The course of educational activities. Game "Polite words"


Topic: “Traveling around the city of “Courtesy”.

Target: the formation of a moral idea of ​​politeness in children.


1) Repeat and consolidate with children the forms of polite treatment of people.
2) Draw the attention of children to the fact that kind words must certainly be combined with good deeds.
3) Cultivate feelings of camaraderie and friendship.

Equipment: station names, a poster with the image of a steam locomotive, a bell.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational part.
II. Message topic and purpose.
- Today we will travel around an unusual city. It's called the City of Courtesy. We will travel on this train.
III. The game is a journey.

The boarding of the train is announced. Please take your seats.

1. Station "Good".

Leading: In order to become polite, you should use “magic” words as often as possible, from which it becomes happier, warmer, brighter in the heart of other people.

1). Poem O. Driz " Good words».
Kind words are not lazy
Repeat to me three times a day.
Just go out the gate
Everyone going to work
Blacksmith, weaver, doctor,
"Good morning!" I shout.
"Good afternoon!" - I shout after
Everyone going to lunch.
“Good evening!” - this is how I meet everyone hurrying home for tea.

Leading: Not only words, but also deeds should be kind. Let's solve problems together:

2). Two passers-by were walking down the street. One is 62 years old and the other is 8 years old. The first one had several items in his hands: 1 briefcase, 3 books and 1 large bundle. One of the books fell.
- Your book fell, - the boy shouted, catching up with a passerby.
“Yes,” he wondered.
- Of course, - the boy explained, - you had 5 things, and there are 4 left.
- I see that you know subtraction and addition well, - said the passer-by, hardly picking up the fallen book, - however, there are rules that you have not yet mastered.

What are these rules? What was the boy supposed to do?

3). The boy shouted to a passer-by: “What time is it? and made 3 mistakes, name them. (You can’t shout, you need to speak calmly. You need to turn to a passerby, while apologizing for disturbing him, and use polite words: “Excuse me, please, could you tell me what time it is?”)

4). The two boys collided at the door. They can't separate at all. Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11? (the one who is more polite gives way.)

2. Station "Cultural".
Moderator: Now you junior schoolchildren but not babies anymore. Each person should cultivate the habit of caring for people, striving to bring them joy, create good mood be responsive and considerate.

1). Scene "Blue Leaves". (children put on a play)

Katya had two green pencils, and Lena had none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me green pencil Kate.

I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day. Lena asks.

Did mom let you?

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother too.

Katya comes the next day.

Well, did your brother let you?

My brother allowed it, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful.

Look, do not break, do not repair, do not press hard, do not take it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

I just draw leaves on the trees, yes grass in green.

It's a lot!

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

Well, take it, what are you? Take it!

No need.

In class, the teacher asks:

So guys show me your work.

Lenochka, why do you have blue leaves on the trees? Do such things happen?

No green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

I gave it to her, but she won't take it?

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

Guys, did Katya do the right thing? Do you think she felt ashamed of her act? Would you be friends with such a girl?

2). Game polite or impolite.

Let's try to determine what kind of connoisseurs of the rules of politeness you are, for this we will play the game "Polite-impolite". If politely - clap twice, impolitely - once.

Say hello when you meet

Push and don't apologize.

- Help me get up.

Pick up fallen items.

- Don't stand up while addressing the teacher.

Take tickets on the bus.

Do not give up your seat on public transport.

Do not notice the discontent of the mother.

3. Station "Polite".

Host: Guys, why are polite words also called “magic”? What "magic" words do you know? (Children call) Listen to the verses about these words.

Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon! - you were told.
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings were tied -
Warmth and kindness.

Bon Voyage.
They wish us: "Good luck!"
It will be easier to drive and walk.
Will lead, of course, a good way
Something good too.

- Hello! - you will tell the person.
- Hello! - He smiles back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And will be healthy for many years.

Thank you.
Why do we say "thank you"?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times?

I'm sorry, I won't
Accidentally breaking dishes
And interrupt adults
And what he promised to forget.
But if I forget
I'm sorry, I won't do it again.

Cancel, or something, the word "please" -
We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps that without "please"
We become uncomfortable.

Good words.
These words are known to everyone for a long time,
You see - they are simple and not new.
But I'll say it again anyway:
- Good people, be healthy!

Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (thank you)

Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom .... (Thank you)

A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (please forgive me)

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

Listen carefully to the verses and say what is wrong, harmful in these tips and how you really need to act in these situations.

1st tip.
If you come to friends
Don't say hello to anyone
The words "please", "thank you"
Do not tell anybody.
Turn around and ask questions
Don't answer anyone
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

2nd tip.
If a friend's birthday
invited you to my place,
You leave a gift at home
will come in handy.
Try to sit next to the cake,
Do not enter into conversations:
you while talking
Eat half as much sweets.

3rd tip.
Girls should never
Nowhere to notice
And don't let them pass
Nowhere and never.
They need to put their feet up
Scared around the corner...

4th advice.
If to dad or mom
Aunt adult came
And leads some important
And a serious conversation
Necessary behind unnoticed
sneak up on her and then
Shout loudly in your ear:
"Stop, give up! Hands up!"

5th tip.
If your friend is the best
Slipped and fell
Point your finger at a friend
And grab your stomach.

4. Station "Pugnacious".

Leading: About whom they say: "Pugnacious, like a rooster"?
How do you think fights usually start?
- Do you have to fight back if someone hit you? And what can the fact that you hit back lead to?

But what advice does A. L. Barto give in the poem “If they beat ...”
The boy after the fight
But he does not hide scratches,
No, on the contrary
He heard his father's voice,
He says: - well,
Everything is fine! I gave them!
I gave them all!
And the father with a pleased look
Looks at son.
And today on the boulevard
He fought like a lion
Hit two offenders
Immediately emboldened.
- Well done! - Dad approved -
Now you're not a slob.
And remember in the future:
Start a shameful fight.
If they beat you, however,
If they beat you, answer.

Moderator: What advice would your parents give you?
Is it possible to say that dad gave the boy a faithful and good advice?

About fights folk wisdom reads:
Raise your hand, but don't hit.
You won't be right for a fight.
Quarreling will not lead to good.
Wherever he comes, he will start a quarrel.

5. Station "Friendly".

The poet B. Zakhoder spoke about this in the poem "We are friends"

1st student: In appearance, we are not very similar:
Petka is fat,
I am thin.
We are not similar, but still
You won't spill us with water!...

2nd student: The fact is that he and I
Bosom friends!
We do everything together.
Even together we fall behind

1st student: Friendship is friendship, however
And we had a fight.
There was, of course, an important reason.
It was a very important occasion!
Do you remember Petya?

2nd student: Something Vova,
I forgot.

1st student: And I forgot!
Nevermind! Fight honestly.
As friends should!
I'll knock!

2nd student: I'm going to crack!

1st student: And I'll give it to you!
Briefcases soon came into play.
In a word, I will not be modest -
The fight has gone anywhere!
Just look - what a miracle?
Water is running from us!
This is Vovka's sister
Poured us out of a bucket!

2nd student: Water flows from us in streams,
And she laughs too:
- You really are friends!
You can't spill water.

Host: Guys, all of you should remain friends. When you finish school, you will become workers, doctors, builders, captains. There are hundreds of professions, among them each of you will choose the one that will be the most interesting for you. But, first of all, you must grow up real, good people: kind, brave, polite. And this needs to be learned.
Long live kindness, respect and sensitivity to each other!

So what is politeness? (The words are opened: respect, attentiveness, caring, decency, tact, goodwill).
Words: "Goodbye!",
"Thank you", "I'm sorry"
"Please", "Hello" -
Donate generously!
Give to passers-by
Friends and acquaintances.

Guys, I have prepared for you a reminder of the rules of conduct.

Tips for memory :

For you, friend, I made up

ten very important rules.

These rules are simple

You will remember them quickly.

When you wake up, get up

Don't give in to laziness!

The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you!

Don't wait for prompting

Go to school on time!

Before you slam the door

Have you taken everything with you - check it out!

At school, in the classroom, do not litter.

You will see litter - pick it up!

You respect the work of another

You litter yourself - clean it yourself!

Do not carry chalk in your pocket -

That, my dear, is not the point!

Be careful with your clothes

Avoid holes and stains!

Do not be rude to loved ones at home;

Pity the little ones, love;

Know good grades

Like fruits in a garden on a branch;

To be proud of you

You must work hard!

Man without courtesy

Believe me, it costs very little!

Be kind

Modest and considerate!

In one magical land, in a small fabulous city, lived the young wizard Artie. He was still very small, but he had incredible strength!

It was courtesy. This power was endowed by his parents - good wizards.

What was it about this power? But wanted, for example, a young wizard new toy. This is where he used his power. Suitable for parents and say, “I behaved very well. And in magical garden The teacher praised me. Conjure me a toy!” And at the end he always added a polite spell "PLEASE!"

The kid said this spell, and immediately a chest with toys appeared - the parents could not resist his extraordinary power. But Artie was only allowed to choose one toy from the chest. Otherwise, the chest could take part of his magical power for himself.

Everyone in town loved Artie, adults and children alike. When he walked down the street, everyone rejoiced and laughed, because for every inhabitant of the magical town, the boy had his own polite spell:

— HELLO, mister baker! How are you doing? the boy asked happily.

— THANK YOU, Aunt Matilda, your pies are very tasty!

- GOOD NIGHT, grandfather Samson, tomorrow I will come to you to repair my shoes!

“He must have the gift of Politeness!” — people were surprised, — What a polite boy!

And everyone felt happy and light in their hearts. Because people were just beginning to understand what Politeness is and did not yet know how to say polite spells. Although the words were very simple, the townspeople had no idea about their great Magic Power yet. Therefore, strength was considered rare.

But one day Artie almost lost his Politeness.

The kid got used to the fact that everyone loves him anyway, and began to forget to say polite spells THANK YOU, HELLO, PLEASE.

The Power of Courtesy felt that they forgot about her, got offended and left wherever her eyes looked. Lost. She really doesn't like being forgotten about, especially little boys.

And there was a rumor in fairy town that Artie had lost the Gift of Courtesy. The parents got worried and decided to talk to the baby. And he began to be rude and snarl. Mom and dad got upset. They realized that things were really bad, their son's magical gift disappeared.

They called the most important, the most Kind Enchanter, who was kinder than anyone in the entire fairy-tale town. Children, adults, and even forest animals came running - everyone was so worried about the young wizard!

How are you, Artie? asked the Kindest Magician, smiling.

- What's your business? the kid snapped.

“Everything is clear,” said the Good Wizard, “the boy simply forgot all the polite spells, so Politeness was offended.

- What to do? How can our Artie get Politeness back so that she doesn't get offended anymore? parents threw up their hands.

“And here everything is magically simple,” smiled the Enchanter, “it is necessary that everyone around utter polite words. They are very simple, but the power in them is incredible! You can easily learn this magic. Ask for something and add "PLEASE" at the end. And when they give you something, say "THANK YOU". Say "HELLO" out loud in the morning and "GOOD NIGHT" in the evening. The Power of Courtesy will immediately begin to act and everyone will be happy and good!

- Simple as that! - the inhabitants of the city were delighted and clapped their hands happily, - now we can also become polite, and we will have the most polite city!

Here is a story that happened in a fairy-tale city. Magic power, of course, returned to the young wizard Artie. She was very wise and understood perfectly well that in order to become a real hero, you need to go through many trials.

One of the greats said that parable carries a lesson, comprehending which, we will become closer to God.

The young family bought a house outside the city. They looked through a lot of options, traveled almost all the neighborhoods and finally saw what they had been dreaming about for so many years.

The move didn't take long. happy spouses enjoyed pleasant cares. And there were many. It was necessary to disassemble things, put things in order, get acquainted with the neighbors.

The first morning in the new house was sunny. We decided to have breakfast in the garden. While the young wife was preparing breakfast, her husband decided to look at the garden. And suddenly he stumbled upon a pile of garbage, poured out just on a flower bed. The man frowned, who only had the mind to do such a thing.

“It didn’t happen yesterday,” he thought.

And then his eyes caught some movement from the side. He turned and saw his neighbor walking into his house with a wry grin. A guess flashed through the man's head, but he shook his head.

- Yes, it can not be. How bad I am about people, - he took a dustpan, a broom and collected garbage in a bucket. I decided that the young wife did not need to know about this unpleasant story.

History repeated itself the next morning. The man was so upset that he could not hide it even from his wife.

Maybe we offended him in some way? Although what, we are not even familiar with him yet, - the man languidly picked at his plate with a fork.

- Calm down, - said the wife, - now we'll figure it out a bit and I'll go to the neighbors on a return visit. Everything will be fine, - the woman affectionately hugged her husband. People sometimes really need lessons in politeness.

The time was drawing near for dinner. The young wife took the largest bucket available in the house and collected the largest and most beautiful apples in the garden. I washed the apples and put them in a bucket. Then she cut a few roses and with these gifts went to a neighbor.

The neighbor opened the door immediately, the woman did not even have time to knock.

“Good afternoon,” the young woman said, “we are your neighbors.

The man's eyes rolled wildly.

“This is for you,” the woman put the bucket in front of her neighbor, “and this is for you too.”

She handed him the roses. The neighbor eyed the bouquet suspiciously.

“You understand what it is. We have been here for the second day, but we got to know each other only today. And we always take kind people to share what he himself is rich. So this is your home from ours. Goodbye.

And she went to the gate. The neighbor looked after her. A flush of shame slowly flooded his face. The lesson has been learned.

Did you like parable? If you don't like the young woman's answer, feel free to find your own.

"Is it necessary to kiss the hand of a woman carrying a suitcase?" (With)

Ellochka the cannibal had thirty words in reserve. In order to be considered polite, in France seven are enough: "Hello!", "Excuse me", "Thank you", "I'm sorry!" ("Désolé(-e)") and " Have a good day/ evenings!".

Last week, my boss, typing another polite-angry email, suddenly asked: "Don't you think, Irina, that there are big problems with politeness in France?" Irina, who grew up in the railway station district, does not seem so. When I want to doubt the chivalry of the inhabitants of the Hexagon, I remember how once, after living a year and a half in France, I returned to Arkhangelsk for a vacation and went to visit my grandmother. A neighbor, an intelligent man of about forty-five, was just coming out of the entrance - I knew him for at least twenty years, but we never greeted each other. In surprise, I exclaimed: "Hello!" The neighbor looked at me, blew his nose and moved on.

France teaches you to say "Bonjour!" from the first minutes: almost from the very beginning, I began to greet bus drivers, cashiers, scavengers, neighbors - even those nasty ones from the fifth floor who constantly complained about me to the concierge. "Hello, madam! Forgive me for disturbing you, but do you have any coins?" ask the beggars in the subway on a dreary morning. Life, of course, does not get better from this, but even an indifferent "Bonjour" is better than nothing. In fact, one word "hello" business should not be limited. "Bonjour qui? - strict mothers drilled the kids in the sixteenth arrondissement. - You must definitely add "Bonjour Madame" or "Bonjour Monsieur", otherwise it's not comme il faut! You don't want to be considered impolite, Pierre-Antoine?" Four-year-old Pierre-Antoine did not care, but after three corrections, the classic childish "okay, just get off" worked, and later the imposed politeness grew into a habit. By the way, Madame and Monsieur are all here: no "Girl, are you leaving?" and "Woman, you blocked the view" will not be in France, even to the untidy man sleeping on the mattress at the Chanel boutique, it is customary to address you with "You" and call him "Monsieur".

In popularity with "Bonjour!" can only be compared with "Thank you!" From the course of oral speech for the third year of study at the Arkhangelsk infak, I remembered two things: instead of "I want" in any situation, you need to use a soft "I would like", and you should always thank plentifully. Our teacher, an incredibly strict woman, after several trips to France, realized that in this country you need to say "thank you" as often as possible, which she tried to get us to do all the time left before graduation. I did not give in and always laughed at this habit, until a few months ago, a recently visited French Republic Russian-speaking friend did not tell next story: she was presented with a beautiful gift, and the donor, an elderly lady, could not come herself, and the girl conveyed words of gratitude through her friend. Madame was offended and hinted that it would be nice to say "thank you" in person. My friend was indignant that she should not bow a hundred and fifty times: "I once said" thank you "- how much can you?" But I was horrified: over the years, in addition to my love for croissants, I have developed the ability (at least externally) to gratitude - I will say "Thank you" both once and twice, and I will catch up and say it again.

Another vital word in France is "Sorry!" With “sorry”, the main thing is to choose the right intonation, from angry to playfully affectionate, then it will help you get out of a crowded tram, harmlessly interrupt a colleague who has been talking about his unforgettable trip to Brittany for the second hour, or avoid conflict after you stepped on someone on foot. Aerobatics- say "Sorry?" when they step on your foot.

"I'm sorry" is another catchphrase, this time for an advanced level. "Je suis désolé (-e)" or, in a shortened version of the French who are always striving for language economy, simply "Désolé (-e)" added at the end of a phrase proves that you not only don’t know or don’t know how, and regret (albeit often only verbally) about it. Once a familiar Neapolitan came to Paris and was looking for a way. In French, he knew only a basic set of phrases, so he got up with an address written on a piece of paper at the metro station and stopped everyone in a row. In ten minutes, he counted five phrases "I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm sorry!"

The classic "Au revoir", which is taught in all French textbooks from the school "Blue Bird" to the eternal burgundy Popova-Kazakova-Kovalchuk, in pure form almost never happens. Instead of "Goodbye" in France, you will hear "Have a nice day / evening / end of the day." On Friday, they are replaced by an almost obligatory version of "Have a nice weekend!" In general, the final phrase is an occasion to be creative: they will wish you a good trip to the volcano, a delicious kebab, and excellent karaoke.

The politeness of the French somewhere is rapidly lost when it comes to public transport. To feel the secret side of politeness, you need to go down the subway during the morning rush hour, around eight-thirty. "Skip!" - shout those who get out of the subway cars, while the crowds storm the train from the platform. Pregnant women, women with small children, elderly people may stand for a long time until someone compassionate rises or yells: "Madame, would you like to give up your seat?" Men in suits and with newspapers sitting in public transport are a great illustration of freedom, equality and something else. My colleague Zh. once said: “Sometimes you go down to the first floor and see that your neighbor is standing below the wall, a happy mother with two children, a stroller and a bunch of packages. And your apartment is on the third floor without an elevator, and you know - damn it, you need to run!" Apparently, such thoughts appear in many men in cashmere scarves at the sight of women with strollers and endlessly long stairs in the metro - they immediately become interested in a wall map or miraculously made their way through the Paris metro messages on the phone. I recently saw an African woman in elegant dress and a turban - and a Russian-speaking girl who, swearing through her teeth, helped her drag the stroller down while the men kept a careful distance.

But the French still have no equal in written courtesy: an abundance of ornate addresses and intricate designs can confuse anyone. "Ladies and gentlemen! Your well-known company has lost my suitcase. I am deeply upset by this situation! Could you please take action?" one writes in an email to Lufthansa. “Madame, we regret to inform you that we cannot provide you with social assistance until you meet all the criteria. Let me assure you of our sincere regret,” the second is not far behind. "Dear ladies and gentlemen! We have the honor to inform you that on September 27th, work will be carried out in your house to destroy potential cockroaches," shouts an announcement with flirtatious red insects posted in the elevator by gray-haired Madeleine, chairman of the housing committee of our house. This country is truly unbeatable.

Goals and objectives

- form ideas about moral character, culture of behavior.


Illustrations for the fairy tale "Swan Geese", sheets of paper, pencils.

preliminary work

Dramatization of excerpts from the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

Teacher. Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers.)

Then we will now go to magical land Politeness.

But only those children who know polite words will be able to go to this country.

A game " polite words»

Teacher. Whoever wants to go on a journey, he “puts” a polite word into the magic box. (Children take turns calling polite words.) So, all the words are collected, it's time to go.

Children sing the song "Together it's fun to walk."

Teacher. Who do you think lives in this fairyland? Vezha live in it. Who are vezhi? That's right, these are creatures that know the rules of politeness. But the country Politeness is very often attacked by others fairy-tale heroes- it's ignorant. They want to conquer this country and turn everyone into ignoramuses.

Drawing competition "Fairy tale hero"

Teacher. Let's draw their portraits. Some children draw a fairy-tale hero I know, while others draw an ignorant one. Do you consider yourself wise or ignorant? Why? (Children talk.)

Illustrations for the fairy tale "Geese-swans" are hung on the stand.

Here we are in the town. Let's walk along the street of fairy tales.

What kind of fairy tale meets us? (The fairy tale "Geese-swans".)

Dramatization of excerpts from a fairy tale

Teacher. Let's act out the conversations of a girl with an apple tree, a stove and a river.

Girl. Apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese take my brother?

apple tree. Eat my wild apple, I'll tell you.

Girl. My father doesn't even eat garden vegetables.

Girl. Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese take my brother?

Stove. Eat my rye pie, I'll tell you.

Girl. My father doesn't even eat wheat pies.

Girl. River, river, tell me, where did the swan geese take my brother?

river. Drink my kiselka, I'll tell you.

Girl. My father doesn't even eat cream.

Teacher. Change the girl's conversation so that fairy tale characters help her.

Issues for discussion:

- Why did the apple tree, the stove and the river help the girl?

What do you think, is it better to be wise or ignorant? Why?

And here is courteous garden. Let's walk through the Polite Garden.

Game situation "Polite Garden"

The teacher talks about the behavior of children on various examples. If the behavior is polite, then the children raise their hands up (the tree is tall, beautiful, it enjoys life); if the behavior is impolite, then the children put their hands down (the tree is upset, the branches are down, ashamed).

These may be such situations:

- to say hello at the meeting;

- in parting, mutter under your breath “well, bye!”;

- step on the foot of a friend and not apologize;

- specifically push a friend;

give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person;

- Complain about everyone.

Discussion of the poem "A Lesson of Politeness"

Bear, five or six years old

Learned how to behave.

- Away, bear,

You can't roar!

You can not be rude and swagger.

Acquaintances must bow

Take off your hat to them

Do not step on the paw

And do not catch fleas with your teeth,

And do not walk on four ... -

So Mishka is five or six years old

Learned how to behave...

I gave way to acquaintances,

He took off his hat to them.

And the unfamiliar came

The whole heel on the paw.

Sticking your nose where you don't need it

He trampled grass and crushed oats.

leaned on his belly

In public on the subway

And old men, old women

Threatened to break a rib.

Bear, five or six years old

Learned how to behave...

But apparently the educators

Wasted time right.

S. Marshak

Issues for discussion:

- Has the bear become well-mannered? Why do you think?

Is it possible to learn politeness?

What kind of person can be called polite?

Reading the poem "If you are polite"

If you are polite

And not deaf to conscience

You are the place without protest

Give in to the old woman.

If you are polite

In the soul, not for the mind

In the trolleybus you will help

Climb the disabled.

And if you are polite

That, sitting in the classroom,

You won't be with a friend

To crackle like two magpies.

And if you are polite -

Help you mom

And offer her help

Without asking - that is, on their own.

And if you are polite

That in a conversation with my aunt,

And with grandfather, and with grandmother -

You won't beat them.

And if you are polite

For those who are weaker

You will be the protector

Do not be shy before the strong.

I knew one child.

This boy was polite.

And right, very nice:

Taking away the ball from the younger ones,

He thanked them.

"Thank you!" - said.

No, if you are polite,

Then you thank

But the boy has the ball

Do not take without asking!

S. Marshak


The teacher, together with the children, concludes that politeness can and should be learned. The ability to behave in society, control one's actions, evaluate oneself and others is necessary in Everyday life and allows you to become a full member of society.

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