Freddie mercury interesting facts from life. Interesting facts about Freddie Mercury

  1. Born on the island of Zanzibar to a Parsi family (an ethno-confessional group of followers of Zoroastrianism in South Asia), Farrukh ("happy") Bulsara studied at St. Peter's School in the city of Panchgani (500 km from Bombay). The name "Farrukh" proved uncomfortable for his predominantly English-speaking classmates, and they began to call him "Freddie".
  2. In 1947, a photograph of one-year-old Freddie won the photo of the year award in a competition in his hometown.
  3. Freddie's father worked as a cashier at the Supreme Court of England and Wales.
  4. Of all the sports available at school, Freddie preferred hockey, boxing and sprinting. In addition, he won the title of school champion in table tennis at 10.
  5. The director of the school drew attention to the future singer's interest in music, he organized piano courses for the boy, as a result of which Freddie received a fourth degree in theory and practice (Piano Grade IV).
  6. Mercury created his first rock band (along with four school friends) in 1958. It was called The Hectics ("Fidgets") and performed at school activities and anniversaries.
  7. In May 1966, Freddie entered the department of graphic illustration at Ealing College of Art in London, where he began to study in the fall. It was there that he met bassist and vocalist Tim Staffel, who invited Freddie to the rehearsals of his band Smile. There Mercury meets with Brian May and Roger Taylor.
  8. In the year Queen was founded (1970), the singer officially changed his first and last name. Now he was "Frederick Mercury" on his passport.
  9. Despite having received piano lessons as a child, good pianist Mercury never considered himself. For this reason, he always felt insecure when performing keyboard parts on stage (in particular, from the first part of Bohemian Rhapsody). In the future, Freddie began to use the piano less in the studio, and at concerts, most of the keyboard parts were transferred to guest musicians, which allowed the frontman to concentrate on the show.
  10. Freddie was fond of philately.
  11. The vocal range of the musician was 4 octaves.
  12. Although Mercury had a microwave in the house, he did not use it, because he did not know how.
  13. Contrary to rumors and some Queen songs, Freddie spoke only two languages ​​- English and his native Gujarati.
  14. A passionate cat lover, Mercury dedicated his solo album Mr. Bad Guy, and also loved to talk to his pets on the phone during tours, in which his long-term girlfriend Mary Austin helped the musician.
  15. One of the main characters in the Guilty Gear fighting game series, Sol is inspired by Freddie.
  16. Mercury was afraid to correct his famous malocclusion and remove polyps on his vocal cords, as he thought it could damage the vocal data. Nevertheless, Freddie quit smoking only in last years life.
  17. On the last birthday of the singer (September 5, 1991), the premiere of the film “Freddie is dead. The Last Nightmare from the A Nightmare on Elm Street series.
  18. Energetic and open on stage, in life Freddie was a rather reserved person and rarely gave interviews.
  19. The song Crazy Little Thing Called Love (the only one in which Fredia played guitar at concerts) Mercury wrote in the bathroom.
  20. A song from the album A Kind of Magic called Princess of the Universe was used as the theme song for the film and television series Highlander.
  21. Freddie's last public appearance took place on October 8, 1988, when he, in a duet with Montserrat Caballe, performed Golden Boy, How Can I Go On and Barcelona at the La Nit Festival in Barcelona.
  22. The last song written by Freddie is A Winter's Tale. The last lifetime recordings of the singer's vocals can be heard in the song Mother Love.
  23. On November 25, 1996, a monument to Freddie Mercury was unveiled in Montreux, Switzerland. The opening of another took place on June 18, 2003 in London near the Dominion Theatre, which regularly hosts performances of the musical We Will Rock You ..

Show must go on ... Let's remember the bright, but short life a real legend - Freddie Mercury, whose songs are still popular, and the love of fans does not subside.

Bright, talented and eccentric Freddie Mercury is a legend, his songs continue to sound in the hearts of millions of fans. The life of a star was filled various rumors and legends, since the singer was hidden person and rarely gave interviews. We picked up interesting facts about the legendary lead singer of Queen.

1. Relationship with a woman

In the 70s, Freddie was in a relationship with Mary Austin for more than seven years. The gap occurred when he confessed his homosexuality. With Mary the singer stayed in good relations, and it was she who inherited his property after death. Initially, it was said that everything went to celebrity partner Jim Hutton.

2. Stage trick

Freddie had a calling card - a speech with a microphone and a hanging top of the stand. She appeared by chance during one of the concerts, when the mounts loosened, and the artist himself unscrewed the lower part, continuing to sing. Mercury really liked the trick, and he began to use it constantly.

3. Special religion

The artist did not hide that he was a native of Zanzibar, and his real name is Farukh Bulsaru. Like all his relatives, he professed Zoroastrianism, which he did not abandon until his death.

4. Interest in sports

While studying at school, Freddie chose boxing, hockey, and sprinting for himself. In addition, at the age of 10, he was able to win the school table tennis championship.

5. Bad teeth

The soloist of the Queen group admitted that he did not like his own teeth, but he did not want to go to the dentist either. The thing is that he was sure that any intervention could forever change the sound of his voice.

The fact that Freddie is interested in music was noticed by the director of the school, who decided to help the boy develop. To do this, he organized piano courses for him, thanks to which future artist received the fourth degree in theory and practice. Even these lessons did not give Mercury confidence, so he always considered himself a bad pianist.

7. Love for cats

The singer's fans knew that their idol is an avid cat person, so he once kept 10 pets in the house. By the way, he dedicated his first solo album to cats.

8. Mindless Hit

Listeners are always interested in what formed the basis of their favorite song. During an interview, Mercury was asked what is the meaning of one of the most popular works Bohemian Rhapsody. The artist's response surprised many, as he stated that these were just stupidly rhymed phrases. At the same time, in 2002, the British called this particular composition the most beloved in the history of music.

9. Exclusive emblem

Many did not know that the singer had a bachelor's degree in art and graphic design. He showed his skills in designing the emblem of the Queen group, which he came up with on his own without anyone's help.

10. Hit in the bathroom

While taking a bath in a London hotel, Freddie felt inspired to write new song. He did not want to get out of the water, so as not to lose his muse, so he called the hotel administration and asked for a piano to be rolled into the bathroom. The star's wish was realized, and as a result, the hit Crazy Little Thing Called Love was created.

11. Last Hit

Already seriously ill, Mercury recorded the song Mother Love, and he did it the first time. Last time the artist entered the stage in Barcelona on October 8, 1988.

12. Frank statement

Everyone learned that the celebrity had HIV infection on November 23, 1991, when Freddie told it on his own. He died the day after this announcement. He did not want to report his fatal illness earlier, so as not to disturb loved ones.

13. A serious decision

Freddie decided to speed up own death, refusing to take the necessary medicines, leaving only painkillers, because the pain was unbearable.

14. Record album

In 1981, a greatest hits compilation by Queen was released, which was sold by fans in the amount of more than 25 million copies. This made it the best-selling British album ever.

15. Important person

In 2002, the BBC conducted a poll to compile a list of the greatest Britons. Freddie Mercury got 58th place.

16. Legendary band

Many awards were received by Queen, but they were also the first to use video screens at their concerts. In addition, they became the first group classic rock, whose songs have been downloaded from iTunes more than 2 million times.

September 5 - significant date for true fans of rock, because on this day 72 years ago, Freddie Mercury was born - the great pretender, musical genius and iconic frontman for the band Queen.

The significance of Mercury's figure on the world stage can hardly be overestimated: what is the rock ballad Bohemian Rhapsody written by him, which got into the Guinness Book of Records as " Best Song millennium". Freddie's signature stage images and eccentric demeanor on stage are known even to people who are far from rock music. What was the idol of millions in life, only the people closest to him know. However, the musician's biographers managed to collect some interesting facts about the lead singer of Queen.

Mercury's bisexual preferences and scandalous moments his personal life caused mixed reactions in society, but this played into the hands of the singer's publicity. Mercury's partners were discussed no less than his hits - he was known as a famous hedonist and never hid his adventures. “I have more lovers than Elizabeth Taylor. And both sexes!” - said the musician.

At the dawn of the 70s, Mercury had a seven-year relationship with a girl named Mary Austin. The couple broke up after Freddie confessed to his bisexual lover. Austin and Mercury remained close friends for the rest of their lives, and she acted as his administrator. Freddie became godfather her son, he dedicated one of the most beautiful ballads Love Of My Life to her. It was Mary, not her own last lover To Jim Hutton, the musician bequeathed all real estate and copyright funds from the sold records.

Another short relationship with a woman is Mercury's relationship with Austrian actress Barbara Valentin. Later in an interview, the singer admitted that he was more infatuated with her than with any of the male lovers in the past few years. “Next to her, I felt like myself again,” Mercury recalled about the novel.

Months-long tours also turned for Freddie into a search for love adventures. After the concert, the band members went to a bar, and Mercury went to the "blue" areas. In this sense, the singer was very fond of New York and Munich.

Freddie Mercury did not want to grow old. Once, being in his prime, when asked by a journalist how Freddie imagines himself in 20 years, the musician replied: “Are you crazy? I'll be dead, dear!" The words turned out to be prophetic.

Being a Parsi by origin, Mercury, like his family, professed Zoroastrianism. He followed this religion even after changing his name (from birth, the rock legend was known as Farukh Bulsara). IN last way the singer was also seen off by a Zoroastrian priest.

Before the arrival of Freddie, the Queen group was called Smile - it was renamed on his initiative in the 70th year, when Mercury took the place of the vocalist.

A microphone without a stand - the signature stage attribute of the singer - appeared by chance. At one of the concerts, Freddie moved very actively with a microphone and loosened the fastenings of his stand. Right during the performance, Mercury unscrewed the lower part that was interfering with him and continued to sing with a microphone in his hands. Subsequently, a similar trick became calling card performer.

The musician was an avid cat person. Up to 10 furry pets could live in his house at the same time. Debut solo album Mr. Bad Guy Freddie dedicated to cats, and to his pet named Delilah - even a separate composition Delilah. Subsequently, the musician Queen Brian May came up with a guitar riff that mimics meowing.

Bohemian Rhapsody became one of Queen's most commercially successful hits. The video clip for the song became a revolution in show business. When asked by reporters what meaning he put into the text of his work, Mercury replied: “Absolutely none, these are just stupidly rhymed phrases.”

Another successful hit Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love was written by Mercury in a London hotel hot tub. A surge of inspiration caught the musician while taking a bath. In order not to frighten off the muse, Freddie did not leave the bath, asking the hotel staff to roll the piano to the jacuzzi for him - the request was fulfilled.

Freddie Mercury is one of the "100 Greatest Britons" by BBC version, although he is a native of Zanzibar.

According to ELLE.RU

Freddie Mercury was outstanding personality in the rock and roll universe. The performer is still included in the TOP 100 of the most famous Britons, and his songs are heard all over the world. One of them, "Seven Seas of Rhye", competes with the composition "Hotel California" for the title of the most popular song of all time. Fans continue to watch at the mansion of their idol in London, in the Kensington area, in the hope of a miracle. It is still hard to believe that the owner of a strong and unusually attractive voice will no longer create new albums and will not hold tours.

His biography is so extraordinary that Mercury did not need to invent beautiful legend, like many other pop stars. He only had to tell true facts from life, and they shook the imagination of journalists and admirers of his talent. Having learned more about his biography, it becomes clear why his work is so multifaceted, because it has absorbed the traditions of the cultures of the East and West.

The future king of rock and roll was born on September 5, 1946 on the island of Zanzibar, located off the coast of Tanzania. His parents, Bomi and Jer Balsara, were fire worshipers and professed the Zoroastrian faith. Once upon a time small people Parsi fled Iran due to persecution and received permission from the Indian Maharaja to live on his lands.

Balsar's relatives also lived in India, but his father's family moved to the African continent because of his work. A few years later, Bomi and Jer had a second child, a Kashmiri girl, and they briefly came to India to visit relatives to decide on the education of their first child.

Freddie Mercury's real name is Farrukh Balsara. As a child, he spent much time with a pious father, who initiated him into the foundations of the ancient religion.

The boy grew impressionable, with a rich imagination. Stories about the gods and their assistants were remembered by him for the rest of his life. Parents certainly wanted to give their son excellent education and were forced to send him to the English boarding school of St. Peter near Bombay.

At first, the home child was hard to bear the separation from his family, but then he began to master his favorite subjects: drawing and music. The teacher contributed to Farrukh's admission to music school, and he became the best student in it and learned to play the piano.

After graduation, the teenager's father saw good prospects for providing for the family in England, and moved her to the town of Feltham, a few kilometers from London. They couldn't stay in Tanzania anyway. A political conflict was brewing there, threatening to turn into a civil war.

The capital of Great Britain in the 60s was a Mecca for musicians and informals of all stripes. Farrukh, whom friends at St. Peter's school renamed Freddie, could not remain indifferent to the opportunities that opened up. He wanted to continue his education in an art college, and in free time play music.

The father was shocked by his son's passion. He paid for his education English language, history and mathematics in order to participate in joint business. According to Balsar Sr., selling spices in a shop or renting a currency exchange office could become a worthy occupation. Mercury broke up with his parents with a scandal and over the following years kept in touch with them through friends.

In 1966 he entered the Ealing College of Art and painted extensively. He sold his work in a small shop in Kensington Market. Still, the idea of ​​​​his father helped him to hold out for some time and earn a living in London.

During training fine arts and design, he met the musicians of the Ibex group. He learned the entire repertoire to perform with them. The rest of the musicians liked his voice and plasticity, and they accepted the newcomer to the team.

Mercury's idols different time Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar, Gian Lennon, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. An analysis of the latter's work formed the basis of graduation thesis Freddie at Ealing College.

Performances in musical group gone for young man something new. While still at school in India, he created an ensemble with friends that played at all local parties, but in London he decided to become a professional musician.

Wanting to stand out and express something own style, Mercury chose bright and provocative stage costumes. Bollywood influenced not only his appearance, but also the manner of performance. This made him stand out among other novice vocalists just like him.

While still at Ealing College, Freddie met the musicians of the Smile band, which included the guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor. He did not perform with them, but often went to concerts and praised their professionalism.

After several years of throwing and participating in different teams, in the early 70s, Freddie became the vocalist in the group Smile instead of Tim Staffel who left it. On his initiative, the band's name was changed to Queen. Freddie took the pseudonym Mercury for himself, which reflected his strong energy and mobility on stage, as well as the planet Mercury patronizing his zodiac.

Queen group

From 1970 to 1971 The group was in its infancy. Bassists were constantly changing in it. However, she successfully performed in Kensington clubs and played as an opening act for the more famous Yes band.

At the end of the winter of 1971, Queen acquired a permanent bass player, John Deacon. In the future, the composition of the group has not changed throughout its existence. Freddie Mercury drew an intricate coat of arms for her, and the birth of the future star team took place.

In 1972, the group's first album, Queen I, was recorded at Trident Studios, which included compositions written by May and Mercury. In subsequent years, Freddie composed the most famous hits bands: Killer Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody.

They topped the UK music charts for several weeks and the singer rested on his laurels. It seemed to him that he had reached the heights of success, but the manager of Queen had a different opinion. Using flattery and promises of getting rich quick, he forced Mercury to agree to tour in America and then Japan.

Bright colors Eastern culture fit the band's vocalist to taste, and the local audience gave Queen an incredibly warm welcome. After 1975, the band's musicians were deservedly considered real British stars.

Since the 70s, the band has had a lot of fans in their native Britain and other countries. Freddie became a welcome guest in clubs and music festivals. The praise of those around him embarrassed him. Mercury constantly felt that they did not love him, but rather a spectacular stage persona.

He wanted to continue to create, but in London, due to the persecution of fans, it was difficult to do so. The musicians bought a studio in Munich and worked on the next albums in Germany.

Freddie, as promised by the manager, soon became rich. He bought himself an Edwardian mansion in his favorite area of ​​London, Kensington, and filled it collectibles art. The decoration of his house was lavish, like the scenery of Bollywood films. A place of honor in the living room was occupied by the piano, on which the singer composed music.

The doors of the mansion were always open for Queen musicians and their close friends. Mercury avoided communication with journalists by all means, believing that performers should remain a mystery to fans, and the process of creating compositions should be sacred. In addition, many hacks mercilessly distorted the words of the singer.

In 1985, Queen organized a performance at Wembley Stadium, gathering 75,000 spectators. The concert was simultaneously broadcast in Philadelphia. In addition to Queen, guest stars included Paul McCartney, David Bowie and Elton John. The world has never seen such a show before, and many believe that it is the peak of the fame of the legendary band.

Illness and death

In 1987, Mercury learned that he had AIDS. This disease became a real scourge at the end of the 20th century, and they did not know how to treat it at all. The infected person was doomed to death.

Freddie told only a few friends about the illness, hiding information from a wide audience almost until his death in November 1991. None of his relatives turned their backs on him. On the contrary, they looked for medicines and looked after him to the last.

Unfortunately, in the environment where the musician spent time, AIDS was common. Freddie was at the zenith of fame and considered himself invulnerable. At the end of his life, being very weak, he looked through his performances and declared that he had given music best years and living up to 70 years is unbearably boring. A bright talent burned out on stage, leaving fans with many wonderful songs.

Freddie Mercury is not forgotten by fellow musicians or the audience. Many books have been written about him, however, often false, and films have been made. At concerts in his memory, not only members of the Queen group perform, but also world-famous singers.

During his career, the leader of the group managed to record a solo album, perform arias with opera diva Montserrat Caballe, perform with the Royal Ballet.

His mansion in Kensington is now occupied by the singer's fans, eager to get in touch with a particle of the idol's life.

Personal life of Freddie Mercury

After the death of the singer, even people who barely knew him launched into frank memories. From reliable facts it is known that the most long love Freddie and his main heiress was Mary Austin.

They met in 1969, when he was just starting his career as a musician, and the girl worked in the Biba fashion store, not far from his own shop. Mary was beautiful, versed in stylish outfits and helped Freddie create a special image. In particular, the black nail polish on the Queen musicians' nails was the girl's idea.

The couple had almost no money, and they huddled in a rented room. True, after a couple of years, Freddie rented an apartment on Holland Road. They lived happily, spending their days with people as passionate about creativity as they are.

The more success the singer achieved, the more he moved away from his beloved. Once he asked her to marry him, but subsequently did not return to this topic. He also refused to have a child, referring to the constant tour.

6 years after the start of the relationship, Mercury told Mary about his gay However, he could not part with the woman. He offered her a job as an administrator and gave her an apartment next to his mansion.

Former lovers saw each other every day, Austin sat by Freddie's bed when he died. It was to her that he bequeathed to bury his ashes, without informing even his relatives about the location of the grave. He was afraid of her desecration.

Journalists mention the orgies that the singer arranged in gay clubs in London, Munich and New York. In the 70s and 80s, homosexuality was persecuted, so revelations about that period are difficult to detect.

Deeply believing parents finally stopped communicating with their son after such rumors. Freddie gave them money through Mary Austin. Jim Hutton is among Mercury's best-known partners. For 8 years he lived in the singer's house and was with him until his end. Queen's biographers give several more names, but these data are not confirmed.

Interesting facts from the life of the singer

Mercury was jealous of friends with families and heirs. He was very fond of the eldest son of Mary Austin from his marriage to the artist and became his godfather. He loved to bring the boy souvenirs from all over the world. The woman gave birth to her second son a few months after Freddie's death.

Up to 10 cats were in the singer's mansion at the same time. Leaving on tour, he called home and talked to them. The animals felt royalty they were so well taken care of.

In 1988, Mercury recorded a solo album, which included the song "Barcelona". It became the anthem of the 1992 Olympics.


Mercury lived in full force and most gave time to creativity. That is why, in two decades, Queen managed to record 15 studio and 9 live albums, as well as compilations and dozens of singles.

The leader of the group was not only talented, but also supremely kind and generous person. He bought houses for his friends and loved ones, bequeathed to them and the musicians of the group the lion's share of the multi-million dollar fortune.

He did this not out of a desire to be known as a benefactor. Freddie wanted people to feel like in a fairy tale next to him, and all their problems were resolved, as if by magic.

Relatives even now say that with the appearance of a musician next to them, they became warm and comfortable. They cherish these precious memories, and fans again and again play Queen songs and are interested in the work of the band. Mercury's beautiful voice often sounds on music channels and delights listeners with its depth and unique timbre.

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The fate of Freddie Mercury finished script for a movie. There is romantic drama, tragedy, and epic soundtracks. However, in Hollywood history the greatest musician XX century decided to interpret in their own way. We talk about what events embellished, and what details the filmmakers omitted in Bohemian Rhapsody:

The beginning of the band's historyQueen

The Queen team came together much longer than in the film. Mercury already knew Brian May and Roger Taylor, but performed with other bands. For the first time, the composition of the future Queen played together at the show of the Ibex group. By the time Tim Staffel decided to leave Smile, May, Taylor and Mercury were renting an apartment together and they knew each other well, so the opening scenes of the film are nothing more than a beautiful decision by the director.

Mary Austin proposal

For many viewers love line with Mary Austin was a surprise. Despite the fact that Mercury was gay, he spent many years in heterosexual relationships, and twice it came to marriage. However, the proposal to tie the knot did not look as tasteless as in the film. Instead of a big diamond ring, Mercury gave Mary a huge box for Christmas. When the girl opened it, there was another one inside, and then another. Inside this "matryoshka" Mary found a small jade ring and, touched, said the cherished "Yes".

Parting Mercury and Austin

In the film, the relationship between the rock star and his lover after the breakup was shown to be much more tense. In fact, Mercury continued to think of Austin as his wife throughout his life. In an interview, the musician admitted: “All my lovers asked me why they can’t replace Mary? But it's just not possible. She is my only friend, and I do not need others. She was my wife. Yes, it was a marriage for me."

Ray Foster

One of the highlights of the film - Queen's meeting with Ray Foster - was completely fictional. This character was based on Roy Featherstone, chief record company EMI, who felt that "Bohemian Rhapsody" was too long for a single format.

scene in the limousine

Queen's manager Paul Prenter turns into the main antagonist in Bohemian Rhapsody. It is he who tries to destroy the group by convincing Mercury with the help of John Reid that he needs a solo album. An enraged Mercury pulls Reid out of the limousine, but in reality Reid's departure was far less dramatic. The group kept good memories about working with him. “We had a good working relationship with John. He was very fiery and angry, but we were the same. Therefore, we were not afraid of him, ”said Roger Taylor in documentary about Queen in 2011.

"Murder" Queen

According to the law of the genre main character Freddie Mercury breaks down and does not right choice which turns his life around. A rock star announces to the group that he wants to start his own solo project. The choice of Mercury becomes a tragedy for his comrades. “You just killed Queen!” the devoted Taylor cries out. But history suggests that during the band's breakup, Mercury wasn't the only one working on a solo album. Brian May was busy with the Star Fleet project, and Taylor himself was thinking about solo career. The fact is that Mercury's statement was unexpected for the rest. So in a biographical book about Mercury, Taylor wrote that he never thought that a friend had thoughts about a solo album.

Dismissal of Paul Prenter

Prenter has gained fame as a real devil of show business. The selfish and prudent manager took control not only of Mercury's career, but also his personal life. Queen musicians really did not like him, and here the filmmakers did not lie. But the chronology of Prenter and Mercury's work was broken, which greatly affected the image of the character. For example, scandalous interview was the cause of Prenter's dismissal, not its consequence. By the way, it was published in The Sun and was not broadcast on television.

Mercury meets Jim Hutton

Roman Mercury and Hutton in reality was much more prosaic than on the screen. Jim was not a waiter, but a hairdresser, and met the musician not on house party but in a nightclub. The scene with the phone book is also fictional - in reality, the guys accidentally crossed paths in a club.

Freddie Mercury coming out before Live Aid

In the film, right before the legendary Live Aid, Mercury tells his bandmates about AIDS, and they try to support him. However, the musician learned the terrible diagnosis in 1987, two years after Live Aid.

Jim Hutton and Mary Austin backstage at Live Aid

There is no documented evidence that Hutton and Austin actually stood next to each other during the concert, but experts say it's unlikely. Austin hated Hutton, like all Mercury lovers. The first thing the woman did after Mercury's death was to order Hutton to be kicked out of the house of the musician she had inherited.

As with any Hollywood biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody has its inaccuracies. But to the question “Is it worth watching a movie?” even the most devoted fans of Mercury and Queen answered with a laconic "Yes". There are at least two reasons for this - Mercury's authentic vocals and Rami Malek's impeccable playing.

10 Facts About Freddie Mercury That Were Distorted In 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was last modified: November 12th, 2018 by Vlada Gorshunova

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