Pole Dance (pole dance) for children. On this occasion, I would like to say this


Pole dance is the name modern dance with a pole, combining choreography, elements of gymnastics and acrobatics. Many people who do not understand the nature of dance confuse it with striptease. Professionals do not like this approach. Moreover, they often classify pole dance as a sport that requires discipline and willpower.

We present you 10 girls living in different cities Russia, who are united by a love of dancing and beautiful toned bodies.

1. Prorokova Anna, 30 years old, Samara.

Anna always knew that she would do pole dancing. Remarkably, she began her studies on a thick static water pipe installed in the Skvoznyak bar in the city of Samara. After some time, she took up pole dancing in earnest. Since 2011, she has been working as an acrobatics and pole dance coach. Currently, the girl is the head of the dance school and claims that best inspiration for her are the students: their successes make her develop as a dancer and as a teacher. Anna claims that the most pleasant thing in such work is to watch how from clumsy and shy girls students become flexible, plastic, beautiful and relaxed. Anna says about herself: “This is the same Lucky case when the hobby coincided with work. I do what I love and enjoy it."

2. Anastasia Galetskikh, 29 years old, city New Urengoy

Anastasia was born and raised in Tyumen, where she studied dancing and performed as part of a show ballet. One day, the girl ended up in a club, where she saw how the dancers not only walked around the pylon, but performed power tricks, which fascinated her. Anastasia was determined to learn at all costs similar dances and enjoyed attending classes at the only pole dance studio in the city. After some time, she had to move to Novy Urengoy, where they did not hear about pole dancing. The girl decided to correct such a deplorable situation by opening the first studio in this city that specializes only in pole lessons. Anastasia says about herself: “I love the teaching process itself: I like to watch how my students grow, how happy they are when they get this or that element. I am pleased to realize that I am directly involved in this, revealing talents and opening my eyes to their capabilities.

3. Alisa Kostromeeva, 24, Rostov-on-Don

For the first time, Alice saw a pylon in a nightclub where she was invited to work as a go-go dancer. The girl was so impressed by the dances of the striptease program that the very next day she rushed to them for a rehearsal. At that time, the direction of pole dance was not widely known. Alice taught elements from disks, books, sketched elements from the TV show "Striptease Star". After a couple of years, competitions, master classes began, and for the dancer everything acquired a completely different meaning. Now Alice is the manager own studio, coach and choreographer with vast experience. The girl says about herself: “My students inspire me every day. When they come to class, they trust me with their health, time and mood. I am glad to see smiles on their faces - this is the main thing for me.

4. Solovieva Nadezhda, 23 years old, the city of Simferopol.

Nadezhda's mother was shocked when her daughter, at the age of five, announced that she wanted to become a stripper. Of course, as a child, Nadezhda did not imagine what meaning this word carries. An innocent dream of becoming the owner of the same beautiful costumes that my mother sews to order for dancers, turned into a road filled with bruises and abrasions. On the this moment Nadezhda is a pole dance coach. At first, much did not work out, since the girl did not have sports training. However, diligence, perseverance, dedication and regular training have paid off. Hope believes that complex view dances, the name “pylon acrobatics” is more suitable. In Simferopol, pole dancing is quite developed: a large number of studios and those who want to learn how to dance.

5. Tatyana Kurochkina, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

Tatyana was inspired to take pole dance classes by the result of her friend, who lost a lot of weight from dancing. Following a similar example, the girl dropped 11 kilograms from the day of the first workout. The first impression of the classes was ambiguous: interesting, but difficult and almost impossible. However, having rethought her attitude to dancing and approach to business, Tatyana decided to be guided by the three rules she created: understand the technique, let the skin get used to the new element and gain strength. These rules helped the girl achieve first place in the Miss competition. Pole dance Championship Russia 2013. At the moment, the pylon for Tatiana is not only a hobby and passion, but also a job that brings her satisfaction and joy. Despite the numerous injuries sustained in the course of coaching, Tatyana continues to inspire the girls with her example and claims that she herself the best award for her is the result of the students, one of whom lost 30 kilograms in her training.

6. Lyasheva Alina, 26 years old, Krasnodar

Looking through different dance styles, Alina came across a video with Felix Kane (the current world champion in pole dancing). The dancer caused Alina a flurry of emotions and delight. Literally a few days later, the girl went to training and did not stop there. In November 2009, Alina opened the first branch of the dance school in Krasnodar, and by the end of August 2015, the fourth branch will be opened. Now pole dancing is everything for her: a hobby, work and a means of self-expression.

7. Khotenova Valeria, 20 years old, Orenburg

walking by children's palace creativity 5 years ago, out of curiosity, Valeria decided to drop in on the lesson and first got acquainted with dancing. Today, the hall with a pole is the second home for a girl, and pole dance has won her heart. Valeria is a teacher at the Podnebesye dance studio. In Orenburg, this direction is only gaining momentum, but rather quickly. For Valeria, pole dance is a mixture of a masculine sport and a very feminine dance. The girl says: “It combines two sides of my character: a tough nature, ready to go to the end and a subtle, sincere, vulnerable nature, under which all the burden is hidden. Through dance we communicate, talk about something, flirt, want to please someone, tell our spiritual anxieties. Inspiration comes from the desire to speak out to the world, to show oneself.”

8. Gilyazova Olesya, 25 years old, Ulan-Ude

Being a student Faculty of Economics Olesya was looking for a part-time job. Her friend suggested an open position at a local club then called the Metro. The choreographer of the club noticed the girl and offered to attend her classes at the Maximum dance academy. Olesya accepted the offer and stayed, and now pole dance is the main work of the girl. About herself and her occupation, the dancer says: “In our city, this kind of sport, I repeat once again, sport, and not anything else, has begun to develop only now. More and more people want to try this extraordinary hobby. In pole dance, I have always been inspired by the exotic direction, because in it you can not only look beautiful, but also get aesthetic pleasure.

9. Elena Koroteeva, 23 years old, Moscow

Elena wanted to engage in a popular direction go-go dancing, but by chance, not far from my hall, I saw how the dancers were rehearsing exercises on the pylon. The girl was seized with interest, and an irresistible desire to learn how to move also beautifully, prompted her to take up pole dance. The most difficult thing in such a hobby, according to Elena, is to combine flexibility and strength. She has been a coach in Moscow for 5 years. dance school. According to the girl, there are no shortcomings in this hobby, although, of course, with a professional approach, injuries cannot be avoided. The most important advice for beginners in pole dance from Elena: “do everything gradually, do not do the exercises if you are not ready for them yet.”

10. Tatyana Shvedchikova, 23 years old, Nizhnyaya Tura.

Tatyana has been dancing since the age of 5, and after graduating from school she entered the institute as a choreographer. It was there that she began to sort out in more detail all types of dances, one of which was pole dance. Tatyana is inspired by music. The girl is always in search of something new, unusual and interesting. Having handed over last exam at the institute, Tatyana opened a studio called SHVEDA, which is popular among residents of the city of Nizhnyaya Tura. The dancer says about herself: “I try to take part in all kinds of competitions and events that contribute both to my development and the development of my students, and also give an incentive and desire to work further.”

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Pole dance conquers first of all with a unique combination of a wide variety of dance styles. This dance is not just sensual and beautiful, it requires strength and endurance from the dancer. That is why the dancers from our review look amazing. They dance no matter what.

1. Champion of international pole dance competitions, born without a left hand (Australia)

Australian Deb Roach did the impossible. Roach was born without a left arm and endured bullying her entire life. The girl grew up insecure until she decided to go in for sports. Despite the fact that her peers told Deborah that dancing was not for her, the girl decided to take private lessons. As a result, the girl won in 2012 International Pole Championship (in the category of persons with disabilities), as well as the PoleFit competition in 2013. In 2014, the girl received a $10,000 grant to develop skills circus art. In addition to pole dancing, Deb works as a yoga teacher and personal dance trainer.

Source 2The woman who took up pole dancing when she lost her leg (UK)

Wigan mother of four who lost her leg in a horrific car accident has found new life thanks to pole dancing. 40-year-old Lisa Eagleton amputated right leg below the knee after an accident in 2007. After several months of rehabilitation in a specialized center, she learned to walk with the help of a prosthesis. She was offered to take part in a photo shoot, during which the idea was born to do pole dancing. Lisa swims eight hours a week and does yoga to ease the pain she still suffers from.

Source 3A woman who dances with a two-year-old child behind her back (USA)

Californian Ashley Wright took up pole dancing after graduating from college. For her, dance is an "organic" means of communication and an expression of love for her daughter. This is not the first time Wright has expressed his unusual public position regarding her dance classes. In February 2015, after Wright posted a video of a pole dance in her living room with her daughter Shannon on her back, an outcry erupted online. Wright went on to perform on the CBS show "The Doctors" to defend her attitude towards dance.

Source 4A 60-year-old pole-dancing acrobat grandmother (China)

In 2013, a 60-year-old Chinese woman became an internet sensation, proving to the world that it's never too late to take up pole dancing. Song Fengqin from Nanjing, China decided to take candid dances after watching several videos that captivated her with her beauty and athleticism. Because pole dancing is traditionally associated with strip clubs in China, Fengqin initially kept her desire to learn a secret from her family.

Source 5The former Playboy model whose silicone breasts ruptured after falling off a pole (Venezuela)

Diosa Canales, 28-year-old Venezuelan pole dancer and former model Playboy, accidentally fell off a pole during a dance, landing badly on her chest. One of her breast implants ruptured on impact. Canales was taken to the hospital where she underwent emergency surgery.

Source 6A woman with cerebral palsy who uses pole dancing as therapy (Australia)

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that can affect body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflexes, posture and balance. Kelly Lee, a 26-year-old Australian with cerebral palsy, has always struggled to lead a normal, fulfilling life. She first saw pole dancing on TV, after which she began taking private lessons in various dance studios. Kelly says that pole dancing works better than any physical therapy for her, and she has been able to achieve significant results.

7 Pole Dancer Dynasty (Canada)

Little 3-year-old Leanna Parent is the third generation of a family of pole dancers. The girl watched her mother and grandmother dance before she could walk. Now she can already climb the pole on her own and copies the movements that he has seen for years. Her mother, 24-year-old Lisa, and grandmother, 44-year-old Julie Marois, insist that as a result of pole dancing, the girl is much healthier than her peers.

Source 8The exotic dancer who lost her finger during a pole dance competition (USA)

At the 9th annual Delilah's Diamond G-String Competition, dancers used all kinds of props - swords, soccer balls, hoops, poles and thongs to prove their sex appeal. The girls fought for money prize in the amount of $ 10,000. Sarah Berry used a "crescent-shaped aerial apparatus." During rehearsals for the competition on July 20, 2011, doctors were forced to amputate the girl thumb, as the sharp edge on her device completely ripped Sarah's thumb off.

Source 9Tiny 2-year-old girl who loves to spin around a pole (Australia)

2-year-old Riley became a media sensation after a video of her mother surfaced. Riley has loved music and dancing since birth, and just before she could walk, it turned out she could spin around a pole in her mom's studio. The girl's mother is 28-year-old Christy Sellars, a world-famous pole dance choreographer.

10 Pole Dancing Pole Lori (Russia)

Instagram celebrity Irina Goncharova from Perm (Russia) posted a video on the Web on March 20, 2015, in which her tame primate of the species, a slow loris, circles around a metal pole. The fluffy animal's dance on the pylon was especially touched by his attire - a colored diaper.

That's for sure - any age and any age are submissive to dancing. social categories. In Sweden, a new social movement Lunch Beat is gaining momentum, calling for plenty of dancing at noon -.

18 beauties showed Woman's Day how famously they own their beautiful bodies, how they know how to move erotically. You can't take your eyes off this sight! Look, admire, and then vote for the most plastic girl on the fourth page!

Lydia Argo

29 years old, English teacher.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 45 kg, 155 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 4.5 years.

I chose this direction because Pole Dance is stronger than dance and more beautiful than just a sport.

What this activity gives: classes give self-confidence, develop strength, flexibility and plasticity.

A loved one is delighted, also addicted to sports.

Julia Bushueva

24 years old, mechanical engineer of chemical and Food Industry(currently working as an engineer in a construction company).

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 50 kg, 163 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 3 years.

Why choose this direction: many years ago I first saw the Felix Cane video from the championship. She inspired, after watching it, I wanted to do Pole Dance.

What this activity gives: each lesson helps to reveal oneself with new side. Pole Dance makes me even more feminine, even more beautiful in appearance, makes my body and movements more graceful, liberates me, but most importantly, Pole Dance does not let me rest on my laurels and helps me move forward not only in learning new tricks, but also in life. Every class, every workout gives strength and self-confidence and helps to understand and prove that I can achieve everything.

How does your loved one react to your passion? well, when he appears, I am sure that he will admire and be proud of me!

Maria Vorobieva

23 years old coach

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 45 kg, 162 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 2 years.

Why choose this direction: influenced by the achievements of a friend.

What this activity gives: strength and self-esteem. I learned to fully control my body and never back down from my goals!

How does your loved one react to your passion? he likes. At home he asks to teach different tricks.

Anastasia Voronova

28 years old, Pole Dance instructor, head of the dance studio.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 47 kg, 160 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 4 years.

Why choose this direction: always admired the strength, plasticity and grace of girls dancing on the pole.

What this activity gives: Pole dancing is not only beautiful, but also healthy! Muscles are strengthened, posture improves, mood and self-esteem increase.

How does your loved one react to your passion? my young man I like this sport, he approves of my choice.

Anna Dzusova

28 years old, fitness instructor.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 166 cm, 69 kg.

How many years have you been doing: about 5 years.

Why choose this direction: I consider the chosen direction to be the sexiest dance, it liberates, releases female energy.

What this activity gives: gives confidence in oneself, in one's femininity, strength, looseness.

How does your loved one react to your passion? the man doesn't mind. He likes the results of these workouts.

Valeria Zaitseva

19 years old, student of the Volgograd Energy College, future bank employee.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 57 kg, 161 cm.

How many years have you been doing: about 3 years old.

Why choose this direction: chose Pole Dance after becoming a spectator of performers in this direction. I was struck by how fragile girls perform, as it seemed to me, unrealistic tricks and body movements on the pylon. Only then it seemed to me that all this was impossible in my performance. But I decided to try and after the first lesson I realized that I could not live without dancing.

What this activity gives: I like acrobatics on the pylon because it will never be possible to say that you can do everything and know how to do it. Too much of everything, which means that there is always something to strive for and something to achieve. Pole dance is not only dancing, but also sports acrobatics. All this requires physical training, therefore, helps to keep the body in shape. And of course, you can’t do without stretching in any dance, so a lot of training includes extra classes. But the most important thing is to enjoy the results achieved, the training itself and the atmosphere on them. I think the most important thing that classes give me is self-realization and acquaintance with wonderful people.

How does your loved one react to your passion? I don't have a loved one at the moment, but I hope that when he does, he will share my passion for Pole Dance and will support and admire my dances.

Anna Kobtseva

21 years old, student.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 54 kg, 158 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 2 years.

Why choose this direction: I chose Pole Dance by accident, I saw photos of my coach, I wanted to try it. At first, nothing worked out for me, I was poorly oriented, it was very painful for me when working with the pole. But I kept going because I was wondering what kind of tricks I could do. Perhaps that is why I chose the direction.

What this activity gives: Pole dance has many benefits! Pole dance has become an integral part of my life. A lot has changed, both physically and mentally. Beautiful, toned, embossed body, strong muscles, posture! There is an unconditional self-confidence, in their attractiveness, sexuality.

Natalya Korotchenko

26 years old, journalist.

Family status: not married, no children.

Weight height: 50 kg, 164 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 4 years.

Why choose this direction: Pole dance is both a sport and a dance! There is no limit to perfection. It often happens that you choose a goal - a new trick that seems unrealistic. You teach him, and when you succeed, you understand that there are even more tricks ahead ... There is no “ceiling” here.

What this activity gives: femininity, strength, grace, sexuality, self-confidence! And, of course, the admiring glances of men and women!

How does your loved one react to your passion? he likes! Supports me and rejoices that I am constantly developing, not standing still. Although I don't really like it when I dance in public.

Ekaterina Kuzmenko

26 years old, Leading Procurement Economist in the Ferrous Scrap and Waste Procurement Department. Trained as a fitness and aerobics instructor. Higher education (Bachelor of Physical Culture).

Marital status, children: Not married (I'm in a relationship), no children.

Weight height: 47 kg, 165 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 4 years.

Why choose this direction: when I gave up sports, I very sharply lost weight from 49 to 42 kg. It was necessary to urgently gain weight, and I could only do this with sports, because due to training I gain well muscle mass. I wanted something new and different. Ordinary fitness or aerobics were boring and uninteresting to me. And when only Pole Dance began to develop and pictures with girls in the elements on the pylon began to appear, they began to throw them at me and ask: “Can you do that?” I also wondered if I could.

What this activity gives: classes distract me from the daily hustle and bustle and gray working days. When I come to class, I find myself as if in a different world, where nothing bothers me, my thoughts are put in order, and it turns out to relax and calm down from all problems and negative feelings. In addition, the body is always athletic, toned and in shape. Each learned element or dance sequence that once seemed impossible becomes possible over time, and this is a small victory over yourself, over your body. It is very nice when you see the result of your work.

How does your loved one react to your passion? he doesn't mind. But sometimes I get very carried away in my hobby. I watch a bunch of videos and pictures with dances, new tricks, combinations. This annoys him a little.

Svetlana Kukhova

25 years old, PTO engineer.

Marital status, children: unmarried, has a dog.

Weight height: 53 kg, 165 cm.

How many years have you been doing: almost six months.

Why choose this direction: because PD combines, in addition to dancing, the training of muscles, strength, endurance and stretching. And of course it is incredibly beautiful and sexy.

What this activity gives: bruises. Kidding. Each lesson is a feeling of indescribable joy and happiness from the fact that a new element is obtained, which even at the last training session seemed unattainable.

How does your loved one react to your passion? excellent, rejoices at my successes and small achievements. The only regret is that there is no pylon at home.

Natalia Manannikova

21 years old, accountant.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 65 kg, 165 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 1.5 years.

Why choose this direction: because I got bored with the usual gym, and then my friend suggested that I try Pole Dance, and it turned out to be much more interesting.

What this activity gives: Pole dance classes develop strength, flexibility, endurance well, and plus you get a charge of positive emotions.

How does your loved one react to your passion? no favorite at the moment. But ex-boyfriend at first he did not approve of this direction because of stereotypes, but then he somewhat changed his attitude and began to treat it neutrally.

Inna Morozova (Inessa Armand)

25 years old, clinical psychologist, certified pole dance and flex trainer.

Marital status, children: married, children expected soon.

Weight height: 50 kg, 175 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 6 years.

Why choose this direction: Pole Dance is a universal direction that combines beauty, grace, strength and flexibility, combining all this not just into a dance, but into a whole art. In this sport, every time you improve, develop, do not stand still and discover something new in yourself.

What this activity gives: these activities motivate you to constantly work on yourself, bring health benefits and reveal femininity. If we talk about beauty and health, then this is a great option to keep muscles in good shape, posture, develop muscles, joint mobility, become more resilient and improve the immune system.

How does your loved one react to your passion? my husband himself cannot imagine life without sports, he always liked sports girls who lead a healthy and active image life. Therefore, he admires and supports me in everything.

Svetlana Orlova

23 years old, design student, trainer.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 53 kg, 162 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 2.5 years.

Why choose this direction: no beautiful story not here, I have not dreamed of dancing and acrobatics since childhood. I saw a pole class at the gym and decided to try something new for myself. I thought I'd look a little and end with this. But he couldn't leave.

What this activity gives: with this sport you breathe deeply. Constantly good mood, energy, a sea of ​​new acquaintances and absolutely everyone adds self-confidence. It’s not even worth talking about the figure and tone of the body.

How does your loved one react to your passion? my young man before me did not even know about it, but having got acquainted with this sport, now he is proud of me.

Anna Skorokhodova

22 years old, fitness trainer, Pole Dance trainer.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 55 kg, 167 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 2 years.

Why choose this direction: I have been dancing since childhood, dance tricks and stands have always attracted attention. Being engaged in a dance group, I liked the performance of Anastasia Sokolova at the “Minute of Glory” in Ukraine. Height, extreme and at the same time grace attracted my attention very much. After the collapse of the dance group, I decided to try my hand in this direction, the load and pain did not bother, but, on the contrary, gave impetus to new heights and tricks.

What this activity gives: Pole Dance activity constantly allows you to discover something new for yourself - new tricks, twists, fly-overs, breakdowns; adrenaline, confidence in yourself and your abilities, and of course a beautiful figure.

How does your loved one react to your passion? My young man was initially negative about this direction. Like most, I thought that Pole Dance was the second striptease, in addition, he was not satisfied with the constant and every time new bruises on my body. But over time, I got used to it, went to a performance, and there were less and less bruises. Now he does not speak of Pole Dance as a striptease, but sometimes he is offended, he thinks that I devote too much time to classes and training.

Polina Smirnova

24 years old, gas supply engineer.

Marital status, children: married, no children.

Weight height: 63 kg 174 cm.

How many years have you been doing: less than a year, 7 months, probably can not say for sure.

Why choose this direction: because I like people who can move beautifully and do incredible things.

What this activity gives: Pole dance gives me an incentive to overcome my laziness, and not only it.

How does your loved one react to your passion? my loved one is understanding, but it seems to me that he thinks that I suffer from garbage.

Anastasia Solntseva

23 years old, landscape designer.

Marital status, children: not married, no children.

Weight height: 57 kg, 170 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 2 years 8 months.

Why choose this direction: beautiful, strong, and it's great to do what was considered impossible, to throw out emotions in the right and beautiful way...

What this activity gives: Pole Dance gives an athletic, toned figure, a good cardio load, strong pumped muscles, grace, self-confidence, sexuality, reincarnation.

How does your loved one react to your passion? a loved one gets high, watching how I get high, proud that he has such a strong and beautiful girlfriend.

Irina Fadeeva

33 years old, pole dance coach.

Marital status, children: I am not married and have a 12 year old daughter.

Weight height: 57 kg, 170 cm.

How many years have you been doing: 5 years.

Why choose this direction: came for the first time, tried it, and... It's love at first workout!

What this activity gives: endurance, beauty of the body, self-confidence, and of course the pleasure of the results!

Of course, all the girls from our selection are worthy of words of admiration, but we suggested that you vote for the very best. And three girls receive prizes:

For first place– a certificate for an individual consultation from a wellness coach (healthy lifestyle specialist) Natalia Sevastyanova. - Ekaterina Kuzmenko (226 votes);

For second placegift set handmade soaps from master Elena Merzlikina. - Anastasia Solntseva (70 votes);

For third place- a fashionable prize from the site site - Svetlana Orlova (68 votes).

For information on claiming prizes, please contact the editor at

"Shrimp", "Superman", "flag", "origami", "bilman" - this is not a crazy set of words, but professional terminology everyone who once became interested in dancing or fitness on a pylon (in other words, a pole). Every year more and more classes for this sport are opened in Yekaterinburg, and everything is sold for pole dance championships more tickets. About what difficulties accompany a beginner, what myths are shrouded in pole dancing and how to achieve success - read our material.

Svetlana Rednikova, director of the Pole Art studio, pole dance teacher, organizer of master classes in Yekaterinburg, judge of specialized championships and just an experienced sawhorse talks.

"The acquaintance happened by chance"

I, like many others, had not heard anything about pole dance before, so the acquaintance happened by chance. My husband and I went on vacation to the south in 2008, and one day we decided to visit a night disco on a boat. There was a show program, including striptease. My husband probably liked it a lot, but I definitely liked it more! I was delighted with the ease with which the dancer did spins and performed tricks. And I firmly decided: I want the same. I came home and immediately went to torture Google on the subject of where you can immediately learn how to pole dance and develop plasticity.

I started with strip plastics, and after a couple of months I came to my first pole dance class.

It is now that every self-respecting fitness club or dance studio has at least a couple of pylons, but then everything was more complicated. I managed to find only a couple of places where they teach pole dance. There was only one pylon, proud and impregnable, and the number of those wishing to do it only increased with each lesson.

“Every muscle hurts, and the body is decorated with a scattering of leopard spots”

I remember the beginning - yes, it was hard. Moreover, I am sure that it was hard not only for me, but also for my teachers with me, but they never showed it. That is why together we managed to overcome the most difficult initial stage of the “buildup”, when absolutely nothing happens, every muscle hurts, and the body is decorated with a scattering of leopard spots - bruises of all shades. of blue color. In addition, in the first months I did not remember well what was shown, and in the minutes of improvisation I forgot all the learned movements. It was scary and embarrassing.

Then everything went uphill, because further tricks are based on the basic ones and are easier to remember, although every now and then there is a need to improve your physical form: stretching the twine (which, by the way, I didn’t have either), back flexibility or developing endurance and strength.

I don’t even know what can be called the first success. But still, some joys are hard to forget. For example, it was necessary to twist something at the very top of the pole, and we were all beginners and could hardly crawl along it. And this responsible task was entrusted to me. I climbed to the top, terribly proud that I was holding on only with my legs, since I had to turn the nut with my hands.

Or the first trick, when I fearlessly told the coach "get back, I'm holding on myself." Or Mom's Praise (CCM by rhythmic gymnastics), who thought that all this was nonsense, and I showed her a video of my successes and surprised her with the fact that I already know how. She proudly showed it to her colleagues at work.

“You can grieve that you quit ballet. Or you can come to pole dance and learn a lot of interesting things”

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any physical or dance training, I was a very sickly child, so even I had a permanent exemption from physical education. Therefore, when they ask me the question - is it possible to do pole dance without training and does it make sense, I always say: "Well, since you ask me these questions, it definitely does, because I started from scratch."

In pole dance, I was hooked by the fact that he allowed me to make sure and convince many that nothing is impossible. You can grieve, for example, that in childhood your parents did not send you to gymnastics. Or that you quit ballet and that it's too late now (the list is endless). Or you can come to pole dance and realize that you can learn a lot of interesting things.

"Increasingly, telling strangers about what I do, I understand that they no longer confuse pole dance with striptease "

Pole dance in Yekaterinburg is developing rapidly: new schools are opening, fitness clubs are installing pylons, more and more people are engaged, new stars are growing, and delighting with their successes.

A lot has changed. Increasingly, when telling strangers about what I do, I understand that they no longer confuse pole dance with striptease, but know the differences and sometimes even have friends in this area. The halls have become larger, the pylons have become higher, the rules for attending classes have become stricter. A lot of information appeared on the Internet: photos, videos, everything in open access. It used to be difficult to learn something new; about how some tricks are performed, we could only guess. It's easier now.

During this time, my students have already become teachers, they are raising their own students. Someone opened their own schools (and not only in Yekaterinburg). There have been several championships and a lot of pole dance events.

“There are a lot of myths about pole dance that are generated by people who have nothing to do with this activity”

Myth #1: There is no place for men in pole-dance.

Not true. Men are not only engaged in pole dance: there are teachers among them, real professionals in their field. Pole dancing is a great workout, working with own weight, acrobatics, deep muscle work and the development of strength and endurance. In Russia, there are many worthy examples: Evgeny Greshilov (world champion in pole dance), Vladimir Karachunov. Ekaterinburg also has its own stars - these are Russian champions Igor Panchenko and Alexander Kostrikin.

Myth #2: Girls know how to handle a pole almost from birth.

It would be great if that were indeed the case. But in fact, what you see is the result of long and hard training, permanent job above himself, bruising and muscle pain.

Myth #3: Everyone involved is a former or definitely a future stripper.

Again a mistake. Of course, there are girls who combine one with the other. However most of is engaged for its own sake, to maintain physical fitness, or in order to achieve pylon heights and take its rightful place on the podium.

The most common fears and questions that beginners have

... I didn’t do anything before (I only did as a child / I went to fitness twice / I can’t do anything / I didn’t even climb a tightrope at school / I can’t do push-ups).”

Scrolling through photos and watching videos with the participation of girls who are probably kept on the pole thanks to some kind of magic, a magic spell or, at worst, super glue, many probably caught themselves thinking that they are all either athletes, or very talented, strong and naturally flexible girls. And that mere mortals certainly cannot achieve such success. I will hasten to dispel your doubts. You can come to classes without any physical preparation at all.

Physical fitness is a plus, but not required condition to start learning. In the classroom, attention is paid to GPP (general physical training) and SFP (special physical training), so over time you will come to sportswear and you will easily perform tricks that previously seemed impossible.

If, in your childhood, you did gymnastics, ballet, acrobatics, or something else useful and interesting, then the likelihood that you will sit on the twine (stand on the bridge, learn to stand on your hands, do push-ups 100 times per minute) is easy and relatively fast - is large enough.

For those who have not done anything, I do not recommend getting upset - each of us has a hidden potential. It is very likely that you naturally have excellent turnout, chic flexibility, amazing lifts, or a heroic strength. In any case, success is 10% talent and 90% hard work.

...I don't have stretch (I'm not flexible / I don't do splits / I'm wooden).”

Stretching plays big role in pole dance. Many, even simple tricks will look more effective with stretching, and some without a certain margin of flexibility will not be done at all. But that doesn't mean you don't belong on the pylon. In pole dance (especially on initial stage) there are enough tricks and elements that do not require stretching, so you have time to correct the situation.

In class, stretching is not given as much attention as we would like, because training time is limited. Therefore, I recommend that you study at home and (or) sign up for stretching, where they will help you identify your strengths and develop the weak. You can also ask your trainer: he will make you a set of exercises for practicing at home and will control the result. The main thing is to set a goal and start taking action.

Photos and videos from Svetlana's personal archive http://youtu.be/htllb4vIDWQ
Comics taken from pole-dancing-adventures.blogspot.com

Many parents dream of stellar career for their children. Very often, children are given to sports or dancing.

Today, popularity Pole dance increased so much that a new direction of this dance appeared - children's Pole dance. Many studios, feeling general trend, began to offer children's Pole dance.

Benefits of classes

Pole dance has become very popular in sports such as children's acrobatics and gymnastics. And it's not in vain.

This type sport contributes to the harmonious development of the child's body:

  • In the process of training, the correct posture is formed, the spinal muscles are strengthened, the body becomes more flexible and plastic. Paul dance will help to avoid problems with extra pounds and maintain beautiful proportions of the figure.
  • Many children are affected by the problem of poor transport tolerance. Pole dance includes a set of exercises on a rotating pylon and exercises to strengthen the vestibular apparatus. This allows you to make long journeys without unpleasant consequences.
  • Pole dance helps children to better adapt in society. Children are easier to make contact with other children, make friends against the background common interests and have a great time together. Such a rest is much more useful than spending many hours at the computer screen.
  • Along with the development mental capacity, lessons pole dance contribute physical development child.

Pole dance(pole dance, pole acrobatics, pylon dance, English Pole dance is a type of dance in which the performer performs on one or two pylons (poles), combining elements of choreography, gymnastics, and acrobatics. Often confused with striptease. Pole dance can be divided into two main areas: artistic dance, which provides for competitions of athletes according to specially designed programs; and variety dance entertaining, including to attract spectators to various events.

Separate sports direction - sports on the pylon or pole sport, is part of the disciplines of air power athletics, is developing as an independent sports direction.

Before linking the life of their child with any professional sport, parents need to think about whether the game is worth the candle. Answer your own question. Are you realizing your unfulfilled dreams through your child?

This becomes very noticeable if you watch any talent show involving children.

But not everything is so clear!

Before continuing our review, we will introduce you to the opinion of a well-known Ukrainian fitness and dance trainer Anna Oleinik. We are interested in the opinion of our readers. We invite everyone to comment on this matter.

Anna Oleinik

A lot of controversy and scandals remain around this direction. To maximize the topic children's dance on a pylon, let's remember horror - stories about "pedophilia and depravity", which with such pleasure savored the Russian media some time ago.

Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg, Stavropol- these are some of the cities where children's competitions on the pylon caused a flurry of indignation and accusations towards the organizers of the competition.

Some fighters for morality wrote petitions to the authorities, threatened with courts, referred to the church. Others selflessly poked around in the criminal code, ranted on TV and on the Internet.

In this regard, I would like to say this:

What are we talking about, even if many professional psychologists, commenting on these competitions, saw erotic overtones in them? This only speaks of the level of outlook and development of those who moralize and care for morality.

If someone is looking for dirt in order to appear “cleaner and whiter” to himself against its background, he will find it everywhere.

I was pleased with the comment of the sexologist Alexander Savchenko regarding this situation:

“The only question is what meaning the person puts into the pole dance. If a person with an adequate assessment, and he is not in a strip club, then the sight of a pole should not cause suspicious associations in him. Concerning appearance girls, then the rhythmic gymnast also wears rather revealing outfits, but no one says anything like that about them. Society needs to get used to the fact that the world is changing. After all, once upon a time they went to the beach in dresses to the floor. By the way, I would suggest surveying people who talk about explicit sexual overtones in children's dance.

Some extol the childish pole dance, others scold from moral and ethical considerations.

And now, as they say, we need to add a "fly in the ointment"

Unfortunately, it should be noted that qualified trainers who are able to work correctly with children in the classroom Pole dance we have very little, so when you come to the moment of choosing a place to practice, be sure to ask about the experience of the trainer and the equipment of the gym.

Is it possible to build a standard one-hour workout in pole dance studio in such a way that it brings to your child, in addition to joy, also benefits and results? Although, it should be noted that in rhythmic gymnastics, for example, children's training lasts 4 hours.

In preparation for writing this article, on one of the popular sites for moms, I found an interview with a famous pole dance coach.

I quote: “Pole dance is official look sports. In the near future, pole dance will become an Olympic sport. Therefore, all capable and talented dancers and athletes who now start their careers in pole dance can become quite famous athletes in the future, especially if you start with early years... The result speaks for itself. You can start very early. There are no boundaries in pole dancing, it is a sport for everyone. Personally, I would be happy to start training girls even from the age of 4-5, since at this age there are very talented and capable children.”

Of course, a child who starts training at a more early age outperforms his "overage" rivals in the ability to perform complex elements, stretching, grace, etc.

Development of this dance direction goes on as usual and we see an ever-increasing interest in children's pole dance.

Pole sport as an official sport- at the end of January 2014 Russian Federation Pole Sports and Calisthenics were accepted as members of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports (CNNVS). On July 23, the International Pole Sports Federation (IPSF) received a letter from SportAccord and the International Artistic Gymnastics Federation, which states that the official status of Pole Sport (pylon sport) has been awarded and, in fact, the Federation itself as the governing structure of pylon sports. Also, it was said that the IFSF would not be against the inclusion of Pole Dance in the WORLD GAMES program (Second after Olympic Games international competitions). In September, the International Pole Sports Federation (IPSF) signed the WADA code. In October 2016, IPSF applied to the IOC for inclusion in the 2020 Olympic Program. AT international federation includes 22 national federations.

And give your child to Pole dance or not is a matter of choice for each parent.

Polepylon”) for dancing - a polished metal pipe with a diameter of 40 mm or more for gripping with hands and hooking with legs. It is made of stainless steel, steel with a chromium or titanium coating, brass or even plastic. Polished stainless steel is considered the optimal material, as it provides a quick and smooth glide, leaving the possibility of fixation due to good adhesion to the skin. Brass, on the contrary, allows you to hold on more securely and slide more slowly. Pylons are static and rotating. The latter is more often used for variety performances - due to the greater inertia and dynamism of the movements performed on it, a better visual effect is created.

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