What is common between Chatsky and Onegin. Attitude towards secular life


He returned and got

Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

A. Pushkin

What brings together and what separates Onegin and Chatsky? As we can see, in these lines A. S. Pushkin compares his hero with Chatsky. But why exactly with Chatsky, at first glance, completely unlike him? But the fact of the matter is that at first glance ...

The son of a wealthy gentleman, "the heir to all his relatives", Eugene Onegin appears before us as an empty secular dandy, to whom the "science of tender passion" has replaced everything true feelings. This is an egoist who thinks only about himself, about his desires and pleasures, not paying attention to the feelings, interests and suffering of other people:

How early could he be hypocritical,

Hold hope, be jealous

disbelieve, make believe

To seem gloomy, to languish.

We don't see Chatsky at all like that. Although he also comes from noble family and brought up in the house of Famusov - typical representative"gray" society, but he is smart and impeccably honest, sincere and witty. Characteristics of Chatsky as a typical representative younger generation 1810-1820, participating in social activities in one way or another, is most clearly reflected in the words of Sophia:

Sharp, smart, eloquent,

Especially happy in friends

That's what he thought about himself...

The desire to wander attacked him.

He loves Russia, and this love breeds in him hatred for slavery and the oppression of the people. Chatsky was engaged in literary work, was in military service, had connections with ministers, but left this because, he says: “I would be glad to serve - it’s sickening to serve.” He is a restless thinker, a hero of that time, one of those people whose heart “does not tolerate dumbness”, and therefore reveals everything that is secretly thought out even to nonentities, “fools”. Chatsky laughs at Famusov and his entourage, sharply jokes about their life and customs.

Onegin is different, he is completely indifferent to everything: to nature, to the fate of the Russian people. He is bored both in the city and in the country, although can we entirely blame him for this? Hardly. The positive qualities of Eugene could not be developed due to the fault of a bad upbringing and living situation. At that time, it was customary to invite foreign children to rich houses to educate them. Often, however, these turned out to be rather illiterate people who were looking for easy money in Russia, and, accordingly, were not able to give proper education. It should be said that Onegin, having received the most superficial education, nevertheless sought to replenish and expand it. He easily enters into an argument with Lensky on serious political, historical and philosophical issues, talking as an equal to an equal. This is evidence that, like Chatsky, he is a level above the environment.

The essential difference between the characters lies in their personal feelings, attitude towards love, marriage. Chatsky seriously loves Sophia, sees in her future wife. However, Sophia cannot love him, because with all her positive qualities, it still completely belongs to the "famus" world, And here a strong blow awaits him. The struggle with society is aggravated by the personal drama of the hero. Unlike Chatsky, Onegin denies happiness in marriage, does not believe in love. Although the ability to experience deep feelings is not entirely alien to him; we learn that once he could believe in love, but the light killed this faith. New meeting with Tatyana awakens in the heart of Eugene a love of unprecedented strength. He even gets sick and almost dies of love. And here Eugene is waiting for the final collapse of his hopes for personal happiness. Thus, the tragedy of their destinies already unites our heroes.

But this is not their only similarity. This is evidenced by the changes; that happen to Onegin after the murder of Lensky. A feeling of inferiority and uselessness grows in him. We no longer see the cold and calculating egoist he appeared at the beginning of the novel. Eugene can no longer, as before, think only of himself, ignore the feelings and experiences of people, be indifferent to the suffering of the Russian people under the yoke of the feudal lords. How different this Onegin is from the Onegin in the first chapters of the novel! And how clearly his resemblance to the hero of Griboyedov's comedy is now obvious.

But the main thing that unites Onegin and Chatsky is their rejection by society. Eugene, like Chatsky, is smarter and more honest than the people who surround them. Therefore, he is hostile to his neighbors; they slander about him:

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy;

He is a pharmacist; he drinks one

A glass of red wine;

He does not fit the ladies' hands;

All yes, yes no; won't say yes, sir, or no, sir."

That was the general voice.

In the same way, Famusov's guests talk about Chatsky: “I was pulling champagne with glasses. - Bottles, sir, and big ones. - No, sir, barrels of forties. The old countess finds the same words as Onegin's neighbors: “What? To the farmazons in the club? Did he go to the infidels? The society of “unthinking” rejects Chatsky, “no one wants to forgive him”, because a smart (active) young man is an obstacle to their calm prosperity. That is why Famusov declares that the "wise guy" has no place in Moscow society.

This is the main thing that unites these seemingly different people - Eugene Onegin and Alexander Chatsky; that is their common tragedy. Society does not forgive them for being much higher than the average person in their circle. Mediocrity, proud insignificance - that's who is happy in this society. "The silent ones are blissful in the world!"

Onegin and Chatsky - different people of the same era

Sample essay text

What happened in Russia in the early 1920s? In response to the strengthening of the government reaction in the country, secret political societies aiming to fundamentally transform life on a humane and just basis. The clash of a person of Decembrist views with reactionary nobles is reflected in the works of writers whom the Decembrists considered their allies and comrades-in-arms.

Chatsky is the hero of AS Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", and Onegin is the hero of AS Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". The writers portrayed different, opposite characters in their works. Onegin - educated person, but "superfluous" for society, and Chatsky - advanced man of his time.

Among these heroes we will find not only a difference in characters, but also a similarity in origin, upbringing and education. Both Chatsky and Onegin studied and were brought up under the guidance of foreign tutors. We learn about Chatsky that he is an educated person who was engaged in literary work, was in the service of ministers, lived abroad. But being there only broadened his mental horizons, and did not make him a fan of everything foreign.

Onegin, in comparison with the Griboedov hero, received a superficial education.

Poor French

So that the child is not exhausted,

Taught him everything jokingly...

Subsequently, Onegin significantly expanded his knowledge. He was fluent in French, "he easily danced the mazurka and bowed at ease." This knowledge and skills were quite enough to earn the favor of the world, which "decided that he was smart and very nice."

In the character of Chatsky, one can notice impudence, intransigence towards indifferent or conservative-minded people. He loves his homeland, speaks of it with warmth of heart: "When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!" Chatsky is an intelligent, hot-headed person, but under the mask of irony he has a sensitive, sympathetic heart. He can, like all people, laugh and be sad, he can be angry and harsh, but he will be a faithful and reliable friend. Hot and ardent, he is remarkably similar to young Pushkin. "Sharp, smart, eloquent, especially happy in friends," Lisa says about him. He is a little naive and inexperienced in worldly affairs. And Onegin... Who is he? "An eccentric sad and dangerous, a creature of hell or heaven, this angel, this arrogant demon"? No, not an angel, not a demon. Onegin - collective image, "which reflected the century and modern man depicted quite faithfully with his immoral soul, selfish and dry, immeasurably betrayed by dreams, with his embittered mind, seething empty in action. the main thing for him is the inheritance. Onegin is indifferent to the illness of a relative and is horrified at the need to portray a saddened nephew. He leads a life typical of "golden" youth: balls, walks along Nevsky Prospekt, visiting theaters. But all this has long become boring to him. He was bored with those people with whom he is forced to communicate. The life he led did not suit him, but the change of scenery could not affect Onegin. And in the village he was seized by the same boredom.

Chatsky, it seems to me, is taller and smarter than Onegin. This is a man of progressive views. He is full of bright ideas for the transformation of society, and angrily denounces the vices of old Moscow. His deep mind gives him faith in life, in high ideals. Chatsky is outraged by serfdom, by the fact that the landowner can exchange his faithful servants, who "more than once saved his life and honor," for three greyhounds. He wants to serve "the cause, not the persons." “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve,” he replies to Famusov’s reproaches and moralizing.

Onegin, on the other hand, languished, suffocated in his midst and did not know himself what he wanted. Eugene read a lot, tried to do literary work, but "stubborn work was sickening to him; nothing came out of his pen." He did not know what to do with his mind, Chatsky was seriously preparing for activities for the benefit of the fatherland. Even his ideological opponent Famusov pays tribute to his abilities, saying: "He writes and translates nicely." Everyone talks about his high mind.

Onegin is critical of the way of life of the noble society, but does not make a serious attempt to change anything, he is far from the Decembrist progressive ideas.

Chatsky actively defends freedom of thought, opinion, recognizes that each person has his own opinions and beliefs and expresses them openly. He stands for the development of national culture, for the unity of the intelligentsia with the people. He is outraged by the admiration of Russian nobles for French fashions, language, their isolation from their national roots.

Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion?

So that our smart, cheerful people

Although the language did not consider us Germans.

Chatsky has a high opinion of his people, and Onegin is infinitely far from him.

And how do our heroes manifest themselves in friendship and love? In the Famus society, Chatsky has no friends. He is hated here, even declared crazy, because they do not recognize his views on life, his beliefs. It is worth noting that Chatsky constantly uses the pronoun "we", as he considers himself not alone in striving for change. His friends are those who represent the "current age", but Griboyedov only mentions these people, introducing off-stage characters into the play.

Onegin was inseparable from Lensky. Despite the fact that friends were like "ice and fire", they had a lot in common. Lensky shared his views and personal experiences with Onegin, he trusted him. But Onegin, with a rash act, aroused in Lensky a feeling of jealousy, bitter resentment and disappointment in love and friendship. Onegin coolly accepts the challenge and kills his only friend in a duel, not feeling the slightest animosity towards Lensky. He only thinks about how he will evaluate his behavior local society which he has absolutely no respect for.

Onegin's love for Tatyana is also based on selfishness and selfishness. In his first explanation with her, he sincerely admits that strong, deep feelings are alien to him. Chatsky, on the other hand, loved Sophia seriously, seeing her as his future wife. Love for him is not "the science of tender passion", as for Onegin. Because of his love for the girl, Chatsky returns to society, which he is deeply disgusted with. He had to drink the cup of suffering to the bottom.

Chatsky boldly and courageously fights for everything new, advanced, for new Russia, but he cannot be congratulated on his victory. He leaves Moscow to "seek around the world where there is a corner for an offended feeling." But we are confident that he will remain a fighter who will continue his activities for the sake of the freedom of the Fatherland. Onegin at the end of the novel also experiences the collapse of his hopes for happiness, but unlike Chatsky, he is broken by this grief. If Griboedov's hero, besides love, had socially useful activity for the good of the motherland, then Onegin does not have such a thing.

Griboedov and Pushkin created vivid realistic images in their works, which absorbed the typical features of people of the era of the 20s of the 19th century. They continue to influence spiritual formation new generations.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.kostyor.ru/

Pechorin, Chatsky and Onegin are the heroes themselves famous novels of all times. All of them are representatives of the nobility. Each of them stands out for its character, actions and other qualities that are remembered by the reader and deposited in memory for life. All three are united by one a common problem- loneliness.

Alexander Chatsky is educated and smart, noble and honest, young and hot. He speaks boldly about the problem of serfs and other problems of his time. Despite the fact that his words are not without a grain of truth, however, no one responds to them. His fellow citizens, Muscovites, present his actions as an element of a psychological disorder. Called a mad man, he leaves with his head held high, and remained misunderstood.

Eugene Onegin for many readers is the most sympathetic character. Initially, it seems that he is the same spoiled rake, like everyone else in St. Petersburg. He is handsome, therefore he is in demand among ladies, attends evenings, theaters and leads a free lifestyle. But soon such a life bored Eugene. It is there that he meets Lensky, kills him. His story with Tatyana Larina leaves nothing in the hero's soul but indifference. Only when he meets the young widow again does he throw himself on her knees and beg for love. Tatyana, as a duty of conscience, does not reciprocate, dooming Eugene Onegin, like Chatsky, to loneliness.

Pechorin, on the other hand, has a successful career - he is an army officer. He was not a secular person and was not interested in politics either. The character of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" remains a selfish person throughout the entire work. He, without hesitation, destroys the fate of other people. Pechorin is called younger brother Onegin. He also shoots himself in a duel that results in the death of his comrade. He treats Princess Mary just as cruelly, just as Onegin did with Tatyana. Pechorin's act can be called even more daring and cruel.

Of all three characters, critics consider only Chatsky to be a figure, who was subjected not only to bold speeches. Another significant difference between Chatsky and Onegin and Pechorin is that Alexander, having fallen in love with Sophia, is truly sincere and tries with all his might to protect her from everything evil in the world.

And yet everyone wonders how Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov could create such different, but at the same time similar characters. Contemporaries believe that Onegin, Chatsky and Pechorin can be called " superfluous people in their separate worlds. Another interesting fact is that Pushkin wrote the novel in verse, which gives Onegin a more romantic image. Lermontov's work - the first psychological novel, which makes the reader penetrate deeper into the essence of his nature. But Griboyedov has a tragedy, the title of which reveals the whole essence of the work. Summing up, one can realize that all three representatives did not find a place in life and were forced to become lonely and abandoned.

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Sample essay text

IN critical study"A Million Torments" I. A. Goncharov wrote: "It is impossible to put Chatsky next to Onegin: the strict objectivity of the dramatic form does not allow the breadth and fullness of the brush as the epic one. He probably meant that in the comedy "Woe from Wit" Chatsky is characterized only by his own speech and the words of other characters, while the image of Onegin in Pushkin's novel receives a fuller and more detailed coverage. digressions expresses his attitude towards the hero. In addition, he talks about his childhood, upbringing, education, transfers the action from St. Petersburg to the provinces, acquaints us with the range of his mental interests. And Chatsky lives in comedy for only one day.

It is also not easy for me to compare Chatsky and Onegin, but I will try to do it, because this is required by the theme of the essay. Oddly enough, I would like to start with the fact that these characters have a lot in common. Firstly, they lived at the same time when the most progressive part of the nobility, realizing the terrible gap between the moral power of the Russian people and its powerless position, began to protest against serfdom and absolute monarchy and began to unite in secret political societies. Both of them belong to the nobility, both are characterized by "wanderlust". They are unlucky in love, they do not develop relationships with society. But that's probably where the similarity ends.

Chatsky is an ebullient nature, a fighter. He appears in the play as a debunker of everything that has become obsolete and hinders the development of a new, progressive one. The hero longs for a cause useful to Russia; for this he has the mind, erudition, talent, energy and honesty. But he breaks ties with the ministers, as he is "sickening to serve", and believes that one should serve "the cause, not the persons."

Onegin, on the other hand, is an egoist and skeptic, whose thoughts are completely different, although he read Adam Smith, Herder, Rousseau and other well-known Western European scientists and philosophers. Onegin is constantly in a state of boredom, blues, he is not accustomed to work, so all attempts to do something useful quickly bother him.

Chatsky is not afraid to speak his mind in a hostile environment. For this, they hate him fiercely, even at Famusov's ball they declare him crazy. About Onegin, "the world decided that he was smart and very nice." Chatsky neglects opinion Famus Society, as he realizes his innocence and tries to defend it. I do not think that he "spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors," as Onegin did, "for fear of jealous condemnations."

Chatsky not only saw the vices of society and was burdened by them, but also fought against the "foreign power of fashion", sycophancy and servility, cruel attitude masters to their serfs.

Onegin is a passive person. He does not look for reasons to conflict with others, expressing his dissatisfaction with the empty, meaningless life of the world only with his gloomy and arrogant appearance. And the rest, bored and annoyed, Eugene obediently lives according to routine, shuttling between theaters, restaurants and balls. He takes foreign fashions for granted French, European literature. Chatsky does not leave indifferent the blind worship of foreigners. He is bitter that a mixture of languages ​​still dominates on Russian soil: French with Nizhny Novgorod.

The characters have different attitudes towards love. Chatsky, who grew up with Sophia, fell in love with her. This feeling has always been with him. Three years of travel did not destroy it, but strengthened it even more. Chatsky arrives in Moscow, full of love and hopes. After all, he does not enter, but runs onto the stage, trying to see Sophia as soon as possible. His speech to her is emotional and excited. Onegin is not able to experience such feelings.

How early could he be hypocritical,

Hold hope, be jealous

disbelieve, make believe

To seem gloomy, to languish...

But still, having received a touching message from Tatyana, Onegin acted nobly. He rejected her love, suppressed the awakening feelings, making both her and himself miserable for life. Chatsky suffers from the fact that he was preferred petty, insignificant person. Onegin himself destroyed his fate. According to Belinsky, Onegin could come to Decembristism in the future. He experienced both horror, and remorse, and love. And Chatsky appears before us as an established personality, as a spokesman for new, progressive ideas.

I like Chatsky better. It is him that I perceive as a hero of his time, and Onegin only as a typical representative. We have known Chatsky for only one day, and with Onegin for several years. But Onegin, to become like Chatsky, it will take years, if at all possible. I think: there is nothing good in the fact that a person in his youth loses interest in life. It is better if he is full of energy, aspirations. Chatsky is ready, like Pushkin, "to devote souls to the fatherland beautiful impulses"So my sympathies are on his side.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.kostyor.ru/

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Eugene Onegin and Alexander Chatsky - characters various literary works A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, however, they have something in common: the heroes are not fully understood and not accepted by society. But along with this acting characters have and distinctive features. If Onegin is a frequent visitor to balls and dinners, then Chatsky rejects such a way of life, considering it meaningless. Eugene treats people arrogantly, Alexander, on the contrary, is friendly to everyone, but if he sees himself as right, he defends this point of view. The table below shows the characteristics of these heroes.

Eugene Onegin Alexander Chatsky


He is 26 years old The exact age is not specified - it is known that he is a young man.


Hereditary nobleman Wealthy nobleman, in his possession 400 serfs

Place of Birth

Petersburg Born in Moscow


He received his basic education at home. Yevgeny was never set strict criteria in terms of education. The whole process took place in such a way as not to tire Onegin's mind with unnecessary information. Elementary education received in the house of Famusov, who took him up after the death of his parents, after which he studied abroad.


Onegin has never been in the service of either civilian or military. Just returned from a trip abroad. threw military service but did not become an official.

Presence of siblings

He has no brothers or sisters only child in family.

Attitude towards secular life

Eugene is a frequent visitor to balls and dinner parties. He is active secular life. His appearance never goes unnoticed, he is a favorite of the public. Eugene himself does not differ in love for such a pastime - he was already rather tired of such an order. He misses and does not find the former solace for himself. Disappointed secular society. The principles by which the aristocracy lives are alien to him. He considers Russian aristocrats a shameful phenomenon, since most of them are far from the concept of aristocracy and idly live stuffing their pockets with other people's money. He is bored and unbearable with such a society, he prefers to distance himself from such an environment.

Attitude towards love and women

Eugene loves society beautiful women, but does not recognize the postulates of love. In most cases, he is limited to coquetry - the thought of marriage is not yet ripening in his plans. Women recognize him as attractive - Onegin's skill in terms of seduction is at a high level. Embrace the feeling of love. He is in love with Famusov's daughter Sophia. His feelings of truth, he does not understand how to be hypocritical in love, therefore, when he finds out that his beloved fooled him, but in fact loves the fawn Molchalin, who creates the appearance of being in love in order to gain access to Famusov's wealth, he is deeply upset , disappointed in the sincerity of love.

Ability to maintain friendly relations

Does not recognize feelings of friendship. He easily converges with people and easily parted. Ready to maintain friendly relations, but does not see people who are ready to do the same for him.

Attitude towards people

Arrogant in relation to other people, regardless of their status, talents, skills and moral character. He is set up positively and benevolently, but is ready to defend his point of view, does not hesitate to express his true opinion about the state of affairs. In communicating with others, he often resorts to taunts and insolence, is arrogant and proud - in this way he tries to expose the vices of society.

interest in life

He does not see the point in any occupation, he has no interest in life. Full of desire to expose the vices of society in order to stop its degradation, he is defeated, but does not lose interest in life.

Features of temperament

Onegin is distinguished by a cold and prudent mind. He knows how to hide his thoughts and emotions. Hot-tempered and overly emotional. It is difficult for him to restrain himself and not enter into a discussion.

Attitude towards art

He perceives art on an intuitive level - he does not have the knowledge to analyze certain works. Recognizes positive influence the power of art on man. He is upset that people who are ready to engage in the development of art are considered abnormal.


Cold, reserved Impulsive and emotional.

Attachment to fashion trends

Dandy, he likes to be fashionable Fashion trends disgust him. He does not understand people who are chasing fashion. It is enough for Chatsky that his suit is clean and tidy.

The ability to be hypocritical

Masterfully owns the ability to hypocrisy Does not possess the ability to hypocrisy, considers it a vice of mankind.

Leisure organization

spends aimlessly free time- He doesn't know what to do. Engaged in self-development.


He is wealthy and independent. Wealthy and independent.

Willingness to travel

The need to travel and travel does not frighten him. He lived abroad for three years, traveling the world, but then returned to his homeland.

How others perceive

They think he's a weirdo They think he has gone mad.

Summary of life path

Unknown. Based on the assumption of the researchers of the fragments of the unfinished chapter 10, he dies. He leaves Moscow in order not to go crazy with the traditional orders and morals of high society.

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