"Spasskaya Tower": the best performances in the history of the festival. Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival


For the eighth time, the Spasskaya Tower Festival was held in Moscow. Since the very first show, which happened in 2006, this review of military bands, or Military Tattoo, was timed to coincide with He, of course (and this has become a tradition), in early September.

Musical and theatrical performances

Despite the fact that Russia was the last to join this global movement, the Spasskaya Tower festival stands out from similar musical and theatrical shows: in terms of scale and program, the project is unique and has no equal.

Reviews of military bands have always called big interest the public, because they are not only music concerts- these spectacles contribute to the development of a sense of patriotism and pride in the army of their country. The demonstration of military skills, beautiful army ceremonies and paraphernalia accompanied by music made the Spasskaya Tower festival an expected and beloved holiday.

The founders of the Military Tattoo movement

The first of these events was held in 1880 in London. This Royal Tournament gathered almost all military bands. It began to be held annually. The tradition was interrupted only for the period when the shadow of war hung over Europe. Reviews ended in 1999. In the middle of the last century, namely in 1950, the first famous Edinburgh parade of military bands took place. It is very representative, is held annually and gathers up to 200,000 spectators. Canada joined the Military Tattoo movement in 1979, Birmingham in 1989, then there were Norfolk (USA), Sydney and others. Most of the oldest reviews were held under the patronage royal family Great Britain. The London tournament in 2010 was renamed the British.

Military band competitions in Europe

Continental Europe is also not left out. In Paris at the time of passing world exhibition In 1867, not even a review was held, but the Congress of Military Bands, which was attended by musicians of the Life Guards Cavalry Guard Regiment, which won first place that year. In France, reviews of military musicians have been held since 1840. But these were qualifying competitions, at which the best military orchestras were determined, and since 1867, reviews have become international importance, although they were not constant at the beginning, but were timed to coincide with solemn events.

Poklonnaya Gora became the beginning of annual parades

Against the backdrop of such a rich and beautiful story the young Spasskaya Tower festival, declared international, could not lose face. The venue of the festival immediately determined its status. True, the festival that initiated this wonderful tradition and took place in 2006 was held on Poklonnaya Hill, and it was called "Speech by the honorary guards of the heads of state." All theatrical performances of the review were accompanied by well-known and beloved military bands in our country. There were also sensations.

Thus, the Kazakh company of a special guard demonstrated the methods of handling weapons, and not a single army in the world is able to repeat them. Representatives of this former Soviet republic all the years they perform excellently, the high level of their numbers is remembered and discussed on the Web.

Great organization

The colorful show of 2006 turned out to be so impressive that it was decided to hold it on a regular basis, but Red Square was already chosen as the venue, and the name of the new show was Spasskaya Tower. It is necessary to indicate the organizers of the first review.

It was the agency "Mikhailov and partners. Strategic communications management. This organization systematically and effectively worked on creating an attractive image of the capital in order to attract more tourists. The review received the title of the festival in 2009. Now Spasskaya Tower has very serious sponsors. The festival is held with the full support of the government of the capital and under the patronage of

Beautiful city - a wonderful gift

It was noted above what event the Spasskaya Tower festival is dedicated to - to the capital Russian Federation. This is a worthy gift to Moscow. In that colorful show intertwined military, classical music, folk and pop.

Colorful costumes of the band members at the parade defile, special effects and dance performances, performances of first-rate stars, receptions and unformatted, one-of-a-kind concerts, horseback riding school riders from the Kremlin - all this can be seen here.

Multi-day holiday

International military music Festival The Spasskaya Tower is gaining momentum every year. If the presence of 70,000 spectators was declared on Poklonnaya Hill, then the last event held in September 2015, from the 5th to the 13th, was attended by about 200,000 people. Demonstration performances began daily, at 20.00, but the life of the festival did not stop during the day: master classes and fairs, performances, events called "Spasskaya Tower" for children, flash mobs and show performances on military theme and much more. Each of the 9 days of the festival was a celebration ending with light shows and special effects.

Having a specific theme

It should be noted that there is a trend in last years: each music festival "Spasskaya Tower" has its own general theme dedicated to some historical date. For example, in 2011, the holiday was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the emergence of full-time military bands of the Russian army. In 2012, it turned 200. And the musical and theatrical performance was, of course, dedicated to this date.

The theme of the 2013 review was as follows - "Reviving traditions, preserving history!". In the same year, fighting monks from the Chinese Shaolin performed under the leadership of their mentor Shi Yongxing as part of the festival. The review of 2014, which took place from August 30 to September 7, was marked by a boycott of a number of countries - they refused to send their musicians to Moscow. Most importantly, the script was rewritten in a short time. But the festival of military bands "Spasskaya Tower" still took place and was held on high level. The theme of this worthy show was the First World War. And needless to say, this year, 2015, the theme of the Spasskaya Tower was the 70th anniversary great victory over the fascists. Spasskaya Tower, a festival of military bands, in 2015 closed next to solemn events, dedicated to the Victory, and was carried out at an unprecedented high corresponding level.

Festival Mascot

Mireille Mathieu, a famous vocalist from France, who became a knight of the main order of the country (Legion of Honor) twice, became a peculiar mascot of the festival. This is how her work was appreciated. great singer in 2015 visited our capital for the seventh time in these holidays. She did not miss the festival in 2014 either, when she was urged not to go.

government project

The scope of this holiday is evidenced by the fact that over the years of the festival's existence, about 100 army bands, who came from various countries world (about 40). Russia once again demonstrates to the whole world its openness and willingness to cooperate.

The music director of the festival is Lieutenant-General M.F. Khalilov. All the years the largest cultural international project Russia invariably receives Red Square. The Spasskaya Tower festival arose and is held on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Every year more and more interesting and titled bands come to the festival.

Every year more representative

So, in 2015, riders of the Andalusian school performed as part of the holiday, their show is by far the best in Europe. The holiday begins with the passage of the combined orchestra of all the military musicians who arrived along Tverskaya Street. Later, during the daytime, they perform at various venues in Moscow, where they give free concerts. Until 2015, China and Mexico sent only individual folklore groups to the Spasskaya Tower, in the same year these countries were represented by the main military bands. On the final day of the grandiose show performance, according to the already established tradition, a combined orchestra of all participants, consisting of 1500 musicians, enters Red Square.

It is difficult to overestimate the significance of this festival. Therefore, active preparations for the musical and theatrical performance in 2016 began immediately after the closing of the current review.

On August 26, the 10th Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival will open on Red Square in Moscow. In honor of this event, we have collected videos with the best performances. These numbers amazed the audience on Red Square, and they will not leave you indifferent either!

It seemed that it was not long ago, but a year has already passed since the Celtic Orchestra of Bagpipes and Drums of the European Union conquered Muscovites with their skill. The orchestra is played by musicians from different countries Europeans with common Celtic roots - Irish, Scots, Dutch, Belgians, Danes and Germans.

In 2015 Air Force Band and Guard of Honor Company Technical Academy plunged the audience into the unique atmosphere of Greece, demonstrating a wonderful variation on the theme of Sirtaki.

Large-scale army - large-scale number! One of the most spectacular performances of 2015 was the performance of the Orchestra and Guard of Honor Company of the People's Liberation Army of China. The virtuoso possession of weapons and excellent drill training drew a standing ovation from the public.

Italy in 2014 at the Spasskaya Tower was represented by heralds, trumpeters, drummers and "sbandieratori" - a combined group of "Flag-bearers of the Duchy of Caetani" and "Historical flag-bearers of the city of Cori". In the Middle Ages, the "game of flags" was necessary to control individual detachments in battle, fighting under the banners of their lords or cities.

In 2015, the Belgians were at their best in literally words. A group of "Royal Stilt Walkers" came to the festival. The group, organized in 1945 in Merchtem, develops the medieval fair tradition with great success, performing throughout Europe.

Duet of the Orchestra "Gang Monumental" and dance ensemble"Tenochtitlan" from Mexico became one of the most memorable at the Spasskaya Tower festival in 2014 - more than 100 performers, traditional costumes mariachis and big sombreros.

Perhaps the most technologically advanced number at the Spasskaya Tower was shown by the Central Military Band of the Swiss Army, playing grinders and barrels.

In 2013, the Scottish Combined Band of Bagpipes and Drums performed at the festival. Its musicians are regular soldiers and officers who participated in the hostilities in Cyprus, in Northern Ireland, in the Balkans, in Iraq and Afghanistan. The orchestra was accompanied by the Moscow school of Scottish dance Shady Glen.

Air Force Band South Korea in 2013 he shocked the audience with the performance of the hit Gangnam Style. The author and performer of the composition PSY personally helped the military in the production. The South Korean Air Force Orchestra performs excellently in the most different genres and styles from chamber music to orchestral adaptations of K-POP. More than 4.5 million people from 210 countries have viewed the band's parody video for the musical Les Misérables on YouTube.

One of best moments at the Spasskaya Tower festival in 2010 was the performance of the European Orchestra and the US Army Choir. The orchestra is the third largest military musical group in America, giving 200 concerts a year. At the Spasskaya Tower, he performed a program to the music of Michael Jackson.


"Spasskaya Tower" - a parade of the honorary guards of the heads of state and the best military bands in the world.

Over the entire history of the festival, 140 bands from 40 countries have performed on Red Square. About 1,500 musicians, servicemen and artists take part in the Spasskaya Tower every year.

The festival has a separate program "Spasskaya Tower for Children" with educational shows for children under 13 years old.

All summer before the festival in Moscow, the program "Orchestras in the Parks" is being held, reviving one of the beautiful traditions- speeches of the military musical groups in open urban areas.

Spasskaya Tower Festival: bright photos and videos, detailed description and reviews of the event Spasskaya Tower Festival in 2019.

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If we ignore the direct purpose of the army, you can simply enjoy the clear, well-balanced movements of the troops and the restrained beauty of the front military uniform. And if we are talking about military bands, and also invariably cheerful, inspiring music for exploits. The colorful festival "Spasskaya Tower" is about this. Every year in the heart of Moscow, on Red Square, where all the main military parades take place, at the junction of summer and autumn, armed forces bands from different countries gather to demonstrate the full diversity of musical traditions. Here you can hear Scottish bagpipes and exotic motifs of the Singapore Police Band, the gallant march of the Italian Carabinieri and the sonorous brass of the Russian Exemplary Band of the Guard of Honor. Music program complement the performances of cavalry escorts, special guard companies, the Kremlin Riding School and light show that turn the festival into an unforgettable colorful holiday.

A bit of history

In 2006, within the framework of the celebration of the City Day on Poklonnaya Hill, units of the honorary guard of the heads of state and military bands performed. It was truly bright and spectacular, and the Moscow Government decided to continue this tradition. It was decided to carry out annual festival, but already on Red Square, at the Spasskaya Tower, which gave the holiday its name.

In 2016, 24 military and demonstration orchestras from Italy, Greece and other EU countries, Belarus, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Singapore, Slovenia, and Japan were presented at the festival. About 60 thousand spectators attended the performances.

How is the festival

The Spasskaya Tower festival lasts 9 days, in 2017 it will be held from August 26 to September 3. Every evening participating orchestras and dance groups perform on Red Square, on Saturday they march along Tverskaya Street with music, and on Sunday they organize free concerts in squares and parks in the center of the capital.

This year the program promises to be exciting: the Central Military Band of the Russian Ministry of Defense will perform a medley of melodies from Soviet cartoons and demonstrate a fashion show with geometric rearrangements. For the first time, the military band of Egypt will take part in the celebration.

Every evening, Red Square, decorated and illuminated, sounds in every way. Tribunes for spectators are installed on three sides around the perimeter, from where you can watch the performance and watch how the teams approach in a harmonious march from Tverskaya Street. Each of them performs for 6-7 minutes, so that the program is not too tiring and monotonous.

The opening of the festival, as a rule, takes place on the Saturday preceding the City Day. Spectacular show presents participants from different countries (2-3 teams). They represent solemn musical, song and dance program in which military marches and folk dances, the art of rebuilding and national songs. The constant interest of the public is attracted by the performances of the Kremlin Riding School, and since 2007 the Children's Group of the equestrian ceremonial of the school has been performing. The festival ends with a combined performance of the bands and colorful fireworks.

Chronicles of the Spasskaya Tower Festival

For children

Within the framework of the festival, events are provided for young spectators - the Spasskaya Tower for Children takes place on a separate site, also on Red Square. A children's town is being built here, where everyone can play during the day, and in the evening, from 18:00 to 20:00, only guests of the festival with tickets can play. Quests, competitions for the whole family, master classes in painting and music, origami are arranged. Real military men tell children about the features of the service, show weapons and uniforms. There are performances of children's brass bands, this year they are scheduled for August 25-27. Starting from 2015, the competition of children's and youth guards of honor has become an obligatory item of the program (in 2017 - September 3 at 10:30).

Practical information

The main events of the Spasskaya Tower festival are traditionally held on Red Square. Performances start daily at 20:00, duration - about 3 hours. Acquainted with detailed program and you can buy tickets at festival website.

Ticket prices - from 500 to 3700 RUB in the usual sectors of the stands and from 2300 to 8500 RUB in the VIP sector. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

How to get there and where to live

Of course, when planning to visit all 9 days of the festival, it is most convenient to stay in the center of the capital, but for economic reasons, you can choose hotels in remote areas, getting to Red Square is not a problem. There are several metro stations nearby: Okhotny Ryad”, “Library them. Lenin”, “Theatrical”, “Revolution Square”. There is a bus stop, routes No. 158, M5.

TASS-DOSIER. From August 26 to September 3, 2017, the Spasskaya Tower Military Music Festival will be held in Moscow.

The International Military Music Festival is held annually in the Russian capital at the end of August - the first decade of September with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow. The event is attended by the best domestic and foreign military bands, folk groups, as well as divisions of the honorary guard of heads of state.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Spasskaya Tower is the largest military music festival in the world.


The history of the festival dates back to September 2, 2006, when for the first time in Moscow on Poklonnaya Gora demonstration performances units of the honorary guard of the heads of state, accompanied by famous military bands. The event was attended Presidential Regiment Services of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin Federal Service protection of the Russian Federation and the Guard of Honor of the Republican Guard of Kazakhstan. The performance was accompanied by the Presidential Band of the Commandant's Service of the Moscow Kremlin, the Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Band of the Moscow Military Music School, the Band of the Headquarters of the Moscow Military District.

Representatives of the senior command staff and corps of military attaches of the embassies of France, Norway, Denmark, Germany and others arrived at the holiday as guests of honor. The parade of orchestras was organized by the Guild of Suppliers of the Kremlin with the support of the Moscow government.

On September 13-16, 2007, the International Military Music Festival "Kremlin Dawn" took place on Red Square. Leading military and creative teams from the UK, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Italy. Total number More than a thousand servicemen of various branches of the armed forces, musicians and other performers took part in the event. Russia was represented by the best military bands Russian army, and folklore ensembles. Central to the program was a performance by the Presidential Band, the Special Guard Company and the Cavalry Escort of Honor of the Presidential Regiment.

Since 2009, the festival has been held on Red Square and is called the Spasskaya Tower. main theme September 5-10, 2009 was the 300th anniversary of the victory of Russian troops over the Swedish army near Poltava (1709). Military bands from nine countries took part in the program. More than 6,000 spectators could daily watch the performances of the Central Military Band of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Orchestra and Guard of Honor of the French Republican Guard, the Bagpipes and Drums Orchestra of the Royal Corps of Great Britain, the Band of the Israel Defense Forces, the Band of the Supreme Command of the Indian Armed Forces, monks from the School of the Shaolin Monastery and others

September 4-9, 2010 the event was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war. The holiday brought together more than a thousand military musicians. For the first time, heads of the largest military music festivals in Europe, including the oldest Edinburgh Festival. In the same year, the Spasskaya Tower became a member of the International Association of Military Music Festival Organizers (IATO, International Association of Tattoo Organizers).

In 2011, the festival was held from August 31 to September 4 and was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the creation of the military band service of the Russian Armed Forces. 1.5 thousand musicians and artists from 14 countries performed for the Moscow audience.

From 1 to 8 September 2012, the main theme of the festival was the 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812. Orchestras from countries that participated in the Napoleonic Wars, as well as other foreign ensembles (representatives of 12 states in total) gathered on Red Square.

September 1-8, 2013 musical holiday was held under the motto "Reviving traditions, preserving history." It was attended by orchestras, guards of honor and folklore groups from 13 states. For the first time, the program included a performance by a choir consisting of almost 400 people.

From August 30 to September 7, 2014, 28 teams from ten countries performed on Red Square. The main theme of the performance was the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War.

The Eighth Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival was held in Moscow on Red Square on September 5-13, 2015. It was attended by 26 teams from 14 countries, including Russia. The number of spectators exceeded 60 thousand people.

"Spasskaya Tower-2016"

From August 27 to September 4, 2016, 32 creative teams took part in the festival, 16 of them were foreign. In particular, the Combined Band of the Air Force and the Navy of Greece, the Band of the Tyrolean Imperial Riflemen (Austria), the Singapore Police Band, the Celtic Band of Bagpipes and Drums (European Union) performed for the first time. Festival events took place on Red Square, VDNKh, railway stations and parks in Moscow. The audience was 75 thousand people.


First music director festival in 2007-2016 was the head of the military orchestra service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - chief military conductor, Honored Artist of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov (died in a plane crash near Sochi on December 25, 2016).

The Public Council of the Spasskaya Tower is headed by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov.

The festival itself and all accompanying events are held entirely at the expense of sponsorship and ticket sales.

Throughout the history of the festival, 144 orchestral groups from 42 countries have taken part in it.

The Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival is a parade of the honorary guards of the heads of state and the best Russian and foreign military bands in the world.

The name "Spasskaya Tower" was given to the military music festival in 2009.

Since 2010 Spasskaya Tower has been a member of the International Association of Military Festival Organizers IATO, which unites the world's leading military music forums.

Since 2013, the motto of the festival is "Reviving traditions, preserving history."

The participants of the "Spasskaya Tower" are the best military musical creative groups and units of the honorary guard of the heads of state.

In 2018, the International Military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower" on the Red Square of the capital.

In 2018, for the first time following the results of the Spasskaya Tower festival, audience voting. Also, for the first time, the program will include a daytime performance, which will be free for everyone.

MIA "Russia Today" is the official news agency Festival "Spasskaya Tower".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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