Russian names for boys are popular. Slavic male names


Our name is the symbol that accompanies us all our lives. No wonder people special meaning attached to the choice of name. The name is a kind of identifier that distinguishes us from the crowd. And it's not a secret for anyone that there is even a concept of fashion for names, and like any fashion, it is very capricious and changeable. As a rule, the name is popular for a certain period of time, then gives way to other names. This periodic change of popular names is due to the main function of the name - to be a means of distinguishing people. Therefore, the existence of some reserve of names is always necessary, from which more "fresh" names are scooped. This reserve can be traditional, inactive names or names of other peoples. To make it a little easier to choose a name, we publish our name popularity rating based on statistical data collected on the site.


  • place / name
  • Dmitriy "Dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture, mother earth Demeter (Roman version - Ceres)" in the meaning of "giving life"
  • Alexander Defender of people
  • Maksim (Maxim) "principle, Maxima" in the meaning of "principled"
  • 4 Ivan "Willow"
  • 5 Ramin 1. Persian name(رامین) "happy - obedient". 2. a form of the Arabic name Rami "archer, archer". 3. other Jewish, Assyrian "son of the sun (Ra)". 4. Ramina from Arabic "fortune-telling" from the word ramlya.
  • 6 Andrey (ανδροπρεπής) "courageous"
  • 7 Michael Like God
  • 8 Alexey Defender
  • 9 Selim The Turkish form of the Arabic name Salim "healthy, unharmed" Selim I the Terrible (Yavuz) (Selim I Yavuz) (1467/68 or 1470-1520), Turkish sultan from 1512. During the wars of conquest, he subjugated Eastern Anatolia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Sev. Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Hijaz. Selim was the son of the Turkish Sultan Bayezid II. When Sultan Bayezid II began to show a clear preference for his second son, Ahmed, Selim feared for his future. The Balkan governor of the Ottoman sultan rebelled and, at the head of a small army, bravely marched on Istanbul. Most likely, Selim hoped for the support of the rebels in the capital, but his calculation did not materialize. In the battle that took place, his father, Bayezid II, who was at the head huge army, easily defeated Selim, and he had to flee to Crimean Khanate where it was difficult for the sultan to get it. In the Northern Black Sea region, among Crimean Tatars the fugitive decided to wait hard time and re-start the fight for his father's inheritance. In 1512, Sultan Bayezid II made a rather rare decision among the monarchs of the world: he voluntarily abdicated the throne of the Sublime Porte and, in order to save it from military upheavals, transferred power to Selim. The return of the fugitive from the Crimea to Istanbul was more like a military triumph. The new Sultan Selim I repaid his father's generosity by ordering the execution of all male relatives who could claim his Sultan's throne. For this, he received the nickname - Yavuza, which in Turkish meant "Gloomy". Then Sultan Selim, as a true Sunni, began to forcibly establish a single Muslim religion in the Ottoman Empire. By order of the Sultan, more than 40,000 Shiites were killed in the country, and their property was looted. Many Shiites began to seek salvation outside of Turkey. The persecution of the Shiites inevitably led to war Ottoman Empire with Persia. In June 1515, Selim I, at the head of an army of 60,000, invaded Persia. Selim I had numerous and well-armed heavy cavalry, field, siege and fortress artillery. The infantrymen were armed firearms, although rather primitive. The invasion of Persia began from Sivas. The Turkish army reached the headwaters of the Euphrates River through Erzurum. The Persians used the "scorched earth" tactics against her, which did not desired results, since in the army of Selim I the foraging service was competently set up. The Turks freely approached the city of Khoy, in the vicinity of which the Persian Shah gathered his thousands of, exclusively cavalry army. oriental type. On August 23, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River near Haldiran, the Ottoman Turks met in battle with the 50,000th Persian army, which was personally commanded by Shah Ismail. Selim I was at his best - having successfully maneuvered his troops on the battlefield, he won a landslide victory over the Persians. As the most valuable trophy, the hungry Turkish warriors got the Persian camp with huge supplies of provisions. The Persian army, which had suffered heavy losses in the battle of Haldiran, scattered over the surrounding mountains. The defeated Shah Ismail, who was wounded during the battle, also had to flee. Sultan Selim I moved his army even further east and in September of the same 1515 captured the then capital of Persia, the city of Tabriz (now main city Iranian Azerbaijan, or, in other words, South Azerbaijan). From Tabriz, Selim intended to continue the military campaign. However, the Janissaries revolted, and the Ottoman feudal lords, the Timariots, also refused to go further. The Sultan, reluctantly, had to obey the demand of his army. A consolation was the huge military booty taken in Tabriz, including the shah's treasury. From the Persian capital, the Turks sent a thousand of the best artisans to Istanbul to serve the Sultan's court and the nobility. The Sultan did not have to repeat his victorious Persian campaign, although he intended to do it again. Knowing that Arab countries Egypt and Syria entered into a military alliance with the Persian Shah, Selim I decided to preempt the joint offensive actions of the opponents of the Ottoman Porte. The Mamluk sultan Hansu al-Gauri was preparing to invade Turkey from the city of Aleppo. He assembled a 30,000-strong cavalry army, stationing it 16 kilometers north of Aleppo at Merj Dabiq. About half of the cavalry were Mamelukes, the rest were Arab militias. Sultan Hansu al-Gauri did not have artillery or infantry. The army of Selim I numbered 40 thousand people, of which 15 thousand were cavalry Timariots, 8 thousand were Janissaries, 3 thousand were the horse guards of the Sultan and 15 thousand foot militias. In July 1516, Selim I, at the head of the Ottoman army, unexpectedly for the enemy, invaded Syria, passing from the Euphrates valley past the Taurus Mountains. On August 24, 1516, a great battle took place in northern Syria near Merj Dabiq. Selim I did not stay long in conquered Syria, but left strong Turkish garrisons in its fortresses. He again set off on an aggressive campaign, this time against Egypt, which at that time was one of the richest countries in the East. In October 1516, the Turks captured fortress city Gaza and thus opened their way to the Nile and the Egyptian capital. In January 1517, the Sultan's army of many thousands with heavy siege artillery approached Cairo. This time, the Ottoman Turks were opposed by the Egyptian Mamluks and the remnants of the defeated Syrian army. On January 22, a great battle took place under the walls of Cairo, which decided the fate of Egypt for several centuries. Egypt was annexed to the Ottoman Empire. So Turkish possessions appeared not only in Asia and the Balkans in Europe, but also in northern Africa. Now Shiite Persia, having lost all its allies and having a large but weak army, could no longer resist neighboring Turkey. Its warlike Sultan Selim I, who joined his state for short time most Asia Minor, solemnly proclaimed himself also the Egyptian sultan and caliph. After successful campaigns of conquest against Syria and Egypt, the Turkish sultan traveled to the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina for every orthodox Muslim. There he received great honors as a leader and defender of the Islamic world. This was a recognition of his great military merit and equally great religious fanaticism as a Sunni Muslim. Now Selim I was called not Gloomy, but Brave and Ferocious. Under him, the Ottoman Porte became the recognized military leader of the Muslims of the East, and Türkiye is here long years no longer faced strong armed confrontation. In the last years of his life, Sultan Selim I most of all dreamed of moving west, into the Mediterranean. In 1520, he entered into a military alliance with the famous Maghreb pirate admiral Barbarossa in order to prepare the invasion of the Turkish army into Spain. Pirates of the Maghreb (modern Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) were allies of the Ottoman Empire in its subsequent wars against European Christian states. Subsequently, no one else in the Middle East challenged Sultan Selim I, except, of course, for the religious uprisings in Syria and Anatolia in 1518-1519, which the Sultan's troops easily coped with. Selim the Brave and the Fierce died at the age of fifty while preparing a military expedition to the island of Rhodes. He never managed to carry out many of his plans. His work was continued by the son and heir of the Sultan Suleiman, who received the nickname Magnificent in history. His father prepared him well for governing the country and a strong army. Sultan Selim I is known in world history for having laid the foundation for the rule of the Ottoman Empire in the East, crushing the military and political power of Persia. His policy of conquest largely predetermined Turkey's further military expansion to all four corners of the world.
  • 10 Daniel God is my judge
  • 11 Sergey clear, venerable
  • 12 Artyom Healthy, unharmed
  • 13 Kirill Gospodin
  • 14 Nikita (νικητής) "winner, conqueror, conqueror"
  • 15 Ilya (ήλιος) [í̱-lios] "sun"
  • 16 Svyatogor The Old Slavonic name "holy mountain" Svyatogor is the hero of the Russian epic epic, standing outside the Kyiv and Novgorod cycles and only partly in contact with the first in the epics about the meeting of Svyatogor with Ilya Muromets. Svyatogor in the epic is a huge giant, "higher than a standing forest" - he is hardly carried by his mother, the damp earth. He does not go to Holy Rus', but lives on the high Holy Mountains; during his trip, the mother-cheese earth shakes, forests sway and rivers overflow their banks. Once, feeling colossal forces in himself, he boasted that if there were a ring in the sky, and another in the earth, he would turn heaven and earth over. Mikula Selyaninovich heard this and threw a bag on the ground, which Svyatogor tries in vain to move while sitting on a horse, and then, getting off his horse and holding the bag with both hands, he sinks into the ground up to his knees here too, not having overcome the "earth's thrust" contained in the bag , ends his life. According to another story, Ilya Muromets, on the way, under an oak tree, in an open field, finds a heroic bed 10 fathoms long and 6 fathoms wide. He falls asleep on it for three days. On the third day, a noise was heard from the north side - the horse woke Ilya and advised him to hide on the oak. Svyatogor appeared on horseback, holding on his shoulders a crystal casket in which he was beautiful wife. While Svyatogor was sleeping, his wife seduces Ilya into love and then puts him in her husband's pocket. IN further way the horse tells Svyatogor that it is hard for him: until now he has carried a hero with his wife, now he is carrying two heroes. Svyatogor finds Ilya and, asking how he got there, kills his unfaithful wife, and enters into a brotherhood with Ilya. On the way near the North Mountain, the heroes meet a coffin with the inscription: "Whoever is destined to lie in a coffin, he will lie in it." The coffin turned out to be large for Ilya, and the lid slammed behind Svyatogor, and in vain he tried to get out of there. Having transferred part of his strength and his sword to Ilya, he orders to cut the coffin lid, but with each blow the coffin is covered with an iron hoop. The third episode - the marriage of Svyatogor - he asks Mikula how to find out fate. Mikula sends him to the Northern Mountains, to the prophetic blacksmith. When asked by Svyatogor about the future, he predicted his marriage to a bride who had been living in the seaside kingdom for 30 years on pus. Svyatogor went there and, finding the sick woman on a pus, put 500 rubles near her, hit her in the chest with a sword and left. The girl woke up - the bark that covered her came off - she turned into a beauty, and the hero, having heard about her beauty, came and married her. After the wedding, Svyatogor saw a scar on her chest, found out what was the matter and realized that you could not escape fate.

All parents want to give their children beautiful and meaningful names. Some people chase uniqueness and originality. However, the majority prefers the time-tested and most sought-after names. The options for this are endless. And you can find out which are the most popular names in Russia by year from the overview rating. It is noteworthy that all data is based on records from registry offices and global surveys.

Popular female names of 2015

At the moment, in the Russian Federation, the largest number of registered Sophias are born. This is the most popular name for a girl in Russia as of 2015. Sophia grow up refined and successful personalities. In childhood, they are very gentle, love affection. In youth, pedantry and perseverance develop. Sophias always succeed, especially if it is a matter of principle. They try not to offend strangers, they are distinguished by delicacy and diligence. In marriage, they are adequate, restrained, passionate.

The second most popular name in Russia for girls is Maria. It captivates with its personal and psychological characteristics. At an early age, Marias are calm and kind girls, very quiet and sometimes vulnerable. Painfully perceive criticism. With growing up, the owners of this name lose their weakness, their character hardens. Mary always fight for justice and family values.

3rd most popular maiden name on the territory of Russia in 2015 - Daria. Distinctive features are considered impulsiveness and thriftiness. Ideal for families, faithful.

What is the most common name for boys in 2015

Today Dmitry is the most popular male name in Russia. IN ancient Greek mythology Demeter was the goddess of agriculture and fertility. The most popular name in Russia for boys in 2015 is dedicated to her. In an indirect translation from Greek, it means "giving life."

Childhood for Dmitry is accompanied by constant illnesses associated with the respiratory system. CNS instability and moodiness are often present. With age, the body becomes stronger, and the uncompromising character is transformed into a pronounced stubbornness. Representatives of this ancient name smart, inventive, sociable, love comfort and beauty.

Next in the ranking of the most popular male names in 2015 is Maxim. From Latin - "greatest". In childhood and adolescence, he does not cause trouble to anyone, justifies the expectations. Maxims like to collect, go to the theater, draw knowledge from encyclopedias. Adults are different creativity, diplomacy, reliability in work and relationships.

The most frequent female names for 2014

It should be noted that each time period has its own fashion trends. For example, Anastasia and even foreign derivatives are the most popular names for girls in Russia. Statistics for 2014 show that almost 8% of parents call their children this way. Little Nastenkas love to dream, they are defenseless even before the slightest deceit. With age, they become sloppy, independent, but true to their soul mates.

Also in 2014, such names as Sophia and Maria were considered in demand. However, it is Anna who stands out from the rest. These girls are very good-natured, caring and generous to the world around them. Often they hide inner pain and feelings so as not to cause discomfort to loved ones. They are conservatives.

Victoria also got into the list of popular female names. Little winners grow up silent and a little withdrawn. With age, they become sociable and businesslike.

Popular names for boys in 2014

Oddly enough, Alexandrov in 2014 was born more than in the last 5 years. The most popular male name in Russia, translated from Greek, means "protector of people." WITH early years Alexandra go in for sports, but their body is prone to frequent diseases. The situation changes only with the attainment of adulthood. They enjoy authority in their work, they are always fair. The only weakness is alcohol. Beautifully look after women, believe in sincere love.

Another popular name in 2014 is Artem. Translated from Greek as "unharmed". Little Artyom should be protected from respiratory diseases until adolescence. They grow up calm and diligent, love to read. They always seek the truth in conflict situation, differ in objectivity. Friendly in communication. They are not careerists, but always go to their goal. Very reliable friends.

Popular names for girls in 2013

In the first place unconditionally stands Valeria. From Latin it means "rich", in an alternative translation - "strong". Valeria and the Western variation Valerie are the most popular names in Russia in 2013. Statistics show that in Lately Russian people are increasingly calling their children foreign derivatives. This is especially true for Natalie, Anastacia and the same Valerie. Nevertheless, in the registry office they prefer to register Russian variations of names. As for Valeria, her hallmarks are complex character, impulsiveness, vulnerability and jealousy.

The Greek name Aurora is not only beautiful and unusual, but also one of the most sought after in 2013. Translates as "light wind" or " Golden time". Aurora - difficult people with unpredictable behavior. They are very capricious, impatient, stubborn. They prefer entertainment and hobbies to learning. They excel in dance and music. They often scare men away from themselves with their inflated self-esteem.

The most common boy names in 2013

The first line of the rating is occupied by Artem. In the year of the Water Snake, one cannot find a name more suitable and worthy for the future support of the family. Artems are diligent and purposeful, therefore they are considered the most suitable option for any self-respecting girl.

Also in 2013, the name Ivan was requested. Its owners are distinguished by firmness of character, flexibility in communication, tenderness in relationships and purposefulness in work. In love, they are trusting and caring, they do not tolerate betrayal.

Mikhail and Daniil are also included in the list of the most frequent male names in 2013. They are distinguished by responsiveness, logical thinking and kindness. In a relationship, they are faithful, but they can often criticize their soul mate.

The most requested female names of 2012

The rating is headed by Anastasia, but the gap from the others is small. Next is another most popular name in Russia - Julia. It is also worth highlighting Olga, Elena, Natalya, Tatyana, Ekaterina, Irina, Anna and Maria.

Returning to Julia, it is worth noting that sociability and intuition are considered the main highlights of her character. In addition, girls are very receptive and touchy, sometimes vindictive. There are no health problems either in childhood or in adulthood.

There are no difficulties in marriage, but everything depends on the spouse. If he allows himself frequent criticism and laziness, then parting cannot be avoided. Julias are known as excellent housewives, caring mothers. They often stock up on food and money for a rainy day. Very hospitable good cooks. Do not envy, read a lot.

Among other popular names, one can single out Elizabeth, Daria, Yana, Alice, Sophia, Taisia, Varvara and Veronica.

The most common boy names in 2012

Based on the statistics, Alexandrov was born the most in 2012. This is truly the most popular name in Russia throughout recent decades. Sergey, Andrey, Dmitry, Maxim, Ivan, Artem, Alexey, Evgeny, Mikhail are next in the ranking. A little less often, parents called their children in 2012 Daniil, Yaroslav, Kirill, Denis and Nikita.

Interestingly, over time, such rare names in the country as Matvey, Bogdan, Zakhar, Timofey and Gleb begin to gain popularity. In 2012, a considerable number of Akimovs and Egorovs were registered. Also requested were some biblical names. Vivid examples serve Luke and Thomas. Among others, Ilya, Fedor, Vladimir and Roman should be singled out.

Most requested patriotic names

In recent years, parents in Russia are increasingly surprising with originality, calling their children some kind of "foreign" words and concepts. An example is a girl named Privatization. Several cases were recorded on the territory of the Russian Federation at once, when babies were called Russia. For parents, this procedure is interesting, but the child may experience a number of inconveniences and significant social discomfort in the future.

Of other patriotic names recent years Viagra and Percosrac can be distinguished. The second is short for "first space rocket". In the summer of 2008, the name Gus was registered in Russia, in honor of Guus Hiddink, the coach of the Russian football team.

Alexander. The honorable first place in the list of the most popular names for boys in 2015 is rightfully occupied by the name Alexander (translated from Greek as “protector”). Alexandra often get sick in childhood, but grow up strong, healthy and purposeful men. They tend to achieve their goals and become the best in their field. Alexandra have a reputation for being responsive, benevolent and fair people. Sasha is very popular with beautiful ladies because he treats them like a true gentleman. However, it is difficult for him to choose one chosen one, therefore, such qualities as family loyalty and devotion to Alexander are not characteristic.

Maksim. For those who decide to name their baby Maxim, you should know that a boy with that name will grow up obedient, smart and reasonable beyond his years. In childhood and adolescence, Maxims study hard, delighting their parents with good grades. Growing up, Maxims often become unsure of themselves and their abilities, do not know how to fully defend their point of view, so parents need to work with the baby, with early age developing his leadership qualities. Adult representatives of this name have an amorous character, but they rarely cheat on their chosen ones. This is explained by the fact that Maxims choose strong and strong-willed women as wives, who are a little afraid.

Artem. Most young parents in 2015 will name their children Artems. This name personifies "the impeccability and integrity of human health." As a child, Artyoms are very sociable and friendly, they always tend to tell the truth, for which they often get it. Mature Artyoms are complaisant and hardworking, not careerists, they achieve everything in life with their hard work. When they marry, they become faithful and loving husbands and good fathers.

Ivan. Despite the variety of different names, many young parents in 2015 will be called Ivans. Ivan's character combines hardness and softness, strength and weakness, openness and cunning, tenderness and unbridled rage, kindness and deceit. Versatile Vani will be able to find himself in many hobbies in which he will show good results. Adult representatives of this Russian name become exemplary husbands and fathers.

Egor. This not too common name in 2015 will be given a lot of attention by young parents who choose suitable name for your child. In this name, translated from the Greek meaning "farmer", nature already has a love for work and independence. Little Egors are drawn to knowledge and early childhood they try to find hobbies to occupy their minds, so boys with that name are recommended to be sent to technical circles to discover their talents. Yegor is extremely truthful, therefore he does not forgive the revealed lies. Adult Egors become real leaders both in their careers and in family relationships.

Dmitriy. Little Dimas are different difficult character spoiled bully. As a child, Dima often suffers from respiratory and infectious diseases, there is instability nervous system, but with age, health is strengthened, and a capricious character becomes stubborn. Dmitry is distinguished by a flexible mind and a wonderful sense of humor, therefore, since childhood, they have many friends and are famous for the soul of the company. In his personal life, Dmitry is not very lucky, as it is difficult for them to choose one chosen one because of their amorous nature.

In addition, 2015 will mark the return of such beautiful male names as Mikhail, Alexey and Daniel. Also, boys born this year will often be called Romans and Andreys. Little Vlads and Kirills, heroes Ilyusha and noble Sergeys will be born.

    From the moment when happy news flew around all future grandparents, aunts and uncles, the most main intrigue- who will become the long-awaited heir to the family. Modern medicine allows you to determine the sex of the child quickly enough, so the couple can discard the fallback options for the opposite sex and concentrate on choosing a name for their baby. Happy parents future heroes often do not agree, many mothers choose cute affectionate names, and dads prefer strong masculine options. The names for boys in 2014 were not very different in originality and extravagance. Young parents called their sons more often by traditional, long-loved names.

    Among these, Alexander holds the first position for several years. sons, loving mothers Sashenka and future reliable father's support are associated with great namesakes, famous stories. Among them are the powerful Alexander the Great, Nevsky, Pushkin, as well as Alexanders I, II and III and many other talented, influential and powerful people.

    In addition to Alexander, the top three most popular male names of 2014 included Maxim, from Latin - great, greatest, and Artem, from Greek - healthy, unharmed. Shared the leading position with the above, the following names: Ivan, Yegor, still remain in demand - Nikita, Daniel, Kirill and Ilya.

    What names are predicted to be popular in 2015?

    Let's start with the fact that the trend is gaining momentum to choose simple familiar names. Most parents give up Mikes, Stefanovs and Solomons in favor of Nikolaev, Dmitriev and Vladimirov. Like last year, they predict popularity old names, such as Tikhon, Savely and Clement. At all times, boys were called Old Slavic names. Against the background of simple, familiar to modern Slavic world and borrowed foreign ones, there are often representatives of the stronger sex with the names Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav, Rostislav.

    Many believe that the choice of a name is also important because it can affect the fate of the child. Experts in this field argue that not only the name itself is important, but its phonetic load. Thus, the owners of softer names, such as Anton (Tosha), Mikhail (Misha), Oleg (Olezhka), despite the masculine meaning, are quite calm and gentle people. While Alexandra, Andrey, Artem are more quick-tempered and tougher.

    The choice of a name for a boy, just like for a girl, must be conscious and thoughtful, because the child has to live with him. Even if you consider your choice very interesting and original, imagine how it will sound in combination with a patronymic and surname. Orlov Mike Petrovich or Ivanov Wolfgang Vasilyevich, you see, does not sound the most in the best way. Keep in mind that your Wolfgang will not always be a respected professor, famous poet or musician. Before he grows up, he will need to make friends with the children in the yard.

    Statisticians suggest that there will be no special changes in the choice of male names in 2015. Therefore, we propose once again to recall the meaning of the most frequently occurring name at all times.

    Alexander is a name that is popular throughout Eurasia. Translated from all languages, it means courageous, winner. It is believed that people with this name are usually quite decisive, very witty. Sociable Alexanders are especially in need of indulgence, because they are often quick-tempered, and sometimes even turn to impudence. Whoever comes to Alexander with a sword will die from it.

    Undoubtedly, right choice the name is very important for the future of your child, but the most important thing is that the baby grows up healthy and smart kid. And the right qualities in him will always be brought up by loving parents.

Choosing a name for a baby is a rather difficult and responsible task. After all, you really want the name to be bright, beautiful, memorable and at the same time natural. Only then will it please the child, and not cause him problems. In addition, astrologers argue that the name for a man is of great importance, endowing him with certain qualities and predetermining his fate.

Many parents choose to popular boy names. What is interesting, unlike female names, constantly replenished with new products, male half the same names are popular as decades ago. And this is not surprising, because the male name should symbolize strength, dexterity, courage and reliability.

What are the most popular boy names in 2015?

Let's start with the fact that effeminate names are completely out of fashion. Parents do not want to call their sons Julians, Valentines, etc. And here courageous names are becoming more and more in demand. The names Sergey, Yuri and Andrey also became rare.

In Russia, such names as Alexander, Nikita, Artem and Daniil have been at the peak of popularity for many years now. Often, parents choose for their sons such popular boy names as Dmitry, Roman, Konstantin, Nikolai, Vladimir or Ivan, already emphasizing the courage and reliability of a man with their sound alone.

Recently, old popular boy names have become fashionable. Among the kids, boys with the name Stepan, Mark, Luka, Savely, Nikita and Arseniy are increasingly appearing, who are an expression of the individuality and originality of the child. Astrologers believe that next year there will be even more children with such names. Popular boy names will be replenished with such original old names as Tikhon and Klimenty.

It is pleasant to note the return of our compatriots to their roots. There has been a steady trend to give children Old Slavic names. Next year is likely to be popular names Yaroslav, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav.

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