Blessed John of Bereslavsky Church of the Mother of God. Blessed John


Blessed John Bogomil (Bereslavsky Veniamin Yakovlevich, 09/25/1946). Higher education, Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez (1970). Knows eight foreign languages.

Father, Yakov Mikhailovich Bereslavsky (1907-1974), mining engineer, transport construction geologist. During the time of Yezhov, he was repressed at the denunciation of a neighbor who wanted to get additional living space. He spent three months in Butyrka prison, went through torture. Miraculously, he was released during the Beria amnesty. Member of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel of the Signal Corps. IN postwar period received the title of ‘Honored Geologist of the RSFSR’. He taught at the Mining Institute. Co-author of a textbook on the construction of roads, which is still recommended for automotive universities and faculties.

Mother, Tatyana Veniaminovna Bereslavskaya (1910-2015), an accountant by education. She survived hunger, devastation, repressions, times of persecution of faith. I saw my duty in serving others, increasing love, kindness. She had the courage to go through a conversion from an atheistic consciousness to an archetypal, Mother of God: from an earthly mother she was transformed into a bright, spirit-bearing old woman, becoming the spiritual daughter of her son. IN last years lived in a monastery near Moscow. Everyone who was near her forever imprinted mother's love and caring, an incredible desire to be useful despite age and infirmity.

Elder brother, Leonid Yakovlevich Bereslavsky (1940-2016), professor, Ph.D., full member of the Academy of Invention, member of the International Academy of Authors of Discoveries and Inventions, author of a number of books on the development of intellectual abilities in preschool children.

The Anointed One and His MISSION

Many people, having met Father John personally or judging him by his work, often perceive him as a brilliant, all-round gifted person. Others - as a talented spiritual leader, writer, poet, musician, philosopher ... Such a perception of the individual does not reflect the fullness of the greatness of Fr. John, the scale of his activities and mission on earth.

It can be fully described in one word - the anointed of the XXI century. A person descended from above, the most unique, of a universal scale, led by the Queen of Heaven herself. Such a soul is sent into the world once in a millennium.

Father John's mission is connected with the salvation of the world at the end of the 84th soulless, consumer-technocratic civilization. He is the herald of divine civilization, new era going to replace the previous one. Because of it, extremely polar judgments. On the one hand, delight, admiration, acceptance and gratitude. On the other - shock, stupor, boycott and monstrous slander.

Something similar happened in those days when the 12-year-old Christ appeared before the elders of the Sanhedrin. He literally shocked them with the breadth and depth of his knowledge, inaccessible to earthly sages. However, even a clear sign of the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of the Wisdom of God did not convince the Pharisees that the boy was the Anointed One expected by the people.

Childhood, youth

Childhood and youth are common for post-war Moscow. Communal apartment. Schooling. School of Music them. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Passion for books, poetry, philosophy. Tried to write. He received the approval of the editor-in-chief of one of the central journals, but refused to publish his works. I felt that having gained fame, I might lose something more significant. He continued to write ‘to the table’.

Baptism. Maria Orlovskaya

Having survived a spiritual crisis, he converted to Christianity. He was baptized in the Orthodox Church of Ilyinskaya Sloboda in Mozhaisk. The godmother was the spirit-bearing old woman m. Maria Orlovskaya (1922-2006), a schema-nun in the world and a student of the great elder Amphilochius of Pochaevsky (in schema Joseph, 1894-1971). Interlocutor of the Mother of God. Healer. Vedenka: followed where the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit would lead. Mystery with the seals of the true Orthodox saints of the Mother of God, which left a great mark on Russia. Under the conditions of a communist atheistic regime, she converted those whom the Queen of Heaven herself pointed to.

Spiritual mentor m. Euphrosyne Pochaevskaya

The path in Orthodoxy began with the guidance of a secret nun, Mother Mary Orlovskaya. Benjamin quickly became disillusioned with the Pharisaic church clergy, the reigning lack of spirituality and Josephiteism. He wished to find the desired spiritual gifts from the elder mentor. He wandered a lot, until he met the great white old woman mother Euphrosyne of Pochaevskaya (1917-1993). She was, like m. Maria Orlovskaya, a student of Amphilochius Pochaevsky. Later glorified by God with her myrrh-streaming relics, M. Euphrosyne, according to her, was one of the four who acquired the gifts of the Spirit. But she was the only one of all who taught and instructed about the secrets and keys of spiritual acquisition.

For the first time, Benjamin met Mother Euphrosyne on the porch of the Assumption Cathedral in Pochaev on the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in August 1980, the Wanderer fieryly preached the gospel of the deed of the crucified Christ. Those present wept bitterly. Never before had I heard such a poignant sermon. A sign was given to him: the hand of God descended over the head of the old woman and a voice said inwardly: ‘Behold my beloved daughter. My favor is with her!’

It turned out, he was looking for his father, but he found his mother. He threw himself at her feet and asked for an apprenticeship. Subsequently, Mother Euphrosyne said that she had accepted Benjamin as a student, since she had been given the sign of his chosenness from above.

In a short time, he accepted the Paracletic seals from the old woman. I was kindled with a thirst for spiritual service and helping people. In one breath, he wrote a whole series of 12 books about senile asceticism and the practice of spiritual acquisition under the general title ‘The Fire of Repentance’.

The main thing that the young ascetic learned from the old woman and managed to convey in books is that true Orthodoxy is not in ritual and dogma, not in tradition and tradition, but in deep fruitful repentance that can change the whole being of a person, his life in the present and future.

Appearance of the Mother of God. Election as a prophet

In November 1984, at the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Smolensk, the Mother of God appeared to Benjamin at the Hodegetria icon. She said that she chooses the messenger of the Word about the end times and the salvation of mankind. The source of the living Word, opened in the Smolensk church, has not dried up ever since. Revelation keeps coming!

The appearance of the Queen herself to Father John is unique, but not isolated. The Smolensk Mother of God is a living icon. For example, Prince Efim Vasilyevich Meshchersky (XVIII century) deserved the cover and signs of attention from Our Lady of Smolensk. Many people, including the world famous Opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, received signs from the Mother of God of Smolensk.

Since his election, Father John has published 80 books of the Word of the Mother of God, the Heavenly Father, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Seraphim the Tender, Mother Euphrosyne of Pochaev and many other saints, deities and pantheons known and unknown to the world…

It seemed that the unique revelations of the Empress herself should have been received with gratitude by the church, as help and guidance from above. But in response, the boycott of the Mother of God and slander against the prophet.

M. Euphrosyne, having become acquainted with the first revelations of the Queen of Heaven, accepted them with all her heart. She said that the Mother of God revealed the same thing to her. The fiery old woman became the first spreader of the Word. She said about herself: ‘I am from the Mother of God Center’.

M. Maria Orlovskaya, who visited the prophet in his Moscow apartment on Butyrskaya Street, carefully read the first book of the Word of the Queen of Heaven, blessed and also confirmed: “And the Mother of God told me this.”

The prophetic gift of Father John is also confirmed by other clergy who deserve undoubted trust.

Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov (1919-2017), confessor of the last patriarchs, after reading the ‘Angelic Veil’ (revelations of the Mother of God 1985-87), Father John said that only a true prophet could write such a book. ‘The church he leads is true. This is the new White Church. Now she is persecuted, but kept from above. She is the future.'

The 92-year-old hermit Seraphim from near Odessa, a seer revered by believers, having familiarized himself with the scrolls of the Word of the Mother of God to Father John, told his children: ‘This is a true revelation of a true prophet.

Nikolai (Guryanov) Zalitsky (1909-2002) is one of the last spirit-bearing elders of Orthodoxy. According to the testimony of spiritual children, he recommended that they listen to the revelations of the Mother of God and the prophet John as true. After his death, the elder advised some of his spiritual disciples to move to the Church of the Mother of God of St. John.

Master Seo Kyung Bo (1914-1996), spiritual leader and a Zen teacher from South Korea, a professor of Eastern theology. At a meeting with Father John in 1994, he said: ‘You were sent from above to breathe new life to Christianity and build bridges of dialogue between Christians and Buddhists around the world.

The spiritual leader and seer of the Sufi Nakjbandi order, Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani (1922-2014), at a meeting with Father John in Northern Cyprus (January 2005), said: ‘It’s clear to me that you are a prophet like the Baptist. Your mission is to prepare for the Second Coming.’

Blessed Bhai Manjit Singh, the spiritual leader of Sikhism, spoke on the phone: ‘I have been waiting for your call for 6 years. What is happening to me? I experience the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as if God were speaking to me. You present what our Sikh mystics have taught. Saints understand each other without words!’

Ordination as a priest in the TOC

Ordination was required to perform church sacraments. I longed to become a priest filled with the Holy Spirit. I knew: for ordination in the Russian Orthodox Church, it is required to give a receipt to the KGB commissioner for religious affairs with consent to divulge the secret of confession. Benjamin despised squealing, and rejected the Josephite-Sergian spirit of the church institute, mired in a symphony with a red beast. If he had compromised and agreed, he would have lost the acquired gifts of the Spirit.

Elder Euphrosyne blessed the disciple to be ordained in the True Orthodox (Catacomb) Church, which operates underground. In 1985, the sacrament of initiation was performed by Schematropolitan Gennady Sekach (1898-1987), whom Patriarch Pimen himself recognized as the head of the Tikhon branch of Orthodoxy. Veniamin Bereslavsky was ordained a priest by two metropolitans of the TOC in the presence of Schematropolitan Gennady with the name John in honor of the Theologian.

Schematropolitan Gennady later said that because of the fear of provocation and persecution by the authorities, he initially wanted to refuse the petition of the Moscow wanderers who came to him, even though they had the necessary written recommendations. But when the guests left the secret skete, he ordered Bishop Theodosius (Gumennikov) to urgently return them, as he received a revelation from above. In the spirit, Bishop Seraphim Pozdeev appeared to him, from whom Gennady had previously accepted hierarchical care over the church. Seraphim of Solovetsky personally blessed the ordination! Gennady said to his children: ‘They are not like us. A new branch of Orthodoxy will grow from them.

Around the new priest of the TOC, the prophet of the Mother of God, a community of the faithful gathers in a short time. All of them eagerly catch the Word of the Queen of Heaven. Secretly spread revelations in handwritten scrolls, as at that time it threatened with a prison term.

By the beginning of the 1990s, a miraculously appeared green sprout of living faith turns into a whole tree - a new church, which is nurtured by the Mother of God herself. From Her and the name: first the Mother of God Center (public educational organization), then - the Church of the Mother of God of the Transfiguration.

Mother of God center and the first persecutions

The old, obsolete never gives up its positions voluntarily. In the fight against the new, he uses the most insidious and sophisticated tricks. The reason for the persecution and slander by the Pharisees on the ‘Mother of God Center’ was fear and fear of the truth. The reason for the start of the campaign was an ardent call for deep repentance and cleansing from the seals of the red dragon (Rev. ch.12). In June 1993 in St. Petersburg, with the blessing of Father John, the Church of the Mother of God held the first All-Russian Penitential Council.

Since the Pharisees had nothing to answer to the terrible truth for them, they acted as always, with vindictive cunning. Without any reason, they threw lies into the media and labeled the Mother of God Center as a ‘sect’. The calculation was to scare away ignorant souls from the prophet of the Mother of God.

However, the usual tools of the inquisitors failed for the first time. The slander against the Church of the Theotokos and the Anointed One had no effect. The seekers of genuine spirituality saw with their own eyes sincere philanthropy, a manifestation of genuine kindness, anti-totalitarian, anti-dictatorial and anti-tyrannical views in the prophet. The number of followers only grew. Apostolic centers were opened in the cities of Russia and abroad.

Consecration as a bishop

The spiritual treasury of the John's ecclesia through the acceptance of the seals of the great elders and ordination from the elders in the TOC was enriched in 1990. The prophet of the Mother of God, Father John, who had already gained all-Russian fame, receives episcopal consecration from the head of the UAOC, John Bodnarchuk (1929-1994), the successor of the seals and the spirit of Orthodoxy of the Andrey branch First-Called and Solovetsky Elders. Metropolitan John Bodnarchuk, having arrived in Moscow, personally signs the letters of consecration.

The Metropolitan himself later shared with his inner circle that on the eve of the consecration he was tormented by thoughts about the correctness of his decision. Therefore, he ordered his cell-attendant to pray in order to receive a sign from above[heavenly sign]. He said: ‘My seer-bishop Danila prayed to the Mother of God and received confirmation from above’.

Chronicler of the Second Solovetsky Golgotha

During more than thirty years of ministry, Father John has written and published more than 650 books, which are distributed in mass editions in Russia and abroad. Many have been translated into foreign languages ​​and are in demand in foreign countries. At present, a 120-volume collection of deifications of Father John is being published (800–950 pages in each volume).

M. Euphrosyne, after her Assumption and the acquisition of myrrh-streaming relics, continues to patronize Fr. John and the ecclesia of the Mother of God. Father John's books with her revelations and biography have become a kind of bestsellers for believers. They are in particular demand among those who are looking to comprehend the practice of the spiritual path.

O. John - chronicler of the Second Solovetsky Golgotha. This term was also introduced into modern use by him. His greatest merit in the fact that he is the only one who could see the hidden secret of the Stalinist camps of the twentieth century. Neither Varlam Shalamov nor the other miraculously surviving prisoners of the Gulag could do this.

The Prophet of the Mother of God saw the total millionfold suffering and crucifixion of Christ. It is the Second Solovetsky that Russia will be redeemed and forgiven. Its future depends on the glorification of the feat of the Solovetsky fathers. The resurrection following the crucifixion is the coming civilization of God proclaimed by the prophet.

A unique series of ten books by Father John is dedicated to the Solovetsky Golgotha ​​and the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Brothers, headed by Seraphim, the Solovetsky Patriarch, the last Tsar of Russia Mikhail Romanov. The glorification of the unknown martyrs of Solovetsky by the anointed from the earth set in motion all the forces of heaven, multiplying their beneficial influence on world and universal processes many times over. The Solovetsky Cathedral became a great shield and an irresistible cover for the St. John's ecclesia.

The discovery by the anointed of the secrets of the Second Solovetskaya confused and violated the plans of the prince of this world. The wounded beast howled in annoyance and impotence. He poured out all his anger and poison on the prophet, who dared to tell the world the truth about Solovki.

It was the gospel of Solovki that caused the subsequent persecution of Father John and the Church of the Mother of God. The centuries-old methods of slander, lies, induced magic, denigration of the anointed one and his ekklesia were used. Regular custom-made TV shows, articles in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. They tried to gag the Prophet of the Queen of Heaven. An atmosphere of vacuum and boycott was artificially created around him. Everything was aimed at putting the anointed one in the most unsightly light. However, Fr. John stood up with honor in this spiritual battle and won. The ecclesia of Johann has withstood, strengthened and matured.

The scope of the anointed one

When trying to evaluate the intensity of the work of the anointed one, the question arises: is a person able to work with such dedication?

Such a volume of writing activity is hardly mastered by a genius. What to say about talented people? However, such a scale testifies to the divine-human process of the work of the anointed one. It is possible only in conditions of direct assistance from the forces of heaven, led by the Mother of God.

We must not forget that the head of the ecclesia and the anointed one, who is on the mission of saving the world, has dozens of other things to do and concerns. Many apostolic centers in many countries of the world. The annual Councils of the White Church, which attract thousands and thousands of envoys and guests from all over the world. Theurgies, spiritual instructions, prayers… Conferences, meetings with prominent spiritual leaders, famous figures and ordinary people. And many many others.

And how many people suffering from fatal programs birth curses, slander, severe and incurable diseases, infirmities healed Fr. John! An ordinary person simply cannot do this. But if it happens, it means that Heaven strengthens and blesses the chosen one.

New School of Music Father John

The most important sphere of spiritual activity of Father John is music. Being himself an excellent musician of the school of Heinrich Neuhaus (he studied with his beloved student, teacher Maria Deshalyt), he founded a new music school. Its novelty lies in the fact that the performer should not copy the authorities by mechanically reading the notes. Filled with the All-good Spirit, he should strive to hear the heavenly spheres, from which brilliant composers copied their works. O. John believes that the Performer must put a new breath of the Spirit into the work, overcoming traditional clichés. Outside of the Katar-Bogomil spirituality, an over-authorized musician cannot take place.

According to Father John, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Tchaikovsky and others are musical Christs. As the prophet voiced the Logos of the Word, they voiced the musical Logos of the Father and Mother of pure love. In order to perform works, for example, Mozart, one must be a Christ and be no less brilliant than the composer himself.

This is how Father John performs the classics. Music discs with his performances of works by great composers are known in many countries of the world and are in great demand. They evangelize often better than books, since they do not require rational verbal translation and are perceived by the hearts. There are many responses about the healing effect of Father John's music. Listening to her, people are freed from many serious ailments.

The Prophet wrote five books on music and the greatest composers. They restored the true image of God-seers, undistorted by human prejudices. According to the reviews of world-famous musical figures (Professor Mikhail Stepanenko, People's Artist of Ukraine, composer and musicologist; Vsevolod Zaderatsky, Doctor of Arts and Professor of the Moscow Conservatory; Professor Alexander Kozarenko, composer, Doctor of Arts from Lviv; Yevgeny Levashev, Doctor of Arts, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory , and others) - such unique intimate studies in the history of music have not existed until now.

Authentic History Reenactor

Reading from the white scrolls of the library of the heavenly Sophia of Good Providence, the anointed one restores the distorted history of the world and Russia. He returns the truth about certain deliberately hushed up events and heroes of the recent and distant past.

O. John released a series of books on history, which are dedicated to those erased from human memory Desposins, Cathars, Bogomils, Christophers, unknown saints... Restored historical truth about the great anointed ones who sacrificed themselves to love for the salvation of mankind and shone like suns in the firmament of civilization. Authentic images of Christ, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mani, Hannibal, Muhammad and many other lamps have been returned. The message distorted by myths about the immortal deities of Hyperborea, Arcadia, Atlantis and other immaculate civilizations that existed on earth has been restored.

A special sphere of activity of the anointed one is poetry. Its images he draws from the treasury of the divine Logos. Poetic lines allow you to briefly, succinctly and easily convey greatest secrets The wisdom of God, which cannot be done through spiritual sermons, books, articles.

Adallo Aliyev (1932-2015), a poet and classic of Avar literature from Dagestan, after reading the poetic books of the prophet, exclaimed: ‘I read the poetry of Blessed John and admire every line!<…>Father John puts his whole soul into his poetry. Great soul!’

Vladimir Aleinikov, poet, prose writer and essayist from Russia: ‘Amazement, namely amazement, is the very first feeling when reading Father John’s poems!’

Known Russian poetess and writer Elena Kryukova from Nizhny Novgorod She said about the anointed one like this: ‘…Blessed is our time, which gave us Father John. May those who persecute him be forgiven: we must pray for them. Beloved are those who, under his guidance, have loved God and his Blessed Mother with a new, fiery and pure love.

The brilliant writer, poet and literary critic of Ukraine Petro Soroka (1956-2018) said: ‘Blessed John always opens his heart first, and then his mouth. You can understand that we have a great and rare chosen one in front of us from any of his books. It is not important and not essential which of his hundreds of works will be the first to fall into your hands.

Father of the Melchizedek Priesthood of the White Church

Religious scholars often try to understand the origins of this or that spiritual movement by speculative standards. They ask, for example, the question: The Church of the Mother of God is a new religious movement or not? The only answer is yes and no.

Nothing in the world can be in a static state, only in motion. One of the names of the Mother of God is Transfiguring. The ecclesia of Ioannov is the Orthodoxy of the elders, as it was in the 17th, and in the 12th, and in the 9th, and in the 2nd centuries. But this is the eldership of the present day. Renewed, with multiplied spiritual seals, gifts and experience. And the conciliar strength of spirit that comes from the great luminaries standing behind the Church!

The origins of our Orthodoxy are not from Vladimir, who forcibly baptized Ancient Rus', but from Christ, the Mother of God, John the Theologian and Andrew the First-Called! Father John is the successor of the branch of Christ and the apostle-anointed of the Mother of God in the hypostasis of the Solar Wife (Rev. ch.12).

Father John is the father of the new Melchizedek priesthood and the New White Church.

There is evidence of the peasant woman Evdokia Adrianov about the appearance of the White Church in recent times and its victory in the most difficult struggle with the Black Church. Thanks to her acquired miraculous icon‘Sovereign’ in the village of Kolomenskoye in 1917. Until now, the revelations of the Most Holy Theotokos E. Adrianova are not available to the public, since they are hushed up by the Pharisees. These revelations denounce the harlot church and those who are directly guilty of sins-crimes, which, according to the apostle, "have ascended to heaven." The icon itself was repeatedly subjected to restoration damage in order to deliberately distort its spiritual meaning.

Father John is not just a high priest of the White John ecclesia. He is Melchizedek, the priest of the Father of pure love, descended from above. And he brought into the world a new priesthood such as never existed on earth. The Melchizedeks are filled with the All-good Spirit, just like the anointed one himself. Their service is qualitatively excellent, performed according to the heavenly rank with the Grail Cup and gradation wands for governing the world, handed over by the Mother of God herself. No sacrifice but the sacrifice of love. No ritual and rank of Aaron.

White ekklesia is qualitatively different. There is no distance: God - priest - flock. Theogamic bridal chamber for virgin brides with burning candles in their hearts. Unique church-ship. It is not static, but constantly in the movement of ascent, in novelty. The ship is moving along sea, bypassing dangerous reefs and visiting oasis islands with treasures of spirituality hidden on them.

Christian and Qatari period. New Testament Fulfilling Prophet

There are two periods in the life of the anointed and the formation of the Church of the Mother of God: traditional and Bogomil-Katari. The first (Orthodox and Catholic) is the development of the treasury of spiritual gifts of both branches of Christianity. For 20 years Father John commented on the gospel in sermons and articles from beginning to end. Several tens of volumes of the exalted Holy Spirit interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and the Psalms have been published. The amount of work done has no similar precedent in the history of the Church.

Tens of thousands of unique liturgies, all-night vigils, liturgical rites, prayers and prayers, written off by the anointed one from above, have been served. Krakhmalnikova Zoya Alexandrovna (1929-2008), a well-known literary critic, Orthodox publicist, who was subjected to repressions for her faith during the Soviet era, criticized those who reproached Father John for the novelty of the Mother of God services. She testified: ‘I know the Orthodox liturgy by heart. I admired what Father John was doing. He left the liturgy in the same order, but transformed it.

The second appeal is the plan for the salvation of mankind

The second appeal of the anointed and the White Church does not reject the Christian path of spiritual acquisition. On the contrary, it makes it even more accessible to people. The senile teaching on asceticism, prostrations, the psalter, ablution at holy springs, fiery evangelism, the uncompromising witness of the Spirit, and other keys of holiness continue to constitute the spiritual treasury of the John's ecclesia. With the second conversion, this treasury only multiplies from the spiritual storehouses of Cathars, Bogomils, Christophers, Templars, deities and pantheons of immaculate civilizations that preceded the current 84th.

The meaning of the second appeal is the need for a millionfold improvement of a person. The Anointed One debunked the biblical project imposed by Elohim and spread to the whole world, legitimizing the illegitimate mixture of good and evil on earth. Such an explosive mixture destroys homo sapiens. Makes him unable to discern and reject evil. Mixing is the main reason for the progression of incurable diseases, epidemics, mortality, the initiation and spread of conflicts, wars, global catastrophes and other things. Ultimately, it leads civilization to destruction, which is happening now. “I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create disaster” (Isaiah 45:7).

The second appeal is the brilliant discovery of the anointed one, which, on the one hand, destroys the vile plans of the biblical god and humanoids, and dispels the hypnosis induced on humanity. On the other hand, it serves as a unique key for the real salvation of mankind, its entry into the created Blessed Virgin divine civilization.

The second appeal coincided with the cycle of heavenly revelations of the Mother of God to Father John on Nightingale Hill. The magnificent evangelion ‘Rose of the Seraphs’ is the news of the coming divine civilization. Published a series of books of Cathar revelations on San Salvador Verdadero. The Cathar immortals direct humanity into the coming age of transformation, which the Queen proclaims the Solar 85th civilization of the Seraphs.

The revelations to Father John of the immaculate civilizations of Hyperborea and Atlantis open to humanity the previously sealed gates to the New Golden Age, in which there will no longer be the Elohim lust and evil that torment people so much today.

The anointed Father John, with his titanic multifaceted activity, actually fulfills the New Testament and prepares for the eternal covenant. Thanks to the prophet, the Sun of love of the kindest good Father rises again over the earth. The darkness of the 7.5-thousand-year-old night of Svarog is dispelled. The earth is starting to wake up deep sleep and thousands of years of induced hypnosis. Morning Svarog! People, rejoice!

Blessed John Bogomil (Veniamin Yakovlevich Bereslavsky, genus. 1946) - mystic, musician, poet, thinker, spiritual writer, ascetic, white elder, messiah of the 21st century, prophet, founder of the school of spirituality of the 3rd millennium.

Biographical information

Born in 1946 in Moscow, in a family of employees. He spent his childhood in a Moscow communal apartment on Domnikovskaya 3/15 Street, in a house where, before the revolution, station hotel rooms were located for small merchants and visiting people. Studied and graduated high school in Moscow. He went a long way of spiritual transformation under the guidance of the old woman Euphrosyne of Pochaev, then (after the beginning of the Russian Revelation of the Mother of God) was literally molded from above by the Queen of Heaven, as the father of a new generation of seraphs, mankind of God Civilization III.

Since childhood, the stamp of chosenness appeared on him. With spiritual intuition, he was drawn to irrational spheres in search of a mysterious Deity. He reveled in the mysticism of poetic Kabbalah. Learned Shakespeare in the original. With a sensitive, dedicated ear, he caught the vibrations of the music of the Kingdom in Beethoven's sonatas. The Grail led its chosen one along secret paths, preparing for the mission of the father of seraphic God-manhood. The Grail gave its anointed a pearl of the Slavic national archetype - the theogamic Chalice and good faith in the Father of pure love of the Cathars and Bogomils.


Blessed John - a phenomenon new civilization, a sign of the emerging era of great enlightenment of minds and overshadowing of the spirit, a herald of the era of kindled lamps of the night desert. The arbiter of the revolution of the spirit, he literally overturned the firmament of false ideas of old religions and overturned the earthly arch of false values ​​and imaginary treasures. He plunged humanity into a blissful shock with a dazzling prospect of revealing the inexhaustible potential of the human soul. Basically, o. John abolished the old God with his evil doctrines of the Last Judgment and eternal torment and revealed to mankind a new God - the Father of pure love.

Each line of the half a thousand books he wrote is pregnant with the irresistibility of pouring out hot streams of fatherly love. The cross of the anointed is not easy: to capture the impossibility of expressing in the limited poverty of human words the vibrations of love, the melody of the music of the Kingdom, the spectra divine harmonies heavenly spheres. The books of John Bogomil should be treated as high music. Not so much to read as to listen to the mysterious voice of love that sounds in the cryptography of hieroglyphs of letters and phrases. The mysticism of the prophetic word must be tasted, as a baby, enjoying, drinks the warm milk of its mother's nipples.

To understand John Bogomil, it is necessary to go beyond the stereotypes of human thinking and the prevailing images of dilapidated centuries-old traditions. Each of his sermons, books, revelations is a unique new word, each time revealed to mankind for the first time. From the pages of his books, an ode to the hymn Magnificat sounds to man in his divine potential. You read - and in the twinkling of an eye you are filled with the Holy Spirit. You are overshadowed by the mysterious meaning of what you read - and a candle of sacred madness of love is lit in your heart. You enter the mysticism of the word - and an ordinary and seemingly worthless person turns into a beautiful-faced angel descended from heaven, and you experience a shock to the depths of your soul: how mysterious and beautiful a person is before the eyes of a loving Father.

The Secret of the Anointed

The secret of the anointed one is not so much that he possesses supernatural gifts, secret knowledge, but that he is in a special covenant with Wisdom. The Anointed One perceives Wisdom not as the sum of the mysteries of the supernatural laws that govern being, but as a personally manifested Deity. The chosen one reaches the spiritual level when he becomes one with Wisdom, merges with Her in a mystical marriage, when they become one, perhaps more closely than wine dissolved in water.

In this mystical union lies the key to theogamy (divine marriage). The Anointed One becomes not just a vessel and instrument of Wisdom, but Her personification, manifestation, directly influencing the surrounding world.

The books of Blessed John are the fruits of this mystical marriage. In the same aspect, one should treat intellectual geniuses who have achieved mastery in their fields: V. Soloviev, N. Berdyaev, D. Merezhkovsky ... These outstanding personalities must be considered as a phenomenal mystical marriage of the chosen one with Wisdom, when the result of their miraculous synthesis are masterpieces of the divine-human genius.

Directing humanity to the mysteries of Nightingale Mountain, Blessed John reveals the dazzling height of the spiritual mission and destiny of man. The subtle nerve of the innermost heart penetrates the hidden desire of every soul to break out of the limits of one-dimensional everyday life and comprehend the inscrutable depths of the deity.

As befits a master of words, Blessed John manages to speak in an accessible and simple way about the most difficult to understand two incompatible ways: true and falsified faith. The Anointed One, erasing false records, reveals to humanity its true history, arguing that new religion The father of pure love will return the tormented Adamic race to the primary source of eternal ideals and true spiritual values.

A distinctive feature of the blessed John is the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The myrrhic deity of the Father of pure love is literally dissolved in his inner man, manifested in the noble features of the face, the touchingly gentle vibrations of the voice and the scorching-hot look of love.

Blessed John not so much teaches and instructs as directs after the charm heavenly love, returning to man the mystical memory of the pristine beauty of virginity. Directs into the paki-existential spheres of inexpressible bliss. It teaches, it would seem, about the impossible: how to find Christ, descending into the inner from step to step, from castle to castle, reaching the last depth, where the Bridal Chamber shines and burning Christ opens in the fountains of myrrh springs.

Poetic Orpheus lyre

A special theme is the poetry of Blessed John. In fact, a new kind of spiritual creativity, based on the marriage bond of the Father of pure love with his chosen one. Someone compares the poems of Blessed John with the work of John of the Cross, draws analogies with the mysticism of Francis of Assisi. In our opinion, this is again the tendency of modern masters of the pen to conclude within the limits of established traditions. The poetics of Blessed John is immeasurably higher. His creative thought is of a divine-human source. The poet's pen is guided by an amazing harmony, the divine union of two lovers: Father and son, Bridegroom and bride.

The musicality of the poetic lyre and the melody of the celestial spheres of his poems allows him to express the vibrations of love of the eternal spheres, which cannot be expressed in any words. The originality of the style, the foolishness of the rhyme and the stunning cascade of images awakens in the reader's soul the hidden source of dormant love, makes them related to Beethoven's brilliant sonatas and Shakespeare's poignant aphorism.

John Bogomil is the overshadowed theogamic royal anointed of the Spirit, expertly mastering the secrets of one hundred and forty-four inner castles of divine potential in order to spread the treasury true faith on earth and in many other worlds.

The Messiah, the forerunner of the second coming of Christ the Holy Spirit, the ambassador of divine civilization - he is called by outstanding mystics in different countries of the world. Thousands of his followers, who witnessed numerous miraculous healings, consider him a great miracle worker; shocked readers - an unsurpassed thinker of our time. Relatives, students and spiritual children simply call - our father of pure love.


  • Biography on the site (author - priest Ilya Khristov-Grailev).

Brief Life of Blessed John of Moscow

He was born in the first half-wine of the 16th century in the Vo-lo-god-land and in the early days he worked on salt-var-nyah. Fool-stvo-vat began, re-re-se-liv-shis in Rostov. But the strength of the heavy ropes and on the top of the iron cap, for which he got his nickname. Around 1580, in-se-til of blessed Iri-nar-ha, for-creation-ni-ka Rostov-sko-go (1616; memory 13/26 Jan -va-rya) and fore-said him a march in la-kov and their a-ra-same.

He spent the last years of his life in Moscow, where, even in the same hundred mo-roses, he walked almost about-on-wife, not take off-maya from yourself-lez-nyh ve-rig. He, without-bo-yaz-nen-but, spoke the truth to all-to-mu, often turning with the ob-li-chi-tel-word to strength nym world of this, not sparing and kings. Before my own death, the blessed woman opened the gift of healing.

So, one day, on the way from the temple, it was not the vla-dev-she-go-no-goy man-lo-ve-ka: blessed, as it were, necha-yan- but he-step-drank on his leg, and she became healthy.

Fore-said his con-chi-well, is-pro-siv at the-sto-I-te-la Po-blood-so-bo-ra place for his-e-th- gre-be-niya. He died on July 3, 1589, and was buried in Pokrovsky so-bo-re on Red Square. During his funeral, a man was cured for twenty years, suffering from an eye disease. The imperishable relics of blessed John-on-the-re-te-ny in 1672

Full Life of Blessed John of Moscow

Blessed John was born at the end of the 15th century - in the first wine of the 16th century. He is from-ve-walls in-dvi-ga-mi bliss-go-che-st in the era-hu, before-the-s-stvo-va-shui time-me-no confusion-no-mu and dangerous-no-mu for the Russian land. The blessed one was a native of the Vo-lo-god-land. In the mo-lo-to-sti, he worked on salt-va-ren-nyh-za-vo-dakh, for which he was subsequently called-zy-wa-li “Vo-to-nose- cement." From here, he went to Rostov, where he began a rare feat of foolishness. On his head, he began to wear an iron cap, because of which he was nicknamed “Big Kol-pa-com”. He also had tight iron rings on his fingers, and heavy chains of crosses on his body. Pi-tal-sya holy-move-nick bread-boom and water once a day. Often it would be so that blessed John went out into the street, into the people, laid a cap-pack on the ground and, standing on it, looked at the sun for a long time and prayed. The passers-by laughed at him and offended him, but the saint with meekness and endures re-re-but-forces to laugh .

In Ro-sto-ve, he was familiar with the reverend Iri-nar-kh, the creator of Rostov-sky († 1616; memory 13/26 Jan-va -rya). On the basis of his one day in Rosto-ve (c. 1580), St. -kov: “God will give you to teach people from a hundred to a-pa-yes, to fill the earth with a teacher-no-ka-mi, from-to-dit -dey from drunkenness. For the same drunkenness and debauchery, the Lord God will send foreign-tribes to the Russian land ... But their Holy Trinity With its power, pro-go-nit.

Blessed John spent the last years of his life in Moscow. He walked with ras-pushen-ny-mi in-lo-sa-mi, almost about-on-women-ny, and even in the same mo-roses. His-ve-de-nie was-lo-you-calling the world-to-sa-mo-to-freedom, in steps and in a swarm for-ga-daughter words on-me-ka-whether to a hidden all-day life. Blessed John often spoke with a revealing or descriptive word to the mighty of this world, his knowledge -whether yes, and the king, endure from him what you would not have carried from another. So, tsar-ryu Bo-ri-su Go-du-no-woo often he said the words: la. God waits a long time, but it hurts.”

St. John himself fore-said his end-chi-nu, is-pro-siv at the pro-and-e-rei Di-mitriy, on-st-yate-la temple Po-cro -va Pre-Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy on the Moat, in the aftermath of the name of the co-bo-rum of Va-si-liya Bla-zhen-no-go, me -one hundred of its own upo-ko-e-niya.

In the people's pa-my-ti, there were events, the pre-s-stvo-vav-shie-death of the saint. On the way from the temple, the blessed is-tse-lil che-lo-ve-ka, not the vlad-dev-she-no-goy: as if there was nothing, but a saint on- step-drank on her, and but-ga became healthy-ro-va. Then he went to the banya and there, for the first time taking off the ropes, he poured water three times, getting ready to go to hell. The Holy One for-ve-gave to co-sew in Gre-be-nie not earlier than the third day. Then he lay down on the bench, asked for forgiveness from everyone and for-went from not-to-stay his body to the coffin of blessed-women-no-go Va-si- Leah in the Church of the Intercession. With these words, Blessed John, peace, but stood up to God on July 3, 1589 (1590).

Many modern-men-ni-ki knew about his movements. By decree of Tsar Fe-o-do-ra John-no-vi-cha was-lo co-ver-she-but solemn-noe in-gree-be-bliss-women-but th John. One-to-sa-mo-gre-be-nie co-ver-sha-moose not on the indicated blessed day, but earlier. The Lord let him in on-for-for-for-full-for-not-for-ve-that His-th-pleasing-no-ka during God-service a strong thunderstorm happened with lightning, so that in the Church of the Blood, some icons fell down, and yes, stra-da-whether a few kli-ri-kov and laity. During the time of gre-be-niya and later, many bo-la-shchie in-lu-cha-whether they-le-le-tion by praying to you bless-women-but-go John Blessed John was also sick, on-ho-we-shim-yes-le-ko from Moscow, and they are well-whether-wa-li.

Soon after the blessed end of St. John, Mos-kov-th miracle-before-the-creator, would we be life and service. The relics of the saint would be ob-re-te-we imperishable-us-mi on June 12, 1672 and in gr-be-na under the spo-house in the pri-de-les Rozh-de -stva Pre-Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy in Po-krov-sky so-bo-re. And on January 17, 1916, this side-case was re-re-name-no-van in the name of blessed-women-no-go John, Christ-hundred ra-di yuro-di-vo- go, Mos-kov-th-th-to-the-creator. The memory of the holy co-ver-sha-is-sya on the day of his blessed end-chi-na - July 3/16 and on the day of the ob-re-te-ing of his imperishable mo - cabbage soup - June 12/25.


Troparion to Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

For the sake of Christ, for the sake of the will, leaving your fatherland, the city of Vologda / and all the red of the world hated it, / with a spiritual desire you settled in the city of Rostov / and, as if wandering in the desert in it, / with hunger, and thirst and immeasurable burden exhausting your flesh, / and the Lord working day and night, / in fasting and prayer, remaining in the porch of the church, / the hair of your head with ashes and pitch depressing, / and, jealous of Blessed Basil, / you came to the reigning city of Moscow / and, in chastity and ter singing the flow of good death / Thou hast settled down to the eternal abode, / emitting rays of miracles, / to the most blessed John, our father, / / ​​pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, you voluntarily left your fatherland - the city of Vologda, and, hating all the blessings of this world, settled in the city of Rostov with a spiritual aspiration and, as in the desert, wandered in it, exhausting yourself with hunger and thirst and immeasurable hardships, and serving the Lord day and night, in fasting and prayer, staying in the church vestibule, covering the hair on your head with ashes and tar, and, imitating, you came to the reigning city of Moscow and, having ended your life path in patience, moved to the eternal cloisters, emitting rays of miracles, blessed John, Father ours, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Thou hast adorned thy life with continence and patience, / noble John, / and with frequent prayers and standing all night / thou hast enlightened thy soul, / and obligated thy body and hair, and crosses with heavy chains, / many years the one laboring until the departure of your soul, / and come to your death from Rostov city / to the reigning city of Moscow, / to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God, / and the saint buried you, / and now at your tomb, heal those who come with faith. / Pray to God diligently but with righteous Vasily about Orthodox people. / Glory to Him who gave you a fortress, / glory to Him who crowned you, / / ​​glory to He who acts by you, healing all.

Translation: You have adorned your life and patience, good John, and enlightened your soul with frequent prayers and all-night standing, and, weighing down your body and hair with heavy crosses, worked for many years until the departure of your soul, and came to your place from the city of Rostov to the reigning city of Moscow, to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God, and there the saints buried you, and now, from your tomb you exude healing coming to you with faith. Pray to God diligently with righteous Vasily for Orthodox people. Glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the one who crowned you, glory to the one who gives healing to all through you.

Introparion to Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

For love for the sake of Christ / having hated all the charming beauty of this world, / living in the world, striving for good, like an angel on earth, / eternal for the sake of life, / and, from earthly virtues of such, resurrecting the soul by the spirit, / flesh but having enslaved and obeyed in all spirit, Christ is crucified / and grace is taken to the Divine height, / having come to the Heavenly chamber, / where now, the Most Holy Trinity with the angels is coming, / in the light of unspeakable joy rejoice, blessed John, / so good we cry out to you: / glory to Him who chose you in Russia, blessed, the charter is pretty, / glory to the One who strengthened you among the people, / / ​​glory to your prayers and to the one who saves us.

Translation: For the love of Christ, you hated all the deceitful blessings of this world, living in the world you are excellent, like an angel on earth, for the sake of eternal life, and, having resurrected the soul from earthly properties in the spirit, having enslaved and obeyed in everything the spirit, he was crucified with Christ and was gloriously raised to the Divine height, he came to the Heavenly chamber, where now with the angels standing before the Most Holy Trinity, you triumph in the light of indescribable joy, blessed John, therefore, with gratitude, we appeal to you: “Glory to Him Who chose you in Russia, blessed, as a special rule, glory to Him who gave you Strength among the people, glory to the one who saves us through your prayers.”

Kontakion to Blessed John, Holy Fool for Christ, Wonderworker of Moscow

Even Christ, for the sake of Christ, imposed foolishness on wisdom, / as an image of violence we see from a man, / with a clever wing of grief, / obliging his whole body with chains, / like gold of great value, being observed among the people, / having cleansed the mind of passions , / thou hast passed away with spiritual joy the sea of ​​this rebellious life, / gain the brightness of eternal life, / we pray to you, blessed John, / pray diligently to Christ our God / save us from all slander / and evil circumstances, visible and invisible enemy, yes we call you: / rejoice, long-suffering, like yes We direct your prayers, / standing with you, in the Trinity to the glorious God, / / ​​we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, with wisdom, he assumed the feat of foolishness, in the form of madness, seen by people, flying up with smart (spiritual) wings, he tied his whole body with chains like precious gold, was preserved among the people, having cleansed the mind from, with spiritual joy you crossed the sea of ​​vanity this life and gained the glory of eternal life, we implore you, blessed John, pray persistently to Christ our God for our salvation from all wiles and evil attacks of visible and invisible enemies, but we cry out to you: Rejoice, having suffered much, you always stand with us in the Trinity to the glorified God, to whom we, guided by your prayers, sing: "Alleluia."

In kontakion to Blessed John, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Moscow miracle worker

Holy and immaculate, you suffered self-willed torment, / like a vein, you brought your body to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Theotokos / and that you did your honest repose. / With your patience and angelic humility and you surprised the faces / and shamed the tormentor of the devil, / from you drive away dark spirits, / giving various healings. / Rejoice, noble John, with blessed Vasily, / and turn our sorrow to joy, / pray diligently to the country of Russia from internecine warfare and from fearlessness get rid of the tongues.// Rejoice, fertilizer of the Russian lands and the city of our Moscow is a great affirmation.

Translation: You endured the holy and immaculate torment of your own free will, as a precious dowry, you brought your body to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God and made your venerable repose there. With your patience, you also surprised the angelic assembly and shamed the tormentor of the devil, driving away dark spirits from people, giving various healings. Rejoice, good holy fool John, with blessed Basil, and turn our sorrow into joy, pray earnestly for the deliverance of the Russian country from internecine war and from godless peoples. Rejoice, great strength of the Russian land and the city of our Moscow.

First Prayer to Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

O marvelous saint of Christ, holy righteous John, falling to the race of your whole-bearing relics, we kiss your honest image with faith and unflattering zeal; with amazement and reverence of the spirit, we touch your wondrous chains, as sometimes with Pavlov's head-weight and ubrus, hoping from them, by the action of the Highest, receive the healing of the soul and body. We glorify the omnipotence of the Creator of creatures, whom you glorified in this life with your virtues, we please your life equal to the angels on earth, even if you adorn you with fasting, vigil and abstinence. We preach the firmness of your faith and love, I am for God, the same, reverently remembering your God-bearing deeds, from the depths of our hearts we cry out to you: through your intercession, implore the Creator and Lord of all, and we, with one soul of faith let us strive to keep the unity of the spirit, girding our loins truth and wrapped in the battle of righteousness. You stand before the Throne of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world; pour out your warm prayers, so that the same Lamb will save us and guide us to animal fountains of water and take away every tear from our eyes for the love of Christ. You have exhausted your holy body by fasting and vigil and wearing heavy chains; cooperate with your intercession, so that we, too, will illuminate with the radiance of the Unsetting Sun, let His law be a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. You, having united with God, enjoy His unceasing vision and in eternal blood you talk with the Angels; help us with your prayers, and we, having presented our body for this life, I live favorable to God, we will be able to taste with you Heavenly unfabricated blessings. Amen.

Second Prayer to Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

Oh, the great saint of Christ John, having gathered today in this all-honourable temple, we zealously fall to you and, kissing that love, your valiant deeds and in them the most glorified in His saints Ascetic Christ the Savior, bestowing I don’t mean to you, even if you believe in Him, but also even zealously follow Him, with praises we appease and with tears we pray to you: O having boldness to Christ the Savior, for the salvation of all the faithful advocate John! Pray with us, according to your inexpressible mercy, from all the begging God for the childbearing of the childless, and for our whole fatherland, for all the people of Christ, may mercifully not leave us all for salvation and life, the need of petition and grant Christ An's death to our belly, painless, I will not be ashamed, peaceful, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place in every sorrow and situation, requiring His philanthropy and help, His great mercy will be given, but His Divine grace and your warm intercession, soul and body, always draw abidingly, let us glorify the marvelous in His saints, the God of Israel, who does not withdraw His help from us always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Third Prayer to Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker

O Lord, Lover of mankind, King of Heaven, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, for us for the sake of man and for our salvation, descended from Heaven and appeared on earth and lives with men! Greatness is Yours and unspeakable mercy to the human race, its no tongue utter, no mouth to confess, below which hearts can give thanks according to the property, both hope being on Your inexpressible goodness Mercy, to Your mercy, Master, we fall down and pray to You: Lord Almighty, Benevolent and Many-Merciful, grant us to glorify Thee with a cheerful mind all the days of our belly. And we ask you wholeheartedly with tears: O Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, our God, hear us, sinners, praying to You, and have mercy on us, and give us your holy and righteous saint John, his many-healing relics lyul thou, with all your heart glorify and to call upon him to help us, to worship his holy image earnestly, and to his honest race with unquestioning faith, and with his prayers give unspeakable miracles and many healings to those who pray to You. The same to you, O marvelous performer of miracles, holy saint, blessed John, we all unanimously ask: pray to Christ our God for the childbearing of the childless, and for all your servants, and have mercy on all who come to you in faith, and praying to you with a tender soul and contrite heart, and bowing earnestly to your holy image, and call upon you in sorrows and illnesses for help. Be our quick helper and healer, grant us inexhaustible health to all, help is unrelenting, be a firm intercessor for orphans and widows, and give everyone a petition for salvation, and save us all, and keep from all evils and from all the slander of enemies. You, having presented yourself to the Throne of the Lady, boldly and urgently pray for us, sinful and unworthy servants of yours, Christ our God, as to Him all glory, honor and worship befits with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Alive creating it by the Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed John, Fool-for-Christ, Wonderworker of Moscow, was born in Vologda at the end of the 15th - in the first half of the 16th century. In his youth, he worked in the salt works, where he was a "water carrier". With hard work, the saint combined strict fasting and prayer.

Later he moved to Rostov, where he began the feat of foolishness. He wore chains in the form of heavy iron crosses and a large iron cap on his head, for which he was nicknamed "John - the Big Cap". He also wore tight iron rings on his fingers. The holy ascetic ate ​​bread and water once a day. It often happened that Blessed John went out into the street, to the people, put his cap on the ground and, standing on it, looked at the sun for a long time and prayed. Passers-by laughed at him and insulted him, but the saint endured mockery with meekness and patience.

Around 1580, he visited Blessed Irinarkh, the recluse of Rostov (1616; Comm. 13/26 January) and predicted to him the invasion of the Poles and their defeat: “God will give you to teach people from east to west, fill the earth with disciples, lead people away from drunkenness. For lawless drunkenness and depravity, the Lord God will send foreigners to the Russian land ... But the Holy Trinity will drive them away with His power.

In Moscow, he lived on the street, without a roof, half-dressed in winter and summer. Wore long hair. His fasts were severe and his prayer was unceasing. He was in friendship with various ascetics. His behavior was a challenge to worldly complacency, actions and sometimes cryptic words hinted at a hidden everyday life. Blessed John often spoke with a frank or accusatory word to strong of the world of this, even the kings knew him, enduring from him what they would not have endured from another. Even Tsar Boris Godunov himself often said the words: Clever mind, understand God's works. God waits for a long time, but it hurts painfully.”
In Moscow he walked barefoot and almost naked even in the most severe frosts, predicted big troubles for Russia, Time of Troubles and the invasion of the Poles, saying that "in Moscow there will be many visible and invisible demons."

One day Blessed John came to Kaluga. For a whole day he ran through the streets and shouted: "Iron gates, iron gates!" The townspeople realized that this was a warning, and demolished all their property in barns with iron gates. The next day a fire broke out. The whole city burned down, but no one was ruined.
Before his death, Saint John pointed out to himself a grave near the Church of the Intercession on the Moat, later called the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed. Preparing himself for burial, he removed the chains and doused himself with water three times.

Just before his death († 1589), the gift of healing was revealed to the blessed one. So, once on the way from the temple he healed a man who could not control his foot: the blessed one, as if by accident, stepped on his foot, and she became healthy.
The saint commanded that the burial be done no earlier than the third day. Then he lay down on a bench, asked everyone for forgiveness and bequeathed to take his body to the coffin of the blessed Basil in the Church of the Intercession. With these words, blessed John peacefully reposed before God on July 3, 1589 (1590). During his burial, a man who had suffered from an eye disease for twenty years was healed.

Many of his contemporaries knew about his exploits. By decree of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, a solemn burial of blessed John was performed. However, the burial itself was not performed on the day indicated by the blessed one, but earlier. The Lord allowed, as a punishment for not fulfilling the covenant of His saint, to happen during the service heavy thunderstorm with lightning, so that some icons were burned in the Intercession Church and even several clergy and laity were injured. During the burial and later, many sick people received healing through the prayers of Blessed John. Blessed John also appeared to the sick, who were far from Moscow, and they recovered.

Soon after the blessed death of St. John, the Wonderworker of Moscow, a life and service were compiled. The relics of the saint were found incorruptible on June 12, 1672 and buried under a bushel in the aisle of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Intercession Cathedral. And on January 17, 1916, this chapel was renamed in the name of Blessed John, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, the Moscow miracle worker. The saint is commemorated on the day of his blessed death.

For Christ's sake, having left his fatherland by will - the city of Vologda / and hating all the red of this world, / with a spiritual desire you settled in the city of Rostov / and, as if in the desert, wandered in it, / with smoothness, and with thirst and immeasurable burden, exhausting your flesh, / and working the Lord day and night, / in fasting and prayer, being in the porch of the church, / the hair of his head with ashes and pitch depressing, / and, jealous of St. Basil the blessed, / came to the reigning city of Moscow / and in chastity and patience ended well / Thou hast moved to the eternal abode, / emitting rays of miracles, / most blessed John, our father, / pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

For the sake of Christ, for the sake of Christ, having imposed foolishness on himself with wisdom, / in the image of riot we see from a person, / with a clever wing of grief, / he bound his whole body with chains, / like gold of great value, being observed among the people, / having cleansed the mind from passions, / you passed away with spiritual joy the sea of ​​this rebellious life, / gain the brightness of eternal life, / we pray thee, blessed John, / pray diligently to Christ our God / save us from all slander / and evil circumstances, visible and invisible enemy, let us call you: / rejoice, long-suffering, as if yes we guide with your prayers, / coming ever with us, / in the Trinity to the glorious God we sing to Him: hallelujah. Maria Pronina Compiled by 01.08.2011

Herald of a new golden age

John Bereslavsky. Photo 2015

Blessed John Bogomil (Bereslavsky Veniamin Yakovlevich, 09/25/1946). Higher education, Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez (1970). Knows eight foreign languages.

Many people, having met Father John personally or judging him by his work, often perceive him as a brilliant, all-round gifted person. Others - as a talented spiritual leader, writer, poet, musician, philosopher ... Such a perception of the individual does not reflect the fullness of the greatness of Fr. John, the scale of his activities and mission on earth.

It can be fully described in one word - the anointed one. A person descended from above, the most unique, of a universal scale, led by the Queen of Heaven herself. Such a soul is sent into the world once in a millennium.

Father John's mission is connected with the salvation of the world at the end of the 84th soulless, consumer-technocratic civilization. He is the herald of a new god-civilization, going to replace the old one. Because of it, extremely polar judgments. On the one hand, delight, admiration, acceptance and gratitude. On the other - shock, stupor, boycott and monstrous slander.


John Bereslavsky at the age of 12

Father Yakov Bereslavsky (1907-1974), Deputy Minister of Transport Construction. During the time of Yezhov, he was repressed at the denunciation of a neighbor who wanted to get additional living space. He spent three months in Butyrka prison, went through torture. Miraculously, he was released during the Beria amnesty. Member of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel of the Signal Corps. In the post-war period, he received the title of ‘Honored Geologist’. He taught at the university. Author of a textbook on road construction.

Elder brother Leonid Yakovlevich Bereslavsky, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, full member of the Academy of Invention, member of the International Academy of Authors of Discoveries and Inventions, author of a number of books on the development of intellectual abilities in preschool children.

Childhood and youth are common for post-war Moscow. Communal apartment. Schooling. Musical school them. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Passion for books, poetry, philosophy.

Tried to write. He received the approval of the editor-in-chief of one of the central journals, but refused to publish his works. I felt that having gained fame, I might lose something more significant. He continued to write ‘to the table’.

Baptism. Maria Orlovskaya

Having survived a spiritual crisis, he converted to Christianity. He was baptized in the Orthodox Church of Ilyinskaya Sloboda in Mozhaisk. The godmother was the spirit-bearing old woman mother Maria Orlovskaya (1922-2006), a schema nun in the world and a student of the great elder Amphilochius of Pochaevsky (in the schema Joseph, 1894-1971).

Interlocutor of the Mother of God. Healer. Vedenka: followed where the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit would lead. Mystery with the seals of the true Orthodox saints of the Mother of God, which left a great mark on Russia. Under the conditions of a communist atheistic regime, she converted those whom the Queen of Heaven herself pointed to.

Spiritual mentor m. Euphrosyne Pochaevskaya

The path in Orthodoxy began with the guidance of a secret nun, Mother Mary Orlovskaya. Benjamin quickly became disillusioned with the Pharisaic church clergy, the reigning lack of spirituality and Josephiteism. He wished to find the desired spiritual gifts from the elder mentor. He wandered a lot, until he met the great white old woman mother Euphrosyne of Pochaevskaya (1917-1993). She was, like m. Maria Orlovskaya, a student of Amphilochius Pochaevsky.

Elder Euphrosyne of Pochaevskaya.
Photo 1980

Later glorified by God with her myrrh-streaming relics, M. Euphrosyne, according to her, was one of the four who acquired the gifts of the Spirit. But she was the only one of all who taught and instructed about the secrets and keys of spiritual acquisition.

For the first time, Benjamin met Mother Euphrosyne on the porch of the Assumption Cathedral in Pochaev on the day of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos in August 1980. The wanderer fieryly preached the good news of the feat of the crucified Christ. Those present wept bitterly. Never before had I heard such a poignant sermon. A sign was given to him: the hand of God descended over the head of the old woman and a voice said inwardly: ‘Behold my beloved daughter. My favor is with her!’

It turned out, he was looking for his father, but he found his mother. He threw himself at her feet and asked for an apprenticeship. Subsequently, Mother Euphrosyne said that she had accepted Benjamin as a student, since she had been given the sign of his chosenness from above.

In a short time, he accepted the Paracletic seals from the old woman. I was kindled with a thirst for spiritual service and helping people. In one breath, he wrote a whole series of 12 books about senile asceticism and the practice of spiritual acquisition under the general title ‘The Fire of Repentance’.

The main thing that the young ascetic learned from the old woman and managed to convey in books is that true Orthodoxy is not in ritual and dogma, not in tradition and tradition, but in deep fruitful repentance that can change the whole being of a person, his life in the present and future.

Appearance of the Mother of God. Election as a prophet

In November 1984, the Mother of God appeared to Veniamin at the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Smolensk at the Hodegetria icon. She said that she chooses the messenger of the Word about the end times and the salvation of mankind. The source of the living Word, opened in the Smolensk church, has not dried up ever since. Revelation keeps coming!

The appearance of the Queen herself to Father John is unique, but not isolated. The Smolensk Mother of God is a living icon. For example, Prince Efim Vasilyevich Meshchersky (XVIII century) deserved the cover and signs of attention from Our Lady of Smolensk. Many people, including the world famous opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya (1956), received signs from the Mother of God of Smolensk.

Since his election, Father John has published 80 books of the Word of the Mother of God, the Heavenly Father, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Seraphim the Tender, Mother Euphrosyne of Pochaev and many other saints, deities and pantheons known and unknown to the world…

It seemed that the unique revelations of the Empress herself should have been received with gratitude by the church, as help and guidance from above. But in response, the boycott of the Mother of God and slander against the prophet.

M. Euphrosyne, having become acquainted with the first revelations of the Queen of Heaven, accepted them with all her heart. She said that the Mother of God revealed the same thing to her. The fiery old woman became the first spreader of the Word. She said about herself: ‘I am from the Mother of God Center’.

M. Maria Orlovskaya, who visited the prophet in his Moscow apartment on Butyrskaya Street, carefully read the first book of the Word of the Queen of Heaven, blessed and also confirmed: “And the Mother of God told me this.”

The prophetic gift of Father John is also confirmed by other clergy who deserve undoubted trust.

The image of one and a half thousand hypostases of the Mother of God

Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov (1919-2017), confessor of the last patriarchs, after reading the ‘Angelic Veil’ (revelations of the Mother of God 1985-87), Father John said that only a true prophet could write such a book. ‘The church he leads is true. This is the new White Church. Now she is persecuted, but kept from above. She is the future.'

The 92-year-old hermit Seraphim from near Odessa, a seer revered by believers, having familiarized himself with the scrolls of the Word of the Mother of God to Father John, told his children: ‘This is a true revelation of a true prophet.

Nikolai (Guryanov) Zalitsky (1909-2002) is one of the last spirit-bearing elders of Orthodoxy. According to the testimony of spiritual children, he recommended that they listen to the revelations of the Mother of God and the prophet John as true. After his death, the elder advised some of his spiritual disciples to move to the Church of the Mother of God of St. John.

Master Seo Kyung Bo (1914-1996), a spiritual leader and teacher of Zen Buddhism from South Korea, a professor of Eastern theology, at a meeting with Father John in 1994, said: 'You are sent from above to breathe new life into Christianity and bring bridges of dialogue between Christians and Buddhists around the world'.

The spiritual leader and seer of the Najbandi Sufi order, Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani (1922-2014), at a meeting with Father John in Northern Cyprus (January 2005), said: ‘It’s clear to me that you are a prophet like the Baptist. Your mission is to prepare for the Second Coming.’

Blessed Bhai Manjit Singh (1952), the spiritual leader of Sikhism, spoke on the phone: ‘I have been waiting for your call for 6 years. What is happening to me? I experience the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as if God were speaking to me. You present what our Sikh mystics have taught. Saints understand each other without words!’

Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
January 2005

Bhai Manjit Singh
Moscow, 2004

Master Seo Kyung Bo
Meeting in 1994

Ordination as a priest in the TOC

Ordination was required to perform church sacraments. I longed to become a priest filled with the Holy Spirit. Knew: for ordination in the ROC it is required to give a receipt to the commissioner of the KGB for religious affairs with consent to the disclosure of the secret of confession. Benjamin despised squealing, and rejected the Josephite-Sergian spirit of the church institute, mired in a symphony with a red beast. If he had compromised and agreed, he would have lost the acquired gifts of the Spirit.

Seraphim Solovetsky (Pozdeev)

Elder Euphrosyne blessed the disciple to be ordained in the True Orthodox (Catacomb) Church, which operates underground. In 1985, the sacrament of initiation was performed by Schematropolitan Gennady Sekach (1898-1987), whom Patriarch Pimen himself recognized as the head of the Tikhon branch of Orthodoxy. Veniamin Bereslavsky was ordained a priest by two metropolitans of the TOC in the presence of Schematropolitan Gennady with the name John in honor of the Theologian.

Schematropolitan Gennady later said that because of the fear of provocation and persecution by the authorities, he initially wanted to refuse the petition of the Moscow wanderers who came to him, even though they had the necessary written recommendations. But when the guests left the secret skete, he ordered Bishop Theodosius (Gumennikov) to urgently return them, as he received a revelation from above. In the spirit, Bishop Seraphim Pozdeev appeared to him, from whom Gennady had previously accepted hierarchical care over the church. Seraphim of Solovetsky personally blessed the ordination! Gennady said to his children: ‘They are not like us. A new branch of Orthodoxy will grow from them.

Around the new priest of the TOC, the prophet of the Mother of God, a community of the faithful gathers in a short time. All of them eagerly catch the Word of the Queen of Heaven. Secretly spread revelations in handwritten scrolls, as at that time it threatened with a prison term.

By the beginning of the 1990s, a miraculously appeared green sprout of living faith turns into a whole tree - a new church, which is nurtured by the Mother of God herself. From Her and the name: first the Mother of God Center (public educational organization), then - the Church of the Mother of God of the Transfiguration.

Mother of God center and the first persecutions

The old, obsolete never gives up its positions voluntarily. In the fight against the new, he uses the most insidious and sophisticated tricks. The reason for the persecution and slander by the Pharisees on the ‘Mother of God Center’ was fear and fear of the truth. The reason for the start of the campaign was an ardent call for deep repentance and cleansing from the seals of the red dragon (Rev. Ch. 12). In June 1993 in St. Petersburg, with the blessing of Fr. John Church of the Mother of God held the first All-Russian Penitential Council.

Since the Pharisees had nothing to answer to the terrible truth for them, they acted as always, with vindictive cunning. Without any reason, they threw lies into the media and labeled the Mother of God Center as a ‘sect’. The calculation was to scare away ignorant souls from the prophet of the Mother of God.

However, the usual tools of the inquisitors failed for the first time. The slander against the Church of the Theotokos and the Anointed One had no effect. The seekers of genuine spirituality saw with their own eyes sincere philanthropy, a manifestation of genuine kindness, anti-totalitarian, anti-dictatorial and anti-tyrannical views in the prophet. The number of followers only grew. Apostolic centers were opened in the cities of Russia and abroad.

Consecration as a bishop

The spiritual treasury of the John's ecclesia through the acceptance of the seals of the great elders and ordination from the elders in the TOC was enriched in 1990. The prophet of the Mother of God, Father John, who had already gained all-Russian fame, receives episcopal consecration from the head of the UAOC, John Bodnarchuk (1929-1994), the successor of the seals and the spirit of Orthodoxy of the Andrey branch First-Called and Solovetsky Elders. Metropolitan John Bodnarchuk, having arrived in Moscow, personally signs the letters of consecration.

The Metropolitan himself later shared with his inner circle that on the eve of the consecration he was tormented by thoughts about the correctness of his decision. Therefore, he ordered his cell-attendant to pray in order to receive a heavenly sign. He said: ‘My seer-bishop Danila prayed to the Mother of God and received confirmation from above’.

Chronicler of the Second Solovetskaya

During more than thirty years of ministry, Father John has written and published more than 650 books, which are distributed in mass editions in Russia and abroad. Many have been translated into foreign languages ​​and are in demand in foreign countries. At present, a 120-volume collection of deifications of Father John is being published (each volume contains 800-950 pages).

M. Euphrosyne, after her Assumption and the acquisition of myrrh-streaming relics, continues to patronize Fr. John and the ecclesia of the Mother of God. Books of Father John with her revelations and biography have become a kind of bestsellers for believers. They are in particular demand among those who are looking to comprehend the practice of the spiritual path.

O. John - chronicler of the Second Solovetsky Golgotha. This term was also introduced into modern use by him. His greatest merit is that he is the only one who could see the innermost secret of the Stalinist camps of the 20th century. Neither Varlam Shalamov nor the other miraculously surviving prisoners of the Gulag could do this.

The Prophet of the Mother of God saw the total millionfold suffering and crucifixion of Christ. It is the Second Solovetsky that Russia will be redeemed and forgiven. Its future depends on the glorification of the feat of the Solovetsky fathers. The resurrection following the crucifixion is the coming civilization of God proclaimed by the prophet.

A unique series of ten books by Father John is dedicated to the Solovetsky Golgotha ​​and the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Brothers, headed by Seraphim, the Solovetsky Patriarch, the last Tsar of Russia Mikhail Romanov. The glorification of the unknown martyrs of Solovetsky by the anointed from the earth set in motion all the forces of heaven, multiplying their beneficial influence on world and universal processes many times over. The Solovetsky Cathedral became a great shield and an irresistible cover for the St. John's ecclesia.

The discovery by the anointed of the secrets of the Second Solovetskaya confused and violated the plans of the prince of this world. The wounded beast howled in annoyance and impotence. He poured out all his anger and poison on the prophet, who dared to tell the world the truth about Solovki.

It was the gospel of Solovki that caused the subsequent persecution of Father John and the Church of the Mother of God. The centuries-old methods of slander, lies, induced magic, denigration of the anointed one and his ekklesia were used. Regular custom-made TV shows, articles in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. They tried to gag the Prophet of the Queen of Heaven. An atmosphere of vacuum and boycott was artificially created around him. Everything was aimed at putting the anointed one in the most unsightly light. However, Fr. John stood up with honor in this spiritual battle and won. The ecclesia of Johann has withstood, strengthened and matured.

The scope of the anointed one

When trying to evaluate the intensity of the work of the anointed one, the question arises: is a person able to work with such dedication?

Such a volume of writing activity is hardly mastered by a genius. What can we say about talented people? However, such a scale testifies to the divine-human process of the work of the anointed one. It is possible only in conditions of direct assistance from the forces of heaven, led by the Mother of God.

We must not forget that the head of the ecclesia and the anointed one, who is on the mission of saving the world, has dozens of other things to do and concerns. Many apostolic centers in many countries of the world. The annual Councils of the White Church, which attract thousands and thousands of envoys and guests from all over the world. Theurgies, spiritual instructions, prayers… Conferences, meetings with prominent spiritual leaders, famous figures and ordinary people. And many many others.

And how many people suffering from fatal programs, birth curses, slander, severe and incurable diseases, infirmities did Father John heal?!! An ordinary person simply cannot do this. But if it happens, it means that Heaven strengthens and blesses the chosen one.

New Music School of Father John

The most important sphere of spiritual activity of Father John is music. Being himself an excellent musician of the school of Heinrich Neuhaus (he studied with his beloved student, teacher Maria Deshalyt), he founded a new music school. Its novelty lies in the fact that the performer should not copy the authorities by mechanically reading the notes. Filled with the All-Good Spirit, he strives to hear the celestial spheres from which brilliant composers wrote off their works. O. John believes that the Performer must put a new breath of the Spirit into the work, overcoming traditional clichés. Outside of the Katar-Bogomil spirituality, an over-authorized musician cannot take place.

According to Father John, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Tchaikovsky and others are musical Christs. As the prophet voiced the Logos of the Word, they voiced the musical Logos of the Father and Mother of pure love. In order to perform works, for example, Mozart, one must be a Christ and be no less brilliant than the composer himself.

This is how Father John performs the classics. Music discs with his performances of works by great composers are known in many countries of the world and are in great demand. They often preach the gospel better than books, because they do not require rational verbal translation and are perceived by the heart. There are many responses about the healing effect of Father John's music. Listening to her, people are freed from many serious ailments.

The Prophet wrote five books on music and the greatest composers. They restored the true image of God-seers, undistorted by human prejudices. According to the reviews of world-famous musical figures (Professor Mikhail Stepanenko, People's Artist of Ukraine, composer and musicologist; Vsevolod Zaderatsky, Doctor of Arts and Professor of the Moscow Conservatory; Professor Alexander Kozarenko, composer, Doctor of Arts from Lviv; Evgeny Levashov, Doctor of Arts, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory and others) - such unique intimate studies in the history of music have not yet existed.

Authentic History Reenactor

Reading from the white scrolls of the library of the heavenly Sophia of Good Providence, the anointed one restores the distorted history of the world and Russia. He returns the truth about certain deliberately hushed up events and heroes of the recent and distant past.

O. John published a series of books on history, which are dedicated to despozins, Cathars, Bogomils, Christophers, unknown saints erased from human memory ... The historical truth about the great anointed ones, who sacrificed themselves in love for the salvation of mankind and shone like suns in the firmament of civilization, has been restored. Authentic images of Christ, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mani, Hannibal, Muhammad and many other lamps have been returned. The message distorted by myths about the immortal deities of Hyperborea, Arcadia, Atlantis and other immaculate civilizations that existed on earth has been restored.

A special sphere of activity of the anointed one is poetry. Its images he draws from the treasury of the divine Logos. Poetic lines make it possible to briefly, succinctly and easily convey the greatest secrets of the Wisdom of God, which cannot be done through spiritual sermons, books, articles.

Adallo Aliyev (1932-2015), a poet and classic of Avar literature from Dagestan, after reading the poetic books of the prophet, exclaimed: ‘I read the poetry of Blessed John and admire every line.<…>Father John puts his whole soul into his poetry. Great soul!’

Vladimir Aleinikov (1946), poet, prose writer and essayist from Russia: ‘Amazement, namely amazement, is the very first sensation when reading Father John’s poems!’

The well-known Russian poetess and writer Elena Kryukova (1956) from Nizhny Novgorod said about the anointed one: ‘…Blessed is our time, which gave us Father John. May those who persecute him be forgiven: we must pray for them. Beloved are those who, under his guidance, have loved God and his Blessed Mother with a new, fiery and pure love.

The brilliant writer, poet and literary critic of Ukraine Petro Soroka (1956-2018) said: ‘Blessed John always opens his heart first, and then his mouth. You can understand that we have a great and rare chosen one in front of us from any of his books. It is not important and not essential which of his hundreds of works will be the first to fall into your hands.

Father of the Melchizedek Priesthood of the White Church

Religious scholars often try to understand the origins of this or that spiritual movement by speculative standards. They ask, for example, the question: Is the Church of the Mother of God a new religious movement or not? The only answer is yes and no.

Nothing in the world can be in a static state, only in motion. One of the names of the Mother of God is Transfiguring. Ekklesia Ioannov is the orthodoxy of the elders, as it was in the 17th, and in the 12th, and in the 9th, and in the 2nd centuries. But this is the eldership of the present day. Renewed, with multiplied spiritual seals, gifts and experience. And the conciliar strength of spirit that comes from the great luminaries standing behind the Church!

The origins of our Orthodoxy are not from Vladimir, who forcibly baptized Ancient Rus', but from Christ, the Mother of God, John the Theologian and Andrew the First-Called! Father John is the successor of the branch of Christ and the apostle-anointed of the Mother of God in the hypostasis of the Solar Wife (Rev. ch.12).

Father John is the father of the new Melchizedek priesthood and the New White Church.

There is evidence of the peasant woman Evdokia Adrianov about the appearance of the White Church in recent times and its victory in the most difficult struggle with the Black Church. Thanks to her, the miraculous icon of the Sovereign was found in the village of Kolomenskoye in 1917. Until now, the revelations of the Most Holy Theotokos E. Adrianova are not available to the public, since they are hushed up by the Pharisees. These revelations denounce the harlot church and those who are directly guilty of sins-crimes, which, according to the apostle, "have ascended to heaven." The icon itself was repeatedly subjected to restoration damage in order to deliberately distort its spiritual meaning.

Father John is not just a high priest of the White John ecclesia. He is Melchizedek, the priest of the Father of pure love, descended from above. And he brought into the world a new priesthood such as never existed on earth. The Melchizedeks are filled with the All-good Spirit, just like the anointed one himself. Their service is qualitatively excellent, performed according to the heavenly rank with the Grail Cup and gradation wands for governing the world, handed over by the Mother of God herself. No sacrifice but the sacrifice of love. No ritual and rank of Aaron.

White ekklesia is qualitatively different. There is no distance: God - priest - flock. Theogamic bridal chamber for virgin brides with burning candles in their hearts. Unique church-ship. It is not static, but constantly in the movement of ascent, in novelty. The ship moves across the expanses of the sea, bypassing dangerous reefs and visiting oasis islands with spiritual treasures hidden on them.

Christian and Qatari period. Prophet of the fulfillment of the new covenant

There are two periods in the life of the anointed and the formation of the Church of the Mother of God: traditional and Bogomil-Katari. The first (Orthodox and Catholic) is the development of the treasury of spiritual gifts of both branches of Christianity. For 20 years Father John commented on the gospel in sermons and articles from beginning to end. Several tens of volumes of the exalted Holy Spirit interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and the Psalms have been published. The amount of work done has no similar precedent in the history of the Church.

Tens of thousands of unique liturgies, all-night vigils, liturgical rites, prayers and prayers, written off by the anointed one from above, have been served. Krakhmalnikova Zoya Alexandrovna (1929-2008), a well-known literary critic, Orthodox publicist, who was subjected to repressions for her faith in the times of the USSR, criticized those who reproached Father John for the novelty of the Mother of God services. She testified: ‘I know the Orthodox liturgy by heart. I admired what Father John was doing. He left the liturgy in the same order, but transformed it.

The second appeal is the plan for the salvation of mankind

The second appeal of the anointed and the White Church does not reject the Christian path of spiritual acquisition. On the contrary, it makes it even more accessible to people. The senile teaching on asceticism, prostrations, the psalter, ablution at holy springs, fiery evangelism, the uncompromising witness of the Spirit, and other keys of holiness continue to constitute the spiritual treasury of the John's ecclesia. With the second conversion, this treasury only multiplies from the spiritual storehouses of Cathars, Bogomils, Christophers, Templars, deities and pantheons of immaculate civilizations that preceded the current 84th.

The meaning of the second appeal is the need for a millionfold improvement of a person. The Anointed One debunked the biblical project imposed by Elohim and spread to the whole world, legitimizing the illegitimate mixture of good and evil on earth. Such an explosive mixture destroys homo sapiens. Makes him unable to discern and reject evil. Mixing is the main reason for the progression of incurable diseases, epidemics, mortality, the initiation and spread of conflicts, wars, global catastrophes and other things. Ultimately, it leads civilization to destruction, which is happening now. “I form light and create darkness, I make peace and bring disaster” (Is.45:7)

The second appeal is the brilliant discovery of the anointed one, which, on the one hand, destroys the vile plans of the biblical god and humanoids, and dispels the hypnosis induced on humanity. On the other hand, it serves as a unique key for the real salvation of mankind, its entry into the divine civilization being created by the Blessed Virgin.

The second appeal coincided with the cycle of heavenly revelations of the Mother of God to Father John on Nightingale Hill. The magnificent evangelion ‘Rose of the Seraphs’ is the news of the coming divine civilization. Published a series of books of Cathar revelations on San Salvador Verdadero. The Cathar immortals direct humanity into the coming age of transformation, which the Queen proclaims the Solar 85th civilization of the Seraphs.

The revelations to Father John of the immaculate civilizations of Hyperborea and Atlantis open to humanity the previously sealed gates to the New Golden Age, in which there will no longer be the Elohim lust and evil that torment people so much today.

The anointed Father John, with his titanic multifaceted activity, actually fulfills the New Testament and prepares for the eternal covenant. Thanks to the prophet, the Sun of love of the kindest kind Ahuramazda again rises above the earth. The darkness of the 7.5-thousand-year night of Jaldabaoth is dispelled. The earth is beginning to awaken from a deep sleep and millennia of induced hypnosis. Morning Svarog!

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