Reading lesson m Prishvin guys and ducklings. Teacher material


Grade 2

Lesson Objectives:

organize the activities of students to familiarize themselves with the work of M.M. Prishvin; emotional and aesthetic perception of the work; when reading, express your attitude to what you read, create conditions for the formation of UUD

personal: motivation for learning, moral and ethical assessment (assessment of the content being digested, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice), fostering love for nature, respect for it;

cognitive: the formulation of a cognitive goal, the search and extraction of information, modeling, analysis in order to highlight features, the choice of bases and criteria for comparing seriation, classification of objects, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, putting forward hypotheses and their justification,

communicative: assessment of the partner’s actions, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation .



Municipal educational institution

Sergius average comprehensive school №1

"Education Centre"

Sergievsky municipal district of the Samara region

Methodological development of open

lesson literary reading held on 23.04.2013

in 2 "B" class on the topic

M. Prishvin “Guys and ducklings»

Teacher: Skidan Oksana Vladimirovna

year 2013

Topic: M. Prishvin “Guys and ducklings»

The date of the: 23.04.2013

Class: 2-in.

Number of students per lesson: 18 people.

Lesson Objectives:

organize the activities of students to familiarize themselves with the work of M.M. Prishvin; emotional and aesthetic perception of the work; when reading, express your attitude to what you read, create conditions for the formation of UUD

personal: motivation for learning, moral and ethical assessment (assessment of the content being digested, based on social and personal values, providing a personal moral choice), fostering love for nature, respect for it;

cognitive: the formulation of a cognitive goal, the search and extraction of information, modeling, analysis in order to highlight features, the choice of bases and criteria for comparing seriation, classification of objects, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, putting forward hypotheses and their justification,

communicative: assessment of the partner’s actions, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods: conversation, independent work, explanation of new material, methods of control and self-control.

Implemented pedagogical technologies: health saving, differentiated approach.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, cards feedback, laptops

During the classes

І. Organizing time.

Pens? (In place!)

Legs? (In place!)

Elbows? (On the edge!)

Back? (Straight!)

II. Checking homework. SL. 1

Poem W. s. 129 by heart (3-4 people).

Pick up material (proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes) about a sparrow from folklore.

III. Learning new material.

Who are you reading about right now?

What group of animals do they belong to?

What kind of bird is it: sedentary or migratory?

Today you will meet one migratory bird. And M.M. wrote about her. Prishvin.

About the writer. SL. 2-3

M. Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the Oryol province near the town of Yelets. Life was difficult for his family, as his mother was left alone with five children. In Germany, he graduated from the university and became an agronomist. He was going to study science, but became a writer. At the age of 30 he began to write about nature. Prishvin was in love with his homeland, its beauty, forests, fields, rivers and lakes, its birds and animals. All works of the writer are imbued big love to nature. These are “Pantry of the Sun”, “Forest Drop”, “Hunting for a Butterfly”, etc.

Rebus SL. 4

Guess the rebus.

Bag minus C, M \u003d T turns out to be a DUCK

How can you affectionately call a duck?

We will read a story about a little duck - a whistle.

But before reading, we would like to talk about this duck. (The story of a trained student).

Teal is a whistle.(The story of a prepared child) SL.5

Teal - the whistle is the smallest duck. It weighs less than 600 grams. This is a very agile duck. She swims and flies well. It rises and lands almost the same as a helicopter - vertically.

Introduction to the story. Vocabulary work.

  1. Introduction to the text. SL.6

Now get your pencil ready. Listen to this story while following the textbook, and with a simple pencil mark unfamiliar words. (Reading the narrator).

- Guys, raise your hand, who liked the story.

Who is this story about?

What kind of story is this: entertaining, educational or instructive? Why do you think so? What does he teach?

2. Vocabulary work. SL. 7-12

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

HILL - a small tubercle.

Versta is an old Russian measure of length equal to 1.06 km.

FORGE - a place where a blacksmith works - he forges metal.

STEAM FIELD - a field on which plants were not planted, a resting field.

WATER SLEEP - less water has become

PLACES OPEN TO HUMAN EYES - can be seen far and wide.

What other words did you mark? Name them. What does this word mean?

BYPASSING THE VILLAGE - bypassing, without entering the village.

THROWED - thrown

Physical education minute SL. 13

The ducks went out to the meadow,

The ducks went out to the meadow

Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)

Flying green beetle

W-w-w! (We wave our wings.)

Ducks of the neck arch.(Circular rotation of the neck.)

Spread feathers with beak. (Torso turns left and right.)

The reeds rustled in the pond(torso tilt)


And again there was silence.(Saly)

Working on a story. SL. 14

1 part

Read carefully part 1 of the story about yourself. (Then aloud along the chain.)

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?
- Prove with lines from the work. (In the spring, this lake overflowed far ...)
- Why did the duck decide to transfer her ducklings from the swamp forest?(The water subsided.)
How long did it take to get to the lake?
(3 versts.)
– How many kilometers is it?
(Slightly more than 3 kilometers.)
- Is it a lot or a little for a person?
“And for the little duck?”
(A lot of.)
- Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.
(In places open to human eyes ...)
Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?
(In order not to let the ducklings out of sight even for a minute.)
What enemies did ducks have? (People.)

part 2
- How did the boys begin to behave when they saw the ducklings?(Throwing hats.)

How did the duck behave when her ducklings were caught?(Excitedly.) (All the time they were catching...)
What is the most common name for a duck in the story? (
What kind of mother is she?(Thoughtful.)
- Do you feel sorry for her?

“For a mother, there is no one dearer and closer than her children. There is nothing stronger maternal love. Very often the mother own life, own well-being saves children from death. This applies equally to both humans and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the nagging pain and horror experienced by the mother duck. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.
- The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do?
- Prove with lines from the work.
(The guys were just about to shower their mother ...)
- Who interrupted the boys?
Were they able to explain what they did?
What order did the adult give them?
- Prove with lines from the work.
(-Live, - I ordered the guys, - go and give her all the ducklings.)

Part 3 "Reading in paragraphs"
- What can you say about the guys? What are they?
What did the narrator call them?(Fools.)
How else can you call them?
(Small, stupid, cruel.)
- Can you say that the guys were cruel?
How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story?
Why is she running ahead now? (
I wanted to get the children away from the enemies as quickly as possible.)
- How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings?
(Happy journey, ducklings!)
- What did he do about it?
(He took off his hat.)
- Prove with lines from the work.
(I happily took off my hat and waved ...)

How did the boys react to this?(Laughed.)
What did the author order them to do?
(Too take off your hats and shout goodbye!)
– Look at the illustration on p.131 and find the stitches that match it.
(And those same hats, dusty on ...)

Planning in a notebook.

Open T.S. 77 No. 4. Think about how you can title part 1 (2, 3).

1) Where did the duck with ducklings go?

2) What happened to them during the journey?

3) What is the main idea 3 parts? SL.15

IV. Consolidation.

Work on netbooks (X-Files 45 pages) and notebooks. SL.16

Read the statement by M.M. Prishvin, inserting the missing words. SL.17

V. Summary. D.z.

What is the name of the story that we met today?

Who wrote this story?

What does this work teach? (Don't do thoughtless things. To love nature, to protect it, to treat our smaller brothers sensitively and carefully, to know their life, to cultivate a willingness to protect animals and help them).

How do you understand the words: BE A FRIEND TO NATURE! SL.18

D.z. W. s. 130-132 retelling of part 1. SL.19

VI. Reflection. Evaluate your work (signals are used) ST.20

Bells of green, yellow and red colors hang on sensory crosses.

Children choose a bell in accordance with the assessment of their activities.

Red - worked actively, everything worked out.

Yellow - worked well, sometimes asked for help.

Blue - it was difficult, not everything worked out.


  • introduce children with the work of M.M. Prishvin; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; introduce artistic features works;
  • develop student speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; to form the ability to answer questions on the content of the text; find sentences in the text that support oral statement;
  • bring up the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world around, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of a work of art.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Knowledge update

1. The story about M. Prishvin.

– Today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, who became a writer, having previously tried himself in several professions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests, through the Asian steppes with a travel bag and a hunting rifle, observed nature. Admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person who was not indifferent to someone else's problem, trouble.

What kind of person can be called indifferent?

– So this man has always tried to help not only people, but nature in general. Even when walking along winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches, bent under the weight of the snow. He took a stick and knocked down the snow, freeing the birch trees. His indifference was manifested in all his deeds and deeds. In the story that we will get to know today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was.

- Read what K. Paustovsky wrote about him: (slide2)

“If nature could feel gratitude to man for having penetrated into her life and sang it, then first of all this gratitude would fall to the lot ...”

To whom would this gratitude fall?

- M. Prishvin. (slide 3)

2. Quiz on the work of M. Prishvin.

– This is not the first time you have met the works of M. Prishvin. And I want to know now if you are real readers. Try to recognize the work by excerpts: (slide 4)

1) “Once we had it, we caught a young crane and gave him a frog. He swallowed it. They gave another one and swallowed it.”

- "Zhurka" (slide 5)

2) “And just under the hare’s cabbage I had a piece of black bread: it always happens to me that when I don’t take bread to the forest, I’m hungry. And I’ll take it - I’ll forget to eat it and bring it back.”

- "Fox bread" (slide 6)

- What other works by M. Prishvin have you read? (slide 7)

III. Lesson topic message

Why do you think people write books?

The world around us is huge, beautiful, amazing. And M. Prishvin tried to convey the beauty of the world in words, so that people, having read his stories, also began to see and feel this beauty. Then they get better.

- Let's try to see the beauty of nature and try to become better by getting acquainted with the new work of M. Prishvin. (slide 8)

IV. Learning new material

- Read the title of the story.

“Guys and ducklings”

What do you think, who are the main characters of this work?

- Who saw the little ducklings?

- Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks - the whistling teal.

1) Vocabulary work.

You will encounter unfamiliar words in the text. Let's try to explain their meaning. (slide 9)

  • teal whistle- a bird of the duck family. These birds live in small ponds. (slide 10)
  • Verst- an old Russian measure of length. A little over 1 km. (slide 11)
  • steam field- a field resting from crops.
  • oat field- a field sown with oats. (slide 12)
  • The water subsided- with the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased. (slide 13)
  • Forge- the place where blacksmiths work. (slide 14)

2) Fizminutka.
3) Reading the story.

- Now we will read the story, and then you will try to prove that M. Prishvin was a caring person.

(Reading the story by the teacher)

4) Analysis and selective reading works.

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?

- Why did the duck decide to transfer her ducklings from the swamp forest?
To freedom.
What does freedom mean for ducklings?
- How long did the duck think before transferring her ducklings?
- Prove with lines from the work.
How long did it take to get to the lake?
3 versts.
How many kilometers is this?
A little over 3 kilometers.
Is it a lot or a little for a person?
“And for the little duck?”
- Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.
Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?
What enemies did ducks have?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Who is scarier?
- Why?
- How did the boys begin to behave when they saw the ducklings?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Why did the guys do it?
Just like that, for fun.
How did the duck behave when her ducklings were caught?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Could a duck scream?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Her dumbness, defenselessness, despair - all in these movements.
- And what feeling did the ducklings experience?
- What do you think, if ducklings could talk, what would they shout?
What word do you shout when you're afraid?
Is your mom worried about you?
- How does she behave in this case?
What is the most common name for a duck in the story?
What kind of mother is she?
- Do you feel sorry for her?

- For a mother, there is no one dearer and closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, at the cost of her own life, her own well-being, a mother saves her children from death. This applies equally to both humans and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the nagging pain and horror experienced by the mother duck. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.

What proverbs about mother do you know?
- The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Who interrupted the boys?
Were they able to explain what they did?
What order did the adult give them?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Name the words that show the severity of the author.
What would you do if you were around?
- What can you say about the guys?
What did the narrator call them?
How else can you call them?
- Can you say that the guys were cruel?
- That is why the author named them affectionately, realizing that they did it unintentionally.
What did the mother duck do when her children were released?
- Prove with lines from the work.
How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story?
Why is she running ahead now?
I wanted to quickly take the children away from the enemies.
- How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings?
- What did he do about it?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- What does this gesture mean: take off your hat to someone?
Sign of respect.
To whom is this sign of respect?
- Why?
How did the boys react to this?
- Why?
- What did the people wish the duck?
- Did the duck need the wishes of the people?
- Why?
- Prove with lines from the work.

5) Work on the illustration.

- Look at the illustration.
Who is in the foreground?
- What are they doing?
- Who is in the background?
- What are they doing?
Find words in the story that can be signed under this illustration.
- Why did M. Prishvin write his story?
- What worried him?
Do the characters evoke sympathy for you?
- Who exactly?
- Who doesn't?
- Why?

6) Work with proverbs.

Let's try to continue the proverbs written on the board. (slide 15)
- Read them to yourself.
Read the first sentence aloud...

(Knew how to make a mistake - know how and ...)

- Continue the proverb.
Know how to make a mistake - know how to get better.

- Why?
Read aloud the second proverb...

(This is good, send ..., dress …)

- Continue the proverb.
Sow good, send good, bestow good.
Which of the characters in the story does this proverb apply to?
- Why?

7) Definition of the main idea of ​​the story.

How did the author title his story? (slide 16)
- Why?
- The author makes the guys and ducklings the main ones actors, emphasizing that we all live together, side by side, about coexistence.
- What did M. Prishvin teach the guys and us with his story?
- Don't do stupid things. To love nature, to protect it, to treat our smaller brothers sensitively and carefully, to know their life and to cultivate a willingness to protect animals and help them.
– What can you say about M. Prishvin? (slide 17)
– Prove that M. Prishvin is a man

a) kind;
b) strict;
c) indifferent.

8) Final word.

– For several decades now, M. Prishvin has not been with us. But for you and me, he left a message: (slide 18)

My young friends!
We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only that, in order to preserve these treasures, they must be opened and shown.
Needed for fish pure water Let's protect our waterways. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains. We will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - water, birds - air, animals - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

Lesson of literary reading "M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings". 2nd grade


    introduce children with the work of M.M. Prishvin; organize emotional and aesthetic perception; learn to form the idea of ​​a work; to acquaint with the artistic features of the work;

    develop student speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading; to form the ability to answer questions on the content of the text; find sentences in the text that confirm the oral statement;

    bring up the ability to notice the beauty of nature, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world around, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of a work of art.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

The sun rose, stretched,

We smiled at the window!

We smile back

And then our smile will cover the whole White light,

Our kind world will become more beautiful,

Hello people of the earth! (Waving hands).

2. Checking homework: V. Bianchi "SOVA".

Working with pictures on magnets: an owl, an old man, a bumblebee, cows (fat and skinny), mice.

Name the heroes of the fairy tale "Owl" (as they are named, the figures are attached to the board).

How to prove that this is a fairy tale?


U. Let's read this tale again and observe the events taking place.

U. How does the fairy tale begin? Reading an excerpt.

U. What happened? (The owl flew away). Why? (In the course of the action of the tale, the figures of heroes are removed from the board or added).

U. How has the old man's life changed?

U. What did the well-being of the old man depend on? (From the common efforts of the heroes of the tale).

U. In nature, everything is interconnected. The loss of at least one "instrument" leads to a violation of harmony in the well-coordinated "orchestra" of living organisms.

Everything in the world is needed!
And midges are no less needed than elephants.
You can’t do without ridiculous monsters,
And even without evil and ferocious predators.
Everything in the world is needed! Need everything!
Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Bad business with a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat is no better off.
It's bad when we're not very friendly,
But we all really need each other.

3. Acquaintance with the portrait and short biography M. Prishvina.


4. Psychological attitude to the perception of a new work.

The recording of the calls of the male and female ducks - teals is turned on.

Who guessed what you heard?

A game.
Let's play. I name the animals, and you call the cub for me in chorus.
The cat has a kitten
The dog has a puppy
The bunny has a bunny
The duck has a duckling
Sheep has a lamb
The hen has a chick
The hedgehog has a hedgehog
The cow has a calf
The fox has a fox
Elk has a calf
The she-wolf has a cub

And to make it clear who exactly we are talking about, guess the riddle:

Amazing child!
Just got out of diapers
Can swim and dive
Like him own mother. (Duckling).

A slide depicting ducks is turned on, the child reads the story by heart:

TEAL-WHISTLE is one of the smallest ducks, its weight is only 200-450 g. It differs from all other ducks, in addition to size, by a bright green mirror on the wing. It has the narrowest and sharpest wings among all river ducks and, accordingly, the fastest flight. It flies almost silently, with frequent turns of the body.

The teal whistle is one of the most numerous species of ducks.

Whistler nests are arranged near the outskirts of reservoirs in places where there are good shelters - bushes, heaps of deadwood, etc., under which they hide their nests. The nest is in the form of a hole lined with stems of dry thin cereals. The first broods of puffballs can be noted at the end of May. Chicks grow quite quickly and already at the age of one month they rise to the wing.

The teal-whistle eats both vegetable and animal feed.

5. Goal setting. Vocabulary work.

Today we will read a story in which one of the heroines will be such a cute duck - teal. In this story, we will meet not quite clear words. And we will also see words that are difficult to read. This means that we will not only learn something new and interesting, but also improve our reading technique.


6. Expressive reading teacher's story: With tr. 92, accompanying slides with illustrations.

- Now we will read the story, and then you will try to prove that M. Prishvin was a caring person.

7. Verification of perception.

4) Analysis and selective reading of the work.

Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake?

- Why did the duck decide to transfer her ducklings from the swamp forest?
To freedom.
What does freedom mean for ducklings?
- How long did the duck think before transferring her ducklings?
- Prove with lines from the work.
How long did it take to get to the lake?
3 versts.
How many kilometers is this?
A little over 3 kilometers.
Is it a lot or a little for a person?
“And for the little duck?”
- Read how the mother duck walked with her ducklings.
Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings?
What enemies did ducks have?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Who is scarier?
- Why?
- How did the boys begin to behave when they saw the ducklings?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Why did the guys do it?
Just like that, for fun.
How did the duck behave when her ducklings were caught?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Could a duck scream?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Her dumbness, defenselessness, despair - all in these movements.
- And what feeling did the ducklings experience?
- What do you think, if ducklings could talk, what would they shout?
What word do you shout when you're afraid?
Is your mom worried about you?
- How does she behave in this case?
What is the most common name for a duck in the story?
What kind of mother is she?
- Do you feel sorry for her?

- For a mother, there is no one dearer and closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, at the cost of her own life, her own well-being, a mother saves her children from death. This applies equally to both humans and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the nagging pain and horror experienced by the mother duck. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.

What proverbs about mother do you know?

No best friend than my own mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
- The ducklings are caught, what are the guys going to do?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- Who interrupted the boys?
Were they able to explain what they did?
What order did the adult give them?
- Prove with lines from the work.
Name the words that show the severity of the author.
What would you do if you were around?
- What can you say about the guys?
What did the narrator call them?
How else can you call them?
- Can you say that the guys were cruel?
- That is why the author named them affectionately, realizing that they did it unintentionally.
What did the mother duck do when her children were released?
- Prove with lines from the work.
How was the mother duck walking at the beginning of the story?
Why is she running ahead now?
I wanted to quickly take the children away from the enemies.
- How did Prishvin say goodbye to the ducklings?
- What did he do about it?
- Prove with lines from the work.
- What does this gesture mean: take off your hat to someone?
Sign of respect.
To whom is this sign of respect?
- Why?
How did the boys react to this?
- Why?
- What did the people wish the duck?
- Did the duck need the wishes of the people?
- Why?

8. Definition of the main idea of ​​the story.

- Why?
- The author makes the guys and ducklings the main characters, emphasizing that we all live together, side by side, about coexistence.
- What did M. Prishvin teach the guys and us with his story?
- Don't do stupid things. To love nature, to protect it, to treat our smaller brothers sensitively and carefully, to know their life and to cultivate a willingness to protect animals and help them.
– What can you say about M. Prishvin?
– Prove that M. Prishvin is a man

a) kind;
b) strict;
c) indifferent.

9. Final word.

– For several decades now, M. Prishvin has not been with us. But for you and me, he left a message: (slide)

“My young friends!
We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only that, in order to preserve these treasures, they must be opened and shown.
Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains. We will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - water, birds - air, animals - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homelands.

What is the main idea?


We live in the same family
We sing in one circle
Walk in one line
Fly in one flight.

Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow.
Water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp

Oh how mother nature
Be patient and good!
But so that her dashing
The fate did not befall.

Let's save
On the rods - sturgeon.
Killer whale in the sky
In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe
We are the same air.
Let's all of us
Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls
Let's save together
Then we are on earth
And let's save ourselves!

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin - Russian writer, author of works about nature, hunting stories, works for children. special value have his diaries that he kept throughout his life. Mikhail Prishvin was born 4 February 1873 year, in the village of Khrushchevo, Lipetsk region.

Mikhail Prishvin wrote stories about animals, including hunting stories. The wordless world, thanks to the writer, acquires a language, becomes closer. He traveled a lot around the country, often changed his place of residence. And everywhere he loved to observe nature, the animal world, he learned to understand the benefits and beauty of nature.

Since childhood, Misha Prishvin treated birds and animals with warmth and love. He was friends with them, tried to learn to understand their language, studied their life, trying not to disturb. In Prishvin's stories about animals, entertaining stories about the author's encounters with various animals. There are funny episodes that make the children's audience laugh and be surprised at the intelligence and ingenuity of our smaller brothers. Is there sad stories about animals in trouble evocative empathy and desire to help the guys.


once-whether-elk- spilled

zash-you-rya-whether- tossed

pe-re-le-you-wa-la- flew over

we-li-tea-shem- the greatest

really- really

about-ra-do-wa-lis- rejoiced

pro-long-zh-la- continued

journey- journey

for-py-lyon-ny-e– dusty

rados T but - unpronounceable letter T

Vocabulary work:


small bump


Russian measure of length,

equal to 1.06 km

1 km

1 verst


the place where the blacksmith works.


rested field.


there was less water.


Literary reading 7.12.2015
Lesson topic: M.M. Prishvin "Children and ducklings"
Lesson objectives: to create conditions for the development of the ability to retell the text
learn to analyze the work;
develop reading comprehension skills
bring up careful attitude to nature, to animals.
Equipment: computer and projector, multimedia presentation, portrait of the writer, Dictionary I.S. Ozhegov, exhibition of works by M.M. Prishvin, pictures "duck with ducklings"
During the classes
1. Organization of positive motivation of students' activities in the lesson.
The bell rang and fell silent - the lesson begins. You quietly sat down at your desks, Everyone looked at me.
Your ears are on top, your eyes are wide open. Listen, remember, Don't waste a minute!
2. Speech warm-up:
We will pronounce
We will talk
Correct and clear
To make it clear to everyone.
Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi,
The reeds whisper something.
She-she-she, she-she-she,
This is a duck in the reeds.
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha
Get out of the reeds.
She-she-she, she-she-she,
There is no duck in the reeds.
Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi.
What do the reeds whisper?
And also
think, contemplate,
Answer questions,
Read expressively.
II. Checking homework.
-In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the fairy tale-non-tale of V. Bianchi "Owl"
"True False!" (perform individually, mutual check on the slide)
The main character of the fairy tale "Owl"
The fairy tale was written by V. Bianchi
In this tale, the mice wanted to destroy bumblebee nests.
The old man called the owl "Desperate Head"
An owl brings no benefit to nature.
A cow will not have milk if she does not eat clover.
Everything in nature is interconnected.
The owl helped get rid of the mice.
At the end of the tale, the old man drank tea with milk.
"Restore the chain"
Owl-mice-bumblebees-clover-cow-milk (One student goes to the blackboard, restores and explains the sequence)
IV. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.
- Today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, who became a writer, having previously tried himself in several professions. This man, traveling through the unexplored northern forests, through the Asian steppes with a travel bag and a hunting rifle, observed nature. Admired her beauty. He was not just an observant person, but a person who was not indifferent to someone else's problem, trouble.
What kind of person can be called indifferent?
– So this man has always tried to help not only people, but nature in general. Even when he walked through the winter forest, he could not pass indifferently past the birches, bent under the weight of snow. He took a stick and knocked down the snow, freeing the birch trees. His indifference was manifested in all his deeds and deeds. In the story that we will get to know today, you yourself will understand what kind of person he was.
- So, who are we going to visit today?
(Children reading the name, patronymic, surname of the writer)
- Let's set ourselves tasks, what would you like to know after visiting the writer?
(On the desk - helper words: find out, get to know, identify)
* Learn about the writer's life and work
* Check out a new piece
* Determine the topic of the work that we will study in the lesson
-So, the topic of our lesson: the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.
Exhibition of books.
- MM. Prishvin wrote many books for both adults and children. Here is a small exhibition of his works. They can be taken from our school library and read, or exchange with each other.
Biography of the writer. Vika
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin lived a long, eventful life. He comes from a poor merchant family who lived in the Yelets district of the Oryol province. He received a good natural science education. He worked as an agronomist, for several years he was a rural teacher and librarian. He began writing at the age of 30. Prishvin was in love with his homeland, with its beauty, with forests and fields, rivers and lakes, with its birds and animals. All the works of the writer are imbued with great love for nature.
Xenia A.
Very often in the works of Prishvin, readers meet with dogs. All the dogs that the writer talks about were "personally known" to the author - they belonged to him or his friends. He was very fond of these animals and even a little envious of their "sniffing apparatus".
A tireless traveler, he went and traveled to many places in the world, knew perfectly well Far East, Central Asia, Siberia. With the onset early spring the writer went to the forests, rivers and lakes. He carefully observed everything that was happening around him, and not only observed, but also investigated. Mikhail Mikhailovich loved hunting since childhood, but his hunting was special: not for a bird or an animal, but for discoveries.
He wanted to find something in nature that he himself had not yet seen, and, perhaps, no one had ever met with this in his life.
"Unfinished Proposal"
Mikhail Prishvin loved ...; He wrote about ...; In his photograph ...; The writer lived ....)
VI. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.
-Today we will read one of the works of this author. 92
Read the title of the story.
– “Guys and ducklings”
What do you think, who are the main characters of this work?
- Who saw the little ducklings?
- Where?
- Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild.
It turns out that there are a lot various breeds ducks. One of them is the teal whistle. This is the smallest of the river ducks, its weight is only 200-500g. The duck nests in overgrown lakes, river banks, ponds and swamps.
M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks - the whistling teal.
VII. Initial check of understanding
Now get your pencil ready. The announcer will read this story, and you will mark incomprehensible words.
(Children follow the textbook and mark incomprehensible words)
- Did you like the story?
- What kind of story is this: entertaining, informative or instructive? Why do you think so? What does he teach?
Vocabulary work:
When reading this work, “cunning words” will come across. Let's read and explain the meaning of these words.
Verst is an old Russian measure of length. A little over 1 km.
A fallow field is a field resting from crops.
An oat field is a field sown with oats.
The water subsided - with the onset of summer, the water level in the reservoir decreased.
A forge is a place where blacksmiths work.
(We read the words in chorus, paying attention to the stress)
VIII. Physical education minute Dance "Ducklings"
After completing the exercises, you can ask the children how they feel, whether they liked “being ducklings”, etc.) IX. Primary fastening studied material
Analysis and selective reading of the work.
- Why did the duck make its nest far from the lake? - Prove it with lines from the work. - Why did the duck decide to transfer its ducklings from the swamp forest? - To freedom. - What does freedom mean for ducklings? - How long did the duck think before transferring her ducklings? - Prove with lines from the work. - How long did it take to go to the lake? - 3 versts. - How many kilometers is it? - A little more than 3 kilometers. - Is it a lot or a little for a person? - And for a little duck? - Read how mother walked - duck with ducklings. - Why did the mother duck walk behind the ducklings? - What enemies did the ducks have? - Prove with lines from the work. - Who is scarier? - Why? - How did the boys behave when they saw the ducklings? - Prove with lines from the work. - Why did the guys do this? - Just like that, for fun. - How did the duck behave when they caught her ducklings? - Prove with lines from the work. - Could the duck scream? - Prove with lines from the work. - Her dumbness, defenselessness, despair - everything in these movements. - And what feeling did the ducklings experience? - What do you think, if ducklings could talk, what would they shout? - And what word do you shout when you are afraid? - Mom! - Does your mother worry about you? - How does she behave at the same time? - What is the name of the duck most often in the story? - Mother. - And what kind of mother is she? - Caring. - Do you feel sorry for her?
Conclusion: For a mother, there is no one dearer and closer than her children. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. Very often, at the cost of her own life, her own well-being, a mother saves her children from death. This applies equally to both humans and animals. You are still small and it is difficult for you to imagine the nagging pain and horror experienced by the mother duck. But you can imagine how your mother will behave when you are in danger or someone offends you.
X. Generalization
* Work on the illustration.
- Look at the illustration.
Who is in the foreground?
- What are they doing?
- Who is in the background?
- What is she doing?
Find words in the story that can be signed under this illustration.
(And near the forge when crossing the road, she, of course, let them go ahead)
– Look at the second illustration.
-Who is pictured here?
-Find in the story words that can be signed under this illustration.
(Here the guys saw them and threw their hats)
- Why did M. Prishvin write his story?
- What worried him?
Do the characters evoke sympathy for you?
- Who exactly?
- Who doesn't?
- Why?
* Work in pairs.
Work with proverbs.
Let's try to continue the proverbs written on the board:
Read the first sentence aloud...
He knew how to make a mistake - know how and ... (correct)

- Why?
Read aloud the second proverb...
a good example is better than a hundred ... (words).
- Continue the proverb.
Which of the characters in the story does this proverb apply to?
- Why?
XI. Lesson summary
- With the work of which writer did we meet?
-What is the title of the piece?
Why did the author call the story "Guys and ducklings"?
What is it calling us to?
XII. Information about homework instructions for its implementation
- text retelling
- retelling from the writer's point of view
- retelling on behalf of the boys
XIII.Reflection - Evaluate your actions in the lesson using the "Ladder of Success"
(students go to the board and attach a smiley face to the corresponding step)

GOU secondary school №294
Lesson Development

in literary reading

in 2nd grade

Teacher: Klyueva I.A.

Subject: M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings"

Lesson topic: “M. Prishvin. Guys and ducks."
Target: To teach to analyze the work, to form reading skills, the ability to read expressively, to develop speech, thinking, to instill love for animals, the world around.

Equipment: presentation, computer, interactive board, audio recording.

During the classes

I. Org. moment

Guys, guess the riddle.

Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn.

Not a plant, but with a root

Not a person, but with a mind. (Book)

Right. Tell me, guys, why does a person need books?

The book is really ours best friend, because introduces us to the world around us, teaches and educates in us goodness, respect, love for nature and much more.

II.Checking homework.

1. And now let's turn to our book, to our native speech and check how you prepared the d / s.

What topic did we start to study with you?

Who are called our smaller brothers?

2. Expressive reading of poems.

Who knows the story when animals raised not their cubs?

III. Studying new material

1. Introductory speech.

Today we continue our acquaintance with the works about our smaller brothers, and we will read the story of M. Prishvin. M. Prishvin was one of the singers of nature, bequeathed to children to love her, to learn her secrets, not trying to break or remake something in her. For several decades now, the writer has not been with us, but his books continue their life. Books by Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin are read slowly. In his works, the author reveals something very important, close to every person. He makes us kinder, wiser, smarter and more generous.

Read the title of the story. Who saw little ducklings? Where?

Ducks are not only domestic, but also wild. M. Prishvin wrote his story about one of the wild ducks - the whistling teal. (looking at picture)

2. Vocabulary work.

When reading this work, "cunning words" will come across. Let's read and explain the meaning of these words.

HILL - a small tubercle.
Versta is a Russian measure of length.
A STRONG PLACE is a safe place.
FORGE - A blacksmith works there.
STEAM FIELD - a rested field.
WATER SLEEP - there is less water.




3. Reading the story by the teacher.

When and for whom did you worry and rejoice? When did you get angry and who did you blame?

5. Re-reading by children.

6. Work on the content.

Why did the duck decide to move her ducklings out of the swamp forest?

What was this path like?

How does Prishvin call a duck differently?

Who did the duck consider dangerous for her children?

How she protected the chicks, read.

What kind of mother was she?

How did the duck behave when they caught her ducklings, read?

Do you feel sorry for her?

Why did the guys do it?

Were they able to explain what they did?

What order did the adult give them?

How did they do it?

What would you do if you were around?

What can you say about the guys?

Can we say that in fact the guys were cruel? (they even rejoiced at the narrator's order to return the ducklings)

Do the characters in the story evoke sympathy? Who exactly? And who is not? Why?
IV. Summing up the lesson.

Final conversation between the teacher and the class.

Why did the author call the story "Guys and ducklings"? (The author makes the guys and ducklings the main characters of the story, emphasizing that we all live together, side by side, and, as N. Sladkov said, we are connected with smaller brothers general life)

What is the main thing in the story? What did M. Prishvin teach the guys and us all with his story? (Do not commit thoughtless acts. Love nature, be able to protect and protect it, be sensitive and careful about our smaller brothers, know their life and cultivate a willingness to protect animals and help them )

Now we will listen to Shainsky's children's song “Don't tease dogs”.

(Listening to the piece.)

- Why do you think I suggested this piece to you to listen to?
(children's answers)

V. Homework. Optional: retelling the text or retelling the text on behalf of the boys.

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