LSP group biography. Lsp biography

LSP - creative pseudonym Belarusian singer, rapper and songwriter Oleg Savchenko. It is an abbreviation of the English "Lil' Stupid Pig", which means "stupid little pig". Creativity LSP love for the careful attitude to the text, which is replete with unexpected literary devices.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Vadimovich Savchenko was born on July 10, 1989 in Vitebsk. Savchenko's parents are journalists. Almost from childhood, Savchenko was sure that he would become an artist. “It seemed impossible, but at the subconscious level, I was clearly sure that everything would work out,” Oleg recalled. For some time he mastered playing the piano, but at some point his passion for poetry came to the fore.

Oleg calls his first idol Andrey Gubin. In high school, the guy became interested in rap and the work of Timati, whom he saw at the Star Factory, Decl, the Bad Balance group and American hip-hop musicians.

After graduating from school, Savchenko entered the Minsk State Linguistic University and received a diploma in the specialty "linguist-teacher". Student years were marked by financial problems, he lived on 100-150 dollars a month, but did not give up his passion for music.


In 2007-2008, Oleg released the first few demos, and also took part in the team battle as part of the ShRec Pro team, which also included Max Korzh. In 2009, the release of the mini-album "No Appeals" with rappers Deech and Maxie Flow took place.

LSP means "stupid little pig"

In the fall of 2011, Oleg's debut solo mini-album "See Colored Dreams" was released, which included 5 tracks and 1 remix. At the same time, his first video for the song "Hippie" was released.

LSP - Hippie

In the middle of the following year, Savchenko began close cooperation with producer Roman Sashcheko, known under the pseudonym Roma Anglichanin, who had previously performed in the punk band GreenChe, and at that time was engaged in studio activities. The musicians founded the LSP duet: Oleg composed the lyrics, and Roman made the "existential" beat. The first result of their joint work was the track "Numbers".

In the period from 2014 to 2017, the duo released four albums - "YoP", "Viselitzsa" (a reference to the song of the St. Petersburg punk band "Chimera"), "Magic City", "TragicCity", as well as mini-albums "Romantic Collection" and "Confectionery" (with cloud rapper Pharaoh). LSP albums included several remixes and cover versions of songs by famous domestic and foreign rappers. And not only rappers - for example, in 2013 a cover of the song "Fool and Lightning" by the group "Korol i Shush" was released.

The guys collaborated with such musicians as Yung Trappa, Oksimiron, Sil-A, Sasha School, Big Russian Boss, Davip and others. Several compositions became leaders in the tops of Russian-language songs according to various influential channels. Also in the creative piggy bank of the musician is participation in the hip-hop battle "Versus Battle" against the frequenter of the battle Meowizzy. Oksimiron advised me to go to the LSP battle, later Oleg noted that he himself did not understand why he was wasting his time there.

In 2014, Oleg began collaborating with the Booking machine agency, of which Oksimiron became the director, and later recorded the song “I'm Bored of Living” with him. In the summer of 2015, cooperation ceased due to dissatisfaction with the work of the agency - after signing the contract, there were fewer concerts, Savchenko said in an interview.

In the spring of 2016, the Imperial track was released, in one of the verses of which LSP shared his vision of the situation with the Book machine. Hearing him, Oksimiron supplemented the song with his vision of the situation, and stood up for the agency.

LSP about the track "Imperial"

In July 2017, Roman died - the circumstances of death were not disclosed, but there were suggestions in the media that the musician died due to drug problems. After the death of the musician, the LSP for concert tour Tragic City Tour"Entered Den Hawk and Pyotr Klyuev, with whom Oleg had worked several times before.

In October, Savchenko published a video for the song "The Body", dedicated to a deceased friend, and also became musical guest in the show Evening Urgant". Soon, the musician opened the sale of products with the symbols of the LSP - T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps with the musician's logo, etc. appeared on sale. In December 2017, the artist released the song " A little prince”, the melody for which was written during the life of the Englishman.

LSP - Body

LSP personal life

The musician prefers not to talk about his personal life. However, it is known that Oleg is not married and has no children.

The death of Roma the Englishman was reported in the press on 30 July. It is known that the musician died in his apartment. But the cause of death is also not known. Information on this topic was not disclosed. Many users have come to the conclusion that Roma could have died from an overdose or suicide, but no one knows the truth.

A video for the track "The Body" has already appeared on the social network, on which Roma the Englishman is played by an actor very similar to him. Oleg Savchenko said that the video is dedicated to Roma. This track was included in the third LSP album, but the disc appeared in April this year.

The news of the death of Roma the Englishman caused a wave of emotions in the network. Given that the musician died at such a young age, everyone is very interested in the cause of death.

It was reported that Roma died of cardiac arrest. But the exact reason was not named. Many claim that the musician died due to an overdose or suicide. Oleg LSP only hinted that "everyone dies from what he aspires to"

The soloist of the rap group "LSP" Oleg Savchenko spoke about the death of his friend and bandmate Roma the Englishman.

“Roma died from what he aspired to,” Savchenko wrote in one of the social networks.

Fans immediately began to condole with the relatives of Roma. I would like to note that immediately no one could believe that Roman really died. Some fans assured that it was all just a bad joke. But after a few hours, everyone realized that death was real and not some kind of prank at all.

Why Roma passed away The Englishman does not know for sure. Some say that he finished the game because he used drugs. Roma's family knew that the guy was a drug addict, but no one could imagine that all this would lead to death. Others say that Roma passed away on his own, and the reason for this is a stroke.

The close circle of Roma the Englishman publish records on their social accounts. networks where they write that drugs are evil and everything connected with it.

Such a tweet was also noticed by Poperechny, from which it follows that Roman Sashchenko had an overdose. Roma really had problems with drugs and he did not hide it.
A year ago, in an interview, Roma said:

“My personal doctor said that I have a few months to live, because I drink alcohol around the clock and my body is already depleted.”

Roma the Englishman died, from what: biography of Roma the Englishman

The novel was born in 1988, namely on April 27. Information about how Roma behaved in childhood, what he was fond of in adolescence, in the vastness of Runet not to be found. It is only known that he took up producing activities at a fairly young age.

Roman Sashcheko's career really started in 2012, when fate brought him together with Oleg Savchenko. Prior to that, he managed to make a name for himself in musical circles, promoting little-known bands.

The guy he met was already on stage. Then the LSP group already existed, but consisted of only one member. Oleg himself performed compositions that became hits, writes Rosregistr. With the advent of Roman, things went even better, songs were born one after another.

The first one is "Numbers". The composition was first aired on May 24, 2012. It is this day that can be considered the birthday of the group.

The guys worked tirelessly, bringing pleasure to their fans. A year later, a number of clips appeared, the most recognizable of which was, perhaps, “Cocktail”. From that moment on, the fame of the creative duet decisively crossed the borders of Belarus. They started talking about talented performers in Russia. No wonder, because the tracks of Roma and Oleg began to confidently occupy top places in the charts.

Not only Belarusian and Russian media, but also Ukrainian media began to write about unique rap performers. But what can I say, articles about them were posted on the pages of publications in almost all post-Soviet countries.

The fame of the guys multiplied on the Internet, whose users began to closely follow the performances of the group. Information about it could be obtained, in particular, on the official page on the social network VKontakte. By the way, more than 360 thousand people subscribed to it.

Russian listeners liked the albums "Hangman" and "EP", released in 2014, as well as Magic City, which appeared a year later. The same can be said about Tragic City, released in 2017. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the band's last album.

Oleg LSP's debut mini-album "Seeing Colored Dreams" was released on September 16, 2011. In the subsequent period, Oleg meets and joins forces in working on new music with Roma the Englishman, the first fruit of cooperation with which is the single "Numbers". The release of "EP" - an album that incorporated songs released from 2012 to 2014, took place on January 8, 2014. Soon after that, on May 24, 2014, Oleg and Roman unexpectedly released another album - the numbered Hanging Man. In August of the same year, it became known that LSP and the Englishman began cooperation with the Booking Machine booking agency. On February 3, 2015, the mini-album "LSP" by Romantic Colegtion is released, the name of which plays on the names of its creators. In the summer of 2015, the duo left the Booking Machine, which was decided not to be advertised right away. In the same summer, on July 19, 2015, Oleg releases his solo album - the numbered Magic City.

April 1, 2016 begins, according to The Flow, "a whole drama, a clash of two heroes of the generation", when representatives of the Booking Machine publish the song "Imperial" featuring LSP and Oxxxymiron, in which the latter performs a diss on his former colleague. Over the next week, Oleg and Miron exchange video messages, presenting their vision of the current situation, after which they cut off any contacts between themselves. On September 30, 2016, LSP will release a mini-album "Confectionery" jointly with Pharaoh. On April 28, 2017, Oleg and Roman release the numbered album Tragic City, which is a continuation of the year before last Magic City.

On July 30, 2017, Roma Anglichanin, a participant in the LSP project, died. On August 5, Oleg announced that the project would not be closed, but the tour in support of Tragic City would still take place. After the tour started, it became known that Oleg's new concert group included Den Hawk (a colleague in the Piggy Bang group) and Pyotr Klyuev.

Life and career

Oleg Savchenko was born on July 10, 1989 in Vitebsk in a family of journalists. He began studying music as a child when his father hired a piano tutor for him. After some time, he quits classes and begins to write the first poems on the table.

The first performer whose songs Oleg consciously liked is Andrey Gubin. At the age of 14, he sees the TV program "Star Factory 4", in which Timati performs. Surprised by the presence of rap on Channel One, he decides to delve into hip-hop culture, becoming a listener of Decl and Bad Balance. Later he gets acquainted with Russian rock and the work of such musicians of the corresponding genre as Zemfira, Nike Borzov, "Cartoons", "Mumiy Troll" and "King and Shut". However, after some time he returns to rap, starting to listen to American hip-hop, from the experience of listening to which he concludes that "sound is as important as meaning, and sometimes even, maybe more important."

He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Linguistic University with a degree in linguist-teacher: as Oleg himself recalls, at that time it was not without financial difficulties. However, his parents always supported both himself and his musical endeavors.

2007-2009: Early recordings and participation in hip-hop battles

In 2007, when Oleg turns 18, several LSP demos are released, including the solo mixtape “I understand everything!” and the compilation Here We Come Again.

In 2007-2008, LSP participated in the 6th team battle as part of the ShRec Pro team that reached the 2nd round, where Max Korzh was also listed, as well as in the 8th official hip-hop battle .ru, where Oleg reached the 4th round.

In the same year, he began to write and record songs, which would later be included in the mini-album "Seeing Colored Dreams". The first were such compositions as "The Magician" and "Streets". Having heard Kanye West's album 808s & Heartbreak, Oleg, impressed by this work, records the first version of the song "Lambada"; the album version of the song was re-recorded and shortened in duration.

On July 14, 2009, a mini-album "No Appeals" was released jointly with Deech and Maxie Flow, which included three songs, three backing tracks of the same songs and a bonus track.

2011-2013: "See colorful dreams", the beginning of work with Sashcheko

On July 1, 2011, the video clip for the song "Hippie" was released. September 16 was followed by the release of the debut solo mini-album "See Colored Dreams", consisting of 5 songs and 1 bonus remix. The album was produced by Aes Genius, 614, Paul Pain and LSP himself. Although at that time he did not personally know Roman the Englishman, he was responsible for the overall control of the release's mixing.

On May 24, 2012, the single "Numbers" was released, from which LSP began a close and fruitful collaboration with producer Roman Nikolaevich Sashcheko, better known as stage name Roma is an Englishman.

On June 25, 2012, the song “Cap-Cap” is released from the TO “Shovel”, in which LSP is a member. Video clip on LSP song"Why do I need this world", like the single itself, was released on September 26, 2012.

At the end of 2012, Oleg participates in the A-One Hiphop Battle. As he later explained his weakness creative activity during that period of time - the whole of 2012, he "reflected, set priorities, was engaged in self-education and self-improvement, was sick, brought down the material."

March 6, 2013 LSP releases the song " More money". On April 17, 2013, the single "lilwein" was released, dedicated to Russian hip-hop culture. On May 13, 2013, both the video clip for the song "Cocktail" and the song itself were released. All three songs got into the consolidated charts of the best Russian-language songs for the month, and "Cocktail" subsequently took a place in the ranking of the best songs for the year. Also, "Cocktail" hit the top 20 Russian-language songs according to the A-One channel.

July 28, 2013 Oleg releases a cover version of the song "Fool and Lightning" Russian group"King and the Clown". Earlier, on March 7, 2013, a video was released where LSP also performs a cover - for the song "Truth Gonna Hurt You" by American rapper Future. On October 25, 2013, the song "City" is released, on December 20, 2013 "Lost and Not Found" is released, and on December 25 - "Pikachu".

2014: "YoP" and "Hangman", signing on Booking Machine

January 3, 2014 LSP publishes a remix of "Soft Lips and Tattoos" by Yung Trappa. January 7 - joint song with Galat "Live Loop".

On January 8, 2014, the YOP compilation album was released, which included 10 songs and 2 bonus tracks - a tribute to the leader of the Korol i Shut group Mikhail Gorshenyov and a cover version of the song "Truth Gonna Hurt You" by Future. If we do not take into account the “Live Loop” published the day before, then there was only one completely new song on the release - and this is the opening album “Kanat”. The material for YOP was collected over 2.5 years.

On February 4, LSP releases the song "Overboard". March 2 - a remix of "Everything at once" by Yanix, and March 14 - "Better than the Internet." On April 13, the joint composition of LSP and Yung Trappa "MLD" ("Baby Loves the Dealer") is released. On May 23, two songs are released at once: “Meteor Shower”, as well as a remix for “MLD” - now this is a solo song by LSP.

On May 24, 2014, the album "Hangman" was released (the name was taken from the song of the Chimera group), which included 8 songs. The music on both albums was mostly produced by Roma Anglichanin. It is noteworthy that both albums had their own cover for each song. The Flow included "Hangman" both in the top three best Russian-language albums for 2014 and in the list of 20 the best records for the 2010s.

« Generally speaking, it was electronic pop. Another thing is that instead of the prescribed senseless plots, Oleg told rather hopeless stories, inside of which there was despair, hopelessness and emptiness.The Flow about "Gallows»

On August 4, LSP releases a remix for the song "Samurai" by Basta and Guf. On August 20, 2014, it became known that LSP began cooperation with the Booking Machine booking agency. On August 20, a video clip for the song "Vinaigret" was released. In September, he took part in the St. Petersburg hip-hop project Versus Battle - the battle regular Meowizzy acted as an opponent of the LSP. The issue itself was released on October 19, 2014, and Oleg won the verbal duel. Oleg was advised to go to the event by Oxxxymiron, and LSP himself would later describe his attitude to the battle as follows: “I still don’t know why I spent time on this.”

On October 31, 2014, the Yung Trappa Jesse Pinkman 2 mixtape was released. Of the thirteen songs on the record, LSP participated in three - all of them were originally prepared for joint album performers. Later, in February 2015, Oleg will note that Trapp "left the radar", and in November he tells the story of their personal acquaintance: under what circumstances did they meet, how did creative process. LSP also knows that “I thought to tell him something that they didn’t tell me,” but, as it turned out later, the advice received by Trappa was not used. On October 31, 2016, it became known that the rapper, who was convicted under Article 228 and spent more than a year in jail, was given almost six years in prison.

On November 27, 2014, LSP released a song together with Oksimiron, which was called "I'm bored with life." At the end years Flow included the songs "MLD" and "I'm Bored of Life" in the list of the 50 best Russian-language recordings for the whole of 2014.

2015: Romantic Colegtion and Magic City, exit from Booking Machine

On February 3, 2015, LSP released the mini-album Romantic Colegtion. Two songs - "SPVL" ("I'll believe in love again") and "Force Field" (an excerpt of which was demonstrated back in January) - are new and produced by Roma Anglichanin. The third, "That's the Way '15" is, as the title suggests, an updated version of the track under musical accompaniment Deech "Exactly Like That" from the 2009 EP "No Appeals", which was recorded with the aforementioned Deech, as well as with Maxie Flow.

"Force Field" was included by the editors of The Flow in the list of the best Russian-language songs for 2015. Oleg himself singled out this song in an interview for, where he called the text of "Force Field" one of his best creations.

On July 19, 2015, the Magic City album was released. Unlike the previous two studio albums, in Magic City Roma Anglichanin limited himself to writing musical accompaniment for only five songs, while the rest was done, in his own words, by the "fathers of trap music in Russia." However, the responsibility for all production and post-production of the album is still on the shoulders of the Englishman. Guest verses - from Pharaoh, Oxxxymiron and Sil-A.

In anticipation of the release of the album, on July 16, 2015, a video was released for a remix of the song "Madness", the original of which is listed on the Breezey Montana mini-album "Gift or Curse", in which LSP performed only the chorus. "Bullet", with Pharaoh, at the end of the year The Flow will make the list of the best songs for 2015, and a remix of "Madness", with Oksimiron, will lead its top ten. On September 10, 2015, the video clip for another song from Magic City - "OK" was released.

In the summer of 2015, he stopped working with Booking Machine, explaining that after the signing, the few concerts that he had before came to naught. On April 1, 2016, the song Porchy "Imperial" was released, which was originally planned to be included in the tracklist of his mixtape King Midas and in which Oleg, according to Oksimiron, tells what he thinks about his former booking agency. In "Imperial" is happening, as the song The Flow was characterized: "a whole drama, a clash of two heroes of the generation" - LSP and Oxxxymiron. Oleg himself, contrary to the accusations of his colleague, stated that he had put a completely different meaning into his text and, in the online broadcast of the Periscope application, in his usual manner, made “auto-decoding”, from a personal position explaining the meaning of virtually every line of his, concluding that his verse is an ordinary representative “I’m sure if the track had just been released by Porchy and I, he wouldn’t have given up to anyone, and diss wouldn’t have been found there either. Miron, by his appearance on the track, himself memefied it, turning almost any of my absolutely abstract line into a run-down on him and the Booking Machine, ”LSP will later say.

2016-2017: "Confectionery", Tragic City, departure of the Englishman

On March 2, 2016, LSP releases the song "Spitting at Eternity". On May 9, 2016, the composition “Miracle-UDO” jointly with Sasha Skul is released.

May 17 LSP uploads a remix of the remix of the song "Madness", to which he added the second verse. As he explained, he saw a lack of integrity and logic in the song, where the second verse was performed by Oksimiron, and cited as an example that such a trick was turned earlier - with the song "MLD", in original version which the second verse was sung by Yung Trappa.

In July - 8th and 10th - LSP puts out 2 leftovers from the days of "YOP" and "Gallows": songs called "Bonus Babe" and "In Half". On September 8, the song "Keks" is released, performed by LSP and the Moscow performer Pharaoh.

On September 30, 2016, the mini-album "Confectionery" was published on SoundCloud - a joint project of LSP and Pharaoh. The release took place in support of their joint Cake Factory tour. On October 3, he entered such venues as iTunes Store and Apple Music.

On February 11, 2017, the first single was released - called "Phoenix" - from the next LSP solo album, the release of which was originally scheduled for the fall of 2017. Previously, "The first single from the upcoming album" was called "Spitting at Eternity". "Phoenix" was recorded, according to Oleg, one and a half to two years before its release.

On April 22, 2017, the second track from the future album was released - "Money Problem", which had previously been performed at the band's concerts.

On April 28, 2017, the third issue was released studio album"LSP" Tragic City. There is only one invited performer - Lyokha Nikonov ("PTVP"). Songs - 13, including the previously released singles "Spitting at Eternity" and "Money Problem". Tragic City is a direct continuation of Magic City and, in addition, introduces images, characters, and quotes from LSP's previous works into the story.

« When I was finishing “Magic City”, it seemed that nothing could be written better and that this was our magnum opus. But a little time passed, and I began to gradually imagine the vector of further movement.<…>Recently, I also thought that after “Tragic City” there is not much to say, but literally in last days work on it, I have already begun to imagine what we will do next.LSP on further creativity»
On May 14, 2017, Oleg Savchenko could not get to the concert of his colleague Thomas Mraz, who joined the ranks of Booking Machine artists in February this year, in Minsk: the organizer of the performances, Ilya Mamai, according to LSP, blacklisted him from this event.

On May 20, the clip “Coin” was released, which became the most viewed LSP video in the entire history of the project.

On July 28, the song Big Russian Boss "Pimperial" is released to the musical accompaniment of Roma Anglichanin and Davip, in which LSP took part. The composition parodies last year's "Imperial" - however, only at the level of the title and the presence of the phrase-meme "ty pozhaleesh ob etom though". Previously, the artists have already recorded the track “Celebration” together, which was included on the second solo album of Boss I.G.O.R .. BRB and LSP also collaborated as part of Big Russian boss show where Oleg and Roman became guests.

2017–present: Tragic City Tour

On August 5, Oleg spoke about his future plans: the tour in support of Tragic City will not be canceled, and the LSP project will continue to exist.

After the start of the Tragic City Tour, it became known that Den Hawk and Pyotr Klyuev were included in the new LSP concert line-up. Denis is known as a collaborator with Oleg himself on early stage creativity and work within Piggy Bang, together with Petr Klyuev, LSP previously performed “Coin” in acoustic processing as part of 34 Music Sessions.

On October 2, 2017, a video clip for the song "The Body" was published. The touching video sequence is dedicated to the recently deceased Roma the Englishman and is a kind of farewell to him. The role of Roman Sashcheko in the video was played by the St. Petersburg video blogger Dmitry Larin. On the same day, Oleg became a musical guest in the Evening Urgant program, where he performed the song "Labyrinth of Reflections". On October 4, Larin posted a backstage vlog from the filming on his channel music video, in which, among other things, he noted that the comments under the video clip “Coin”, which played out the external resemblance of Dmitry and Roman, prompted him to take on the role of the Englishman of the clip makers. As the video blogger stated, Oleg was filmed separately due to the discrepancy between their schedules. The backstage from the Dope Films team that filmed the video was released on October 7th.

Abbreviation (decoding)

As Oleg said in an interview with Blaze on the Couch, in response to one of the most frequently asked questions - “Where did the name come from and what does it mean?”, - the musician has plenty of options for what to answer, and he perceives the question itself as white noise. So, in different interviews, the answer to this question looked different:

In an interview with NUC magazine (April 10, 2014): “Once, for 10 years in a row, I looked out the window, this was when I was still in school. Anyway, I looked out the window at the sun, and began to feel like a--a new Baptist in me, when the sun spoke to me. Although I didn’t understand either ... I didn’t become a Baptist from what it said, but the sunny symbolism of these wonderful words settled in my heart - A ray is stronger than a bullet. I don’t know where they would come from, but I liked the abbreviation.”

In an interview with The Flow website (June 17, 2014): “Usually when we are interviewed, they immediately ask about the name. Recently they asked - is it true that it means "A ray is stronger than a bullet"? Well, we say, no, it means 'Lick yourself ... [vagina]'".

In an interview with Blaze on the Couch (July 29, 2014): "[Closer to me now option] " Loving heart boy." We have a group in Belarus called “Broken Heart Kid”. Well, kind of understandable. But we recently realized that LSP is probably “Loving heart of a boy”. Not "Broken" yet.

At the Versus Battle against Meowizzy (October 19, 2014), Oleg beat the LSP decoding like this: "You are an LSP, but not Oleg - you just lick your penis."
In an interview on the Big Russian Boss Show (April 25, 2017): "My favorite transcript is 'Better ask later.'"

The decoding of LSP is found in several tracks of the artist: “LSP is lies, passions and vices” (“Magic City”, Magic City), “LSP, better sing a love song, the most truthful” (“Money problem”, Tragic City).


LSP songs use autotune. At the time of the release of Seeing Colored Dreams, his music was dominated by indie sound, and for the YOP and Hangman released in 2014, as Oleg himself notes, his partner Roma had already created “his own sound”: “ <…>I read, sing and recite, mixing drum and bass, dubstep and hip-hop". In the work of the sample of 2015, trap sound prevailed.

Andrey Nedashkovsky from The Flow, in a review of the album "Viselitstsa", noted the "monotonity" of LSP's vocals, and also described his music as follows: " <…>if you want flow, word games and other rap tricks - you won't find this here<…>. [But] Oleg dilutes serious verses with funny phrases, catchy phrases and refrains. Yes, and simply knows how to entertain the listener ". On the website, Nikolay Chumakov described LSP's leitmotif as follows: “Behind the melodic beat and sweet-voiced vocals, the main advantage of Oleg's work is hidden - his loud desire to declare his lost life».


2011 - Seeing Colored Dreams
2014 - "YOP"
2014 - "Gallows"
2015 - Romantic Colegtion
2015 - Magic City
2016 - "Confectionery" (with Pharaoh)
2017 - Tragic City

Concert tours

2015 - big autumn tour
2016 - Never Over Tour (big spring tour)
2016 - Cake Factory (with Pharaoh)
2017 - Tragic City Tour

The popular performer gave a candid interview about a friend whose life was tragically cut short last year. Oleg Savchenko from "LSP" became the new guest of the show "vdud". As part of the release, Oleg talked a lot about his career, plans for the future and, of course, about Roma the Englishman.

Oleg Savchenko, the frontman of the LSP group, became a guest in the new episode of the show "vdud". The performer invited Yuri Dudya to visit him and spoke very frankly with him about the past and the future. As usual, during the conversation a lot of swearing, talking about sex, illegal substances and big plans.

As part of the release, Oleg talked about topics that excite fans, and gave answers to questions that he had avoided for a long time. Recall that last year, tragic circumstances, the composer and producer of the LSP group, Roman Sashchenko, better known under the pseudonym Roma the Englishman, passed away. They tried to hide the causes of death, but everyone understood that a drug overdose was to blame. And now, after a long time, Oleg for the first time quite openly talked about this topic.

Oleg "LSP" invited Yuri Dude to visit him for a frank conversation
Photo: broadcast frame

First, Oleg remembered how he met Roma and at what point they decided to create a group. Savchenko admitted that he quickly became close to the Englishman and even began to consider him a brother, whom he never had.

“I had an epic -“ Seeing colored dreams ”, she was brought together by a boy from Mogilev. Cool, smart dude. He helped to mix the release, and it turned out that he has a friend who pulls him up in all aspects - Roma. They wanted to do something together in the style of " Major Lazer' or 'Diplo'. Here they were doing such a project together at that time. Roma listened to what he did for me, made a joke and somehow ended up with us at a party in Mogilev. (...) And we are like that with him<заболтались>. Everyone started to go home already, and we then stayed in the kitchen and talked. I gave him an enthusiastic<фигню>, <понтовался>And Clever words said. And he agreed. We caught the wave. I realized that this is a cool dude, and we agreed to get caught in Minsk, ”Oleg recalled.

Roma the Englishman died last year, due to an overdose
Photo: Social media

The very next day, Oleg sent Roma a text, which he really wanted to make music for and asked the Englishman to work on the arrangement. Almost immediately, the composer sent him a minus, on which the words fit perfectly.

“I turn it on, sing it and everything falls down,” Oleg recalls. - You know, it's like "the same" dude with a guitar in the yard - you don't ask, he knows everything. And he plays on one motive like “Battery”, and everything falls on her, roughly speaking.”

Then the Englishman used dubstep in the arrangement. It was already fashionable in the world, but in Minsk, where Roman comes from, it has not yet taken root. At first, the musicians worked on business terms, and then they “married” and became the LSP group.

Oleg was silent for a long time about what happened on the day when his close friend passed away.
Photo: Social networks

It is hard for Oleg to talk about the illegal substances that "took" the life of his close friend. According to him, these are the secrets of Roma, which he would like to hide from prying eyes.

“Roma is part of my family. I very quickly began to treat him like a brother and accepted him with all my heart.<фигней>like a brother. I consider his parents to be my parents, and they also consider me a son. Everything about Roma and his parents, you<волновать>shouldn't," Savchenko answered emotionally.

The only thing Oleg said on this topic was that he drew a parallel between the Englishman and Gorshk from the KiSh group, who died under similar circumstances. Savchenko believes that they similar fates. Both had a way of life in which many were surprised that death had not overtaken them even earlier.

After the death of Roma, Oleg decided not to close the LSP group and began performing with a new team
Photo: Social networks

Remember the day when close friend passed away, it is still difficult for the performer. Interestingly, Savchenko feels relieved. Shortly before the death of the Englishman, the friends did not see each other for a couple of weeks, which, as Oleg now claims, subsequently helped him to accept the incident relatively calmly.

“Denya Astapov called me and said: “Everything happened.” And I understood everything, - Oleg shares his memories. - This is not easy news, I received these<тумаков>informational. When I passed all this, I already began to think what to do next. ”

Dud clarified whether close people, in particular Oleg, tried to fight addiction Roma. And if not forcibly put in the hospital, then at least just talk, explain the whole situation, outwit ...

Next year, Oleg plans to gather about 15 thousand people for the band's concert
Photo: Social networks

“We made attempts,” Savchenko admits. - Until a person wants something himself, this will not happen. If he sincerely wants it, he achieves it. I answered your question, even if you think not (…) Roma was the most cunning dude I know. No one could outwit Roma, and in some way Roma outwitted himself.”

Yuri Dud: “So he sincerely wanted to die?”

"You can interpret it that way," the band's frontman replied.

"LSP" is a well-known youth musical group performing hip-hop music with electronic elements. Over the 10 years of its existence, the group has released 7 albums, and since 2013 "LSP" has become a real idol among younger generation listeners.

"LSP": photos of participants

For the most part, the name "LSP" means rapper Oleg Savchenko. But in recent years, "LSP" nevertheless became a group, since, in addition to Oleg, Roma Anglichanin, who recently passed away, also worked on the creation of songs. However, out of habit, the pseudonym "LSP" is called one Oleg, or they say Oleg LSP.

Biography of Oleg Savchenko

Oleg was born in the Belarusian city of Vitebsk in a family of journalists. He is with early age showed interest in music, and the boy's parents fully supported his hobbies. Father even bought little Oleg a piano. But it was not possible to make the boy a serious pianist in a classical costume. Oleg found himself in a completely different genre.

The turning point in his life was, oddly enough, "Star Factory - 4": Oleg's eyes lit up when he first saw the benchmarks on Channel One. The boy dreamed of becoming that guy from the screen, like Decl or Timati ... And he became. At a more conscious age, the future rapper admired the work of already rock musicians: Zemfira, Mumiy Troll, King and Jester. And, of course, the appearance of American "gansta rappers" on the TV box also added to the tangle of impressions of a teenager. Then he did not even suspect that "LSP" - a group in which he would be the main character - would become so popular.

Oleg graduated from the philological faculty, he could have become a teacher, but, thank God, the fate of the musician was different. That is why the songs of "LSP" are written with a special style and taste, even though they contain a lot of obscene language. Poems in a beautiful musical wrapping - that's what the band creates.

Oleg's early work

After entering the university, the guy had the first successes in musical career. In 2007, Oleg recorded his first track "I understood everything", and in the same year he tried himself on the site, in which he went through 4 rounds. At the same time, such compositions as "The Magician" and "Streets" appeared, which were included in Oleg's first mini-album "To see colored dreams" (July 1, 2011).

"A crazy hippie became my father, a metalhead in torn jeans became a mother" - and the atmospheric song "Hippie". And on July 1, the country saw a video for this composition, amateurish, strange, but the melodiousness of the song defeated a not very professional picture.

Acquaintance with Roma, the first successes

At one of the parties, Oleg met Roma, the guys immediately realized that they had a lot in common. After some time, the result of joint creativity appeared - the song "Numbers", which raised the group to new level. From that moment on, Roma and Oleg began to work together with special diligence on each track. Result: from a solo project, the duet "LSP" turned out. A group whose composition and songs won the hearts of rap lovers.

The next hit of the group was the track "Cocktail", released in 2013. It was already different from previous compositions, since during this period LSP experimented with genres.

2014 was a very fruitful year for the band. They released two whole albums: "YoB" and "Hangman". The division of labor among the guys worked with a bang here too: Roma wrote music, and Oleg wrote lyrics. From that moment on, LSP albums began to be built on heroes, on their destinies and stories. From melodic hipster hop, the guys move on to more aggressive lyrics. Both albums were met with a bang by the public and critics, and "LSP" gained even more authority in the hip-hop culture. New image The LSP group, in which Roma appeared, attracted more and more attention.

Conflict with Booking Machine

In 2014, the guys signed a contract with the well-known booking agency Booking Machine. The group was advised to the head of the agency Ilya Mamay by the famous rapper Oxxymiron. He vouched for the guys, while Mamai did not see anything special in them. After signing the contract, together with Miron, "LSP" recorded the track "I'm bored with life", which The Flow website included in the list of the best 50 songs of 2014.

A year later, the guys break the contract with the agency. In 2015, "LSP" had very few concerts, they blamed Booking Machine for this. Oxxymiron asked the group not to advertise their departure, but the guys, on the contrary, began to trumpet it to everyone, and in a particularly critical way. April 1, 2016 "LSP" presented their new track Imperial, recorded together with the rapper Porchy. It was the diss on Oxxymiron that made "LSP" known to a wider audience. But the song is unique in that it also has Miron's diss on the guys. The first ever diss within a diss, which, according to The Flow, reflected "the clash of two heroes of the generation." The whole country breathlessly watched this conflict, and Oxxymiron in his Youtube channel even posted an hour-long video where he explained his vision of this collision.

magic city

Released July 19 album Magic City, in the creation of which for the most part Oleg participated as the main soloist of the LSP group, but Roma was still producing, and he also produced. The strip club was called the magic city "LSP", and it is depicted on the cover of the album. However, critics ambiguous perceived the new release. In their opinion, the album lacked the integrity of the plot, and there was too much oppressive longing and melancholy in it. Fans of "LSP" definitely liked Magic City, but it failed to surpass the success of previous albums.


Together with the cloud rapper Pharaoh "LSP" on September 30, 2016 they release the mini-album "Confectionery". This project has become real joy for fans of these talented musicians. Beginner cloud rap rapper Pharaoh together with complex lyrics and unusual music, the group "blew up" the audience. Later, the guys went on a joint Cake Factory tour.

Tragic City

The album, released on April 28, 2017, continues the Magic City concept. The hero of the album, as usual, is a poet tired of life, real spiritual storms occur inside him. There is a lot of the smell of death, longing, hopelessness, and after listening to all the songs on the album, it is simply impossible to get rid of sad thoughts. But there is also a positive side here - the experiences from the songs result in catharsis, that is, spiritual purification through suffering. Therefore, if hip-hop fans have accumulated negativity, let them boldly listen to this album, but be more careful.

Roma the Englishman from the group "LSP"

Photo of Roma the Englishman below. Roman Sashcheko (real name), put a lot of effort into "LSP" - a group in which he was able to realize himself. Perhaps, without him, she would not have achieved such success. Roma starred in only one clip "Coin", the views of which have already exceeded 10 million.

On July 30, terrible headlines thundered in the media: "A member of the LSP group has passed away." This event shocked the fans. And now ordinary words from the song "Coin" sounded like prophetic, and the image of death last album became not an image, but real event. The cause of Roma's death is still unknown, but the Englishman used alcohol and drugs in large quantities, many fans see this as the cause of the tragedy.

No matter how much they guess, the fact remains - more talented and bright party group "LSP" will not be able to create, but his contribution will not be forgotten. On August 5, Oleg said: "Roma has become a huge part of me, for which I will move on with a vengeance. A part of me that will never die. And the show, as you know, must go on."

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