What is gymnastics on canvases. Air gymnasts, acrobatics


Aerial gymnastics is an elite art and the most spectacular and spectacular genre of a circus show. Gymnasts and acrobats demonstrate extraordinary strength, dexterity and courage, inaccessible to the average spectator, in risky and desperate tricks.

Many artists even dare to complex acrobatic numbers blindfolded. They know how to tickle the nerves and provide the attention of the guests " death numbers associated with working without insurance. Gymnasts are especially impressive, combining amazing plasticity and beauty with complex power elements.

Performances of aerial gymnasts

associated with a large and painstaking preparatory work which is sometimes invisible and unfamiliar to the viewer.To look confident and beautiful in the air, artists need to constantly keep themselves in shape. Daily rehearsals, torn calluses, bruises and injuries make this work truly heroic. Artists independently pay for the rent of the stage, create costumes, and rent original air props. Despite all the difficulties of the profession, they continue to improve their art and create new numbers that can give bright, unforgettable impressions to the audience.

To make the performance as bright and unforgettable as possible

used a wide variety of scenery, special effects and music. Our directors with current trends in art, they turn many airy performances into real mini-performances with unique images and staging. They think through every detail - from lighting design and visual effects before choosing the style of performance, jewelry and costumes. Often gymnasts perform amazing numbers in the air using canvases.

You can order a duet of air gymnasts or a solo performance, colorful numbers performed by an individual artist, as well as a real air mini-performance. Call us and we will develop a unique show program with original and unexpected performances air show.

In flight, each person will be able to feel free and easy. Aerial gymnastics helps to remove any boundaries and soar in the air. The so-called invisible wings make it possible to fly effortlessly and feel happiness and goodness.

Air gymnastics

Basically, this type of sport is used in circus numbers. In addition to canvases, aerial gymnastics on the ring is also popular. This option requires more additional training and professionalism. The combination of paintings and rings looks quite interesting. But this is only for the viewer, and the gymnast himself puts too much effort into this matter.

As you already understood, this genre include numbers where there are shells and devices suspended at a certain height. There are options with swaying movements, as well as rising and falling tricks on canvases that look quite interesting for both adults and children.

This sport requires a certain amount of precision and concentration. Here it is necessary to have a good command of your own body and not make any mistakes. Gymnasts are at great risk, as they can get a really big injury with subsequent complications, and in some cases a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, without the right level of training, you should not try to perform tricks intended for more experienced athletes.

Aerial gymnastics itself improves the skills and abilities of an average person and surprises ordinary people. In appearance, it is simply something unreal and not feasible, as many viewers say. Genre on this moment is the most spectacular and bewitching. Dexterity and courage are the main features of athletes, which, in the very first place, should surprise ordinary people.

Air canvases

Of course, like any other sport, aerial gymnastics with canvases has its own standard projectile. The canvases are created from a fairly dense material, and their length is about 9 meters. In most cases, the length is determined by the height of the desired room. They have a special mounting system that allows you to stay on the ceiling quite well during the performance of any jerks, strong swings, and so on. The density of the fabric holds the weight of the gymnasts well and, accordingly, is selected separately for each. Acrobatic and gymnastic elements are performed by athletes professionally at their level.

The canvases themselves may consist of ordinary material, and from stretching. The non-stretching one is used for tricks by beginner gymnasts, but the second option was created for more experienced ones. The choice of canvases is very important for gymnasts. There must be certain criteria:

  1. Pleasantness to the body, the fabric should not cause irritation or allergic reactions.
  2. Sliding should be in moderation. Materials that are too slippery will make tricks more difficult.


Certain training is needed in absolutely any sport. Of course, aerial gymnastics on canvases also needs this. Photos of beginner gymnasts and professional ones have certain differences in the complexity and performance of tricks. In this case initial training It has special meaning and you can't do without it.

To begin with, attention should be paid to the choice of the studio or school in which the gymnast will practice. The teachers are circus artists, professional gymnasts and so on. Each coach must independently find an approach to each future gymnast, taking into account all his features, abilities and, most importantly, his desire to practice.

Ceiling height in the room educational institutions should be more than 3 meters. Only this height can guarantee safe training for adults and children. Also, there must be specialized mats in each of the rooms. And in order to professionally hone skills, mirrors are needed on the walls.

Positive sides

Athletes, for whom aerial gymnastics has become a part of life, have unusual photos. It can be both shots from regular trainings, and from performances. Everyone will love the captured moments of any tricks, and especially when they are taken by a professional photographer.

The definition of aerial gymnastics is associated primarily with grace, art, grace, refinement and flexibility. Thanks to tricks and exercises, each gymnast works hard on his own muscles, strengthening them and forming a relief. The back muscles stretch over time, and with that comes a great stretch for the whole body.

Attract people

Aerial gymnastics attracts spectators most often in the circus. It shows chic flights over the dome, which delight the audience. And the versatility of the aerial gymnastics genre itself surprises people.

Ever since the middle of the 19th century, visitors circus performances drew attention to such tricks, and in our time, more and more people dream of repeating everything they saw on their own. Cloths are now the most in demand, so many ordinary gymnasts want to try own forces in the air.

on canvases

There is also an air one and it is no less popular. These classes give children an unforgettable experience, they make them believe in miracles and the infinity of their own possibilities.

Of course, in these classes, as in adult program, be sure to include a warm-up before starting to perform tricks. Group classes will not only allow you to get the support of others, make new acquaintances, but also learn additional tricks where several people are involved. Self-confidence is added with each new occupation, and fear and shyness recede further and further.

Comfortable and safe training rooms are present in almost every gymnastic center, but you still need to choose carefully. The criteria are exactly the same as for adults. And then not only the child, but also the parents will receive a lot of positive emotions.

“No matter what happens, I have to do at least 50 squats a day”

Elena Baranenko

I serve in the Bolshoi Moscow state circus for many years. My parents were circus performers. Since childhood, I took part in numbers, studied animal training, juggling, and when I became a little older, my parents sent me to a choreographic school. Therefore, I can do something in many genres. About seven years ago, we were fooling around with a friend, an aerial gymnast, in the arena during a rehearsal, and she asked me to do some elements, I began to get a lot of things right off the bat, then we tried to do a couple of movements together and found out that I have a tendency to this genre. Since then, we began to train together and have been performing under the dome for six years now.

I remember the day of my first entry into the arena with an air number very well. An hour before going out, I accidentally shaved off my eyebrows and felt terrible. I was very worried that day, I could not find a place for myself in the dressing room. I thought that I need to cut them before the performance. Without approaching the mirror, she ran the machine over her eyebrows, and forgot to put on the nozzle. And then she went to the mirror and saw all the splendor. This incident relaxed me. I drew two lines for myself in the place where my eyebrows used to grow, and went to perform.

We work without insurance. Sometimes during a performance, fear takes such that horror! I'm trying to get over him. I am reassured by the thought that it is more difficult for Olympic athletes than for us: they have wild pressure and responsibility many times more. When you're on top of the tightrope, you're having fun. But sometimes it is very scary.

I have a lot of superstitions about arena performances. Maybe it's because my mother died in the arena. She and her dad also worked in the genre of aerial gymnastics. Once, during a performance, both broke down, dad survived, and mom died. She was then 33 years old, I was 9. After the death of my mother, my father at first strictly forbade me to perform in the circus, for some time I obeyed. But you can’t come to the circus, fall in love and leave. Once you have been imbued with this life once, you will no longer be able to quit like this, on someone's orders.

I always check all the equipment, the suspension before a performance, I love safety. But you can't escape fate. After all, risk and death are also part of life, especially if we are talking about aerial gymnastics. When I perform with horses, before leaving, I always stroke the horse on the nose: it seems to me that it calms down. If something doesn’t work out for me several times, I do a pirouette, a sort of small ritual for good luck. Before numbers in the air, I always read "Our Father" and kiss my cross. When I arrive at new circus, before the performance I send an air kiss towards the arena. I also kiss the clubs I juggle with: I am grateful to my props and partner and try to create a positive atmosphere around. By the way, I have one more fad: no matter what happens, I have to do at least 50 squats a day.

It is important for me to be in good sportswear not because it's a fashion statement, but because my life depends on it. In addition, I need to look beautiful, I'm an artist. I am fond of healthy eating. In the evening I brew ginger for myself, I drink it in the morning. Be sure to fill the chia seeds with kefir in the evening and put them in the refrigerator, in the morning I add flower pollen, pumpkin seeds, fruits. I also grind flax seeds for myself and drink spirulina. In the morning I still often use avocado oil, almond and walnut oil and eat a piece of bread with butter: It is good for skin. I have low blood pressure, so I always drink coffee beans in the morning. I also recently read that tomatoes and cucumbers are not digested by the stomach, so now I try to avoid them. We have a very tasty dining room in the circus. I try to eat simple food, but high quality. For lunch I take soup, liver cutlets, carrot salad. By the end of the day I get very tired, so I go to the supermarket, buy washed grass, sprinkle olive oil there and eat with pleasure. I can afford wine in good company or even cognac in winter. However, I am a big opponent of smoking. I buy food at the weekend markets because everything is tasty and fresh there. I always take a hematogen with me to training, because at the right time it gives strength. As a snack, I can use an apple, coffee with bitter or milk chocolate. To be honest, I have a sweet tooth. If I see a brownie on my way home, I'll come home, I'll think about it, then I'll come back for it, buy it and eat it, and then I'll squat, try to get rid of those calories. I used to have anemia, so I often eat beef and lamb, besides, I really like them in taste, unlike other types of meat.

For the first time I entered the arena at the age of 14: I performed with a number where I juggled on a horse. Now, in addition to numbers in the air, I perform juggling with maces and trained parrots (these are my favorite birds). My dad and brother also work in the circus.

“Askold Zapashny comes up to me every day and says: “Stop eating”

Elena Petrikova

I went to the arena at the age of 5 in a reprise with clowns. And I started working in the genre of aerial gymnastics at the age of 14, although officially this can only be done from 18. But I did it painfully well, and therefore Mstislav Zapashny made sure that I was allowed to perform earlier than expected. I performed with a number on a rope (cord de parel) at a height of 15 meters - the first and only one at this age with absolutely no insurance.

I don’t know why I chose this genre: I’m very afraid of heights, I get sick on carousels, I can’t even look down from the balcony of the fifteenth floor. Initially, my dad and I did a couple in an acrobatic act, performed different racks. And one day we came to Vladivostok for a rally of amateur circuses - and I saw the performance of one girl who worked in the chord de parel genre, and she delighted me. I got my dad, he immediately went to the port, got me a rope from some ship. The girl at that performance performed her number so naturally that I thought it would not be difficult for me either. And so I grabbed the rope with my hands and feet and froze - I couldn’t pull myself up even once, let alone fly on it. I was so disappointed: I thought I would climb up and fly right away. As a result, I spent a year and a half and finally prepared an eight-minute number in the air.

At that time I was still in school. At 5 in the morning I came to a rehearsal at the circus, worked out another number with horses, then went to school, coming from it, rehearsed joint numbers with my dad, then again numbers with horses, then I always attended a ballet master class, because Mstislav Zapashny followed so that all the artists attend choreography classes, then there was a break and already at two o'clock in the morning by the light of a light bulb, when everyone went home, my dad and I were rehearsing my solo with rope. When I first time at 14 New Year's concert acted in the form of a seagull with this very number in the air, my wings were wrapped around a rope, I frantically tried to pull them out and not get out of the image, and when I was backstage, my knees simply bent from an overabundance of emotions and I fell. Dad even has a video cassette, which shows how I work out the number in the arena, and after the performance I go backstage and fall.

As a child, I worked in all equestrian genres, even climbed under the belly of horses when I was little. Circus kids are always learning different genres. I remember when I was 7 years old, I was preparing an acrobatic number, where I had to run up and jump into the hands of the guys standing in front of me. I ran, jumped unsuccessfully, missed and drove my face across the carpet to the end of the arena (four meters). It was painful, disgusting, embarrassing, and I disliked acrobatics after that.

The specificity of aerial gymnastics is that it is very dangerous. We work without insurance, which means that if your hand opens and you drop a person, then that's it. Need to have very Strong arms and feel like a partner. I'm used to working with a partner, we've been performing together for about seven years and we feel each other thoroughly. Recently, we took another gymnast into the room - and it is still very difficult to get used to it.

Sometimes, when you go on stage, it's very scary. I had a number in which it was necessary to make a sharp break. When it was too scary, I worked out the whole number, but I didn’t perform this particular element, instead I just did different movements waiting for the music to pass. It happened to me, but only a few times. I perform at a height of 25 meters without insurance. It is impossible to get used to this fear, it just appears from time to time out of nowhere and also suddenly disappears. We recently had the premiere of the number, when we performed for the first time as a threesome, and not just two, and I was so scared from the feeling that I was not one hundred percent in control of the situation that my fingers were shaking. There was an internal panic, hysteria. I'm standing in the arena, my hands are shaking, I'm ashamed, and I don't know how to stop it. I think there is higher intelligence, sometimes when I tune in, I turn to him. Before the number, I close my eyes for two seconds and withdraw into myself. Maybe I'm a cynic, but when there are jugglers backstage before the performance, who will toss three maces, and pray and cross themselves, it looks comical.

My parents are also circus performers, so they do not panic during my performance. After the show, my mother can come up to me, scold me that somewhere I didn’t have such an expression on my face, I didn’t reach the sock. Dad stands on the winch (the machine that lifts us up) and monitors safety. We are okay with many things that an uncirculated person would take negatively. For example, as a child, I moved from city to city every month, changed schools due to the fact that my parents were constantly touring. You moved, entered new school, a month later he collected his belongings, moved to new town- and all over again. Now I also tour and often live in different cities. How old I am, I won't say. By circus standards, I am already a pensioner - we have 15 years of service. I am not married, I have no children. But I don’t need it now, I don’t feel like an adult woman who already needs all this, I’m still 17 years old in my soul.

I go to the fitness center three times a week. I can’t say that I am a fan of simulators, I can’t stand them, I walk through strength. At the arena every day we warm up and rehearse for 5 hours. During this time, I manage to rehearse the numbers with horses, then with dogs and my number in the air. Then until the evening I work as an assistant artistic director at the Great Moscow State Circus.

I love to eat, it's a tragedy for me. Especially now, with age. I get frustrated when I can't afford pasta and pizza. I try to eat vegetables, fish, chicken, of course, without bread and sweets, otherwise I immediately start to get better. Now I weigh 56 kilograms - and I am the second in the ranking of the fattest girls in our team. Everyone in the circus tells me that I'm very fat. Askold Zapashny comes up to me every day and says: "Stop eating." It really would not hurt me to lose two or three kilograms, but I can’t. It seems to me that I can only lose weight if I sit on the water, but I can’t do that, I need strength for training. In the morning, I always eat a piece of bread with butter to keep my skin moisturized. True, in the evening I can sometimes eat a slice of pizza or sushi. The body is accustomed to physical activity I don't lose weight from it.

I often dream of performances. More precisely, my music is already starting to play in the arena, and I am still sitting in the dressing room in casual clothes. In fact, it is very scary, I wake up in a cold sweat after this. As far as I know, this dream haunts many circus performers.

I have many friends who are not from the circus. I'm friends with rockers, bikers, photographers, writers. After performing in the circus, at 11 pm I can go to the club to relieve stress or just go home to sleep. We often gather in my friend's cottage by the fireplace and arrange viewings of Tarkovsky, Fellini, then discuss what we have seen.

When I'm at the height under the dome, I don't think about anything. I listen to music, keep the image, there are no thoughts at all, everything turns off for me, and I work. It's scarier in rehearsals than in performances, because in rehearsals you look down and you see that you are very high, and when you are in the arena, you are blinded bright light and you can't see what's below.

Last year, my partner and I became bronze medalists in Monte Carlo. Like in the movie world main award- get an Oscar, so we get the Clown, we got it. Without insurance, I held my partner with one hand by the leg, and she hung head down at a height of 28 meters. Once we almost broke, the partner held me by the waist, and everything worked out. Our salaries are decent, but not huge. We are definitely not working for money.

The artist is very sensitive to praise. For me, applause is drugs. If you think about it, it's stupid. But if I get a storm of applause, then I come to indescribable delight I want to be torn to pieces with happiness. It is important to be able to adjust to the mood of the audience, to understand who to play for. Even when you are at a height of 26 meters, you need to continue to play the role, to smile. It is a mistake to think that when you are there, the viewer does not see you. Everything is visible: an unpainted nail, a torn off glitter, an arrow on tights, fear on the face.

Not so long ago, I graduated from the directing department of GITIS with honors and recently received another specialty - an organization management manager. I understand that I will not fly under the dome forever. Even when I cannot be a circus performer, I will remain in it in a different role. I dream of becoming a circus director someday, so now I am getting the maximum knowledge.

When we were in Monaco last year, we had to compete in a sawdust arena, which tends to lose shape. I performed on a horse, at some point she threw me off, and I fell right at the feet of Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie. I had two stakes on both sides, I managed to group up and get strictly between them, otherwise I would have crashed, otherwise I just broke my finger. But then she quickly got up and once again worked out the failed trick. But Jean-Paul Belmondo clapped for me! Another time, during a performance, an assistant accidentally tore my shoulder. Usually my dad lifts me into the air on a rope, and on that day another person replaced him. I was in the air, he controlled the situation from below, and when I went on a trick, he thought that I was somehow flying low, and decided to lift me higher, and at that moment my ligaments were torn shoulder joint from such a steep rise. It was just the finale of the number, I didn’t show it and went backstage with the most calm look. After this incident, I could not work for six months. Unfortunately, in our profession you are not always dependent on yourself. There are always assistants who can have an attack of idiocy, and you cannot control this and you can’t do anything with this person - and why, if you are already a cripple. Torn shoulders, hands, ligaments are typical for our genre.

The most important rule is that you must give the viewer a holiday at any cost. If he wanted to look at the suffering, he would not pay money for a ticket to the circus, but go to another place. But he wanted a holiday, he is waiting for a miracle, so no matter what you tear yourself, no matter what you break during a performance, in no case should you show it. After you went backstage, for God's sake, cry, curse the world, run to the doctor, do whatever you want, that's your business. The viewer is not interested.

Aerial gymnastics on canvases is an elegant circus art of performing acrobatic numbers on two suspended canvases, which gradually migrated to sports clubs. Now not only a circus performer, but also anyone can learn how to soar under the ceiling.

History of aerial canvases

It is believed that tricks like modern elements gymnastics on canvases, for the first time acrobats began to perform in Medieval China. But instead of fabric canvases, they used leather belts. In Europe, canvases became popular not so long ago - only about 100 years ago. Why are they so common today? air canvases? Cirque du Soleil (world famous circus show) contributed to the popularization of aerial gymnastics. Every few years, du Soleil releases a new show of amazing beauty. And usually performers of tricks on canvases are involved in each of them.

Popularity Secret

Canvases are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to other sports and dances. Such gymnastics involves not only your body. In order to cope with the fabric, knots and windings at a height of 10 meters from the floor, you must also have a sober mind, a clear mind and good coordination. If something goes wrong in the act, the aerialist must be able to react quickly and immediately decide how to proceed.

Classes on air canvases are complex, that is, they allow you to work out all the muscles of the body well. Regular workouts provide a general tone of the body and give the figure a noticeable fit. Working with canvases, you will definitely lose weight - the body itself will strive to lose weight ballast, which prevents you from grouping more accurately and climbing up the canvases more easily. However, this will only work if you practice consistently and without interruption.

These exercises have a special effect on the muscles of the hands. Aerialists must be strong in order to be able to hold on to the canvases. Achievement bonus for regular workouts is also the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus (from getting used to the buildup on canvases, it stops rocking in transport) and the loss of fear of heights - you simply get used to it.

What you need for classes

First of all, you will need to find a school, because air canvases are not the kind of projectile that you can easily keep at home. To work with canvases, high ceilings are needed - from 4 meters. Even if you want to hang canvases in your ordinary apartment, you simply cannot perform many complex elements with a fall - there is not enough height.

Safety is important for training on canvases. The canvases themselves must be of high quality and fixed. Be sure to need sports mats for safety net. It is better if there are mirrors in the school - so you can hone the accuracy of the elements.

Also, when looking for a school, pay attention to the qualifications of coaches, study their biography, watch performances in order to choose the most skillful and suitable in spirit. It is important that coaches do not chase the number of people in training - if there are more than 6-7 people in a group, then it will be very difficult to pay attention to everyone.

The dress code for canvas classes is usually a T-shirt and leggings. It can also be a one-piece jumpsuit. Think half-dance. Despite the similarity of the elements, there is a significant difference. If, when practicing on the pole, clothing should be minimal so as not to interfere with traction with the pole, then the opposite is true here - the form covers the skin as much as possible, because sometimes the canvases can “burn” by abruptly unwinding.

Elements of gymnastics with canvases

Dynamic elements are slips, flips, somersaults, breaks. These techniques require more skill and skill in working with canvases than static ones. For example, a cliff is the art, wrapped in a cloth, to unwind in such a way as to freeze hanging at a certain height.

Yoga in hammocks

A separate variation of aerial gymnastics on canvases is yoga in hammocks or, as it is also called, anti-gravity yoga. You can call it more soft view classes with canvases, because if the latter involve performing acrobatic stunts with maximum entertainment, then yoga is designed exclusively to improve your body with the help of certain exercises - asanas. The use of a hammock provides additional support and helps make many of the asanas softer and safer, which distinguishes this type of yoga from others. Often yoga classes on canvases are chosen for recovery after a long illness.

Special sensations arise when performing meditations in a hammock. After all, if you close your eyes while sitting in a swaying hammock, then there is a feeling of weightlessness, which can be compared to drifting on the waves. This practice brings a sense of harmony and calmness.

Morning circus family It starts the same way as everyone else - you need to take the child to kindergarten. Eleanor is two and a half years old. On weekends, parents take the girl with them to the circus, and she spends weekdays in kindergarten. Eleanor is still too early to climb under the dome, but, according to her parents, she is already striving to do it. Performs movements peeped from her parents, while proudly shouting "I'm a gymnast!".

With her grandfather, she already does somersaults and walks on a tightrope, - says Aliya, whose first training began at about the same age.

Aliya Kanakhina For as long as she can remember, she has always been in the circus. With "sawdust in the shoes", as they say about children circus dynasty, she learned to walk, perform her first numbers. Later I met here the love of my life - Andrey.

Often artists call the circus their home. They spend all their time here. The circus is a home, a job, and a hobby.

In the small hall, which is used both for training and for performances, artists work out new numbers and tricks. There is always something to work on, there is simply no limit to perfection.

Loads during training are much higher than during performances. Aerialists usually train in Czechs. But, given the peculiarities of the performance being prepared, Aliya is training today in dancing shoes.

"Numbers performed in Soviet times and now, very different. Today, more attention is paid to the script, staging. The number must have a beginning and an end. This is dramaturgy," he says. Kurmangali Dosbatyrov- Aliya's father, trapeze artist, Honored Worker of the USSR and Kazakhstan. The history of the Dosbatyrov dynasty begins with him.

Numbers performed in Soviet times and now are very different. Today, more attention is paid to the script, staging.

After serving in the army, in 1974, the head of the future circus dynasty of the Dosbatyrovs, passed the republican competition of the Kazakh circus and for 17 years toured throughout the USSR with the number "Land of Wonders".

On tour in Stavropol, the gymnast settled in a hotel where a young dancer lived folk ensemble"Ear". This acquaintance turned the lives of 17-year-old Elena and 27-year-old Kurmangali upside down. They got married and had three children - Daulet, Aliya and Madina.

The first to enter the arena at the age of two was Daulet, Alia's elder brother. Later, in the same clown's reprise "Get on the IL, get on the TU and fly to Alma-Ata!", two-year-old Aliya, paired with Murat Muturganov, jumped out of a huge papier-mâché apple.

Today Kurmangali Dosbatyrov teaches acrobatics at the Academy. Zhurgenov, and also leads aerialists in the circus.

Together with Andrey and Aliya today, one of Kurmangali's students is training at the training arena - Marina Starodubova. When Marina was 5 years old, she was impressed by the number of Aliya and Daulet, and the girl wanted to become an aerial gymnast.

According to Kurmangali, Marina learned to do all the tricks in one year. Now she only improves them. Despite her 9 years, the girl performs with experienced adult artists.

Andrey Kanakhin got into the Almaty circus only after entering the circus variety school. Until that moment, in his native Shymkent, Andrey worked in a circus tent, but, according to Andrey himself, this was the level of amateur performance.

I have never been associated with either gymnastics or acrobatics. While I was at school, I was engaged in amateur performances, acted as a clown Kuzya. He performed at every opportunity, - says Andrey.

There came a time when I thought "what next?". I decided to enter the circus school. Already trained guys came to the competition - there were jugglers, acrobats. I thought that there is definitely nothing to catch here, because there is no stretching, I don’t know how to do somersaults. I took loans from someone whistle and showed a thumbnail. He made the jury laugh, he entered the grant, - Andrey recalls.

Circus performers receive knowledge in all areas of circus art. So, for example, the second favorite hobby Aliya has juggling, and Andrey, having entered the specialization of "clownery", retrained as an aerial gymnast.

Andrei combined studies and tours. He performed first with the troupe, then in a duet with Ruslan Faizulin. Traveled all over Europe. Having had enough of the "nomadic" life, Andrei realized that it was time to start a family. He wanted to have something of his own, permanent in this life.

We've known each other for 15 years. All circus performers know each other. Either he went on tour for six months, then I did. We didn’t talk much,” Aliya says.

Alya probably didn’t even think about me, and I always watched her from the side. Like a kite, he hovered over his prey, - Andrey laughs.

As is often the case, everything changed due to chance. The end of school was approaching, Aliya had to pass state exams. Daulet was injured in the arena, and Aliya's family stayed in Kazakhstan for a long time. Returning from the next tour, Andrei decided to act, and he succeeded. Aliya and Andrei met for 6 years, married for 4 years. Today Aliya for Andrey is an indispensable partner in the circus arena, loving wife And caring mother their daughters.

The couple is now preparing for circus festival in Spain. The number was invented by ourselves, but the whole family took part in the development.

The number combines two genres - acrobatics on the mast (Andrey's favorite genre), and aerial gymnastics on the belts. According to Andrei, this symbiosis of styles is an innovation that they brought to the room.

Today it is very difficult to surprise the viewer, so you have to come up with something new in tricks, in numbers. Dad, having a huge store of knowledge, helps us, - says Aliya.

The number is called "You and Me". Under a touching French song, the gymnasts tell the story of how a girl dreams of young man. At the end of the number, the heroine is left alone. The music was chosen especially carefully, it took the couple months to choose a song.

The idea for the number does not come spontaneously. These are many hours of reflection, sleepless nights, a difficult time of torment and doubt. First, a set of tricks is taken, then the plot is thought out, only then the music is superimposed.

We don't have favorite numbers. Each number is like a small, beloved child, - says Andrey.

One of the couple's numbers

When asked if it’s hard to combine family and circus life, Aliya replies: “On the one hand, it’s very convenient when partners are also married couple. Eat common goal and dream. I don't know how I could explain to my husband, who is not a circus performer, that I'm leaving for Spain for six months. On the other hand, some quarrels are carried home from the arena. It's a minus."

At the end of the workout, the gymnasts were very tired. I didn’t even have the strength to lift a bottle of water, and yet I still had to put away all my inventory.

The couple also travels together for their daughter. Andrey and Aliya never part. Even in a dream, an idea for a number can come up and it will need to be discussed in the morning.

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