What did the yarmolnik say in Latvia. Yarmolnik and Fomenko were noted on the Latvian radio (1 video)


Yarmolnik and Fomenko came to Latvia, went on the radio and talked about who lives in Russia. For example, Yarmolnik was sure that 90% of Krymnash supporters, that is, the majority of the Russian people, would not be able to find Crimea on geographical map. And all the supporters of traditional values ​​who criticize modern Art, they will not name 3-4 paintings by Vasnetsov, Repin, Perov ...

Later Yarmolnik started to apologize and told the Vzglyad newspaper - they say, "our words were distorted, I don’t know why the media representatives always present our words differently than they were said." Nikolai Fomenko completely ran away from contact with the press and said, "Sorry, I With strangers, especially journalists, I don’t talk on the phone.”

In 2013, he received a residence permit in Latvia, the quote “I will tell you a secret, I am almost a citizen of Latvia. I have a residence permit. I recently received it, and I am very proud of it,” and Latvian real estate is listed in my wife’s declaration.http://perebezhchik.ru/slukhi/921.html

In March 2014, together with others, he signed an appeal in defense Russian musician Andrei Makarevich, who criticized the policy Russian authorities in Ukraine. Prokhorov, Yarmolnik and Roizman defended Makarevich

In May 2007, Yarmolnik assaulted photojournalist Marat Saichenko (in May 2014, Saichenko was awarded by Putin Order of Courage for work in Ukraine). In April 2016, he attacked journalists with his fists at the exit of the restaurant after the celebration of the birthday of Alla Pugacheva and broke the viewfinder of the video camera of the operator of the NTV television company. In addition, Yarmolnik admitted that in the 1980s he had already broken a camera to a journalist from Komsomolskaya Pravda.


- After the collapse Soviet Union in the 90s, Leonid Yarmolnik financially supported famous Soviet film actors who were on the verge of poverty. Monthly sending to their address for 200 US dollars.

In March 2014, he supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia, calling it primordially Russian land. In the same interview, he accused Western Ukrainians of xenophobia.

All in all, " creative person" V pure form. The attitude to citizenship is indicative, he took the Ukrainian one, made a deal, applied for the Latvian one - the whole world is a theater. Normal deeds and actions in life are also significant.

Given that he supported the annexation of Crimea, it is not clear why he said what he said at all. Apparently, the example of Makarevich and Akhedzhakova does not teach anything, but in vain.

The performance called “And Happy New Year Again” can be safely called the next hit of the Russian Song Theater. This funny and at the same time sad comedy will tell the story of the meeting of two former classmates, one of whom is now a successful and wealthy producer, and the other is that night dressed as Santa Claus. He's just an unlucky poor actor. Here the characters and life circumstances will collide, which will develop into a very interesting story and good performance.

New Year's fairy tale for adults

The play is simple, but that doesn't make it any less interesting. The performance will undoubtedly leave every viewer with a poignant quivering feeling inside and make them think about what is happening around, about their fate, about friends, about family.

Wonderful game of the most talented famous actors Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko will give a charge Have a good mood. All those who have already managed to visit the theater for this comedy assure that the performance is simply wonderful. Therefore, we recommend purchasing theater tickets. In Moscow, on the stage of the Russian Song Theater, you can plunge into a real magical New Year's fairy tale for adults.

From the history of the performance

For the first time this production, directed by Rodion Ovchinnikov, appeared on New Year's Eve on the stage of another theater. Then the audience was shown the play "And again with the coming" theater "Contemporary". It was the author's play by R. Ovchinnikov, on which he staged this performance.

Then Leonid Yarmolnik and Sergey Garmash played the main roles on the stage of Sovremennik.

Later decided to new production this performance. He is fully producing this project. new scenery, new scene, new cast. In this production, Sergei Garmash was replaced by the popular actor Nikolai Fomenko. The new duet of Yarmolnik and Fomenko will not leave any viewer indifferent.

Description of the plot "And again with the coming"

From beginning to end, this performance is filled with a series of anecdotal situations that are not so rare in our country. Everyday life.

The action takes place in Moscow new year's eve when all people have fun, celebrate the holiday with friends and family. But it is on this night that the main character of the play's life goes upside down, he is left alone on a holiday.

At first, he does not understand where and when he made a mistake, he does not even consider that the whole situation is his fault. And only after he meets different people who are completely different from him that night, he will understand everything, and even correct his mistakes.

A successful producer is going to meet New Year on the landing next to the elevator. He orders Santa Claus, and does not even realize how abruptly this festive night will change his life, or rather, an unexpected meeting and heart-to-heart conversations.

Main characters

It's kind, a little funny and a little sad story- a wonderful performance "And again with the coming." Reviews of the audience are admiring, because this life story touches to the depths of the soul. The main characters, former classmates, different in nationality, status and even worldview, find themselves together on this family holiday.

One of them is a wealthy successful producer whose wife has just left. He decides to celebrate the upcoming New Year for festive table, but on the landing, at his apartment. There he will meet his former classmate, who goes from apartment to apartment dressed as Santa Claus.

Spectators see two dissimilar destinies, two different character. And the elevator will bring more and more new people to them, who will also become part of this New Year's Eve story. good performance, beautiful scenery, amazing acting.

Kirill Tsander performed by Yarmolnik

In the play "And again with the coming" there are two main characters, and complement them minor characters who enter into a dialogue with the main ones. The first significant actor is a successful producer named Kirill Tsander, played by Leonid Yarmolnik.

“And Happy New Year” is a tragicomic story that each of us can get into, but this time it turned out to be main character, the character of Yarmolnik. The actor perfectly got used to this role, he is so harmonious that it is impossible to separate Yarmolnik from Tsander.

Thanks to the excellent production, the excellent game of Yarmolnik, the vivid dialogues with Fomenko, the performance “And again with the coming” received the most positive and kind reviews.

The actor is especially worried about this production, because he is also its producer. The audience took the performance with a bang! and are happy to buy theater tickets in Moscow.

Nikolai Fomenko as Mikhail Gromov

The hero of Fomenko is the second most important character in the play. Mikhail Gromov at first glance seems like such a complete opposite of the successful rich Zander. He is a poor unknown actor, gloomy and dissatisfied with life, because his biography was not at all as successful as that of his former classmate.

But after this unexpected meeting, when they told each other a lot about their lives, it turns out that the poor Russian actor Gromov has a lot in common with the rich recognized Jew Zander. In the production of “And Again with the Coming One,” Fomenko managed to endow his hero with reactions, behavior and qualities inherent only to him.

Not surprisingly, the character played by Fomenko is different from the other Gromov, played by Garmash. It cannot be said that some of them are better and some are worse. It's just a slightly different character that is close to the actor. Fomenko's game is also brilliant, and this is their first joint duet on theater stage with Yarmolnik is just wonderful.

The play "And again with the coming": reviews

Each of us, planning the next trip to the theater, wants to get to a performance that will be of interest to him. You always want to choose a worthy production that would not disappoint, so as not to regret either the time spent or the money.

Many viewers today do not just get acquainted with posters, but also look at reviews, read reviews about a particular performance. Fortunately, now it is completely available to any of us. When the premiere performance of the production took place at the Russian Song Theater (the performance “And Happy New Year Again”), the reviews that appeared were astonishing in their number and positiveness.

This is not surprising, because during the premiere days there was not a single empty seat in the hall. The play is very popular. People who have visited it recommend the production to their friends and acquaintances. The audience calls this tragicomedy wonderful.

Everyone likes that the performance not only energizes good mood but also makes you think about our lives. Deserves special admiration star duet Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko.

A little more about the duet of Fomenko and Yarmolnik

These two wonderful artists are known to the audience for film works, less for theater roles, and they are also known as popular TV presenters. L. Yarmolnik and N. Fomenko are real celebrities who can even compete for the title of who is more popular. But they decided to sort things out between themselves on the theatrical stage in the play "And again with the coming." They made a great tandem. The audience is simply delighted with this star duet.

Despite the fact that Fomenko and Yarmolnik have been friends for a long time, they have never worked together. And so it happened. Leonid invited Nikolai to his production, and he agreed, although he had not played in the theater for several years. Their duet is so bright, and the characters are very organic that you watch this game in one breath. And once again you are convinced that these are the most talented artists, and in a duet they are simply brilliant.

Actors and showmen Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko made a splash in the Runet space. True, this is not about a new performance or concert, but about their participation in the transfer of the Russian-language Latvian Radio Baltcom.

The program, in which Yarmolnik and Fomenko took part, is called "Met - talked." In Latvia, the artists presented their performance "And again with the coming", but the greatest interest the audience was evoked not by a story about him, but by the answers of Yarmolnik and Fomenko to journalists' questions about the political and cultural life Russia.

Transition to difficult questions the journalist carried out through the topic of KVN, asking Yarmolnik, who for a long time was on the jury of this program: “Is KVN alive?” At the same time, the presenter compared KVN with Gorky, who "before returning to the USSR argued with Lenin”, and then became part of the Soviet propaganda machine.

“We are all getting old, including Alexander Vasilyevich”

“I think that KVN has become the same program as everyone else,” Yarmolnik replied. “They joke the way they need to, they joke when it’s needed, and in the perspective in which it is accepted ... I left KVN three years ago, and that’s it.”

“Maybe it has to do with the fact that we are all getting older, including Alexander Vasilievich- continued Yarmolnik. “And the desire, let’s say, to please the authorities, is very great, and it was because of this that we broke up.”

Fomenko, speaking about those who play today in KVN, suggested that young people think differently: “Lenin ruled our state, us and you for 70 years, and now ask: “Who is this?” And nobody knows. Nobody at all. Even in the Kremlin they ask: who is this? I'm not talking about Lenin. Yeltsin, Gorbachev it's already yesterday."

“It is difficult for the Russians. The civilization of the world has collapsed on them.”

But, as they say in KVN, it was only a warm-up. Further on the air was getting hotter and hotter.

Talk about censorship and protests against some exhibitions allowed Nikolai Fomenko to express his attitude towards cultural level modern Russians.

“It is very difficult for the Russians. Over the past ten years, world civilization has fallen on them, ”said the showman. - The Germans have been together with Mercedes for 110 years, they grew up with it ... And here it has only been 10 years since it hit a person: he can buy a car, he can go abroad. Cars, televisions, electronics... He never had it, he doesn't know anything about it. Of course, he slowly goes crazy. Therefore, he runs, puts pigs in, spits, throws something ... This is their opinion and understanding. There are more crazy people. And these crazy people are sometimes in those places that are trying to manage the culture.

“Those who yell vulgarity at Makarevich go to drink in the evening to his songs”

From this topic, the conversation turned to Andrei Makarevich, whose position on the annexation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine caused mixed assessments in Russia, to put it mildly.

“You can scold Makarevich, call him anything you like, but those who yell and say vulgar things about Andrei (who has the right to any opinion, since this is freedom of speech), those who lash out, then put down the phone, go to drink in the evening, take a guitar and begin to sing “I drink to the bottom for those who are in the sea,” Fomenko said.

The journalist suggested that, perhaps, Makarevich offended some fans with his position, but Fomenko dismissed this possibility from the threshold: “Do not take this seriously. There is no position. If there was a position, everyone would stand on the square.

“These are vulgar people who pull the blanket, they want to be noticed,” Yarmolnik supported his colleague. - I think if the question concerns Crimea, 90 percent of them will not explain to you by geography where Crimea is. I guarantee you."

“We got into civilization recently and by accident”

“We got into civilization recently and by accident,” Fomenko complained, noting that “in England, TV is watched from generation to generation, and in Russia, young people do not know what is on it.”

At the end of the program, the intensity of passions somewhat decreased, the conversation returned to the topic of creativity, however, as they say, the train had already left.

The statements of Fomenko and Yarmolnik spread across the Runet, evoking directly opposite emotions.

Some praised the artists for their bold statement own position, others considered their words a demonstration of disrespect for the citizens of their own country.

“All our words were taken out of context”

The artists themselves do not want to comment on what happened.

“You are the twenty-fifth person today who asks me this question. I want to say that everything was distorted in this article, all our words were taken out of context, we were talking about something completely different, ”Yarmolnik told the Vzglyad portal.

Fomenko was even less talkative: “Sorry, I don’t talk on the phone with strangers, especially journalists.”

At the same time, it should be noted that the position of Leonid Yarmolnik regarding Crimea, at least judging by his statements in public space, categorically disagrees with the opinion of his friend Andrey Makarevich.

“I think that Eastern Ukraine is ready and wants to be with Russia”

In March 2014, on the air of the Dozhd TV channel, Yarmolnik said: “I think that Eastern Ukraine is ready and wants to be with Russia. Crimea... I would be happy, I would correct the mistake Khrushchev, because it was some kind of lordly, stupid game when Crimea was given to Ukraine. These are still primordially Russian lands. And they will be better, and we will be calmer.” Speaking of Western Ukraine, Yarmolnik said: “Special people live there, whom, no matter what we do - I mean Russia and Moscow - we will never be able to appease them and will never be able to explain to them that equal treatment of them, as to others who are with lives near us. These are special people, a special character, a special tradition of passing this gene from generation to generation. I don’t know where it came from, but I remember exactly that when I was studying, I was already an adult, I didn’t understand this hatred and hostility, I didn’t understand its nature. It should be noted here that childhood school years artist were held in Lviv. “I fought many times, and one of the first nose fractures was also connected with this, there, in Ukraine, because there are Muscovites, Jews, Negroes. I have a guy who studied at the Polytechnic Institute, black (he looked after local girl) were torn on birch trees on a high castle, as in the Middle Ages, ”the artist recalled about his Lviv youth.

In the same March 2014, together with others, he signed an appeal in defense of the Russian musician Andrei Makarevich, who criticized the policy of the Russian authorities in Ukraine.

Who is entitled to an opinion?

If we talk about the statements of Yarmolnik and Fomenko on the air of Radio Baltcom, then they certainly have the right to own opinion. Surprise may cause something else: the confidence of the actors that the opinion creative intelligentsia a priori higher than views ordinary people. And how is an aggressive Orthodox activist pouring urine on an exhibit different from an artist nailing his scrotum to the cobblestones of Red Square? In this case, the first one is declared creative elite a bully and obscurantist, and the second - a progressive artist.

I was also hooked by the fact that the bold statements of Yarmolnik and Fomenko sounded on the air, albeit a Russian-speaking, but still foreign radio station. It would be more logical to speak out on these most important and sensitive topics in the Russian media. However, as mentioned above, the artists show no desire to communicate with Russian journalists.

So that you, dear readers, do not get the wrong impression, you can familiarize yourself with the full version of the program, the video of which is available on Youtube. Read and draw your own conclusions without relying on someone else's opinion.

Then Yarmolnik and Fomenko came to Latvia, went on the radio and talked about what a terrible and stupid cattle lives in Russia (video at the end of the article).

Calmly and, apparently, out of habit, they signed for all of us in savagery and barbarism before the civilized Balts. And it's not even that most of from the 30th minute, when we started talking about politics and art, it just sounds crazy and has nothing to do with reality - the tone itself and the undisguised contempt for Russia and Russian citizens.

For example, Yarmolnik on blue eye claims that 90% of Krymnash supporters, that is, the majority of the Russian people, will not be able to find Crimea on a geographical map. And all the supporters of traditional values ​​that criticize contemporary art will not name 3-4 paintings by Vasnetsov, Repin, Perov ... It's good that at least Serov was not mentioned - he would have sat in a puddle, given the recent queues for his exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is not even necessary to refute such statements - we are talking about open contempt and disrespect for the majority of our compatriots.

The once good humorist Fomenko went even further, saying that "we got into civilization recently and by accident," which means that we should not care about the opinion of the barbarian majority about the behavior of the enlightened minority. From his semi-delusional logic, it turns out that Makarevich has the right to a free opinion, and everyone else should shut up. He literally says: they say, we need to take away their phones, where they write statements to the police (sitting on the toilet, Yarmolnik adds), and let them sit in a stinking line "near the homeless" and try to write appeals by hand, as it should be cattle. When asked by the hosts that most people have such a position, Fomenko replies that we have no position - otherwise we would have already stood in the squares or smashed half of Paris like French students.

IN the highest degree demonstrative arguments of representatives of our bohemia, given the earlier proposed by Yampolskaya the conclusion of an agreement between cultural figures and society on the coordination of each other's interests under the supervision of the state. What and how can you negotiate with this kind of mankurts, who despise compatriots and consider us all undeveloped savages in the form of a down from "our rush" swearing while sitting on the couch? How to reach a compromise of a narcissistic minority without conscience and honor, despising the people, with the same people? What can be genuine art without love for the cause and the viewer, for their homeland? Is it possible to talk about the revival of Russian culture, or at least the cessation of degradation mass culture when its leaders openly hate those with whom they were born in the same country?

Yarmolnik and Fomenko about Russians, pigs and Crimea. An excerpt from an interview ... THEY ARE ABOUT US RUSSIANS, DEFINITELY THAT OUR RUSSIA IS THE MOST LITERATURE STATE .... AND WHAT PEOPLE WRITE TO THEM IN THE COMMENTS UNDER THIS VIDEO ....***** "Yarmolnik and Fomenko talked about "Russian cattle" on Latvian radio. meeting Russian actors Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko were covered on the air of the Latvian radio by the blogger Russian Boy. Then Yarmolnik and Fomenko came to Latvia, went on the radio and talked about what a terrible and stupid cattle lives in Russia. Calmly and, apparently, out of habit, they signed for all of us in savagery and barbarism before the civilized Balts. And it’s not even that most of what was said from the 30th minute, when it came to politics and art, just sounds delusional and has nothing to do with reality - the tone itself and undisguised contempt for Russia and Russian citizens are important. For example, Yarmolnik in a blue eye claims that 90% of Krymnash supporters, that is, the majority of the Russian people, will not be able to find Crimea on a geographical map. And all the supporters of traditional values ​​that criticize contemporary art will not name 3-4 paintings by Vasnetsov, Repin, Perov ... It's good that at least Serov was not mentioned - he would have sat in a puddle, given the recent queues for his exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is not even necessary to refute such statements - we are talking about open contempt and disrespect for the majority of our compatriots. The once good humorist Fomenko went even further, saying that “we got into civilization recently and by accident”, which means that we should not care about the opinion of the barbarian majority about the behavior of the enlightened minority. From his semi-delusional logic, it turns out that Makarevich has the right to a free opinion, and everyone else should shut up. He literally says: they say, we need to take away their phones, where they write statements to the police (sitting on the toilet, Yarmolnik adds), and let them sit in a stinking line “near the homeless” and try to write appeals by hand, as it should be cattle. When asked by the hosts that most people have such a position, Fomenko replies that we have no position - otherwise we would have already stood in the squares or smashed half of Paris like French students. Highly revealing arguments of representatives of our bohemia, given the earlier proposed by Yampolskaya the conclusion of an agreement between cultural figures and society on the coordination of each other's interests under the supervision of the state. What and how can we negotiate with this kind of mankurts, who despise our compatriots and consider us all undeveloped savages in the form of a down from “our rush” swearing while sitting on the couch? How to reach a compromise of a narcissistic minority without conscience and honor, despising the people, with the same people? What can be true art without love for the cause and the viewer, for their homeland? Is it possible to talk about the revival of Russian culture, or at least an end to the degradation of mass culture, when its leaders openly hate those with whom they were born in the same country? they don't want to be kicked out of this "cattle" country. Two Jews are hindered by the Russian Orthodox Church. But the synagogue doesn't hinder them. Money for churches annoys them, but I'm annoyed by state funding for theaters and cinemas where these shitty actors play. Use this money for something And if Yarmolnik doesn't know where Crimea is, it doesn't mean that other Russians don't know it. Yarmolnik ****** well, about "they" and, apparently, "we", which are not "they" at all, but in themselves, also nishtyak, yes. Do you need a position? Well, what did he want, going to consultations with the Pendos ambassador, and entertaining the "warriors of light"?Since this is his position, then let him be responsible for his position. And then some kind of selective freedom of speech turns out - he can, but not about him.

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