Arrow triangle square line. How to influence others through images, even if you are not Michelangelo? Arrow symbols for social networks


Geometric figures are symbolic and varied. Each of them carries energy and implies something.

Circle- a symbol of secrecy and inner strength. Its element is the solar circle, divine, and prosperous. In most companies, using this geometric sign, more often than others achieve wealth and success.

Circle combined with a square- a symbol of the connection between the soul (circle) and the body (square). The sides of the "Square" inscribed in the "Circle" model the main directions, the spatial coordinates of the Universe. The combination of a square with a circle symbolizes the unity of Earth and Heaven.

Wheel- A symbol of large money masses protected by knitting needles. If this sign is drawn under the safe in the house, then no thief will ever be able to open it.

Circle- slightly torn and with an arrow at one end. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of time, the speed of its movement. It is recommended to place such symbols on cases related to the rapid circulation of funds.

Triangle- is a symbol denoting the ability to firmly stand still, fight back, and repel any difficulties. The triangle is a leader, it does not accumulate energy, on the contrary, it gives it away. He is fast and aggressive. Companies that contain this geometric figure, are not at the level of a theoretician for long, they immediately “take the bull by the horns” and promote products that have just been made, not worked out to the end, to the market.

Pointed Triangle- a symbol of communication, receiving great wealth, which can be obtained through contact with other people.

Right triangle- with one elongated corner, speaks of prudence, from the side of this elongated side. Thrift, preparation and delivering a powerful blow.

Square- he produces the very energy within himself, and scoops it from the inside, give it out. This figure implies the realization of the strangest dreams, dreams and fantasies, as well as good luck in material affairs. The square is constantly expanding, it always has a roof over its head. He will help you not only achieve enlightenment, but also get out of many troubles in life, such as poverty, sorrow, and other troubles.

Oval- symbol of protection human soul, eternity and the Cosmic Egg, and as such it symbolizes the origin, being, the perfect microcosm, the universal symbol of the mystery of the creation of the world, the emergence of life in the original void.

Pyramid- speed and results. All the deeds symbolized by this figure are fast in execution and aimed at an accurate quick result. They are wiggled by elements of music, books and knowledge.

inverted pyramid- means everything bad, they fussed too much, nothing happened.

Rhombus- a powerful sign of wealth and patronage. If you place it on a piece of clothing and carry it with you, then from time to time very influential sponsors and financially wealthy people will appear in your life. Rhombus is powerful, overly aggressive and bold.

Spiral- symbol life force. It clearly demonstrates the action of opposite principles, descending and ascending energies, as well as time and its cyclicity. The same meaning is hidden in the sign "yin - yang". An ascending spiral is a masculine sign, and a downward spiral is feminine.

Hexagram- hexagonal star. The monetary, material and love well-being of a person lies in it.

Pentagram- a pentagonal star, it is a symbol of prestige, the energy of the sun, but it is as changeable as the seasons.


The cross is an ancient universal symbol of the Cosmos, the two crossed lines of which symbolize the masculine and feminine, the four cardinal points, the four main elements (fire, earth, air, water), it is associated with duality and union. As the center of the world, the cross is the point of communication between Heaven and Earth, the cosmic axis, which has the symbolism of the Cosmic Tree, mountains, columns, stairs, staff, menhir and other vertical symbols.

The cross also personifies the universal archetypal man, capable of infinite and harmonious development both in horizontal and vertical planes. The vertical line is heavenly, spiritual and intellectual, positive, active, masculine; the horizontal is earthy, rational, passive, negative and feminine. Another symbol of universality is standing man with arms outstretched to the side - an image of the microcosm, a reflection of the vast Universe, contained in each individual.

Types of crosses are diverse and carry different symbolic meaning. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the cross is an image of the unity of the lower and higher realm being - the vertical crossbar means ascension to heaven, and the horizontal - earthly life. In Christianity, it is a symbol of sacrifice and redemption.

The Egyptian ankh cross represents the unity of both sexes, life, immortality, hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge. In India, the cross was the emblem of the fiery clubs of the fire god Agni; the cross inside the circle is the Buddhist wheel of life; a cross with ends extending beyond the circle is divine energy. The Celts have a cross - a phallic symbol, life, fertility.

In China, the cross is considered a ladder to heaven, the number 10 (a symbol of universality) is also indicated by the cross. In Islam, the cross symbolizes the perfect unification of all states of being both in breadth and in tension; horizontal and vertical expansion, higher identification.

In Kabbalah, the six-pointed cross signifies the six days of creation, the six phases of time and the duration of the world. The combination of a circle and a cross is a sign of the fusion of the spiritual and the material, a symbol of initiation, rebirth, and also a symbol of seeing the subtle worlds.

Geometric shapes can be used to improve own life, in business and just know their semantic designations.

This page contains arrows for VKontakte (and not only) from Unicode. A lot of them. Perhaps more than us. I wouldn't be surprised if someday they take over the world. And it's not a fact that it's bad. They are already everywhere now. Look around, you'll probably see at least one. Well, or something similar, something that can be used instead. Watching, waiting. So far, they do more good than harm. Let's hope it stays that way. Well, we will help the pointer symbols to climb deeper into social networks.

I will say a few words about the history of the appearance of arrows. They appeared on pants in the 19th century due to the fact that after being transported in dense bales, it was difficult to smooth out the pants. Before our eyes they were painted in ancient egypt. When there were signs on the ground, I do not know. Probably even before the creation of the first written language. In Unicode, arrows appeared in stages. Although they have their separate section and two additional to it, various indicators of directions can be seen in several more sections. For example, in various technical symbols or in dingbats.

Arrow symbols for social networks

You need black arrows and , of course. After all, they point the way. Here, for example, right-down: ⇘. But to the southeast: ➘. Wonderful, isn't it?

Pointers are the most different types and sizes. Wavy, broken, bold, black, white. Some are not even typical. Take a look at this shaded right-handed spearhead: ➤. This will be able to decorate any message, status or. Above are collected pointers for every taste and size. Many different, very many. Someday they will seize ... Somewhere there was a medicine ...

To copy an arrow somewhere on VKontakte, select it with the mouse and copy it somewhere on VKontakte.

0 0 According to psychologists, the drawings that we spontaneously draw on a piece of paper while busy with other things (for example, chatting on the phone) are one of the keys to our subconscious. And it is from these scribbles that you can learn a lot about a person.

Find the most characteristic figures for you (or your friends) and find out what you or your friends really are.

Rhombuses: in search of harmony

These figures, especially intersecting with each other, speak of a desire for harmony and beauty. The authors of such drawings are attracted by art, elegance is important to them in everything that surrounds them. They are confident in their judgments and can
be sharp and even unceremonious (this is also indicated by the images of regular hexagons and octagons).

Triangles: Sustainability

Drawn with the top up, triangles speak of the ability to reason logically and prove one's point of view. Such people are characterized by perfectionism, which can become a problem in relationships with others.

Triangles drawn with the top down indicate a strict attitude towards oneself, high moral standards.

Squares: organization

These people are well aware of their capabilities. With excellent abilities in both planning and execution, they can be excellent leaders. But directness, lack of diplomacy prevents them from reaching the highest posts. If the squares overlap each other, this indicates high strength personality and the ability to take responsibility.

Circles: creative nature

Non-crossing circles are a sign that their author has kindness and generosity, but is not always well versed in people. He tends to see only the best in everyone and therefore is often disappointed. Inner world such people are full of illusions and delusions. Patterns of intersecting circles speak of the need for creative self-realization and creativity.

Arrows: for the novelty of sensations

One who draws aimed at different sides arrows, is in search of himself. At heart, this person is a traveler and discoverer. He is attracted by everything new and unknown: a place on the planet where he has never been, or dance school opened nearby. Susceptibility, flexibility and a lively mind help not only him, but everyone around him to feel the rhythm of life.

Grids: Mind Control

A person who draws various kinds of grids seeks to streamline his thoughts, to prevent them from "scattering" into different directions. Open lattices are most often protection from others, the need to hide, isolate oneself from the world, but do it in such a way that the world does not guess this intention.

Grids closed - the need to limit oneself and control one's own behavior. In both cases, the suppression of feelings by the mind can lead to health problems.

Waves: Independence

The waves symbolize the desire to stay “on your own wave”, not to go with the flow, but to be able to maneuver and swim away wherever you want. Such people are not too concerned about the lives of others - they prefer not to burden themselves with other people's problems. But in every possible way emphasizing their independence, such people risk being left alone.

Straight: elegance in simplicity

Parallel drawn straight lines, both horizontal and vertical - the desire to draw a line under each thought, without trying to complicate it and plunge into the chaos of potential solutions. “The best is the enemy of the good”, “Brevity is the sister of talent”, “Truth in simple things”- these are typical slogans for such people. The openness of the lines is a sign that the person who draws them is tolerant, easy to communicate and not inclined to impose his opinion.

Hatching: a signal to think

When a person draws complete nonsense with a large number of various lines or actively shade something, he seems to obscure reality, does not want to express his opinion, masks his true intentions. And the more pressure and passion he draws his scribbles, the more difficult it is for others to find out what he actually carries in himself. Such drawings are often a sign mental problems, troubles, a signal for help.

Complex figures: do not complicate life

A person who draws complex figures like this tends to complicate things in their lives and, just as importantly, complicate the lives of their loved ones. He finds problems empty place and raise them to the nth power. Regular long walks fresh air or playing sports can help such people become easier and begin to attract, rather than repel people.

Spirals: inner potential

Spirals unwinding from the inside out (the drawing begins to be drawn from the inside) is a sign of optimism, openness. And from outside to inside - a sign of the need for protection, the need to hide in your shell. However, in both cases, shell spirals indicate the presence creativity and an internal potential similar to that of a compressed spring.

important person

Faces are portrayed by people who care about their own position in society and who constantly evaluate themselves. Smiley faces are painted by optimists who stubbornly refuse to see dark sides life and promoting their positive outlook on life. Such people attract others, but their excessive frivolity is often not only a sign that lives in them. eternal child but also evidence of emotional immaturity. Faces in profile indicate difficulties in communication.

A left-facing profile indicates that the person is predominantly thinking about the past. If heads are always drawn without a body, the author may be in conflict with her body.
Separately drawn and beautifully designed eyes indicate that a person likes to be the center of attention and wants to control how other people react to him. Wide-open eyes are a sign that the author is wary, afraid of the assessment of others, criticism.

Flowers: in love at will

Flowers, twigs, petals are usually painted by dreamy, romantically inclined women. They feel the need for spiritual connections, they want to please, arouse admiration, they strive to be charming and pleasant in all respects. If such images began to come out from the pen of a man, this is a sure sign that he fell in love.

Caption: Boosting Self-Esteem

A person who draws his signature in different variations loves to engage in narcissism, fixated on his own person. He cares about how others perceive him, and often he feels insecure and wants to increase self-esteem (often at the expense of those around him). It is not easy to have a dialogue with such people.

Ornaments: in search of solutions

The same repetitive elements and ornaments are drawn by those who feel insecure (often they are teenagers) or who are stuck, bogged down, entangled in some problem and do not know from which end to approach its solution.

But it happens that this problem is of a creative nature, and repetitive elements allow you to organize the creative disorder that reigns in the mind.

Animals: for peace of mind

Images of animals, birds, butterflies should be interpreted literally, that is, think about what this animal symbolizes: fear, strength, aggression, lightness, cunning, etc. But those who spontaneously never draw anything at all are pathologically secretive people keep all their emotions to themselves.

This article will not help you learn how to draw like talented artist, but she will demonstrate how to use images like a thinking person.

If you think you can't draw, you will see that you are wrong. You are able to draw, you just need to learn about two simple tools, see them in action and try them out for yourself a couple of times. That's all. Here we can draw an analogy with speaking. When you first learned to speak, you didn’t get everything right the first time. But over time, after practice, repetitions, some auxiliary tools, you began to speak well. The situation with drawing is similar: you don't have to be a writer to be able to write, and you don't have to be an artist to be able to represent things visually.

Drawing is similar to speaking, only you use shapes instead of words. Here is an example of how simple shapes(square, circle, hexagon) can become a visual story about how a bee collected nectar and flew home to the hive

The first line is the hardest. So don't think about her

There is one moment in drawing when you don't think about anything - the moment of drawing the first line. The first line is the hardest and we have to tell our brain not to think so we can then put the pencil on the paper and draw a circle.

  • Draw a circle. So you started drawing. Then reconnect brain activity and give this circle a name. Pick absolutely anything that comes to your mind. It may be related to an idea that is important to you: me, you, today, tomorrow, profit, our product, my company, the world. As soon as you start coming up with a name, you will restart the thought process.
  • Write the word you made up in the circle. Now you are already thinking about things and phenomena.

How to start drawing: let's go from simple - a circle and an "I" in the middle

There is the first circle - now it's up to the small

Add a few other shapes next to the circle - a square, a triangle, and a star. Now connect them with arrows. And then somehow label them: here you have created a schematic diagram of the idea, as if by magic.

Often all you have to do to get started is draw and name the first circle. And then just continue the process: one drawing leads to another, and that to the next.

By adding (and naming) circles, you can draw any idea!

Look at the first circle in the picture below. See how many different ideas can you express by just adding more circles, symbols and a few details?

Let's look at a few drawings created using the "first circle concept".

Figure #1

Three intersecting circles form a diagram (also called a "Venn diagram" for overlapping sets) illustrating the intersection of the three components of an idea, in this case, how to make the perfect cup of coffee.

(The same graphic could showcase your business offer, customer segments, or marketing plan.)

The "cup of happiness" pattern starts with the first (red) circle meaning coffee, the other two intersecting circles are milk and sugar

Figure #2

Three circles depicting simple faces become a map of the competitive landscape. Here it turned out almost love triangle, about which they break human hearts. (A drawing like this could illustrate your competitive positioning, the client's approach to the acquisition process, or your staffing needs.)

Figure #3

Two large circles, two small ones and one triangle turn into a bicycle. Or any number of other objects. (You can also show your offer or strategy for bringing products and services to market.)

Drawing is easy when you start with basic shapes

Because so many designs can be made from one first circle, once you get the hang of it, the rest will come by itself. Before you have time to come to your senses, you already have squares and triangles, lines and arrows, and the idea, hidden deep in your head, takes shape before your eyes. Moreover, the hardest part of the process will be the attempt to stop. Such is the power of our visual thinking: the main thing is to start, then ideas will come by themselves. A simple trigger like a circle with a name on it is all it takes for the mind machine to start spinning.

And if the drawing suddenly stalled, you can always re-ignite your imagination by throwing new shapes, arrows and names into its fire.

90% of all business-related images are made up of just 7 building blocks:

1. Point
2. Line
3. Arrow
4. Square
5. Triangle
6. Circle
7. Blob

Start with a point - and, pushing off from it, the pencil will run further. In the end, even those 7 building blocks that we just listed begin with a dot.

Drawing is like speaking: until you say the first word, there will be silence. So say "Point" and then draw it. Speak visually, for which, holding the tip of the pencil on a point, continue to draw a line in the desired direction.

What direction do you need? Depends on the base shape you wish to draw.

Here is how the main shapes are drawn:

1. Point - the beginning of all lines.
2. The line is the beginning of all figures.
3. Arrow - a line indicating direction, influence or change.
4. Square - four points connected by four lines. Extending the lines, you get a rectangle, tilting - a trapezoid.
5. Triangle - three points connected by three lines. By lengthening the lines, you will get any three-sided figure.
6. Circle - a line that "bites its own tail." Squeezing the circle a little, we get an oval.
7. Klyaksa - a line that "went for a walk before returning home." A blot denotes unstructured things and phenomena, often characterized by problems.

All business drawings are a combination of these simple shapes.

To create more meaningful pictures, you simply combine seven blocks. Combinations are also not difficult. There are only 6 basic business pictures that illustrate and explain almost any idea.

Figure combinations

Most of the basic objects consist of combinations of shapes, in which hidden lines are erased if necessary.

1. Simple objects and pictures of people are created using a combination of squares, circles and triangles.

2. You can build a table, by placing rectangles next to each other, or create , by "cutting into pieces" a circle.

3. The map will turn out if you cross two arrows and place the figures in the corresponding sectors.

4.History in chronology created by lining up large, thick arrows (which are rectangles connected to triangles) in a row.

5. You will draw a detailed scheme, sorting the shapes in a certain order and connecting them with arrows.

6. Can be presented to viewers equations by combining any number of simple shapes.

Practice creating these 6 images through combinations basic figures. Even if you can draw only them, this will already make up 90% of the drawings you need for your business goals.

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