The history of the creation of the painting by Fonvizin is again a deuce. Who painted the picture "again deuce"



The family meets a boy who brought another failure. The appearance of the child betrays what he is doing instead of lessons: yard battles, skating, running around. The boy is joyfully greeted by a dog and younger brother who want to play. The mother looks with sadness, the older sister with condemnation.

“Again deuce” is a demonstrative work of “academic household genre". The characters are clearly divided into good and bad, so the boy is on one side, and the positive, sympathetic characters are on the other.

Our gaze moves from the boy to his sister, then to the mother, and, following her gaze, returns to the boy. In the center of the composition is not a specific object, but an impending feeling of disappointment and longing.

Reshetnikov in the painting "Again deuce" depicted a wealthy family

There is no father in the picture. Apparently, he died in the war, and the mother is raising three children alone. Notable details are a carpet, a bicycle and a clock. For 1952, all this was an indicator of good financial situation families.

"Arrived for the holidays", 1948

On the wall hangs a reproduction of another painting by Reshetnikov (painted four years earlier) - "Arrived for the holidays." This canvas is about the arrival of a Suvorov boy home on New Year's Eve. Despite the optimism and festive entourage, the canvas is deeply dramatic: most likely, the boy is an orphan, because after the war, children whose mother and father died at the front were often taken to Suvorov schools.


Reshetnikov found the idea for the painting “Again the deuce” in his family. The prototype of the boy was the daughter of the artist Lyuba. She had deuces, and at such moments, when she came home, she always strove to slip unnoticed into the kitchen. Her frustrated face, the guilty look of Reshetnikov and preserved for the hero of the picture. The artist himself believed that a bad assessment is a disorder not only for the child personally, but also for relatives and friends, and for the whole country.

The prototype of the main character of the picture was the daughter of Reshetnikov

The picture was painted from nature, very difficult. Reshetnikov's memoirs about how long the artist fed the dog with sandwiches to make it stand in the right position have been preserved.

"Reexamination", 1954

"Again, a deuce" became the second part of Reshetnikov's "artistic trilogy": the first - "Arrived on vacation", the third - "Re-examination". And just as in the picture “Again the deuce” a reproduction of “Arrived for the holidays” is visible, in the left corner of the “Re-examination” a reproduction of the painting “Again the deuce” is visible.

The fate of the artist

Fyodor Reshetnikov was born in 1906 in the family of an icon painter. At the age of 3 he was left an orphan and was brought up in his brother's family. He studied at the Worker's Faculty of Arts in Moscow, at the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops. At the Komsomol call, he went to the Arctic on the Chelyuskin, where he was a full-time artist. Reshetnikov had two periods of creativity. The first - youthful - is associated with the same Arctic campaign, with humorous cartoons. The second - with a children's genre and work in the open air. By the way, all his landscapes were bought up and taken abroad.

Kryukovo. Forest Glade. 1946

Twice Reshetnikov was awarded Stalin Prizes. And soon after the painting "Again deuce" he became a full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. For the last 13 years of his life, the artist was vice-president of the Academy.

Painting by F. P. Reshetnikov “Again deuce” is familiar to people different ages. Acquaintance with her takes place in school years: at the lessons of the Russian language, students analyze in detail the history and plot of the picture, get acquainted with the work of the great Soviet artist, and then, as a rule, they write an essay on the picture.

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov

Reshetnikov Fedor Pavlovich was born in mid-July 1906 in the small Ukrainian village of Sursko-Litovsky. Even in childhood, he learned what grief is. As soon as the child was 3 years old, his parents die. Fedor stayed with his older brother, who went around the villages and painted churches. It was then that Fedor joined the world of painting. He tried to help his brother the artist: he rubbed the paints, washed the brushes.

But little Fedya himself tried to draw secretly. Realizing how hard it was for his brother to support him, Fedor leaves home. At that time the country was Civil War. I had to work in different places constantly changing profession. He tried to be a carpenter, and a miner, and a painter.

Only after the end of the war was Fedor able to go to the capital to enter Artistic theater. He tried himself in different scenic directions.: in a graphic cartoon, as an artist-reporter.

During the war, Fedor Pavlovich worked as a war correspondent. At this time, he discovered the children's theme. His first painting about children was the canvas “They got the“ language ”. In all my life famous artist created many paintings, but the most famous are:

  1. "For peace";
  2. “They got the“ language ”;
  3. "Arrived for the holidays";
  4. "Double again."

Again deuce

Once Fyodor Reshetnikov decided to paint a picture about an excellent student. He came to the school and the teachers sat him at the end of the class so he could watch the children and do his sketches. The guys thought it was some kind of test, so they were lost and embarrassed. When the teacher called one of the excellent students to the blackboard, he was also confused. And, despite the fact that the task was simple, he could not solve it. The boy was so frightened that he was not even helped by clues from the class.

At first, Fedor tried to draw this boy in class, but the artist did not like all the sketches. He even replaced the teacher, but it was not the same. And here the idea came to the artist to transfer the boy from school to the family. A lot of preparatory sketches were made before starting the painting.

Main characters

Fedor Reshetnikov when painting "Again deuce" for a long time he selected heroes for his canvas and was looking for sitters for the characters in the picture:

  1. Boy.
  2. Big sister.
  3. Younger brother.

The artist found the main character in the yard when he passed children playing football. He turned his attention to the goalkeeper. Soon the boy was posing in his workshop, standing with his head down. But this was not enough for Reshetnikov, and he decided to introduce another main character into his picture. However, the dog did not want to stand on its hind legs. The artist bought him a sausage, and the owner of the dog had to hold a treat over him while Fyodor Pavlovich made sketches.


The action of the picture takes place on a winter day in the apartment where he lives big family. In the morning the day seemed beautiful and wonderful, all the guys went to school. Only youngest child stayed at home with mom, riding a bike.

The family lives in a large apartment with several rooms. The guys have their own bedroom, but they usually teach lessons under the supervision of their mother in a large room. There are dark blue wallpapers on the walls, and the open white door allows you to look a little at the next room. And if the large room is dark, there is little light in it, then in the next room there is a small window, on the windowsill of which stands indoor flower. The wall is decorated with a tear-off calendar and an old clock. There is a red carpet on a dark parquet floor in a large room. He is clean and tidy.

Before my mother had time to finish all her affairs, the older children came from school. First, the girl returned, who immediately boasted to her mother about her good grades. She is a diligent student and always tries to help her mother, not to upset her. Eldest daughter neatly dressed and combed. Not only dark school uniform, red pioneer tie and braided pigtails speak of her neatness, but also textbooks, which she also carefully lays out on the table to teach her lessons.

At this time, the boy returns from school - the main character of the picture. Without undressing, he tells his mother and the whole family that he again got a deuce at school. Mom, tired and upset, sits on a chair. Her hands drop to her knees. It can be seen that the woman was doing household chores all day, she was very tired, and this news of her son upset her very much and upset her. Mom is wearing a dark skirt and a pink blouse. In order not to stain her clothes, she put on a red apron over it, and a scarf over her head.

The younger boy, seeing the state of his mother, stopped riding and clung to her. The child looks to be four years old. He is dressed in warm brown pants and a light shirt, over a striped vest. A short and neat haircut betrays mom's care.

Main character the pictures are sad. He is ashamed of having upset the whole family again, so he tries not to look at his mother. He had not yet taken off his brown overcoat. faux fur. A warm scarf warms the boy's neck, and dark pants and boots also betray the care of the mother, who collected the child for school.

The boy's briefcase is old and shabby. Maybe he got it after his sister, and the boy many times then rolled down the hills on it or put it in place of the gate when he played football with friends in a vacant lot. The briefcase closes with difficulty, because it contains not only textbooks and notebooks, but also removable shoes.

And only one living being rejoices at the arrival of the boy. This is his four-legged friend - a dog who, having heard his master, began to bark, and now with his paws he stood on his chest and faithfully, lovingly looks into his eyes. Rejoicing that the boy has finally returned from school, the dog waving his tail merrily. She understands that fun moments have come for her, when the child will frolic, run and play with her.

The dog does not care at all what the boy received at school, since he returned home and was next to him. The dog missed the boy while he was at school. And the child is ashamed, so he tries not to look at his tired and sad mother. The boy looks away and doesn't even pay attention to the dog.

This picture of Reshetnikov only evokes positive emotions and feelings, since the whole family depicted on the canvas is friendly and strong. Despite the fact that the boy depicted by Fyodor Pavlovich received a bad mark, I want to believe that he will grow out of him real man who will take care of not only his family, his mother, animals, but also difficult situations do not be afraid and act courageously and courageously.

Fedor Pavlovich received his first lessons in drawing in his childhood. As a young man, he was lucky to take part in a campaign in the Arctic on the Chelyuskin ship. The artist made many magnificent drawings of snow-covered beauties while on that very expedition.

F.P. Reshetnikov participated in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, including the defense of Sevastopol and the liberation of Crimea. After the end of the war, Fedor Pavlovich painted children, more often teenagers. These worked are: “Arrived for the holidays”, “For peace” and “Again the deuce!”. These paintings were awarded bronze at the international art-, which was held in Brussels.

About the painting "Again deuce"

In 1952, the artist Reshetnikov depicted a whole family on his canvas: a mother and her three children, one of them is a schoolboy who had just come home. A tear-off calendar is visible on one wall, and clock-clocks are near the doors. The picture tells about the family environment, typical for most families in the 1950s.

The hero of the picture is a ten-year-old teenager. By appearance it is noticeable that he was not at all in a hurry after his schoolwork home, and for quite a long time still walked on the street and skated with peers. The boy is wearing a winter coat, it is open, because it lacks a few buttons. They probably broke off. In his hand, he holds a briefcase, rather shabby and bandaged, it is possible that the student used it as a ball or sled more than once. Skates peek out from under his briefcase. Evidence of a long walk on the street of a boy is his disheveled hair, red ears, a blush on his cheeks, which happens from a strong one.

He is upset, his head is downcast, his eyes are fixed on the floor. The boy with all his appearance shows how he worries about the deuce, received for the umpteenth time. For him, this situation is not new, he knows what to do. The student had already promised his mother many times that he would do all the homework that was assigned at school. The teenager played so much that he completely forgot about the lessons. The days in winter are much shorter, he played snowballs with the yard guys for a long time, it began to get dark, and he came home. The student did not want to go home, because. he knew that his mother would again scold him for a deuce.

The only one who is happy to see the boy is his white dog with red spots. He jumped on the young master and rested his front paws on his chest, tried to lick. The dog happily wags its tail, wanting to play with the boy.

The room is quiet. Rare heavy sighs of the mother are heard. She is sitting at the dinner table, her hands on her knees. It seems that she has just been distracted from her household chores, of which she has a lot. Seeing her son with an untidy appearance, she understands that her son came from the street, where he played with the guys for a long time, forgetting about the lessons. The mother does not see that her son is remorseful about the bad mark received recently. Due to the fact that his mother and older sister are in the room, he makes a sad look. The woman is very tired, she does not seem to have the strength to influence her child and make him study more diligently at school. In the look of a woman, longing and sadness are read.

Near the woman is the younger brother of a schoolboy who is sitting on a children's bicycle. The preschooler smiles maliciously and maliciously. He is pleased that this time it is not his fault, but someone else.

F. P. Reshetnikov - extremely talented artist. His paintings are very bright and realistic. They are imbued with special warmth and sincerity. The children's theme in the artist's work occupies a significant place. These are: "They got the language", "On a visit", "For peace", "Arrived for the holidays." The picture "Again deuce" stands out in particular. Reshetnikov created a memorable and interesting work.

Reshetnikov Fedor is a bright and original artist, unusually gifted. He belongs to the representatives of socialist realism. Fedor was born on July 15 (28), 1906 in the village. Sursko-Litovsk (Ukraine). His father was an icon painter, so the attraction to the art of painting was laid in him from birth. At the age of three, the boy was left an orphan. His upbringing was carried out by his elder brother Vasily, who left the Kiev art school for the sake of the family. In the second half of the 1920s, Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov entered the Moscow Art Department of the Workers' Faculty. In the period 1929-1934 he studied at the Higher Artistic and Technical Institute. During his student days, the Kukryniksy had a great influence on his work. Already at that time, Reshetnikov was known as a master of graphic caricature. He was an active propagandist of the system of socialist realism. Other artistic directions did not accept, fought with them. Fedor Pavlovich died on December 13, 1988. His grave is located in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

The multifaceted talent of the artist

Thanks to his talent, he went on polar expeditions on the icebreakers "Sibiryakov" (1932) and "Chelyuskin" (1933-1934) as an artist-reporter. Big success had his work from these places. He had a special gift in the field of satire. Being an excellent caricaturist, Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov created a significant number of talented sculptural cartoons. Some of his work is located in Tretyakov Gallery. He is also known as the creator of compositions of the academic everyday genre in the region. In this regard, there is a close connection between the works of Fyodor Pavlovich and the works of the Wanderers. Reshetnikov created amazing pictures in the "plein air" landscape. However, these works remained unknown to the general public.

Pedagogical activity. Titles, prizes, awards

Fedor Pavlovich studied From 1953 to 1957 he taught at the Moscow State Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. From 1956 to 1962 he worked in pedagogical institute named after V. I. Lenin in Moscow. For your fruitful creative activity Reshetnikov was awarded high titles and prizes. In 1949 for the paintings "Generalissimo Soviet Union I. V. Stalin" and "Arrived on vacation" he receives the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize of the 2nd degree. In 1951, he was awarded the 3rd degree for the painting "For Peace!". In 1974, he receives the high title of People's Artist of the USSR .

The secret of the success of Reshetnikov's creativity

The bright works of the artist were very remembered by the Soviet audience. Looking at the paintings of Fyodor Reshetnikov now, we seem to be transported into the past, through them the spirit of that time is felt. It is not at all surprising why his paintings have gained wide popularity. They are imbued with special warmth and sincerity. The artist pays a lot of attention to details in the depiction of people. Before this or that person, he examines him intently, notes for himself the individual and vividly expressive features of each of them. Therefore it portrait genre incredibly successful. Fyodor Reshetnikov's paintings embody the wholeness of the worldview of the realist artist. In his landscapes and portraits one can feel big love to the homeland, loyalty to one's own principles and beliefs. At the same time, the master has an unusual sharpness of gaze, a wonderful sense of observation and humor. In this regard, another side of his creative talent. Reshetnikov, in addition to successful activities in the field of painting and graphics, succeeded in creating excellent sculptural compositions satirical and humorous.

Children's theme in the artist's work

During the Great Patriotic War he created "They Got the Language" (1943). One case served as an occasion for its writing. Once he arrived from Sevastopol to Moscow and saw children playing war in the street. This interested him, and he stopped to look at the children. None of them agreed to be in the role of "fascist". Only kids who did not understand anything in politics fell for this bait. "Fritz" was well beaten by the guys who quickly got into the role. Reshetnikov was interested in this plot, and he painted the picture "They got the tongue." She opened the children's theme in his work, which became one of the main ones in the post-war period. He also created such works: "On a Visit" (1947), "For Peace" (1950) and, perhaps, the most popular painting- "Again, a deuce." Reshetnikov wrote it in 1952.

The plot of another picture - "Arrived for the holidays" (1948) - is also taken from everyday life.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Fyodor Pavlovich often saw how relatives met Suvorovites. All happy and satisfied went home, and the boys walked briskly. Reshetnikov imagined how one of them returned to his native corner and reported in full form to his grandfather (a regular military man): "Arrived for the holidays!" The guy is very proud of the fact that he is already a little soldier. Grandfather stands at attention, accepting a report from his beloved grandson. The scene has a somewhat playful and at the same time serious character.

F. Reshetnikov, "Again deuce". History of creation

Initially, the artist wanted to paint a picture about an excellent student who informs his mother about another five. In search of such a student, Fyodor Pavlovich went to school. The teachers put the artist in a "gallery", from where he carefully watched everyone and slowly sketched. The children were obviously embarrassed and a little worried, because they thought that this man had come from the city with a check. The teacher called one excellent student to the board and gave him an absolutely simple problem to solve. But the boy was very confused, could not concentrate and decide given example. From the class, students whispered clues to him, but because of fright, he did not understand them at all. He lowered his head and stood silently with the chalk in his hands. And then was born to the artist new topic, and the picture "Again deuce" appeared. Reshetnikov made a smart and lively boy the main character.

How was the painting created?

First, the master decided to draw a male teacher. But since almost only women work at the school, I drew a teacher. But the artist did not like the initial sketch. He found it uninteresting and boring. Then he had the idea to move the scene: from school class- to the house. After all, a bad mark is an unpleasant event for the whole family. Before the picture "Again deuce" appeared, Reshetnikov created a considerable amount preparatory drawings. Fyodor Pavlovich carefully selected sitters for his composition. The main character was a boy-goalkeeper, whom he met in the yard. Another important character was the dog. For him to stand on his hind legs, the artist bought him sausages, and the owner fed him while he painted. The final sketches included a mother, an older sister, and a younger brother.

F. P. Reshetnikov, "Again deuce" (description)

In the foreground of the picture is a boy with his head down. His sad look is associated with the deuce received at school. He knows that he will be scolded now, so he is very upset. From his briefcase, the reason for the bad mark treacherously looks out - these are the skates that the schoolboy got carried away with. His faithful friend feels that the little owner is upset about something. Wagging his tail, he rushed to the boy, showing with all his appearance that he was sorry for him. A little further away sits a disappointed mother, who is very unpleasant that her son received another bad mark. Next to her is a little brother on a bicycle. He doesn't quite understand what's going on. He is just happy that his older brother has returned from school and is now playing with him. In the background is a sister. Her stern and judgmental gaze is impossible not to notice. She does not understand why the boys are so irresponsible about their studies. are drawn Wall Clock, window and door to the room. That's the whole picture "Again deuce." Reshetnikov, not only in this composition, but also in other works, portrayed the boys as enthusiastic fidgets, from which real men will certainly grow.

Thus, Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov is a bright, original and unusually gifted personality. He was an excellent artist, cartoonist and sculptor. Of the existing directions, he was worried. A significant place is occupied by the children's theme in his work. These are the paintings "They got the language", "On a visit", "For peace", "Again the deuce" and many others.

Artist Fyodor Reshetnikov. The history of the creation of the painting "Again deuce!"

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov (1906 - 1988) - Soviet artist. One of the main representatives of the direction of socialist realism. People's Artist USSR (1974).
Winner of two Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951). Member of the CPSU (b) since 1945.

Reshetnikov decided to paint a picture about an excellent student who reports to his mother about the next five, and went to school to look for such a student. Teachers put the artist at the end of the class, he slowly watched and sketched. The guys were embarrassed because they thought: "This uncle is with a check from the city administration." The teacher called one excellent student to the board and gave a simple task. Confused, the boy could not solve the problem. From fear, he did not understand the prompts from the class. He stood, silently twisting the chalk in his hands, his head bowed. This incident helped change the theme of the design. The hero of the resulting painting "Again deuce" the artist made a boy - a lively and intelligent one.

Soon the artist decided to introduce another important character. It was a dog that did not want to stand on its hind legs. Then the artist bought a sausage. The owner of the dog picked up a piece, and the dog, getting up on hind legs, with the hunt for her stretched. And the artist was painting at that time. This was repeated until all the delicacy was over. But by this time the sketch was already ready.

In the following sketches, a sister and a younger brother appeared. Preparatory work was finally finished. A canvas is stretched on a stretcher and an easel is placed. The artist draws a drawing on the canvas with charcoal. All characters find their places. Now you can start writing oil paints. They are squeezed onto a palette of tubes. The artist takes up the brush. Every day the picture becomes brighter and more expressive.

In the foreground - a boy with a briefcase, from which skates treacherously peek out, and a faithful friend, affectionately rushing to the owner. A little further away sits at the table mom, brother on a bicycle. And even further - a little sister in a pioneer tie. Drawn and the clock on the wall, and the door. And the window is the whole room. And the picture was ready.

The boys in the paintings of Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov are always fidgets carried away by something, from which real men grow up later.

"Re-examination" - a painting by the Soviet artist F. P. Reshetnikov, created in 1954.

Location of the painting: Gorlovsky Art Museum.

The painting "Re-examination" is a thematic continuation of the painting - "Again the deuce", created two years earlier, in 1952.

Although the picture is a definite continuation of another painting by the same artist, "Again the deuce", it is not a complete plot continuation. The action of the first picture takes place clearly in a city apartment, and in the picture "Re-examination" a socially different - rural - loser is shown. Or maybe it's happening in the country, where caring parents took their beloved loser and forced him to prepare for a re-examination.

A hot summer day, all the local children poured out onto the lawn - this is clearly visible from the window of the house, where an angry and unhappy man of ten years old sits and is forced to prepare for a re-examination. Yes, he does not want to look at these books and notebooks, he even turned away from them. And friends climb through the open window, calling to the street, only increasing the torment of the unfortunate person.

As very often on the artist's genre canvases, a faithful domestic friend coexists with the main character - a dog, she also does not go out on Fresh air, remaining faithful to a friend-loser.

Everything on this canvas is built on contrasts: sorrow on the face of the protagonist - and cheerful, carefree faces of the children in the window; the motionless pose of a loser - and animation on the lawn; bright sunlight- and the shaded part of the rural house, where the main action of the picture takes place - suffering for the textbook.

And on the wall of the room where the unfortunate person toils, a reproduction of the painting “Again the deuce”, as if emphasizes the continuity of the theme.

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