Games for the second younger group of kindergarten. Situation games for children of the younger group in kindergarten on the topic: Fairy tales


Game-situation "Familiar heroes"

Program content. Recall familiar fairy tales with children; encourage drama; to learn to enter into a role, expressively beat a role; encourage independence in the game.

materials. Casket, goat, vegetables; elements of costumes of heroes of fairy tales (granddaughter, grandfather, woman, goat, cucumber, tomato, cabbage).

Music, speech development, fiction.

Game progress

The teacher brings a magic box and tells the children that familiar fairy tales live in the box. If you say magic words, then the casket will open, and they will come out fairy-tale heroes. Children come up with magic words, music sounds, the chest opens. The teacher, before the appearance of each hero, makes a riddle.

Sharp horns, crooked leg,

Yellow eyes, guess

The teacher takes out a dereza goat from the casket. The goat welcomes the children and asks to tell a story about her. The guys sit in a semicircle and remember a fairy tale. Then the teacher encourages the children to dramatize, show the characters with voice, intonation, facial expressions and gestures, act out episodes from the fairy tale. These may be the following exemplary episodes.

The grandfather sends his granddaughter to pasture the goat. Grandfather meets a goat from the pasture. Grandfather chases granddaughter away. Grandfather sends a woman to graze a goat. Grandfather meets a goat from the pasture. Grandpa chases grandma. Grandfather goes to graze a goat. The grandfather gets angry with the goat and drives it away.

The goat occupies the bunny's house. Bunny walks in the garden. Bunny comes home. The bunny is crying, the wolf is trying to help him. The bear wants to chase the goat. The rooster is chasing the goat.

Then the teacher plays the game.

The game "Goat-dereza"


The goat went out to the shore,

Went out on a green meadow.

How the granddaughter grazed that goat.

Pasla, she spoke.


Feed my goat.

Graze, goat dereza.

Brought you to the beach

Yes, to the greenest meadow.


Grazing, grazing goat

Horned, yellow eyes.

How the woman grazed that goat.

Pasla, she spoke.


Feed my goat

Graze, goat dereza.

Brought you to the beach

Yes, to the greenest meadow.


Grazing, grazing goat

Horned, yellow eyes.

How grandfather pastured that goat,

Grandfather passed and sentenced.

Feed my goat

Horned, yellow eyes.

I brought you to the coast

Yes, to the greenest meadow.

I'll bring you home

What did you eat and drink, I ask.


I didn't eat, I didn't drink anything,

I barely got my feet home.

I ran across the bridge.

I took only one leaf.

Oh you bad goat

What are you staring at?

Didn't I feed you

Didn't I drink you?

I'll teach you.

I will teach with a smooth rod.

The teacher makes the following riddle:

On the table are in order

Three heroes from our garden:

The first one is good for borscht,

With the second salad is handy,

Well, the third is salted in a tub.

It will be crispy and sweet.

(Cabbage, tomato and cucumber)

Children examine vegetables lying on a beautiful dish. The teacher invites them to remember "The Tale of Vegetables" and asks sample questions:

What were the vegetables arguing about?

How did the cabbage boast?

What did the cucumber say?

Why was the tomato offended?

Who came to the garden first?

What did Kolya like?

What did mom take from the garden?

Note. The teacher in the process of conversation can not only listen to the answers of the children, but also encourage them to dramatize, ask them to show how the cabbage boasted, how the hare ran into the garden, etc. After the conversation and dramatization, the teacher invites the children to play.

Warm-up game with singing "Our garden"

Children(they walk in a round dance in a circle).

We came to the garden

And they found cabbage.

You, cabbage, come out,

And look at us.


I'm good at borscht

In the pie - luck

I'll go round and round

I'll be nice to you everywhere.

(The cabbage is dancing.)


We came to the garden

And found a cucumber here.

You, cucumber, come out

And look at us.


I am a green cucumber

Well done cucumber

I'm crisp, young

Naughty cucumber.

(Cucumber dances.)


We arrived at the garden.

Found a tomato here.

Tomato, come out

And look at us.


You do not start an argument -

The most delicious - tomato!

Because it's very ripe.

Because the most mature.

(Tomato dances.)

The teacher informs the children that the heroes of fairy tales say goodbye to them; the casket is closed. Educator.

The story ends.

The casket is closed.

Game-situation "Box with fairy tales"

Program content. Recall familiar fairy tales with the guys; encourage children to become heroes; step up in the game of table theater.

Materials. Christmas tree, toys - a hedgehog and a sparrow.

Music, speech development.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to take a walk in the forest Children choose what they will ride (on a sled, on skis, on a train, etc.). “They come to the forest” and find a box near an old stump. The teacher reports that the box is not simple, fairy tales live in it, and pronounces magic words:

Box, box, open up

Fairy tale, fairy tale, begin!

The first tale is "Little Hedgehog".

Fairy tale in the picture theater "Little Hedgehog"

A family of hedgehogs lived in the same forest: father-hedgehog, mother-hedgehog, son-hedgehog. They lived, lived, and one day another baby hedgehog was born to the hedgehog mother. Parents doted on him. Mom always made him a soft bed of dry leaves and fed him milk. Dad warmed the hole with branches and down. One hedgehog son was spinning around idle. All the attention of the parents went to the baby. He needed to be fed on time, put to bed. No one noticed the hedgehog son. “No one needs me,” the hedgehog son thought and left. He ran away from the hole, played with fir cones and did not notice how he got into an unfamiliar forest.

Evening came, it was dark and cold. The hedgehog became sad: “I would rather sit in a mink, play with leaves.” The hedgehog became very sad, he remembered how warm it was at home, it smelled deliciously of milk and apples. The hedgehog was completely discouraged, when he suddenly heard someone's warm breathing.

It was an unfamiliar animal. He leaned very close, and the hedgehog sensed danger. The stranger growled, howled and touched the hedgehog with his paw. It was a wolf. The hedgehog curled up in a ball and put his sharp needles in front of the wolf's nose. The wolf was about to bend down, but suddenly he would whimper in pain: “Uuu!” The needles stuck into his nose. The wolf rushed to run, pulling thorns out of his nose as he went. The hedgehog sat motionless. He did not understand why the wolf ran away.

Little by little the hedgehog began to come to his senses. He looked around - there was no one, and, with all his strength, he rushed to run home. He ran and ran and finally ran home. Mom-hedgehog and dad-hedgehog were standing near the house, they were so worried that they didn’t even punish their son-hedgehog. Papa-hedgehog only said: “Son, you are already big, but you should not go far from home. The wolves walk so close!” Mommy hedgehog said: “Dear son, I missed you so much, where have you been?” The hedgehog was glad that dad and mom were waiting for him, and said: “So, do you still love me?” The mother cried and said, “Dear baby, what mother does not love her child? I love you so much, my dear, that I will never, ever be separated from you!

The hedgehog son took courage and said: “Mom, dad! Today I defeated the wolf! He ran away from me! But why, I did not understand. I just curled up, that's all." Dad replied: “Baby, you have become a real hedgehog, you have sharp needles, and you can scare away enemies. You have grown and I am proud of you!” These words made the hedgehog feel very strong. He began to help mom and dad take care of the little brother, because he, the older brother, is now stronger and must protect him.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the Christmas tree, under which the hedgehog sits, and asks the hedgehog what fairy tale he is from. The hedgehog is silent and puffing. Children remember the fairy tale about the family of hedgehogs. The teacher brings the children to the table, on which the heroes of the toy theater are located - a family of hedgehogs - and offers to recall a familiar fairy tale. When playing the plot, children can take roles arbitrarily. The teacher plays the role of a leader who directs the plot, encourages the characters to play. Children act out the story table theater(toy characters move and say the text) or, if desired, do not drive toys around the table, but simply stand and hold hedgehogs in their hands, pronouncing words for them.

Then the teacher offers a game based on the plot of the fairy tale. Roles are assigned, mise-en-scenes are determined (where there will be a mink, a forest, where the heroes will come from, etc.); elements of costumes can be used in the dramatization.

Game-staging "Family of hedgehogs"


Friendly family of hedgehogs

Instructed the kids:

Hedgehog dad.

Don't go far

Beware of the bad wolf!

Hedgehog mom.

So not for long and the abyss

Hit the wolf in the mouth!


But the hedgehog was not afraid

And they ran through the forest.

Looking for dad, crying mother,

How to catch hedgehogs now?


We ran away from home

Everything in the forest is unfamiliar to us!


Suddenly a shaggy gray beast


Don't leave now!

If I only want

I'll swallow anyone!


Here the hedgehogs were frightened.

1st hedgehog.

Brother, we are lost!

2nd hedgehog.

We do not see mom and dad,

Kohl caught the wolf in the paws!


And baby hedgehog

The muzzles are bent to the paws

And curled up in balls.

The wolf wanted to grab the hedgehogs -



And began to howl!

The gray wolf just stuck his nose -

The nose is covered with thorns.

The gray wolf ran and howled,

He forgot about the hedgehogs.

And the hedgehogs looked around

We stood and looked around:

The meadow was empty

And they ran to their mother.


Mom, mom, forgive us

And let me go home!

Hedgehog mom.

Mom is happy from the bottom of her heart

The kids are back!


Taught a bad wolf

He will remember our needles!

Hedgehog dad.

It's too early for you to brag

You are brave, you hedgehogs.

We must remember: the enemy is strong!


But he is afraid of hedgehogs!

The second tale - "The Magic Box"

Winter story on flannelgraph "Magic Box"

Once upon a time there was a sparrow Yashka in the park. He was very cheerful. The whole day Yashka flew about his bird affairs: either he sways on a lilac branch, then he jumps onto a birch, then he flies to see what is happening in the far corners of the park. Yashka always had a lot of food in the summer. I looked for bugs and worms in the trees, I drank water from puddles. So he survived until the winter.

Came Cold winter. Yashka's fun diminished. I had to take care of food. The food was almost gone. The bugs and worms disappeared - they climbed deep into the bark of trees and fell asleep. Don't get them. The puddles in the park were frozen and covered with snow. Yashka ate small seeds and berries that still remained on trees and bushes. Sparrow grew sad. How to continue to live? Then he saw that grandfather and the boy Andryusha had come to the park. The boy and his grandfather took some boxes that looked like houses and hung them on trees. They stood aside and watched.

Yashka was curious what kind of boxes these were. But he decided that he had to be more careful. He sat down on a tall birch and began to see what would come of it. Then he saw how his friend flew to the boxes. The gray sparrow looked around, buried his beak in the box and began to peck at something. Yashka trampled on a branch and saw that while doing a flock of birds flocked to the boxes that the grandfather and the boy hung on the trees. Yashka thought, probably, this is not dangerous, you can try it for him. And he flew straight to the box.

At the bottom of the box, Yashka saw barley grains. Yashka was delighted and began to peck quickly. The sparrows that flew to the stern quickly pecked it up and flew away to a neighboring bush. Andryusha came up, took out more food from the bag and poured it into the box. The birds flew back and began to peck. Yashka also pecked at the food from the box and was very pleased. Now he understood what these magic boxes were. So the life of Yashka became more satisfying.

The teacher invites the children to listen: “Who is singing this?” (A sparrow's chirping is heard.) Then he takes a sparrow out of the box and invites the children to play a fairy tale about the sparrow Yashka. All together remember the plot and the characters of the fairy tale. The teacher involves the children in sketches.

Etudes based on the fairy tale "Magic Box"

sparrow in summer

Sparrow flies in the park. He cheerfully flaps his wings, spinning. It flies up to a tree and pecks at the larvae. Flies to a puddle and drinks water.

sparrow in winter

Sparrow chuckled.

Jumps on the ground, looking for food.

Sits on a branch sad.

Suddenly he sees a box.

Carefully flies around the box.

Then he pecks at the grains.

Fun flies, tweets.

caregiver. Sparrows sang in the park.

Sparrows. Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

caregiver. My sparrows, whose are you?

sparrows. Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

Educator. Sing merrily in summer.

sparrows(more fun). Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

caregiver. Nests on the branches twist.

Sparrows. Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

caregiver. And in winter there is no food.

sparrows(sad). Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

caregiver. Birds can't get dinner.


Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!


I will help the sparrows

I will give them bread and grain!

sparrows(fly and sing merrily). Chick-chirp, chick-chirp!

The game can be organized in various ways. First, the teacher involves all the sparrow children in a dialogue game, then, after delicious lunch, joyful birds fly and chirp merrily. Then you can play, highlighting the roles of collective (sparrows) and individual (sparrow Yashka, grandfather, boy Andryusha). The plot of the game can be varied: Yashka alone in the park; grandfather and Andryusha are hanging feeders; sparrows flock to the stern; sparrow Yashka and other sparrows joyfully dance and sing.

At the end of the game-situation, the magic box with fairy tales closes, the teacher and the children leave the "clearing".

Game-situation "Friendly stream"

Program content. Develop creative thinking children; introduce new fairy tale; complement the figurative plot with a revived fairy tale in nature.

materials. Equipment for visual demonstration of snow melting (snow, water tanks, etc.); pictures to show the story.

Relationship with other occupations and activities. The development of speech, music, ecology.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to the spring lawn and offers to listen to the music of streams (at the choice of the teacher). The teacher draws verbal picture spring lawn: “The forest has woken up after winter, the snow is melting, streams have flowed. They sing their cheerful song. (The music of the streams resounds.) The streams run and rejoice: “Spring has come, spring has come!”

The teacher invites the children to the picture theater.

Fairy tale "Brooks"

In the spring, two streams appeared in the forest, two brothers. They ran through clearings, along ravines, ran under tall fir trees. The brooks had fun, and they murmured: zhur-zhur, zhur-zhur. The brothers-brooks were hardly noticeable - before that they were small, thin.

One day, streams ran out into a large clearing. The sun shone brightly, it melted the snow in the clearing. The brooks saw how other brooks were running from all sides, hurrying, as small and thin as they were. The brook brothers called out to the new brooks: “Hey, brooks, wait for us!” New brooks shouted in response: “We hurry to the river. Catch up. We are waiting for you by the river! And they ran ahead. The brothers-brooks did not know what a river was, they looked at each other and ran after new streams. They ran and ran and finally ran to the river.

The river was wide and deep. The brothers-brooks climbed the hill and with a run rushed down the hill into the river. Streams flowed into it from all sides. They mixed with the big water and became invisible. The river took in streams and became more and more.

So the streams ended up in the river.

The teacher asks the children if they liked the fairy tale and offers to play in the streams (to watch the snow melt).

The teacher can carry out preliminary work on the site of the kindergarten: observe with the children the appearance of streams. You can continue to observe in a group. The teacher takes the snow and shows the children how it melts at room temperature; tells how the brook turns out, how it flows into " big water» - a river, a lake - and mixes with other streams. Streams flow, and the water in the river becomes more.

The educator involves children in emotional game situation and the story comes to life. The child sees a real brook, can talk to him, invent new plot with the teacher and other children. The show must be inspired by the special atmosphere of the situation, then you get a game of a fairy tale.

Game-situation "Magic pipe"

Software content. Encourage children to play dramatization; introduce a new fairy tale; activate attention; accustom to follow the development of the content of a fairy tale in the theater.

Materials. A pipe, bird-dolls (lark, swallow, blackbirds), bird caps, flannelgraph pictures: a fox and a crane are talking; a fox rides a crane; fox falls; the fox gets out of the haystack.

Relationship with other occupations and activities. Ecology, familiarization with the environment, development of speech.

Game progress

The teacher leads the children to the spring meadow and together with them finds there magic pipe and says: “As soon as the pipe starts playing, the birds fly in and dance merrily in the air.”

The teacher plays the flute. Birds appear (older children or bird-dolls on the screen). The music sounds like the voice of a flute. The birds are dancing.

Educator. Spring has come, birds fly to us from warm lands. Here comes the swallow.

The teacher is staging a Russian folk amusement.

Swallow, swallow,

Dear killer whale,

Where were you,

What did you come with?


Been across the sea

Got the spring.

I carry, I carry spring-red.

Educator. Here comes the lark.

lark, lark,

Where did you fly?

lark, lark,

What did you take out?


I flew to warm climes.

Got the spring

Brought spring, spring-red.

Educator. The thrushes had chicks in the hollow - small thrushes.

Appeared from the nest

Two pretty thrushes.

All day long the chicks squeak,

The chicks eat all day long.


Pee-pee-pee! Pee-pee-pee!

Mom, feed the kids!

A mother thrush flies up and feeds the babies.

The teacher invites the children to dance with the birds. Then he asks the magic pipe to introduce the children to the Russian folk tale in arr. A. Tolstoy in the theater on the flannelograph. The pipe plays, the fairy tale begins.

Russian folk tale"How the Fox Learned to Fly" in the theater on flannelgraph

Leading. A crane met a fox.

Crane. What, fox, can you fly?

Fox. No I do not know how to.

Crane. Get on top of me and I'll teach you.

Leading. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her high, high.

Crane. What, fox, do you see the ground?

Fox. I can barely see: the earth looks like a sheepskin!

Leading. The crane shook it off. The fox fell on a soft spot, on a heap of hay.

Crane. Well, how do you know how, fox, to fly?

Fox. I know how to fly - it's hard to land!

Crane. Get on top of me and I'll teach you.

Leading. The fox sat on the crane. He carried it higher than before and shook it off himself. The fox fell into the swamp; three fathoms went into the ground. So the fox did not learn to fly.

At the end of the performance, the teacher asks the children if they liked the story. The teacher and children thank the pipe for an interesting fairy tale and forgive.

Outdoor games in the younger group of kindergarten must be carried out daily. Any mobile child will appreciate the games below, the energy that overwhelms him will be directed in a positive direction.

Any teacher, and any adult should remember and understand the importance of outdoor games. They form in the child: the ability to work in a team, to correctly navigate in space. Teaches: follow the rules, focus on the text or the conditions of the game. Try to prevent children from getting hung up on several games, try to diversify their leisure time with games different rules and different actions.

Remember that children are constantly growing, the horizons of their interests are constantly growing, try to select games according to age and interests. Choosing a bundle game child, make sure the game suits him physically.

Approaching the organization of outdoor games for younger children preschool age, it is worth paying attention primarily to games with a large role-playing and story component. The game has a plot component, children get roles and follow them, it is possible to use various paraphernalia (balls, pieces of cloth, masks). The presence of an adult (one of the parents or educator) is acceptable as a driver or an arbitrator to ensure that the children follow the rules. Will fit without story games, in the likeness of "catching up" or "traps".

Do not try to force children to play sports, team games(football, volleyball). These games are still difficult for children both physically and emotionally.

Mobile game One, two, three run

Purpose of the game: Run from one object to another, navigate indoors or outdoors. Interact with the team. Follow the instructions of the driver correctly.

Description: The driver (adult) is interested in children by offering to play the game "One, two, three - run." The game as such does not have a plot, therefore, together with the children, you can come up with a plot based on a fairy tale or cartoon beloved by children. After that, three objects are selected at a short distance, to which the children will run.

Game progress: The first round / con leader helps the children run correctly, from one subject to another. It also shows how to stop near a landmark (landmarks can be given names, fabulous places, the plot of which is put into the role-playing component of the game). After that, the leader, being at a distance, only gives commands to the children, making sure that the children do not interfere with each other's running.

An outdoor game with poems A goat walked along the road (Russian folk)

Purpose of the game: Children perform certain movements corresponding to the words of the leader (adult / educator). Children learn to jump, step, clap on command. Quickly navigate and observe the team.

Description: The host explains the rules to the children, you need to try to help the children remember a simple rhyme about a goat (shown in the picture). Audio recording is allowed.

Game progress: The leader (the first round / circle, his role is best entrusted to an adult) arranges the rest of the participants in a circle. Start reading a poem or turn on the music. On the phrase: And the goat walked along the road, the leader begins to walk in place, and the rest of the participants repeat after him. After the words: “I found a hornless goat,” the leader points to one of the participants, then all the other participants also break into pairs. On the line: Let's goat jump, let's jump, Let's break the sadness of longing ”- the participants run holding hands and jump. At the phrase: "We open the sadness" - the couples break up and again stand in a circle.

Alternative option: The verse changes a little. And for every action uttered in a poem, children must also perform a certain action. For example: And we stomp our feet - the participants begin to stomp, And we clap our hands - the participants clap. There are three verses in the poem, therefore, during the game, the participants change three pairs. Goat for the next round, become a participant who formed last couple with the leader.

Mobile game Mishka Clubfoot

Purpose of the game: Participants need to repeat the movements of the leader, listen to what the elder says to them. Walk to the music like a bear, bend down or stomp.

Description: As in the previous goat game, plot basis is a poem. Now the leader, builds the rest of the participants in a line. So the participants (and they are still not very large) will be easier to remember the movements.

Game progress: after building the leader and participants (the leader turns on the music) or begins to read a poem. Children move after the leader, who, uttering lines from a poem, begins to show them. (on the phrase: he is walking through the forest - everyone is walking swaying, glamor in the forehead - they are taken by the forehead, etc.)

"That's how we do it" outdoor game

Purpose of the game: A game in a simple and accessible form - the child learns to raise his legs high, the shuffling gait stops developing. Children learn to walk in a line or formation. The development of rhythm and the execution of movements synchronously.

Our feet walked

Straight down the track, top top.

That's how we can, top top,

Come on, more fun, top-top.

These are our legs, top top,

They walk along the path.

Description: Unlike previous games, the poem here does not carry a plot load, but serves as a means of indicating rhythm.

Game progress: The leader builds the children in a line. It is worth explaining to the children that when raising your legs, you should try to do it as synchronously as possible. After that, he leads it and begins to read poems, highlighting the rhythm with his voice.

Penguins mobile game

Purpose of the game: A simple game that a child from three years old can easily handle. Can be great fun in the yard or at a birthday party. The game develops dexterity, endurance and patience.

Description: The host tells the rules (you can tell that penguins living in nature really carry an egg when hatching, holding it with their feet). It is necessary, taking the ball, and holding it between the legs, carry a certain, predetermined distance. In order to make the game more interesting, the "race track" can have turns. The entire distance must be covered by jumps, if it is too difficult for the participants, walking with the ball clamped with their feet is allowed.

If there are many participants, it makes sense to divide the participants into teams, and arrange the transfer of the ball itself in the relay format.

Game progress: participants heal the ball with their knees, in this position it is necessary to reach the finish line. Where the ball is passed, without the help of hands, to the next team member.

Outdoor game From bump to bump

Purpose of the game: Another simple game for children of three, four years old. Teach your child to jump. Indirect development of dexterity, endurance.

Description: Together with the guys, choose a flat area in the yard, or lay a distance from one room to another. Based on where you will play, draw or label the "Start" and "Finish". Then mark the bumps on which the children will move. It can be either rugs or pieces of fabric, in extreme cases, cardboard is also suitable. In total, you need to make two bumps.

Game progress: The team of participants consists of two people. Each team is given two bumps. Using them, the participant must get to the finish line, where he passes the bumps to the second participant and he moves along the route in the opposite direction. The first team to complete the circle wins.

If necessary, the game can be complicated. To do this, the participants go the distance together.

Mobile game Train

Purpose of the game: The development of agility, the ability to work in a team, the development of endurance. Suitable for children different ages. Number of participants than more themes better. Even adults can participate as participants.

Description: The game must be played on fresh air. The distance at which the object is set to be run around is determined.

Game progress: The participants are divided into two teams. After the start of the game. The first participant quickly runs to the object, runs around it and returns to his team. The second participant grabs the waist or hugs the waist of the first and together they again run around the obstacle. This continues with all participants. The first team to run around the object wins with the whole team.

Mobile game Tails

Purpose of the game: Development of dexterity, mindfulness.

Description: Children are given a ribbon of fabric, or a handkerchief. The ribbon is attached to the back of the pants, it is not attached strongly, so that it holds while running, but comes off without effort.

Game progress: the driver, determined by lot, must tear off the “tail” of the participant. Accordingly, the participant must prevent this. The participant who lost the "tail" is eliminated. The last player to keep the "tail" becomes the leader in the next round.

When choosing games for younger preschoolers must take into account the degree physical activity. You should alternate outdoor games with sedentary ones so that children do not overwork. It is advisable that an adult first play the game in small groups ah (2 - 4 people) and only then in the whole group.

No one should drop out of the game, everyone participates until it ends. Children most of all like outdoor games, short, with clear, simple rules. When the game is over, the results are summed up, those who completed the tasks well and those who need to try in the future are called.

If a child wants to play with someone specific, you need to take into account his desire and not separate the children.

Games for the development of attention, memory and observation

Repeat exactly

Equipment: two tables, toys, paper (napkins). On one table are 2-3 toys covered with paper (napkin), on the other - 3-5 toys are placed.

The teacher lifts the paper (napkin). The child carefully looks at the toys for 1-2 minutes, trying to remember them. The teacher covers them again with paper or a napkin.


1. The child goes to the second table and takes the toys that he just saw.

2. The child goes to the second table and arranges the toys in the same order in which they lie on the first table. Puts extra toys aside.

3. Toys lie in different ways: upside down, on top of each other, etc. There are toys on the tables. The player repeats the location of the toys.

I recognize colors

Equipment: colored pencils, multi-colored sticks or strips of thick colored paper (cardboard).

On two tables are colored pencils and sticks or strips of thick colored paper.


1. You need to remember the colors of the pencils. On the first table are 6 pencils of two colors. The player looks at them for 1-2 minutes. The teacher covers the pencils with paper. On the second table, pencils are stacked. The child takes one pencil of the desired color.

2. You need to remember the number of piles and pencils in a pile. There are piles of pencils on the first table. The child looks and remembers how many piles and how many pencils are in them. An adult closes the first table with paper. On the second table, the child arranges pencils in piles, as on the first table. With each game, the number of piles and pencils increases.

3. You need to remember the number and color of pencils in a pile. Make two piles of pencils of different colors. Do not repeat the colors of the pencils. You should start the game with one pile of two multi-colored pencils, then three, etc.

Note. The game will be more interesting if 2-3 children come to the table at the same time. You can change items on the tables. Instead of pencils, take plastic sticks, then colored strips of cardboard. Children need to feel the material.


A group of 4-6 children stand in a line. The rest are spectators. The teacher stands in front of the children and shows 3-5 figures. He repeats each figure several times. Children carefully watch and repeat all the movements of an adult.

Then another group of children play.

Game and signal

On a small playground, children run, spin, squat, bend down. On a signal, the players stop and turn in the direction of the sound. The teacher says: "Everyone runs well." On a signal, the children start running again. A few minutes later, on a second signal, they stop running, the teacher asks to repeat her words: “Everyone runs well.”

Note. The game must be repeated several times, changing the phrases, which should be very short ("Have fun"; "Be friends"; "Be smart").

One or two signals

The children stand in a line. The teacher gives one signal (whistle or clap), the players raise one hand up, with two signals - both hands at once. Signals are given at random: you can give several times one signal, and then two. At the end of the game, the teacher notes the most attentive children.

Closer to the finish line

The children stand in a line. At 10-15 steps from them, the teacher draws the finish line, stands near it and counts out loud. Children begin to step in step to the finish line. If the teacher is silent, they stop, put a foot. The player who did not stop and took an extra step goes to the end of the line. Listening carefully, the children continue to walk to the finish line. After the entire distance has been covered, the teacher praises the most attentive and collected children. Note. When learning the game, children can hold hands.

Borscht and compote

Equipment: 2 tables, a box, replicas of vegetables and fruits, 2 pans.

There are 2 tables away from the children, on one of them there is a box with dummies of vegetables and fruits, on the other - 2 pots. In this game, speed is not important, attention and knowledge are needed.

The children take turns approaching the box and putting the vegetables into the pot to “cook borscht”. Each player takes one vegetable out of the box, brings it to the pan and returns to its place. "Borscht cooked." Game continues. Now the children take turns transferring the fruit from the box to the second pan. "Here the compote is ready."


1. Each participant chooses completely products for cooking borscht or compote. The task is given and checked by the teacher.

2. Two players come up. One puts vegetables for borscht into the pan, and the other puts fruits for compote into the second pan.

Imitation games and recognition games

Who is this

The children sit on the bench. The teacher asks in turn to depict how a dog barks, a cat meows, a cow mooes, what sounds a crow makes (cuckoo, sparrow, dove, magpie). If it is difficult for children to do this, an adult shows.

We're changing the game a bit. One of the children imitates an animal or bird not only with his voice, but also characteristic movements. There are usually a lot of people who want to show how a bunny jumps. Let everyone show. It remains only to decide who will stay longer as a bunny and who does it very similarly.

Enough space for all the animals

Children stand in a circle. The teacher asks what each of them would like to be: a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a bear, or even a tiger. Each group of "animals" has its own corner, dwelling.

Children walk in a circle, imitating the animals they have chosen. The teacher says: "In places." All "animals" scatter to their "dwellings". Whoever got to his "dwelling" faster, he won.

We ride a horse

Equipment: sticks.

In children, on a stick, these are “horses”. Two children are "good dogs" who love their mistress and help guard the house.

Children begin to slowly jump forward on sticks to the song.

At the end of the song, two "dogs" bark loudly, and the children on the "horses" stop. The song is sung by the teacher or children.

Let's go, let's go on a horse

The path is smooth.

We were invited by a neighbor

Eat sweet pudding.

We arrived for dinner

There is no neighbor at home.

Two dogs on the doorstep

We were told sternly:

— Aw-wow-wow!

- Woof woof woof!

Swedish folk song

When the game is repeated, other players become "dogs".

poor hare

All children are bunnies. They squat and bounce. Only one "bunny" wants to quickly run away and hide. The teacher starts singing the song. If the children know her, then they sing along in chorus.

At the end of the song, the "bunny" makes 2-3 small circles and hides behind something.

Hare rushes

What is urine

The hare wants to hide.

Then he runs

And circles

Then he lies -

All tremble.

Poor, he

Afraid of everything...

Ears are arrows

The tail is a knot

Jumped white

And - silent.

Kabardino-Balkarian folk song

When the game is repeated, another player becomes the “bunny”.

help out

Equipment: stick or thick twig.

Children are sitting on a bench. One child - "ant" carries an "oak" (a stick or a twig), tries very hard not to drop it. "Oak" is needed to repair the anthill, someone carelessly damaged the house, touched it with a stick.

Children jump up from the bench, take the “ant” under their arms, help him carry the “oak”. The teacher or children recite a poem or sing a song in chorus.

Ant in the thicket

The oak is heavy.

Hey fellow friends

Save the ant!

When there is no help for him,

The ant will stretch its legs.

Czech folk song

When the game is repeated, the “ant” becomes another player.

Games for the development of the accuracy of hand movements

Cubes in a box

Equipment: boxes, cubes.

Children are divided into two groups, each with a box of cubes. The first players very carefully place the cubes in the boxes: row by row. The second take out the cubes. The next participants do the same - stack and remove the cubes from the boxes.

Do not rush, the main thing is accuracy. It is necessary to note the children who did everything well. When the game is repeated, the participants change places: who took out the cubes, now stacks them.

Option. Stacking and removing cubes with two hands (one hand).

colored sticks

Equipment: colored sticks.

Each player has 4-6 colored sticks. You need to put them in a row next to each other. To facilitate the task, hold on the table horizontal line from which to spread the sticks close to each other.

Option. Put the sticks one after the other (without gaps) in one line.

Let's wrap the candy in a wrapper

Equipment: small cubes, cylinders, balls, paper.

The players are given one small cube, a small cylinder and a ball. You need to wrap them in pieces of paper to make a "candy". The cube can be wrapped on all sides, like toffee. Children can take the initiative: wrap the "sweets" as they want, as they like. You can show several images of candies in wrappers or put real candies on the table.

Strong and dexterous fingers

Equipment: several sheets of colored paper the size of a candy wrapper, notebook sheets.

The teacher makes riddles. Children guess them.

Five brothers: equal for years, different in height. (Fingers.)

Two mothers have five sons, one name for all. (Hand with fingers, hands.)

Four brothers are walking towards the elder. "Hello big boy!" "Hello, Vaska-pointer, Mishka-middle, Grishka-orphan and little Timoshka." (Five fingers.)

The teacher organizes small competitions.

All children start the game at the same time. Each player has several sheets of colored paper the size of a candy wrapper. They need to be crumpled with one, two hands or rolled into a ball.

Then you should smooth the sheets so that they do not bulge: with two hands, fists, palm (first one, then the other), two palms.

finger play

The children are sitting on the bench. The teacher stands so that everyone can see her. It does simple moves fingers and hand: bends one, three fingers, spreads fingers, threatens index finger, claps his hands, connects his fingers, palms.

Children repeat movements that can be complicated.

Note. During the game, you need to tell that each finger has a name, name all the fingers.

picking mushrooms

Equipment: cones, baskets.

The teacher scatters "mushrooms" (cones) on the floor. On a signal, the children begin to collect "mushrooms" in the basket in any way they want and can.

Option. It is allowed to collect “mushrooms” with only one hand: take one cone in your hand and lower it into the basket.

Note. If there are a lot of players, divide them into several small groups so that they do not interfere with each other to collect "mushrooms".

We play with a ball

Equipment: ping pong ball.

Children join hands, form a chain. Then the hands are separated. The first player is holding a ping-pong ball. On a signal, the ball begins to be passed along the chain, shifting it from one hand to the other.

You can play the game in groups (3 - 4 people). If the child dropped the ball, he must pick it up, hold it in both hands, and only then pass it on.

Games for the development of coordination

Simple check

Equipment: narrow path.

On the floor you need to lay a narrow path of any length. The teacher invites the children to walk slowly one after another along it, turn around, and run back under it. Then you need to walk along the path with your hand up, and run back with your hands up. Next, the children put their hands on their belts and walk along the path, run back along it, holding their hands on their belts. Participants should not go beyond the boundaries of the track, but move only along it.

Carefully on the cord

Equipment: cord 4-6 m long.

The teacher puts a cord on the floor. You need to carefully go through it so as not to move. You can make a serpentine cord path that is harder to walk on. Those who are unable to walk along the cord are helped by other participants in the game (take them by the hand).

Cross the corridor

Equipment: 6 chairs.

The teacher puts 6 chairs in two rows with their backs to each other. The distance between them is about 50 cm. You need to go through the resulting corridor without hitting the chairs.

Options. Walk down the corridor of chairs with your arm(s) raised; hands clasped behind back; putting them on your head; putting one hand on his head, lowering the other.

When performing some tasks, the width of the corridor can be increased.

crooked track

Equipment: 4 chairs.

The teacher puts 4 chairs at a short distance from each other. It is necessary to pass (run around) their "snake" in one direction and the other.

Option. 3-5 participants make up a chain - they stand one after another, wrap their arms around their neighbor and go through the "snake" this way. If the chain is broken, the guilty one stands at the end.

Making friends with a small pillow

Equipment: 2 chairs, pillow or rag ball.

The teacher puts 2 chairs at a distance of 3 m from each other, he puts a small soft pillow (rag ball) on the chair. The children are sitting on the bench. One participant comes to a chair, takes a pillow and, putting it on his head, goes to the opposite chair. Approaching him, he can straighten the pillow on his head, stand up and go back. The first player is replaced by the second, who does the same as the first. This continues until all the children have played. If the child drops the pillow, he must pick it up, put it on his head and move on. At first, you can hold the pad with one hand.


Equipment: board.

You need to walk along the board at a normal pace. When you reach the end of the board, turn around and go back.

Option. You need to walk along the board, while the heel of the forward foot touches the toe of the other foot. First, it is better to practice - to walk in this way on the floor.

Note. It will be much more interesting for children if you install the board on logs, raise the board to a height of 10-15 cm. At first, you can support the players by the hand.

From bump to bump

On the floor in a straight line, the teacher draws 4-6 rectangles a little larger than the child's foot. There is a "swamp" around the children, which can be passed by stepping on the "bumps"-rectangles. Participants, walking (jumping) “from bump to bump”, must cross the “swamp” and never stumble. If there are a lot of "bumps", some of them can be made large - for relaxation. You can stand on them with both feet. The distance between the "bumps" is chosen by the teacher.

Option. Arrange the "bumps" in a mess.

Games for the development of the eye

What is closer

Equipment: toys.

At some distance from the children, the teacher puts two toys: one further, the other closer - at a distance of a child's step.

Ask each child which toy is closer to him and which is farther away.

Options. Two toys are at the same distance from the children; three toys: two on the same line, the third is closer or farther from these two; three toys are located on the same line, two of the three toys are side by side, the third is a little to the side. It is necessary to determine how far the third toy is located and how many toys can be placed between it and the rest; It is advisable to use cubes.

Cubes in a row

Equipment: cubes.

There are 3-5 cubes of different sizes on the table. You need to arrange them in a row by size.


1. There are 5-7 cubes of different sizes on the table. You need to arrange them in a row by size.

2. You need to collect a pyramid of cubes.

Stripes in a row

Equipment: strips of cardboard of different lengths.

Several children are playing. It is necessary to lay out cardboard strips of different lengths in piles. Some children choose long stripes, others - short ones, and others - strips of different lengths. Participants lay out the selected strips near themselves.


1. One player performs all three tasks - lays out the strips in three piles (long strips, short strips and strips of different lengths).

2. Pick up the strips by color and size.

Bags - in a hoop

Equipment: hoop, 3 bags of peas (rag balls).

Children stand in a column. In front of them lies a hoop. The players are given three bags of peas (rag balls). Children in order throw them into the hoop.

The teacher chooses the distance to the hoop. As the game repeats, it increases.

Balls - in the basket

Equipment: basket (box or bucket), small balls. Each player has a small ball. At a distance of 1-2 m from the children there is a basket (box, bucket). Participants in order throw the balls into the basket. Options

1. Players have 2-3 balls. You have to put them in the trash.

2. The game is played in teams (2-3 people each). Each participant has a ball. You need to throw the balls into the basket together.

Rings for chair legs

Equipment: 2-3 small rings, stool. Each participant has 2-3 small rings. An overturned chair stands a few paces away. Children take turns throwing rings on the legs of a chair. You need to throw them all on the legs, you can on one.

You should start the game with one ring and a distance of 1-1.5 m.

The ball is in the goal

Equipment: balls (balls), box.

Children take turns rolling balls (balls) into the goal. The distance to them is about 2 m. With the repetition of the game, it increases.

The gate is a box. You can take a whole one from which the ball will not roll out, or you can take a box without a bottom, as it will be more convenient.

Outdoor games

Toy - in a circle

Equipment: toys.

The teacher draws a small circle in which he puts the toy. It must be stable (cube, pyramid). The first participant receives a toy. On a signal, he approaches the circle and replaces her. He returns to his place, passes the taken toy to the next participant. The second player goes and changes toys. This continues until all children have played. Toys must be placed carefully so that they do not fall. The distance from the start to the circle is 2-4 m.

Note. The circle should be small. Children do not enter the circle, but only reach for the toy and replace it with another. It develops attention.

Pyramid and speed

Equipment: pyramid of 5 - 6 rings.

On the table is a pyramid of 5-6 rings. The first player approaches the table and dismantles the pyramid. Next Member collects it. This continues until all children have played.

When the game is repeated, the participants change places: who dismantled the pyramid, now collects it, and vice versa.

Note. If the pyramid is assembled incorrectly, the player made a mistake, he performs the task again.

Ring - on a peg

Equipment: shield with one peg, rings.

The teacher puts a shield with one peg. The first participant approaches and puts a ring on the peg. The second one removes it and passes it to the next player. This continues until all children have played.

Option. A shield with several colored pegs is used. Each child is given a colored ring. Children take turns approaching the shield and put the ring on the peg of the corresponding color. The number of rings can be increased.

Let's move the balls

Equipment: balloons.

There are two on the table inflatable ball. The first player approaches the balls, picks them up and transfers them to another place in the neighborhood. The second takes them and returns them to their place, the next one again transfers the balls from the table. This continues until all children have played.

Potato in a spoon

Equipment: large spoon, potato.

There is a chair a short distance from the children. They stand in a column. At the first playing potato in a large spoon. He holds a spoon with both hands. On a signal, the participant goes to the chair, sits down, then returns and passes the spoon with potatoes to the next player. This continues until all children have played. If a child drops a potato, he must pick it up and continue moving.

Ball over head

Equipment: ball.

Children are built in a column. The first player has the ball in his hands. On a signal, he passes it over his head back to the second player and further along the chain. The last player, having received the ball, says: "I have the ball." If the child drops the ball, he must pick it up and pass it on.

Kangaroo jump

The teacher draws a line. The first player approaches her and makes a jump forward. The teacher notes the length of the jump. Children take turns jumping after each other.

Option. You can make teams of 2-3 children jumping at the same time. Complication: children hold hands.

Triple jumps

Children take turns doing from the place triple jumps pushing off with both feet.

Note. You need to start the game with double jumps.

round dance games

Round dance - Russian folk game, movement in a circle with singing and dancing. It is best to dance round dances to the music - a march, a dance or a song. Games in combination with music, rhythm and movements have a great pedagogical impact. For children, it is always fun and joyful to dance, they all move together, sing and feel the music. Most of the games to the music create freedom and ease of movement, are more friendly, faster, and the children are more attentive.

The movements and actions of children should be related to the content of the music and its expressiveness. Children in games “listen” to music with their hands and feet, and not just with their ears.

Round dances can be led, holding hands, walking in a circle in one direction or the other, stomping, converge in the center of the circle, then disperse - and so on several times. Holding hands, walk in a circle with side steps, stop and clap your hands several times, then also go in the other direction with side steps. Holding hands, form a circle, converging in the center of the circle, raise your hands, diverging - lower them.

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