House by the road history of creation. The poem "Road House" is based on the story of the sad fate of Andrei and Anna Sivtsov and their children



I started a song in a difficult year
When it's cold in winter
War was at the gates
Besieged capitals.

But I was with you, soldier,
With you always
Until that and since that winter in a row
In the same war.

I only lived by your fate
And sang it to this day
And this song was postponed,
Interrupted in half.

And how could you not return
From the war to the wife-soldier,
So I couldn't
All this period
Return to that notebook.

But how did you remember in the war
About what is sweet to the heart,
So the song started in me
Lived, boiled, whined.

And I kept it in myself,
Read about the future
And the pain and joy of these lines
Hiding others between the lines.

I carried it and carried it with me
From the walls of the native capital -
Following you
Following you -
All the way to the border.

From frontier to frontier -
In every new place
The soul waited with hope
Some kind of meeting, leading ...

And wherever you cross
What kind of houses thresholds
I never forgot
About the house by the road

About the woeful house, you
Abandoned sometime.
And on the way, in a foreign country
I met a soldier's house.

That house without a roof, without a corner,
Warmed up in a residential way,
Your mistress took care
For thousands of miles from home.

She pulled somehow
Along the highway track -
With the smaller, asleep in his arms,
And the whole crowd of the family.

The rivers boiled under the ice,
Streams whipped foam
It was spring and your house was walking
Back home from captivity.

He went back to the Smolensk region,
What was so far ...
And each of our soldier's eyes
Warm at this meeting.

And how was it not to wave
Hand: "Be alive!",
Don't turn around, don't breathe
About many things, service friend.

At least that not all
Of those who lost their home
On your frontline highway
They met him.

You yourself, walking in that country
With hope and anxiety,
He was not met in the war, -
Walked the other way.

But your house is complete, there is.
Build walls for it
Attach a canopy and a porch -
And the house will be excellent.

With willingness to lay hands -
And the garden, as before, at home
Look into the windows.
Live to live
Ah, live and live alive!

And I would sing about that life
About how it smells again
At the construction site with golden shavings,
Living pine resin.

How, announcing the end of the war
And longevity to the world
A starling refugee appeared
To a new apartment.

How greedily the grass grows
Thick on the graves.
Grass is right
And life is alive
But first I want to
Something you can't forget about.

So the memory of grief is great,
Silent memory of pain.
She doesn't hesitate until
Will not speak freely.

And at the very noon of the celebration,
For the holiday of resurrection
She comes like a widow
A fighter who fell in battle.

Like a mother that son day by day
I waited from the war in vain,
And forget about him
And do not grieve all the time
Not powerful.

Let me be forgiven
That again I'm up to date
I'll be back, comrades, back,
To that cruel memory.

And everything that is expressed here
Let it penetrate into the soul again
Like crying for the motherland, like a song
Her fate is harsh.


At that very hour on a Sunday afternoon,
For a festive occasion
In the garden you mowed under the window
Grass with white dew.

The grass was kinder than the grass -
Peas, wild clover,
A dense panicle of wheatgrass
And strawberry leaves.

And you mowed it, sniffing,
Groaning, sighing sweetly.
And I overheard myself
When he rang with a shovel:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

Such is the covenant and the sound is such
And along the spit along the sting,
Washing away the trifle of the petals,
The dew ran in a stream.

Mowing high as a bed
He lay down, fluffed up magnificently,
And a wet sleepy bumblebee
In the mowing, he sang almost audibly.

And with a soft swing it's hard
The scythe creaked in his hands.
And the sun burned
And it went on
And everything seemed to sing:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

And the front garden under the window,
And the garden, and the bow on the ridges -
All this together was a house,
Housing, comfort, order.

Not the order and comfort
That I don't trust anyone
Water is served to drink,
Holding on to the door latch.

And that order and comfort,
What to everyone with love
Like serving a cup
To good health.

The washed floor shines in the house
Such neatness
What a joy for him
Walk with bare feet.

And it's good to sit at your table
In the circle of the native and close,
And, resting, eat your bread,
And a wonderful day to praise.

That really is one of the best days
When we suddenly with something -
The food tastes better
wife mile
And more fun work.

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

Your wife was waiting for you at home
When with merciless force
war in an old voice
Howled all over the country.

And, leaning on the scythe,
Barefoot, simple-haired,
You stood and understood everything
And the swath did not come.

The owner of the meadow is not dokosip,
Belted on a hike
And in that garden all the same sound
As if it was being distributed:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

And you were maybe already
Forgotten by the war itself
And on the unknown frontier
Buried in other soil.

Without stopping, the same sound
The clattering sound of a spatula,
In work, in a dream disturbed hearing
Your soldier wife.

He burned through her heart
Longing inexorable,
When I mowed that meadow
Itself oblique unbeaten.

Tears blinded her eyes,
Pity burned my soul.
Not that braid
Not the dew
Not the grass, it seemed ...

Let women's grief pass
Your wife will forget you
And maybe get married
And will live like people.

But about you and myself
About the old day of parting
She is in any of her fate
Sigh at this sound:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.


Not here yet, still far away
From these fields and streets
The herds were half-eaten
And the refugees were drawn.

But she walked, buzzed like an alarm,
Trouble all over the area.
Shovels were taken for the cuttings,
For wheelbarrows woman's hands.

Ready day and night
Dig with feminine tenacity,
To help the troops
At the turn of Smolensk.

So that at least in the native side,
At your doorstep
At least for a short time war
Dig up the road.

And how many hands - do not count! -
Along that long ditch
Rye was rolled alive
Raw heavy clay.

We live bread, we live grass
They rolled themselves.

A He bombs on Moscow
Carried over their heads.

They dug a ditch, felled a rampart,
Hurry, as if on time.

A He already stepped on the ground,
Thunder nearby.

Broke and confused front and rear
From sea to sea
Shining with a bloody glow,
In the night closing dawns.

AND terrible force storm,
In the honeymoon period,
In the smoke, in the dust in front of you
From the front drove the wheels.

And suddenly so much fell out
Gurtov, wagons, three-ton,
Horses, carts, children, old women,
Knots, rags, knapsack...

My great country
At that bloody date
How were you still poor
And how rich already!

Green street of the village
Where the dust lay like powders,
A huge edge of the war drove
With a hastily taken burden.

Confusion, hubbub, heavy groan
Human suffering is hot.
And children's crying, and a gramophone,
Singing, as in the country, -
Everything was mixed up, one misfortune -
War was a sign...

Already before noon water
There wasn't enough in the wells.

And buckets deafly scraped the soil,
Thundering against the walls of the log house,
Half empty went up,
And to the drop that jumped in the dust,
Lips twitched eagerly.

And how many were there alone -
From the heat of quite salty -
Curly, sheared, linen,
Dark-haired, fair-haired and others
Childish heads.

No, don't go out to watch
Guys at the watering hole.
Hold yours to your chest,
As long as they are with you.

While with you
In the native family
They, albeit not in the hall,
In every need
In your nest
Another envy share.

And take the bitter path
Change your backyard -
Dress the children themselves, put on shoes -
Still, believe me, half grief.

And, having endured, somehow
Wander in the road crowd
With the smaller, asleep in his arms,
With two with a skirt - you can!

Walk, wander
Sit down on the way
Family on vacation small.
Yes who now
Happy you!

Look, there is, perhaps.

Where the light shines even at the edge of the day,
Where the cloud completely stagnates.
And happiness is no match for happiness,
And grief - I burn the difference.

Crawling, creaking wagon-house,
And the heads of children
Cunningly covered with a flap
Iron red roof.

And serves as the roof of the track
A family driven by war
The roof above your head
She was born in the region.

In another land
Her comfort is gypsy
Not somehow
Set on the road -
The male hand of the peasant.

Overnight on the road, the guys are sleeping,
Burrowing into the depths of the kibitka.
And look at the starry sky
Shafted like anti-aircraft guns.

The owner does not sleep by the fire.
In this difficult light
He is for the children, and for the horse,
And for the wife in the answer.

And to her, even summer, even winter,
Still, the path is not nice.
And you decide everything yourself
With your mind and strength.

In the midday heat
And in the rain at night
Cover the kids on the road.
My distant
my darling,
Alive, dead - where are you? ..

No, not a wife, not even a mother,
What did you think of your son?
Couldn't guess
All that will be now.

Where was it in the old days, -
Everything is different now:
The owner went to war
War is coming home.

And, smelling death, this house
And the garden is silent anxiously.
And the front - so here it is - over the hill
He sighs hopelessly.

And dusty troops retreat, rollback
Not the one that was in the beginning.
And where are the columns somehow,
Where the crowds marched.

All to the east, back, back,
The guns are getting closer.
And the women howl and hang
On the hedge chest.

The last hour has come,
And there is no longer a delay.
- And who are you just us
Throw, sons? ..

And that, perhaps, is not a reproach,
And pain for them and pity.
And a lump in my throat
For everything that happened to life.

And a woman's heart is doubly
Longing, anxiety gnaws,
What is only there, in the fire,
The wife can imagine.

In fire, in battle, in fumes
Bloody melee.
And how it should be there for him,
Living, fearful of death.

That trouble would not tell
That howled a woman's howl,
I wouldn't know, maybe never
That she loved to death.

Loved - do not drop your eyes
Nobody, one loved.
I loved so much that from relatives,
Taken away from mother.

Let it not be girlish time
But from love surprisingly -
Sharp in speeches
Fast in business
How the whole snake walked.

In the house - no matter what life -
Kids, oven, trough -
He hasn't seen her yet.
Uncombed, unwashed.

And she kept the whole house
In neatness anxious,
Considering, perhaps, that
Love is forever stronger.

And that love was strong
With such a powerful force
What to separate one war
And separated.


Only you would languish a fighter,
War, longingly familiar,
Yes, I wouldn’t dust on the porch
His native home.

I would crush with a heavy wheel
Those that are yours on the list
Yes, I would not ruin the children's sleep
Artillery gun.

Thundering, would be furious drunk
At its limit -
And that would be you, the war,
Another holy thing.

But you kicked the guys out
In cellars, in cellars,
You are from heaven to earth at random
You throw your pigs.

And the people of the bitter side
At the front they huddled closely,
Fearing both death and guilt
Some unknown.

And you're getting closer to the yard
And children, feeling grief.
Fearful whisper game
They lead in the corner without arguing ...

On that first day of bitter days
How did you get on the road
The father ordered to take care of the children,
Keep a close eye on the house.

He ordered the children and the house to be protected, -
The wife is responsible for everything.
But he did not say whether to heat the stove
Today at dawn.

But he did not say whether to sit here,
Whether to run into the light somewhere.
Drop everything all of a sudden.
Where are they waiting for us?
Where are they asking?
Light is not a house.

There's a ceiling overhead
Here is a house, in a barn there is a cow ...
And the German, maybe he is different
And not so harsh, -
Pass, blowjob.

How about not?
Not that glorious glory.
Well, then you are in the village council
Are you going to seek justice?

What kind of judgment will you threaten him with?
How to stand on the threshold
How will he enter the house?
No, if only the house
Away from the road...

…The last four soldiers
The gate to the garden was opened
Forged iron shovels
Tired gryukuli out of tune.
Sit down and smoke.

And smiled, turn
To the hostess, the eldest like:
- We want a cannon here
Put in the garden.

Said like a man
Traveler, stranger,
With a horse he asked for an overnight stay,
With a cart near the house.

Him and caress and hello.
- Just don't leave.
Don't leave us...
- Not really, -
They looked at each other bitterly.

- No, from this cannabis
We won't leave, mother.
Then, so that everyone can leave, -
This is our service.

The earth around is on a wave,
And the day was deafened by thunder.
- This is life: the master is at war,
And you, it turns out, at home.

And she is ready for everyone
One sad question:
- Sivtsov is a surname. Sivtsov.
Have you heard by chance?

- Sivtsov? Wait, let me think.
Well, yes, I heard Sivtsov.
Sivtsov - well, how about it, Nikolai,
So he is alive and well.
Not yours? Yeah, and your Andrew?
Andrew, please...

But somehow dear to her
And that cousin.

- Well, friends, stop smoking.
Marked out the plan with a shovel
And began to dig the ground diligently
A soldier in a soldier's garden.

Not to grow up there
Any thing
And not on purpose, not from evil,
And as science says.
He dug a trench, in the form so that
And the depth and parapet ...

Oh, how much in that digging one
Submissive to the cause of sadness.

He did the job - he dug the earth,
But maybe I thought for a moment
And maybe even said
- Land, land...

Already they are chest-deep in the ground,
A soldier is calling to the table,
As if helping in the family,
Lunch and rest are sweet.

- Tired, eat.
- Well,
Hot for now...

- Still, to admit, the soil is good,
And then it happens - a stone ...

And the elder was the first to carry a spoon,
Soldiers follow him.
- And what, was the collective farm rich?
- No, not to say rich,
Not so, but still. Of bread
Stronger for the Ugry...
“Look, the firing has subsided.
- Three kids?
- Three...

And a general sigh:
- Children are a problem. -
And conversation with a hitch.
Fat at the wrong time food,
Sad as a wake.

- Thank you for lunch.
Hostess, thank you.
And as for ... so - no,
Don't wait, run anyway.

"Wait," said another soldier.
Looking out the window anxiously: -
Look people just back
- What would it be for?

The road is full of dust
They go, they wander dejectedly.
War from east to west
Oglobli turned.

- Looks like he's ahead.
“Now what, where?”
- Be quiet, mistress, and sit,
What's next - the day will show.
And we guard your garden,
Mistress, it's bad
Looks like it's our turn now.
Look for moves from here.

And according to his dashing need
Now they are soldiers
It seemed that women were weaker,
And not guilty before her,
And yet they are guilty.

- Farewell, hostess, wait, we will come,
Our time will come.
And we will find your conspicuous home
At the main road.
We will come, we will find, or maybe not;
War - you can not vouch.
Thanks again for lunch.

And thank you, brothers.
Brought people out.
And with a hopeless request:
- Sivtsov, - reminded, - Andrey,
Hear maybe...

She stepped forward holding on to the door
In tears, and the heart sank,
As if with her husband only now
Goodbye forever.
Like it's out of hand
And disappeared without looking back ...

And suddenly that sound came to life in my ears,
The pinching sound of the scapula:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home...


When in your own home
Entered, rattling his gun,
Soldier of the earth is different?

He didn’t beat, didn’t torture and didn’t burn, -
Far from disaster.
He entered only on the threshold
And he asked for water.

And, leaning over the bucket,
From the road covered in dust
Drank, wiped off and left
Soldier of a foreign land.

He didn’t beat, didn’t torture and didn’t burn, -
Everything has its time and order.
But he was entering, already he could
Enter, alien soldier.

A foreign soldier has entered your house,
Where his could not enter.
Didn't you happen to be there?
And God forbid!

You didn't happen to be at the same time
When, intoxicated, bad,
At your table amuses
Soldier of the earth is different?

Sits, taking that edge of the bench,
That corner is expensive
Where is the husband, father, head of the family
Sitting - no one else.

Do not bring you an evil fate
Not to be old at the same time
And not humpbacked, not crooked
For grief and shame.

And to the well in the village,
Where there is a foreign soldier
Like crushed glass
Walk back and forth.

But if it was meant to be
All this, everything counts
Do not bring at least one
What else is the turn.

Do not bring you to war
Wife, sister or mother,
soldier in captivity
See firsthand.

…Sons native land,
Their shameful, prefabricated formation
They led through that land
To the west under guard.

They walk along it
In shameful prefabricated companies,
Others without belts
Others without pilots.

Others with bitter, angry
And hopeless agony
Carry in front of you
Bandaging your hand...

At least he is healthy to walk,
Therefore, the task is to step, -
Losing blood in the dust
Drag while walking.

He, the warrior, is taken by force
And angry that he was alive.
He is alive and happy
That suddenly won back.

The one for nothing
Doesn't know yet in the world.
And everyone goes, are equal
Four in a column.

Boot for the war
Some have not been worn out
And now they're in captivity
And this captivity is in Russia.

drooping from the heat,
Rearrange legs.
familiar courtyards
On the sides of the road.

Well, house and garden
And all around signs.
A day or a year ago
Wandered this way?

A year or just an hour
Passed without delay?

"And who are you to us
Throw, sons! .. "

Now say back
And meet your eyes with your eyes
Like, we don’t throw, no,
Look, here we are.

Please mothers
And wives in their woman's grief.
Don't rush quickly
Pass the. Don't bend, don't bend...

Rows of soldiers march
A sullen string.
And women all in a row
They look into faces.

Not husband, not son, not brother
Pass in front of them
But only your soldier -
And there are no more relatives.

And how many of those rows
You silently passed
And shorn heads
Decayed sadly.

And suddenly - neither reality nor a dream -
It sounded like -
Between many voices
Farewell, Anyuta...

Rushed to that end
Crowding in the hot crowd.
No, it is. Fighter
Someone at random

Called in the crowd. Joker.
To jokes here to someone.

But if you are among them,
Call you Anyuta.

Don't be ashamed of me
That the windings slipped down,
What, maybe without a belt
And maybe without a pilot.

And I will not reproach
You, who are under escort
You go. And for the war
Alive, did not become a hero.

Call out - I'll answer.
I - pos, your Anyuta.
I will break through to you
At least I'll say goodbye again
With you. My minute!

But how to ask now
Say a word:
Don't you have here
In captivity, him, Sivtsov

Bitter shame.
Ask, and he, perhaps,
And the dead won't forgive
What was looking for here.

But if he is here, suddenly
Walks in a sultry column,
Closing your eyes...
- Tsuriuk!
Tsuryuk! - shouts the escort.

He has nothing to
And there is no business, right,
And his voice
Like a crow, burry:

- Tsuriuk! -
He is not young
Tired, damn hot
Pissed off as hell
Himself - and that's not a pity ...

Rows of soldiers march
A sullen string.
And women all in a row
They look into faces.

Eyes across
And along the column they catch.
And with something a knot
Whatever piece
Many are ready.

Not a husband, not a son, not a brother,
Take what you have, soldier
Nod, say something
Like, that hotel is holy
And expensive, they say. Thank you.

Gave from good hands
For everything that has suddenly become
I didn't ask the soldier.
Thank you bitter friend
Thank you mother Russia.

And yourself, soldier, walk
And do not complain about trouble;
She has an edge somewhere
It can't be that there isn't.

Let the dust smell of ash,
Fields - burnt bread
And over native land
Hanging someone else's sky.

And the pitiful cry of the guys,
Doesn't stop, lasts
And women all in a row
Looking into faces...

No, mother, sister, wife
And all those who have experienced pain
That pain is not avenged
And didn't win.

For this day alone
In the village of one Smolensk -
Berlin did not repay
With his universal shame.

Fossilized memory,
Strong on its own.

Let stone be stone
Let there be pain.


It wasn't the time yet
What goes right into winter.
More potato skins
Cleaned up on the basket.

But it got cold
Land heating summertime.
And at night a wet mop
She let in unfriendly.

And the fire had a dream - not a dream.
Under the timid crack of deadwood
Crowded autumn from the forests
Those bitter days of a bed-and-breakfast.

Beckoned by the memory of housing,
Heat, food and more.
Whom in the son-in-law
Whom in husbands, -
Where to read.

... In a cold pune, against the wall,
From prying eyes furtively,
Sat behind the war
A soldier with his soldier wife.

In a cold pune, not at home,
Soldier, to match someone else's
He sipped what he brought to him
Wife secretly from home.

He sipped with zeal of grief,
Taking the pot in my knees.
His wife was sitting in front of him.
On that cold hay
That in the old hour on a Sunday afternoon,
For holiday business
In the garden he mowed under the window,
When the war has arrived.

The hostess looks: he is not him
For a guest in this pune.
No wonder, apparently, a heavy dream
She dreamed the night before.

Thin, overgrown, as if all
Sprinkled with gold.
He ate to eat
Your shame and evil grief.

- Gather a pair of lingerie
Yes, fresh footcloths
So that I'm fine until dawn
Take off from the parking lot.

- I've already collected everything, my friend,
Everything is. And you are on the road
At least save your health
And first of all, the legs.

- And what else? You are wonderful
With such care, women.
Let's start with the head, -
At least save her.

And on the face of a soldier - a shadow
Unfamiliar smiles.
- Oh, as I remember: only a day
You are this home.

- At home!
I would also be glad not to stay for a day, -
I sighed. - Take the dishes.
Thank you. Give me a drink now.
When I return from the war, I will stay.

And drinks sweetly, dear, big,
Shoulders against the wall
By his beard a stranger
Drops roll into the hay.

- Yes, at home, they tell the truth,
What is raw water
Much tastier, - said the soldier,
In thought, wiping
Mustache fringed sleeves,
And he was silent for a minute. -
And the rumor is that Moscow
Next up, like...

The wife moved towards him.
With sympathetic concern.
Like, it's not worth believing everything,
They talk a lot these days.
A German, maybe he is now
Will cool down by winter...

And he again:
- Well, well, believe
For what suits us.
One good captain
Wandered with me at first.
Another enemy on the heels
Followed us. Didn't sleep
We didn't eat on the way.
Well, death. So he used to
He repeated: go, crawl crawl -
At least to the Urals.
So the man was an evil spirit
And I remember that idea.

- And what?
- Went and did not reach.
- Left behind?
- He died of a wound.
They walked like a swamp. And the rain, and the night,
And also bitter cold.
"And they couldn't help?"
“And they couldn’t, Anyuta…

Leaning against his shoulder,
To the hand - a small girl,
She grabbed her sleeve
He kept everything
As if she thought
Save it by force
With whom to separate one war
Could, and separated.

And took from each other
Sunday in June.
And again briefly reduced
Under the roof of this pune.

And here he sits next to her
Before another parting.
Isn't he angry with her?
For this shame and torment?

Is he waiting for herself
His wife said to him:
- Go crazy - go. Winter.
And how far to the Urals!

And I would repeat:
- Understand
Who can blame the soldier
That his wife and children are here,
What is here - a native hut.
Look, the neighbor came home
And does not get off the stove ...

And then he would say:
- No,
Wife, bad words ...

Perhaps your bitter lot,
Like bread with a pinch of salt
Spice up, brighten up he wanted
So heroic, right?

Or maybe he's just tired
Yes, so that through force
I also came to my native places,
And then - it wasn't enough.

And only conscience is out of tune
With the bait - this thought:
I'm home. I won't go further
Look for war around the world.

And it is not known what will return,
And to grief - in the heart of confusion.
“Say something, Andrew.
- What can I say, Anyuta?
'Cause don't talk, don't talk
Will it be easier
Shoot tomorrow until dawn

The image of the war through the fate of an ordinary person will also be characteristic of A. Tvardovsky's poem "House by the Road" (1946). But the emphasis in this work will be on something else. "Vasily Terkin" is an epic poem, it shows a man fighting, a man at the front. In The House by the Road, an event epic in nature is revealed by lyrical devices. House and road, family and war, man and history - A. Tvardovsky's work is built at the intersection of these motives. It sounded the same bitter, tragic melody as in the poem of the senior fellow countryman poet Mikhail Isakovsky "The enemies burned their own hut." The time when these works were created turned out to be not at all favorable for thinking about the price of our victory, about the grief of the soldiers-liberators who returned home and found only "a hillock overgrown with grass." It was the second half of the 40s, the period of party resolutions on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad", the time of the next "tightening" of ideological "nuts", tightening censorship. Like Isakovsky's poem, Tvardovsky's poem "House by the Road", and then his notes "Motherland and Foreign Land" provoked criticism in the press for pessimism and "decadent moods", which, according to official propaganda, should not have been characteristic of the winners.

In the poem "House by the Road" there really is no heroic pathos, if we mean posterity and a romantically sublime tone of the image of the war. But here there is true heroism, not loud. The heroism of the peasants, who were forced to interrupt their peaceful labor and, as naturally as they plowed and mowed down the whole world, the whole world left to fight the enemy (the opening scenes of the poem). The heroism of women who remained in the rear with the elderly and children and did not interrupt their labor zakhty. The heroism of those long years they considered traitors who were driven into captivity by the Nazis, but did not give up, did not lose heart, as Anna Sivtsova was able to withstand. The heroism of the soldier Andrey Sivtsov, who returned from the war as a winner and found the strength to start his life anew.

Andrey Sivtsov began his life the way a Russian person always began it - with the construction of a hut burned down by the war ... The real truth lies in open final a work that the author did not end with a happy ending. Only the melody of hope sounds here, as in the line that became the leitmotif of the poem: “Mow, scythe, while the dew” ... not destroyed by the war.

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word In the anguish and glory of these years.

And on our lips there can be no other.

These lines were written by A. Tvardovsky in 1944, when in the fire of battles there was still "no time to remember." But “on the day when the war ended” “and covered with haze, he goes into the distance, the coast filled with comrades”, the time has come for memory, summing up, reflection on the fallen and the living. The intonations of the requiem sounded in the poetry of A. Tvardovsky. From now on, the theme of the war, combined with a sense of guilt and moral duty to the dead (“I am yours, friends, and I am in your debt”), has become a “cruel memory”. One of the first poems that open this topic in the work of A. Tvardovsky and in post-war literature in general is written on behalf of a fallen warrior:

I was killed near Rzhev,

In the nameless swamp

In the fifth company, on the left,

On a hard hit.

The abrupt, almost protocol lines that open the poem emphasize the hopelessness of death.

The author's thought moves from a particular, concrete plan to a generalized philosophical one. The soldier is emphatically nameless, he is one of the millions that lay down in the earth without graves, became part of it, passed into the lives of those who survived, who were born later (“I am where the roots are blind”, “I am where the cock crow”, “I Where are your cars? This poem is an appeal to "faithful comrades", "brothers" with the only testament - to live with dignity.

The motive of the unity of the living and the dead, "mutual connection", kinship, responsibility "for everything in the world" will become the leitmotif of the post-war creativity of A. Tvardovsky.

Stayed there, and it's not about the same thing,

That I could, but could not save, -

It's not about that, but still, still, still ...

Lyric-epic narrative about the fate of the people in the poem

A.T. Tvardovsky "House by the road"

In the poem "Vasily Terkin" A Tvardovsky showed the heroic side of the Great Patriotic War. But this war also had another side, which, according to Kondratovich, “Terkin did not embrace and could not embrace; for all its figurative richness, it was a front-line poem…” [Kondratovich, p.154].

But the soldier in the war also lived a different life, in his heart the memory of the most precious thing was always kept - about the house and family. And this could not but reflect in his work A. Tvardovsky, who so sensitively responded to everything that his people lived with and what worried him. The poem "House by the Road" became such a work, revealing the remarkable talent of the poet from a new perspective. The poem “House by the Road” is a lyrical story-chronicle, which, according to Tvardovsky himself, reflects “the theme of not only the war itself, but the “house”, abandoned by the owner, who went to the front, survived the war that had come down to him; “at home”, in its human composition, abandoned from their native places to distant Germany, to the shores of someone else’s house, “at home”, which found in our victory liberation from captivity and rebirth to life [Bessonova, p.98].

The poem "House by the Road" has become a unique phenomenon, even somewhat unexpected, striking in its harsh truth. The first and obvious thing in it is the simple memory of the war, the “cruel memory”. On August 12, 1942, Tvardovsky writes in his workbook about his intention to implement "a purely lyrical, narrowly poetic solution to the problem", "to tell strongly and bitterly and the torments of a simple Russian family, about people who long and patiently wished for happiness, to whose lot fell so much war , upheavals, trials ... ". And such a work, which embodied the goals outlined by the poet, was the poem "House by the Road", a mournful story about the devastated "house", the wife and children of the soldier Andrei Sivtsov, who experienced torment in the Nazi concentration camp and endured them with honor. The poem was written in three stages - the first sketches were made by Tvardovsky in 1942, further work was continued in 1943, then in 1945 and at the beginning of 1946. And the whole poem was published in the Znamya magazine for 1946.

The focus of the author is no longer the army, but the civilian population, and mainly the house, Mother and wife, who are sources of goodness and happiness, symbols of the best for the Russian people and form the basis human being. These images-symbols are traditional for Russian folklore. Thus, the source material for Tvardovsky's poem was the folk poetic consciousness, the comprehension of the spirit of the people and its world of contemplation.

Tvardovsky uses in the poem "Road House" folk principles of building an image, revealing the character traits of the heroes of the poem. Andrei and Anna Sivtsov experienced a lot of suffering and deprivation, while demonstrating moral strength and stamina - the best national traits. The beauty of their national character is also reflected in their grief. Tvardovsky, revealing their characters, seeks to emphasize the general nature of their qualities, thanks to which they achieve a truthful display of the typical aspects of folk life, conveying the national identity of life and customs, as well as the peculiarities of the mental warehouse of a Russian person. This manifested the blood connection of the poet with his people, as well as boundless devotion to him.

Thus, Andrei and Anna are images that reveal typical features Russian national character. It is no coincidence that almost until the middle of the poem, the heroes are not even named. So, depicting a picture of the last peaceful day of the peasant Andrei Sivtsov, the poet uses the pronoun "You", thereby emphasizing that there is no specific hero here yet - this is the peaceful life of each peasant family, "a small, modest, inconspicuous particle of the people":

At that very hour on a Sunday afternoon,

For a festive occasion

In the garden you mowed under the window

Grass with white dew.

And you mowed it, sniffing,

Groaning, sighing sweetly.

And I overheard myself

When he rang with a shovel.

Labor evokes joyful feelings in the hero and the author, like in every peasant who loves his land. The poem "House by the Road" is held together by one through poetic image - the image of an early labor day, expressed by a refrain that runs through the entire poem:

Mow, scythe,

While the dew

Down with dew -

And we're home.

A. V. Makedonov believes that this refrain can be called the main leitmotif of the poem, which “at first appears as a detail of a direct concrete image of the peaceful labor and life of the owner of the house and the road. And then it appears as a memory, a reminder, a repeated metonymy and a metaphor - the memory of this work, this peaceful life, and as a detail - a signal that resurrects a new affirmation of the power of human constancy, the irresistible beginning of a peaceful life" [Makedonov, p. 238].

It is the scythe, and not the agricultural machine, that acts as a tool of labor in the poem, for which the poet was reproached by critics, complaining that he thereby leaves the truth of the depiction of Soviet reality. But Tvardovsky, as a truly folk poet and master of words, does this consciously and completely, in our opinion, justified. He seeks thereby to preserve and continue folk traditions, display the features of the life of his people, his spirit. It was he who did not break, did not bend either Andrei Sivtsov or his wife Anna, who experienced a lot of suffering during these terrible years war. And this can be said about the whole nation. Therefore, the main characters of the poem "Road House" are depicted to a greater extent not as individual characters, but as images of a broad generalization. So, we learn relatively little about the personal life of Andrei Sivtsov. In the story about him, Kulinich believes, “the poet focuses on the most important thing that characterizes his fate as the fate of the people: a hard worker and a family man, he was cut off brutal war from home and family, became a warrior to defend the right to peace and work, to protect his wife and children. A soldier took a sip of grief on the roads of the war, left the encirclement, looked death in the eyes, and when he returned home, he did not find a home, a wife, or children ... ".

What helped such people to survive when, it seemed, there was no more strength. In all trials, they were supported by selfless love for the Motherland and for their people. When Andrei Sivtsov, exhausted and tired, lagging behind the war, comes home, stands before him moral choice- go to the front or stay at home and live "in the village furtively", "hiding from prying eyes." The hero of Tvardovsky's poem "Road House" shows true feeling patriotism and thus shows the greatness of the Russian character:

So I have to get there.

Reach. Even though I'm an ordinary

Not at all willing to leave.

So specific image soldier Andrey Sivtsov grows into an image of a broad generalization, in which best quality Russian people, enriched with new historical era, the main of which is devotion to their homeland.

In guise main character Anna Sivtsova's poem reflects, first of all, what makes her a generalized image of "a mother-woman, whose cares kept the house and who fell to the lot of the hardships of military hard times."

In the poem "Road House" the image of Anna Sivtsova reflected best features Russian women, depicted in classical literature: beauty, spiritual purity, unbending strength, endurance, devotion and fidelity to her husband, love for children. Many of these features of Anna are close female images Nekrasov's poems“Frost is a red nose”, “Who lives well in Rus'”. Tvardovsky depicts his heroine as follows:

Let it not be girlish time

But from love surprisingly -

Sharp in speeches

Fast in business

How the snake kept walking.

Tvardovsky's poem, with great force of artistic truth, reflected the features of the tragic worldview of the people, revealed in the image of the main character of the poem. After her husband left for the war, Anna constantly thinks about him with anxiety and often mentally turns to her lover:

My distant

my darling,

Alive, dead - where are you?

Used permanent epithets"distant", "darling", used in folk songs, become key in this passage of Tvardovsky's poem to convey the feelings of the heroine, whose heart is overwhelmed with longing for her beloved. For Anna, separation from her husband is a real tragedy, and what used to bring her joy and pleasure (joint work on the mowing) now causes heartache:

When I mowed that meadow,

Itself oblique unbeaten.

Tears blinded her eyes,

Pity burned my soul.

Not that braid

Not the dew

Not the grass, it seemed ... .

Anna Sivtsova embodies the features Soviet woman: the connection of one's destiny with the nationwide, a sense of collectivism, civic duty. According to Vykhodtsev, the poet, “depicting the Soviet people, at the same time knows how to emphasize their primordial, traditional features. It often happens that these qualities are captured by the people themselves in oral poetic works. Tvardovsky very rarely refers directly to the "folklore model", but always creates an image, a situation that is very close to the widely used ones. Thus, he captures the fundamental features of the people.

One of them is compassion for others. It was about this feeling that the poet told the reader in the fifth chapter of the poem, which tells about tragic pictures- the entry of the enemy into our land and the meeting of Russian women with our captured soldiers:

Sons of the native land

Their shameful prefabricated formation

They led through that land

To the west under guard.

They walk along it

In shameful prefabricated companies,

Others without belts

Others without caps.

Among these women is Anna Sivtsova, she also, looking with bitterness at the faces of captured soldiers, is trying with fear to find her husband among them. She is afraid of even the very thought that her Andrey might be here. Tvardovsky describes these experiences of the heroine in the form internal monologue female soldiers, addressed to her husband. This excited speech, filled with such lyricism, conveys not only the feelings of Anna Sivtsova, but also the feelings of all abandoned wives for their husbands, folk grief about women's happiness destroyed by the war. It reflects the truly Russian character of a woman:

Don't be ashamed of me.

That the windings slipped down,

What, maybe without a belt

And maybe without a pilot.

And I will not reproach

You, who are under escort

You go. And for the war

Alive, did not become a hero.

Call out - I'll answer.

I'm here, your Anyuta.

I will break through to you

At least I'll say goodbye again

With you. My minute! .

Andrei Sivtsov goes to war from his home, carrying in his heart a piece of this shrine, which will warm him in the cold trenches and give him strength to fight the enemy. Home is a hope, a dream that every soldier in the war aspires to in his thoughts. And Anna Sivtsova has to leave her house, where best years life, there was happiness and joy. In the touching scene of farewell to him, the specific image of the house becomes a symbol of the land - the Motherland, which the peasant woman Anna Sivtsova leaves. The poet wraps Anna's feelings in the form of a sincere folk song - a cry that conveys all the pain and longing of the heroine, which is also a feature of folk lyrics:

Sorry, goodbye, native home,

And the yard, and the lumberjack,

And everything that is remembered around

Care, intention, work, -

The whole life of a person.

In some places this lyrical song - crying is replaced by a battle call, turning into a spell and a song of anger and revenge, giving this scene features of publicism, which is the pinnacle of emotionality in the poem:

For everything from the one who is to blame,

For all articles of the charter,

Seek with the severity of the soldiers,

Yours, master, right.

The poem "House by the Road" is not only a story about the suffering that befell a Russian woman during these difficult years of the war. This is a hymn to the mother woman and her boundless love for children. Anna Sivtsova, finding herself in Germany, thanks to her maternal love and female endurance was able not only to keep her children in this hell, but also to accomplish another real maternal feat. On straw, behind barbed wire, she gave birth to a son, Andrei. The trials that this courageous woman endures acquire in the poem a symbol of national suffering, the suffering of defenseless mothers, wives and children who were captured by Germans during the war years.

In the poem, we hear Anna's song over her son, pouring out her grief, in which one can observe the poet's use of artistic means characteristic of folk poetry: the postpositive use of epithets, the use of words with diminutive suffixes, figurative appeals:

Why are you so sad

My tear, dewdrop,

He came into the world at a dashing hour,

Beauty is my blood?

You were born alive

And in the world there is unsatisfied evil.

Alive - trouble, but the dead - no,

Death is protected.

Folklore poetics penetrates into the structure of the plot, which helps to reveal to the author the inner world of the heroine - in this case, her fear of the unknown future fate of the child. In our opinion, this form of folk poetics can be correlated with the lullaby of a mother who mentally recreates, despite sometimes difficult living conditions, a happy future fate for her child.

Anna Sivtsova believes in the happiness of her son, comparing him with a "green branch", this color epithet is associated with youth and new life, That is hallmark color symbols folk poetry.

The last chapter completes the entire movement of the poem "with a return from war to peace, from the roads of war and someone else's home to the original home and road ..." [Makedonov, p.239]. Here, the motive of the road is also inseparable from the house, but it manifests itself in all its significance: both as the road of war, and as the road to one's home, and as the road of human life and the fate of the people. Life won, the house won, although it was destroyed:

And where they sunk into the fire

Crowns, pillars, rafters, -

Dark, oily on the virgin soil,

Like hemp, nettle.

Deaf, joyless peace

Meet the owner.

Cripples - apple trees with longing

They shake the branches.

This is how the soldier Andrei Sivtsov, who returned from the war, sees his home. This fate is not only for the Sivtsov family. This is the fate of the people. And, despite the tragedy of these exciting scenes, they still carry a humanistic and life-affirming orientation, no matter how paradoxical it may sound - no matter how hard the trials befall our people - they are invincible, they will survive, they will stand. It is not for nothing that nettles break through the “crowns”, “pillars” and “rafters”, and the “crippled apple trees” still shake their bare branches, returning to the returned owner hope for lost family happiness and peaceful life. The author here uses the technique of poetic parallelism, which, as one of the artistic features of folk poetics, is built on the basis of a comparison of the human and natural worlds. Therefore, the end of the lyrical narration about the war in the poem is associated with paintings peasant labor. Andrei Sivtsov, as at the beginning of the poem, is busy with his favorite pastime - mowing, which brings him back to life, despite the sadness and pain that lives in his soul after so much suffering:

And the hours went by in a good way,

And the chest breathed eagerly

The floral scent of dew

Living dew from under the scythe -

Bitter and cool.

Thus, the poem "Road House" takes great place in the work of Tvardovsky, being the first major epic work poet with a predominance of the lyrical beginning. With its combination of lyrical and epic principles, the motives of peace and war, with all the utmost simplicity, the poem is an innovative work.

The actual significance of the poem "Road House" is that in it the poet was able to express on behalf of the people the power of protest against wars and those who unleash them. The historical and literary significance of Tvardovsky's poem lies in the fact that it is one of the first works in our literature in which Patriotic War and peaceful construction after the war are shown as a single humanistic struggle of our people for the peace and happiness of people.


List of sources

    1. Tvardovsky, A.T. Collected works: in 6 volumes / A.T. Tvardovsky. - M .: Fiction, 1978.

Vol. 1: Poems (1926-1940). Ant Country. Poem. Translations.

Vol. 2: Poems (1940-1945). Poems. Vasily Terkin. House by the road.

Vol. 3: Poems (1946-1970). Poems. For the distance - the distance. Turkin in the other world.

Vol. 4: Stories and essays (1932-1959).

T. 5: Articles and notes on literature. Speeches and speeches (1933-1970)

    Tvardovsky, A.T. Selected works: in 3 volumes / comp. M. Tvardovsky. - M.: Fiction, 1990.

T. 2: Poems.

List of scientific, critical, memoir literature and dictionaries

    Akatkin, V.M. Home and Peace: A. Tvardovsky's Artistic Searches in early work and "Country of Ants" // Russian literature. - 1983. - No. 1. - S. 82-85.

    Akatkin, V.M. Early Tvardovsky / V.M. Akatkin / ed. A.M. Abramov. - Voronezh, 1986

    Berdyaeva, O.S. Lyrics of Alexander Tvardovsky: tutorial to the special course. - Vologda, 1989.

    Bessonova, L.P. Folk traditions in the poems of A. Tvardovsky: a textbook for gum students. faculties / L.P. Bessonova, T.M. Stepanova. – Maykop, 2008.

    Vykhodtsev, P.S. Alexander Tvardovsky / P.S. Vykhodtsev. - M., 1958.

    Grishunin, A.L. Creativity Tvardovsky / A.L. Grishunin, S.I. Kormilov, I.Yu. Iskrzhitskaya. – M.: MGU, 1998.

    Dal, V.I. Dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in four volumes. - T. 3. - M .: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2002.

    Dementiev, V.V. Alexander Tvardovsky / V.V. Dementiev. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1976.

    Zalygin, S.I. About Tvardovsky // New world. - 1990. - No. 6. – S. 188-193.

    Kondratovich, A.I. Alexander Tvardovsky: Poetry and Personality / A.I. Kondratovich. - M .: Fiction, 1978.

    Kochetkov, V.I. People and destinies / V.I. Kochetkov. – M.: Sovremennik, 1977.

    Kulinich, A.V. A. Tvardovsky: Essay on life and creativity / A.V. Kulinich. - Kyiv, 1988.

    Leiderman, N.L. creative drama Soviet classic: A. Tvardovsky in the 50-60s / N.L. Leiderman. - Yekaterinburg, 2001.

    Lyubarev, S.P. Epos by A. Tvardovsky / S.P. Lyubarev. – M.: graduate School, 1982.

    Makedonov, A.V. creative path A.T. Tvardovsky: Houses and roads / A.V. Makedonov. - M.: Fiction, 1981.

    Muravyov, A.N. Creativity A.T. Tvardovsky / A.N. Muravyov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981.

    Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov; ed. prof. L.I. Skvortsova. - M .: LLC Publishing house Onyx, 2011.

    Dictionary literary terms/ ed. L.I. Timofeeva, S.V. Turaev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1974.

    Tvardovsky, I.T. Homeland and foreign land: the book of life / I.T. Tvardovsky. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1996.

    Turkov, A.M. Alexander Tvardovsky / A.M. Turks. - M .: Fiction, 1970.

The strengthening of the personal principle in the work of Tvardovsky in the 1940s undoubtedly affected another major work of his. In the very first year of the war, it was launched and soon after it ended lyric poem"House by the road" (1942-1946). “Its theme,” as the poet himself notes, “is war, but from a different side than in Terkin, from the side of the home, family, wife and children of a soldier who survived the war. The epigraph of this book could be the lines taken from it:

Let's go people. never

Let's not forget this."

The poem is based on a mournful narration about the dramatic, sorrowful fate of the simple peasant family of Andrei and Anna Sivtsov and their children. But the grief of millions was reflected in it, in the private fate the universal was refracted, terrible tragedy war, cruel time. And the story, the narrative are closely connected, merged with the socio-philosophical reflections of the poet. Through the difficult fate of the Sivtsov family, which was swept away by the war: the father went to the front, the mother and children were taken prisoner by the Nazis, to Germany, the poet not only reveals the hardships of military trials, but first of all affirms the victory of life over death.

The poem is about the resilience of the people, who retained the strength of their active goodness, morality, feelings of family and home in the most seemingly unbearable conditions of the Nazi camps. Telling about mortally difficult trials, it is all turned to life, the world, creative work. The refrain is not accidental: “Mow, scythe,

While the dew

Down with dew -

And we are home”, the motive of the inevitable return to peaceful work and life that arose already in the 1st chapter.

Although in "Road House" there is a fairly clear and definite plot outline, the main thing here is still not in the eventfulness. Much more important is close attention to the spiritual world, the inner experiences of the characters, feelings and thoughts. lyrical hero, whose role and place in the poem have increased markedly. The personal, lyrical, tragic beginning is brought to the fore in it, becomes decisive, and therefore it is no coincidence that Tvardovsky called his poem "a lyrical chronicle."

The poem is marked by polyphony and at the same time a peculiar song. Hence the characteristic figurative, speech, lexical means and phrases (“cry for the motherland”, “song of her harsh fate”, etc.). Together with "Vasily Terkin", this poem constitutes a kind of "military dilogy" - a heroic epic of the war years, marked by the strengthening and deepening of the lyrical beginning.

A new stage in the development of the country and literature - the 50s-60s - was marked in Tvardovsky's poems by further advancement in the field of lyrical epos - the creation of a kind of trilogy: the lyrical epic "For the distance - the distance", the satirical poem-tale "Terkin on that light” and the lyrical-tragedic poem-cycle “By the Right of Memory”. Each of these works in its own way was a new word about the fate of the time, country, people, man.

The poem "Beyond the distance - the distance" (1950-1960) is a large-scale lyrical poem about modernity and history, about a turning point in the lives of millions of people. This is a detailed lyrical monologue of a contemporary, a poetic narration about difficult destinies homeland and people, about their complex historical path, about internal processes and changes in spiritual world man of the 20th century.

The poem took shape for a long time and was published as the next chapters were written. In the process of the formation of the artistic whole, some chapters changed places (“On the Road”), others were radically reworked, for example, “In the March Week” (1954), which was partially and in a significantly modified form included in the chapter “So It Was”.

The subtitle of the poem "For the distance - the distance" is "From the travel diary", but this still says little about her genre originality. The pictures and images that arise as the content of the poem unfolds are both concrete and generalized. Such are the large-scale poetic images of Mother Volga (chapter Seven Thousand Rivers), Father Ural (Two Forges) scattered halfway across the Siberian expanses (Lights of Siberia) "). But that's not all. The author emphasizes the capacity of the chosen “plot-journey”, the epic and philosophical-historical scale of a seemingly simple story about a trip to the Far East:

And how many cases, events, destinies,

Human sorrows and victories

fit in these ten days,

What turned in ten years!

The movement of time-history, the fate of the people and the individual, the desire to penetrate into the deep meaning of the era, into its tragic contradictions constitute the content of the thoughts of the lyrical hero, his spiritual world. The pains and joys of the people respond with keen empathy in his soul. This hero is deeply individual, inseparable from the author. He has access to the whole gamut of living human feelings inherent in the personality of the poet himself: kindness and severity, tenderness, irony and bitterness ... And at the same time, he carries a generalization, absorbs the features of many. Thus, in the poem, an idea is formed about the internally integral, complex and diverse spiritual world of a contemporary.

Keeping the outward signs of a "travel diary", Tvardovsky's book turns into a kind of "chronicle", "chronicle", or rather, into a living poetic history of our time, an honest understanding of the era, the life of the country and the people in the past great historical period, including cruel injustices, repressions of Stalin's times (chapters "Friend of childhood", "So it was"). At the same time, the lyrics, the epic, the dramatic beginning of the poem merge, forming an artistic synthesis, the interaction of generic principles on a lyrical basis. Therefore, "Beyond the distance - the distance" can be defined as a kind of lyric-philosophical epic about modernity and the era.

At the same time, the poem is by no means free from a utopian belief in the transformative successes of socialism (the chapter on blocking the Angara during the construction of the dam is especially indicative, which carries an echo of the euphoria of the grandiose post-war plans - the "great construction projects of communism"). Readers, of course, were especially attracted by the theme of the "cult of personality." But Tvardovsky, developing it, remained within the limits of a completely Soviet, in many respects limited consciousness. The conversation about "Beyond the distance - the distance" by A. A. Akhmatova and L. K. Chukovskaya, which took place in early May 1960, is indicative.

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Alexander Tvardovsky

Lyrical chronicle


I started a song in a difficult year
When it's cold in winter
War was at the gates
Besieged capitals.

But I was with you, soldier,
With you always
Until that and since that winter in a row
In the same war.

I only lived by your fate
And sang it to this day
And this song was postponed,
Interrupted in half.

And how could you not return
From the war to the wife-soldier,
So I couldn't
All this period
Return to that notebook.

But how did you remember in the war
About what is sweet to the heart,
So the song started in me
Lived, boiled, whined.

And I kept it in myself,
Read about the future
And the pain and joy of these lines
Hiding others between the lines.

I carried it and carried it with me
From the walls of the native capital -
Following you
Following you -
All the way to the border.

From frontier to frontier -
In every new place
The soul waited with hope
Some kind of meeting, leading ...

And wherever you cross
What kind of houses thresholds
I never forgot
About the house by the road

About the woeful house, you
Abandoned sometime.
And on the way, in a foreign country
I met a soldier's house.

That house without a roof, without a corner,
Warmed up in a residential way,
Your mistress took care
For thousands of miles from home.

She pulled somehow
Along the highway track -
With the smaller, asleep in his arms,
And the whole crowd of the family.

The rivers boiled under the ice,
Streams whipped foam
It was spring and your house was walking
Back home from captivity.

He went back to the Smolensk region,
What was so far ...
And each of our soldier's eyes
Warm at this meeting.

And how was it not to wave
Hand: "Be alive!",
Don't turn around, don't breathe
About many things, service friend.

At least that not all
Of those who lost their home
On your frontline highway
They met him.

You yourself, walking in that country
With hope and anxiety,
He was not met in the war, -
Walked the other way.

But your house is complete, there is.
Build walls for it
Attach a canopy and a porch -
And the house will be excellent.

With willingness to lay hands -
And the garden, as before, at home
Look into the windows.
Live to live
Ah, live and live alive!

And I would sing about that life
About how it smells again
At the construction site with golden shavings,
Living pine resin.

How, announcing the end of the war
And longevity to the world
A starling refugee appeared
To a new apartment.

How greedily the grass grows
Thick on the graves.
Grass is right
And life is alive
But first I want to
Something you can't forget about.

So the memory of grief is great,
Silent memory of pain.
She doesn't hesitate until
Will not speak freely.

And at the very noon of the celebration,
For the holiday of resurrection
She comes like a widow
A fighter who fell in battle.

Like a mother that son day by day
I waited from the war in vain,
And forget about him
And do not grieve all the time
Not powerful.

Let me be forgiven
That again I'm up to date
I'll be back, comrades, back,
To that cruel memory.

And everything that is expressed here
Let it penetrate into the soul again
Like crying for the motherland, like a song
Her fate is harsh.


At that very hour on a Sunday afternoon,
For a festive occasion
In the garden you mowed under the window
Grass with white dew.

The grass was kinder than the grass -
Peas, wild clover,
A dense panicle of wheatgrass
And strawberry leaves.

And you mowed it, sniffing,
Groaning, sighing sweetly.
And I overheard myself
When he rang with a shovel:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

Such is the covenant and the sound is such
And along the spit along the sting,
Washing away the trifle of the petals,
The dew ran in a stream.

Mowing high as a bed
He lay down, fluffed up magnificently,
And a wet sleepy bumblebee
In the mowing, he sang almost audibly.

And with a soft swing it's hard
The scythe creaked in his hands.
And the sun burned
And it went on
And everything seemed to sing:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

And the front garden under the window,
And the garden, and the bow on the ridges -
All this together was a house,
Housing, comfort, order.

Not the order and comfort
That I don't trust anyone
Water is served to drink,
Holding on to the door latch.

And that order and comfort,
What to everyone with love
Like serving a cup
To good health.

The washed floor shines in the house
Such neatness
What a joy for him
Walk with bare feet.

And it's good to sit at your table
In the circle of the native and close,
And, resting, eat your bread,
And a wonderful day to praise.

That really is one of the best days
When we suddenly with something -
The food tastes better
wife mile
And more fun work.

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

Your wife was waiting for you at home
When with merciless force
war in an old voice
Howled all over the country.

And, leaning on the scythe,
Barefoot, simple-haired,
You stood and understood everything
And the swath did not come.

The owner of the meadow is not dokosip,
Belted on a hike
And in that garden all the same sound
As if it was being distributed:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.

And you were maybe already
Forgotten by the war itself
And on the unknown frontier
Buried in other soil.

Without stopping, the same sound
The clattering sound of a spatula,
In work, in a dream disturbed hearing
Your soldier wife.

He burned through her heart
Longing inexorable,
When I mowed that meadow
Itself oblique unbeaten.

Tears blinded her eyes,
Pity burned my soul.
Not that braid
Not the dew
Not the grass, it seemed ...

Let women's grief pass
Your wife will forget you
And maybe get married
And will live like people.

But about you and myself
About the old day of parting
She is in any of her fate
Sigh at this sound:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home.


Not here yet, still far away
From these fields and streets
The herds were half-eaten
And the refugees were drawn.

But she walked, buzzed like an alarm,
Trouble all over the area.
Shovels were taken for the cuttings,
For wheelbarrows woman's hands.

Ready day and night
Dig with feminine tenacity,
To help the troops
At the turn of Smolensk.

So that at least in the native side,
At your doorstep
At least for a short time war
Dig up the road.

And how many hands - do not count! -
Along that long ditch
Rye was rolled alive
Raw heavy clay.

We live bread, we live grass
They rolled themselves.

A He bombs on Moscow
Carried over their heads.

They dug a ditch, felled a rampart,
Hurry, as if on time.

A He already stepped on the ground,
Thunder nearby.

Broke and confused front and rear
From sea to sea
Shining with a bloody glow,
In the night closing dawns.

And the terrible force of the storm,
In the honeymoon period,
In the smoke, in the dust in front of you
From the front drove the wheels.

And suddenly so much fell out
Gurtov, wagons, three-ton,
Horses, carts, children, old women,
Knots, rags, knapsack...

My great country
At that bloody date
How were you still poor
And how rich already!

Green street of the village
Where the dust lay like powders,
A huge edge of the war drove
With a hastily taken burden.

Confusion, hubbub, heavy groan
Human suffering is hot.
And children's crying, and a gramophone,
Singing, as in the country, -
Everything was mixed up, one misfortune -
War was a sign...

Already before noon water
There wasn't enough in the wells.

And buckets deafly scraped the soil,
Thundering against the walls of the log house,
Half empty went up,
And to the drop that jumped in the dust,
Lips twitched eagerly.

And how many were there alone -
From the heat of quite salty -
Curly, sheared, linen,
Dark-haired, fair-haired and others
Childish heads.

No, don't go out to watch
Guys at the watering hole.
Hold yours to your chest,
As long as they are with you.

While with you
In the native family
They, albeit not in the hall,
In every need
In your nest
Another envy share.

And take the bitter path
Change your backyard -
Dress the children themselves, put on shoes -
Still, believe me, half grief.

And, having endured, somehow
Wander in the road crowd
With the smaller, asleep in his arms,
With two with a skirt - you can!

Walk, wander
Sit down on the way
Family on vacation small.
Yes who now
Happy you!

Look, there is, perhaps.

Where the light shines even at the edge of the day,
Where the cloud completely stagnates.
And happiness is no match for happiness,
And grief - I burn the difference.

Crawling, creaking wagon-house,
And the heads of children
Cunningly covered with a flap
Iron red roof.

And serves as the roof of the track
A family driven by war
The roof above your head
She was born in the region.

In another land
Her comfort is gypsy
Not somehow
Set on the road -
The male hand of the peasant.

Overnight on the road, the guys are sleeping,
Burrowing into the depths of the kibitka.
And look at the starry sky
Shafted like anti-aircraft guns.

The owner does not sleep by the fire.
In this difficult light
He is for the children, and for the horse,
And for the wife in the answer.

And to her, even summer, even winter,
Still, the path is not nice.
And you decide everything yourself
With your mind and strength.

In the midday heat
And in the rain at night
Cover the kids on the road.
My distant
my darling,
Alive, dead - where are you? ..

No, not a wife, not even a mother,
What did you think of your son?
Couldn't guess
All that will be now.

Where was it in the old days, -
Everything is different now:
The owner went to war
War is coming home.

And, smelling death, this house
And the garden is silent anxiously.
And the front - so here it is - over the hill
He sighs hopelessly.

And dusty troops retreat, rollback
Not the one that was in the beginning.
And where are the columns somehow,
Where the crowds marched.

All to the east, back, back,
The guns are getting closer.
And the women howl and hang
On the hedge chest.

The last hour has come,
And there is no longer a delay.
- And who are you just us
Throw, sons? ..

And that, perhaps, is not a reproach,
And pain for them and pity.
And a lump in my throat
For everything that happened to life.

And a woman's heart is doubly
Longing, anxiety gnaws,
What is only there, in the fire,
The wife can imagine.

In fire, in battle, in fumes
Bloody melee.
And how it should be there for him,
Living, fearful of death.

That trouble would not tell
That howled a woman's howl,
I wouldn't know, maybe never
That she loved to death.

Loved - do not drop your eyes
Nobody, one loved.
I loved so much that from relatives,
Taken away from mother.

Let it not be girlish time
But from love surprisingly -
Sharp in speeches
Fast in business
How the whole snake walked.

In the house - no matter what life -
Kids, oven, trough -
He hasn't seen her yet.
Uncombed, unwashed.

And she kept the whole house
In neatness anxious,
Considering, perhaps, that
Love is forever stronger.

And that love was strong
With such a powerful force
What to separate one war
And separated.


Only you would languish a fighter,
War, longingly familiar,
Yes, I wouldn’t dust on the porch
His native home.

I would crush with a heavy wheel
Those that are yours on the list
Yes, I would not ruin the children's sleep
Artillery gun.

Thundering, would be furious drunk
At its limit -
And that would be you, the war,
Another holy thing.

But you kicked the guys out
In cellars, in cellars,
You are from heaven to earth at random
You throw your pigs.

And the people of the bitter side
At the front they huddled closely,
Fearing both death and guilt
Some unknown.

And you're getting closer to the yard
And children, feeling grief.
Fearful whisper game
They lead in the corner without arguing ...

On that first day of bitter days
How did you get on the road
The father ordered to take care of the children,
Keep a close eye on the house.

He ordered the children and the house to be protected, -
The wife is responsible for everything.
But he did not say whether to heat the stove
Today at dawn.

But he did not say whether to sit here,
Whether to run into the light somewhere.
Drop everything all of a sudden.
Where are they waiting for us?
Where are they asking?
Light is not a house.

There's a ceiling overhead
Here is a house, in a barn there is a cow ...
And the German, maybe he is different
And not so harsh, -
Pass, blowjob.

How about not?
Not that glorious glory.
Well, then you are in the village council
Are you going to seek justice?

What kind of judgment will you threaten him with?
How to stand on the threshold
How will he enter the house?
No, if only the house
Away from the road...

…The last four soldiers
The gate to the garden was opened
Forged iron shovels
Tired gryukuli out of tune.
Sit down and smoke.

And smiled, turn
To the hostess, the eldest like:
- We want a cannon here
Put in the garden.

Said like a man
Traveler, stranger,
With a horse he asked for an overnight stay,
With a cart near the house.

Him and caress and hello.
- Just don't leave.
Don't leave us...
- Not really, -
They looked at each other bitterly.

- No, from this cannabis
We won't leave, mother.
Then, so that everyone can leave, -
This is our service.

The earth around is on a wave,
And the day was deafened by thunder.
- This is life: the master is at war,
And you, it turns out, at home.

And she is ready for everyone
One sad question:
- Sivtsov is a surname. Sivtsov.
Have you heard by chance?

- Sivtsov? Wait, let me think.
Well, yes, I heard Sivtsov.
Sivtsov - well, how about it, Nikolai,
So he is alive and well.
Not yours? Yeah, and your Andrew?
Andrew, please...

But somehow dear to her
And that cousin.

- Well, friends, stop smoking.
Marked out the plan with a shovel
And began to dig the ground diligently
A soldier in a soldier's garden.

Not to grow up there
Any thing
And not on purpose, not from evil,
And as science says.
He dug a trench, in the form so that
And the depth and parapet ...

Oh, how much in that digging one
Submissive to the cause of sadness.

He did the job - he dug the earth,
But maybe I thought for a moment
And maybe even said
- Land, land...

Already they are chest-deep in the ground,
A soldier is calling to the table,
As if helping in the family,
Lunch and rest are sweet.

- Tired, eat.
- Well,
Hot for now...

- Still, to admit, the soil is good,
And then it happens - a stone ...

And the elder was the first to carry a spoon,
Soldiers follow him.
- And what, was the collective farm rich?
- No, not to say rich,
Not so, but still. Of bread
Stronger for the Ugry...
“Look, the firing has subsided.
- Three kids?
- Three...

And a general sigh:
- Children are a problem. -
And conversation with a hitch.
Fat at the wrong time food,
Sad as a wake.

- Thank you for lunch.
Hostess, thank you.
And as for ... so - no,
Don't wait, run anyway.

"Wait," said another soldier.
Looking out the window anxiously: -
Look people just back
- What would it be for?

The road is full of dust
They go, they wander dejectedly.
War from east to west
Oglobli turned.

- Looks like he's ahead.
“Now what, where?”
- Be quiet, mistress, and sit,
What's next - the day will show.
And we guard your garden,
Mistress, it's bad
Looks like it's our turn now.
Look for moves from here.

And according to his dashing need
Now they are soldiers
It seemed that women were weaker,
And not guilty before her,
And yet they are guilty.

- Farewell, hostess, wait, we will come,
Our time will come.
And we will find your conspicuous home
At the main road.
We will come, we will find, or maybe not;
War - you can not vouch.
Thanks again for lunch.

And thank you, brothers.
Brought people out.
And with a hopeless request:
- Sivtsov, - reminded, - Andrey,
Hear maybe...

She stepped forward holding on to the door
In tears, and the heart sank,
As if with her husband only now
Goodbye forever.
Like it's out of hand
And disappeared without looking back ...

And suddenly that sound came to life in my ears,
The pinching sound of the scapula:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home...


When in your own home
Entered, rattling his gun,
Soldier of the earth is different?

He didn’t beat, didn’t torture and didn’t burn, -
Far from disaster.
He entered only on the threshold
And he asked for water.

And, leaning over the bucket,
From the road covered in dust
Drank, wiped off and left
Soldier of a foreign land.

He didn’t beat, didn’t torture and didn’t burn, -
Everything has its time and order.
But he was entering, already he could
Enter, alien soldier.

A foreign soldier has entered your house,
Where his could not enter.
Didn't you happen to be there?
And God forbid!

You didn't happen to be at the same time
When, intoxicated, bad,
At your table amuses
Soldier of the earth is different?

Sits, taking that edge of the bench,
That corner is expensive
Where is the husband, father, head of the family
Sitting - no one else.

Do not bring you an evil fate
Not to be old at the same time
And not humpbacked, not crooked
For grief and shame.

And to the well in the village,
Where there is a foreign soldier
Like crushed glass
Walk back and forth.

But if it was meant to be
All this, everything counts
Do not bring at least one
What else is the turn.

Do not bring you to war
Wife, sister or mother,
soldier in captivity
See firsthand.

... Sons of the native land,
Their shameful, prefabricated formation
They led through that land
To the west under guard.

They walk along it
In shameful prefabricated companies,
Others without belts
Others without pilots.

Others with bitter, angry
And hopeless agony
Carry in front of you
Bandaging your hand...

At least he is healthy to walk,
Therefore, the task is to step, -
Losing blood in the dust
Drag while walking.

He, the warrior, is taken by force
And angry that he was alive.
He is alive and happy
That suddenly won back.

The one for nothing
Doesn't know yet in the world.
And everyone goes, are equal
Four in a column.

Boot for the war
Some have not been worn out
And now they're in captivity
And this captivity is in Russia.

drooping from the heat,
Rearrange legs.
familiar courtyards
On the sides of the road.

Well, house and garden
And all around signs.
A day or a year ago
Wandered this way?

A year or just an hour
Passed without delay?

"And who are you to us
Throw, sons! .. "

Now say back
And meet your eyes with your eyes
Like, we don’t throw, no,
Look, here we are.

Please mothers
And wives in their woman's grief.
Don't rush quickly
Pass the. Don't bend, don't bend...

Rows of soldiers march
A sullen string.
And women all in a row
They look into faces.

Not husband, not son, not brother
Pass in front of them
But only your soldier -
And there are no more relatives.

And how many of those rows
You silently passed
And shorn heads
Decayed sadly.

And suddenly - neither reality nor a dream -
It sounded like -
Between many voices
Farewell, Anyuta...

Rushed to that end
Crowding in the hot crowd.
No, it is. Fighter
Someone at random

Called in the crowd. Joker.
To jokes here to someone.

But if you are among them,
Call you Anyuta.

Don't be ashamed of me
That the windings slipped down,
What, maybe without a belt
And maybe without a pilot.

And I will not reproach
You, who are under escort
You go. And for the war
Alive, did not become a hero.

Call out - I'll answer.
I - pos, your Anyuta.
I will break through to you
At least I'll say goodbye again
With you. My minute!

But how to ask now
Say a word:
Don't you have here
In captivity, him, Sivtsov

Bitter shame.
Ask, and he, perhaps,
And the dead won't forgive
What was looking for here.

But if he is here, suddenly
Walks in a sultry column,
Closing your eyes...
- Tsuriuk!
Tsuryuk! - shouts the escort.

He has nothing to
And there is no business, right,
And his voice
Like a crow, burry:

- Tsuriuk! -
He is not young
Tired, damn hot
Pissed off as hell
Himself - and that's not a pity ...

Rows of soldiers march
A sullen string.
And women all in a row
They look into faces.

Eyes across
And along the column they catch.
And with something a knot
Whatever piece
Many are ready.

Not a husband, not a son, not a brother,
Take what you have, soldier
Nod, say something
Like, that hotel is holy
And expensive, they say. Thank you.

Gave from good hands
For everything that has suddenly become
I didn't ask the soldier.
Thank you bitter friend
Thank you mother Russia.

And yourself, soldier, walk
And do not complain about trouble;
She has an edge somewhere
It can't be that there isn't.

Let the dust smell of ash,
Fields - burnt bread
And over native land
Hanging someone else's sky.

And the pitiful cry of the guys,
Doesn't stop, lasts
And women all in a row
Looking into faces...

No, mother, sister, wife
And all those who have experienced pain
That pain is not avenged
And didn't win.

For this day alone
In the village of one Smolensk -
Berlin did not repay
With his universal shame.

Fossilized memory,
Strong on its own.

Let stone be stone
Let there be pain.


It wasn't the time yet
What goes right into winter.
More potato skins
Cleaned up on the basket.

But it got cold
Land heating summertime.
And at night a wet mop
She let in unfriendly.

And the fire had a dream - not a dream.
Under the timid crack of deadwood
Crowded autumn from the forests
Those bitter days of a bed-and-breakfast.

Beckoned by the memory of housing,
Heat, food and more.
Whom in the son-in-law
Whom in husbands, -
Where to read.

... In a cold pune, against the wall,
From prying eyes furtively,
Sat behind the war
A soldier with his soldier wife.

In a cold pune, not at home,
Soldier, to match someone else's
He sipped what he brought to him
Wife secretly from home.

He sipped with zeal of grief,
Taking the pot in my knees.
His wife was sitting in front of him.
On that cold hay
That in the old hour on a Sunday afternoon,
For holiday business
In the garden he mowed under the window,
When the war has arrived.

The hostess looks: he is not him
For a guest in this pune.
No wonder, apparently, a heavy dream
She dreamed the night before.

Thin, overgrown, as if all
Sprinkled with gold.
He ate to eat
Your shame and evil grief.

- Gather a pair of lingerie
Yes, fresh footcloths
So that I'm fine until dawn
Take off from the parking lot.

- I've already collected everything, my friend,
Everything is. And you are on the road
At least save your health
And first of all, the legs.

- And what else? You are wonderful
With such care, women.
Let's start with the head, -
At least save her.

And on the face of a soldier - a shadow
Unfamiliar smiles.
- Oh, as I remember: only a day
You are this home.

- At home!
I would also be glad not to stay for a day, -
I sighed. - Take the dishes.
Thank you. Give me a drink now.
When I return from the war, I will stay.

And drinks sweetly, dear, big,
Shoulders against the wall
By his beard a stranger
Drops roll into the hay.

- Yes, at home, they tell the truth,
What is raw water
Much tastier, - said the soldier,
In thought, wiping
Mustache fringed sleeves,
And he was silent for a minute. -
And the rumor is that Moscow
Next up, like...

The wife moved towards him.
With sympathetic concern.
Like, it's not worth believing everything,
They talk a lot these days.
A German, maybe he is now
Will cool down by winter...

And he again:
- Well, well, believe
For what suits us.
One good captain
Wandered with me at first.
Another enemy on the heels
Followed us. Didn't sleep
We didn't eat on the way.
Well, death. So he used to
He repeated: go, crawl crawl -
At least to the Urals.
So the man was an evil spirit
And I remember that idea.

- And what?
- Went and did not reach.
- Left behind?
- He died of a wound.
They walked like a swamp. And the rain, and the night,
And also bitter cold.
"And they couldn't help?"
“And they couldn’t, Anyuta…

Leaning against his shoulder,
To the hand - a small girl,
She grabbed her sleeve
He kept everything
As if she thought
Save it by force
With whom to separate one war
Could, and separated.

And took from each other
Sunday in June.
And again briefly reduced
Under the roof of this pune.

And here he sits next to her
Before another parting.
Isn't he angry with her?
For this shame and torment?

Is he waiting for herself
His wife said to him:
- Go crazy - go. Winter.
And how far to the Urals!

And I would repeat:
- Understand
Who can blame the soldier
That his wife and children are here,
What is here - a native hut.
Look, the neighbor came home
And does not get off the stove ...

And then he would say:
- No,
Wife, bad words ...

Perhaps your bitter lot,
Like bread with a pinch of salt
Spice up, brighten up he wanted
So heroic, right?

Or maybe he's just tired
Yes, so that through force
I also came to my native places,
And then - it wasn't enough.

And only conscience is out of tune
With the bait - this thought:
I'm home. I won't go further
Look for war around the world.

And it is not known what will return,
And to grief - in the heart of confusion.
“Say something, Andrew.
- What can I say, Anyuta?
'Cause don't talk, don't talk
Will it be easier
Shoot tomorrow until dawn
And make your way to Vyazma?
An unwritten route
Recognize in the stars.
Getting to the front is hard work,
You will reach, and there is no rest.
There one day, like a year, is hard,
What a day, sometimes a minute ...
And that one - he walked and did not reach,
But everything seems to go on.
Weakened, wounded goes,
That they put in a coffin more beautifully.
“Comrades, go ahead.
Let's get there. Ours will come!
Let's get there, there's no other way
We will reach our lines.
And fight is inevitable.
What about rest?
In Berlin!"
At every falling step
And rising again
Goes. How can I
Stay behind, alive, healthy?
We went through dozens of villages with him,
Where, how, where with a mortal manhole.
And since he walked, but did not reach,
So I have to get there.
Reach. Even though I'm an ordinary
Not willing to leave.
It would be nice if he was alive
And he is a fallen warrior.
It is forbidden! Such are the things ... -
And stroked her hand.

And she has long understood
That pain was not pain yet,
Separation is not separation.

What does it matter - at least lie down on the ground,
If you lose your breath...
I said goodbye before, but not like that,
And that's when the goodbye!

Slowly took her hand away
And men's knees
With a humble cry embraced
On that charred hay...

And the night passed with them.
And suddenly
Through the edge of sleep at dawn,
Through the smell of hay into the soul sound
An old, bitter one entered her:

Mow, scythe,
While the dew
Down with dew -
And we are home...

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