Biography of the English artist Madonna. Madonna - biography and personal life


Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in small town Rochester, Michigan in the United States. The girl was the third child in the family, but the first among all born girls. In total, her mother had six children. Her mother gave her the same name that she herself had. So in the future, the singer did not have to invent a pseudonym for herself, although long years many continued to believe that Madonna was a fictitious name.

His father was an engineer who later became the lead designer of General Motors. Mother worked for some time as a radiologist, at home she loved to play the piano and sang beautifully, but she was not going to become famous. She was a very devout Catholic, her faith bordering on bigotry. When she was pregnant with her sixth child, a misfortune happened - she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She did not terminate the pregnancy and died a few months after giving birth at the age of 30. Madonna at that time was 5 years old, and she suffered this loss very hard and could not come to terms with this fact. She remembered her mother as fragile and tender, but at the same time strong woman who never complained.

For the first time, the children were settled in different relatives, and two years later the father decided to marry a housekeeper who did not at all look like their mother. The couple had two more children. The stepmother was a strict adherent, and the father, although he earned good money, considered it important to teach children to save money.

Since Madonna was the oldest of the girls in the family, she was constantly entrusted with the care of the younger ones, and she really wanted to break out of all this. The older two brothers were addicted to drugs and at times bullied future singer. It was so unpleasant that the girl developed an aversion to drugs for the rest of her life.

At school, the girl studied diligently, in many respects this is the merit of her father. When the children were not given homework, he came up with additional ones for them. But, for each excellent mark rewarded 25 cents. Madonna never spent them, but wanted to save a lot of money in this way. She is largely grateful to her father for his severity, according to her, if he had not been like that, then a star would not have come out of her.

No matter what household chores the girl was busy with, he always loved to sing. Her father insisted that she learn to play the piano, as many family members played different musical instruments, but Madonna herself begged her father to send her to study at a ballet studio.

From the age of 12 she studied at the Catholic high school in which very strict rules prevailed. In it, she first appeared on stage in school musical. Communication with peers did not work out, they did not like her for her strange character and excellent academic performance. Madonna herself considered her peers half-wits, and they considered her a poorly dressed "hillbilly".

But on one of school evenings she performed such an extravagant dance that everyone immediately stopped perceiving her as a “good girl”. A scandal broke out at school, and the father put his daughter under house arrest.

AT ballet studio at the University of Michigan, she was mentored by Chris Flynn. He became for her not only the first love, she considered him a demigod. The love went unrequited because Flynn was gay. But he became her friend, took her to exhibitions and concerts of classical music.

After studying for a year and a half at the University of Michigan, she dropped out of high school and went to conquer New York. Everyone was against this idea, the father insisted that the girl become a doctor or a lawyer, by this time she had a very high IQ. She was supported only by Flynn.

Early career and successful development

She flew to New York by plane (for the first time in her life) with a small suitcase and 35 dollars. I took a taxi, for which I paid $ 15 and asked to be taken to the center. After passing a hard casting, she was able to get into one of dance groups, but earnings in it did not allow renting even the cheapest housing. I had to survive with night jobs, either in fast food or in the dressing room of a restaurant. She constantly auditioned for various Broadway musicals. Once the directors asked her not only to dance, but also to sing, and they remarked on her surprisingly. pleasant voice. FROM new production she went to Paris, the producers continued to insist on her singing career, but the proposed repertoire categorically did not suit Madonna.

As a result, six months later, she returned to New York to her lover, who played significant role in her development as a singer. She learned to play the drums and the electric guitar. Being part of one musical group and having shown herself to be a bright personality, she left and founded her own group, Emmy, in which she performed her own songs with a guitar.

The future acquaintance with the owner of the recording studio Camille Barbon makes Madonna a solo and dancing performer. She also helped the girl somehow solve her problem. material problems, because before that everything was very deplorable. Camilla herself claims that the star from Madonna was made by her personal qualities, and as a musician, she did not stand out in any way.

Once, together with drummer Stephen Bray, Madonna composed four dance compositions that, secretly from Camilla, she began to promote in discos. The DJ of one of the clubs was so inspired by the talent of the artist that, although not on the first try, Madonna arranged a meeting with the owner of one of the labels. Sire Records signed her to a $5,000 contract, and for her stage image, the singer dropped her last name, which many mispronounced, from her first name. Soon the first single "Everybody" was released, which took the first lines of the charts. The song began to be played on the radio, while the photo of the singer was not advertised, the public thought that the performer was an African American.

The first single was followed by the second "Holiday". The singer recorded her first album in 1983. He was warmly received by the fans, she was showered with different offers including acting in films.

Madonna never rests on her laurels, she lives in constant development. Apart from creative career, she also proved herself as a businesswoman, founding her own label and creating her own fashion trend. She also acts as a producer. Today she has 13 published music albums and 13 film roles. Her awards can be devoted to a separate chapter. Madonna also proved herself as a writer, she composed and published 7 books.

Madonna's personal life

The singer was married twice, and her novels simply cannot be counted. Her first husband was actor Sean Penn. But Madonna suppressed him, according to Sean, he did not want to be "Mr. Madonna." At that time, he himself was only going through the stage of formation as an artist, he was thrown from side to side, his behavior was often accompanied by outbreaks of aggression.

As a result, the marriage lasted from the 85th to the 89th year.

In 96, Madonna decided it was time for her to become a mother and gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from her fitness trainer. They were not married, but lived together for several months.

In 1998, her stormy romance with the director began, and two years later the couple had a son, Rocco. Soon the union was officially sealed. The marriage lasted 7 years.

Now Madonna has affairs from time to time, including with men much younger than herself, but they do not lead to anything serious.

Interesting life famous people in articles

Extravaganza woman and steel woman. So you can characterize the singer Madonna. Tough discipline hard work, no whining. She makes high demands on herself and hopes that the children will follow her example. But they don't agree.

Madonna lost the other day litigation for a son. 16-year-old Rocco will live with his father, despite the efforts of his mother. The young man does not like the rules and regulations of the parent at all, and he rebelled. Madonna is shocked. How did it happen? Why did the pop diva's successful strategy until recently not work?

Madonna herself lost her mother at the age of five. Madonna Louise Ciccone Sr. has died of cancer. Ciccone's large family was inconsolable, but two years later the singer's father, Tony Ciccone, got married. The stepmother raised 2 stepsons and 4 stepdaughters, faithful to the rather strict restrictions of Protestantism, and this could not but affect the character of the young Madonna. Subsequently, the singer frankly spoke about this press:

“I think my rebel character was finally formed when my father married a second time. I lost my mother, but for a while I myself became a mother to my father and brothers. Then they took it away from me."

G Odes later, she would write the song Oh, Father, which contains the lines: "You can't hit me anymore." Tony was outraged and didn't even talk to his daughter for a while.

In October 1996, Madonna herself became a mother. The father of her first child, a daughter named Lourdes Maria, was the coach and dancer Carlos Leon. Gossip that she used a man as a sperm donor, the singer indignantly denied, claiming that there was a happy accident.

“I have to work for someone,” Madonna said during pregnancy.-I need it. And that's something I can be proud of."

In August 2000, the pop diva had another reason to be proud - the son of Rocco. Not without incident, however. Madonna, who lived permanently with her husband Guy Ritchie in the UK, chose to give birth to an heir in an American clinic. “Have you seen those hospitals in England? They are as old as victorian style”, - the celebrity explained her choice.

Madonna raised her daughter and son strictly. Rigid daily routine: at 21:00 in bed. No TV shows. Modest clothing. Sweets only on holidays. Lourdes received her first iPhone when she was 15 years old. The singer did not hide this:

“Lourdes herself looked after her clothes, folded them. Made the bed in the morning. She wore the same clothes until she completed school assignments.”

Guy Ritchie had a completely different parenting style. He secretly spoiled the guys and tried to give them maximum freedom. Madge knew about this and even shared with reporters:

“I am a fan of discipline, Guy is a delinquent. When dad comes home, the kids get chocolate. I'm more practical."

In 2006, the family is replenished - celebrity couple adopts orphan David from Malawi. Guy and Madonna divorce two years later. In 2009, the singer adopted a girl, Mercy from Malawi, and unequivocally stated that she was no longer going to marry.

“I’d rather throw myself under a train,” the star joked. Children and creativity became the main things for Madonna.

And everything was fine until a few years ago there was a rebellion in the Madonna family. At first, Lourdes presented an unpleasant surprise - the paparazzi photographed the girl with a cigarette. Madonna had to not only talk to her daughter, but also give comments to the press.

“I wasn't very happy when I found out. But, to be honest, I don’t think that I am as strict with children as I should be. I think I might need to be tougher."

During the Rebel Heart tour, the star surprised by the admission that he had difficulty finding mutual language with his eldest son.

“He is completely unsatisfied with all my achievements. He just wants me to cook dinner for him."

First frank confession took it as a joke. But over time, it became clear that Rocco was serious.

In December last year, the young man went to his father and refused to return. Categorically. The enraged star tried all the ways she knew to return the child and went to court. But in the end, she lost the case.

Now Rocco will live with his father and, if desired, communicate with his mother. Her tactic didn't work. Madonna acknowledges this. She wrote on Instagram last week:

"Sometimes successful mothers you have to be a bitch…”

However, it is too early for Madonna to exaggerate. Lourdes is still most lives with her mother, studies and makes a career in the fashion business - the girl has repeatedly posed for advertising fashion brands. David and Mercy do not give any cause for concern yet: the guys are happy to visit their native Malawi together with their foster mother, sometimes they participate in her charity events.

Madonna still has time to rethink her parenting rules. It seems that her usual attitudes with grown-up children do not work.

The legend of the world show business, the queen of the stage - these are the epithets that this unsurpassed woman is awarded, outstanding personality. She knows how to attract attention and hold it. Singer Madonna is a star who needs no introduction. Comprehensively gifted with talents, she falls in love at first sight.

Star Trek

How old is Madonna? Such a question comes to mind when you look at her chiseled body, young face and shining eyes. She can be given about thirty years, no more. But facts are stubborn things, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, this year she will celebrate her 56th birthday. How old is Madonna now? 55.

The star's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She is originally from Bay City, Michigan. In the veins flows the blood of French Canadians (on the mother) and American Italians (on the father). When Madonna was born, the family already had two children, after her three more were born. They lived together and piously.

The girl's relationship with others was difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but she did not allow herself to be offended. Loss of mother in early age(she died at thirty) turned out to be an extension of the list of relatives for her. The father married again, thus, another brother and sister appeared in the family.

Dancing in the life of a celebrity

How old is Madonna difficult to answer, looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dancing. Very early, the girl persuaded her father to enroll her in ballet. Then she went to school, the University of Michigan, but left because the teacher persuaded her to devote herself to a career. The future queen of the stage moved to New York. The city of the big apple taught her to fight poverty and for her place in the sun. She danced in several bands, took part in the world tour of Patrick Eronandez, met Dan Gilroy. Together with this musician, she creates the first rock band, and then the second. Recordings were successful, and then fell into the hands of the founder of Sire Records Seymour Stein.

Madonna's rise as a singer

How old is Madonna - it did not matter. She set a goal for herself and confidently walked towards it. She personally distributed her notes among the right people at the Dunsteria in Manhattan. Then she started an affair with the king of disc jockeys, Mark Kamins, who did his best to get Warner Bros to promote rising star. The first single - "Everybody" - gained immense popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song was repeated by the video for it, despite the extremely minimal budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular and has a great future.

worldwide success

The perfect figure of Madonna, her passion for dancing determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions were close to her, and it was they who elevated her to the top of the hit parade. The singer's first album was sold out in the amount of 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After that, the star began to be invited to act in films, she continues to sing songs and goes on her first world tour.

How old is Madonna the singer was already interesting to people, because in 1986 the first nude photos in black and white appeared in men's glossy magazines. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, forbade them to be published. The celebrity's third album received good criticism from the outside and entered it into the Guinness Book of Records. Together with her beloved, Madonna plays in films and theater, writes soundtracks for them, and works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

You can tell exactly how old Madonna is by looking at her passport. A woman who during her lifetime was given a four-meter statue (the city of Pacentro) always looks young and seductive. The rupture of relations with Sean Penn did not stop the singer's victorious march. And scandals fueled interest in her. The first such case occurred during the cooperation with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used a lot of Catholic symbols and wore overly revealing outfits. An advertisement for a popular drink featuring Madonna was heavily condemned by the Vatican. As a result, the company breaks off cooperation, and the girl receives decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her professions

So the world knows Madonna as a great dancer, successful singer With charming voice and a brawler. But in 1992, she founded Maverick, an entertainment company. Together with partner Time Warner, Madonna releases a book with a loud title (“Sex”), the album “Erotica”, but then she changes her style. Passion for Kabbalah and Judaism has borne fruit: the image of the singer has become restrained and more chaste. Confirming her unofficial title of "Queen of the Stage", Madonna records diverse albums. And between all this, she starred in Dolce & Gabbana commercials, creates youth clothing collections with her daughter, tries herself as a screenwriter and director, and opens a network of fitness clubs.

Madonna's personal life

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been the subject of adoration for the stronger sex. Madonna had many novels and connections, but there was a place and serious relationship. The singer entered into her first marriage in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was exemplary, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. The nickname "Mr. Madonna", given to Penn by journalists, he clearly did not like. Four years later they separated. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatty, a famous womanizer, but it did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and actress Sandra Bernhard, a model, was called her partners. But the queen of the stage herself refutes this, speaking out for traditional relationship. Her marriage to a British director lasted seven years, and after that she met with Jesús Lusa, a Brazilian young model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two biological and two adopted. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, whose father was the singer's personal sports coach, but did not become her husband. At what age did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, which means that the newly-made mother was 38. In 2000, that is, at the age of 42, the woman gave birth to a son Stepdaughter(Mercy James) and son (David Banda) are from Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna is an icon of beauty and style, an image of a confident and successful woman, strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figure are of interest to both fans of her work and the stronger sex. We will please both those and others by revealing a few interesting facts about the singer.

The practically unchanged appearance of the star is the subject of controversy among her fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sports, proper nutrition and anti-aging treatments support natural beauty. The singer herself denies rhinoplasty and other interventions by doctors, assuring that she uses high-quality cosmetics, does hardware lifting and chemical peeling, and loves Thai massage. She also tries to avoid stress, adheres to the correct regime of work and rest.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all due to the fact that she does not have excess fat accumulation, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is heavier. Daily fitness, yoga and a special diet, as well as rehearsals of new shows, help keep fit. In addition, the celebrity is engaged in Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, horseback riding.

The growth of the queen of pop music is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as you can see, this did not cause the complexes to appear. A high heel or platform always accompanies Madonna (with the exception of sports training). The star easily wears a heel about twenty centimeters high and looks down on everyone.

Here she is, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, emancipation and femininity!

Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon is best known for her famous mother. The pop diva named her child in honor of French city Lourdes, which she says her mother always wanted to visit. Unlike star mom Lourdes avoids publicity and prefers to lead a more private lifestyle.

Biography of Lola

Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon (abbreviated as Lola) was born on October 14, 1996. It happened at the Good Samaritan Clinic in Los Angeles. The girl's parents are Cuban fitness trainer Carlos Leon and popular singer Madonna (Lourdes is her first child). At that time, the diva was 38 years old.

According to funds mass media it is known that childbirth lasted about 16 hours. Madonna steadfastly endured a protracted physiological process, and after some time a Cuban took her and her child from the hospital. Lourdes' parents met while the singer was jogging, and separated seven months after the baby was born. Carlos Leon keeps in touch with his daughter all the time and thanks the pop diva for Lourdes.

In addition to Lourdes, Madonna has 4 daughters and 2 sons. Rocko John Ritchie is the half-brother of our heroine and Madonna's own son, born in marriage to British director Guy Ritchie. The rest of the children are adopted or adopted by the singer at different intervals of time, natives from African Republic Malawi.

Rebellious spirit

When the girl was not yet 18 years old, heated discussions flared up around her person. This was due to the fact that she, while on vacation with friends in France, was seen smoking illegal substances.

A little later, after completing her studies at school, Lourdes went on vacation to Cannes and was again seen by the paparazzi while smoking forbidden plants. One can only guess how then the popular pop diva reacted to such rebellious behavior.

Girl's hobbies

Madonna's daughter (the girl's photo is posted in the article) has been fond of fashion design since childhood. Lourdes takes an active part in the joint family business, curating the youth clothing brand Material Girl.

On the this moment she is a college student at the University of Michigan, where her mother also received her education. Prior to that, the girl attended the LaGuardia School of the Arts. In addition, Lola periodically tries herself as an actress, practicing her skills. theatrical art, singing and dancing, and also starred in commercials. Not so long ago, she became the face of Stella McCartney perfume.

At a young age, a girl could put on sneakers to the knee and combine them with leggings of any color, while decorating her head with a knitted hat, and carrying a bag in her hands. The stepfather of Lourdes, Guy Ritchie, could stop the violent childhood fantasy. Attending social events with him, she looked like a princess, and not like an eccentric hooligan.

It is known that in adolescence the girl, together with Madonna, launched a clothing line, which played significant role in developing her sense of style. Thanks to this, Lourdes has become a true fashionista who is aware of all the latest trends, but in addition, she tries to follow and trust her own taste.

It was at this time that Madonna's daughter began to criticize her parent's clothes without hesitation. According to the girl, her mother had unfeminine, sometimes even tasteless things in her wardrobe. She shared her thoughts and ideas about fashion and beauty on a personal blog, calling herself a designer, blogger, and also the daughter of a pop queen.

After launching a clothing line with her mother, the girl began to wear more feminine dresses, lace blouses, and also give preference to pumps and other wardrobe items. real lady. However, it is worth noting that Lola did not completely abandon her passion for leather jackets and rough boots, on the contrary, she learned to harmoniously combine various rock star accessories in her outfit, creating a daring but concise style.

Appearance of a girl

Except fashion images Madonna's daughter recently attracted public attention with her appearance. She began to wear wide, thick and very shaggy eyebrows (by the way, the pop diva herself wore these at the dawn of her youth).

At such a young age, Lola has a large number of tattoos on her body. An arrow-circle is located on the hand, the words “dad” and “mother” are applied on the fingers. On the finger capital letter R stuffed in honor of her stepbrother named Rocco, as well as the name "Merci" (that's the name of one of her foster sisters). On the inside of the thigh is an image of the letter W, possibly denoting the capital letter of the name of the new boyfriend Lourdes, who recent times accompanies the girl everywhere.

Also, many drew attention to the armpits of Madonna's daughter. Lola stopped caring for them, and the public began to get the impression that the girl was even proud of it. She, not embarrassed by her unshavenness, posted photographs with unkempt armpits for everyone to see.

It is worth noting that Madonna herself, like her daughter, supported the popular in in social networks vegetation trend. Prior to this, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Gigi Hadid and other Hollywood stars have already boasted of unshaven armpits.

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th day in the city of Bay, Michigan. On the given hour height 162 cm, weight 54 kg. Parameters and dimensions (girth) of the bust (figure): chest 92 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 87 cm. Foot shoe size 39. Eye color green. Hair color is blond. She is a Kabbalist by religion, a former Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. Upon the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), citizen Ciccone married the maid Gustafson Joan, who later gave birth to the mind of two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) is a technical engineer in the X-ray room. French nationality from Canada. Jansenist by religion (French Catholic). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation exposure at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

Studied at St. Andrew's, St. Frederick's, Western high school(West), at the Adams High School in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she has been engaged in ballet and choreography.

She has lived in New York since 1978. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked in diners and as a model for filming. In 1979 she was noticed by the producers Perrelin and Van Lie and she collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was a drummer in the group Breakfast Club. Then, in 1980, she founded her own group Madonna and the Sky", later "Emmy". Since 1981 Barbon collaborated with Camilla, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Bros. continued until 2009. The first album called "Madonna" was released in 1983. Received all sorts of Grammys (already 7 pieces!) And golden globes. Not without the golden raspberry. The song of the same name, from the second album, "Like a Virgin" entered the two hundred most iconic songs of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. "Like a Prayer" from the third album of the same name, British magazine "New music express» ranked 3rd in history popular music, and VH1 on the 2nd.

And always some song from her subsequent albums, like "Bedtime Stories", "Ray of Light", "Music", "American Life", "Confessions on a Dance Floor", "Hard Candy" and "MDNA" took honorable a prize-winning place in any chart.

She starred in "Specific Victim", "Visual Search", "Desperate Search for Suzy", in "Who's That Girl", in "Dick Tracy", in the documentary "Madonna. Truth or Dare” (at our box office “In Bed with Madonna”), in “ Dangerous game”, in “The Body as Evidence”, “Best Friend”.

In 2007, she filmed "Dirt and Wisdom" with the vocalist of the "Gogol Bordello" group Evgeny Aleksandrovich Nikolaev, better known under the pseudonym Evgeny Gudz (his mother's maiden name). In 2010, she filmed “We. We believe in love." In 2013, the short film "SecretProjectRevolution".

In 1973, she dated Long Russell (born in 1956).

In 1979, she cohabited with Dan Gilroy (head of the little-known rock band Breakfast Club).

Also in 1979, she cohabited with Stephen Bray, drummer.

In 1983, she cohabited with Benitez John, nicknamed "Marmalade".

From 1985-08-16 (which, by the way, is her birthday) to January 1989, she was married to Pann Sean.

According to unconfirmed information, in 1988 she had a relationship with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990, she cohabited with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, the 14th day from the actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos gave birth to a daughter Leon Lourdes Maria Ciccone (in other words, Lola Leon).

In 1998, she cohabited with Andy Bird (Andy Bird), an actor and screenwriter from the UK.

From 2000 to 2008 for Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to a son, Richie Rocko. There is also a son, Richie Ciccone, adopted on 2008-05-28, David Banda (born 2005-09-24) and a daughter, adopted on 2009-06-12, Ciccone Chifundo Mercy James (born 2005).

Since 2010, he has been cohabiting with break performer Zeba Brahim.

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