opens. Piano on stage. To the cheerful music, the red-haired clown Klepa and the clown Iriska run out onto the stage
Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all!
Toffee. Oh, so many kids! Both girls and boys!
Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!
Toffee. And I'm Iris!
Klepa. Just look, do not confuse: not sausage, but Toffee. (Taffy shakes his fist at him) Today you and I will go... guess where? That's right, the circus. An extraordinary show awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because our circus will be MUSICAL!

Iriska: You will see real circus performers, hear plays on various instruments performed by students of the Children's Art School, or maybe you yourself will be in the role of circus artists. Do you agree? (YES!)

Klepa: The circus is very good!

Everywhere is festive, light!

There is laughter here!

Invites everyone to visit!

Butterscotch: Today clowns Aliska and Anfiska are performing with us at the arena! Your applause! (clowns come out with chairs jumping, greet, make faces). Klepa and Iriska leave the stage and take out Ira - a babalaika, Anya - a tambourine.

Alice: Hello to all the girls and boys!

Anfiska: And hello to all the older ones too!

Alice: We can play musical instruments! They sit on chairs, play to the soundtrack, Aliska on a fake balalaika, Anfiska on a tambourine. Alice gets up imperceptibly, sneaks up behind Anfiska and lowers a huge spider (props) on the line in front of her face. Anfiska yells in fright.

Alice: (hides the spider behind her back and asks) What happened?

Anfiska gestures in fear of a spider (what "eyes", "paws" it has).

Alice (shakes her head that there is nothing) You thought it! (THROW THE HAMMER)

Anfiska again sits down to play the balalaika.

Alice puts the spider on Anfiska's head again

Anfiska screams, showing Aliska the spider with gestures.

Alice takes a huge inflatable hammer and beats the spider on Anfiska's head

Anfiska falls.

Alice blows Anfiska with a balalaika (when Anfiska wakes up), shows that the spider is a toy. Anfiska pounces on Aliska with her fists and they run away.

Klepa: Your applause to Aliska and Anfiska! (ANIA CLOSES THE CHAIRS)

Toffee: Let today in our hall,
Will bright moments let the applause roar!
Klepa: You will find a lot in the circus: a sea of ​​laughter and miracles.
The road is calling to the circus again and you are always welcome here!
"Aquarelle" sings the song "Circus"

Butterscotch: Guys, which one of you has been to a real circus? Raise your hands (children raise their hands). Who do you think is the most important in the circus? (answers from the audience)
Klepa: The most important thing in the circus is, of course, me!
Iriska: Yes, Klepa! You have never been distinguished by an excess of modesty!
Klepa: Do you know why? Because I'm funny and make everyone laugh. Because I can do anything! I can run, I can jump, I can be sad and cheerful, as in the play "Clowns" by Kabalevsky.

Klepa: Easy circus horse
Jumping around the arena, waving curls,
And prance, and dance,
That's just the land will not plow.

Iriska: I always admire the performance of graceful horses. There is even such a play "My horse". She will sound on the domra.

Toffee: Elephant Muscovite. To the capital he
Was brought by an elephant.
From a neighboring country
The one where the elephants romp.

Klepa: But in the circus, elephants can even dance!

Toffee: Quite right, and they really like the play called "The Elephant Dances" by Preobrazhensky.

Anfiska: (runs out, cries) Oh-oh-oh!

Alice with pliers in her pocket: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: My tooth hurts!

Alice: Come on, open your mouth! Shi-re! Even wider! (Takes out PLIERS from his pocket and "pulls out" a large foam rubber dummy tooth)

Anfiska: Oh, what is this?!

Alice: It's your bad tooth!

Anfiska: My tooth?! Ooo! ("falls")

Alice: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: I fainted!

Alice: Who's talking?

Anfiska: My tongue!

Alice: Well, lie down. I announce the next issue of the program!
Attention! Attention! Only today and only with us
Our ballerina Katya is performing on a tightrope,
On the rope back and forth as if walking on a bridge!

Dance etude "Ballerina"

Alice: We applaud friends!

Clownery "Candy")

The clown Klepa runs around the arena looking for something: Lost, lost!
Butterscotch: What have you lost, lost?
Klepa: Candy.
Butterscotch: And I have candy. Do you want me to give it to you?
Klepa: I want!
Butterscotch: Then guess which hand it's in.
Klepa points a finger at different hands and says: In this, in this, in this ...

Iris: You can't! Think and clearly show in which hand!
Klepa: Iriska! You have a fly on your forehead!
Butterscotch slaps her forehead with her free hand.
Klepa: In this one! (shouting)
Iris: Right! And how did you guess? (gives candy to Klepa)
Klepa: And you ask the guys.
(Children try to explain the deception.)
Butterscotch: So you tricked me? Children are good to do so?
Children: No!
Klepa gives half of the candy to Iriska.

Alice: I found a strange bottle here! There is something in her! Now I'm going to open it.

(Sounds of a flying whirlwind are heard from behind the stage.)

Alice runs out: Oh, oh! I opened the bottle with difficulty, and suddenly smoke came out of it. And then chok-chok ... And the old man came out of the bottle! He says that the name is Hottabych.

Muses. G. Gladkova Song "Hottabych" performed by Sophia Kolesnikova. (Hottabych goes around the hall, dancing) -

Hottabych: Oh, dearest children!
Oh beautiful star!
You take me out of prison
Released forever!
Two hundred years in this vessel
I've been sitting poor
Dwarf evil me in a vessel
Ordered to be sealed!
I will be glad to serve you
I am now your slave! (kneels before Klepa)

Klepa: What are you, grandfather, get up,
All of us are equal
You will also be a guest.

We want you to surprise us with something. You are a magician.

Hottabych: Oh, beautiful children,

The rays of my eyes ... Now I will surprise ... .. and invite a magician to the circus stage!

Magician performance.
Toffee: Thanks to Hocus-pocus for such wonderful numbers! Toffee asks Klepa: Klepa, do you want me to tell a poem?

Clap: Come on!

Toffee: A rope will be stretched from roof to roof.
In his hands - a stick, he is all - like scales,
And the spectators turned up their noses from below.
Pushing, whispering: "Now it will fall!" -
And everyone is excitedly waiting for something.
But the sky is transparent, and the rope is strong.
The acrobat walks easily and calmly.

Klepa: good poem, and I even heard the piece "Acrobats", which will sound on the synthesizer.

Alice: Dear viewers! Do you want to have fun at our show?

Anfiska: Do you want? Great! Come on, I'm going to tell you different news! And you, if the news is joyful, shout: "Hurrah!" and clap your hands.
Alice: And if you're sad, shout: "Uuu!" and stomp your feet. Agreed? Then let's go! Anfiska: Today all the guys will be awarded prizes! Children: Hurrah!
Alice: And instead of prizes you will receive semolina! Children: Wow!
Anfiska: In fact, everyone is waiting for delicious sweets! Children: Hurrah!
Alice: Which Anfiska has already devoured. Children: Wow!
Anfiska. And why is it just me? Like what, so immediately Anfiska.
Alice: Yes, I was joking. Forgot? We're in the circus. Don't pout, you're about to burst! Okay, so that you are not so offended, so be it, announce the next number of our program.
Anfiska: The next number of our program will be the performance of gymnasts.

Alice: Circus performers are stubborn people,

Trained and fit.

We are all conquered by beauty gymnasts

The viewer is worried: “Wow!”

Performance of gymnasts.

Iriska: There are enough jokes and laughter for everyone here

Here live an acrobat and an athlete

Clowns, tricks, just a game

Together: Long live the circus, artists - Hooray!

song "You can't not love the circus"

Anfiska comes out, dragging a huge “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Toffee: Will you lift it? Anfiska: Easy! It is important to remove gloves: 1 - ordinary, 2 - long-long (black “tops” of tights are sewn to it), tucked into the sleeves.

He picks up the weight, grimacing that it's hard, spins it around him, drops it on Iriska's leg.

Toffee writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding on to the patient.

Anfiska throws a weight into the backstage, (Sound is heard in the recording) the clowns run away.

Alice: The program continues.

This number is the hardest!

Strongmen in the arena

The best circus performers in the world!

Throw weights,

Like baby balls!

Strongmen (4 people) come out to the song “Bogatyrskaya Strength”, with a heavy gait, take weights from backstage, stand facing the audience:

1. lift the weight with one hand (each his own),

2 interceptions in front and behind the back;

3 throws to each other

4 approach the paper chains, tear them, showing with facial expressions how hard it is. They leave. (After each type of exercise, they “wipe” the sweat from their forehead)

Clownery "Gingerbread".

Anfiska: Alina! I completely forgot to ask you! We went to the circus with you?
Alice: Come on!
Anfiska: Did you find the gingerbread?
Alice: Got it!
Anfiska: Did I give it to you?
Alice: Yes!
Anfiska: Did you take it?

Alice: Got it!
Anfiska: Where is he?
Alice: What?
Anfiska: Gingerbread.
Alice: What?
Anfiska: Like what?!

This dialogue is repeated three times.
Finally, Anfiska says: You probably ate the gingerbread and pretend: “Where? What? Which?"
Alice: Yes ... (with chagrin)
Anfiska: Is it okay to do this, children?
Children: No!
Anfiska: Should I share something delicious?
Children: Yes!
Anfiska: Will you share, Aliska?
Alice: I will ... (guilty)

Anfiska: Then we continue the performance,

We present the number again: (2 bears enter to the music of the RNM "Quadrille")

Alice: Bears came to us
On your bike.
Spinning the pedals
Didn't you see that?
If only we had such paws.
We then, like a clubfoot,
Spin the pedals
They would take us to work in the circus!

(They drive in a circle, somersault, wheel, and leave again).

Anfiska: These are the little rascals
Our mischievous bears! (applause to them!).

Klepa: And now the only giant dogs in the world from the island of Umba-Yumba are performing!
Iriska: During the performance, please do not make noise, keep children away from the barrier. For the faint of heart, take a sedative.
Number "Dance with dogs"
Use any music you like.
You will need 3 stools, 3 dogs of different colors on threads. There are three children in the room. Everyone leads their own dog. Use synchronous and alternately repetitive movements. For example, moving in a circle, alternately going forward to the stools, circling in place, jumping and jumping dogs from stools, alternately yapping.
Toffee (laughs): Well, you, Klepa, announced - "Giant Dogs"! Something they are too small, your giants.
Klepa: Were sick in childhood.
Butterscotch: I should have fed them bones.

Klepa: And now you will see the Dalmatians, who were well fed, and they grew up big, cheerful and love to dance very much.

Dance "Dalmatians"

Klepa: Your applause to the cheerful Dalmatians!

Klepa: We have already figured out which hero is the most important in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important? Such a number is often called deadly.
Toffee: In order to perform this number, we need to choose the 2 most daring boys in the hall. Attraction "Death Number"
The daredevil is given a tray in his hands, on which stands a vase of flowers. It must be carried to the table, carefully bypassing the obstacles in the way - skittles. The difficulty of completing the task lies in the fact that the participant is blindfolded and he must remember where the skittles are and not knock them down while moving towards the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the skittles are quietly removed. The audience is very fun to watch how the daredevil overcomes obstacles
Anfiska: Guys, what about you? good mood? (answers from the audience). Now we will measure your mood! (Anfiska gives a large thermometer to Aliska. Aliska runs around the hall, measures the mood of the children and at the same time sentences)
Alice: This boy is great, a real cucumber!
To another:
This girl is a talker, a real laugher!
To the third:
This boy is just a miracle, his laughter sounds everywhere!
Anfiska: I see you are in a great mood! Most of all, we clowns love when everyone is in a good mood, when everyone smiles and laughs.
Klepa: After all, the circus is a wonderland,
A country with open borders.
Toffee: Where everyone is kind, where laughter is heard,
Where there are no people with frowning faces!

Final Song "Watercolor"

Alice: The show is over! The artists took their bows!

(Music by I. Dunayevsky “Circus March” sounds) An adult introduces all the circus heroes who participated in the performance. Background music when the children disperse Muz. Where did the circus go? in Spanish V.Leontiev.

Description of work

In a playful way, clowns Anfiska, Iriska, Aliska and the clown Klepa talk about the circus, joke with each other and play games with the audience.

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