Mel Gibson Sayings. All can kings...


The topic of anti-Semitism does not lose its relevance - the multicultural era of the fight against complexes unexpectedly faced a new round of a dangerous social disease. At the same time, the position of the official parties is such that any manifestation of anti-Semitism is pursued harshly and uncompromisingly - especially if we are talking about famous people who can become thought leaders for millions of fans of their talent. To what extent such measures are justified in the fight against the source of catalyzing the most complex ideological conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries is still an open question. Let's try to understand with an example famous people where it ends common sense and a politically correct attitude to a delicate issue, and where mass hysteria begins, bordering on a phobia.

John Galliano

News that the British fashion designer John Galliano removed from office creative director fashion house Dior after his antisemitic remarks in a Parisian cafe was made public, was a shock not only for the fashion world. And the point is not at all that Galliano for the modern world fashion is almost the same iconic figure as Coco Chanel for the beginning of the twentieth century and the entire subsequent vector of development of world fashion. The symbolism of what happened is in a clear demonstration that even celestials and stars of this level are forbidden to touch on a topic that can provoke a wave of anti-Semitic sentiments: the world paid too dearly for the previous attack on the Jews.

Everyone remembers how John's bosom friend is the main supermodel of our time. Kate Moss- reborn like a phoenix from the ashes, after scandalous story with cocaine and even in some unthinkable way turned the scandal to her advantage: with the repentant rebel, fashion brands entered into contracts with even greater enthusiasm. The world community is ready to forgive everything for beauty, talent and charisma: drug addiction, illegitimate children, drunk driving, beating maids and even suspicions of pedophilia. But antisemitism modern world victorious democracy does not forgive anyone and never.

The epithets that accompanied the activities of the legendary avant-garde artist Galliano throughout his creative biography even from the lips of the most authoritative critics, sounded nothing more than "legendary" and "great". The designer who inspired the classic Dior his trademark scandalous spirit, but at the same time surprisingly careful with each sketch Christian Dior, has been faithful to his favorite brand for many years. In the fashion world they only said that John Galliano it is necessary to clone - there is no such second and never will be. Previously, the news about two drunk bottles of wine and the designer’s brawl would have delighted fans, but today it’s not very common to regret what happened on blogs - Galliano not only blamed the Jews for all the troubles of mankind, but also confessed his sympathy for Adolf Hitler.

At first, no one could believe that the chief designer of our time would lose his post, all the regalia, miss the season (the scandal erupted just before Paris Fashion Week), and even go to jail! Fans, colleagues, entourage and all the fashionable army remained silent. Silent and official representatives Dior- politically correct, but restrained condemnation as the first reaction to what is happening - does not count, because only after a real flurry of accusations and a resonance of unprecedented strength, the representatives of the brand decided not to take risks and prudently disowned the one whose rebellious antics and crazy adventures had previously found tenderness. The scandal grew like a snowball, over time not only not subsiding, but also gaining momentum: its peak was the published recording of Galliano's drunken tantrums, which documented the validity of the accusations of an elderly Jewish couple. When it became clear that it would not be possible to get out under any sauce, official representatives Dior publicly abandoned the one who has been paid record fees since 1996. Even the most faithful and devoted admirers from among those who ran to kiss the hands of the great maestro began to give comments to the media, thus receiving decent PR and well-deserved approval. Further "Atu!" was heard literally from everywhere - except Roberto Cavalli,Domenico Dolce And Stefano Gabbana, who, spreading their hands, timidly agitated "to understand and forgive." The fashion community, led by the great Karl and the ubiquitous Natalie Portman declared any manifestation of sympathy for the disgraced designer a political manifesto. Further - more: the board of directors fired John from his own company John Galliano founded by him in 1991.

Among those who dared to openly support the disgraced genius, there were only his bosom friend Kate Moss, who herself went through the throes of public condemnation, and her fiancé, a rocker Jamie Hince. There were no more people willing to stand up for the greatest designer of the era.

Lars von Trier

Another scandal on the basis of anti-Semitism flared up the other day on Cannes Film Festival. One of the most refined directors of the Old World, a master of arthouse intonations Lars von Trier, like Galliano in the world of fashion, was considered the first number of European cinema. One of the most titled film intellectuals, a well-known lover of provocation, joked unsuccessfully, confessing his sympathy for Hitler right at the press conference of your film "Melancholy". The essence of what he said is this: when asked why he relies on “Nazi art” (most likely, he meant that Wagner sounds in the film presented at Cannes), von Trier replied that, being a Nazi, he understands Hitler, and his next film might be titled The Final Solution("The final decision ( Jewish question)»).

Of course, unlike Galliano, von Trier did not at all mean what he was subsequently accused of, but even a hint of sympathy for Hitler cost the great director his career. He even tried to apologize in hot pursuit, but this did not help the cause - the public reaction played out according to a familiar scenario: first, a waiting condemnation of the administrative board of the festival, then sharp criticism, a scandal and the announcement of the director persona non grata in Cannes. This decision is significant, if only because the previously most closed and prestigious film festival in the world loved von Trier selflessly - if he was not on the jury, then he was the favorite of the competition. It seemed that he was on a special account: even presenting radical cinema "Antichrist", for which another director risked being booed and accused of vulgarity, von Trier was known as a conceptualist. It turned out that even masterpieces "Dancing in the Dark","Dogville" And "Breaking the Waves" did not become extenuating circumstances in the case of the main mistake of hitherto indisputable authority creative intelligentsia Europe.

It is significant that 64th Cannes Film Festival, which differed from the previous ones with a really strong program and could be remembered for its content, and not for social events and an unprecedented parade of stars on the red carpet, will go down in history as a triumph of political correctness, which put an end to the work of the director, who masterfully passed any censorship until that moment.

Mel Gibson

"Antisemitism" and "Mel Gibson" are synonymous concepts in the minds of every second inhabitant of the planet. The scale of this scandal never ceases to amaze the imagination, and the story of its fall is indicative and textbook - in comparison with it, public ordeals Britney Spears And Lindsey Lohan put together look like a debriefing on children's matinee.

To understand who was Mel Gibson for world cinema before the scandal of 2006, you need to know that, first of all, he regularly topped the ratings of authoritative media as the sexiest, highest paid and most influential representative of the world show business, which, in fact, is almost the same thing. Each of the films in which Gibson participated as an actor grossed over $ 100 million at the box office, and his production flair is a completely unique case: in 1996 he received "Oscar" as producer and director "Brave Heart" and in 2004 announced his desire to film Holy Bible. The scandalous interpretation of Gibson was even then seen as a particularly suspicious manifestation of anti-Semitism, but the original plot of the epoch-making picture from the most influential filmmaker in the world (the total income from films with his participation exceeded $ 2 billion, and the state of Mel himself - almost $ 1 billion) seemed, in spite of everything, artistically justified and ideologically acceptable. Swinging at the sacred, Gibson risked not only the budget, but also his reputation, but he did not lose - "Passion of the Christ", despite controversial criticism, collected the box office and provided the creator with a reputation as an invulnerable superstar. It seemed that he could take on any material and emerge victorious. In addition, his happy 26-year marriage to Robin Moore considered in Hollywood a stronghold of morality.

However, one summer evening in 2006 crossed out everything - stopped by a policeman for speeding in a state alcohol intoxication Gibson literally said the following: “Fucking Jews! It is they who are to blame for all the wars of the world!” The instant reaction of Hollywood was merciless: Mel's candidacy for participation in all landmark projects was rejected, he was not accepted in decent houses. Representatives of the film industry announced a boycott to him. It was considered bad manners to advertise your friendship with Gibson - except Jodie Foster, and no one dared to take this step. Further more. It turned out that not everything is so smooth in the Gibson family: scandalous divorce, record-breaking compensation (the far-sighted producer with a billion-dollar fortune did not provide for marriage contract?), ups and downs complex relationships with a little-known Russian singer Oksana Grigorieva, accusing Mel of assault, savored the whole of Hollywood. Courts, hard drinking and depression accompanied the disgraced actor and director everywhere. He was in no hurry to justify himself - not a single magazine and talk show received the exclusive right to star repentance. 2011 - anniversary year desperate persecution, which rather tired even the most active guardians of morality. The intrigue of the upcoming film season: what will win - Gibson's talent as an actor-director-screenwriter, able to collect a record box office, or public morality? It's coming out for hire New film "How I spent summer", and the fate of this project directly depends on whether they want to forgive Mel Gibson sins five years ago.

Today, pitying any anti-Semite is a sign of bad taste and backwardness. Even in our country, which is far from European standards and classical democracy, it is possible to justify a domestic singer for beating a woman on the pages of an authoritative glossy magazine, but not express your disapproval of Galliano's act - a real fakap in the eyes of the community. However, the sphere of public sentiment that is not moderated by the official media - the Internet - is increasingly reacting to this trend with sharp criticism, the essence of which is that such pressure does not mask the problem, but only provokes it.

Since any ideological conflict is inherently insoluble, all attempts by Israel's main ally, the President Obama finding at least some constructive solution to the conflict causes a lot of controversy. To date, the main task public figures- choose the right tone for public discussions about this theme. In the era of globalization, when everyone has own opinion about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the prejudice of humanity towards the Jews must be leveled as delicately as possible. Another question is whether the public flogging of yesterday's minions of fate will help solve this problem and whether it will give unexpected results. And how much sincerity and a conscious position is in this public condemnation, and how much is banal human joy and speculation on the stories of the fall of yesterday's idols?

Help FashionTime: famous cases anti-Semitism

- In 2005, already experiencing Hard times Michael Jackson almost paid for not even public speaking, but for the careless message that he dictated to the answering machine. Calling the Jews "leeches", Jackson in Once again ran into a "well-wisher" who handed over the film to journalists. The American Anti-Semitism Association has demanded a public apology from the King of Pop following a televised voice message.

Another scandal is associated with the famous online auction eBay, who was accused of anti-Semitism because of the system " yellow stars" on french version resource - one of the users felt that their image could cause many extremely negative associations with the occupation of France by the Nazis.

Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki said at a press conference as part of Cannes Film Festival 2011 that doesn't want his new movie Le Havre shown in Israel. Colleagues expressed their regret in advance about the further creative destiny director.


January 3rd famous American and Australian actor Mel Gibson celebrates his 60th birthday. For my creative life he managed act in 48 films and become a producer of 17 tapes. Gibson became an actor by accident- his sister forced him to go to the audition. He had a fight the day before, and the producers were just looking for a guy who would be photogenic even with marks of beatings on his face. Mine rebellious character Mel retained for life, which once again confirms the statements of the actor. We bring to your attention some of them.

After the first Oscar best movie « brave heart' Mel said:

“It's a nice feeling. But I probably won't kill myself to get another one."

At the same ceremony, Mel received a second Oscar for best director the same movie.

"Sometimes I feel like The greatest faculty of the human mind is the capacity to forget."

Gibson's leading role in "Mad Max"

“Acting is a lie. The art of lying is. I get paid to tell elaborate lies."

Shot from the film "Braveheart"

“A wise man is one who understands that every day is a new beginning. because, hey, how many mistakes a day do you make? I don't know about you, but I do a lot. You can't turn back time, so you have to look to the future."

Gibson in Hamlet

"That, what you have done, you have already done, and you have to admit it. Otherwise you will look like a man who tries to shove toothpaste back to the tube."

Actor in the movie "The Bounty"

"Dreams always look pathetic on paper."

Shot from the movie "Beaver"

“Hollywood is a factory. You should understand that you work in a factory and that you are just part of the mechanism. If If you fail, you will find a replacement."

Gibson in The Patriot

"Any change comes with pain. If you don't feel pain, then nothing has changed."

"Evil finds its way to each of us, but there is one thing in common: first of all, evil convinces you that it does not exist.

« You can't be a little religious. If you truly follow Christ, then you will have to follow Him to Calvary. Everything is based on this. This is the narrow road. The seed must die to bear fruit. And people forget about it. And I forgot. Evil is alluring, attractive. The devil looks kind, almost normal. But not really. That is the essence of evil - to take something good and pervert it. And when you understand this, when you see what goes between good and evil bloody war you can no longer stand by and wash your hands," Mel Gibson on his film The Passion of the Christ.

Friday morning, being at several drunk, one of the "kings" of Hollywood Mel Gibson was driving his brand new Lexus home after the party. Unexpectedly, this pleasant trip was interrupted by deputy sheriff James Mee, who stopped the car and, seeing a Hollywood star in it, did not ask for an autograph, but tried to arrest Gibson for drunk driving. The actor began to express his indignation and said a few phrases that could be the most serious mistake in his life.

Detention protocol

As it turned out later, James Mee stopped the star for double speeding. Gibson got out of his Lexus (apparently so that the law enforcement officer could see who he was dealing with) and told the policeman to get the hell out of there. To which James Mee, keeping a statutory expression on his face (the whole episode was filmed on a police camera), replied to the actor that, according to the instructions, he would have to handcuff the violator, but he would not do this if he did not resist and proceed to the police station car. Feeling that the matter was taking a bad turn, Gibson decided to take cover in his car, but was captured halfway, still handcuffed and put in a police car.

After that cornered Hollywood star began to rush around the cabin, shouting all the forms of the uncomplicated American curse with the letter "F" known to her.

Seeing that this did not impress the law enforcement officer, Gibson tried to scare Mi, saying that he was the "master" of Malibu and that the fate of his offender was in his hands if he was not in the know.

When this did not work, the actor decided to use the strongest remedy available to a US citizen. He looked closely at the bailiff's face, identified it unmistakably. nationality and declared that "Jews are responsible for all wars on Earth!". Subsequently, it turned out that the tool was too strong.

Already at the station, Gibson committed many other violations, in particular, he called an obscene word a policewoman, almost broke the phone and even tried to urinate on the floor of the police department. 1.2 ppm of alcohol was found in his blood, while the limit for driving a car in the state of California is 0.8 ppm. But all this would have gotten away with him if not for the ill-fated phrase in the car.

All can kings...

According to the media, even when Deputy Mee was showing his colleagues the detention protocol, his superiors urged him to be conscious and omit Gibson's phrase about the Jews in connection with the ambiguous situation in Israel. In the end, we decided to write two protocols - for the media and for internal use.

If he REALLY said such things about the Jewish people, then he is the most self-centered, dumb-headed and narrow-minded person on earth. When did God preach hatred?
Signature: Gibson is an idiot

As a result, on Saturday, July 29, journalists obediently published the news that famous actor and director Mel Gibson was, scolded the policeman and generally showed himself to be a goof beyond his years. Fans of the fifty-year-old Gibson were glad that he could still show what bohemia is capable of. And those American taxpayers who do not like him very much were also glad, but already at the fact that the police protect them from drunk drivers, despite star status the latter.

And the author of The Passion of the Christ himself sobered up shortly after his arrest, left the police station, paid a $5,000 bail, and realized that he could have had much bigger problems if not for the decision of the high police authorities. So Gibson blessed the secret police cabinets and, just in case, apologized for his violent behavior.

This would have been the end of it if not for the ability of the yellow press to dig up most of the documents relating to Hollywood stars even if the police put them in a secret closet.

Even on the day of Gibson's arrest, July 28, a complete and real record of the director's detention appeared on the American paparazzi website A couple of days later, the rest of the world caught on.

The Internet was filled with the dirtiest curses against the anti-Semite star. Of course, all the old grievances against the "Passion of the Christ" were immediately remembered. After all, this film immediately after the premiere caused great indignation in the Jewish community of the United States, which considered that the director was too denigrating the tormentors of Christ. But at that moment, Gibson spoke the language of art and was beyond the reach of insults that only fueled interest in the film. In addition, after the release of "The Passion of the Christ" on the screen, he is about the Holocaust according to the memoirs of a Jewish woman, in order to balance the view on this issue in his work.

It should be noted that the film about the Holocaust never saw the light of day, and the insulting words addressed to the Jews, spoken by the director in the language of the streets, gave Gibson's ill-wishers a complete carte blanche.

The rest of the American public, including Gibson's colleagues (who, however, can also be called his competitors), was offended no less than the Jews. The influential Hollywood impresario Ari Emanuel has called for the Dream Factory, even if it results in business losses. In Hollywood, they gladly began to gossip about whether the act of the star would hurt his future career.

Realizing that things were bad, the unfortunate Gibson publicly expressed his desire to meet with the leaders of the US Jewish community to apologize in person. It is not known whether American Jews will forgive Gibson, but the offended deputy sheriff Mee has already stated in an interview that he does not hold a grudge against the star. The only thing a cop would want is for the director to never drive drunk again. For his own safety!

It seems that Gibson already understood everything about his own safety. His spokesman announced that the star is entering a rehab clinic to get rid of alcohol addiction, which so inopportunely unties the tongue.

Ekaterina Chekushina

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