Female images in the novel "Fathers and Sons": semantic and artistic significance. Composition “Characteristics of the image of Katya


Maria Loseva, philologist, writer, psychologist MAAP
(Siblings is a term denoting descendants of the same parents. Siblings.)
There are two of them. Eternal enemies and allies, ready to push away and immediately support. Two closely related entities, two people with common parents, common childhood, common space, common memories. Love and hate: similarity due to kinship, and rejection due to it.
All parental ambitions fall on the elder, and he is more at risk of becoming the carrier of a “family symptom”. Often he joins his parents in the custody of the younger, and sometimes expands his rescue capabilities to the point that he is engaged in saving everyone, takes on the problems of the family. This allows you to safely attach your aggressive energy directed at the younger occupier. At the same time, the younger ones have a more prosperous environment for growing up, but less opportunities for development. Perhaps that is why in Russian literature older sisters predominate as heroines, the younger sisters appear as their shadows, companions.

Sisters Lokteva: Anna (Odintsova) and Katya (I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons")

Odintsova - the name of Anna by her husband, real name sisters - Elbows. One phrase speaks of the life of their father - “a handsome man, a swindler and a player who, after holding out and making noise for fifteen years in St. a tiny fortune to her two daughters." In addition to the state, the father left the sisters and notoriety - Anna had to deal with poverty and rejection of her neighbors. Marriage seemed to her the only way out of these life hardships. Left an orphan with her sister in her arms, she married a much older man who, after his death, left her a considerable fortune, which compensated for her disgust for her husband.

The older sister in Turgenev's novel pays a harsh tribute to life; due to her practicality and selflessness, the youngest has a free path to a normal marriage. The peculiarities of Anna's imperious and cold character are explained by Turgenev by the fact that, in her marriage to Odintsov, she "received a secret disgust for all men, whom she imagined to be nothing more than untidy, heavy and lethargic, powerlessly annoying creatures." Let's add here the father, who left his daughters a bad moral legacy. Anna is forced by her very life to confront the masculine with which she managed to meet by her almost twenty-nine years. Her reaction is to give up her feelings in order to survive. That is why Bazarov's attempt fails: he is dealing with a woman whose primitive defenses - isolation and denial - are always guarding her peace. Horror before own feelings will not miraculously disappear under the influence of Bazarov's love. Moreover, with his total denial of everything that makes up the support of the culture in which Anna grew up, he is also to some extent a "swindler and player."

She suffers from her narcissism - she wants everything and at the same time nothing specific. Habitual insensitivity gives her the strength to endure the suffering that has befallen her. Frozen not only her feelings for men - for people in general: her "rich body", which Bazarov longs to send to the anatomical theater, intended by nature for childbearing, in complete subjugation in a spirit bound by the obligation to sacrifice. And it is hardly possible for a new man, Bazarov, to stir up this snow queen - with his fuse of a subverter, he is ridiculous and petty in front of the immensity of a woman doing her duty.

Anna Odintsova is responsible for her younger sister, controls her to the point of despotism, plays the role of a strict cold mother towards her: “Shoes were brought to you from the city, go try them on: yesterday I noticed that your old ones were completely worn out.In general, you are not quite doing this, but you still have such lovely legs! And your hands are good... only great; so you have to take it with your feet. But you are not my coquette.

The sisters were orphaned when Anna was already twenty, and Katya was only twelve years old. They have remained in the relationship of an adult and a child, nothing sisterly slips between them. Accordingly, Katya is quiet and intimidated: “But Katya answered him in monosyllables: she hid, went into herself. When this happened to her, she did not go out soon; her very face then assumed a stubborn, almost stupid expression. She was not only timid, but distrustful and a little intimidated by her sister who raised her, which, of course, she did not suspect ”; "Katya always shrank under her sister's watchful eye."

At the end of the novel, it is reported that after a happy marriage, Katya Anna Sergeevna also married “not out of love, but out of conviction, to one of the future Russian leaders, a very smart person, a lawyer, with a strong practical sense, a strong will and a wonderful gift for words, - a man still young, kind and cold as ice. Turgenev suggests that they "live to love", and it may very well be: the key word for Anna is "lawyer" (certainly not "swindler and gambler").


The works of I.S. Turgenev - one of the most lyrical and poetic works in Russian literature. A special charm is given to them by female images. “Turgenev's woman” is some kind of special dimension, some kind of ideal that embodies beauty, both external and internal.

“Turgenev women” are inherent in both poetry and integrity of nature, and incredible strength spirit. I.S. Turgenev in relation to women reveals all the good or bad that is in his heroes.

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" Turgenev showed us three main female images: the image of Anna Sergeyevna Odintsova, the image of Katerina Sergeyevna Lokteva, the image of Fenechka and the image of Kukshina.

Women's images Anna Sergeevna Odintsova and Katerina Sergeevna Lokteva in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

turgenev novel female image

Turgenev describes Anna Sergeevna and Katerina Sergeevna as completely opposite. Anna Sergeevna is coquettish, very experienced in relations with men, talkative. And Katerina Sergeevna is timid, silent, "constantly blushes and quickly takes a breath." She loves to read, think about life, about books, about people more than dancing at balls and flirting with men.

Even in appearance the author shows their opposite, dissimilarity to each other. Anna Sergeevna is very beautiful, slim, she has a decent posture. Her bare arms lay beautifully along her slender waist; light branches of fuchsia fell beautifully from her shiny hair onto sloping shoulders; calmly and intelligently, precisely calmly, and not thoughtfully, bright eyes looked from under a slightly hanging white forehead, and her lips smiled with a barely noticeable smile. Some gentle and soft power emanated from her face. It cannot be said that Katya was a beauty, but "she smiled a lot, shyly and frankly, and looked somehow funny-sternly, from the bottom up. Everything in her was still young-green: both her voice and the fluff on her whole face, and pink hands with whitish circles on the palms, and slightly compressed shoulders ... "

Anna Sergeevna did not love anyone. And although Bazarov liked her for his dissimilarity to others, she could not surrender to the power of her feelings. She knew perfectly well that Bazarov had fallen in love with her contrary to her convictions, she saw how he was avoiding her, she understood that a declaration of love was inevitable, and she waited for him, pleased with herself. And for Bazarov, probably, there was not love, but only passion and luxurious body Anna Sergeevna. Although Arkady was at first in love with Anna Sergeevna, rather, not even with her, but with her beauty, he chose Katya. Most likely this happened because Katerina is closer to nature, natural, kind, gentle, simple. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with her. And Anna Sergeevna behaves proudly, even arrogantly and makes everyone who communicates with her feel not very comfortable.

Each stroke in the portrait of Odintsova indicates that this is a lady from high society. Anna Sergeevna Odintsova struck me with the dignity of her posture, smooth movements, intelligent and calmly looking eyes. From her face emanated soft and gentle strength. Not only were her movements and gaze calm. Life on her estate was distinguished by luxury, calmness, coldness, lack of interesting people. Regularity and constancy are the main features of the way of life in Odintsova's estate.

When Bazarov and Arkady arrived at her estate, they saw how measured and monotonous her whole life was. Everything here turned out to be “put on rails”. Comfort and serenity were the basis of Odintsova's existence. She had endured enough in life (“grated kalach”) and now, as if, she only wanted to rest from her past. More than once, in a conversation with Bazarov, she called herself old. This young woman has the soul of an old woman. Otherwise, how can one explain her desire to drown out the love that has arisen in herself with all her might, only so that she does not interfere with a measured way of life.

The author writes about her: "" Her mind was inquisitive and indifferent at the same time. Her doubts never subsided to forgetfulness and never grew to anxiety. If she weren’t independent, she might have rushed into battle, she would have known passion ... "" Odintsova herself knows this property of her nature well, she says to Bazarov: "" I love what you call comfort ""

But at the same time, Anna Sergeevna is capable of noble deeds, sympathy, high sadness. She comes to say goodbye to the dying Yevgeny, although he only asked his father to inform him that he fell ill and was dying.

At the end of the novel, we learn that Anna Odintsova married “not out of love, but out of conviction, one of the future Russian figures ...” The coldness of her mind is combined, unfortunately, with some coldness of her soul.

At Odintsova a strong character, and she even suppressed her younger sister Katya in some way.

Katya is a nice girl, and although at first she is perceived as a pale shadow of Odintsova, she still has character too. Dark brunette with large features and small pensive eyes. As a child, she was very bad-looking, by the age of 16 she began to recover and became interesting. Meek, quiet, poetic and bashful. Milo blushes and sighs, is afraid to speak, notices everything around. Musician. He loves flowers and makes bouquets of them. Her room is amazingly organized. Patient, undemanding, but at the same time stubborn. Gradually, her individuality is revealed, and it becomes clear that in alliance with Arkady, she will be the main one.

The image of Odintsova is interesting just for its ambiguity. She cannot be called either a positive or a negative heroine without sinning against the truth. Anna Sergeevna - alive and bright person, with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Turgenev does not allow irony anywhere in relation to Odintsova. He considers her enough smart woman(“A woman with a brain,” according to Bazarov), but he is unlikely to be greatly fascinated by her.

Kate - younger sister Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Initially, she seems just a sweet, shy young lady. But gradually independence and spiritual strength are revealed in her. Katya internally frees herself from the despotic power of her older sister and helps Arkady Kirsanov to overthrow the despotic power over him of his "teacher" Bazarov. It is thanks to her that both of them become themselves and experience feelings that can make them happy. Katya vividly embodies the truth and beauty of the ordinary in Turgenev's novel.

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Katya Lokteva is Anna's young younger sister. The girl is romantic and calm. Quiet prude eighteen years old, loving nature, Heine and intimate conversations.

Katerina is described as a girl with an unfeigned mind and straightforwardness. Not a beauty, but an insanely charming person, Particular attention is paid to her cute image: a serious look, thoughtfulness, large and beautiful hands Pink colour with white palms.

Initially, Katerina appears before the reader as a defenseless child - a girl bowing to the tyranny of her older sister, Anna Odintsova

Characteristics of the heroine

When reading the novel, at the very beginning of acquaintance with Katyusha, one gets the impression that Katya has practically no will and no right to vote. But by the middle of the work, it becomes clear that she differs from her sister, perhaps in restraint, perhaps in feminine prudence. Katya (according to Arkady) is too resistant to any stressful situations, or rather, restrained in her emotions in public. She will never admit to the feelings that have flared up in her first. And, if a situation appears that can unbalance Katerina, she hides, withdraws into herself and “departs” for a long time, “digests” what happened.

Anna Katenka was more intimidated than conquered, and this was expressed in Katya's final confrontation. Despite the family connection, our young lady bore her mother's surname, she did not give out her thoughts with ardor and did not trust any of the people.

Even her declaration of love for Arkady sounded so that the young man himself in love did not immediately understand her sincerity. Before answering, Katya persistently weighed her decision, was silent and, as always, looked up and down with dark, serious eyes. Like a scowling child, whose immature mind is full of serious thoughts for him. It always looked both cute and incomprehensible, and more mysterious to others. However, Arkady noticed in her the very strong-willed core, the desire for independence from her sister and from the opinion strangers and unbroken character, personality.

The image in the work

Ekaterina Lokteva was able to overcome her inner barrier, free herself from the harsh supervision and dictatorship of her sister and helped Arkady, her lover, to prove himself as a person, not be afraid to show resilience and not be “under the heel”, while, as many believe, he himself , leaving Anna's influence, falls into the strong hands of Katya, "took it into her hands" with quiet behavior, a sweet smile and sincere feelings young unsophisticated heart yearning for freedom.

If a person really wants something, no other person can stop him in actions and thoughts. If a person only talks about his troubles, but is inactive, he is too weak in the face of any difficulties and is not ready to change his life in reality. Katerina showed by her example true will to life and victory over the suppression of one's own will.

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