What feelings causes poor Lisa. Open lesson Tale N


Tale " Poor Lisa», feathered Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, became one of the first works of sentimentalism in Russia. The love story of a poor girl and a young nobleman won the hearts of many of the writer's contemporaries and was received with great enthusiasm. The work brought unprecedented popularity to the then completely unknown 25-year-old writer. However, with what descriptions does the story “Poor Liza” begin?

History of creation

N. M. Karamzin was distinguished by his love for Western culture and actively preached its principles. His role in the life of Russia was enormous and invaluable. This progressive and active man traveled extensively in Europe in 1789-1790, and upon his return he published the story "Poor Lisa" in the Moscow Journal.

Analysis of the story indicates that the work has a sentimental aesthetic orientation, which is expressed in interest in, regardless of their social status.

While writing the story, Karamzin lived in a dacha with his friends, not far from which he was located. It is believed that he served as the basis for the beginning of the work. Thanks to this, the love story and the characters themselves were perceived by readers as completely real. And the pond near the monastery began to be called "Lizina Pond".

"Poor Lisa" by Karamzin as a sentimentalist story

“Poor Liza” is, in fact, a short story, in the genre of which no one wrote in Russia before Karamzin. But the writer's innovation is not only in the choice of genre, but also in the direction. It was behind this story that the title of the first work of Russian sentimentalism was entrenched.

Sentimentalism arose in Europe in the 17th century and focused on the sensual side human life. Questions of reason and society went by the wayside for this direction, but emotions, relationships between people became a priority.

Sentimentalism has always sought to idealize what is happening, to embellish. Answering the question about what descriptions the story “Poor Liza” begins with, we can talk about the idyllic landscape that Karamzin paints for readers.

Theme and idea

One of the main themes of the story is social, and it is connected with the problem of the attitude of the nobility towards the peasants. It is not for nothing that Karamzin chooses a peasant girl for the role of the bearer of innocence and morality.

Contrasting the images of Lisa and Erast, the writer is one of the first to raise the problem of contradictions between the city and the countryside. If we turn to what descriptions the story "Poor Lisa" begins with, then we will see a quiet, cozy and natural world that exists in harmony with nature. The city, on the other hand, frightens, terrifies with its “mass of houses”, “golden domes”. Lisa becomes a reflection of nature, she is natural and naive, there is no falsehood and pretense in her.

The author speaks in the story from the position of a humanist. Karamzin depicts all the charm of love, its beauty and strength. But reason and pragmatism can easily destroy this wonderful feeling. The story owes its success to the incredible attention to the personality of a person, his experiences. "Poor Lisa" evoked sympathy from her readers thanks to Karamzin's amazing ability to portray all the spiritual subtleties, experiences, aspirations and thoughts of the heroine.


A complete analysis of the story "Poor Liza" is impossible without a detailed examination of the images of the main characters of the work. Liza and Erast, as noted above, embodied different ideals and principles.

Lisa is an ordinary peasant girl, main feature which is the ability to feel. She acts according to the dictates of her heart and feelings, which ultimately led her to death, although her morality remained intact. However, in the image of Lisa there is little peasant: her speech and thoughts are closer to book language, however, the feelings of a girl who fell in love for the first time are conveyed with incredible truthfulness. So, despite the external idealization of the heroine, her inner experiences are conveyed very realistically. In this regard, the story "Poor Liza" does not lose its innovation.

What descriptions begin the work? First of all, consonant with the character of the heroine, helping the reader to recognize her. This is a natural idyllic world.

Erast appears completely different to readers. He is an officer who is only puzzled by the search for new entertainment, life in the world tires and bores him. He is not stupid, kind, but weak in character and changeable in his affections. Erast truly falls in love, but does not think about the future at all, because Lisa is not his circle, and he will never be able to marry her.

Karamzin complicated the image of Erast. Usually such a hero in Russian literature was simpler and endowed with certain characteristics. But the writer does not make him an insidious seducer, but a sincerely fallen in love man who, due to weakness of character, could not pass the test and keep his love. This type of hero was new to Russian literature, but immediately took root and later received the name " extra person».

Plot and originality

The plot of the story is pretty straightforward. This is history tragic love peasant woman and nobleman, the result of which was the death of Lisa.

What descriptions begin the story "Poor Lisa"? Karamzin draws a natural panorama, the bulk of the monastery, a pond - it is here, surrounded by nature, that he lives main character. But the main thing in the story is not the plot and not the descriptions, the main thing is feelings. And the narrator must awaken these feelings in the audience. For the first time in Russian literature, where the image of the narrator has always remained outside the work, the hero-author appears. This sentimental narrator learns the love story from Erast and retells the reader with sadness and sympathy.

Thus, there are three main characters in the story: Lisa, Erast and the author-narrator. Karamzin also introduces a technique landscape descriptions and somewhat lightens the ponderous style of the Russian literary language.

Significance for Russian literature of the story "Poor Liza"

An analysis of the story thus shows Karamzin's incredible contribution to the development of Russian literature. In addition to describing the relationship between the city and the countryside, the emergence of an "extra person", many researchers note the emergence of " little man"- in the image of Lisa. This work influenced the work of A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, who developed the themes, ideas and images of Karamzin.

The incredible psychologism that brought Russian literature world fame, also gave rise to the story "Poor Lisa". With what descriptions does this work begin! How much beauty, originality and incredible stylistic lightness are in them! One cannot overestimate Karamzin's contribution to the development of Russian literature.

XVIII century, which glorified many wonderful people, including the writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. By the end of this century, he publishes his most famous creation- the story "Poor Liza". It was it that brought him great fame and great popularity among readers. The book is based on two characters: the poor girl Liza and the nobleman Erast, which appear in the course of the plot in their attitude towards love.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin made a huge contribution to cultural development homeland in the late 18th century. After numerous trips to Germany, England, France and Switzerland, the prose writer returns to Russia, and while relaxing at the dacha of the famous traveler Pyotr Ivanovich Beketov, in the 1790s he takes on a new literary experiment. The local surroundings near the Simonov Monastery greatly influenced the idea of ​​the work "Poor Lisa", which he hatched during his travels. Nature was of great importance for Karamzin, he truly loved it and often changed the bustle of the city for forests and fields, where he read his favorite books and immersed himself in thought.

Genre and direction

"Poor Liza" is the first Russian psychological story that contains a moral disagreement between people of different classes. Lisa's feelings are clear and understandable to the reader: for a simple bourgeois, happiness is love, so she loves blindly and naively. Erast's feelings, on the contrary, are more confused, because he himself cannot understand them in any way. At first, the young man wants to simply fall in love just like in the novels he read, but it soon becomes clear that he is not able to live love. City life, full of luxury and passion, had a huge impact on the hero, and he discovers a carnal attraction that completely destroys spiritual love.

Karamzin is an innovator, he can rightfully be called the founder of Russian sentimentalism. Readers took the work admiringly, since the society has already for a long time wished for something like this. The audience was exhausted by the moralizing of the classic direction, the basis of which is the worship of reason and duty. Sentimentalism, on the other hand, demonstrates the emotional experiences, feelings and emotions of the characters.

About what?

According to the writer, this story is “a rather uncomplicated fairy tale.” Indeed, the plot of the work is simple to genius. It begins and ends with an outline of the area of ​​the Simonov Monastery, which evokes in the memory of the narrator thoughts about the tragic turn in the fate of poor Lisa. This is a love story of a poor provincial woman and a wealthy young man from the privileged class. The acquaintance of the lovers began with the fact that Lisa was selling lilies of the valley collected in the forest, and Erast, wanting to start a conversation with the girl he liked, decided to buy flowers from her. He was subdued natural beauty and Lisa's kindness, and they started dating. However, soon the young man was fed up with the charm of his passion and found a more profitable party. The heroine, unable to withstand the blow, drowned herself. Her lover regretted it all his life.

Their images are ambiguous, first of all, the world of a simple natural person, unspoiled by city fuss and greed, is revealed. Karamzin described everything in such detail and picturesquely that readers believed in this story and fell in love with his heroine.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. The main character of the story is Lisa, a poor village girl. IN early age she lost her father and was forced to become a breadwinner for her family, accepting any job. The hardworking provincial is very naive and sensitive, she sees in people only good traits and lives with his emotions, following the call of his heart. She takes care of her mother day and night. And even when the heroine decides on a fatal act, she still does not forget about her family and leaves her money. Main Talent Lisa is a gift to love, because for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to do anything.
  2. Lisa's mother is a kind and wise old woman. She experienced the death of her husband Ivan very hard, as she devotedly loved him and lived happily with him for many years. Her only consolation was her daughter, whom she sought to marry to a worthy and wealthy man. The character of the heroine is internally solid, but a little bookish and idealized.
  3. Erast is a wealthy nobleman. He leads wild image life, thinking only about fun. He is smart, but very fickle, spoiled and weak-willed. Without thinking about the fact that Lisa is from a different class, he fell in love with her, but still he cannot overcome all the difficulties of this unequal love. Erast cannot be named villain because he admits his guilt. He read and was inspired by novels, was dreamy, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Therefore it real love and did not survive the test.


  • The main theme in sentimental literature are sincere feelings a person in a collision with the indifference of the real world. Karamzin was one of the first to decide to write about spiritual happiness and suffering. common people. He reflected in his work the transition from civic theme, which was extended in the Enlightenment, to the personal one, in which the main subject of interest is spiritual world individual. Thus, the author, having described in depth the inner world of the characters together with their feelings and experiences, began to develop such literary device like psychology.
  • Theme of love. Love in "Poor Liza" is a test that tests the heroes for strength and loyalty to their word. Liza completely surrendered to this feeling, her author exalts and idealizes for this ability. She is the embodiment of the feminine ideal, the one that completely dissolves in the adoration of her beloved and is faithful to him until last breath. But Erast could not stand the test and turned out to be cowardly and pathetic person, incapable of self-giving in the name of something more important than material wealth.
  • Contrasting city and countryside. The author prefers countryside, it is there that natural, sincere and good people who know no temptation. But in big cities they acquire vices: envy, greed, selfishness. Erast's position in society was more precious than love, he was fed up with it, because he was not able to experience a strong and deep feeling. Lisa, on the other hand, could not live after this betrayal: if love died, she follows her, because without her she cannot imagine her future.


Karamzin in the work "Poor Liza" touches on various problems: social and moral. The problematic of the story is based on opposition. The main characters differ both in quality of life and in character. Lisa is pure, honest and naive girl from the lower class, and Erast is a spoiled, weak-willed, thinking only about his own pleasures, a young man belonging to the nobility. Lisa, having fallen in love with him, cannot go a single day without thinking about him, while Erast, on the contrary, began to move away as soon as he got what he wanted from her.

The result of such fleeting moments of happiness for Lisa and Erast is the death of a girl, after which the young man cannot stop blaming himself for this tragedy and remains unhappy until the end of his life. The author showed how class inequality led to an unhappy ending and served as a reason for the tragedy, as well as the responsibility a person bears for those who trusted him.

the main idea

The plot is not the most important thing in this story. Emotions and feelings awakening while reading deserve more attention. The narrator himself plays a huge role, because he tells about the life of a poor rural girl with sadness and sympathy. For Russian literature, the image of an empathic narrator who knows how to empathize emotional state heroes, turned out to be a revelation. Any dramatic moment makes his heart bleed, as well as sincerely shed tears. Thus, main idea the story "Poor Liza" is that one should not be afraid of one's feelings, love, worry, sympathize with the full breast. Only then can a person overcome immorality, cruelty and selfishness in himself. The author starts with himself, because he, a nobleman, describes the sins of his own class, and gives sympathy to a simple village girl, urging people of his position to become more humane. The inhabitants of poor huts sometimes outshine the gentlemen from old estates with their virtue. This is the main idea of ​​Karamzin.

The attitude of the author to the protagonist of the story also became an innovation in Russian literature. So Karamzin does not blame Erast, when Lisa dies, he demonstrates social conditions, which caused tragic event. Big city influenced the young man, destroying in him moral principles and making him corrupt. Liza, on the other hand, grew up in the village, her naivety and simplicity played with her bad joke. The writer also demonstrates that not only Liza, but also Erast was subjected to the hardships of fate, becoming a victim of sad circumstances. The hero experiences guilt throughout his life, never becoming truly happy.

What does it teach?

The reader has the opportunity to learn something from the mistakes of others. The clash of love and selfishness is a hot topic, since anyone at least once in their life has experienced unrequited feelings, or experienced betrayal loved one. Analyzing Karamzin's story, we learn important life lessons, become more humane and more responsive to each other. The creations of the era of sentimentalism have a single property: they help people to enrich themselves spiritually, and also bring up the best humane and moral qualities in us.

The story "Poor Lisa" has gained popularity among readers. This work teaches a person to be more responsive to other people, as well as the ability to sympathize.

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Composition on the topic: What feelings and thoughts aroused the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"


The story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" was one of the first sentimental works of the Russian literature XVIII century. Its plot is very simple - the weak-willed, albeit kind nobleman Erast falls in love with a poor peasant girl Liza. Their love ends tragically: the young man quickly forgets about his beloved, intending to marry a rich bride, and Liza dies by throwing herself into the water. But the main thing in the story is not the plot, but the feelings that it was supposed to awaken in the reader. Therefore, the main character of the story becomes the narrator, who, with sadness and sympathy, tells about the fate of the poor girl. The image of a sentimental narrator became a discovery in Russian literature, since before the narrator remained “behind the scenes” and was neutral in relation to the events described. "Poor Liza" is characterized by short or extended digressions, at every dramatic turn of the plot, we hear the voice of the author: “my heart bleeds ...”, “a tear rolls down my face”. It was extremely important for the sentimentalist writer to turn to social issues. He does not denounce Erast for the death of Liza: the young nobleman is as unhappy as a peasant girl. But, and this is especially important, Karamzin was perhaps the first in Russian literature to inspire “ living soul” in the representative of the lower class. “And peasant women know how to love” - this phrase from the story became winged in Russian culture for a long time. From here begins another tradition of Russian literature: sympathy common man, his joys and troubles, the protection of the weak, the oppressed and the voiceless - this is the main moral task of the artists of the word. "Poor Liza" immediately became extremely popular in Russian society. Humane feelings, the ability to sympathize and be sensitive turned out to be very in tune with the trends of the time, when literature moved from the civil theme, characteristic of the Enlightenment, to the theme of the personal, privacy human and the main object of her attention was the inner world individual. Karamzin made another discovery in literature. With “Poor Lisa”, such a concept as psychologism appeared in it, that is, the writer’s ability to vividly and touchingly depict the inner world of a person, his experiences, desires, aspirations. In this sense, Karamzin paved the way for writers of the 19th century.

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Teacher of Russian language and literature Daurenbekova Svetlana Abenovna, School №18 named after Baktybay Zholbarysuly

Russian literature lesson in grade 9

Subject:The story of N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"

Lesson Objectives:

1. The student develops the ability to systematize, process, reproduce information on a given topic.

2. Student improves analysis skills artwork With different positions thinking.

3. The student cultivates a culture of exchange of opinions, a sense of compassion, humanity.

Lesson type : art study lesson

Lesson Methods : verbal, partially exploratory, "6 hats" method (critical thinking)

Form of study : group, individual

Equipment : multimedia presentation, cards, text of the story, six hats: white, red, yellow, blue, green, black.

To live is not to write history, tragedy or comedy, but to think, feel and act as best as possible, love the good,

rise in soul

to its source.

N.M. Karamzin

During the classes :

    Organizational stage. Psychological mood.

Hello guys! I will ask you a few questions, which you must answer by raising thumb up (good) or thumb down (bad). You accompany a positive answer with an exclamation: “In!”

What are your friends?

And the school?

What about the teachers?


How are you doing?

How are you? (2 minutes)

Well done! I'm happy for you. I hope that our work with you at the lesson will be interesting and fruitful.

introduction teachers

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin ... The story "Poor Liza" ... The most famous and perhaps the shortest of all Karamzin's stories. In the modern edition, it takes at most ten pages of printed text. But these ten pages shook literary world. Why is it that the story "Poor Liza" opens a series of wonderful books on which many generations of readers have grown up? What is interesting about her modern reader how relevant? Let's continue to work on the work and turn to the leitmotifs of Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa".

Read the epigraph to the lesson. How do you understand them?

Highlight this sentence main idea and write it down in your notebook.

3. Call stage .

    What can you say about sentimentalism as a literary movement? (Literary direction in the literature of the 2nd half of the 18th century).

name distinctive features sentimentalism?

And who, in your opinion, is the founder of this trend in Russian literature?

Fill in the table:

Comparative characteristics classicism and sentimentalism

Does the story meet the requirements of sentimentalism?

4. Vocabulary work

Love - 1. Feeling of selfless, cordial affection. 2. Tendency, predilection for something.

Happiness - 1. Feeling and state of complete satisfaction. 2. Success, luck

From the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov

keynote - (German) Repeating in some. the main idea of ​​the work. Peren.

Idyll - philol. poetic work, depicting an idealized serene life in the bosom of nature, genre variety 2. book. serene, happy existence.

5. Analysis of the story "Poor Liza"

Why was the story, written in 1792, an unprecedented success? What did the public see in it? (The public sympathized with ordinary people, sympathized with the victims of passions).

What is the courage, the novelty of the position of the author? ( The author's attention is focused on the disclosure inner world person).

From this point of view, we will consider the heroes of Karamzin's story "Poor Liza". But before we plunge into the plot of the work, let's check how carefully you read the text!


    The city in which the described events take place? (Moscow)

    The main characters of the story. (Lisa, Erast, Lisa's mother)

    What flowers and at what price did Liza sell in Moscow in the spring? (lilies of the valley, 5 kopecks)

    What glass of drink did Erast drink from the hands of Lisa's mother? (milk)

    What does Erast agree with Liza's mother in order to protect the girl from going to the city? (about the sale of her works to Erast)

    Several weeks have passed. The reason for Lisa's reddened eyes? (matchmaking of the son of a rich peasant from a neighboring village)

    How many days in a row did Erast not come to Lisa? (5)

    What did Erast tell Liza when he came to her after a long absence? (he goes to war, goes on a campaign)

    Two months have passed. Liza went to Moscow for rose water. What happened on this day? (Lisa met Erast)

    Why did Erast have to marry an "elderly rich widow"? (improve your financial situation)

    What did Lisa do with the ill-fated 100 rubles that Erast wanted to pay off? (sent them to her mother along with the news of her death)

    How was the life of Erast? (he was unhappy until the end of his days)

6. Stage of comprehension. Artistic analysis story "Poor Lisa" (Evaluation sheets are filled in by the team leader)

And we will begin to work in groups according to the "6 hats" method of Edward de Bono.

Method "Six hats"

"White Hat" - information on the story

"Black hat" - negative in the story

"Red Hat" - What feelings do you experience after reading the story?

"Yellow Hat" - positive in the story.

"Green Hat" - new ideas

"Blue hat": conclusions and assessments for each group

I .White hat

If you answer the questions and complete the tasks, you will be able to collect information about the events taking place in the text without an emotional connotation. Don't forget that you are wearing a white hat!!!

The main thing for you: facts, information!!!

Answer the questions and complete the tasks:

    What happens in a peasant family?

    List the main points of the plot along the line of Lisa, along the line of Erast? (The plot - the climax - the denouement).

    In what order are the events in the story presented? Why?

    What did you know about Erast? What was he like before meeting Lisa?

II red hat

If you complete the tasks, you will be able to talk about feelings heroes, hand over your emotional judgments. Do not forget that you are wearing a red hat: the main thing for you is emotions and feelings!

1. Fill in the table with examples from the test that convey the feelings of the characters:

2. What feelings does Liza evoke at the beginning and at the end of the story?

Compare her image in two parts.

3. - How do you feel about Lisa? What feelings does the story evoke as a whole?

4. - How does Karamzin show the development of feelings between young people?

How did their relationship develop?

Make a conclusion by answering the question:

    What feelings did the image of Liza and Erast evoke in you

after reading the story.

III . yellow hat

If you complete the tasks, you will be able to express positive judgments about heroes, events, feelings of heroes and the poem as a whole. Don't forget that you are yellow hat: the main thing for you is to find positive in everything, you OPTIMISTS!!!

Collection of positive information about events, heroes, feelings of heroes

Find the positive in the characters by answering the questions:

    How does Erast behave after Lisa's death? What and who is he thinking about? How does this characterize him? Why is he dying?

Prove with examples from the text that the author admires the image of Lisa? Which figurative and expressive does the author use means of language when describing Liza?Give examples.

IV . Black

If you complete the tasks, you will be able to make negative judgments, criticize characters, events, and the story as a whole. Don't forget that you are black hat: the main thing for you is to find negative in everything, reflect problems and difficulties You - PESSIMISTS!!!

    Complete the table with words that conveywrong main characters

Answer the questions, starting your judgments with the words:

“We believe that the heroes are behaving incorrectly because….”

How is the conflict resolved in the story?? (... She left the city and suddenly saw herself on the banks of a deep pond, under the shade of ancient oaks, which a few weeks before had been silent witnesses of her delights. This memory shook her soul; the most terrible heartfelt torment was depicted on her face.)

What caused the death of Erast and Lisa in your opinion?

    How do you rate the poem as a whole? Is it relevant today?

IV . green hat

If you complete the tasks, you will be able to express new ideas, suggestions, show your Creative skills. Don't forget that you are green hat: the main thing for you is to find NEW ideas in solving a problem, to express creative judgments. You are CREATORS!!!

Exercise:Come up with your own ending to the story.

VI . Blue

Control over the thought process. Meaningfulness and reflection.

7. Conclusions and generalization.

Why is the story called "Poor Lisa"?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

8. Summing up the lesson, grading.

Group leaders fill in the evaluation)

9. Homework: Answer in writing the question: “What feelings did N. M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” evoke?

Mutual control sheet


Think also:

- whether the group solved the task assigned to it (how fully did it);

What were the difficulties;

How friendly and organized the members of the group worked.

The features of sentimentalism are manifested in the story in that the characters are constantly touched, cry, experience other sublime feelings, which are given exaggerated significance, that these characters are naive, and the action takes place against the backdrop of peaceful pastoral landscapes (landscapes characteristic of works depicting idyllic life in the bosom of nature of shepherds and shepherds).
“Poor Liza” begins with a description of Moscow and its environs, made in a pastoral spirit (“young shepherds sitting under the shade of trees ...”) with the addition of a romantic note (“gloomy, Gothic towers”, “this terrible mass of houses and churches” ).
The pictures of Moscow described by Karamzin have completely changed now. It is no longer possible to capture Moscow with a glance; fishing boats do not float along the Moscow River. Danilov Monastery is surrounded by houses, Sparrow Hills crowned with the building of Moscow State University, the palace in Kolomenskoye has long been destroyed. Disappeared oak groves and fields. It is a little sad that we cannot see the Moscow described by Karamzin, but someone after two hundred years will be sad that they cannot see Moscow early XXI century.
The description of Moscow not only acquaints the reader with the scene of action, but also introduces the appropriate atmosphere - dreamy, sincere, a little mysterious, creates a mood that helps to perceive the main thoughts of the author. The second function of the description is compositional: at the beginning and at the end of the story, we see the author visiting the Simonov Monastery, next to which is the grave of Lisa. Descriptions loop the action, give the story integrity and completeness.
Characteristics of Lisa
Lisa is a young innocent girl living near Moscow alone with her mother, who constantly shed tears for her husband who died early, and Lisa had to do all the housework and take care of her. Liza was very honest and naive, she used to believe people, she had a solid character, that is, if she gave herself to any feeling or deed, then she performed this action completely, to the end. At the same time, she did not know life at all, because all the time she lived with her God-fearing mother away from all sorts of noisy village entertainments.
The mother calls Lisa "amiable", "sweet": Karamzin puts these epithets into the mouth of a peasant woman, proving that peasant women also have a sensitive soul.
Lisa believed the young handsome Erast, because she liked him very much, and besides, she had never met with such elegant treatment. She fell in love with Erast, but her love was platonic love, she did not perceive herself as a woman at all. At first, this suited Erast, because after a depraved metropolitan life he wanted to take a break from constant sexual intrigues, but after that he inevitably became interested in Lisa as a woman, because she was very beautiful. Lisa did not understand this, she only felt how something had changed in their relationship, and this disturbed her.
Erast's departure for the war was a real misfortune for her, but she could not even think that Erast had any plans of his own. When she saw Erast in Moscow and talked to him, she experienced a great shock. All her credulity and naivety were deceived and thrown to dust. As an extremely impressionable nature, she could not withstand such a blow. Her whole life, which before that seemed clear and direct to her, turned into a monstrous conglomeration of incomprehensible events. Lisa could not survive the betrayal of Erast and committed suicide. Of course, such a decision was a desperate means to get away from the decision life problem, which stood in front of her, and Lisa could not cope with it. Frightened real life and the need to get out illusory world, she preferred to die limply than to fight and try to understand life as it really is.
You can use a modern analogy that describes such situations very well: she was so immersed in the "Matrix" that real world turned out to be hostile to her and tantamount to the complete disappearance of personality.
Characteristics of Erast
Erast was a rich young nobleman, jaded and tired of life. He had good inclinations and tried his best to be honest; at least he understood what he was doing sincerely and what not. We can say that wealth spoiled him, because he was used to not denying himself anything. Likewise, when he became infatuated with a poor girl from a Moscow suburb, he made every effort to win her and her mother's affection.
He did not understand himself well and believed that sentimental love for poor girl, so beautiful and unspoiled, will help him get away from boredom and an empty emasculated life in the capital. He read foreign sentimental tales and imagined a quiet pastoral love for a peasant girl. For some time he was quite happy with this game and reveled in it, especially since Lisa responded to his courtship with all the ardor of first love.
But time passed, and the game began to tire Erast, he was not ready to give up his wealth, besides, he began to pursue monetary failures. Knowing full well that he was acting meanly, he invented a story about going to war, and he himself married a rich woman in order to improve his condition. That he made his life choice between money and heartfelt happiness quite deliberately and understood what he was doing, shows his reaction to Lisa's suicide. An attempt to persuade her and pay off turned out to be hopeless, and Erast remained unhappy for the rest of his life, because he was not an evil and cynical person, he just did not have the mental strength to go with Lisa to the end and completely change his life.
The story "Poor Lisa" is a work of sentimentalism, because it is built on the disclosure of features human soul, attention to the personality of a person; heroes of the story simple people, peasant women and nobleman; the author shows great attention to nature, spiritualizes it; the language of the story approaches spoken language educated society of the time.

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