Jacek Yerka paintings with titles and descriptions. Polish artist Jacek Yerka, Yerka Jacek, paintings, biography


Jacek Yerka - famous Polish artist, illustrator, surrealist. Jacek Yerka is the pseudonym of the artist, whose name is Jacek Kowalski. Born in 1952 in the city of Torun, in northern Poland. Here he studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. After that, he became a professional illustrator. In 1994, the artist's personal book was published with his the best works. This book, which came out under the title Mind Fields, has interesting story. American writer science fiction writer Harlan Ellison was so impressed by the artist's paintings that he saw in this book that he wrote 13 short stories. In addition to illustrating books, Jacek Jerka regularly arranges exhibitions of his drawings and paintings. His works have already been exhibited and enjoyed great popularity in Germany, France, Monaco, the USA, etc.

Most of the artist's works belong to surrealism and fantasy. Connoisseurs of his art attribute such creativity to realistic fantasy. His paintings are always very carefully drawn and detailed. While studying at the university, teachers tried to wean him from drawing very detailed things, since modern abstract painting suggests smoother shapes and textures, but the artist did not succumb to this and retained his handwriting, which helped him stand out from the crowd of other creators. In the works of the artist, echoes are found not only modern styles and directions, techniques and manners, but also the features of artists of the past, such as Peter Brueghel, Hieronymus Bosch and etc.


Budget flight

Thunderstorm in the desert

Double life

winter wave


strawberry garden

Spring labyrinth

Jacek Yerka was born in 1952 in Torun, (a city in the north of Poland and, by the way, the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus). As a child, he was withdrawn and, instead of going to play in the yard, like all normal children, Jacek preferred to stay at home, in his little cozy world and draw paper with a pencil (as I understand him).

Yerka hereditary artist, his parents were graduates of the local branch of the Polish Academy of Fine Arts (if I understood the English wiki correctly). Naturally, since childhood, he had to coexist with toxic paints, brushes, paintings and talk about painting.

As a child, Jacek Yerka did not even think of becoming an artist, like his parents, but was going to do astronomy or medicine. However, just in case, he nevertheless decided to try to paint with paints, then he was hooked and has not let go until now.

Study of Jacek Jerka at the Copernicus University

Jacek Yerka enters the Faculty of Nicolaus Copernicus University visual arts, where for Jacek begins a long-term removal of the brain about the manner of his drawing.

Still, break the stubborn Polish artist still failed, but he still learned to draw. The artist's day was divided into two halves, in the first he hammered out academic studies (which, however, is also useful), and in the second he painted what he liked (which is even more useful).

Over time, the teachers came to terms with Jacek Jerka's drawing technique and stopped having brains for him. Soon artist Jacek Yerka received the coveted diploma and specialization in printed graphics.

Formation of Jacek Jerka as an artist

Screensaver on Daalder's website, under which a blunt inscription - the film is in production. Since 1990, yes. Well, say that either you don’t have a dough, or you scored.

Well, then the usual story begins, contracts with several salons, slowly selling paintings. In 1990, the works Polish artist Hollywood producer Rene Daalder became interested (and who he is, I hear for the first time, only pedivicia helped), who from pictures of Jacek Jerka I was wildly delighted and decided, with the help of an artist, to make a film based on the songs of the Beatles - Strawberry Fields (strawberry fields).

Paintings by Jacek Jerka, as well as possible approached the somewhat strange surreal lyrics. Jacek specially painted some of his paintings for this film, namely "Technoshore", "Interrupted Picnic" and "The Origin of Life". It was in 1990.

Daalder's official website states that the film appears to be still in the making. Apparently Strawberry Fields will be in production for the rest of the day. This is sad.

Paintings by Jacek Yerka, Yerka Jacek

Jacek Yerka as Artist is probably a follower Flemish masters. Yes, yes, think that I'm kind of cool, I understand painting, and not just spied on pediviki. Jacek Yerka himself claims that the greatest influence on his paintings was made by such artists as Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Jan van Eyck, Hugo van der Goes, ICSH - all Dutch. It is clear where such a passion for small details and careful writing comes from, just look at Bosch's canvases. However, this does not harm the paintings of Jacek Jerka, but rather, on the contrary, it has become a kind of feature.

It's for the beauty small parts as well as for mind-blowing subjects that combine the technique of the fifties, architecture, animals, nature and, suddenly, the comfort of home, many people love Jacek's paintings.

The materials that the artist uses in painting are mainly pastel, acrylic paints and hellish patience. Jacek Jerka's paintings are presented with titles, though in Polish or English, but almost everything is clear.

Paintings by Jacek Jerka with titles

Widzenie over Zatoka Genuenska, 1992
Zeppelin, 1992

Tryptyk Jamesa, 1996

Powrot do domu 1992
Przyjemnosci smoka, 1995
Message, Sen nocy letniej, 2003. It looks like the artist has a passion for blankets, cats and pillows:) Your dude! ;)
Populudnie lwa, The lion's afternoon, jacek yerka paintings. Hmm, it seems that it was not without the influence of Magritte with his lions under the table :)
Podwojne zycie, Double life, 1993.
Alarmsaurus! Just kidding :) Honestly, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s very similar to an alarm clockosaurus;) narodziny_zycia, one of Jacek Jerka's paintings for Daalder's film Strawberry Fields Na brzegu kosmosu, 1992

Jacek Kowalski ( creative pseudonym Jacek Yerka was born in Poland in 1952 into a family of artists. Ross surrounded by medieval architecture miraculously survived the bombings during the Second World War. The surroundings of the house and the grandmother's kitchen, where young Jacek spent a lot of time, had a huge impact on the artist's work.

“It seems to me that the 50s were a kind of golden age. This happy years of my childhood, filled with the magic of the surrounding world. In my work, this is reflected in buildings, furniture and various pre-war knick-knacks. If I needed to draw a computer, I would certainly apply the pre-war aesthetics to it too,” says Jacek Jerka

Studied graphics at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus (Torun) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, with a specialization in printmaking (graphic art: engraving or other print on paper from a printing plate (matrix)). But, according to the artist, he painted his first painting even before entering college.

The teachers, at first, tried to teach Jacek York to draw in a more modern, abstract, and less detailed manner, but the artist believed that the teachers would only suffocate him. own style. Soon the teachers abandoned their attempts to change his style, seeing the unusual talent of the student.

Since 1980 he has been working as an artist. American science fiction writer Harlan Ellison - Harlan Ellison was so impressed with the artist's work that he specially wrote 13 new short stories for Mind Fields. The book was published in 1994. Each story refers to one of the thirty paintings included in Mind Fields by this amazing Polish artist.

In 1995, Jacek Jerka won the prestigious World Fantasy Award as best artist. In 1999, another book by Jacek Yerka, The Fantastic Art of Jacek Yerka, was published with 21 works by the artist.

The works of Jacek Yerka belong to realistic surrealism and fantasy style and are reminiscent of the surrealists of the past (Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Brueghel, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte). The artist's works are exhibited not only in Poland, but also in Germany, France, Monaco, the USA, and are also in a number of collections around the world.

Jacek tells about himself: “I was born in the city of Torun (a city in Northern Poland) in 1952. My parents were students of the local Academy of Fine Arts. Thus, I came into the world with a special heritage - an artist twice ... My earliest memories are the smell of paints, ink, paper, rubber and brushes.

Most important person in my childhood there was a grandmother, my father's mother - Wanda. I spent my best childhood moments with my grandmother, playing in her house, walking with her in the forest. She was an angel of the heart and never raised her voice...

I was a closed child, it was very difficult to get along with children of my age. I hated to play outdoors. Own free time I used to draw, sitting with a pencil and paper, immersed in my own, different reality. My fingers were always cut with a sharp little knife, which I carried around with me all the time to sharpen my pencils. It was my escape from reality - drawings, hundreds of drawings and small sculptures: boats, heads, figures, fantastic masks.

I survived a nightmare elementary school I am grateful to my teachers who allowed me to sculpt sculptures during the lessons. The teachers noticed that even though my hands were full, I was able to listen, take in the material and delve into the lectures.

I didn't want to be an artist like my parents. I thought about astronomy or medicine. A year before my final exam, I picked up paint for the first time and got into mysterious world colors! Before I was accepted into the Academy, I had already tried everything in practice. modern trends in painting from impressionism to abstractionism. I was fascinated by Cezanne, I painted a bunch of watercolors in the style of Paul Klee…and in my first year at the Academy, I realized that what fascinates and inspires me the most is the painting of the 15th century masters – Dutch painting.

At the Academy, I chose graphics as my specialization. While studying at the academy, my life was divided into two periods. During the day, it was the usual student work - tests, projects, lectures, and in the evening 2 hours - compulsory painting classes. Their paintings I only showed my family and friends.

Since 1980, I have already worked with several galleries in Warsaw, as well as doing commissioned work. I devoted myself almost exclusively to painting. In the middle of 1990, I received an offer from Hollywood. It turned my monotonous life upside down. Producer René Daalder offered to join the production of a science fiction film called Strawberry Fields.

I took part in the first stage of production, designing figures, monsters, cars and unrealistic landscapes. Some of my works like Creation of Life and Techno beach and Picnic were created while working on this project. Since 1996 I have been painting pastels.

In the works of Polish artist Jacek Yerka, a difficult balance has been found between "industrial" and "pastoral", between the real and the fictional. Perhaps that is why his paintings do not leave indifferent and affect the deep strings hidden in the heart, not only among fans science fiction but also for everyone who sees them.

An interesting quality of Jacek Jerka's paintings is how familiar, easily recognizable objects are transformed and integrated into a completely unusual environment, which, of course, is hallmark surrealism.

The most famous collection of works by the artist "Mind Fields" even prompted the American science fiction writer Harlan Ellison to create several stories. Other paintings by Yerka are less well-known, but no less stunning.

Speaking about the creation of his paintings, the author notes that this is a very difficult process. “I get an idea in my head, and with the help of my left hand and soft pencil I make some sketches in a notebook. If the idea is worth developing, then I transfer the drawing to paper. good quality 14 x 11.5 cm, I color it with colored pencils and add some more details. This project is submitted to the Family Jury (wife and 4 daughters) and is most often rejected, accompanied by offensive comments. At the next stage, the drawing “ripens”, lying somewhere under a pile of old papers, and after a few weeks it is again shown to the family. If this time the verdict remains negative, the drawing remains in my archives. But more often than not, one of my girls shows mercy to my work and calls it promising, after which I paint a complete picture.”

In 1995, Jacek Jerka received the World Fantasy Award (World Fantasy Award) as the best artist. His works are exhibited both in his native Poland and in Germany, France, the USA and other countries around the world. The artist's paintings can also be seen on his personal website.

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