Boris korchevnikov what's wrong with him now. Boris Korchevnikov brain tumor


In 2015, the famous Russian TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov felt weak and weak. He decided that the deterioration of health was caused by huge workloads, but nevertheless turned to the doctors. The study showed that the TV star has a brain tumor.

Boris Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982. He has established himself as a professional in various fields. Now Boris is the head of the Spas TV channel and is the host of the talk show The Fate of a Man on the Rossiya channel. When Korchevnikov found out about the diagnosis, he was 32 years old. He announced his illness during the program "Live", which he then hosted.

He has always been a healthy man, actively involved in sports. And then the star of "Kadetstvo" realized that no one is immune from terrible diseases. He said that people are too naive when they think that they themselves can do something, have strength.

“Only one miracle of God, in fact, keeps us strong and healthy,” says Boris.

This illness only strengthened the faith of Boris Korchevnikov.

Fortunately, further analyzes showed that the tumor is benign and it is not in the brain, but on the auditory nerve, but it is still better to get rid of it. This can only be done through surgery, so in the summer of 2015, Boris lay down on the surgeon's table. Usually people recover after craniotomy within three days week maximum. It took Korchevnikov three weeks for the body to return to normal.

The first few days it was generally impossible to walk, because the vestibular apparatus was disturbed. The TV star admits that he felt completely powerless and weak. But that's exactly what it took to rethink many things in life. He devoted too much time to urgent matters and forgot about the most important ones. Therefore, when I first heard about the diagnosis, not knowing how quickly the tumor develops and what it is, I decided that last days live fully.

Latest news about Boris's health

In the issue of "Live" on August 25, 2017, Boris said that, as it turned out later, this tumor has been for many years.

Boris Korchevnikov talks about his illness:

Boris has a scar from the operation

And the disease itself occurs in one person out of a hundred thousand. He also convicted many publications of lies that attributed to him oncology and exaggerated the extent of the disease too much.

“This is not the worst thing that can happen to a person,” says Korchevnikov.

But that feeling of impotence, weakness, impotence, which he experienced in the hospital ward, forever changed him. Truly life-transforming.

Boris also admits that he felt the full power of human prayers, which from the lips of relatives, friends, and colleagues were aimed at his speedy recovery. Now the leader feels well and is regularly examined by a doctor.

The question of what the TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov is sick with is of interest not only to his fans and fans of the Live show, but also to almost all viewers of the Russia-1 TV channel. As we know, the presenter recently left the program, his place was taken by Andrey Malakhov, who has already managed to get acquainted with the film crew of the popular show and with all the nuances of its shooting. To date full swing are shooting new episodes of one of the most popular shows channel.

According to media reports, Boris Korchevnikov recently experienced an exacerbation of a brain tumor, due to which he partially lost his hearing. The presenter had problems some time ago, he even wanted to leave the show due to partial hearing loss, but at that time they simply did not let him go. Already at that time, Korchevnikov with great difficulty managed to hear the commands of the director and producer in the earpiece. This information was shared with the journalist by one of the employees of the Russia-1 channel.

It is worth mentioning the fact that not so long ago, the TV presenter published his statement on Instagram. It said that neither the show "Live" nor Korchevnikov himself would be leaving the channel in the near future. In a statement, the presenter reassured many of his fans, assuring them that the program would not close, and that even more interesting releases await viewers next season.

There was also information that Korchevnikov did not expect to see Malakhov as his replacement and until the last did not believe that he would be fired from the channel, but in Lately the TV presenter was simply morally hounded. Today, what Boris Korchevnikov, the TV presenter of many popular programs, is not a secret.

Photo: Boris Korchevnikov and Andrey Malakhov in the program "Live"

About the illness of Boris Korchevnikov

When the fans of both the host and just the viewers of the Live show found out what TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov was sick with, they were seriously worried, because the diagnosis was quite serious: a brain tumor.

It is worth noting that many media representatives insisted that the actor and presenter had to fight cancer. But Korchevnikov himself denied these rumors, saying that he had undergone brain surgery, and at this stage he feels well. This statement sounded in the release of "Live", the host of which at that time was already Andrey Malakhov. He told his colleague in detail about how the operation was carried out, and what are the doctors' forecasts.

Photos from the hospital

Boris does not hide the fact that when he found out about his diagnosis, he was visited by thoughts of death. At that time, it was not yet known whether the tumor was benign or malignant and how fast the neoplasm was growing. Boris did not leave the feeling that he needed to prepare for death, because it was not known how many days he had left.

The news made me completely reconsider the views of the presenter on life. He realized that urgent matters take too much time, and really important points he pays little attention. By that time, Korchevnikov had a large number of unfinished business, the completion of which he tried to devote all his time.

Boris recalls that then he felt the fullness of life and thought that now he would spend time fully, not like before. He says that only when a person feels that he may not have many days of life left, he begins to look at things in a completely different way.

When it became known what Boris Korchevnikov was sick with, the TV presenter decided to conduct a thorough examination to find out all the details of his state of health. Thanks to the examination, it became known that the tumor develops on the auditory nerve, which is why the popular showman at that time practically lost his hearing. Doctors found that the tumor was not a consequence of oncology, and the neoplasm is benign. True, experts noted that Korchevnikov needed urgent surgical intervention.

The operation was carried out in the middle of summer. The surgeons did their job really well. high level, the tumor was completely removed, the patient's condition is stable.

Boris recalls the state of the postoperative period, when his vestibular apparatus was completely damaged, he felt complete impotence and his own weakness. The presenter himself treated these unpleasant phenomena quite philosophically, believing that in such a state a person begins to realize the true importance of things.

Master status on this moment is stable, he reports feeling well, although the effects of major surgery are still being felt.

The presenter himself decided not to hide the operation, and during one of the episodes of the program "Live" he informed a wide audience about it. Before that, many did not even suspect what the TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov was sick with, and what he had to endure. The audience of the program and the showman's fans supported him and wished him to recover as soon as possible after the operation.

Boris said that he decided not to keep silent about his tumor and that it was removed this summer, as this would be dishonest with respect to his fans.

Biography and career of Boris Korchevnikov

To date, a wide bagel already knows what the TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov is sick with. For all his fans, the disappointing diagnosis of doctors came as a real surprise: the presenter, journalist and actor still led enough vigorous activity V different areas, and his show "Live" was very popular among a huge number of viewers.

Photo: Boris Korchevnikov on Russia 1, as the host of the program "Live"

But Korchevnikov's career began long before the release of the high-profile project on the Russia-1 TV channel. It was previously noted bright roles to the cinema and theatrical performances, as well as participation in popular programs.

Boris Korchevnikov will be born in Moscow on July 20, 1982. At that time, the mother of the future showman worked at the Moscow Art Theater as an assistant to Oleg Efremov. She later climbed career ladder to the deputy director of the theater, and then to the director of the museum at the Moscow Art Theater.

In the Korchevnikov family, the mother was the head, since until the age of 13 the boy grew up without a father. His role will later be taken by Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, director of the theater. Pushkin.

Boris remember that his childhood was an incredibly happy period for him, which he almost completely spent with his mother at work. Since childhood, he loved to draw, and little Korchevnikov did it quite well. They were mostly portraits of actors whom he often saw. And in performances future actor started participating at the age of seven. As a child, on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, he had a chance to play more than ten roles.

The most memorable of the productions was The Cabal of the Holy Ones, in which half of the act young actor I lay in the harpsichord, watching all this time the game of real actors and spectators in the hall, in this production Boris had a dialogue with Oleg Efremov himself.

In addition to the theater in which his mother worked, Boris played in the theater. Chekhov and the Theater Studio of Oleg Tabakov. Already with early years he had to perform with famous actors, the production was memorable, where he played with Yevgeny Mironov. Then Zhenya Mironov jokingly tells Boris to teach him the role, because he is growing up, and his acting career is still ahead of him.

Borya also began to master the career of a journalist quite early. The first experience of balls was the position of the presenter in the TV show "Tam-Tam News" on the TRT channel. He was only 11 years old at that time. Then he began to broadcast "The Tower" on the same channel, it was already designed for an older contingent.

When it was time to enter the university, Borya said that he would prepare for two entrance exams at once. To the surprise of his inner circle, he did not overestimate his strength, and entered the Moscow State University and the Moscow Art Theater at the same time. Thinking a little future celebrity chose, after all, the faculty of journalism at Moscow State University.

Before everyone knew what TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov was sick with, he had a good acting career.

Game in the series "Kadetstvo"

Many people know Boris Korchevnikov precisely for his role in famous series. By that time, he had already worked as a freelance journalist on the NTV channel and began a career in film and advertising. His first roles were in the series "Thief-2" and "Happiness for Rent". A handsome young actor with a sincere smile immediately fell in love with the general public, although his roles were not significant. It was in the early 2000s.

Boris Korchevnikov in the TV series Kadetsvo

Breakthrough in acting career Korchevnikova happened in 2006, when he successfully passed the casting for the role of Sinitsyn in the series "Kadetstvo". In connection with the shooting, which lasted for two whole years, the actor had to take long vacation in the field of journalism. The filming schedule was quite intense, they lasted every day for 12 hours. Korchevnikov now recalls that this experience was perhaps the most in his life for him, although the role in popular series and it was not easy for him. Colleagues helped the actor to cope with uncertainty and other difficulties. film set.

Boris Korchevnikov in the series "Kadetsvo" and now

Boris recalls that the role in the series left a significant imprint on his entire life. future life. In part, he began to look at the world through the eyes of the cadets, now he can not stand the mess in the house, after filming he became more organized and thoughtful. And Korchevnikov became himself after filming a movie. He claims that journalism literally killed his own nature, and here the actor has learned to fully reveal his personal qualities.


Since the release of the series on the screens, the young celebrity has gained many fans and real fans. Naturally, it was a big shock for them that Boris Korchevnikov, a TV presenter and actor who fell in love with the general public for his talent and diligence, was ill.

TV career

The TV program “I Want to Believe” is Korchevnikov’s first high-profile project. Here he fully proved himself as a talented author and journalist. At that time, the theme of the transfer was only gaining its popularity. Mythology, Interesting Facts, incredible stories - what was missing on TV screens. During the filming, Boris had to travel a lot and communicate with a lot of interesting people. Working on the program, although it was not easy, but still brought a lot of positive emotions and became a wonderful experience.

This project was followed by a 20-episode TV show "The History of Russian Show Business", on which Boris Korchevnikov worked together with Sergei Shnurov. In the program, both presenters analyzed the careers of the most bright characters, the rise and fall of popularity. Among them are Zemfira, the TaTu group, Andrei Makarevich and Viktor Tsoi.

It is worth noting that the project was really interesting, so much so that many today are revising the program. In the same 2010, Korchevnikov participated in the filming of a program for children called "Guys and Paragraph". The essence of the project was to familiarize the younger contingent with interesting historical facts and other useful information.

It is not surprising that the actor and presenter had many fans among the different audience, and when his viewers found out what Boris Korchevnikov, the TV presenter of many popular programs, was sick with, they were seriously concerned about his future fate.

“The History of Russian Humor” is another successful project of the popular presenter, followed by the program “Live”, in which sensational events and scandalous news were discussed. The program itself also turned out to be quite scandalous, Sergei Bezrukov even sued Channel One due to the fact that in one of the episodes of "Live" there were photographs of his relatives without the knowledge of the actor himself.

Photo: Boris Korchevnikov "Live"

But, both the program itself and the TV presenter were very popular both among critics and among ordinary viewers. When everyone found out what Boris Korchevnikov, the host of the sensational show, was sick with, this news literally shocked the viewers of the channel.

Fortunately, today the illness of the popular actor and showman is left behind, at the moment he said that he was offered to lead orthodox channel Spas, and he agreed to accept the offer. Who knows, maybe what Boris Korchevnikov was sick with had a peculiar effect on the TV presenter. By the way, the media continue to "savor" the news about his illness, claiming that the tumor, after all, was malignant. The presenter himself completely denies these rumors.

TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov is only 33 years old, and he already has a mind-blowing track record: working at the Moscow Art Theater since childhood, the main role in the popular series "Kadetstvo", many of their programs on federal channels, a medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" ... And in the last 2.5 years, Boris has been hosting one of the highest-rated talk shows on our TV - "Live" on the Russia 1 TV channel. It was in this broadcast four months ago that he confessed that he had a brain tumor. But only in exclusive interview ProZvezd Korchevnikov spoke frankly about everything he had to go through this summer.

"This is a state of impotence, monstrous weakness"
- Boris, how did you dare to admit that you have a brain tumor? I know from my own experience how difficult such revelations are, even with close people. And here - all over the country ...
“We talked so many times in our studio about other people's illnesses that when it happened to me, it was just not fair to keep silent about it. We have argued so many times whether it is necessary or necessary to hide this. And they agreed that the benefit of saying this openly is greater than if you keep silent about it. It would be very strange when a tumor was found in me, not to mention it. In addition, I believe in the prayers of people, I know what kind of help you can get from them.
- But it seems to me that our society for the most part does not know how to respond to such information. We are afraid and do not know how to express condolences. For some reason, we believe that getting sick is somehow shameful.
– I think it comes from a completely wrong attitude towards death in our society. The further we go, the more we live in such a hedonistic (aimed at getting pleasure. - Auth.) society, where death is completely absent in the mass field. We are afraid to even talk about it and think about it. Although death is something that happens to everyone anyway. And this is the most important event in our life.
“We can say that we all live for this.
- Certainly. Very accurate. And when illness happens, it's the best reminder of main goal our life. And maybe that's partly why I openly spoke about my tumor - from my attitude to death like this ... The word "tumor", of course, sounds very scary. But it's not cancer, it's benign.
- How was it discovered?
- A little noise in my ear. This has happened before and has never bothered me. I did an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging. - Auth.). That's where it was found - on the auditory nerve.
How did you receive this news?
“First, the mystery. And the thought of death, of course. I thought that now I can live a full life. 'Cause just when we think we can die, we start living full life. I did not yet know what it was, what kind of tumor, whether it was growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: that's how many days I have left, they should be devoted to preparing for death.
- Go away, get all the pleasure?
- No not like this. We live with a lot of pending cases. As a rule, we postpone the most important in order to do the urgent. And it's terrible. Because in the end we come to the conclusion that the most important thing has not been done. I had one thought: it is better to prepare for death, for a meeting with God. I knew for sure that He would not take me away earlier than expected, than I would be ready for this. I had a large number of cases that I did not have time to finish, implement here, and I had to hurry ... And then this operation happened.
– When was she?
- In summer. It turned out so great, just for Saints Cosmas and Damian, unmercenary doctors (July 14. - Auth.). I learned a lot about life right there in the hospital bed when I couldn't open my eyes. Anyone who has ever had a craniotomy knows what it is like when a few days after the operation your vestibular apparatus is damaged and it is impossible to walk. But this state of impotence, monstrous weakness - it is very useful for understanding the main things in life.
– How do you feel now?
- All the consequences after the operation have not yet passed - sometimes, when I get tired, I stagger. But now I am being observed at the Burdenko Hospital. I recently had an MRI and all is well. You just need to be patient.

I had one thought: it is better to prepare for death, for a meeting with God. I knew for sure that He would not take me away earlier than expected, than I would be ready for this.

“I met my father at the age of 13”
“I heard that your father is seriously ill.
- I buried him in October ... It was a difficult year. Everything seemed to be preparing for parting with her father - although it turned out to be an acquaintance with him. Now I will explain. It all started in early spring. Actor Gennady Vengerov died of cancer. I talked to him several times on the phone, he knew me from childhood. How courageously Vengerov faced death! Probably, it is necessary. When we talk about cancer, we often talk about an example of struggle. But we completely avoid the question: how to accept the history of departure? Because - let's be honest - most often ends in death ... Then just imagine: on one day, in one cemetery, in one crematorium, two days before my operation, we buried two people from film crew"Kadetstvo" who died one after another from brain cancer - Pavel Kuznechevsky, the director of this series, and Valentin Kozlovsky, the second director. I still don't get it in my head.
- One day?!
- In one day, in one crematorium at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In the same place where Zhanna Friske rested. with the same diagnosis. Both were buried by one father. I stood at these funerals and did not understand how this was possible. Their life divorced, they did not communicate. And suddenly they were together again here, almost on the same deathbed. It was July 12, the next day I went to the hospital. And on the 14th I had an operation. He went to work in August. A few days later I found out that my father was in a coma. For two months he struggled, suffered greatly, and died.
– Please accept my condolences… And sorry for the tactless question…
- This is fine. You know, my father and I never lived together. We met when I was 13 years old.
“Did he even know of your existence before this time?”
- Yes, sure. Dad worked as the director of the Pushkin Theater (Boris' father Vyacheslav Orlov gave this theater almost 40 years. - Auth.). And I played in the Moscow Art Theater since childhood. He came and bought tickets for all performances with my participation. Sat and watched. And only when I was 13 years old, he asked my mother to introduce us. But we did not become father and son. I didn't know much about him. He had his own family, or half-family. We rarely spoke. But this year at Christmas I called him, we agreed to meet. We dined at a restaurant on the Patriarchs, then went to him. We walked, and he leaned with one hand on me, the other on a stick. And I felt so sorry for him: I saw a very lonely man with a broken heart, with broken thoughts, with a broken life. I understood that somewhere I still have a sister from him. But he never wanted us to meet. He didn't even talk much about her.

frame from the series "Kadetstvo"

Did he live alone at the end of his life?
- Yes, I saw him in the apartment completely alone. There was no visible presence of a woman. I spent the whole day with him and after that I left, hiding my tears. I understood that he was leaving, that he was burying himself. He drank 20 cups in front of me and smoked a pack of cigarettes. Moreover, his weight was under 180. He was already a very unhealthy person ... Then in August the news came that he was in the hospital, in a coma. We went to him with my mother. After some time, he began to regain consciousness. I tried to communicate with him like a father. Although he never called him dad.
- But as?
- Vyacheslav Evgenievich. I told him: "Pray for me, I really need your parental prayer."
- Even on "you"?
- Yes. I visited him almost every day. And he met his sister there. She turned out wonderful person, very similar to me. 12 years older than me. teacher primary school. It is a pity that my father, perhaps due to his cowardice or cowardice - otherwise, how can I explain this - did not introduce us earlier. But now I have found my own blood.
"So you're talking to her now?"
- Certainly! I now have a sister and a niece. Dad introduced us, lying in intensive care. It was hard for him to leave, he suffered a lot, he was on a ventilator, his life was supported only on tubes for two months. It seems to me that he managed to do a very important thing during this time - to prepare for death. He confessed and took communion twice, for the first time in his life. It was I who suggested to him that the priest come. You know, it's always scary to offer such things.
- I understand, because a person immediately has an indignant question: “Are you burying me?”
- Exactly. Everyone is afraid to see the priest in the hospital. But in vain. Because spiritual strength is needed to fight the disease. The father had these powers. And having exhausted himself, he left very peacefully after two months. Introducing me like this to my sister.
- Have you ever been offended that your dad never became your real father?
- No. Because it is an insult that will bring nothing. Another thing is that I always lacked masculinity in my upbringing, I felt it myself. I really missed the man in the family. But this is not an insult, what is there to be offended? It's a pity. He did worse to himself in life, of course. Because to live, hiding so much, not being able to be completely frank with anyone, is hell. And when I was in the hospital, it seemed to me that I was doing my filial duty. It was sons, although he did not feel like a father. I realized that it's stupid when they say: "Not the father who gave birth, but the one who raised." No, blood is not water. I hardly knew him, and over the years I discover in myself from him - even in habits - a lot.

Boris with his father, Vyacheslav Orlov

“I was “married” very early
- Boris, I tried to find information about your wife, about your personal life. So it is not enough. Do you deliberately keep outsiders out?
- No, there is no intention here ... (Thinking.) I was “married” very early. The information in the press about the wedding - it was premature. My fiancee (actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova. - Auth.) really thought about the family. We both saw in our common house, in a huge number of children - the main thing in our life. But, apparently, it’s not enough just to want it very much. I can't explain to you now why it didn't work out. We will simply drown in the little things and signs with which the Lord spoke to us. I am happy that our relationship was very pure, very sincere - therefore very happy. But, probably, some other plan of God about her and about me. I am sure that after some time we will unravel this plan.

Actress Anna Cecile is listed in Internet directories as the wife of Boris Korchevnikov

- And in all online directories, she is listed as your wife.
- Hurry up. Nobody asked us. We were first and foremost friends - this is very important in a relationship.
“Sorry, I don’t understand something. I also have male friends with whom I'm just friends. But it never occurs to me to start a family with one of them, because they are like my girlfriends ... Let's be honest: intimate life did you have?
- If you are talking about intimacy, then this is still a secret of two and any answer lets you into this secret - so I won’t talk. But in general, this part of the relationship does not deserve the attention that many people give it.
- So you are now a kind of enviable bachelor? Or is your heart already taken again?
- This is where it gets tricky...
- Yeah. For now you will say that you are a bachelor - and wow, how fans become more active!
- I am sure that marriage is such a thing that you can talk about openly. And when before marriage - this is the pulse of only two people. And a huge mistake a large number public people - talk about their relationship when the novel is a week away. As a result, they let in this very fragile yet

Recently, representatives of show business do not try to hide information about their ailments. Not so long ago, a popular actor and TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov admitted that he underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor.

UPDATE: Boris Korchevnikov headed the Orthodox channel Spas and is preparing a new show for Russia 1, and also leaves Live. In the episode of the program dated August 25, 2017, he told the new talk show host Andrei Malakhov about how he underwent surgery, and denied rumors about the fight against cancer.

As the host of the popular talk show himself recalls, he was visited by thoughts of death as soon as he learned about the diagnosis. “I didn’t know yet what it was, what kind of tumor, growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: that's how many days I have left, they should be devoted to preparing for death, ”recalls Korchevnikov.

The stunning news made Boris look at his life differently. He realized that he devotes a lot of time to urgent matters, forgetting about the most important. As the TV presenter admits to journalists, at that time he had a lot of unfinished business, and he decided to hurry up with their implementation. “I thought that now I can live a full life. Because just when we think that we can die, we begin to live life to the fullest, ”says Boris.

But after a thorough examination, it turned out that the tumor on the auditory nerve of the TV presenter was benign. And in order to cope with the disease, he needs surgery. In the middle of summer, Boris had to lie down on the operating table.

“Any person who has ever had a craniotomy knows what it is like when a few days after the operation your vestibular apparatus is broken and it is impossible to walk,” the actor recalls. “But this state of impotence, monstrous weakness – it is very useful for understanding the main things in life.”

Now the TV presenter feels good. He continues to be observed in the clinic and believes that for a complete recovery it is necessary that a little time just passes.

// Photo: Instagram Boris Korchevnikov

The star of the series “Kadetstvo” did not hide the news about his illness from the public and told a huge audience of viewers of the “Live” program. For many, this news came as a shock. But Boris wanted as many people as possible to know about it.

“We argued so many times whether or not this should be hidden. And they agreed that the benefit of saying this openly is greater than if you keep silent about it. It would be very strange when a tumor was found in me, not to mention it. In addition, I believe in the prayers of people, I know what kind of help you can get from them, ”said Boris in an interview with the ProZvezd website.

Started at the age of eleven creative career this cute guy. As a presenter and reporter, Boris Korchevnikov made his debut on television in the Tam-Tam News program for children. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor twenty years later. How Boris coped with this and what it changed in his life, you can find out by reading this article.

Dreams Dreams...

He always dreamed of a career as a journalist, from childhood he connected his life with this. further biography and profession. After graduating in 1998 high school Boris Korchevnikov, whose brain tumor turned out to be an absolute surprise over the years, entered both the Moscow State University (Journalism Department) and the Moscow Art Theater School ( acting department). Studying at the university was a priority for him. Five years later, Boris received a diploma on his graduation.

While still a student, Korchevnikov worked as a correspondent for the information service of the NTV channel. At first he was a freelance reporter, and a year later he was enrolled in the staff.

Film career and television epic

A cinematic biography of Boris began in 2006. It was then that he worked on the set of the series "Kadetstvo". After appearing on the big screen, the young man became recognizable everywhere. Boris very harmoniously fit into the role of his character - Ilya Sinitsyn, who, according to the script, was the son of a hereditary military man.

He made another step as an actor by starring in a kind and cheerful New Year's comedy with elements of science fiction "New Year's Tariff".

To date, the popularity of Korchevnikov rolls over. Interest in him began to heat up when rumors about his secret marriage began to leak into the media. Indeed, Boris did not want to attract excessive attention to this important event in his life. Before his ceremony future wife often seen at presentations and festivals, the two attended church together. Being believers, they even received a blessing from their father for the wedding before the conclusion of the civil celebration. Boris Korchevnikov's wife Cecil Sverdlova is a native French city Sevres, but she graduated from school in Moscow. A little later, at GITIS, she received a diploma as an actress.

The unreal madness around the handsome guy began to happen about three years ago, when he took over from Mikhail Zelensky, the former host of the Live TV program on the Rossiya TV channel. The transfer with Boris Korchevnikov enjoys constant and inexhaustible success and interest among the audience different ages. At the start of each live broadcast Hundreds of thousands of people are watching TV screens.

In each issue, you can see the stories of celebrities or ordinary Russians, which they share with guests in the studio. Indeed, Boris Korchevnikov showed good behavior. His program leaves no one indifferent.

Hard times

One of the episodes of the program "Live" in 2015 was dedicated to oncological diseases showbiz stars. This is indeed quite a painful topic. Viewers have repeatedly had to say goodbye to their beloved and respected celebrities who could not cope with this terrible diagnosis.

In this program, which aired on the channel on August 8, they talked about the actor and Opera Hvorostovsky. They, unfortunately, also got into the list of stars who heard such a disappointing forecast addressed to them.

The guests invited to the studio vied with one another to say words of support to each of them; They assured me that they would be fine and everything would be fine. People also mentioned their own experience on the way to fight this disease, talked about the various methods used during treatment, as well as how important at this moment is the psychological resilience of each person with a diagnosis and the relatives and friends around him.

In the last minutes of the live broadcast, the presenter made an unexpected statement for everyone, which horrified his fans. The fact that he was also given a similar diagnosis was shared by Boris Korchevnikov in the studio of the program. The tumor of the brain did not bypass him either. Now this release has become special for him. Korchevnikov shared his story with everyone: he himself had recently been treated for brain cancer and underwent surgery. Boris said that he was lucky that the tumor turned out to be benign, and the surgical intervention was quite successful: now only a scar reminds of this. Boris Korchevnikov's wife Cecile was always next to her beloved husband.

Change of world view

Now that time has passed, the young man can talk about it more or less calmly. But what he experienced when he was told terrible diagnosis It's hard enough to put into words.

Boris Korchevnikov, 33, whose brain tumor was fortunately benign, recalled being horrified by the news. I didn’t even know what to do, who to consult, where to turn. He was very confused. Korchevnikov had no idea about the state of the tumor, about how quickly it can increase in size. He later said that his very first thought was the thought of what things he should complete as quickly as possible.

Literally in one minute, Korchevnikov experienced a reassessment of values. He regretted that he devoted a lot of time in his short life so far to work and building a career. But for people close and dear to his heart, he almost did not remain. Now most of his time was spent thinking about how many months (or maybe only days) he had left to live in this world. He wanted to have time to finish all his affairs in order to be able to adequately prepare for death.

happy cure

After a thorough examination in one of the treatment centers in Germany, it turned out that formed on the auditory nerve young man the tumor is benign. Still, surgery was needed. Korchevnikov said that after he had a violation of the vestibular apparatus. He couldn't even walk for a while. In those days, Boris really needed the help of his family and friends. It was they who cared for him, helped to gradually recover after a complex operation.

Now he is sure that that helpless state was very useful in order to realize the main values ​​in life. He is now in good health, but the observation in the clinic is still ongoing.

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