Where Gorky was born in which city. Biography — Maxim Gorky


The myths of most peoples are myths primarily about gods. myths Ancient Greece- an exception: in the greater and better part of them, it is not about gods, but about heroes. Heroes are sons, grandsons and great-grandchildren of gods from mortal women; they performed feats, cleansed the land of monsters, punished the villains and entertained their strength in internecine wars. When it became hard for the Earth from them, the gods made it so that they themselves killed each other in the greatest war - the Trojan: "... and at the walls of Ilion / the Tribe of heroes died - the will of Zeus was done."

"Ilion", "Troy" - two names of the same mighty city in Asia Minor, near the coast of the Dardanelles. By the first of these names, the great Greek poem about the Trojan War is called the Iliad. Before her, only short oral songs about the exploits of heroes like epics or ballads. A great poem of them was composed by the legendary blind singer Homer, and he composed it very skillfully: he chose only one episode from a long war and unfolded it so that it reflected the entire heroic age. This episode is "the wrath of Achilles", the greatest of the last generation Greek heroes.

The Trojan War lasted ten years. Dozens of Greek kings and leaders gathered on a campaign against Troy on hundreds of ships with thousands of warriors: a list of their names occupies several pages in the poem. The main leader was the strongest of the kings - the ruler of the city of Argos Agamemnon; with him were his brother Menelaus (for whose sake the war began), the mighty Ajax, the ardent Diomedes, the cunning Odysseus, the wise old Nestor and others; but the most courageous, strong and dexterous was the young Achilles, the son of the sea goddess Thetis, who was accompanied by his friend Patroclus. The Trojans were ruled by the gray-haired king Priam, at the head of their army was the valiant son of Priam Hector, with him his brother Paris (because of whom the war began) and many allies from all over Asia. The gods themselves took part in the war: the silver-armed Apollo helped the Trojans, and the heavenly queen Hera and the wise warrior Athena helped the Greeks. The supreme god, the thunderer Zeus, followed the battles from the high Olympus and carried out his will.

The war started like this. The wedding of the hero Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis was celebrated - the last marriage between gods and mortals. (This is the same marriage from which Achilles was born.) At the feast, the goddess of discord threw a golden apple, destined for the "most beautiful." Three people argued over an apple: Hera, Athena and the goddess of love Aphrodite. Zeus ordered the Trojan prince Paris to judge their dispute. Each of the goddesses promised him their gifts: Hera promised to make him king over the whole world, Athena - a hero and sage, Aphrodite - the husband of the most beautiful of women. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite. After that, Hera and Athena became the eternal enemies of Troy. Aphrodite helped Paris seduce and take away to Troy the most beautiful of women - Helen, daughter of Zeus, wife of King Menelaus. Once married to her the best heroes from all over Greece and, in order not to quarrel, they agreed as follows: let her choose who she wants, and if someone tries to recapture her from the chosen one, all the rest will go to war with him. (Everyone hoped that he would be the chosen one.) Then Helen chose Menelaus; now Paris has recaptured her from Menelaus, and all her former suitors have gone to war against him. Only one, the youngest, did not marry Elena, did not participate in the general agreement and went to war only to show off his valor, show strength and gain glory. It was Achilles. So that still none of the gods interfered in the battle. The Trojans continue their onslaught, led by Hector and Sarpedon, the son of Zeus, the last of the sons of Zeus on earth. Achilles coldly watches from his tent how the Greeks flee, how the Trojans approach their very camp: they are about to set fire to the Greek ships. From above, Hera also sees the flight of the Greeks and, in desperation, decides to deceive in order to divert the harsh attention of Zeus. She appears before him in the magical belt of Aphrodite, arousing love, Zeus flares up with passion and unites with her at the top of Ida; a golden cloud envelops them, and the earth around them blooms with saffron and hyacinths. After love comes sleep, and while Zeus sleeps, the Greeks gather their courage and stop the Trojans. But sleep is short; Zeus awakens, Hera trembles before his anger, and he tells her: “Be able to endure: everything will be your way and the Greeks will defeat the Trojans, but not before Achilles pacifies his anger and goes into battle: so I promised the goddess Thetis.”

But Achilles is not yet ready to “lay down his anger”, and instead of him, his friend Patroclus comes out to help the Greeks: it hurts him to look at his comrades in trouble. Achilles gives him his warriors, his armor, which the Trojans used to be afraid of, his chariot harnessed by prophetic horses that can speak and prophesy. “Repel the Trojans from the camp, save the ships,” says Achilles, “but do not get carried away with the pursuit, do not endanger yourself! Oh, let everyone die, both the Greeks and the Trojans, - you and I alone would have taken Troy together! Indeed, seeing the armor of Achilles, the Trojans trembled and turned back; and then Patroclus could not resist and rushed to pursue them. Sarpedon, the son of Zeus, comes out to meet him, and Zeus, looking from a height, hesitates: “Should we not save our son?” - and the unkind Hera recalls:

"No, let fate be done!" Sarpedon collapses like a mountain pine, the battle boils around his body, and Patroclus rushes further, to the gates of Troy. "Away! Apollo shouts to him, “Troy is not destined to take either you or even Achilles.” He does not hear; and then Apollo, wrapped in a cloud, strikes him on the shoulders, Patroclus loses his strength, drops his shield, helmet and spear, Hector strikes him the last blow, and Patroclus, dying, says: “But you yourself will fall from Achilles!”

The news reaches Achilles: Patroclus died, Hector flaunts in his Achilles armor, his friends hardly carried him out of the battle dead body hero, the triumphant Trojans are on their heels. Achilles wants to rush into battle, but he is unarmed; he comes out of the tent and screams, and this scream is so terrible that the Trojans, shuddering, retreat. Night falls, and all night Achilles mourns his friend and threatens the Trojans with terrible revenge; meanwhile, at the request of his mother, Thetis, the lame blacksmith god Hephaestus in his copper forge forges a new marvelous weapon for Achilles. This is a shell, helmet, leggings and a shield, and on the shield is depicted the whole world: sun and stars, earth and sea, a peaceful city and a city at war, in a peaceful city, a court and a wedding, an ambush and a battle in front of a warring city, and around - the countryside, plowing, harvest, pasture, vineyard, village festival and dancing round dance, and in the middle his is a singer with a lyre.

Morning comes, Achilles puts on divine armor and calls the Greek army to a gathering. His anger did not fade away, but now he is not directed at Agamemnon, but at those who killed his friend - at the Trojans and Hector. He offers reconciliation to Agamemnon, and he accepts it with dignity: "Zeus and Fate blinded me, but I myself am innocent." Briseis is returned to Achilles, rich gifts are brought into his tent, but Achilles almost does not look at them: he is eager to fight, he wants to take revenge.

The fourth battle is coming. Zeus removes the bans: let the gods themselves fight for whom they want! The warrior Athena converges in battle with the frantic Ares, the sovereign Hera with the archer Artemis, the sea Poseidon must converge with Apollo, but he stops him with sad words: “Should we fight with you because of the mortal human race? / The sons of men are like short-lived leaves in the oak forest: / Today they bloom in strength, and tomorrow they lie lifeless. / I don’t want to quarrel with you: let them themselves be at enmity! .. "

Achilles is terrible. He grappled with Aeneas, but the gods pulled Aeneas out of his hands: Aeneas is not destined to fall from Achilles, he must survive both Achilles and Troy. Enraged by the failure, Achilles destroys the Trojans without counting, their corpses clutter up the river, the river god Scamander attacks him, sweeping with waves, but the fiery god Hephaestus pacifies the river.

The surviving Trojans run in droves to escape to the city; Hector alone, in yesterday's Achilles armor, covers the retreat. Achilles attacks him, and Hector takes flight, voluntary and involuntary: he is afraid for himself, but wants to distract Achilles from others. Three times they run around the city, and the gods look at them from the heights. Again Zeus hesitates: “Should we not save the hero?” - but Athena reminds him:

"Let fate be done." Again, Zeus lifts the scales, on which two lots lie - this time Hectors and Achilles. The bowl of Achilles flew up, the bowl of Hector leaned towards the underworld. And Zeus gives a sign: Apollo - to leave Hector, Athena - to come to the aid of Achilles. Athena holds Hector, and he comes face to face with Achilles. “I promise, Achilles,” says Hector, “if I kill you, I will take off your armor, but I won’t touch your body; promise me the same and you. “There is no place for promises: for Patroclus, I myself will tear you to pieces and drink your blood!” Achilles screams. Hector's spear strikes the Hephaestus shield, but in vain; Achilles' spear strikes Hector's throat, and the hero falls with the words: "Fear the revenge of the gods: and you will fall after me." "I know, but first - you!" Achilles answers. He ties the body of the slain enemy to his chariot and drives the horses around Troy, mocking the dead, and on the city wall old Priam weeps for Hector, the widow Andromache and all the Trojans and Trojans weep.

Patroclus is avenged. Achilles arranges a magnificent burial for his friend, kills twelve Trojan captives over his body, celebrates a commemoration. It would seem that his anger should subside, but it does not subside. Three times a day, Achilles drives his chariot with the body of Hector tied around Patroclus' mound; the corpse would have long since smashed against the stones, but Apollo was invisibly guarding it. Finally, Zeus intervenes - through the sea Thetis, he announces to Achilles: “Do not rage with your heart! because you don't have long to live. Be human: accept the ransom and give Hector for burial. And Achilles says, "I obey."

At night, the decrepit king Priam comes to the tent of Achilles; with him is a wagon full of ransom gifts. The gods themselves let him pass through the Greek camp unnoticed. He falls to the knees of Achilles: “Remember, Achilles, about your father, about Peleus! He is just as old; maybe he is being pressed by enemies; but it is easier for him, because he knows that you are alive, and he hopes that you will return. But I am alone: ​​of all my sons, only Hector was my hope - and now he is gone. For the sake of your father, take pity on me, Achilles: here I kiss your hand, from which my children fell. “So saying, he aroused sorrow for his father and tears in him - / Both wept loudly, in their souls remembering their own: / The old man, prostrate at the feet of Achilles, - about Hector the brave, / Achilles himself - now about a dear father, then about friend of Patroclus.

Equal grief brings enemies together: only now the long anger in Achilles' heart subsides. He accepts the gifts, gives Priam the body of Hector and promises not to disturb the Trojans until they betray their hero to the ground. Early at dawn, Priam returns with the body of his son to Troy, and mourning begins: the old mother cries over Hector, the widow Andromache cries, Helen cries, because of whom the war once began. A funeral pyre is lit, the remains are collected in an urn, the urn is lowered into the grave, a mound is poured over the grave, a memorial feast is celebrated for the hero. “So the sons buried the warrior Hector of Troy” - this line ends the Iliad.

To end Trojan War there were still a lot of events. The Trojans, having lost Hector, no longer dared to go beyond the city walls. But other, more and more distant peoples came to their aid and fought with Hector: from Asia Minor, from the fabulous land of the Amazons, from distant Ethiopia. The most terrible was the leader of the Ethiopians, the black giant Memnon, also the son of the goddess; he fought with Achilles, and Achilles overthrew him. It was then that Achilles rushed to attack Troy - then he died from the arrow of Paris, which Apollo directed. The Greeks, having lost Achilles, no longer hoped to take Troy by force - they took it by cunning, forcing the Trojans to bring into the city a wooden horse in which the Greek knights were sitting. The Roman poet Virgil will later tell about this in his Aeneid. Troy was wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving Greek heroes set off on their way back.

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Canto One
Ulcer. Anger

Wrath, goddess 1
Goddess - here: Muse.

Sing Achilles 2
Achilles (Achilles) - main character Trojan War, son of the sea goddess Thetis and Peleus, king of the city of Phthia in Thessaly. The greatest of Greek heroes; he performed many feats near Troy, but in the tenth year of the war he was killed by the arrow of Paris, which Apollo sent to the only weak spot on the body of Achilles - to the heel (hence the expression "Achilles' heel").

Peleeva 3
Peleus is the son of Aeacus, the king of the Myrmidons. The daughter of the sea elder Nereus Thetis was given to him as a wife. All the gods were present at their wedding, except for the goddess of discord, Eris. Offended, Eris threw a golden apple on the table during the wedding with the inscription "the most beautiful." Because of this apple, three goddesses argued: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The son of the Trojan king Paris, to whom they turned for a solution, gave preference to Aphrodite, who promised him the love of herself beautiful woman. Fulfilling this promise, the goddess helped Paris kidnap Helen, which started the Trojan War. Achilles (or Pelid, that is, the son of Peleus) was born to Peleus and Thetis.

Terrible, who did thousands of disasters to the Achaeans:
Many mighty souls of glorious heroes cast down
In gloomy Hades 4
Hades - son of Kron and Rhea, brother of Zeus, god underworld the dead. His name means "invisible" and is a replacement for another name that inspired religious horror in people. The kingdom of Hades or often just Hades (hell) - afterworld, realm of the dead.

And spread them themselves for the benefit of carnivores

To the surrounding birds and dogs (Zevsova was performed 5
Zeus (Zeus, Diy) is the son of Kron and Rhea, who overthrew his father and seized power over the world. Zeus is the king of gods and people, the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, the supreme guardian of justice, the patron of those who pray and wanderers. In Troy, Zeus of Idea is especially revered, residing on Mount Ida and from there ruling the world, “possessing from Ida,” as he is often called in the Iliad.
will) -
From that day on, as those who raised a dispute, flared up with enmity
Atrid Shepherd of the Nations 6
Atrid - son of Atreus, Agamemnon.
and the noble hero Achilles.

Who is from the gods immortal feat them to a hostile dispute?
Son of the Thunderer and Lethe 7
Latona (Leto, Lethe) is the goddess who gave birth to Apollo and Artemis from Zeus.

– Phoebus 8
Phoebus is the cult name of Apollo.

King angry,

He brought an evil ulcer on the army; peoples perished
To the execution that Atrids dishonored the priest of the immaculate Chris 9
Chrissa is a mythical island dedicated to Apollo.
The old man, he came to the ships of the fleet Achaean
To redeem the captive daughter and, having brought countless ransom
Apollo is a god sunlight, symbolized by the golden arrows of this god, whose indispensable attribute was a bow. Apollo is also the patron of music and poetry, the leader of the choir of the Muses and himself a skilled musician (kifared); he is also a god-soothsayer and god-healer. Son of Zeus and Leto (Latona), twin brother of Artemis.
Red crown 11
on a golden rod, Apollo's red crown ... - Wand - belonging of the priest; crown - a bandage made of woolen ribbon, worn on the head of the statue of Apollo. Chris took it as a token of supplication.
, he implored convincingly all the Achaeans,
More so than the mighty Atrids, the builders of the Achaean army:
“Children of Atreus and pompous men of the Achaeans!
ABOUT! may the gods who have homes in Olympus help you 12
Olympus is a mythical mountain, the seat of the immortal gods. Olympus was identified with high mountain in Thessaly.
City of Priam 13
Priam is the king of Troy, a deep old man, the father of fifty sons and fifty daughters; among them are Paris, Hector, Deiphobes, Cassandra.
destroy and happily return to the house;
You free my dear daughter and accept the ransom,
Honoring the son of Zeus, who strikes Phoebus far away.
Everyone agreed with a shout of universal 14
... expressed their consent with a universal cry ... - In the popular assembly of the Homeric era, voting was not yet known and they expressed their agreement or disagreement with shouts.

Only King Agamemnon 15
Agamemnon - king of Mycenae and Argos, son of Atreus, brother of the Spartan king Menelaus. Under Troy, Agamemnon was the supreme leader of the allied Achaean army; on the day of his return from Troy, he was killed by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus.
it was not to my heart's liking;
Proudly sent the priest away and rebuked him with a formidable word:
“Elder, so that I never see you before the courts!
Here and now you do not hesitate and do not dare to show yourself again!
Or neither the scepter nor the crown of Apollo will deliver you.
I will not give the virgin freedom; she decays in captivity,
In Argos 16
Argos - in the time of Homer - Argolis, an area in the Peloponnese, in which the city of Argos later rose; sometimes the word "Argos" denotes the whole Peloponnese.
, in our house, from you, far from the homeland -
Bypassing the weaving mill or sharing a bed with me.
Get away and don’t anger me, but you’ll return healthy!”

Rivers he; and the old man trembles, and, obeying the word of the king,
He walks, silently, along the shore of the silent-noise abyss.

There, moving away from the courts, the old man prayed sadly
Phoebus to the king, Lepo-haired Years to the mighty son:
“God of the silver-armed, listen to me: O you, who keep, bypass
Chris, sacred Killa 17
Killa is an island or city unknown to us near Troy.
and reign mightily in Tenedos 18
Tenedos - a small island off the coast of Troy; the Achaeans hid on it when they deceitfully sailed from Troy, leaving an ambush in a wooden horse.
Sminfey 19
Sminfey is the cult nickname of Apollo, meaning "the exterminator of field mice."
! if when I decorated your sacred temple,
If when before you I kindled fat thighs
Goats and calves - hear and fulfill one desire for me:
My tears avenge the Argives 20
Argives, Argives are the inhabitants of Argos. The same word Homer calls all the Greeks, as opposed to the non-Greeks.
with your arrows!" 21
... take vengeance on the Argives with your arrows. - The Greeks explained sudden death by the fact that the god Apollo or his sister Artemis kill people with their arrows. (Apollo - men, Artemis - women.)

So he cried, praying; And Apollo the silver-armed listened:
Quickly rushed from Olympus peaks, bursting with anger,

Carrying a bow behind his shoulders and a quiver, closed from everywhere;
Loudly winged arrows, beating behind the shoulders, sounded
In the procession of the wrathful god: he walked, like the night.
Sitting at last before the courts, a feathered fast mosque;
A striking sound was emitted by the silver bow of the archer.
At the very beginning in Meskov 22
Mesk - mule or hinny, a cross between a horse and a donkey.
he also attacked idle-walking dogs;
After comprehended the people, with deadly pimple arrows;
Frequent corpse fires 23
Frequent bonfires of corpses ... - In the Homeric era, the burning of corpses was the main form of burial.
ceaselessly blazed all over the camp.

For nine days the arrows of God flew against the army;
On the tenth day, Pelid called the Achaeans to a meeting.

The sovereign goddess Hera put it into his thoughts 24
Hera is the daughter of Cronos and Rhea, the sister and wife of Zeus, the queen of the gods and the patron goddess of marriages.
She was tormented by grief, seeing the dying Achaeans.
The people quickly converged, and when they gathered together,
The first, having risen in the host, said swift-footed Achilles:
“It must be, Atrid, we, as I see it, having swum the sea back,
To return to our homes, when only we are saved from death.
Suddenly, both the war and the deadly pestilence exterminate the Achaeans.
But let's test, Atrid, and ask the priest, or the prophet,
Or a dream teller (and there are dreams from Zeus):
Let us be told what annoyed Apollo the celestial?
Is he angry for an unfulfilled vow, for a sacrifice of a hundred calves? 25
Hundred-headed victim - that is, a sacrifice of a hundred calves (bulls) - a literal translation Greek word"hecatomb". The meaning of the verse is: God is angry for a sacrifice that was promised but not made.

Or from lambs and chosen goats of fragrant fat 26
Blessed here. - The fat (fat) of the sacrificial animal, along with some parts of the carcass, was burned in honor of the god on the altar.

Does God require that the Achaeans be delivered from a pernicious ulcer?

Saying thus, Achilles sat down; and instantly from the host
Calchas 27
Calchas is the predictor of the Achaeans near Troy.

Thestorides rebelled 28
Thestorides - Calchas, son of Thestor.
, the supreme bird-reader.
Wise, he knew everything that had passed, what is and what will be,
And the Achaeans brought ships across the seas to Ilion
The gift of foresight, inspired from above by Phoebus.
He, full of prudence, spoke and prophesied to them:
"King Achilles! You commanded to proclaim, favorite of Zeus,
The righteous wrath of Apollo, the far-striking god?
I will proclaim; but you also agree, swear to me that is true
You yourself protect me and are ready with words and hands.
I fear I will anger my husband, who is supreme
The king of the Argives and to whom all the Achaeans are obedient.
The king is too powerful, he is angry with his husband:
At first, though he humiliates his anger that flared up,
But hidden malice, until it is fulfilled,
Keeps in the heart. Judge and answer, are you my intercessor?

Quickly answering him, the noble Achilles spoke:

“Believe and dare, build us an oracle, whatever it may be!
I swear by Phoebus, the favorite of Zeus, to whom, Calchas,
You pray, opening God's broadcasts to the Danae:
No, no one before the courts, as long as I live and see
Daring hands on you, I swear, no one will raise
In the camp of the Achaeans; at least you named Atris himself,
The power of the now supreme proud in the Achaean army.

Rivers he; and he dared his heart, and the immaculate prophet spoke to them:
“No, not for a due vow, not for the sacrifice of a hundred
Phoebus, but for Chris the priest: Agamemnon dishonored him,

He did not give his daughter to him and rejected the prayer and the ransom.
Phoebus punished him and will punish him with misfortunes,
And from the pernicious ulcer, the smiting hand will not hold
Before, until they let him go to his father, without payment, free
His black-eyed daughters will not present a saint in Chris
Hundreds of victims; then only we are God's mercy

Having finished the word, Thestorides sat down; and rose up from the host
Powerful hero, spacious and powerful king Agamemnon,
We excite with anger; terrible in the chest of his gloomy heart
Anger filled; his eyes lit up like fire.

Calchas the first, looking fiercely, Agamemnon spoke:
“Trouble forerunner, pleasant you never said to me!
Joyfully, it’s true, you only prophesy troubles for people;
You have not yet uttered a kind word to us, nor fulfilled it.
Behold, and now you preach God to us like a verb,
As if long-range Phoebus arranges misfortune for the people,
Avenging that brilliant gifts for the freedom to accept the Chryseids
I did not want; but in my heart I wanted a black-eyed maiden
Enter into my house; would have preferred her to Clytemnestra herself 29
Clytemnestra is the daughter of Leda and Tyndareus, the wife of Agamemnon (see Agamemnon and Orestes).
Virgin taken as a wife; her Chryseis is no worse
The charm of the view, its pleasantness, and mind, and deeds!
But I agree, I return it, if the benefit requires:
I would rather see salvation than the destruction of the people.
You will replace my reward this day, but in the Argive camp
I will not be left alone without a reward: it would be shameful;
You see everything - the reward is leaving me.

The first to answer him was Pelion, swift-footed Achilles:
“Atrid, proud of glory, infinitely greedy!
Where can you find a reward for the good-natured Achaeans?
We have no common treasures preserved anywhere:

What we got in the devastated cities, we divided everything;
Again, what was given to take away from the people is shameful!
Better return yours, to please God. But after
We, the Argives, will pay you three times and four times,
If Zeus grants fortified Troy 30
Troy is a city in Asia Minor near the river Scamander. Paris took Helen to Troy; for this reason the city was attacked allied troops Achaeans and after a ten-year siege was taken with the help of a trick with a wooden horse and destroyed.
Quickly, turning to him, the mighty Agamemnon spoke:
“No matter how valiant you are, Achilles, like immortals,
Do not be clever: you can neither lead me nor persuade me, but you will have time.
Do you want yourself to have a reward, and I, deprived,
Silently sat? and you advise me that I betray the maiden? ..
Let the Achaeans please me with a new bribe,
So much pleasant to the heart, dignity equal to the first.
If they refuse, I myself will appear and uproot from the bush
Or yours, or Ajax's bribe, or Odysseus' bribe;
I myself will uproot, and woe to him before whom I stand!
But we can talk about this later.
Now we will lower the black ship on the sacred sea,
We will elect strong rowers, we will put a hecatomb on the ship
And let us bring Chryseis, the ruddy-faced maiden.
In it, let a man from the Soviet Achaeans sit as a leader,
Idomepaeus, Odysseus Laertides, or Ajax Telamonides 31
Telamon is the king of the island of Salamis, the son of Aeacus and the brother of Peleus, the father of Ajax and Teucer.
Or you yourself, Pelion, the most terrible of men in the militia!
Walk and propitiate Apollo to us with a sacred sacrifice!

Glancing menacingly at him, swift-footed Achilles answered:
“The king, clothed with shamelessness, insidious soul, greedy!

Which of the Achaeans will want to listen to your commands?
Who will either make a campaign, or fight bravely with the hostile?
Did I come for myself, so that the Trojans, horse tamers, 32
Horse tamers. - This expression means "strong, mighty."

fight here? Before me, the Trojans are not guilty of anything:
Their husband never stole my horses or calves;
In happy Phthia 33
Phthia - main city Myrmidonians, the capital of the kingdom of Peleus and Achilles.
mine, populous, abundant in fruits,
Neve never trampled; boundless divide us
Mountains covered with forests and noisy sea waves.
No, we came for you, we amuse you, on Trojans
Honor seeking Menelaus 34
Menelaus is the son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen (see Helen).
, to you, dog-like man 35
canine - means "shameless"; the dog was considered a symbol of shamelessness.
But you, shameless, consider this nothing and despise everything,
You threaten me that you will steal my reward,
Feats of burdensome retribution, the most precious gift of the Achaeans to me? ..
But with you I never have an equal reward,
If the Trojan blooming Achaeans destroy the city 36
If the Trojan ... the Achaeans destroy the city. - In the early years of the Trojan War, the Achaean army defeated and plundered all the nearby cities allied with Troy.
No, despite the fact that the heaviest burden of languid warfare
My hands are raised, always, as the section comes,
The richest gift to you, and I with a small, pleasant
I return to the camp without grumbling when I am exhausted by the fighting.
Now I am going to Phthia: for me it is incomparably more pleasant
To return to the house on fast ships; shamed by you
I do not intend to multiply booty and treasure here for you.”

The master of men Agamemnon quickly exclaimed to him:
“Well, run if you want to run! I don't ask you
For me to stay; others will remain here;

They will honor me, and especially Zeus the Providence.
You are the most hated to me among the kings, the pets of Zeus!
Only you are pleasant hostility, and discord, and battles.
You are famous for your courage; but she is a gift from God.
Returning to the house, run with the ships and with your squad;
Rule your Thessalians! I don't care about you;
I impute your anger to nothing; but on the contrary, I threaten you like this:
The god Apollo demands that I return Chryseis;
I will return - both in my ship and with my squad
I will send a virgin; but I will come to you, and from your booth Briseis
I myself will carry away your reward, so that you clearly understand
How much power I am above you, and so that everyone is afraid
Consider yourself equal to me and boldly make up with me!”

He rivers, - and it became bitter for Pelid: a mighty heart
In the feathers of the hero, hairy between the two, thoughts were agitated:

Or, immediately pulling out the sharp sword from the vagina,
Scatter those who meet him and kill the lord Atrid;
Or to humble ferocity, curbing a distressed soul.
In a moment, as with such thoughts, the mind and soul are exciting,
He drew his terrible sword from its scabbard, - Athena appeared,
Having flown down from the sky; her golden-throned Hera sent down,
With heart loving and keeping both battle-bearers; Athena,
Standing behind the ridge, she grabbed Pelid by the blond curls,
Only it is only revealed to him, invisible to the rest in the host.
He was horrified and, turning back, he knew without a doubt
Daughter of the Thunderer: her eyes burned with a terrible fire.
Facing her, he directed winged speeches:
“What are you, O daughter of Egioch 37
Aegioch is an epithet of Zeus, meaning "bearer of the aegis".
, descended here from Olympus?
Or did you want to see King Agamemnon rampage?
But I river to you, and what was said will soon come true:
Soon this mortal will destroy his soul with his pride!”

The bright-eyed daughter of Egioch spoke to the son of Peleus:
“I will tame your stormy anger when you are subdued by the immortal,
descended from the sky; the golden-throned Hera sent me down;
Both of you equally and she loves and saves.

Put an end to strife, Pelion, and contenting the angry heart,
With evil words, sting, but do not touch the sword with your hand.
I predict, and it will soon be fulfilled:
Soon you will be thrice famous with so many gifts
Here they will pay for the insult: humble yourself and obey us.”
He turned to her again, said swift-footed Achilles:
“You must, O daughter of Zeus, keep your orders.
No matter how fiery my anger, but humility will be more useful:
Whoever is subdued by the immortals, the immortals listen to him.”

Rivers, and on a silver handle squeezed a mighty hand

And lowered his huge sword into the scabbard, submitting
The word of Pallas; Zeus' daughter ascended to Olympus,
To the house of Egioch father, celestials to the bright host.
But Pelid is swift with harsh words again
He spoke to the son of Atreus and did not curb his anger at all:
“Heavy with wine, with dog eyes, with the heart of a deer 38
With the heart of a deer. - Deer - a deer, considered by the Greeks as the embodiment of cowardice.
You never openly stand in front of the army in battle,
Nor go to an ambush with the bravest rati men
I did not dare with your heart: for you it seems like death.
Better and easier a hundred times over the wide camp of the Achaeans
Rob gifts from someone who dares to contradict you.
The king is the devourer of the people! Zane over the contemptible king you are, -
Or, Atrid, you would inflict an insult, the last in your life!
But I tell you and I swear with a great oath,
By this scepter I swear 39
By this scepter I swear... - Speaking, Achilles holds a scepter in his hands, which, as a sign of power, was handed over in the national assembly to everyone who took the floor.
which neither leaves nor branches
Will not emit again, once leaving its root on the hills,
It will not vegetate again, - on it the sophisticated copper exposed
Leaves and bark - and now which Achaean men
Carry in the hands of the judge, the statutes of Zeves guards, -
This scepter to you before the Achaeans will be a great oath:
The time will come when the sons of the Danae will desire Pelid
Everything to the last; well, and crashing, you will be powerless
Help file like crowds of them from Hector 40
Hector is the son of Priam and Hecuba, the main defender of Troy.
Down to dust; and you are tormented by your soul, mad
On himself, that he so dishonored the bravest Achaean.
So he uttered, and he swiftly threw the scepter to the ground,
Around with golden nails shining, and sat down among the kings.
Against Atrids, Agamemnon raged while sitting; and Nestor 41
Nestor is the oldest among the Achaean leaders who took part in the campaign near Troy, the son of Neleus, the king of Pylos. He was distinguished by wisdom and eloquence.

The sweet-tongued rebelled, the loud-voiced Vitius of Pylos:
Speeches from his prophetic lips, the sweetest honey, poured out.
Two generations of people already contemporary to him
Fled, who once grew up with him and lived
In Pylos 42
Pylos - 1) the capital of the possessions of Nestor, a seaside city in the southwest of the Peloponnese; 2) a city in Elis, south of Alpheus.
magnificent; an old man reigned over the third tribe.
He, full of prudence, advises them and broadcasts:
“Gods! great sorrow comes to the Achaean land!
ABOUT! Priam and Priam's proud children will rejoice,
All the inhabitants of Troy will delight immensely in spirit,
If they hear that you are raising a bitter strife, -
You, among the Danes, are the first in hosts and the first in battles!
But submit, mighty ones! both of me you are younger
I have already seen your most famous battle-bearers in ancient times;
I entered into conversations with them, and they did not disdain me.
No, I have not seen such men and I will not see 43
such husbands ... I will not even see. – According to Homeric idea, each new generation of heroes is weaker than the previous one.
Voev, what is Pirithous 44
Pirithous is the king of the mythical Thessalian people of the Lapiths, a friend and colleague of Theseus. At his wedding, drunken centaurs attacked the Lapith women, because of which the massacre of the centaurs with the Lapiths began, in which Nestor also took part. Together with Theseus, Pirithous descended into the kingdom of Hades to kidnap Persephone; but both heroes adhered to the wonderful seats on which Hades seated them. Theseus was freed by Hercules, who came to the kingdom of the dead for Cerberus, and Pirithous remained in Hades.
and Dryas 45
Dryas is one of the Lapiths and also the father of Lycurgus.
, leader of the nations,
Terrible Exadius 46
Exadius is one of the Lapiths.
, Keney 47
Kenei is one of the Lapith warriors.
, Polyphemus 48
Polyphemus - 1) a warrior from the army of the Lapiths; 2) cyclops.
equal to celestials
And born of Aegeus 49
Aegeus is the king of Athens, considered the father of Theseus. When Theseus was returning from Crete after defeating the Minotaur (see Ariadne), he forgot to fulfill the condition concluded with his father before sailing, and did not raise white sails on the ship as a sign of a successful outcome. Aegeus saw the black sails of the ship from afar and, deciding that his son was dead, threw himself into the sea, which was named the Aegean in his honor.
Theseus 50
Theseus is an Attic hero who accomplished many feats, purifying, like Hercules, native land from monsters and robbers. Theseus was considered the son of Poseidon and Ephra, the wife of the Athenian king Aegeus, and was himself king in Athens. About him - see also Ariadne and Pirithous.
, immortal like!
Behold, mighty men, glory to the sons of the earth!
They were mighty, they entered into battles with the mighty,
With fierce children of mountains 51
Fierce children of the mountains- centaurs, half-humans, half-horses. At the wedding at Pirithous, drunken centaurs began to attack women; because of this, the battle with the centaurs began.
and fought them with a terrible fight.
I was, however, and with them in friendship, leaving Pylos,
Far Apia 52
Apia - ancient name Peloponnese.
land: they called me themselves.
There I labored according to my strength; but fight them
Who would dare from the people living now on the ground?
But they, too, took my advice and listened to my speeches.
Be obedient too: it is useful to listen to advice.
You, Agamemnon, no matter how powerful, do not deprive Achilles
Virgins: the Achaeans gave it to him as a reward.
You, Achilles, refrain from proudly bickering with the king:
Until now, not a single one has acquired such an honor
The scepter-bearer king, whom Zeus exalted with glory.
You are famous for courage, the mother goddess gave birth to you 53
mother- the mother of Achilles, the sea goddess Thetis, the daughter of the "sea elder" Nereus (see verse 358).
But he is the strongest here, the ruler of innumerable peoples.
Humble your heart, Agamemnon: I, an old man, I beg you,
Set aside your anger on Pelid the hero, who is the strongest
To all of us, the Achaeans, a stronghold in the destruction of the Trojan battle.
The master of men, Agamemnon, quickly answered him:
“So everything is fair and reasonable, O old man, you speak;
But this man, you see, wants to excel everyone here,
He wants to rule over everyone, to dominate in the rati over everyone,
Wants to point out to everyone; but I do not intend to submit.
Or that the immortal gods made him brave,
Do they allow him to speak insults to my face?”

Angrily interrupting him, the noble Achilles answered:
“Everyone would rightly call me timid, insignificant,
If in everything you say, I would please you, the silent one.

Demand it from others, pompous with authority; me
You do not order: I do not intend to listen to you Bole!
I will say another word, and keep it in your heart:
In the battle with weapons in the hands of never for a captive maiden
I will not enter, neither with you nor with anyone; take what you've been given!
As for the selfishness of others, stored in my black ship,
Against my will, you will not steal anything from them!
Or, come and taste, let others see:
Black blood will flow from you around my spear!”

So the governors fiercely fighting with each other with words,

They got up from their places and destroyed the host 54
Destroyed the host- disbanded the meeting.
before the courts of the Achaeans.
King Achilles to his fleet ships of Myrmidon
The wrathful one departed, and with him Menetides 55
Menetius is one of the Argonauts, the father of Patroclus, who is often referred to in the Iliad as Menetiades, Menetides, after his father's name.
with the Myrmidon team.
King Agamemnon lowered a light ship into the abyss,
He chose twenty rowers, put a hecatomb on it,
A gift to Apollo, and Chryseis himself, a beautiful maiden,
Taken to the ship: Odysseus became the master;
They quickly, rushing, flew along the wet paths.
At that time Atrids commanded the Achaeans to purify themselves:
They were all cleansed and threw impure things into the sea.
After choosing the perfect Phoebe for the king of the hecatombs,
Goats and calves were burned by the shore of the barren sea;
Tukov stench rose to heaven with swirling smoke.

Thus the Argives toiled in the camp; but king Agamemnon
Malice has not yet humbled and threats have not forgotten Achilles:

He, calling before the face of Talphibius 56
Talphibius - the messenger of Agamemnon, later - the tutor of his son Orestes.
and with him Eurybates 57
Eurybat (Evrybat) - the herald of Odysseus, who accompanied him on a campaign near Troy.
Faithful slanderers and messengers, so he commanded, angry:
“Come, faithful messengers, into the shadow of Achilles Pelid;
Taking by the hands, immediately imagine Briseis before me:
If he does not give back, return - I myself will uproot:
I will come to him with strength, and it will be more sorrowful for the obedient.”

So he spoke and sent, commanding a terrible word.
The men walked reluctantly along the bank of the noisy abyss;
And approaching the tabernacles and swift courts of the myrmidons,
There they find him, sitting in front of their tabernacle

in the thought; Seeing those who came, Pelid did not find joy.
They were both embarrassed and in respectful fear of the lord
They began, neither to tell, nor to question him without daring.
With his heart, the noble Pelid penetrated and spoke to them:
“Hello, men heralds, messengers of God 58
Heralds, Messengers of God. - The herald and the messenger were under the special protection of the gods and were inviolable.
and mortals!
Come closer; you are not guilty of anything, but King Agamemnon!
He sent you for my reward, for the young Briseis.
Friend, noble Patroclus 59
Patroclus - closest friend Achilles, who followed him near Troy and fell at the hands of Hector.
bring and give Briseis;
Let them kidnap; but they themselves will be witnesses
And before the assembly of the gods, and before the tribe of all men,
And before this furious king - if there is no time again
The need will come in me to save me from the most shameful death
The rest of the army ... rages, it’s true, he, having destroyed the mind;
He does not know how to reduce the present with the future, he does not see,
How to ensure the salvation of the Achaean army in the courts!”
Rivers, and Menetiev's son submitted to his dear friend.
By the hand he led out of the canopy a beautifully-cheeked maiden,
I gave it to the ambassadors; and they retire to the canopy of the Achaeans;
A sad maiden departs with them. Then, tearing up
Threw friends Achilles, and far from everyone, lonely,
He sat down by the gray abyss, and, looking at the dark-water show,
He stretched out his hands in tears, imploring the kind mother:
“Mother! When you gave birth to me short-lived,
Glory should not have been awarded to me by a high-pitched
Zeus Aegioch? But he gave me no honor!
The proud king, Agamemnon, dishonored me:
He stole the reward of the feats of war and rules over it!”

So he cried out in tears; and his mother heard his cry,
Sea sitting in the abyss, in the monastery of the elder Nereus 60
Nereus is the “sea old man”, the son of Pontus-sea and Gaia-land.

Quickly out of the foamy sea, like a light cloud, came out,
She sat down near her dear son, who was shedding bitter tears;
Gently caressed her hand, called and said so:
“What are you crying about, my son? What sadness visited
Your heart? do not hide, tell, yes, we both know.

To her, groaning heavily, swift-footed Achilles answered:

“You know, O mother, what is it that you, who know everything, should proclaim to me?
We are on sacred Thebes 61
Thebes - a city in Troas, at the foot of Mount Plaka, the birthplace of Andromache; was destroyed by Achilles.
, to the city of Eion 62
Thebes, city of Eion. “I mean not the Egyptian Thebes and not Thebes in Boeotia, but a city in Asia Minor.
The city was destroyed, and everything that was taken was presented to the camp;
All among themselves, as it should, the Achaean sons divided:
The son of Atreev Khrisov was given a lepto-shaped daughter.
Soon Chris, the aged priest of King Apollo,
He appeared to the black ships of the copper-armored Argives, wishing
Redeem the captive daughter; and bringing countless ransom
And holding in his hands, on a golden rod, Apollo
Red crown, he implored convincingly all the Achaeans,
More so than the mighty Atrids, the builders of the Achaean army.
All agreed with the universal cry of the Achaeans
Honor the priest to render and accept a brilliant ransom;
But Atris the king, alone, did not like it:
He proudly rejected the priest, prophesying harsh speeches.
The priest was upset and walked back; but he is silver-eyed
He soon listened to the one who prayed, the old man was kind to Apollo:
He heeded and sent an arrow of destruction to the Danae; peoples
Ghibli, crowd upon crowd, and immortal arrows flew
From edge to edge along a wide camp. Then the soothsayer
Calchas the wise, told the sacred Phoebe verbs.
The first one I advised was to tame the irritated god.
Agamemnon flared up with anger and, from a place, ferocious, perked up,
He began to threaten with words, and his threats came true!
In the Chrism of the priest, the daughter of the quick-eyed children of the Achaeans
In the light they carry the ship and the gifts of reconciliation to God.
But recently ambassadors came to me from the bush
Brisov's daughter was taken away, the most precious gift to me Achaeans!
Mother! when you are strong, intercede for the brave son!
Now ascend Olympus and pray to the almighty Zeus,
If you pleased his heart with word or deed.
Often in my parent's house, in the days of my youth, I heard
You often boasted that from Zeus, the cloud thickener,
You alone of the immortals averted despicable machinations,
On the day when the Olympian gods dared to fetter their father,
Hera and King Poseidaon and Pallas Athena with them 63
Athena Pallas is the daughter of Zeus, born from his head. Warrior goddess, eternally virgin goddess of wisdom, patroness of weaving. Her permanent epithet- “light-eyed”, more precisely, “owl-eyed” - indicates that in the deepest antiquity the goddess was represented in the form of an owl, which later became her sacred animal.
You, O goddess, appeared, destroyed the coves on Zeus;
You called on the hundred-armed Olympus to help,
Whose name in the gods is Briares 64
Briareus is a hundred-armed giant of great strength, the son of Gaia-earth and Uranus-sky.
, Egeon - in humans:
Terrible titan, and exceeding his father's strength,
He sat down near Kronid, and huge, and proud of glory.
His gods were horrified and all retreated from Zeus.
Remind Zeus and pray, hugging your knees,
Let him, father, desire to fight for the Pergamans in battles 65
pergamons- Trojans.
But the Argives, pressing down to the very ships and to the sea,
Smite with death, so that the Argives will enjoy their king;
This king himself, many-powerful, arrogant Atrid, may he know
How criminal he is, the bravest Achaean is so dishonored.

Thetis said to her son in response 66
Thetis is the daughter of the sea elder Nereus (Nereid), the wife of Peleus, the mother of Achilles. At her wedding, there was a dispute between the three goddesses because of the “apple of discord”.

shedding tears:
"My son! Why did I raise you, born to disaster!
Grant, Zeus, that you before the courts without tears and sorrows
Could stay. Your age is short, and its limit is near!
Now you are together - and all the shortest, and all the ill-fated!
In an evil time, O my son, I gave birth to you in the house!
But I will ascend to the snowy Olympus; lightning bolter
I will tell everything to Zeus: perhaps he will hear a prayer.
Now you remain at the swift judgments of the Myrmidons,
Feed your wrath against the Achaeans and completely refrain from fighting.
Zeus the Thunderer yesterday to the distant waters of the Ocean 67
The ocean is a river, forever running in a circle and flowing around the earth's disk. Beyond the Ocean lies the underworld.

With a host of immortals at a feast to the Ethiopians, he went undefiled;
But on the twelfth day he will return again to Olympus;
And then I will go to the copper-built Zeus house,
And I will fall at my feet, and I hope to beg the king.

Word died and disappeared, leaving a sad son,
In the heart of those who bore sorrow for the red-girded maiden,

By the power of Atrid taken away. Meanwhile, Odysseus the wise
The merry Chrissy reached the holy Phoebe with the hecatomb.
Noisily, the light ship ran into the deep-bottomed pier,
All the sails were lowered, laid down on a black ship,
The mast was pulled to the nest, hastily lowered on the ropes,
And the ship was driven to the shelter at the oars.
There they throw kotva, moorings to the shelter knit,
And with the retinue they themselves go to the shore of the abyss,
And bring down the calves, the hecatomb to King Apollo,
And after Chryseis descends to his native land.
Then the noble Odysseus led the virgin to the altar,
He gave the elder into his arms and greeted the wise with a word:
“Phoebe servant! Atrid Agamemnon sends me
Return your daughter to you, and Phoebe to the king of the hecatomb
Here for the Danae to bring, let us bow to the mercy of the lord,
In anger at the tribe of the Danae who sent grave disasters.

Rivers, and handed Chryseis, and the old man embraced with joy
Dear daughter. Meanwhile, the hecatomb glorious sacrifice
Around the magnificent altar, the Achaeans stand harmoniously,
They wash their hands with water and raise salt and barley.

Chris prayed loudly, raising his hands in grief:
“Phoebus silver-eyed, listen to me! oh you who keeps bypassing
Chris, sacred Killa, and reign mightily in Tenedos!
You favorably before, when I prayed, heard
And he glorified me, striking the troubles of the Achaeans;
Likewise, now hear and fulfill the prayer of the elder:
Now turn away the deadly pestilence from the peoples of the Achaeans.

So he called out, and the silver-armed Apollo heard him.
Having finished the prayer, they showered the victims with barley and salt. 68
Having finished the prayer, they showered the victims with barley and salt.. - Homer describes the order of the sacrifice: barley flour and salt were sprinkled on the heads of the victims.

You lifted them up, stabbed them, refreshed the bodies,
The thighs were immediately cut off, covered with circumcised fat
Two around and on them put the remains of raw.
The priest burned them on wood, sprinkling them with crimson wine;
The young men around him were holding five-prongs in their hands.
They burned their thighs and tasted the wombs of those who were slain,
Everything else is crushed into pieces, pierced with goads,
They fry them carefully and, having prepared everything, remove them.
Having finished this care, the Achaeans established a feast 69
Feast established. - According to the Greeks, sacrifice is a joint meal of God and those who sacrifice.
Everyone feasted, no one needed a common feast;
And when they quenched hunger with drink and food,
Young men, having filled cups with wine to the top,
Everyone was surrounded by cups, starting from the right country.
The whole day the Achaeans pleased the god with the singing;
The Achaean youths sang a loud paean to Apollo,
Glorifying him, the archer, and he rejoiced, listening.
The sun barely set, and dusk descended on the earth,
The swimmers at the berth of a seagoing vessel indulged in sleep.
But, as soon as the pink-fingered Dawn appeared, the messenger of the morning,
The Achaeans set out on their way back to the broad camp.
From the place, the wind that was favorable to them was sent by the silver-armed Apollo.
The mast was set, the white sails were all dismissed;
The middle wind immediately blew, and, to the sailing ship,
Purple waves rustled terribly around its keel;
It quickly flew along the waves, leaving the reins.
After, as soon as they reached the Achaean military camp,
The black ship they took to the sloping land
And, high, on the sand, rolling up huge logs 70
And, high, on the sand, rolling up huge logs. - This was done so that the bottom of the vessel did not rot.
Themselves were suddenly dispersed in their ships and bushes.

Meanwhile, he was at enmity, remaining black at the courts,
Zeus's pet, Pelid Achilles, a swift-footed grinder.

He was no longer in the councils, adorning men with glory,
Was not in formidable battles; crushing the heart with sorrow,
The idle sat; but in his soul he was hungry for both war and battle.

Since that time, at last twelve days have been completed
And the eternal gods returned to the bright Olympus

Everything is cumulative; preceded by Zeus. Don't forget Thetis
Son of prayers; arose early from the foamy sea,
With an early fog, she ascended to the great sky, to Olympus;
There, one seated, lightning-thrower Zeus
He sees on the very top of the many-topped mountain, Olympus;
He sits close before him and, quickly embracing his knees 71
hugging your knees quickly. - Touching the knees and the chin is a gesture expressing a prayer.

With the left hand, and quietly touching the right underarm,
So he says, imploring his father and the lord of the immortals:
“If when I, our father, please you from the immortals
Was it a word or a deed, fulfill one prayer for me!
Revenge my son, O Zeus! he is shorter than all the Danae;
But Agamemnon, the ruler of men, dishonored him:
He himself stole the award from him, and rules over it.
But take revenge on him, you, heavenly providence, Kronion 72
Kronion - "son of Kron", that is, Zeus.
Grant overcoming to the Trojan warriors, until the Achaeans
They will not stand before their son to honor him, and they will not exalt his honor.”

That's what she said; but, without answering her, the cloud-breaker
For a long time he sat silent; and she, as she hugged her knees,
So she held them, crouching, and again begged him:
“Give an immutable vow, and make a sacred mania,

Or reject: you do not know fear; rivers, I'm sure
Do I remain the most contemptible among the immortal goddesses?

To her, breathing deeply, the cloud-breaker answered:
“A sad thing, you excite hatred for me
Hera haughty: embitter me with insulting speech;

Hera and so incessantly, before the host of immortals, with me
He argues and yells that I will fight for a Trojan in battle.
But get away now, but you will not be seen on Olympus
Gera; about the rest, I myself will take care and fulfill:
Look, you will be sure - I will wave my head to you.
Behold, from my presence for the immortal gods, the greatest
Words pledge: that word is irrevocable, forever immutable,
And it cannot fail when I shake my head.”

Rivers, and as a sign of black Zeus waves his eyebrows:
Quickly fragrant hair rose up at Kronid

Around the immortal head, and the multi-hilled Olympus shook ...

So they conferred and parted. Fast Thetis
Rushed into the abyss of the sea from the brilliant heights of Olympus;
Zeus returned to the chamber, and the gods from the thrones rose
To meet my father; no one dared from the immortals

Sitting to wait for the future, but in the waiting everyone got up.

There the Olympian sat on the throne; but the mistress Hera
I knew everything, seeing how I thought advice with him
The deep-seated elder's daughter, the silver-legged mother of Pelid.
Quickly, with a caustic speech, she turned to Zeus:

“Which of the immortals with you, insidious, built councils?
I know that you are always pleased from me secretly
Keep secret thoughts; never on your own
I did not dare to tell a word from my secret thoughts!”

The lord, the father of both immortals and mortals, answered her:

“Hera, not all of you caress my decisions to know;
They will be painful for you, although you are my wife!
What is not forbidden to know, no one will ever know
Before you, neither from the host of the earth, nor from the host of heaven.
If, alone, without gods, I will rise up to conceive advice,
Do not question me, nor do you know them yourself.”

The goddess Hera again exclaimed to Zeus 73
Volookaya Hera goddess- that is, Hera with the eyes of a cow. This epithet arose in ancient times, when Hera was revered in the form of a cow. The worship of gods in the form of animals took place not only in ancient Egypt, but also among the Greeks long before Homer. So, for example, Hera's husband Zeus was revered in the form of a bull in Crete, where archaeologists discovered a wall painting depicting ritual athletic games with a bull. It is no coincidence that in the famous myth, Zeus, in order to kidnap and rush off to Crete the princess Europa, takes the form of a bull.

“Cloudbreaker! What speeches are you, cruel, broadcasting?
I never question you, nor know anything myself
Century did not want; always calmly think about what you want.

Even now I tremble about one thing, but it will not bend you
The elder's abyssal daughter, silver-legged mother of Pelid:
She sat down early with you and hugged your knees;
You waved to her, as I note, wishing Pelid
Honor to avenge and destroy the crowds of Argives before the courts.
Hera was answered again by the cloudmaker Kronion:
“Wonderful! you notice everything, you always look at me!
But you won't have time to produce anything; more than just
Turn away my heart, and it will be worse for you!
If so, then, without a doubt, that is what I want!
You sit silently and obey my verbs!
Or all the deities on Olympus will not help you,
If, having arisen, I lay undefeated hands on you.”

Rivers; Goddess Hera was frightened of him
And silently sat, conquering her heart.

The heavenly gods sighed vaguely over the house of Zeus.
Here is the Olympic artist, Hephaestus 74
Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire, the patron god of blacksmithing and a skilled blacksmith himself; the Greeks represented Hephaestus as powerful, but ugly and lame on both legs.
, began to talk,
Dear zealous mother, Hera lileinoramenny:
“Such deeds will be sad, finally unbearable,
If you and for mortals with similar enmity malice!
If in the assembly of the gods you raise confusion! will disappear
Joy from a feast of light, if evil triumphs!
Mother, I convince you, although you yourself are wise,
Show obedience to Zeus the king, but still immortal
Wrath will not break out and we will not be embarrassed by a serene feast.
If the father, Olympian, shining with thunders, rises,
He will overthrow everyone from the thrones: by the power of all he is above!
Mother, pushing the mighty sweet to touch with words,
And immediately the Olympian will be merciful to us.”

So he said and, rising, a brilliant double-bottomed goblet 75
Double-bottom cup - a goblet that has a leg under the bottom with a stand, like our glasses.

She brings her dear mother and again tells her like this:
“Dear mother, endure and endure, no matter how sad your heart is!
Drag to your son, don't let yourself see
Zeus blows; I will be powerless, although I am crumbling,
Help to submit: it is hard for an Olympian to resist Zeus!
He is already older than me, prompted by the heart to help,
Rinul grabbed him by the leg and threw him down from heaven:
I rushed headlong all day and with the sunset of the brilliant sun
Fell on the divine Lemnos 76
Lemnos (Lemnos) - an island in the Aegean Sea, where, according to myths, the forge of Hephaestus was located (see also Ipsipyla).
barely holding his breath.
There the Cynthian men gave me a friendly welcome.”
Rivers; smiled the goddess, the lileino-ramen Hera,
And with a smile from her son, she accepted the brilliant cup.
He and other celestials, starting from the right country,
Sweet nectar brings, scooping a goblet from the bowl.
Unspeakable laughter was erected by the blessed inhabitants of the sky,
Seeing how with the goblet Hephaestus fusses around the hall.

So all day long until the setting of the sun, the blessed gods
Everyone feasted, delighting hearts at a common feast
With the sounds of the beautiful lyre, rattling in the hands of Apollo,
Singing the Muses 77
Muse is the goddess of singing, music, dance, poetry. The traditional number of the Muses is nine; they live on Mount Parnassus (a wooded mountain in Arcadia, where Odysseus was wounded by a boar. According to later myths, the Muses lived on Parnassus, so in ancient times Parnassus became a symbol of poetry), and each Muse is the patroness of a certain type of art. The father of the Muses is Zeus, the mother is Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Homer most often speaks of one Muse who knows everything and from whom the singer inspired by her learns everything.

Answering the rattling with a sweet voice.

But when the light of the brilliant sun went down,
The gods, wishing to rest, each turned away to the monastery,
Where is every celestial home on hilly Olympus
Wise Hephaestus, lame-footed, created creative ideas.
Zeus went to his bed, Olympian brilliant,
Where he always rested, as a sweet dream visited him;
There he, ascending, rested, and with him the golden-throned Hera.

Name: Maxim Gorky

Age: 68 years old

Place of Birth: Nizhny Novgorod

A place of death: Gorki-10, Moscow region

Activity: writer, playwright

Family status: was divorced

Maxim Gorky - biography

The famous Russian writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov is known to everyone under his literary pseudonym "Maxim Gorky". He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 5 times.

Childhood, family

Gorky's biography originates from Nizhny Novgorod from grandfather Kashirin, who was a very cruel officer, for which he was demoted. Exiled into exile, and then acquired his own dyeing workshop. Little Alyosha was born in Nizhny Novgorod, where Kashirin's daughter had gone. The boy somewhere caught cholera at the age of 4, his father, caring for him, became infected and died, and little Alyosha managed to recover.

The mother gave birth to a second child, decided to return to her parents' house. On the way, the baby died. Back in hometown, the significantly thinned Peshkov family began to live in Kashirin's house. The boy was taught at home: mother - reading, and grandfather - literacy. Old Kashirin often went to church, forced his grandson to pray, which later aroused in him an extremely negative attitude towards religion.


Maxim began his studies at a parish school, but illness prevented him from getting elementary education. Later, Gorky studied for two years at the settlement school. Gorky lacked education, and there were errors in his manuscripts. Maxim's mother remarried and left with her son to her husband. Relationships didn't work out new husband often beat his wife, and Alyosha saw this. Having beaten his stepfather hard, he ran to his grandfather. hard life was with a teenager, he often stole firewood and food, collected discarded clothes, he always smelled bad. The school had to be abandoned, which ended Gorky's education.

Maxim's youth

The biography of the writer is full of sad moments. Alyosha was soon left without his mother, who died of consumption, his grandfather went bankrupt, the orphan had to go to work for people. From the age of 11, Alyosha has been working in a shop as an auxiliary worker, washes dishes on a steamer, and works as an apprentice in an icon painting workshop. At the age of 16, the young man could not enter the University of Kazan due to the lack of a certificate and money.

Alexei works at the pier, makes acquaintance with young revolutionary-minded people. Grandmother and grandfather died, the young man, in a fit of depression, tried to kill himself with a gun. Help arrived quickly in the face of the watchman, they performed an operation in the hospital, but the lungs were still affected.

Books and meetings with writers

Alexei is being monitored for his connection with the revolutionaries, he is subjected to a short-term arrest. He works as a laborer, guards at the station and works as a fisherman. At one of the stations he fell in love, but he was refused, then he undertakes a trip to Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich in Yasnaya Polyana. But the meeting did not take place. Gorky decides to show one of his manuscripts to Korolenko, who severely criticized the work of the novice writer.

The life story of Maxim Gorky often refers to prison dungeons, where he again and again goes to jail for his views, and after leaving prison, he takes a trip around Russia on passing carts, on freight trains. During these trips, the idea of ​​"Makar Chudra" was born, which is published under the name of Maxim Gorky. Maxim - like a father, Gorky because of complex biography.

But real glory the writer felt after the story "Chelkash". Not everyone accepted the work of the new talent, and the authorities even placed him in one of the castles of Georgia. Alexei Maksimovich moved to St. Petersburg after he was released, and in the northern capital he writes the famous plays “At the Bottom” and “Petty Bourgeois”.

Writer's Talent

The courage and directness of Gorky's statements were recognized even by the emperor. He did not even notice the writer's negative attitude towards the autocratic system of Russia. Aleksey Maksimovich does not pay attention to police prohibitions and continues to distribute revolutionary literature. Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky became great friends. A lot of people always gathered in an apartment in the center of Nizhny Novgorod famous people, contemporaries of the owner of the house. Writers, directors, artists and musicians talked about their works.

Gorky joined the Bolshevik Party in 1904 and met the leader of the proletariat, Lenin. This acquaintance was the reason for another arrest and a cell in Peter and Paul Fortress. The public demanded the release of the writer, after which he left the country for America. He was tormented by tuberculosis for a long time, and he undertakes to move to Italy.

Because of his revolutionary activity he was objectionable to the authorities. Gorky settled for seven years on the island of Capri. In 1913, Alexei Maksimovich returned to his homeland, lived in the northern capital for 5 years, then went abroad again, and only in 1933 did he finally move to Russia. When he visited his sick grandchildren who lived in Moscow, he caught a cold and was no longer able to recover, he fell ill and died.

Maxim Gorky - biography of personal life

Gorky's chronic illness did not prevent him from being full of strength and energy. The writer's first marriage was an informal relationship with Olga Kamenskaya, ordinary woman midwife. Their union did not last long. The second time the writer decided to marry his second chosen one.

Alexey Peshkov, better known as the writer Maxim Gorky, for Russian and Soviet literature cult figure. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize, was the most published Soviet author throughout the existence of the USSR and was considered on a par with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the main creator of Russian literary art.

Alexey Peshkov - future Maxim Gorky | Pandia

He was born in the town of Kanavino, which at that time was located in Nizhny Novgorod province, and now is one of the districts of Nizhny Novgorod. His father Maxim Peshkov was a carpenter, and in last years life ran the shipping office. Mother Vasilievna died of consumption, so Alyosha Peshkov's parents were replaced by her grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. From the age of 11, the boy was forced to start working: Maxim Gorky was a messenger at the store, a barmaid on a steamer, an assistant baker and an icon painter. The biography of Maxim Gorky is reflected by him personally in the stories "Childhood", "In People" and "My Universities".

Photo of Gorky in his youth | Poetic portal

After an unsuccessful attempt to become a student at Kazan University and an arrest due to connection with a Marxist circle future writer became a caretaker railway. And at the age of 23, the young man sets off to wander around the country and managed to get on foot to the Caucasus. It was during this journey that Maxim Gorky briefly wrote down his thoughts, which would later be the basis for his future works. By the way, the first stories of Maxim Gorky also began to be published around that time.

Alexei Peshkov, pseudonym Gorky | Nostalgia

Already becoming famous writer, Alexey Peshkov leaves for the United States, then moves to Italy. This happened not at all because of problems with the authorities, as some sources sometimes present, but because of changes in family life. Although abroad, Gorky continues to write revolutionary books. He returned to Russia in 1913, settled in St. Petersburg and began working for various publishing houses.

It is curious that, for all his Marxist views, Peshkov took the October Revolution rather skeptically. After the Civil War, Maxim Gorky, who had some disagreements with the new government, again went abroad, but in 1932 he finally returned home.


The first of the published stories by Maxim Gorky was the famous "Makar Chudra", which was published in 1892. And the fame of the writer was brought by the two-volume Essays and Stories. It is interesting that the circulation of these volumes was almost three times higher than was usually accepted in those years. Of the most popular works of that period it is worth noting the stories "Old Woman Izergil", " former people”,“ Chelkash ”,“ Twenty-six and one ”, as well as the poem“ The Song of the Falcon ”. Another poem "Song of the Petrel" became a textbook. Maxim Gorky devoted a lot of time to children's literature. He wrote a number of fairy tales, for example, "Sparrow", "Samovar", "Tales of Italy", published the first special children's magazine in the Soviet Union and organized holidays for children from poor families.

Legendary Soviet writer | Kyiv Jewish Community

The plays “At the Bottom”, “Petty Bourgeois” and “Egor Bulychov and Others” by Maxim Gorky are very important for understanding the work of the writer, in which he reveals the talent of the playwright and shows how he sees the life around him. big cultural significance for Russian literature they have the stories “Childhood” and “In People”, social novels “Mother” and “The Artamonov Case”. Last work Gorky is considered the epic novel "The Life of Klim Samgin", which has the second name "Forty Years". The writer worked on this manuscript for 11 years, but did not have time to finish it.

Personal life

The personal life of Maxim Gorky was quite stormy. For the first and officially the only time he married at the age of 28. The young man met his wife Ekaterina Volzhina at the Samarskaya Gazeta publishing house, where the girl worked as a proofreader. A year after the wedding, the son Maxim appeared in the family, and soon the daughter Ekaterina, named after her mother. Also in the upbringing of the writer was his godson Zinovy ​​Sverdlov, who later took the name Peshkov.

With his first wife Ekaterina Volzhina | Livejournal

But Gorky's love quickly disappeared. He began to be weary of family life and their marriage with Ekaterina Volzhina turned into a parental union: they lived together solely because of the children. When little daughter Katya died unexpectedly, it tragic event led to the breaking of family ties. However, Maxim Gorky and his wife remained friends until the end of their lives and maintained correspondence.

With his second wife, actress Maria Andreeva | Livejournal

After parting with his wife, Maxim Gorky, with the help of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, met the actress of the Moscow Art Theater Maria Andreeva, who became his de facto wife for the next 16 years. It was because of her work that the writer left for America and Italy. From a previous relationship, the actress had a daughter, Ekaterina, and a son, Andrei, who were raised by Maxim Peshkov-Gorky. But after the revolution, Andreeva became interested in party work, began to pay less attention to the family, so in 1919 this relationship also came to an end.

With third wife Maria Budberg and writer HG Wells | Livejournal

Gorky himself put an end to it, declaring that he was leaving for Maria Budberg, the former baroness and concurrently his secretary. The writer lived with this woman for 13 years. The marriage, like the previous one, was unregistered. The last wife of Maxim Gorky was 24 years younger than him, and all the acquaintances were aware that she was "twisting novels" on the side. One of the lovers of Gorky's wife was an English science fiction writer H. G. Wells, to which she left immediately after the death of the actual spouse. There is a huge possibility that Maria Budberg, who had a reputation as an adventurer and clearly collaborated with the NKVD, could be a double agent and also work for British intelligence.


After the final return to his homeland in 1932, Maxim Gorky worked in the publishing houses of newspapers and magazines, created a series of books "The History of Factories and Plants", "The Poet's Library", "History civil war”, organizes and conducts the First All-Union Congress Soviet writers. After unexpected death son from pneumonia, the writer wilted. During the next visit to the grave of Maxim, he caught a bad cold. For three weeks Gorky had a fever that led to his death on June 18, 1936. Body Soviet writer was cremated and the ashes were placed in Kremlin wall on the Red Square. But first, the brain of Maxim Gorky was removed and transferred to the Research Institute for further study.

In the last years of life | Digital library

Later, the question was raised several times that legendary writer and his son could have been poisoned. By this case passed People's Commissar Genrikh Yagoda, who was the lover of Maxim Peshkov's wife. They also suspected involvement and even. During the repressions and consideration of the famous "doctors' case", three doctors were blamed, among other things, for the death of Maxim Gorky.

Books by Maxim Gorky

  • 1899 - Foma Gordeev
  • 1902 - At the bottom
  • 1906 - Mother
  • 1908 - Life of an unnecessary person
  • 1914 - Childhood
  • 1916 - In people
  • 1923 - My universities
  • 1925 - The Artamonov Case
  • 1931 - Yegor Bulychov and others
  • 1936 - Life of Klim Samgin

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