Graffiti with a simple pencil on paper. Where to start applying


Graffiti - popular view street art, involving the application of drawings on the walls. It will take a lot of time to learn the art of graffiti (to become a writer). Therefore, before you start applying images to the walls, you need to try your hand with a pencil on paper. After all, even the most experienced writers start with sketches, so they think over colors, individual details, shading.

Standing against a wall with a can of paint, it's not easy to pick up and draw a fictitious abstract drawing right off the bat. But when in hand finished sample, it becomes much easier to carry out the plan.

Where to begin?

Before you start creating your drawing, check out the work of established graffiti artists. Carefully study their creations, pay attention to the nuances, try to catch the basic techniques.

To get started, you can copy your favorite drawing style. In any case, gradually you will develop your original, unique approach. Samples of works by eminent writers can be easily found on the Internet.

Required equipment

To work on sketches, you will need: thick A4 paper or a regular sketchbook, colored and pencils, eraser, gel pens, paints, pastels, markers, felt-tip pens - depending on your preferences.

First drawings

What to draw first? Usually everyone starts with 2D images. Later, when you gain enough experience, you can try to give your graffiti volume. First, try to draw the letters of the alphabet. For example, draw your name or pseudonym, that is, a unique signature for your future graffiti.

The simplest and most common style of depicting letters is the bubble (bubbles). Its meaning is clear from the name - such letters are rounded and resemble bubbles. There are no sharp corners in the inscription itself.

In addition to names, small inscriptions are often made in graffiti - one of the most important components of this type of art. To an ordinary person sometimes it is difficult to make out these inscriptions, because the words in them are hidden in forms that are difficult to perceive.


Before you start drawing, do not forget to correctly position the drawing. Composition in graffiti is extremely important. By placing the picture in the center of the sheet, you definitely can’t go wrong.

If you're drawing with a pencil, try experimenting with pressure. When pencil drawing will be finished, you can circle all the contours gel pen. And inside the contour make hatching.

If you are a fan of this type of street art like graffiti, but do not want to break the law or do not have the opportunity to draw on the walls, a piece of paper and a pencil will always come to the rescue.

Therefore, armed with these tools, start learning the basics of graffiti, namely the 3d signature.

1. Conditionally designate the area of ​​the future drawing.

4. Graffiti is the originality of the idea. Therefore, a 3d signature cannot be simple and uncomplicated, complicate it, add creativity.

5. How to draw graffiti with a pencil. Do the same with the rest of the letters of the nickname.

6. For showiness, you can highlight the outer contours of the inscription.

7. Now start decorating overall composition. How difficult it will be depends only on you and your plan.

8. Since the signature will be in 3d format, do not forget about the competent study of light / shadow. How to draw a cat.

9. Shade the shadow sides of the letters.

10. How to draw graffiti with a pencil. In general, the entire inscription should be worked out in halftones.

11. Then with soft pencil emphasize the outer borders and add an original pattern.

12. Complicate it as needed and depending on the artistic intent.

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Graffiti has become special kind contemporary art streets, which consists in depicting drawings on the walls of houses. Often you can see ugly inscriptions that can not be called art, and they only spoil the buildings, but there are also real masterpieces. For this case, mainly aerosol paints are used. It takes a lot of time to become a real graffiti artist. Where to start? First, learn how to draw graffiti with a pencil on paper. Why sketch? Even experienced graphitists (writers) always make sketches, because this is how you can pre-select shading, colors, and individual details. It is not easy to take a can of paint, come up with and immediately draw a delightful drawing. And if you hold a sample in your hands, it will be much easier.


  • Desire and inspiration to work.
  • Paints, colored pencils, markers.
  • For a preliminary sketch, an eraser and a pencil.
  • paper, and better album(so you collect sketches in one place and watch how you progress).


  • To learn how to draw on your own, you must first observe the work of others. But if you don't know how to draw graffiti with a pencil, then you should look at graffiti made with paint. If you choose one, take a photo. At this stage, the main thing is to visually understand the basic principles.
  • If it's time to draw, start with the basics. Draw text or simple 2D drawings. While you can not make them voluminous, the paramount task is to learn how to confidently draw clear outlines and color. A good result cannot be achieved without a firm hand.
  • At first, it may seem that you will not be able to achieve high results. Just ignore such thoughts. Do not be afraid to combine incongruous colors, play with contours and shades - than more unusual drawing, the more attention is paid to it, the more it is distinguished from the general mass.
  • Also, before starting learn basic styles images of letters and texts. Below TeachIt will lead short description of these styles and talk about the features of each. Also worth be imaginative, because in any creativity you need to take the initiative. Play with sizes, introduce ornaments, detail.
  • Start your learning with the image of one not very long word, you can use your nickname or name. After all, all graffiti artists have own signature, so called tag.
  • Letters should be placed at a small distance from each other. In this case, you can draw and expand them. When you're sketching, it's worth playing around with pressure. Then you will feel the drawing and will be able to change the thickness and depth of the contour without any problems. Also, do not forget about hatching - this allows you to create interesting effects. If you set yourself the goal of making a three-dimensional inscription, you need to apply shadows and highlights, draw the letters on the side. Also, the text can be done with perspective, that is, as if to remove it from the audience. To do this, you only need to slightly narrow the part of the inscription that you want to do next. Mentally imagine the rails going into the distance and write your text into them.


  • Bubble or bubble. The letters are round, as if inflated, merging with each other. This style is popular among beginners.
  • wild, wild style. Unreadable, jumbled letters with great detail. A bunch of complex intertwined symbols and additional elements.
  • Messiah. The text is multi-layered, as if several drawings of one word are depicted, which are superimposed on each other.
  • Character. Only those who already have good artistic inclinations can do this. This style is often used to draw cartoon or comic book characters.
  • blockbusters. Wide and huge letters using a background (which is done with a roller).

And finally some tips how to draw text in bubble style. So, first circle the letter with a pencil, while not doing sharp corners. Just make a second smooth outline. When you reach the desired degree of width and roundness, erase all internal lines (the original letter too). Then paint over the resulting drawing with paints or a marker. Experiment with detail, background and color combinations. You can add a few highlights in the brightest places.

Video lessons

Graffiti is a style that is distinguished by freedom. He gained popularity among the youth. You can often see similar images on the walls of houses, fences. Many teenagers want to learn how to create such drawings. Everything can be learned, so if you have the desire, you can figure out how to draw graffiti for beginners. It's best to start with simple images.

How to draw beautiful graffiti?

First you need to carefully consider the drawings of already established writers, that is, artists who draw in this style. This will help you find your direction.

You shouldn't practice fine arts on city buildings, fences. The best place to start is by learning how to draw graffiti on paper.

Option 1

To get started, you can learn to depict the word "muSic" in the style you like.

It's so easy to figure out how to draw beautiful graffiti with a pencil. This is an easy way for a beginner to handle.

Option 2

You can try to create another image, for example, the word "peace" (peace) with a rainbow.

That's all, now you know how to draw beautiful graffiti with a pencil. The result is a beautiful multi-colored picture that you can give to someone to cheer you up.

Option 3

Those who already easily cope with the most simple options would like to learn how to draw graffiti in 3d. You can try to write a simple word "Josh". Similarly, you can learn to draw your name in a beautiful format.

This is the easiest way for which you do not need a lot of drawing experience.

Graffiti is an Italian word. In translation, it means an inscription or drawing made with ink, paints. Such an image is applied to a variety of surfaces: sheets of paper, building facades, fences, asphalt. Below are the main styles of this art and how to learn how to draw graffiti.

General information

Graffiti is a relatively young phenomenon, but among its fans are both young people and older people. This art form is inextricably linked with teenage hip-hop. Modern graffiti reached a higher level of development. It is popular and relatively legal. Eg, social network VKontakte invites users to try their hand at creating drawings.

The article reveals the algorithm for performing graffiti on paper with a pencil.

Directions of creativity

Graffiti - recognized species creativity. In addition, he is one of the brightest and most expressive. Of course, such activities are a large number of styles and branches.

known the following ways drawing:

  • Spray art is the most common style. Consists of drawing images spray paints in cans. Using his example, it is easy to explain how to draw graffiti.
  • Bubble style. It involves drawing rounded letters with paints of several colors. The images are like bubbles.
  • Blockbuster. Basically, one color is used to display large monotonous letters.
  • Wild style. Differs in the complexity of writing. "Entanglement" sometimes does not even allow to make out the inscription.
  • FX or 3D style - image of three-dimensional letters. Shades smoothly transition into each other, and the picture looks realistic.

There are many other areas of art. By by and large any wall painting can be called graffiti.

With the help of the drawing watercolor paper easy to test your skills contemporary art. To do this, you will also need brushes, pencils and paints. You should not take the first steps in graffiti on walls and fences. simple tools will allow you to learn the basic rules for creating drawings and inscriptions.

Drawing stages

The best way to start an ability test is to write your name. To do this, you first need to choose the style of the future drawing. How to draw graffiti in stages, as an example simple style bubble

For a drawing, you can stop at both sharp and rounded letters. A difference in the size of characters is allowed - everything is at the request of the author. Leave a space between letters in a word. It will be filled in later stages.

Letter structure and other characteristics

Structure is an important parameter. Drawing is recommended to be done with light movements, strokes. This structure will allow further changes to be made. It may take a lot of time at first, but the end result is worth it. The advantage of graffiti is in a certain negligence - the difference in letters does not contradict the essence of the style.

As for the lines, it is desirable to make them even and thin. If it is not possible to achieve the same thickness, you can use artistic techniques. For example, a 3D effect is obtained by darkening or adjusting the thickness. To do this, use pencils of varying degrees of softness.

If you draw graffiti in stages, then you need to pay attention to the use of effects. After the image of the letters themselves, if desired, they resort to additional elements. This good idea subject to the development of imagination.

The shading of the letters is done with a marker or pencil. Darkening requires careful handling. But in case of a mistake, you can always correct the situation by adding volume to the letters.


If there are errors in the creation of the inscription, it is recommended to create a copy of the image. To continue work, this must be done before the final coloring stage. In copying, it is important to highlight all the effects and shades, they must be distinguishable. The best way is to create several identical options and add different details to each.

Before painting, a beginner is advised to study the drawings of other masters. You should not use a simple pencil for these purposes - the drawing will not turn out to be saturated even if there are shadows. But you should not make the image too bright, because it can distract from the main message.

Drawings on the walls

Graffiti can be created by anyone, even without artistic talents. First, it is advised to depict the inscription on paper. Each writer has his own signature, it is called a "tag". Such an identification mark is usually made in black or white.

A graffiti artist needs special equipment and the right paint. How to draw graffiti on the wall? Information below.

Step by step guide

First of all, you need to decide on the "canvas". Any primed wall will work for this. Sometimes they draw on metal surfaces, but this requires more time and expense. Creativity should be done in special places. It is also not customary to apply drawings on the works of other writers.

Image creation

The first sketch is made with a balloon in the air. The background is the main color of the picture, it also creates a sketch. At this stage, leakage may occur. They cannot be stopped and cleaned with a rag - this will lead to divorce. It is worth waiting for the streaks to dry and then apply background paint on them.

Before using the can, it is advised to check whether the nozzle is installed correctly. First, the jet is aimed at the ground.

Dry and warm weather is suitable for creating graffiti. Damp environments can cause problems with paint.

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