Etiquette of conduct at the table is what it is. How not to break table etiquette by using cutlery incorrectly


Dining etiquette is not limited to the rules of eating. This concept includes the ability to make a favorable impression on others, and the manner of communication, and much more. By these criteria, you can always distinguish an educated person. Few people know all the subtleties table etiquette but there is nothing to be ashamed of. There are many manuals, articles on etiquette. And it's never too late to learn.

Basic table manners

The rules of human behavior at the table can be called a whole science, they have been developed for years, even centuries, and are based on common sense, hygiene, attitude towards people who share a meal with you, etc. This section of etiquette is perhaps the most important, because. without good table manners it is impossible to succeed in life. Table etiquette is studied in modern schools business and colleges that train future businessmen.

Now we will consider the basic rules of conduct at the table. A man should not sit at the table until the women sit down or one of the hosts offers to take a seat. As a rule, the man escorts the woman to the table and offers her a seat to his right. And only after that he can sit down himself. He should pay the main attention to the woman sitting on the right, but if a woman also sits to his left, then she should not be deprived of his attention. In general, according to the rules, a man should be equally attentive at the table, both to familiar women and to those with whom he is not familiar.

So, guests at the table. But before everyone fills the plates, you should not start eating. This is for the first course. When submitting the next one, you do not need to wait until it is offered to everyone. The ladies at the table should be served first. The lady sitting to your right should pour the wine with your left hand. When a new bottle is opened, the man should pour some of the wine into his glass, and then the lady.

It is absolutely unacceptable to put your elbows on the table, because. you can push a neighbor or his device. The elbows, if possible, should be kept close to the body. Only hands can be on the table. You also need to remember about posture. You should not bend over the plate. If the desired dish or object is far from you, but you cannot reach for it, dipping the details of your clothes into other people's plates. You should politely ask them to pass them to you.

When dinner has come to an end, the fork and knife should be placed on the plate parallel to each other, so that if you imagine the plate as a clock face, and the instruments as hands, then they should show the time “ten minutes to four”. In decent establishments, this serves as a signal to the waiter that you have already finished your meal. But he must not put away the cutlery until everyone has finished eating. If you finished eating before the rest, then in the remaining time you do not need to move the plate away from you, put them one on top of the other, you can continue the conversation, drink coffee or tea. By the way, about tea. Do not leave a teaspoon in a glass or cup. After you have stirred tea or coffee, you should put it on a saucer. In no case is it recommended to drive your companions with words or gestures. In turn, if you are used to eating slowly, then at a business lunch it will be more correct not to finish eating than to force everyone to wait for you.

It is strictly forbidden by the rules to make comments on the dishes served, to criticize their performance. When the women get up from the table, the man should also get up and stand until they leave the dining room. Then you can sit down.

Another very important rule. Basically, when serving, dishes are served on the table in common dishes: salad bowls, dishes, plates that are designed for several people. Food from such dishes must be taken carefully, using special devices that lie next to it (various forks, spatulas, tongs, spoons). It is necessary to try not to drop anything on the table and not to touch your plate with these devices. No need to put mountains of food on your plate, it looks ugly. After all, you can always put yourself another dish you like. Smearing and kneading food on your plate also looks unaesthetic. This can cause a feeling of disgust in others sitting at the table with you.

Table rules

First of all, we must remember that at the table one should not talk about business. The conversation should be pleasant and general. If the number of participants is small, then general topics for conversation are chosen, if there are more than thirty guests, then, as a rule, those sitting next to each other talk to each other. The feast lasts an average of about two hours, and after it you can talk about business.

There are certain taboos on the topics of table talk. Namely: health (one's own or someone else's), income, family problems, work conflicts. Also, one should not pronounce too long monologues, be interested in age and social position interlocutors. It is recommended to talk about culture, art, but avoid delving into topics in order to avoid the possibility of a dispute or conflict.

It is not permissible to talk over the heads of those sitting nearby. If you want to say something to a person sitting one across from you, you can do this by leaning back behind your neighbor. When talking to a person sitting on your right hand, you can not completely turn your back on the person sitting on your left. The ability to listen to the interlocutor is also an important condition for good tone. You can’t interrupt the speaker, you need to look at him with attention, showing interest in the topic of conversation with all your appearance.

And the last. Never talk while the food is in your mouth, and also, do not fall apart imposingly in a chair.

Serving items.

For a person who is accustomed to getting by with a minimum amount of cutlery, sometimes it is not an easy task to figure out the purpose of the numerous shiny knives and forks laid out on holiday table at his plate.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. It must be remembered that all devices are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are those that are eaten, and the auxiliary ones are designed to cut something, impose, etc. And further. All appliances are located from your plate in the same order in which the dishes are served: soup, meat, fish, dessert. Thus, the first thing to use is the device that lies farthest from the plate.

With the apparent variety of serving, each item has its own purpose. At the beginning of lunch, you have a snack plate in front of you (sometimes a small dining room, and a snack bar on it). On the left side of it there may be a paper napkin or a pie plate. To the right of the plate are knives, on the left side are forks. Dessert utensils lie in front of the plate. Behind them are glasses, glasses, wine glasses. On the dinner plate in front of you is a napkin. If lunch is supposed to be without a first course, do not put a spoon.

It will be right to hold right hand all devices that are on the right, respectively, on the left - those on the left. Dessert devices are taken with the hand towards which the handle of the device is located.

Hold the knife correctly so that the middle and thumb they held it by the sides of the beginning of the handle, the end of the handle rested on the palm, the index finger should be kept on the upper surface of the handle in order to press the knife down when you need to cut something. The remaining fingers should be kept slightly bent. Food is cut towards you. But the pieces should not be too many and they should be small in size to fit in the mouth.

The fork is taken in left hand so that the end of the handle rests on the palm, and the fork itself looks down with the prongs. Otherwise, it is held in the same way as a knife, only with the left hand. If there are side dishes such as mashed potatoes or porridge on the table, the fork is used as a spoon, i.e. turn the prongs up, the handle of the fork should lie on the middle finger, the index and thumb, you need to hold the fork from your sides. In these cases, food is taken on a fork, helping with the tip of a knife blade.

The spoon must be held in the right hand. The end of the handle of the spoon should lie on the index finger, and the beginning - on the middle one. If the dish consists of pieces that can be separated without a knife, then only the fork is served and it must be held in the right hand.

Knife and fork are held in hands throughout the meal - this classic way. There is also the American style of eating, which allows you to use these items alternately. That is, after cutting the dish, you can take the fork in your right hand and eat with it. In anticipation of a change of dishes, the knife and fork should be placed crosswise on the plate. In this case, the handle of the knife should look to the right, and the teeth of the fork are turned down.

How to properly use a napkin.

According to modern rules etiquette, a napkin should be put on your knees so as not to stain clothes in case of accidental contact with food. Sitting at the table, you need to unfold the napkin, fold it in half and put it on your knees. If your fingers get dirty while eating, you can wipe them with the top half of the napkin, leaving it on your lap. To get your lips wet, take a napkin from your knees into your palm so that the ends turn over in your palms, and the napkin becomes shorter, then apply its middle to your lips. After the napkin should be placed to the right of the plate. Under no circumstances should it be hung on the back of a chair or placed on a seat.

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self care

grew up in father's house, and a homeless child grew up in her soul. I can't take care of myself. Kindly and important. Do not know how. My sister always knew how to acquire all sorts of blessings - in clothes, shoes, in affection, attention ...

Knowledge of the basic rules of behavior in society and table etiquette is an indicator not only common culture secretary, but also his professionalism. We will talk about the basic rules of table etiquette in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Ethical problems of our time: table etiquette

Once upon a time, table etiquette, the rules of conduct at the common table were a separate subject that was mandatory upon receipt. general education. Every literate person received ideas about the ethics of behavior in society, the basics of interaction in society already at the stage home schooling or on everyday examples.

Today, the rules of decency and good manners, unfortunately, are not familiar to everyone, but society's interest in etiquette culture in Lately increased significantly. This is explained by the activation of business communication, in which etiquette is an indicator of a common culture and a universal tool that levels the objective difference in the mentalities of all interacting parties. In addition, observing table etiquette, the rules for using cutlery is a demonstration of respect for others and for yourself. Modern man living in society should be able to behave aesthetically at the table.

This skill is important even for household level what then to talk about business meetings, which sometimes take place in a restaurant, in the form of a business dinner or within the walls of the company hosting the delegation in the form of a buffet. That is why the lack of knowledge in the field of table etiquette business people strive to make up by applying to a variety of "schools of canteen and business etiquette”, studying popular publications and encyclopedias about the rules of conduct. Many companies order such training courses for their employees, especially those who take part in negotiations, represent the company at high-profile events.

Rules of etiquette at the table: cutlery

With all the variety of cutlery that can be seen on the table before the dishes are served, it is quite simple to figure out how to use them and what they are intended for. Aesthetics and functionality are the principles that define the dining room. etiquette , cutlery is a tool that will help you look decent at the table.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, cutlery in the restaurant will be arranged as shown in the picture.

In the center of the composition there is a decorative plate, which, as a rule, is not used for eating - it is used as a stand for soup and hot dishes. To the left of the decorative plate are forks, to the right - a spoon for soup and knives intended for salad, meat and fish. The napkin can stand on a decorative plate, or it can be placed on the left, next to the forks. According to restaurant etiquette, cutlery intended for dessert, tea or coffee is placed in the center, above a decorative plate.

Table etiquette suggests that the cutlery is in the order in which the dishes will be served. At the same time, if snacks are served first, they use the devices lying on the extreme left and right side located farthest from the decorative plate. When soup is included in the menu, a spoon for it will lie on the far right. In order not to confuse anything, carefully read the arrangement of devices that is shown in the upper figure and try to remember it.

Cutlery for fish dishes

Worthy of special mention rules of etiquette and cutlery intended for fish dishes. A knife designed for fish is most often blunt and more like a spatula in shape. They do not cut the fish, but simply separate it into fibers and pieces. The fish fork has fewer cloves than the one intended for meat - only three or four. And they are shorter than the "meat" fork.

Cups and saucers for coffee and tea are most often served later, along with drinks at the end of the meal, but in some cases they are put on the table right away, this will not be considered a violation of table etiquette.

To the right or in the center can be glasses for drinks. Since the waiter will most likely pour them, you can not be afraid that you will confuse the purpose of each of them. But just in case, you should know that glasses for various alcoholic beverages all have a different shape.

Rules of etiquette at the table: cutlery after meals

Canteen etiquette suggests that the cutlery after eating should be placed on the plate in a certain way - this is a sign to the waiter that you have finished eating this dish and the plate can be carried away or replaced.

There are certain rules for interacting with the waiter by placing cutlery on the plate. So, if the fork and knife are placed at an angle to each other, this means that you have taken a break from the meal and will return to it a little later. Cutlery placed crosswise on a plate is also a signal for the waiter that it is too early to remove them. According to etiquette, cutlery after eating, placed on a plate parallel to each other - make it clear service personnel that your meal is complete.

How to use cutlery according to etiquette

And, of course, it is important not only to know how the cutlery is arranged, but also how to use them correctly in accordance with the rules of the dining room. etiquette . The main requirements include:

no traces of food or, preferably, traces of lipstick should be left on the glasses;

when using a knife or fork, make sure that your fingers do not touch either the knife blade or the tines of the fork;

used or unnecessary cutlery should not be placed on the tablecloth - they should be placed on the edge of the plate;

if a dish is served that is not eaten with a knife, the knife should be placed on the right edge of the plate so that it does not interfere with your use of the fork.

How not to break table etiquette by using cutlery incorrectly

Bread is never cut with a knife and a fork is never used to take it from a common dish. Pieces of bread are taken from it by hand, carefully, trying not to hurt the rest. After that, the bread is placed on a special plate and eaten, breaking off pieces with your hand. Sandwiches cannot be made from sliced ​​bread - sausage and ham are put on a plate and eaten, cut with a knife and eaten with bread. The same applies to pates - they are eaten with a fork. It is only allowed to spread butter on a small piece of bread in order to eat, for example, caviar placed on a plate.

When eating soup, you do not need to tilt the plate to eat everything without a trace. According to the rules of table etiquette, there should be a little soup at the bottom. The spoon, after the soup is eaten, is left in the bowl.

In accordance with rules of etiquette , in a restaurant cutlery is not used if the broth is served in special cups. A spoon can be used only when you need to get and eat an egg or toast from the broth.

Fish in a plate, as a rule, is cut with a special fork. The knife is served only when the fish is specially prepared and has a dense texture, such as lightly salted or pickled herring. In some cases, two forks are served with the fish - one of them holds the main piece, the second separates the bones and smaller pieces that need to be eaten.

Previously, table etiquette allowed that a bird could be eaten with your hands. Now forks and meat knives are used for this.

When meat is eaten, the pieces are cut one at a time, rather than cutting the main piece into pieces all at once. In this case, until the dish is eaten, the fork and knife are not released from the hands. Dishes prepared from minced meat are eaten without the help of a knife, holding a fork in the right hand. Natural cutlets, as well as Kiev style cutlets, are eaten like regular meat, cut into pieces with a knife.

For spaghetti, use a fork and a spoon. Using a fork, wind a portion of pasta, and cut it off with a spoon from the rest.

Table etiquette: table manners

A relaxed atmosphere, a glass of wine is not at all a reason to relax, especially when dinner is of a business nature. At the table during the meal according to the rules table etiquette, it is necessary to sit straight, not leaning back in a chair and not leaning on the table with your chest. You can put your elbows on the table only during a change of dishes, you should not put your legs crossed while eating.

The napkin is used only to protect clothing from stains. During dinner, she should lie on her knees; there is no need to tuck her in by the collar. Also, you can not use a napkin in order to wipe sweat from your forehead or fix "leaky" cosmetics. If the napkin falls on the floor, do not pick it up - ask the waiter to bring a new one.

Of course, we should not forget that a dinner or meeting is of a business nature and that alcohol is abusive. It will be enough to drink one or two glasses of light wine during the evening. If alcohol is this moment is contraindicated for medical reasons, there is no need to inform those present that you are “on a diet” or undergoing treatment. Dining etiquette does not allow discussion of such issues.

Note! At the table, it is not allowed to correct your hair or make-up, and even more so - to use a comb. There is a toilet for this.

Do not jump on food, even when you are very hungry. Eat at a measured pace, neither fast nor slow. The phone should be turned off or, if you are waiting for an important call, put it on silent. The device should not lie on the table. All telephone conversations should be led outside the table, coming out from behind it, apologizing to those present.

Participate in a conversation - a meeting in a restaurant, even if it is business, involves some informality of communication and freedom of expression. But in a conversation, one should adhere to the rules of table etiquette. Topics of conversation should be neutral - in no case should you take part in conversations related to politics or religion.

Listen to what those around the table are saying. If the topic is close to you, take part in its discussion. Demonstrate your interest in what the interlocutor is talking about, show him signs of attention, respect.

Knowledge of simple but binding rules table etiquette will help you adequately represent the company even outside its walls. These rules should be carried out automatically so that you can always feel confident in any, even the most pretentious environment. But remember that they should not interfere and fetter you - use them as a tool for establishing communication.

Some rules of conduct at the table are dictated common sense and are quite understandable, for example, do not talk while eating, do not eat with a knife, while others contain their own, inexplicable at first glance, nuances. What are all these subtleties and what generally accepted rules of etiquette exist - read on.

How to sit at the table

The rules of conduct begin with how you need to sit at the table - you need to do this at a convenient distance from the dining table. The back should be straight. Keep your legs bent next to you, do not straighten them to their full length under the table. Where you sit is determined by the hosts in preparation for the reception.

Hands are held in a bent form, at the level of cutlery. Only hands can be kept on the table. Don't put your elbows on the table! You can’t figure out where to put your hands - fold them on your knees.

During a conversation, it is customary to turn your head to the interlocutor, and not the whole body. Speak in a restrained tone and do not gesticulate actively.

What to do with a napkin

The etiquette of behavior at the table always assumes that the dishes for the guest are served with a napkin. In addition to its main function of keeping the hands and mouth clean, it serves as a sign of the beginning of the meal, when the host of the evening puts it on his lap.

A large napkin is left on your knees folded in half, a smaller napkin is unfolded completely. If the napkin is served in a ring, then you remove it and leave it in the upper corner to the left of your plate.

Wipe your fingers and lips with it as needed. When you need to leave, the napkin stays on your seat. Leave the used napkin at the plate, trying to wrap the soiled places inside, or, if possible, put it into the ring in the same form.

At the end of the meal, the napkin should lie on the left side of your plate - no need to fold it, wrinkle it too, just gently place it on the side. The plate has already been taken away - leave the napkin exactly in its place.

How to use cutlery

Studying the rules of conduct at the table, many, first of all, are afraid a large number cutlery. In fact, they are not so difficult to remember, especially since they are rarely used all at once. There is one tip that will make it easier for you if you set the table correctly: you should always start with the appliances located farthest from the plate and work towards the main appliances that lie next to the plate.

Hold the fork with your left hand. The tines of the fork should point down. When pricking food, you can lean index finger at the junction between the handle and the teeth, but away from the latter. When using only the fork, it can be held in the right hand.

Take the knife with your right hand, clasping it with the middle one, ring finger and the little finger, the thumb supports the knife from below, and the index finger rests on the handle, but not on the back of the blade. Never hold a knife like a pencil. Eating with a knife is unacceptable, but above all, dangerous.

Hold the spoon between your index and thumb, by the middle of the handle.

If the device fell on the floor, do not continue to use it, but apologize to the owner and ask for a new one.

Serve food from common dishes not with individual appliances, but with serving ones.

You need to hold any glass exclusively by the leg, so as not to heat the drink with your fingers. The cup is held by the handle. When taking a sip, it is customary to look into the cup, and not over it and at others.

How to use chopsticks

The use of chopsticks implies separate rules. If you don't know how to hold the chopsticks correctly, then practice in advance, for example, with the help of this video.

When you're not using your chopsticks, place them on a special stand or to the right of your plate.

In no case should you cross the chopsticks on a plate, leave them in food and pierce it.

Rules of conduct while eating

  • Do not scatter food and leftovers on your plate. If you come across a bone or other inedible element, do not spit it out, but gently place it with your lips on a napkin and fold it near the plate.
  • Don't try to talk to mouthful- Food must first be completely chewed and swallowed. good tone it is considered not to make any sounds while eating - do not slurp, do not smack, do not suck drinks noisily. Loudly knocking cutlery on the dishes is also not very decent.

  • Do not cut all the meat or fish into pieces at once. Cut off only one piece at a time before you eat it and cut off the next one.
  • Scoop soup with a spoon only in the direction away from you. Tilt the plate to make it more convenient to scoop up the remnants of the soup, you can also only in this direction. When you fill your spoon with food, do it in such a way that you can carry it to your mouth without ruining the tablecloth. Do not blow on a spoon with hot food.
  • When eating, do not tilt your head to the plate, but bring food to your mouth with the help of utensils.
  • You can’t reach across the table to take food - ask the person sitting closer to pass the necessary and be sure to thank him. Take only what you can safely reach, sitting straight, or slightly leaning to the side.

Take your time

When you're the host, keep an eye on the overall pace of your meal, pause after each spoonful or sip so you don't get too ahead of your guests and make them feel like they're being rushed.

As a guest, in the same way, do not rush to quickly absorb food, show the host that you enjoy not only food, but the company is also interesting to you.

How to leave the table

If you need to go to the toilet, apologize to those present and say that you need to go out.

When you need to leave the company for good (for example, you don’t feel well, or you got a call and urgently called somewhere), apologize to those present and say that you would still be happy to stay if it weren’t for force majeure.

Restaurant etiquette

The rules of conduct at the table are common to everyone, although restaurant etiquette has its own nuances associated with the specifics of service.

  • It is not necessary to call the waiter by shouting. Ideally, try to make eye contact. Otherwise, raise your hand with your index finger up to get attention. In some restaurants, special call buttons are starting to appear right on the table - then use it.
  • When sending back poorly prepared or spoiled food, it is polite to tell your company that they can start eating without waiting for you.
  • In the event that you ordered wine, but you did not like it, you do not have the right to return it, because a bottle has already been opened for you. But if the wine is really that awful, you can try to talk delicately to your waiter and explain the situation.

  • If you want to try someone's dish, then don't reach for someone else's plate across the table - have some food to sample served to you in a bread plate. In the case of a formal, business dinner or with unfamiliar people, it is better to leave this idea.
  • Many forget about it, or even simply do not know, but put on the dining table mobile phone as wrong as a handbag or keys. In addition to the fact that this item has nothing to do with the meal, it distracts you from both food and your company. As well as according to the rules of theatrical etiquette, it is advisable to put the phone on silent mode in a restaurant, because you are also in a cultural institution.

  • Girls who want to freshen up their make-up can quickly and gently update their lipstick after dinner is over, but that's about it. For the rest, it’s better to use the ladies’ room, putting on all the makeup at the table is bad form.

You can watch the following video about table manners when going to a restaurant.

Can I take pictures of food?

With development social networks and increasing their influence on everyday life, it has become very popular to photograph a dish before eating, and sometimes not only young people do this, but also people of other ages. The question began to arise whether such actions are allowed by the culture of behavior at the table.

It's hard to resist this trend, so if you want to take a photo of your food, you can do it, but make sure you don't disturb anyone and your companions don't mind, and don't leave your camera on the table after taking a photo. Do not use the flash and turn off the shutter sound effect. The same rules of conduct apply to your selfies - try not to cause discomfort to others and do not turn this venture into a photo shoot.

There is a so-called Silent Service Code - certain rules for folding cutlery during and at the end of a meal in order to demonstrate to the waiter your opinion about the service, readiness to move on to the next dish, etc.

  • Pause in eating: cross the knife and fork towards each other, the knife points to the handle to the right, the fork to the left. Use only one device - put it on the edge of the plate, resting the handle looking to the right on the table.
  • I am waiting for the next dish: cross the knife and fork on the plate at a right angle, perpendicular to each other; the fork faces north, the knife faces west.
  • The meal is over, the plate can be taken away: there are several ways to show this, the main thing is to put the cutlery between ten and four o'clock, if you think of the plate as a dial. But most often the knife and fork are folded parallel to each other in the five o'clock direction, in the European (continental) style - with the teeth down, in the American - up.
  • The meal is over, you liked the dish: you want to show appreciation for Tasty food- then, at the end of the meal, put the cutlery parallel to each other and across the plate, in a horizontal position.
  • The meal is over, the dish did not like: suppose you did not like the food and you want to demonstrate it - cross the cutlery in such a way that the knife clings to the tines of the fork.

Etiquette for children

The rules of behavior at the table for children are not particularly different from the rules for adults, the task is to be able to intelligibly tell the child about this. He is unlikely to be interested in dry text from a book, therefore it is better to approach the explanation in a playful way, using children's puzzles, songs, riddles and other techniques - for example, colorful pictures with poems on table etiquette that can be easily learned will be very By the way.

And most of all, kids will like instructive and funny videos, where the rules of conduct at the table are presented in a playful or entertaining form, for example, like this:

We hope that our material was able to shed light on the culture of behavior at the table, and the corresponding rules of etiquette will no longer be a mystery to you.

Even the smallest member of our society knows that at the table one "must behave" in a certain manner. What can and cannot be done during meals is laid down by parents in early childhood. The rules of behavior at the table for children begin with the game "in adults", gradually transferred to regime moments meals become the norm.

Table etiquette- this is not only the cultural coloring of the process of eating. Observing the rules of behavior at the table, the main life tasks are solved:

  1. Improves digestion;
  2. The admission process becomes easier;
  3. The rules of hygiene are observed;
  4. Prevention of accidents at the table.

History and culture of food

The rules of behavior at the table appeared, probably, before the table itself. They were not invented by the communists in their unique organization of schools and kindergartens. The first mention of table etiquette appeared in ancient world. There are references to this in the texts of the ancient Sumerians. They say that a person must be highly moral and observe ethical standards - this is what is given to man by the gods and distinguishes people from animals. Failure to comply with the rules of conduct, according to the ancient Sumerians, leads to negativity in his life.

Eating is the most important process. He was always surrounded by all sorts of rituals and rules that strictly regulated who, when, where, what to eat. The first rules were inseparably connected with the family hierarchy, the organization of life, the way of cooking, and with the food itself. Breaking the rules while eating was considered something unforgivable, shameful and condemned (and sometimes punished) at all times, in any culture. Life was changing, the life of a person - the rules were changing along with it. family rituals made room and gave way to the culture and aesthetics of food. Table manners are increasingly based on secular ethics than on religious and national traditions.

Why do we need rules at the table

Compliance with the rules and etiquette at the table is not the prerogative of a certain social group of people. It has nothing to do with wealth or social status families. " We are from the simple, from the workers. Why do we need all these tablecloths, napkins, forks and knives? Why is this for my child?» - to teachers kindergarten sometimes you have to hear something like that. It is important to understand that the culture of food and behavior is not whims, not a desire to “show off” in front of others. The fact is that following certain rules of table etiquette makes sense and has specific benefits for children. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Washing hands before eating protects the body from getting pathogenic bacteria along with food;
  2. Table setting using a clean tablecloth and disposable napkins protects food from contact with the dining table cover;
  3. The requirement to “do not spin” and not talk while eating is the prevention of serious incidents at the table (the child may choke);
  4. The request to “take your time”, sit up straight and chew food thoroughly is nothing more than helping the stomach to digest what has been eaten quickly and easily;
  5. A napkin placed on the knee (or on the chest) will protect clothes from contamination.

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