Gogol's works for children. last years of life


"To be in the world and not signify one's existence in any way - that seems terrible to me." N. V. Gogol.

The genius of classical literature

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is known to the world as a writer, poet, playwright, publicist and critic. A man of remarkable talent and an amazing master of words, he is famous both in Ukraine, where he was born, and in Russia, where he moved over time.

Especially Gogol is known for his mystical heritage. His stories, written in a unique Ukrainian language, which is not literary in the full sense of the word, convey the depth and beauty of Ukrainian speech, known to the whole world. The greatest popularity of Gogol was given by his "Viy". What other works did Gogol write? Below is a list of works. These are sensational stories, often mystical, and stories from the school curriculum, and few famous works author.

List of writer's works

In total, Gogol wrote more than 30 works. Some of them he continued to finish, despite the publication. Many of his creations had several variations, including "Taras Bulba" and "Viy". Having published the story, Gogol continued to reflect on it, sometimes adding or changing the ending. His stories often have multiple endings. So, next we consider the most famous works of Gogol. The list is in front of you:

  1. "Ganz Kühelgarten" (1827-1829, under the pseudonym A. Alov).
  2. “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” (1831), part 1 (“ Sorochinskaya Fair”, “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Drowned Woman”, “Missing Letter”). The second part was published a year later. It included following stories: "Christmas Eve", " Terrible revenge”, “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt”, “The Enchanted Place”.
  3. Mirgorod (1835). Its edition was divided into 2 parts. The first part included the stories "Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners". The second part, completed in 1839-1841, included "Viy", "The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich."
  4. "Nose" (1841-1842).
  5. "Morning business man". It was written, like the comedies Litigation, Fragment and Lakeyskaya, from 1832 to 1841.
  6. "Portrait" (1842).
  7. "Notes of a Madman" and "Nevsky Prospekt" (1834-1835).
  8. "Inspector" (1835).
  9. The play "Marriage" (1841).
  10. "Dead Souls" (1835-1841).
  11. Comedy "Players" and " Theatrical tour after the presentation of the new comedy" (1836-1841).
  12. "Overcoat" (1839-1841).
  13. "Rome" (1842).

These are published works that Gogol wrote. The works (a list by year, to be more precise) indicate that the writer's talent flourished in 1835-1841. And now let's go through the reviews of the most famous stories Gogol.

"Viy" - the most mystical creation of Gogol

The story "Viy" tells about the recently deceased lady, the centurion's daughter, who, as the whole village knows, was a witch. The centurion, at the request of his beloved daughter, forces the funeral worker Khoma Bruta to be read over her. The witch, who died through the fault of Khoma, dreams of revenge...

Reviews of the work "Viy" - continuous praise for the writer and his talent. It is impossible to discuss the list of Nikolai Gogol's works without mentioning everyone's favorite Viy. Readers note bright characters, original, unique, with their own characters and habits. All of them are typical Ukrainians, cheerful and optimistic people, rude but kind. It is impossible not to appreciate the subtle irony and humor of Gogol.

They also highlight the unique style of the writer and his ability to play on contrasts. During the day, the peasants walk and have fun, Khoma also drinks, so as not to think about the horror of the upcoming night. With the advent of evening, a gloomy, mystical silence sets in - and Khoma again enters the circle outlined in chalk ...

A very short story keeps you in suspense until last pages. Below are stills from the 1967 film of the same name.

Satirical comedy "The Nose"

The Nose is an amazing story, written in such a satirical form that at first it seems fantastic absurdity. According to the plot, Platon Kovalev, a public person and prone to narcissism, wakes up in the morning without a nose - it is empty in its place. In a panic, Kovalev begins to look for his lost nose, because without it you won’t even appear in a decent society!

Readers easily saw the prototype of Russian (and not only!) society. Gogol stories, despite the fact that they were written in the 19th century, do not lose their relevance. Gogol, whose list of works for the most part can be divided into mysticism and satire, very subtly felt modern society, which has not changed much since then. The rank, the external gloss are still held in high esteem, but the inner content of a person is of no interest to anyone. It is Plato's nose, with an outer shell, but without inner content, that becomes the prototype of a man richly dressed, rationally thinking, but soulless.

"Taras Bulba"

"Taras Bulba" is a great creation. Describing the works of Gogol, the most famous, the list of which is provided above, it is impossible not to mention this story. In the center of the plot are two brothers, Andrei and Ostap, as well as their father, Taras Bulba himself, a strong, courageous and utterly principled man.

Readers especially highlight small parts stories, on which the author focused attention, which enlivens the picture, makes those distant times closer and more understandable. Writer for a long time studied the details of the life of that era, so that readers could more vividly and vividly imagine the events taking place. In general, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, whose list of works we are discussing today, always attached special meaning trifles.

Charismatic characters also made a lasting impression on readers. The tough, merciless Taras, ready to do anything for the sake of the Motherland, the brave and courageous Ostap and the romantic, selfless Andrey - they cannot leave readers indifferent. In general, the famous works of Gogol, the list of which we are considering, have interesting feature- an amazing, but harmonious contradiction in the characters of the characters.

"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"

Another mystical, but at the same time funny and ironic work of Gogol. The blacksmith Vakula is in love with Oksana, who promised to marry him if he gets her little slippers, like the queen herself. Vakula is in despair... But then, quite by chance, he comes across evil spirits, having fun in the village in the society of a witch. It is not surprising that Gogol, whose list of works contains numerous Mystic stories, in this story involved a witch and a devil.

This story is interesting not only for the plot, but also for the colorful characters, each of which is unique. They, as if alive, appear before the readers, each in his own way. One Gogol admires with light irony He admires Vakula, and teaches Oksana to appreciate and love. Like a caring father, he chuckles good-naturedly at his characters, but it all looks so soft that it causes only a gentle smile.

The character of the Ukrainians, their language, customs and foundations, so clearly described in the story, could only be described in such detail and lovingly by Gogol. Even joking about the "Muscovites" looks cute in the mouths of the characters in the story. This is because Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, whose list of works we are discussing today, loved his homeland and spoke of it with love.

"Dead Souls"

Sounds mystical, right? However, in reality, Gogol this work did not resort to mysticism and looked much deeper - into human souls. Main character Chichikov seems to be a negative character at first glance, but the more the reader gets to know him, the more positive traits notices in it. Gogol makes the reader worry about the fate of his hero, despite his hard-hitting actions, which already says a lot.

In this work, the writer, as always, acts as an excellent psychologist and a real genius of the word.

Of course, these are not all the creations that Gogol wrote. The list of works is incomplete without the continuation of Dead Souls. It was his author who allegedly burned it before his death. Rumor has it that in the next two volumes, Chichikov was supposed to improve and become a decent person. Is it so? Unfortunately, now we will never know for sure.

The creative life of the outstanding Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol can be called successful. All his works were published during his lifetime. . Books such as "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" and "Dead Souls" are known not only at home, but also abroad.

Childhood and youth

The future writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born in 1809 in one of the villages of the Poltava province. His father Vasily Afanasyevich was a big fan of the theatre. He wrote plays for home productions and was known as a wonderful storyteller.

According to many surviving stories of contemporaries, it can be noted that Vasily was not distinguished by either good health or appearance. But he married the beautiful Maria half his age. All their children inherited fragile health, many died in infancy.

Nikolai was the third child in the family. Childhood passed in a rural setting, imbued with original Ukrainian culture and traditions . Subsequently, he wrote many novels and stories about the life of Ukrainians. His mother Maria Ivanovna had a great influence on the formation of character. The woman was very pious and prone to mysticism. .

Gogol studied in Nizhyn. He did not have good academic performance, but thanks to his good memory, he quickly made up for lost time and never stayed for the second year. But he was good at drawing and Russian literature. Perhaps the curriculum itself was no different. good quality. So, in the self-education circle that Nikolai attended, he was a diligent student. There he met comrades who shared his love of literature. By the end of his studies, he dreams of literary fame and popularity.

mature years

So, having planned to break away from philistine life and benefit society, he moved to live in 1828 in St. Petersburg. Gogol gets a job in the theater, but acting did not work out. Then he got a job in the office, which greatly annoyed him. Words of disappointment are heard in the letters of this period. His modest fees and hopes for fast recognition his talents burdened Gogol's soul. Soon he began to notice that Petersburgers were keenly interested in the topic of Ukrainian life. . On this basis, he creates the first works that brought him popularity. For example:

  • "Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala" and many other books.

In them, he poetically depicted Ukrainian culture and traditions. . At the same time, he began to study drama. In 1836, a performance was staged based on his play, which caused a resonance in society. In order to calm the passions, he went abroad.

last years of life

Having visited Germany, Switzerland and France, Nikolai Vasilievich went to Italy, where he began to work on the poem. After returning home, he publishes the first volume. The work made an impression on many prominent people that time. While working on the second volume of Dead Souls, the writer felt creative crisis, intensified by the mysticism inherited from the mother . The writer became seriously ill, as a result of which he left this world in 1852.

“... Speaking of Dead Souls, one can talk a lot about Russia,” this judgment of the poet and critic P. A. Vyazemsky explains the special place of Gogol’s poem in the history of Russian literature: both a huge success with readers and the extraordinary sharpness of the controversy around Gogol’s main books, and a variety of expressed opinions, each of which, in one way or another, involves reflections on the nature of national thinking and cultural consciousness, on the present and future of Russia.

The Government Inspector is one of the best Russian comedies. N.V. Gogol made his contemporaries laugh at what they got used to and what they stopped noticing. And today, the comedy created by the great Russian writer, while continuing to sound modern, points the way to a moral revival.

Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka (Part One - 1831, Part Two - 1832) is the immortal masterpiece of the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809-1852).

Enthusiastically received by his contemporaries (for example, A.S. Pushkin wrote: “I have now read Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. They amazed me. Here is real gaiety, sincere, unconstrained, without affectation, without stiffness. And in places, what poetry. What sensuality! All this is so unusual in our literature that I still have not come to my senses ... "), this book remains one of the writer's favorite works by readers today.

The famous story by N.V. Gogol from the Mirgorod cycle, during the creation of which the author widely used various historical sources Keywords: memoirs, annals, research, folklore materials.

"Taras Bulba" has long been included in school curriculum. But it would be good to keep in mind that reading this story requires wisdom, which is rarely characteristic of a young age. However, this is probably an unnecessary remark: it always happens with the classics.

A fantastic story about the life of the Ukrainian people, in which the description realistic features his manners and customs are combined with marvelous fiction. Storyline stories - romantic love couple to a beautiful girl.

Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich(1809-1852) - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature.
Gogol's fairy tales are diverse both in their motives and in the events described in them. Take at least the most famous: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" - each has its own heroes, its own miracles and its own events.

Tales Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich
"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

One of the most mystical and unusual writers of Russia in its entire history was undoubtedly Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol- how elegant, simple and, at the same time, fantastic and surprisingly beautiful Tales Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" by Gogol, his stories, stories, plays and comedies ...

Indeed, it is hardly possible to find another such author who would be able to write with unsurpassed accuracy and skill not only about everyday things (like the life of a Ukrainian village), but also describe mystical phenomena and phenomena (such as evil spirits, flights to St. Petersburg on the line, abduction of the moon, etc.).

Tales of Gogol- one of his best works, in which all the author's love for Little Russia, for the Ukrainian people and traditions, for the life of ordinary peasants, their beliefs, holidays, and customs was manifested. Almost all the works of the pen of Nikolai Vasilyevich devoted to this topic were included in the collection "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". They were written by the author for three years, and were published in 1831 (the first volume of Gogol's fairy tales) and in 1832 (the second volume).

A kind of "geographical center" of Gogol's fairy tales, collected in "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", as it can be seen from the name itself, became the same Dikanka from the childhood of Nikolai Vasilyevich - the place of his birth and life. Another remarkable fact is that all the works from the collection are connected by the so-called “framing plot”, since, according to the author’s idea, these fairy tales and legends were supposedly collected and written down by the Ukrainian beekeeper Rudy Pank from the words of his grandfather Foma Grigorievich, a Cossack.

Gogol's fairy tales are diverse both in their motives and in the events described in them. Take at least the most famous: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" - each has its own heroes, its own miracles and its own events. But all these tales are united by one thing - they depict in all their glory the glorious, kind, hardworking and honest Ukrainian people with their beliefs, traditions and even legends. After all, the beautiful girls and the brave, with a pure heart, the couples in the work are opposed by mystical, semi-pagan otherworldly forces. However, good in these tales still wins, justice triumphs, and evil spirits leave with nothing. So the author contrasts spirituality, light and grace human soul darkness of the underworld.

Gogol's tales are still loved in all corners of both Russia and Ukraine. They are studied at school, they are read by children and adults. And the reason for this is not only the sensational mysticism of these works, but also sparkling humor, charismatic characters, a talented depiction of the life of the Ukrainian village.

Although creative life the writer was short-lived, and some periods of his life are completely shrouded in mystery, everyone knows the name of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Having quickly become famous, the young author surprised his contemporaries with his talent. It surprises the current reader as well.

Those fifteen years that the writer devoted to writing showed the world a genius of the highest standard. Distinctive feature- this is versatility and creative evolution. Poetics, associative perception, metaphor, grotesque, intonational diversity, alternation of the comical with pathos. Novels, plays, even poetry.

Housewarming (1826)

The whole life of the writer was full of struggle and inner experiences. Perhaps, while still studying in Nizhyn, the young man felt that he would have many questions about the meaning of life.

There, as a high school student, Kolya wrote a verse for the school handwritten magazine, the name of which is considered to be "Housewarming". But it is known for sure that in a final design with the author's autograph it was called "Bad Weather".

The young poet, already at the age of seventeen, had doubts about the correctness of the title of his poem. These doubts about a correctly chosen style, a correctly inserted replica, and even a word, the author will carry through all his work, mercilessly cracking down on texts that, in his opinion, failed.

The young man seemed to prophesy to himself:

Is it light, is it dark - it's all the same,
When there is bad weather in this heart!

In addition to the poem "Housewarming", Gogol wrote four more poems and the poem "Hanz Kühelgarten".

Ganz Küchelgarten (1827-1829)

The first publication did not live up to Nikolai's expectations - it was a cruel disappointment. The hopes placed on this story were not justified. The romantic idyll in pictures, written back in the Nizhyn gymnasium in 1827, received negative reviews, and forced the author to reconsider his creative possibilities.

At this time, Gogol was hiding behind the pseudonym A. Alov. The writer bought up all unsold copies and destroyed them. Now Nikolai decided to write about what he knows well - about beautiful Ukraine.

Evenings on a farm near Dikanka (1829-1832)

The book aroused the keen interest of readers. Historical digression in Little Russia, depicting pictures of Ukrainian life, shining with cheerfulness and subtle humor, made a big impression.

It would make perfect sense if the narrator used Ukrainian language for your creations. But in Russian, Gogol seemed to erase the line between Little Russia and Great Russia. Ukrainian folklore motifs, where the main language is Russian, generously strewn Ukrainian words, made the entire collection of "Evenings" absolutely exquisite, absolutely different from everything that was at that time.

The young writer began his work not with clean slate. Even in Nizhyn, he kept a notebook, which he himself called "All sorts of things." It was a notebook with four hundred and ninety sheets, in which the schoolboy wrote down everything that seemed interesting to him: historical and geographical references, statements famous writers, proverbs and sayings, giving, songs, customs, own thoughts and writings.

The young man did not stop there. He writes letters to his mother and sisters, and asks them to send him various information on the topic: "the life of the Little Russian people." He wants to know everything. Thus began the great work on the book.

"Evenings" had a subtitle: "Tales published by the beekeeper Rudy Pank." This fictional character. He needed to give credibility to the stories. The author seems to go into the shadows, passing forward the image of a simple, good-natured, cheerful beekeeper, allowing him to laugh and joke about his fellow villagers. So, through the stories simple peasant conveys the flavor of Ukrainian life. This character seems to wink at the reader, slyly reserving the right to fiction, but passing him off as honest truth. And all this with a special elevated intonation.

The differences between fiction and the stories of the writer is that in fairy tales there are magical characters, while Gogol has religious ones. Here everything is saturated with faith in God and in the power of the devil.

The action of all the stories included in the collection is associated with one of the temporary chronological layers: antiquity, recent legendary times Catherine the Great and Modernity.

The first readers of the "Evenings" were printing workers, who, seeing Gogol who came to them, began to laugh and assured him that his "tricks" were very funny. "So! thought the writer. “Cherny liked me.”

First book

And here is the debut. The first book is out. These are: “Sorochinsky Fair”, “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Drowned Woman”, “Missing Letter”.

And it became clear to everyone around - this is Talent! All notable critics unanimously expressed their admiration. The writer makes friends in literary circles. Published by Baron Anton Antonovich Delvig, learns the opinion of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, already a recognized critic at that time. Having become friends with Zhukovsky, Nikolai falls into the literary and aristocratic circle.

A year has passed and the second part of the collection came out. The simplicity, diversity, diversity of the nationality splashed out with stories: "The Night Before Christmas", "Terrible Revenge", "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his Aunt", "The Enchanted Place".

The festive, colorful side has another - night, dark, sinful, otherworldly. Truth side by side with lies, irony with seriousness. found a place and love stories and unsolved mysteries.

Even at the dawn of cinema, Gogol's works began to attract directors. At the beginning of the 20th century, the film adaptations of The Night Before Christmas, Terrible Revenge, Viy, were perceived by the public as "Hurrah", despite the fact that the poetics and imagery of the plot that the narrator so diligently invested disappeared on the screen in silent films. in every phrase.

Films based on Gogol's "Evenings" came out later, and "Viy", in fact, is the first Soviet film horror.

Arabesque (1835)

This was the following collection, partly compiled from articles published in 30-34 years XIX century, and partly from works published for the first time.

stories and literary texts included in this collection are little known to the general reader. Here Gogol talked about Russian literature, looked for its place in history, and outlined tasks for it. He spoke about art, about Pushkin, as about the greatness of the people's poet, about folk art.

Mirgorod (1835)

This period was the peak of Gogol's fame, and all his works included in the Mirgorod collection only confirmed the author's genius.

For editorial purposes, the collection was divided into two books, two stories each.

Taras Bulba

After the release of Taras Bulba, Belinsky immediately declared that this was a "poem of great passions."

Indeed: war, murder, revenge, betrayal. In this story, there was a place for love, but such a strong one, for which the hero is ready to give everything: comrades, father, Motherland, life.

The narrator created such a plot that it is impossible to unequivocally assess the actions of the main characters. Taras Bulba, so thirsty for war, eventually loses two sons and dies himself. The betrayal of Andriy, who fell in love with the beautiful Polish woman so much and was ready to do anything for the sake of this fatal passion.

old world landowners

This work was misunderstood by many. Few people saw in the story of the old married couple love story. The kind of love that is not expressed by stormy confessions, sworn assurances or betrayals with a tragic end.

The simple life of old landowners who cannot live without each other, because they are one whole in this life - that's what the narrator tried to convey to the reader.

But the public, having understood the story in its own way, nevertheless expressed its approval.

Contemporaries of Nikolai Vasilyevich were surprised to get acquainted with the Old Slavonic pagan character. In folk Ukrainian fairy tales this character does not exist, Gogol "brought" him from the historical depths. And the character took root, frightening the reader with his dangerous look.

The story has a huge semantic load. All the main action takes place in the church, where there is a struggle between good and evil, faith and unbelief.

The ending is sad. The evil spirits won, the main character died. Here's something to think about. Man did not have enough faith to be saved.

The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich

This is the closing work of the Mirgorod collection, in which all the passions are ironic.

Human nature in the person of two landowners, who, having nothing to do, started a long-term lawsuit, is shown from all sides, denouncing them worst features. Elite secular society shown in the most unattractive pictures: stupidity, stupidity, stupidity.

And the ending: "It's boring in this world, gentlemen!" - food for deep philosophical reasoning.

Notes of a Madman (1835)

The first title of the story is "Scraps from a Madman's Notes".

This story about madness, sustained in Gogol's style, had no analogues. Here Nikolai Vasilyevich added a good portion of pity to his wit and originality.

The hero did not suffer in vain. In this strange grotesque, many saw both the poetry of the word and the philosophy of thought.

Nevsky Prospekt (1835)

The writer lived in St. Petersburg for many years and he simply could not describe the place that was central in the lives of many citizens.

What just does not happen on Nevsky Prospekt. And the narrator, as if making Nevsky Prospekt the main character, shows his life, using the example of two characters, completely randomly snatched from the crowd.

Examiner (1835)

An immortal play that brought Nikolai Vasilievich great fame. He created the brightest authentic images of provincial bureaucracy, embezzlement, bribery and stupidity.

It is believed that the idea of ​​this play was born in Pushkin's head, but the elaboration of the plot and the creation of the characters' characters are all Gogol's merit. Hidden behind farce and naturalism philosophical overtones, because the impostor is punished by officials of the county town.

It was not immediately possible to achieve the production of the play. The emperor himself had to convince that the play was not dangerous, that it was just a mockery of bad provincial officials.

Comedy Business Man's Morning (1836)

Initially, the work was conceived as a great work, which was to be called "Vladimir of the third degree", and "Morning" is only part of a big idea.

But on different reasons, including due to censorship, will take place great work it was not destiny. There is too much "salt, anger, laughter" in the comedy. Even the initial name "Morning of an official" was replaced by the censor with "Morning of a business man."

The remaining manuscripts of the large work that did not take place were revised and used by Gogol in other works.

Litigation (1836)

Unfinished comedy - part of the play "Vladimir of the third degree". Despite the fact that "Vladimir" fell apart and did not take place, and "Litigation" remained unfinished, individual scenes received the right to life and were staged in the theater during the author's lifetime.

Extract (1839-1840)

The first title is "Scenes from secular life- a dramatic passage. He was not destined to see the light - so decided the censorship.

Nikolai Vasilievich included this passage in Dramatic Fragments and Separate Scenes in his edition in 1842.

Lackey (1839-1840)

Another dramatic excerpt from the failed play "Vladimir of the Third Degree", self-published in the "Works of Nikolai Gogol" in 1842.

Nose (1841-1842)

absurd satirical work was not understood. The Moscow Observer magazine refused to publish it, accusing the writer of stupidity and vulgarity. But Pushkin found in it a lot of unexpected, funny and original, posting it in his Sovremennik magazine.

True, it was not without censorship, which cut out entire pieces of the text. But the image of an empty ambitious person striving for statuary and admiration for higher ranks was a success.

Dead Souls (1835-1841)

This is the most fundamental creation difficult fate. The conceived three-volume book could not see the light, in the version in which Nikolai Vasilyevich wanted - hell, purgatory, paradise (many philologists think so).

In 1842, the first volume was published, strictly edited by the censors. But semantic load preserved. The reader could see everything: temptation, evil, dynamic beginning. And to recognize the devil in the one who buys souls - in Chichikovo. And all the landowners are a whole gallery of various types, each of which personifies some property of the human character.

The book has been well-received. It was translated into other languages ​​already in 1844, and very soon it could be read in German, Czech, English, Polish. During the life of the author, the book was translated into ten languages.

The ideas of the third volume remained ideas. For this volume, the writer collected materials, but did not have time to use them.

Theatrical tour after the presentation of the new comedy (1836-1841)

The writer spent his whole life looking for genuine feelings, dismantled spiritual qualities, put a certain philosophy into his creations.

In essence, The Theater Journey is a play about a play. And the conclusion suggests itself. The number of jesters that society needs is disproportionate to all kinds of money-grubbing and the desire for profit. “There are many opinions, but no one understood the main thing,” the author complains.

Overcoat (1839-1841)

It is believed that this story was born from an anecdote. Mixing compassion with irritation, Akaky Akakievich suddenly came out. And sad funny story about small insignificant person suddenly became interesting.

And having laughed at Gogol's character, it's time to think about whether the biblical meaning is embedded in this story. After all, the soul wants to love one beautiful thing, and people are not so perfect. But Christ calls everyone to be kind and meek. In Greek, "doing no evil" - Akaki. So we get Akaky Akakievich, the image is soft and vulnerable.

"Overcoat" was understood in different ways, but fell in love. She found her place in the cinema. The film "The Overcoat", released in 1926, and enthusiastically accepted by the public, was banned by censorship in 1949. But on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the writer's birth, New film"Overcoat" directed by Alexei Batalov.

Portrait (1842)

In the first part, the writer touches on the attitude of others towards art, scolding the monotony and short-sightedness. The author condemns the deceit on the canvases, which the public likes so much, calling to serve real art.

In the second part, Gogol dug even deeper. Explaining that the purpose of art is the service of God. Without insight, the artist simply makes soulless copies, and in this case the triumph of evil over good is inevitable.

The story has been criticized for being too instructive.

Play Marriage (1842)

A play with full title“Marriage, or an Absolutely Incredible Event in Two Acts,” it was written back in 1835, and had the title “Grooms”.

But Nikolai Vasilyevich made adjustments for another eight years, and when, finally, the performance was staged, many did not understand him. Even the actors themselves did not understand what they were playing.

But time put everything in its place. The idea that marriage is a union of two souls, and not the search for an illusory ideal, for many years makes the audience go to this performance, and the directors put it on different stages.

Comedy Players (1842)

IN tsarist Russia subject gambling hovered in the air. It has been touched upon by many writers. Nikolai Vasilievich expressed his vision on this matter.

The writer is so twisted plot story, flavoring everything with chic turns, including slang expressions of gamblers, that the comedy has turned into a real intricate matrix, where all the characters pretend to be someone else.

The comedy was an immediate success. It is relevant even today.

Rome (1842)

Is not independent work, and an excerpt from unfinished novel"Annunziata". This passage quite clearly characterizes the author's evolution in creativity, but he did not receive a worthy assessment.

Selected passages from correspondence with friends (1845)

A spiritual crisis pushes the writer to religious and philosophical topics. The fruit of this work was the publication of the collection "Selected passages from correspondence with friends."

This work, written in an edifying preaching style, caused a storm in critical circles. In all literary circles there were disputes and excerpts from this book were read.

Passions were serious. Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky wrote critique as open letter. But the letter was banned from printing, and it began to be distributed in manuscript form. It is for the dissemination of this letter to death penalty Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was sentenced. True, the “death penalty by shooting” did not happen, the sentence was commuted to punishment in the form of hard labor.

Gogol, on the other hand, explained the attacks against the book as his mistake, believing that the chosen edifying tone ruined everything. Yes, and those places that censorship did not initially miss, finally ruined the material presented.

All the works of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol are pages of the amazing beauty of the Russian word, when reading you rejoice and are proud that you can speak and think in the same language.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most famous writers 19th century. For my short life he managed to write a large number of outstanding works, many of which are now taught in schools. The ten most popular and best books Gogol, a list of which is located below.

Sorochinskaya Fair

"Sorochinsky Fair" opens the list of works, pen-owned Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol and is part of the collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. The action in the story takes place in the homeland of the prose writer. The plot revolves around a young man named Gritsko, who falls in love with beautiful girl named Khavronya. Main character wants to marry her. The girl's father does not mind, but the stepmother refuses to give her stepdaughter for him, because he did not please her. Then Gritsko turns to the gypsy for help, who makes a plan on how to achieve the location of his stepmother and arrange a wedding.


"Portrait"- a work included in the cycle "Petersburg Tales". The main character of the story is a young man Chartkov, who is engaged in art. He is incredibly poor, he does not even have money to pay for rent. Despite this, the artist buys a portrait with the last money, which depicts an old man. He attracts a young man by the fact that the eyes in the portrait seem to be alive. The young man begins to be haunted at night by strange dreams, as if the old man comes out of the frame with a bag full of money. Chartkov in a dream manages to snatch one bundle with 1000 gold coins. In the morning, the young man wakes up and finds this money in fact. He moves to a prestigious area, rents expensive apartments and becomes a sought-after young artist with a large list of orders. Chartkov does not realize that this portrait is cursed and brings only misfortunes to its owner, which will soon affect this artist as well.

Nevsky Avenue

"Nevsky Avenue" included in the book "Petersburg Tales". The story Nikolai Vasilievich begins with an enthusiastic description of Nevsky Prospekt, which he considers one of the best places in St. Petersburg. It is here that any thoughtful observer can draw a lot of impressions for himself. The main characters of the work are Pirogov and Piskarev, who meet in this place while whipping beautiful ladies. Gogol tells two stories of these, at first glance, completely different young people, whose hopes did not come true. The author draws an analogy between these characters and reduces the reader to the idea that despite all the individuality, there is something that unites these men.


"Overcoat"- a story included in the collected works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. In the work, the prose writer touches on the topic “ little man". In the center of the plot of the book is a titular adviser living in poverty named Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. He was very responsible for his official work, despite the fact that it was insignificant. On this occasion, jokes were also soaked by young officials in the direction of Bashmachkin. Soon, Akaki notices that his old overcoat has fallen into disrepair and takes it to the tailor to patch it up. But he refuses to do this, saying that he needs to sew a new one. Bashmachkin begins to save money, infringing on himself even in small things in order to raise money for new overcoat. Having collected the required amount, he orders it for himself. The joy of the new thing was short-lived, as soon the adviser was robbed. He has no choice but to wear his old one. Soon the hero falls ill with a cold and dies.

May Night, or the Drowned Woman

"May Night, or the Drowned Woman"
- Gogol's story, included in the book "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". The work is based on legends about undead souls who died innocently. main character, a young lady, who can no longer endure the bullying of her stepmother, rushes into the river to drown herself. After death, she turns into a beautiful mermaid. But even there the stepmother does not want to give rest to the deceased stepdaughter. She also turns into a mermaid. The first thing left is to seek help from people. In a dream she comes to young man Levko, who is the son of the head. He helps the unfortunate, and in return she happily arranges his personal life.

Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala

"Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala"- The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, which, like many of his works, is filled with mysticism and folklore legends about evil spirits. This is the first story that opens a cycle of works combined into the book Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. In the center of the plot is Petrus, whose fate is deeply unhappy. In this story, Gogol wants to convey to the reader that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness and in order to achieve his goal, in no case should one turn to Satan for help.

Christmas Eve

"Christmas Eve"− one of the best works Nikolai Vasilyevich, included in the book "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". The main character, the blacksmith Vakula, is madly in love with the beautiful girl Oksana, who constantly mocks him. The young man wants to marry her, for which she gives him an overwhelming task. The young man must get for her the slippers that the queen wears. Vakula understands that such a task is beyond his power and is going to ask the devil for help. Devilry By coincidence, it turns out to be at his fingertips. Together with the devil, he flies directly to the queen in St. Petersburg, where he asks the ruler for her bride's little laces. Meanwhile, there is a rumor in the village that Vakula has committed suicide. Oksana punishes herself for this. But the young man returns healthy and unharmed with the promised gift.

Taras Bulba

"Taras Bulba"− one of the most famous books Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The story was repeatedly filmed and gained immense popularity. The work is completely based on historical materials, as well as the parables of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. The main character of the story is Taras Bulba, who is an example of what a true Cossack should be like. The action of the book revolves around him and his two sons.

Diary of a Madman

"Diary of a Madman" included in the collection "Petersburg Tales". In the center of the story, Gogol puts Poprishchin, who is the author of the notes. The main character is a petty official dissatisfied with his position and the fact that everyone pushes him around. He is obsessed with the idea that he must find his own career, and keeps a diary in which he describes his whole life, and also outlines his thoughts. The protagonist is gradually losing his mind, which is displayed in his notes.

Dead Souls

"Dead Souls"- the main creation of the whole life of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The book describes Mr. Chichikov's journey through Russia with the aim of buying up " dead souls". While reading the novel, the reader will get to know a lot of characters, each of which has its own individual character. psychological picture. The author shows all the ugliness of the souls of the landowners, who in fact are people with dead souls there is nothing human about them. Their only goal in life is profit.

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