When was Justin Bieber born? Justin Bieber - personal life

Justin Drew Bieber is full name this world famous Canadian artist which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Despite such a young age, he has already taken his place in the world musical Olympus and is not going to leave it anytime soon. On the contrary, Justin is developing new areas of activity, trying himself in different guises and demonstrating remarkable talent at the same time.

The creative path of Justin Bieber

This young idol of millions of teenagers was born on March 1, 1994 in London. Only this place is not at all the capital of the oldest kingdom in the world. Place of birth - a small town in Canada in the province of Ontario, and Justin's childhood was spent in Stratford, where his mother, Patricia Mallett, comes from. She got pregnant by Jeremy Jack Bieber at a very young age. The family did not work out, but Justin was born. Parents helped their daughter with everything, and she herself tried to provide herself and the baby with a normal life. Bieber's father lived with another woman, in new family two children were born, but he continued to maintain relations with both his son and his mother. Growing up Justin was no different from the neighborhood kids, the same games, the same hobbies. The boy was very active, he preferred to play football and chess. As a true Canadian, he could not imagine life without hockey. As a teenager, he felt a craving for music, independently began to master various musical instruments. Surprisingly, drums and trumpet, guitar and even piano obeyed him.

At the age of twelve, he entered the stage to take part in a local musical song contest"Stratford Idol". The young vocalist chose Ne-Yo's "So Sick" and rose to an honorable second place. The mother, extremely proud of such a victory for her offspring, posted a recording on YouTube so that all Justin's friends and numerous relatives could watch the performance. She got into the habit of recording the vocal numbers of her son, who did not want to develop in one, even the most fashion direction, but was constantly experimenting, looking for his own style of performance, personalized, unlike anyone else's style. happy occasion also has a place in the life of Justin Bieber. Scooter Brown, a former So So Def manager, was looking for talented young artists on the Internet when he came across a clip of a young artist from Stratford, an unknown place. He met with Bieber, then with his mother and persuaded her to let her son go for his portion of musical glory. Brown and his ward went to the famous Atlanta to make demos. After a very short time, Justin Bieber was already proudly demonstrating the contract concluded with record company, which was jointly owned by Scooter Brown and Usher. They say that Bieber could have signed a good contract with Justin Timberlake, but the young star remained under the wing of Brown and the company. Already in 2009 debut single young talented singer hit the top 10 in Canada, entered the top thirty in other countries. Single title, one time”, as if to say that this is only the beginning, but it is already amazing. The further work of the musician only confirmed this.

In November, the first mini-album in Justin Bieber's career was released, and in record time it goes first gold in New Zealand and Australia, and then platinum in the US and Canada, and then in the UK. Under the strict guidance of Scooter, active and intense work was carried out to promote the album, and Justin was given a lot of last role. The burden of fame fell on the shoulders of a fairly young Bieber, but he survived. At Christmas 2009, he had a chance to speak to the President of the United States and his wife, he performed Stevie Wonder's composition "Someday At Christmas". Even more challenging was hosting the Grammy Awards in January 2010. Then the words of young Bieber were listened to by millions of viewers who sat in the hall and watched the show via the Internet.

Justin Bieber's Recent Achievements

In January 2010, Justin released the single “Baby” from his first album “My World 2.0”, it is clear that he did not go unnoticed on the shelves of music stores, but, on the contrary, immediately became a hit, walked around the top ten in numerous European and American ratings. It was not only the vocal prowess that drew attention to the composition, but also the video, which received an insane number of views and comments. Billboard 200, the American chart, brought Justin Bieber to first place, and the fact that he was the youngest performer in history was also a record. The album "My World 2.0" goes on sale in March 2010, and one country after another takes it to the top. The victorious procession with the recognition of the first number behind the album was noted in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia. Justin actively promotes the album. To do this, he has to participate in the most popular television programs and rating channels. He is popular not only on television, on the Internet, the young performer has broken all records in terms of the frequency of appearance in the search, watching clips and downloading musical compositions. The talented guy has begun to conquer the film market and has already starred in one of the parts of the Crime Scene series, so perhaps a career as a film actor lies ahead of him. Except feature film Justin lit up in a documentary, the main character of which is himself. Directed by John Fu, the concert film was also filmed in 3D. There were also some records here, the US box office for a concert film exceeded all previous records and achievements in this area. June 2011 will be remembered for the announcement famous lists Forbes magazine, where Justin Bieber is named among the highest paid young celebrities.

A young performer can be proud of the fact that total with over 15 million copies sold of his albums, few more experienced musicians have achieved such success. What's waiting young genius ahead, even he himself does not know, but he definitely will not be bored.

Bieber's personal life

The most serious and longest relationship in the life of the young singer began in early 2011 and continued until the end of 2012. Justin met with no less media personality than himself. His chosen one was the popular young actress Selena Gomez. Lovers throughout the entire time of their relationship were constantly under close attention public, and this fact inevitably contributed to the breakup of the couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. However, young people, even after their separation, were repeatedly seen together on various events, which means that there is a possibility that the story of this couple is not over yet.

Celebrity biographies


01.03.15 09:24

Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are the most outrageous young stars in the global sky. And how did a boy from the Canadian provinces manage to conquer the whole world?

Biography of Justin Bieber

Music prodigy

He is a true R&B prodigy - Justin Bieber's biography as a singer began with the teenager posting his music video on the Web, it was there that the future manager Scooter Braun noticed him.

Already by the age of twenty-one, Justin Bieber has sold more than 15 million copies of discs with his own recordings - this is very cool!

Raised by a single mother

Justin Drew was the fruit of a whirlwind romance between 18-year-old Ontario resident Patricia Mallet and a married man respectable man(in marriage, he "produced" two more children) Jeremy Bieber. Petty decided on the fate of a single mother, and when Justin was born (it was March 1, 1994), she continued to communicate with his father, not holding Jeremy angry. The daughter was helped by her parents - the grandparents of the baby, without them she might not have coped. She had to take any job to survive with a baby. But what a son she raised! The guy paid for all the hardships of his mother.

Athletic lively boy mastered early different instruments: guitar, drum set, piano, trumpet. He was the star of the city of Stratford - at the age of 12 he managed to get "silver" on music competition. The mother encouraged this hobby of her son, she filmed his performances on video and uploaded them to YouTube. It turns out that the videos were interesting not only to relatives - it was on this site that Brown saw talent in a Canadian schoolboy.

On the road to glory

Since meeting this man, Justin Bieber's biography has changed radically. Mom thought for a long time whether it was worth “giving” her boy into the wrong hands, but the future of her son turned out to be more important for her than worries, and the woman decided. The guy went to America, where he recorded the first compositions. The nugget turned out to be in great demand - several companies fought for it at once, he was interested in the Canadian Justin Timberlake. However, the singer quickly made his choice: he settled on the RBMG company, owned by Usher.

Bieber's very first single turned out to be his first success - "One Time" was on the leading positions not only in the vocalist's homeland, but also in other countries. And the mini-disk that Justin released at the end of 2009 was instantly sold out - it was the "platinum" of Canada and, oddly enough, the "gold" of the Green Continent. A successful debutant began to be invited to popular programs So, he showed up at Ellen DeGeneres' studio. It was the best advertisement for his work.

"Golden Boy"

Bieber's career quickly went uphill, the new face was welcome in the States. He was invited to The White house- to sing for the president himself, and then they made him the host of the Grammy. Who else could boast of such a rapidly growing popularity?

The video for the song “Baby”, created at the beginning of 2010, was in the lead for a very long time in terms of the number of views, yielding the first step after some time to the sensational video of the singer from South Korea PSY. In the spring of the same year, the Canadian disc “My World 2.0” was released, which immediately took the top line of the charts in five countries (including Canada and the USA). Bieber made a guest appearance on Saturday Night at live”, which actively promoted the album.

Justin's voice began to break down - a common occurrence for a boy at his age, but thanks to a good specialist who worked with the vocalist, it went almost painlessly. But the second disc recorded in the summer of 2010 differed from the debut one - the singer's voice sounded much lower.

Both singer and artist

Bieber soon developed another hobby: movies. He starred in an episode of the popular crime show C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, appeared in the Men in Black triquel, and in 2011, the documentary Never Say Never Again was released. In history musical films there has never been such a commercial hit: its box office is approaching $ 100 million. The success was ensured by an amazing stellar cast: Ludacris and Usher, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

By 2011, our hero managed to take the second position in the list of the highest paid celebrities under the age of 30: his fees for the year amounted to about 53 million dollars. Due to legal troubles, Justin Bieber's image has undergone negative changes, although the Canadian's popularity is still high.

Personal life of Justin Bieber

The violent temper of handsome Justin

As we have already said, the handsome man also has another, dubious, glory - he loves to "get" others. Fights, scandals, noisy parties, problems with driving drunk and high - all this spoils the glamorous picture called "Justin Bieber". The guy's personal life, however, was quite stable for a couple of years.

beautiful romance

In 2010, he began dating starlet Selena Gomez. Lovely photo shoots, luxurious gifts for a friend - all this was a little for show, which made one doubt the sincerity of the feelings of these two. Gossips it was claimed that the couple met for the sake of extra PR.

Two years later, other gossip went - that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up. They did not comment on the gap, but the fact that at the beginning of 2013 the girl began to appear with another gentleman confirmed the fact of separation. Later, Justin Bieber publicly repented and regretted that this affair was over.

It was, frankly, not magical. My father left the family, my mother, a very young girl named Mallett (she gave birth at 18), worked several jobs - in general, they didn’t bathe in money. But Justin loved to sing. By the age of ten, he had mastered the guitar, trumpet and drums and was making music with might and main. It is not surprising that he reached the finals at the talent competition and almost won. He got second place, which was also good. Proud Mallett filmed her son's performance at the competition and posted it on YouTube to brag to her family. And then she posted a couple of Justin's numbers.

Thanks YouTube

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a certain manager Scooter Braun was scouring for new potential stars and accidentally stumbled upon the videos of a certain Canadian schoolboy on the net. What he saw and heard so impressed him that he found Mallett and persuaded him to let his son hit the road to the States for recording. She reluctantly gave the go-ahead, and the 13-year-old boy ended up in Atlanta for professional studio. Someone else in his place would have been dribbling, but not - the demos turned out to be even better than one could have imagined. Inspired Scooter, who professionally smelled where success smells, showed the tracks to his business partner, singer Usher, he was stunned, and soon in front of his no less stunned mother future star(Justin, as a minor, could not make a decision without his parents) A contract lay on the table. By that time in the party there were rumors about young talent already crawled, and in addition to the contract from Scooter and Usher, the eminent Timberland and even Timberlake wanted to make a business offer to the guy. Bieber chose Usher.

The world is at his feet

A year later, Justin performed at Christmas at the White House, then hosted the Grammy ceremony - and this did not have a full-length album in the asset. Yes, he didn't really need it. The song Baby became a hell of a hit, depriving millions of schoolgirls of their minds, and the video for it broke all records in terms of the number of views (now the video has 1 billion 557 million). Then, after all, Justin's first disc appeared, and its name, My World 2.0, ideally suited the violent insanity around the young singer.

Justin Bieber was the most searched celebrity on the search engines, his blog accounted for a whopping three percent of all Twitter traffic. Justin completely removed the competitors, and even the fashionable Lady Gaga was not a decree for him. Bieber this, Bieber that - that year there was nowhere to hide from the guy. He starred in the TV series documentary about himself beloved (the film became the highest-grossing musical feature in history). Earned $ 53 million, began dating Selena Gomez, went on a large-scale tour.

Teenage rebellion

And this would last forever, but in 2014 Justin went crazy. What happened to him is what happens to all teenagers (rebellion), especially those who have fame and money, chickens do not peck. Bieber began to rage, but somehow unconvincingly. All the scandals in which he lit up either smelled of kindergarten or were simply ridiculous. As a result, Justin Bieber's hits began to interest the public less than his drunken antics. Realizing that the fun could end in failure, the artist pulled himself together and began the next 2015 with white sheet. For example, he officially repented of his behavior. “I want people to know who I really am. I want to be kind, gentle and soft, the way my mother raised me, ”the singer wrote in an address to the world. The fans, as they should, sobbed, the rest of the audience took the news approvingly, but with distrust. Justin kept his promise, but not too convincingly. That is, serious hooliganism and drunkenness behind him in last couple years have not been noticed, but the behavior of the artist still betrays not a husband, but still a boy.

Justin Bieber fell off the stage at his concert while pulling up his pants. Justin Bieber rude fans burst into tears during the concert. Justin Bieber has closed his Instagram account, Justin Bieber is back on Instagram. Kindergarten. However, we repeat, against the background of the antics of previous years, these are all trifles. Let us remember the best, most striking misdeeds of a hot-tempered star.

Tabloids Enjoy: A Chronicle of Stupidity

At a concert in Buenos Aires, Justin picked up the flag of Argentina and danced well on it. And then I used this state symbol like a floor rag - wrapped around a microphone stand and, as it were, washed the floor. His fans almost tore him to pieces.

Bieber and his company flew somewhere to have fun and did not waste time. According to eyewitnesses, there was such a smell of grass on board that the pilots had to sit in oxygen masks for the entire flight.

Justin took a couple of cool selfies in front of a temple in Japan. The photos have drawn the ire of fans from Korea and China. It turned out that the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, which became the backdrop for Bieber selfies, is considered in these countries as a symbol of the Japanese military. I had to delete the frames from Instagram, apologize - they say, I was driving around Tokyo, I saw the beauty, I went out, took a picture, I didn’t know anything.

Justin peed in the mop bucket. It was in a restaurant. A wonderful fun was filmed and hit the net. The artist’s cries that accompanied the process became a bonus: Justin for some reason insulted former president countries . For which he later apologized by writing a penitential letter to Clinton. The one like normal person didn't even respond.

In Ibiza, Bieber got into a fight with actor Orlando Bloom. For some reason, the Lord of the Rings star did not want to shake hands with the singer, who was offended and said something about Bloom's ex-wife, Miranda Kerr. The actor tried to kick Bieber in one place, but it didn’t work out. Justin then sneered at Orlando on his Twitter, implying that the Deed was costly - the court ordered the singer to pay $80,000 in damages. It is difficult to imagine what such damage ordinary eggs could cause, but in fact everything is correct.

Bieber is no stranger to high. Resting in Italy, the artist got to Rome, where he decided to see the Sistine Chapel. So that outsiders would not prevent him from enjoying the beauty, the star laid out 30,000 euros for a private tour. And everything would be fine, but in the Chapel Justin did not part with a soccer ball. Having got a taste, he began to kick him right in the halls, for which the indignant Italians - those who saw this offensive football - showered the singer on the Web with offers to collect belongings and get out of Italy without turning around.

Hit number 1 - embarrassment in Amsterdam. Visiting the Anne Frank Museum, Justin was so impressed that he left a note in the visitor's book. in his response, he expressed confidence that if Anna (a girl hiding from Nazi pogroms who died of starvation as a result) were alive now, she would definitely become his fan.

And more on the little things. When Justin gave a concert in his homeland in Canada, he spat on the fans. They grazed under the windows of his hotel room, and the singer, having gone out onto the balcony and saw the teenagers below, for some reason began to spit on them.

  • Name: Justin
  • Surname: bieber
  • Date of Birth: 01.03.1994
  • Place of Birth: London, Ontario, Canada
  • Zodiac sign: Fish
  • Eastern horoscope: Dog
  • Occupation: singer, actor
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 62 kg

By the age of 15, the name of Justin Bieber thundered not only in his native Canada, but throughout the world. They talked about him as new sensation, as a talented teenager who will conquer the pop industry and gain financial independence. And so it happened. Of course, he gathered not only an army of fans, but also anti-fans, but isn't this a confirmation of his success in show business?

Photo by Justin Bieber

How it all began

Justin showed his first interest in music at the age of two or three. He mastered the drum set that his mother gave him, later showed interest in the guitar, keyboards and even wind instruments. The boy grew up incomplete family. His father, Jeremy Bieber, left for another family almost immediately after Justin was born. Mom Patricia (Patti) Mallett had to live with her parents to support and raise her son, because she was only eighteen years old.

At school, Justin was fond of sports games, but the passion for music and singing did not leave him. Maybe it's heredity, because my mother had beautiful voice, dad played the guitar, and my grandmother was a talented pianist. In Stratford, where the future singer spent his childhood years, a festival was held annually and one day Justin became a member of it. More precisely, he just came and began to sing. Passers-by encouraged the boy, and in the end he collected a decent amount of money. Where did he spend it? No, not for movie tickets, not for clothes, he took his mother to Disneyland, where they both so dreamed of going.

Mom always believed in her son. He participated in school concerts and often found hobbies for himself. And so, at the age of 12, Justin's talent was noted at the local Stratford Idol music competition, with the song "So Sick" he won second place. Mom was insanely proud and posted a recording of her son's performance on YouTube. Thanks to Patricia, because this is what launched Justin's career. However, he himself never thought that singing would become his profession and way to earn money.

Very soon I found a talented Canadian boy famous producer Scooter Brown. Here mom almost committed fatal mistake: she did not believe Brown and was already ready to end the conversation. But the son was able to persuade her and went with Scooter to Atlanta, towards his dream. There, Bieber signed a contract with Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG) and began his musical career under the direction of rapper Usher.


The very first serious work of Justin Bieber blew up the Canadian charts. The single "One Time" instantly became one of the most popular, and the video scored a huge number of views on YouTube. Then came the first album in a mini format "My world", followed by a series of achievements:

  • the album went platinum in the US and Canada;
  • in Australia and New Zealand - "gold";
  • seven songs chart on the Billboard Hot 100;
  • Bieber is invited to sing in front of US President Barack Obama at Christmas.

America started talking about a new star who broke in and stirred up overseas show business. 2010 continued Bieber's rise to worldwide fame:

  • full album "My world 2.0";
  • Bieber - host at the 52nd Grammy Awards;
  • shooting in the series "C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation";
  • performing at the MTV Video Music Awards with a medley of songs;
  • Bieber has topped the top celebrities most searched for on the internet.

Needless to say, the bar was set high. The young artist did not intend to retreat and moved with confident steps towards the right direction. In 2011, a concert film dedicated to the life and work of Justin Bieber was released. The result is a record box office for a project of this genre.

In 2011-2012, only leading places in charts and ratings were reserved for the guy, as well as new successful work, including with the stars of the pop scene. Bieber's persona was noted by Forbes magazine and gave the second line in the ranking of the highest paid young celebrities. In November 2011, fans waited for the release of the second studio album Under the Mistletoe. He had a chance to work with Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, The Band Perry and Busta Rhimes. Taylor Swift invited Jatin to perform at her concerts.

What a talented, persistent and hardworking Bieber turned out to be. Six months later, I already released the third album “Believe”, and in the fall of 2012 went on a second tour (as part of the tour, I gave concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg).

In 2013, Bieber implemented interesting idea"10 Mondays". For 10 weeks, every Monday, the singer presented new song. As a result, the project turned into new compilation Journals. At the end of 2013 on big screens The release of the film “Justin Bieber. Believe." In 2015 - the fourth solo album.

By 2016, Justin Bieber remains a sought-after and successful singer. His life is in full swing, he is financially independent, and therefore he can afford almost everything, including not paying attention to criticism and unflattering reviews. True, such a life has its consequences. Whether the idol of the new generation will cope with them or not, time will tell.

MTV EMA - 2015

but on the other hand

Not only victories accompany Bibir. More precisely, some achievements can be spoken of with the prefix "anti". Yes, in 2011 popular artist won the titles of "Most Tastefully Dressed Artist" and "Worst Album" at the NME Awards at the Brixton Academy.

Everything would be fine, but not only awards become “anti”, but the guy’s behavior. His actions, at times, go beyond the bounds of decency and beyond the law. In 2013, he was detained by the police for extremely dangerous driving. As a result, Bieber later admitted that he used both alcohol and drugs. Result: bail.

He is often a troublemaker, and with the use of force. On account of his accusation of beating the driver, also a fight with Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom. In 2014, citizens tired of Bieber's antics signed a petition demanding to revoke the residence permit of the troublemaker.


Needless to say, a young successful guy with a beautiful face was always surrounded by girls. But his most high-profile romance was a relationship with another young star - Selena Gomez. The girl is as popular and in demand as Bieber himself, and has no less financial resources.

Their romance began in 2010. In 2011, they appeared together at the Oscars, publicly making their relationship public. Quarrels, scandals, partings, reconciliations - all the ups and downs in their relationship were closely watched by the singer's fans and even sent threatening messages to Selena. In 2013, the couple seemed to have finally broken up, but already in 2014 they were again noticed together.

For several years, Bieber and Gomez could not decide on their feelings, then converged, then spoke unflatteringly about each other. By 2016 love affair between them seems to have stopped, but who knows what can be expected from the conqueror female hearts Justin Bieber.

By the way, during the time of "misunderstandings" in relations with Selena Gomez, the guy was not at all sad. He was seen in company with model Barbara Palvin, Miranda Kerr ( ex-wife Orlando Bloom), Miley Cyrus, Kendall Jenner and even Kim Kardashian. In 2016, there was a short romance with Sofia Richie.

Celebrity biographies


01.03.15 09:24

Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are the most outrageous young stars in the world's sky. And how did a boy from the Canadian provinces manage to conquer the whole world?

Biography of Justin Bieber

Music prodigy

He is a real R&B prodigy - Justin Bieber's biography as a singer began with the fact that the teenager posted his music video on the Web, and it was there that the future manager Scooter Braun noticed him.

Already by the age of twenty-one, Justin Bieber has sold more than 15 million copies of discs with his own recordings - this is very cool!

Raised by a single mother

Justin Drew was the fruit of a whirlwind romance between 18-year-old Ontario resident Patricia Mallet and a married, respectable man (in marriage, he "produced" two more children) Jeremy Bieber. Petty decided on the fate of a single mother, and when Justin was born (it was March 1, 1994), she continued to communicate with his father, not holding Jeremy angry. The daughter was helped by her parents - the grandparents of the baby, without them she might not have coped. She had to take any job to survive with a baby. But what a son she raised! The guy paid for all the hardships of his mother.

The athletic lively boy mastered various instruments early: guitar, drum set, piano, trumpet. He was the star of the city of Stratford - at the age of 12 he managed to get "silver" in a music competition. The mother encouraged this hobby of her son, she filmed his performances on video and uploaded them to YouTube. It turns out that the videos were interesting not only to relatives - it was on this site that Brown saw talent in a Canadian schoolboy.

On the road to glory

Since meeting this man, Justin Bieber's biography has changed radically. Mom thought for a long time whether it was worth “giving” her boy into the wrong hands, but the future of her son turned out to be more important for her than worries, and the woman decided. The guy went to America, where he recorded the first compositions. The nugget turned out to be in great demand - several companies fought for it at once, Justin Timberlake was interested in the Canadian. However, the singer quickly made his choice: he settled on the RBMG company, owned by Usher.

Bieber's very first single turned out to be his first success - "One Time" was on the leading positions not only in the vocalist's homeland, but also in other countries. And the mini-disk that Justin released at the end of 2009 was instantly sold out - it was the "platinum" of Canada and, oddly enough, the "gold" of the Green Continent. A successful debutant began to be invited to popular programs, so he appeared in the studio of Ellen DeGeneres. It was the best advertisement for his work.

"Golden Boy"

Bieber's career quickly went uphill, the new face was welcome in the States. He was invited to the White House to sing for the president himself, and then they made him the Grammy host. Who else could boast of such a rapidly growing popularity?

The video for the song “Baby”, created at the beginning of 2010, was in the lead in terms of the number of views for a very long time, yielding the first step after some time to the sensational video of the singer from South Korea PSY. In the spring of the same year, the Canadian disc “My World 2.0” was released, which immediately took the top line of the charts in five countries (including Canada and the USA). Bieber made a guest appearance on Saturday Night Live, where he actively promoted the album.

Justin's voice began to break down - a common occurrence for a boy at his age, but thanks to a good specialist who worked with the vocalist, it went almost painlessly. But the second disc recorded in the summer of 2010 differed from the debut one - the singer's voice sounded much lower.

Both singer and artist

Bieber soon developed another hobby: movies. He starred in an episode of the popular crime show C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, appeared in the Men in Black triquel, and in 2011, the documentary Never Say Never Again was released. There has never been such a commercial hit in the history of musical films: its box office is approaching $100 million. The success was ensured by an amazing stellar cast: Ludacris and Usher, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

By 2011, our hero managed to take the second position in the list of the highest paid celebrities under the age of 30: his fees for the year amounted to about 53 million dollars. Due to legal troubles, Justin Bieber's image has undergone negative changes, although the Canadian's popularity is still high.

Personal life of Justin Bieber

The violent temper of handsome Justin

As we have already said, the handsome man also has another, dubious, glory - he loves to "get" others. Fights, scandals, noisy parties, problems with driving drunk and high - all this spoils the glamorous picture called "Justin Bieber". The guy's personal life, however, was quite stable for a couple of years.

beautiful romance

In 2010, he began dating starlet Selena Gomez. Lovely photo shoots, luxurious gifts for a friend - all this was a little for show, which made one doubt the sincerity of the feelings of these two. Evil tongues claimed that the couple met for the sake of extra PR.

Two years later, other gossip went - that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up. They did not comment on the gap, but the fact that at the beginning of 2013 the girl began to appear with another gentleman confirmed the fact of separation. Later, Justin Bieber publicly repented and regretted that this affair was over.

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