Ekaterina Nikulino. Ekaterina, why did you decide to go to the show "The Bachelor"? Favorite band


Until the very end, the audience was sure that Madina Tamova would win. The 25-year-old oriental beauty immediately charmed the whole family of Ilya Glinnikov, and the actor’s grandmother even joked that it no longer makes sense to show other girls, they say, the family has already made a choice. But the heart of a bachelor chose Ekaterina Nikulina, a young talented blonde with blue eyes. It was she who was able to charm the star of the series "Interns" and make her believe in love again.

"At the top of the fortress, when I stood in wedding dress, Ilya and I had an unusual dialogue. By that time, he had already accompanied Madina home, but I did not know this. I was worried, of course, I don’t deny it, but largely because of the words of Ilya. He said: “I want to burn like a candle, but with you I burn like a torch,” recalls Ekaterina.

The bachelor built an appeal to Katya in such a way that initially everything would look like he was telling her: no! The 22-year-old winner admits that at the end of the project, Ilya tested her as best he could, asked tricky questions. Somewhere even began to behave worse than he is. He said that it was not necessary to fight for him, but to run away from him! But despite this, Katya continued to see in Ilya the man she had always dreamed of meeting. Therefore, these tests only confirmed the correctness of her choice.

“I stand, listen to Ilya and understand that, most likely, he did not choose me. I raised my head to hold back my tears. Although I already cried so much on the project, but at that moment I tried to hold on. And then he says that he would like to say something else. I asked: is it necessary? Ilya replied that he might not speak if I did not want to. Okay, I said, I'm listening to you. And Ilya begins to quote pages from the very notebook that he kept throughout the filming. He says: if you had to choose from 50 million, you would still choose me, only it would take more time. And then he took out a box with a ring.

Ilya is incredibly happy, he is completely satisfied with the choice and is already building with his beloved big plans for the future. Participation in the project, in spite of everything, considers it a valuable experience and a real gift of fate that love so suddenly gave him. After all, when he agreed to become the main character of the show, he least of all believed that you could meet your soul mate there.

“This is a woman from another planet. Thanks to her parents. Katya is a girl of old traditions, I have not seen such a long time ago. And most importantly - Catherine does not know how to lie. And trust is the foundation of a relationship. In my opinion, Katya never cheated on the project, she didn’t condemn anyone and behaved more than with dignity, ”Ilya did not get tired of praising Catherine in an interview with Woman’s Day.

“We want to get away from everyone. Only now are we beginning to truly feel happiness. And it is for us to peel the pomegranate together in the morning, to be late for work because you can’t get rid of your loved one. Finally, to walk hand in hand through your favorite places without seeing or hearing anyone around,” Glinnikov concluded.

A detailed story of Catherine and Ilya about the secret life together after the project, wedding and other plans for the future, read in fresh issue Antenna magazine.

Photo by Ekaterina Nikulina from the show "The Bachelor"

Few from the first episodes remembered Ekaterina Nikulina, the future winner of the show "The Bachelor", but then, after the girl's dates with the main character, they began to talk about her more and more. Katya, with every meeting with the actor, fascinated him, and as a result, the man could not resist her charms. The project participant spoke about her emotions during the show and spoke about her feelings for Ilya Glinnikov.

About filming in "The Bachelor" 2017

Photo of a bachelor 2017 by Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

As Katya said, she got to the casting quite by accident, and fate so happened that Nikulina passed it and ended up on the set of the TV program “The Bachelor” in 2017.

The most difficult thing on the project, according to the girl, was to be in such a large women's team. And the funny thing is that all these participants sought to attract the attention of a bachelor, although many of them were not even interested in him. But those were the terms of the program. During filming, as Katya recalls, she most spent time alone.

Another difficult moment on TV shows was the lack of communication with loved ones. After all, it was possible to talk on the phone with relatives only once a week, and sometimes this could not be done.

Very often, the winner of the fifth season of the project was visited by thoughts of leaving the show. The situation became especially complicated closer to the semifinals, as Nikulina says, she even doubted the bachelor and his sincere intentions towards her. Ekaterina frankly declares that she was very jealous of Ilya throughout the entire telecast.

The development of relations between Ekaterina Nikulina and Ilya Glinnikov on the project of the TNT channel

Katya recalls that even at the very beginning of the project, she and Ilya had a conversation and during the conversation Glinnikov asked Nikulina not to fall in love with him, but, according to the girl, this one-on-one remained behind the scenes of the Bachelor show. The request of the Interns star seemed to haunt Katerina, but nevertheless her sympathy grew into a love for Glinnikov.

The winner of the fifth season of the show admits that Ilya is exactly the man she has always dreamed of. According to Katya, she and Glinnikov even think the same way. On dates, the girl more than once noticed similar opinions and views with the artist. Nikulina is very grateful to the TV project for a new love.

Photo of Ilya Glinnikov with Ekaterina Nikulina on a date

Some people do extraordinary things to find their other half, such as becoming members of a TV dating show. The ideas for most of these programs appeared on American television. The well-known TV project The Bachelor was also embodied on Russian screens in the form of the Bachelor program. One of the participants in the fifth season and its winner was the ambitious blonde Ekaterina Nikulina.

Childhood and youth

Katya was born in Moscow on May 20, 1995. She studied at a regular metropolitan school. She was raised by her mother, a housewife. In her youth, the girl had many different hobbies: Ekaterina took up equestrian sports, but the world of cinema attracted her especially. Wanting to become an actress, she tried to enter theater university but luck was not on her side.

Wanting to get higher education, Nikulina became a student University of Economics named after Plekhanov. But the desire to engage in creativity did not leave the stubborn girl. Having an attractive appearance, Katya began to work as a model and participate in fashion shows and photography.

Later, in parallel with her studies and modeling career, Ekaterina becomes the art director of a Moscow cafe. At the same time, a stormy romance that lasted 2 years ends in her life. Beloved betrays her, and young Katya is left alone.

Show "The Bachelor"

In 2016, the fifth season of the romantic show “The Bachelor” was being prepared for release. Thousands of girls came to the casting. Among them was Ekaterina Nikulina. There were several reasons for this: firstly, the girl’s heart was free, and, as she herself said in an interview, even at such a young age she was already ready to become a wife and mother; secondly, Nikulina's plans for acting career.

Which of the two motives for participating in the show was stronger, only the participant herself knows, but the model blonde was accused of insincere feelings and the desire to become famous throughout the country more than once.

Nevertheless, Katya liked the organizers of the show and became one of the 25 participants who were to meet the bachelor. The girls speculated about the groom, but those who relied on the actor were right. The main character of season 5 was Ilya Glinnikov, especially remembered a wide range viewers by comedy series"Interns".

In the very first issue, Ilya, after meeting the girls, had to choose the participants whom he wants to get to know better. After a tete-a-tete conversation with all the beauties, the bachelor handed a rose to each girl who liked him. Among them was Catherine.

After the participants flew to the South Asian island of Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the project, the groom did not pay much attention to Catherine. Katya went on a date with Ilya for the first time only in the third issue, and then among three more competitors. It was at this meeting that the bachelor drew attention to Katya, who, having overcome her fear of water, jumped into the water for Ilya. Glinnikov appreciated the act and handed the girl the cherished rose, thereby leaving her in the project.

Second crucial moment in the relationship between Ilya and Catherine happened on a triple date. Katya, having a strong disposition, did not get along with another participant in the project, Veronika Murashkina. The girls were in conflict with each other, and then the groom decided to resolve the protracted dispute. He invited both blondes on a date. Catherine behaved directly, making it clear to the bachelor that she was very interested in him. Ilya liked the girl's initiative, and Katya remained in the show, again receiving a rose and sending her rival home.

However, the rules of the project do not imply the development of only one love line, and Ilya continued to go on dates with other girls. The audience saw how Glinnikov was interested in the participant Daria Klyukina, how relations with Madina Tamova were born. The journalist Lesya Ryabtseva did not leave indifferent the bachelor.

Seeing how main character pays attention to other girls, Katya was very jealous. The girl tried in every possible way to attract Ilya's attention to herself, but the bachelor did not invite her to an individual date. Therefore, Catherine did not miss the chance and at the next collective date, not paying attention to her rivals Alexandra and Hamina, she tried in every way to be closer to Ilya. Competitors did not like this behavior, the girls considered that Katya was openly “hanging herself” on the groom. But Ilya once again appreciated the behavior of an active girl.

In the 8th edition of the TV show, finally, an individual date between a blonde and a bachelor took place. They walked around snowy Moscow, and at the end of the meeting there was a long-awaited kiss.

True, things did not go so smoothly for Katya. There was a meeting of participants with relatives of the groom. The first conversation took place with the teacher of the actor. Wise woman immediately brought the girls "to clean water". If Ilya himself was "foggy" by the influence of Catherine, then Glinnikov's mentor immediately drew attention to the girl's desire to advance in her acting career.

The second time Katya was suspected of wanting PR and benefits was already Ilya's relatives. The Georgian family of the bachelor liked the participant Madina Tamova much more, for whom family values ​​come first. And the ambitious Catherine rather aroused suspicion with her desire to become famous and appear on the television screen. After the meetings of the girls with relatives, Ilya was frankly confused. The heart prompted one thing, and the instructions of relatives - another.

Personal life

In June 2017, the audience of the show “The Bachelor” watched the final episode with bated breath, where Ilya Glinnikov had to choose from two participants: Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova. Ilya's relatives played for Madina. The girl struck them with nobility, calmness and reverence. family values. In addition, Madina did not differ much from Ilya in age and had long been ready for marriage, family and children.

But you can’t command your heart, and even though Katya Nikulina was accused of dishonesty and the desire for fame, Ilya believed in the sincerity of the girl. Standing on the roof of the fortress, under open sky confessed his love to Katya and presented her with a ring as a sign of the continuation of their story.

Unlike many participants in other seasons of the Bachelor project, Ilya and Katya did not run away immediately after filming. Young people really liked each other and continued their relationship.

Until recently, on Instagram, girls could see not only personal photos, but also joint shots with Ilya Glinnikov. Pictures of a couple holding hands periodically appeared in the press at the premiere of a new film or at the next event. The couple looked happy on them.

Ekaterina Nikulina now

To the disappointment of the couple's fans, the last photo shared with the actor on Catherine's page is dated September 27, 2017. Its signature is as follows:

"Leave us alone already."

The fact is that in the fall there was a rumor that the couple had a big fight, after which Ilya even ended up in the hospital. After both partners stated that these were rumors and everything was still good in their relationship.

Now fans of Katya and Ilya are wondering if they are together or not. Actor's Instagram last photo Catherine also dated 27 September. There was no official statement about the breakup of the couple, but both have repeatedly spoken out about the unwillingness of public observation. Therefore, the lack of joint personnel, perhaps, only indicates that the couple does not want public attention to their personal relationship.

06/02/2017 at 09:35, views: 1857

This Saturday, the long-awaited finale of the fifth season of the Bachelor show will take place on TNT. The protagonist of the project, actor Ilya Glinnikov, will have to make the most difficult and most important choice In my life. There are only two girls left in the show - Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina, and the bachelor has his own story with each of them. Our publication managed to talk with Katya on the eve of the premiere of the final of the project and ask her about life on the show, relationships with other participants and, of course, about feelings for Ilya.

Ekaterina, why did you decide to go to the show "The Bachelor"?

To be honest, I did not plan to go to the casting. I worked as an art director in a restaurant - it was possible to exist comfortably. Once I read a message on VKontakte that the casting of "The Bachelor" was taking place. A friend literally yelled at me: "Go urgently! This will help you open up and show yourself from new sides." I have watched several episodes different seasons I didn't see anything wrong with it and decided to give it a try.

How was the casting?

Everything was a little strange. The girls were beautiful, there was no vulgarity or vulgarity. Regular casting. The unusual part was an interview with a female psychologist. She asked me about life, looking for very personal moments in my past. Reveal the soul to a stranger I didn’t really want to, I didn’t want to get into the project to such an extent. There was another girl with me at the psychologist’s appointment, who, on the contrary, painted stories from her life in detail and colorfully (this girl appeared in the first series with drums, and Katya was taken to the show in last moment just thanks to the recommendation of the chief psychologist of the project - approx. author).

How did your parents and relatives react to participating in the show? Did you tell them?

Yes, sure! Mom for me best friend, so I was the first to know about this project. She began to study the show, looking for information about it on the Internet. And for a while she tried to dissuade me from participating. I explained that I needed a new impulse and a surge of emotions. My mother understood and supported me.

Did you set any goals or objectives for yourself when you started the project?

No. I thought I'd leave in the first episode. I was not very comfortable when your whole life is under the gun of cameras. But after meeting with Ilya, I became interested. It was the first time I met such a person.


At the first meeting, looking into his eyes, I saw there the depth of the soul and insight. As if he immediately knew who I was. It was like I was an open book to him. After the first face-to-face dialogue, I realized that I was pleased to communicate with this person. I have a philosophical nature, which is probably why there are few like-minded people. But in Ilya, I immediately saw a kindred spirit, and at the same time a man with capital letter. This worthy person who thinks the same as me. I was very interested in what is in his soul if he has such eyes.

Have you seen the work of Ilya in the cinema?

I rarely watch TV. Mostly my parents watch it. When I lived with them, I involuntarily looked at the screen out of the corner of my eye. "Interns" I saw several episodes. I liked it, it’s a pity that we don’t have such serials: subtle humor and a good cast.

Did you recognize him as you stepped out of the limousine?

I looked closely for a long time - who is standing at the house, who is a bachelor? I eventually found out, but I couldn't remember his name.

What was it like for you when so many girls fought for Ilya's attention? Who were considered the main rivals?

The project has gathered a large number of girls and women different characters and natures, but for me only Ilya existed in the show. I did not come to the competition, and I was not going to compete with anyone. Therefore, there were no friends, no enemies, no rivals. In the project, I was interested in communicating with one person - a real man, whom I saw in Ilya.

Was it difficult to get along in the women's team?

It's not that difficult. Just unusual. Basically, I'm a loner. And it was amazing for me to see when the girls started to pair up and create mini-coalitions. I didn't understand it. I never had a single girlfriend in my life. Female friendship is highly questionable. But, I repeat, I was inspired by Ilya, and this gave me strength. During the general gatherings, I, as a rule, was silent. Because I had nothing to talk about with these people, I did not understand who they were and why I should communicate with them. I wrote a book during the project. But I had a feeling of paranoia, I thought that we were being followed, so I had to hide the sheets with notes in my shoes (laughs). Closer to the final, I talked a little with Lesya - it seemed to me that we were on the same wavelength.

Judging by the broadcasts, it seemed that the girls boycotted you.

Oh... I don't want to offend anyone, but... I'll quote Maxim Gorky: "To each of us, a chicken is clearer than a swallow." Truth has always been my priority in life. I've only been telling the truth - since I was thirteen. And that turns a lot of people off. But I do not care, I continue to speak as I think - honestly and directly. Of course, when they talked to me, I shared my opinion, but basically I turned away from them myself. I saw flattery, deceit and hypocrisy. In this project, I became more insightful: I felt how they were talking behind their backs, how they were whispering. Apparently, hence the kind of detachment that you are talking about.

Do you think that a girl should be beautiful, and a man should think and make decisions?

(Laughs). Funny question. This is sheer stupidity. I don't chase beauty like most modern girls. When they tell me that I have puffy lips, it's funny. I think that a woman should use the potential of the brain to the maximum. You have to be a man with a capital letter, try to bring goodness and light into this world. You can't be a zombie - a mindless body, incapable of anything, go with the flow.

I started modeling at the age of thirteen - I got my first fee, I was able to buy things and spend money on myself - and for a long time worked in the industry. But at some point I realized that this is a stupid and "plastic" occupation. Although it is beautiful and fashionable. They were waiting for me in Paris - for filming in world modeling agencies. But I changed my mind in time: I realized that my brain is capable of more. I wanted to do something else. I gave up modeling career.

First of all, I tried to enter theater school Oleg Tabakov. I was seventeen years old. I read "The Harlem Tragedy" by O. Henry and the fable "The Fox and the Crow", over which Oleg Pavlovich laughed. The repertoire was varied. And I went through two rounds. The competition reached one hundred people per place. But she simply did not come to the third, decisive round. At that time, I met a young man who put me in front of a choice: either he or the profession of an actress. And already at that age I chose a relationship between a man and a woman.

You talked about your dream of getting married and having a baby. Why such a hurry?

my beautiful mother turns 41 this year. She always understands me and remains a friend. It's a nice feeling when your mom is on the same wavelength as you. She is often referred to as my sister. We can go to the club together in the evening, drink champagne and listen to music. It seems that I am with my mother, but at the same time with a friend. Borders are not felt. A lot of it has to do with age, I think. When parents are much older than their children, they may misunderstand many things. And is it important! Therefore, it is more pleasant and better to be a young mother - to establish a connection between the child and the parent. IN Lately I see more and more young mothers walking with their children. They are happy, they enjoy life, they are not concerned about anything. Sun, Fresh air, walk, favorite child - just fine.

When did you feel that you have feelings for Ilya?

Already during the first dialogues with Ilya, I began to feel something. I wondered what kind of soul this man had.

And when did you become afraid of losing him?

For me, everything became clear after the first date. Because I always pay attention to inexplicable symbols, circumstances that make it clear - someone brought this person to me, we met for a reason. The show "The Bachelor" was the most strange place for acquaintance.

How was the last night before the final ceremony? What were you thinking?

I became very ill after the date Ilya and I were on. The sensations were very strange and incomprehensible. The temperature rose, my throat hurt, I felt bad. But I got stronger.

the brightest and romantic moment on the show that you remember?

I really enjoyed our sleigh ride in the snowy forest. And the date I came up with at the end. Since I was engaged in equestrian sports, I decided to ride horses with Ilya. There will be another unexpected moment, but it is better to watch on the air.


- Interests and hobbies

Music, books, cooking, spiritual self-development, sports

- Favorite band

- Favorite movie

- "Interstellar"

- Favorite book

- "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

- Favorite country

Where there is sun, sand and delicious

- What are you dreaming about?

to be yourself happy woman on Earth with your beloved man

Watch the final of the show "The Bachelor" this Saturday at 21:30 on TNT! 16+

Name: Ekaterina Nikulina

Age: 23 years old

Activity: participant of the show "The Bachelor"

Family status: Single

Ekaterina Nikulina: biography

Some people do extraordinary things to find their other half, such as becoming members of a TV dating show. The ideas for most of these programs appeared on American television. The well-known TV project The Bachelor was also embodied on Russian screens in the form of the Bachelor program. One of the participants in the fifth season and its winner was the ambitious blonde Ekaterina Nikulina.

Childhood and youth

Katya was born in Moscow on May 20, 1995. She studied at a regular metropolitan school. She was raised by her mother, a housewife. In her youth, the girl had many different hobbies: Catherine took up equestrian sports, but the world of cinema attracted her especially. Wanting to become an actress, she tried to enter a theater school, but luck was not on her side.

Wanting to get a higher education, Nikulina became a student at the Plekhanov University of Economics. But the desire to engage in creativity did not leave the stubborn girl. Having an attractive appearance, Katya began to work as a model and participate in fashion shows and photography.

Later, in parallel with her studies and modeling career, Ekaterina becomes the art director of a Moscow cafe. At the same time, a stormy romance that lasted 2 years ends in her life. Beloved betrays her, and young Katya is left alone.

Show "The Bachelor"

In 2016, the fifth season of the romantic show “The Bachelor” was being prepared for release. Thousands of girls came to the casting. Among them was Ekaterina Nikulina. There were several reasons for this: firstly, the girl’s heart was free, and, as she herself said in an interview, even at such a young age she was already ready to become a wife and mother; secondly, Nikulina's plans for an acting career remained unfulfilled.

Ekaterina Nikulina in the show "The Bachelor"

Which of the two motives for participating in the show was stronger, only the participant herself knows, but the model blonde was accused of insincere feelings and the desire to become famous throughout the country more than once.

Nevertheless, Katya liked the organizers of the show and became one of the 25 participants who were to meet the bachelor. The girls speculated about the groom, but those who relied on the actor were right. The main character of season 5 was, especially remembered by a wide range of viewers from the comedy series "Interns".

In the very first issue, Ilya, after meeting the girls, had to choose the participants whom he wants to get to know better. After a tete-a-tete conversation with all the beauties, the bachelor handed a rose to each girl who liked him. Among them was Catherine.

After the participants flew to the South Asian island of Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the project, the groom did not pay much attention to Catherine. Katya went on a date with Ilya for the first time only in the third issue, and then among three more competitors. It was at this meeting that the bachelor drew attention to Katya, who, having overcome her fear of water, jumped into the water for Ilya. Glinnikov appreciated the act and handed the girl the cherished rose, thereby leaving her in the project.

The second turning point in the relationship between Ilya and Catherine happened on a triple date. Katya, having a strong disposition, did not get along with another participant in the project, Veronika Murashkina. The girls were in conflict with each other, and then the groom decided to resolve the protracted dispute. He invited both blondes on a date. Catherine behaved directly, making it clear to the bachelor that she was very interested in him. Ilya liked the girl's initiative, and Katya remained in the show, again receiving a rose and sending her rival home.

However, the rules of the project do not imply the development of only one love line, and Ilya continued to go on dates with other girls. The audience saw how Glinnikov was interested in the participant, how relations were born with. The bachelor and the journalist did not leave indifferent.

Seeing how the main character pays attention to other girls, Katya was very jealous. The girl tried in every possible way to attract Ilya's attention to herself, but the bachelor did not invite her to an individual date. Therefore, Catherine did not miss the chance and at the next collective date, not paying attention to her rivals Alexandra and Hamina, she tried in every way to be closer to Ilya. Competitors did not like this behavior, the girls considered that Katya was openly “hanging herself” on the groom. But Ilya once again appreciated the behavior of an active girl.

In the 8th edition of the TV show, finally, an individual date between a blonde and a bachelor took place. They walked around snowy Moscow, and at the end of the meeting there was a long-awaited kiss.

True, things did not go so smoothly for Katya. There was a meeting of participants with relatives of the groom. The first conversation took place with the teacher of the actor. A wise woman immediately brought the girls "to clean water." If Ilya himself was "foggy" by the influence of Catherine, then Glinnikov's mentor immediately drew attention to the girl's desire to advance in her acting career.

The second time Katya was suspected of wanting PR and benefits was already Ilya's relatives. The Georgian family of a bachelor liked the participant Madina Tamova much more, for whom family values ​​come first. And the ambitious Catherine rather aroused suspicion with her desire to become famous and appear on the television screen. After the meetings of the girls with relatives, Ilya was frankly confused. The heart prompted one thing, and the instructions of relatives - another.

Personal life

In June 2017, the audience of the show “The Bachelor” watched the final episode with bated breath, where Ilya Glinnikov had to choose from two participants: Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova. Ilya's relatives played for Madina. The girl struck them with nobility, calmness and respect for family values. In addition, Madina did not differ much from Ilya in age and had long been ready for marriage, family and children.

But you can’t command your heart, and even though Katya Nikulina was accused of dishonesty and the desire for fame, Ilya believed in the sincerity of the girl. Standing on the roof of the fortress, he confessed his love to Katya in the open air and presented her with a ring as a sign of the continuation of their story.

Unlike many participants in other seasons of the Bachelor project, Ilya and Katya did not run away immediately after filming. Young people really liked each other and continued their relationship.

IN "Instagram" girls, until recently, it was possible to observe not only personal photos, but also joint shots with Ilya Glinnikov. Pictures of a couple holding hands periodically appeared in the press at the premiere of a new film or at the next event. The couple looked happy on them.

Ekaterina Nikulina now

To the disappointment of the couple's fans, the last photo shared with the actor on Catherine's page is dated September 27, 2017. Its signature is as follows:

"Leave us alone already."

The fact is that in the fall there was a rumor that the couple had a big fight, after which Ilya even ended up in the hospital. After both partners stated that these were rumors and everything was still good in their relationship.

Now fans of Katya and Ilya are wondering if they are together or not. On the actor's Instagram, the last photo of Catherine is also dated September 27. There was no official statement about the breakup of the couple, but both have repeatedly spoken out about the unwillingness of public observation. Therefore, the lack of joint personnel, perhaps, only indicates that the couple does not want public attention to their personal relationship.

The girl herself continues to live in Moscow, works as a model and even records songs.

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