Ivan Vasiliev, ballet dancer: biography, personal life, creativity. Did you start with the corps de ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre? Each of you had your own personal life, your own career


Today, the soloist of the Bolshoi and Mikhailovsky theatres, Ivan Vladimirovich Vasiliev, despite his youth, is known all over the world. Every day, a new achievement, and all thanks to diligence and dedication. However, 2015 was a truly significant year for him. He married his stage partner, incredible beautiful ballerina Maria Vinogradova, and also made his debut as a choreographer, staging his first performance "Ballet No. 1" in the Barvikha Luxury Village hall. In this article, we will tell you about early period life, about becoming a ballet dancer and about what kind of person the talented dancer and choreographer Ivan Vasiliev is outside the stage.


The future star of the Bolshoi and St. Petersburg Mikhailovsky theaters was born in the village of Tavrichanka (Primorsky Territory), in a family that had nothing to do with art. His father, Vladimir Viktorovich Vasiliev, by the way, the full namesake of the famous Bolshoi Theater premier of the 60-70s, was a military officer, and his mother did not work anywhere, remaining his faithful companion, who is everywhere, from one republic to another, from military unit to unit , followed him, ran the household and was engaged in raising their sons. When Vanya was 4 years old, the family moved to Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk. Soon after that, my mother decided to send her eldest son to a children's folk ensemble. Vanya was still quite small, but he liked it so much in dance hall, and he began to get up there so that the head of the ensemble became interested in the musical and plastic crumbs, and decided to make an exception for him, accepting him with his older brother in the group.

Introduction to ballet

It so happened in the life of a dancer that wherever Ivan Vasiliev studied, he everywhere turned out to be a couple of years younger than his classmates. At the age of 7, the boy and his mother first got to the ballet. Throughout the performance, he did not utter a word, and only his enthusiastically shining eyes spoke better than any words about what was happening in his soul. He left the theater completely in love with this view. high art. At home, he began to ask his parents to send him to a ballet school. It was not easy for the military to get used to the idea that his son wants to connect his life with such a “non-male” occupation. However, the mother managed to convince the father that their son was probably born just for this, and the father gave up. Soon, Ivan Vasiliev was on the list of those who entered the first class of the Dnepropetrovsk choreographic school. Ballet from that moment became an integral part of his life. The boy did not particularly stand out for his physical data, on the contrary, it seemed to some choreographers that with such a type of figure, not at all slender and short legs (the main “tool” of the dancer), he would not be able to achieve high altitudes in this form dance art However, time has shown that they were wrong. In the meantime, the boy surprised everyone with his hard work, incredible energy and determination.


Further, fate brought the family of the future soloist the best theaters countries to the Republic of Belarus, and here Ivan Vladimirovich Vasilyev enters the Belarusian State Choreographic College, where he begins to study classical ballet under the direction of Honored Worker of the Republic of Belarus choreographer A. Kolyadenko. By the way, despite his young age (12 years old), Vanya was accepted immediately to the 3rd year, because at the entrance exam he began to perform such complex elements that they began to teach in college only by the end of the second year. Soon he was sent to the competition, where he performed the variations that were included in the program of older dancers and this, of course, surprised the jury members.

External Data

The dancer says that some teachers did not want to see the obvious and did not believe that something good would come out of him, based on his physical parameters. They could not even imagine that Ivan Vasilyev would bring so many new things. A ballet whose height has great importance, pretty conservative art. Ivan's height, of course, was far from high, and the choreographers doubted whether he could look beautiful on stage, and his legs were a bit short, and, as some teachers said, they betrayed his plebeian roots. But as you can see, they were wrong. Ivan Vasiliev proved that appearance is not the most important thing in order to achieve heights in the career of a dancer, although the young man worked on his body to exhaustion, as a result of training, he, the word sculptor, sculpted something perfect from him. It is impossible not to admire his torso, he is worthy of admiration, similar to an isosceles triangle turned by the top to the waist.

To Moscow

Before graduating from college, Ivan Vasiliev, ballet in whose life at that time played the most important role, passed an internship in the Belarusian Bolshoi Theater and performed solo parts in productions of Don Quixote and Le Corsaire. However, all his thoughts were connected with Moscow - it was here that he saw himself in the future. And so, having received a diploma, he took a train ticket and, at his own peril and risk, went to the capital of the country, which he considered his homeland. He, of course, was dissuaded, but in Moscow, whatever you say, true talent is valued.

Premier of the main theater of the country

In 2006, the talented dancer was admitted to the Bolshoi Theater, where he made his debut in the play "Don Quixote" in the role of Basil. After 4 years, he already became the premiere of the ballet troupe, and bypassing the title of leading soloist, which was extremely rare. Here he performed the main parts in legendary performances: "Giselle", "Spartacus", "The Nutcracker", "Don Quixote", "Petrushka". Its choreographer was Yuri Vladimirov. Before becoming prime minister, Ivan Vasilyev successfully took part in a magnificent project of international level " Kings of Dance "(2009). Here he danced on the same stage with such famous dancers as David Holberg, Jose Manuel Carreno, Joaquin De Luz, and compatriots - Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Denis Matvienko and others.

Ivan Vasiliev: Mikhailovsky Theater

It's no secret that being the premiere of the Bolshoi Theater - cherished dream of all ballet dancers, the pinnacle of a career. And imagine how surprised all the initiates were when they learned that Ivan Vasiliev and Natalya Osipova (his partner in many performances and his girlfriend) refused to rehearse Don Quixote and decided to go to St. Petersburg, and not to the Mariinsky, and the Mikhailovsky Theatre. Of course, it sounded like a bolt from the blue. The directorate of the Bolshoi was at a loss. Here is some strange information professional biography. Ivan Vasiliev later explained his decision by the fact that he needed a new incentive, a new tough motivation. However, the Bolshoi did not want to completely part with his pet, and today he is the “guest star” for the theater. By the way, in the same capacity he performs at La Scala, in the Roman opera house, the Bavarian Ballet, at the Mariinsky and Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatres, and also regularly takes the stage American theater ballet. He managed to raise the Mikhailovsky Theater to an incredible level. Here he is the performer of the leading roles in the ballet productions of Don Quixote, The Sleeping Beauty, La Bayadère, Giselle, The Flames of Paris, Corsair, Swan Lake, Laurencia, Cavalry Halt, "Sylph", " A futile precaution"and others. Ivan Vasiliev, of course, managed to reach the very pinnacle of his career as a dancer. He is one of the highest paid ballet dancers in the world. Isn't that all he aspired to?


No. I. Vasiliev says that already at the age of 12, analyzing the work of his choreographers, and in his heart disagreeing with them, he dreamed that the time would come and he would be able to make his own production. In 2015, at the end of spring, he managed to fulfill his dream. His debut performance was Ballet No. 1, where he used incredible stunts and elements, as if to show where possibilities can go human body both solo and duet parts. The premiere took place on the stage of the hall "Barvikha Luxury Village" and had incredible success. The main thing is that the choreographer himself was pleased with himself, and he said that this was only the beginning, new incredible performances were ahead of everyone.

Ivan Vasiliev: personal life

After Vasiliev arrived in Moscow and got a job at the Bolshoi Theater, he began a relationship with a colleague, Natalya Osipova. In tandem with her, for 4 years they went to the title of prime minister and prima of the country's main theater. After that, all the acquaintances were waiting for the couple to legitimize their relationship and play a grand wedding, but suddenly it broke up, and soon Ivan began to be noticed in the company of another ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, Maria Vinogradova. They danced in a duet in the ballet Spartacus. After that, the young people got up to meet after rehearsals, and on the first date I. Vasiliev invited his girlfriend to the Bolshoi Theater, but not to the ballet, but to the opera. Probably, it was funny for them to find themselves, although in a familiar environment, but not on their own stage, but in front of it, in the auditorium.


Vanya made his marriage proposal to Mary in a very romantic setting. He strewed the whole room with rose petals and decorated it balloons. He got down on one knee, like a medieval knight, and handed his beloved a box with an incredibly expensive ring. It turned out that it was the design work of the famous jewelry brand Graff, which cost the artist $50,000. Well, what girl could resist such a confession? Maria, of course, gave her consent, and they began to prepare for the wedding, which took place in the summer of 2015. The wedding ceremony was very beautiful, and the young people looked more than happy. Exactly one year after that, the first-born daughter Anna was born to Maria and Ivan.

The famous ballerina and simply beautiful Maria Vinogradova dances on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. HELLO! presents an exclusive photo shoot and interview new star Russian ballet She dances the Sylphide and Giselle, Sparta's friend Phrygia in the ballet of the same name, and the savage Bela in the new play "A Hero of Our Time" based on Lermontov, staged by choreographer Yuri Possokhov and director Kirill Serebrennikov at the close of last season. Talented, artistic, technical, perfectly built, a real beauty Maria Vinogradova is the decoration of the Bolshoi Theater stage. Last summer, Maria Vinogradova became the wife of the famous dancer, star of the Bolshoi and Mikhailovsky theaters, Ivan Vasiliev: now they are dancing together more and more often. On October 3, Vasiliev and Vinogradova went out together in Giselle on the stage of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and in the spring Maria participates in new premiere prepared by her husband.

Masha, was it a childhood dream to become a ballerina?

Yes, I was only three years old, but I could no longer live without dancing and music. My parents saw my passion and decided to send me to dance club. That's where my abilities started to show. My joints turned out to be very soft, movable - in children, in principle, they are soft, elastic, but they could simply “tie” me into any knot. (Smiling.) For some time I studied in this circle, and then I was accepted into the Loktev Song and Dance Ensemble. There I found out that all the girls enter some mysterious choreography academy. I decided that I needed to go there too.

- Are your parents from the ballet world?

No, absolutely. Mom is an economist, and dad is a chemist. They never had any connections in the ballet world...

- That is, you entered the academy of choreography not by pull.

What are you, for what blasphemy? I do not accept this approach at all. Just because of my stubborn nature: I am Gemini according to the horoscope - I always achieve my goal.

At the academy, you probably dreamed of becoming a soloist, and not the "third swan from the right"?

Well, of course. (Smiling.) Appetite comes with eating. In the first grade of the school, I still didn’t “stand on my feet” very well by ballet standards: I had a B in classical dance, but already from the second class - "excellent". I studied a lot, and over time they began to give me solo parts. When I stepped on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in La Bayadère - there is a small part there, which is usually performed by students of the academy - I realized that I want to dance only here, on this legendary stage. In 2006, after graduating from the academy, I was invited to a screening at the Bolshoi Theater and accepted into the troupe.

- Did you start with the corps de ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre?

Yes, this is a common practice: no matter what leading parts you danced at the academy, in the theater you start everything from scratch. I started with the second cord of the ballet. Then I moved on to the first one. Then she became a luminary, a soloist, the first soloist. I went all the way - from the very first step to the leading soloist.

- Today, what is your favorite role-party? Giselle perhaps?

Yes, Giselle. I also really love the role of Shirin in Yury Grigorovich's Legend of Love, a ballet that returned to the Historical Stage of the Bolshoi last season. When the theater was being renovated, the performance left the repertoire, and I consider it a great happiness that it was returned. Again, happiness to work with Yuri Nikolaevich Grigorovich. I first came into contact with him when I danced Anastasia in his ballet "Ivan the Terrible" - he approved me for this role. Yuri Nikolaevich is a real genius.

In the ballet premiere of the Bolshoi, the play "A Hero of Our Time", you dance Bela. Did the directors see your hot temperament?

Don't know. (Laughs) But I really like my heroine, and the whole part as a whole is very beautiful. But not simple. All 30 minutes, while the performance lasts, you are on stage, and there is no way to even take a breath. Plus an elaborate costume. It has three layers. In the course of the action, I undress and stay in the top and pants, but before that I have to dance with such a "load".

- Masha, are you bold and wild, like Bela?

- (Laughs) I'm not sure if it's wild, but unpredictable. It is best to ask my husband about this. Vanya tells me: "Every time I don't know what to expect from you."

You met while rehearsing Spartak. How did your novel come about? He is Spartacus, you are Phrygia. You are being torn apart in the slave market...

- (Smiling.) I don’t think it’s worth drawing such parallels ...

- How did Ivan Vasilyev conquer you? Apart from talent, of course.

Very many... I love him very much. He is simply the best. Vanya has an amazing sense of humor. And he is an honest, open and, most importantly, responsible person.

- That is, behind him as behind a stone wall?

Yes exactly.

- And you are fragile, tender. Capricious?

Capricious. (Smiling.) It happens that my mood changes often. But Vanya always takes everything absolutely calmly. Never irritated, never turned on. The perfect person for me. Absolutely.

It is not difficult to assume that you, among other things, conquered him with your beauty. In general, is beauty for a ballerina a reward or "not the most important thing"?

I don’t know ... Sometimes, it happens, I hear in my address: “Here, the attractive face is cute, that’s why she dances.” I don't want people to think that about me. Moreover, I do not consider myself some kind of special beauty. We have a lot beautiful girls in the theatre.

- Do gossip upset you?

I have a strong character. I have already said: if I want, I will not pay attention to anything - that's how it was cut off. There are, of course, moments that hurt me. In such cases, I begin to worry, and Vanya reassures me: "Well, that's it, stop thinking about it already ..."

- How do you feel about criticism?

Ivan Vasiliev

The problem was that we didn't have time at all. We hardly found a date when we are both in Moscow. On the day of the wedding, Vanya flew to Moscow only at 3 o'clock in the morning. We just got married and had dinner with our parents... But maybe we'll still have a party.

How did Ivan propose?

I came home from rehearsal. I went in and saw that the whole room was strewn with rose petals.

- Does he spoil you?

Yes, terrible. (Laughs.) He always gives me some kind of gifts.

- Which was the most memorable?

I had a premiere - Vanya was not in Moscow, and he sent me flowers to the theater. After the performance, I go to the service entrance, and there is a basket larger than my car. I left her there. And the next day, the guys helped me carry it to the dressing room - it took up almost the entire room.

- Do you like to make surprises yourself?

I love it very much! I recently made a surprise. We had a week left before the end of the holiday, and I bought a small tour to Rome for three days. I booked everything, ordered wonderful excursions - to the Vatican and to the Colosseum. Vanya has been to Rome many times, but always on tour, so, in fact, he did not see anything, and he had an old dream to visit the Colosseum. He also dances Spartacus, and it was important for him to see with his own eyes the arena where the gladiator fights took place, to feel this atmosphere. It seemed to me that Vanya was very happy.

Your husband says that you cook amazingly, and once, for the sake of your meatballs, he almost refused to meet with the President of Russia after the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi. What were these magical meatballs?

Turkey cutlets with buckwheat. (Laughs.)

- Where did you learn to cook so deliciously?

My mother is a very tasty cook - probably this skill was passed on to me from her. Plus, I have always been interested in different cuisines, I found recipes on the Internet.

After all, people think that a ballerina and a kitchen are incompatible things, like genius and villainy.

It's not like that at all. Ballerinas cook just like everyone else. In the summer, my ballerina friend and I made dumplings. I bake pies, cook soups. Of course, when time permits. If the performances go on every day, then I don’t do it. But I always make breakfast: cereals, omelettes, scrambled eggs...

Vasiliev and Vinogradova at home and Vasiliev and Vinogradova on stage - are these two different couples? Can you love each other in your free time and swear while rehearsing?

In no case do we quarrel. I always listen to Vanya - his opinion is very important to me. Although it happens that I have no mood or he is harmful.

- After all, you danced in his first ballet production "Ballet No. 1" and now you are preparing something interesting ...

You know, I remember working on "Ballet No. 1" as very hard times. (Smiles.) Because not only did we work all day in the rehearsal room, but at home Vanya continued to dance, to come up with something. I told him: "Are you ever going to quit already? Take a break." He sat down on the sofa, rested for two minutes, got up and started dancing again: "But if so, look?" I remember I was in the kitchen and he was in the room. He "dances" half the apartment and ends up next to me. (Laughs.) Now we are starting rehearsals for Vanya's new performances, and I feel that history will repeat itself.

Season in the theater you started with" swan lake". You are performing a Russian dance: a Russian beauty in a kokoshnik is a role that seems to have been created for you. But do you want to become Odette-Odile?

Yes, Odette-Odile is a dream. But for this image you need to "ripen".

Makeup artist and hair stylist: Elena Zubareva (The Agent)
Set designer: Ilya Nemirovsky
Photographer's assistants: Mikhail Kovynev, Andrey Kharybin
Stylist assistant: Inga Soboleva
Producers: Yana Rudkovskaya, Natalia Oreshnikova

They are young, talented and obsessed with the profession. Duet on stage and in life. Maria Vinogradova is the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre. Her element is lyrical heroines, and in this role she is truly in demand today.

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev

Ivan Vasiliev - world star ballet. Each of his performances, and on any continent, is a grandiose event for the public, which idolizes Vasilyeva ... Most recently, Masha and Ivan had a daughter. But Maria is already in the ranks. On December 16, at the Christmas ballet gala in Kremlin Palace her next premiere is the ballet "Scheherazade". Who is the partner? Of course, Ivan Vasiliev!

WITHhow many years have you been together?

Ivan: In December, I turned three years old.

Is it a lot or a little?

Maria: Depending on which side to look.

I .: With me - a year in two.

Why such speeds?

I: Because I cheerful person. (Laughs.)

Each of you had your own personal life, your own career. What united you?

M.: Scene. At the Bolshoi Theater we danced together in Spartak, Vanya - main party Spartacus, I am Phrygia, his beloved. Since this all started. ( Smiling.)

In the ballet world, many are obsessed with their profession.

I: I'm just struggling with this. It's just ballet, not all of life. I guess I really realized this when I had a family, when my daughter was born. You come home, and you need to be able to switch.

M .: Of course, I want to spend as much time as possible with my little daughter, but you also need to do everything in your career.

How old is your daughter now?

I: Five months. For the sake of my daughter, I work hard, tour a lot.

Sometimes I come home late at night, and at five in the morning I have to fly somewhere again. The only thing that gives me strength and makes me gather internally is my daughter and family.

How quickly did you feel that your relationship could end in marriage?

I .: We came together like a puzzle, we immediately felt harmony. From the first week we started dating, it was so easy for us to be together. Now we have multiplied this feeling, we have become a full-fledged family, this cannot but rejoice. True, I courted Masha for almost a month.

I understand, Ivan, that with your reactivity, a month is an eternity.

Seeker: For me, even an hour is sometimes an eternity, everything is relative.

M .: And it seems to me that this time somehow dragged on slowly.

I .: I was touring all the time then. Courtship was at a distance, I sent Masha parcels, flowers.

M .: Basically it was flowers.

I.: I remember once I brought you a box and told you to open it when I was already on the train. I stopped in Moscow then literally at ten o'clock.

And you, Masha, of course, liked all this?

M .: Well, what woman does not like it when she is beautifully looked after? ( Smiling.) Maybe these signs of attention were especially expensive and valuable, because real feelings arose.

When you are dancing in a duet, the scene is sure to highlight the true feelings. Did you already dance together after the birth of your daughter?

M .: Yes, on November 29 we had Spartak. In fact, being in position, I set myself the goal of getting back on stage very quickly. I realized for myself that if I settle on maternity leave, I will never come back.

Our profession is the business of the young, and if you fall out of the process for a long time, then you can miss a lot. So as soon as the doctors allowed physical activity I started walking to ballet class. This happened a month after giving birth.

Everything spun so quickly that at the beginning of the season I was actively involved in the work. It was difficult, of course. Vanya saw my torment, in the summer he went to the theater with me, gave me a class, helped me get in shape.

I .: I could not convince Masha that we still need to stay at home. I'd love to sit in her place. (Laughs.)

M .: While on maternity leave, I went to performances in which Vanya danced. "Spartak", "Ivan the Terrible" in the Bolshoi ... I flew with him to St. Petersburg, to Novosibirsk, even to Japan. I really wanted to go on stage!

At one time there was a high-profile story when Ivan Vasilyev, already being the premiere of the ballet and having all the possible privileges in the theater, unexpectedly left the Bolshoi. Do you, Vanya, have no desire to go back?

I.: I left, but in fact I did not go anywhere. Because already a month after “leaving” the theater, I again began to collaborate with the Bolshoi as a guest soloist, and I continue to cooperate to this day. I have a lot interesting projects Worldwide. On this moment situation with Bolshoi Theater I like. I like to come there, to dance my favorite ballets, the Bolshoi is my first theater, my home, my beginning, and I feel very comfortable here.

I remember well your first performance at the Bolshoi in 2006. You danced in Basil's Don Quixote, the main male part, the most difficult part, designed for a mature dancer, and you were only seventeen years old then! This is a unique case for the Bolshoi Theatre, there has never been anything like it before or since.

M.: Vanya is a unique case in itself. ( Smiling.) I mean it brilliant career. On stage, he is honest, always gives his best - even if there are injuries, he will never save strength. And in life he is as open as on stage.

That's just about strength and energy. Once, a very dramatic episode happened at the creative evening of the ballerina Ulyana Lopatkina. Ivan began to dance a fragment from the ballet "The Flames of Paris", suddenly lost his balance, fell, then started dancing again and as a result, right on the stage, he lost consciousness. Personally, it was painful and scary for me to watch all this ...

I .: Yes, I was dancing then with a temperature of over forty, only backstage I came to my senses, on some kind of bed. called ambulance.

And who needs such sacrifices and why?

I: Well, I can't say no. ( Smiling.)

Were you scared then?

I: No, it was not scary. It was embarrassing.

M .: Not a single artist is immune from this. There are things that cannot be controlled on stage. Injuries happen. I had a broken leg. I “broke down” on the run of a new performance. I worked with this fracture for about a week, because the doctors did not see the fracture on the X-ray.

I walked on crutches for a month, then it took a long time to recover. And I had so many premieres planned then! Of course, you need to take care of your health. Need more time to rest. Even Vanya already understood that he needed to take care of himself. I am responsible for the health of our family. All the time I make sure that my husband takes vitamins, does massages ...

One more moment. I remember very well how, before my debut in Don Quixote, just before the start of the performance, I asked Ivan if he was worried when he stepped on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for the first time. And Ivan self-confidently answered: “Why worry about something?” I was very surprised by this reaction.

I .: Probably, it was youthful maximalism, defensive reaction. I can say that if the excitement disappears before the performance, you can leave the profession.

So you were lying then?

And of course. And perhaps because of the adrenaline, I did not understand how much I was worried. Now I understand that no matter how much I dance, I get more and more worried. When you grow, when you reach a certain level, you become responsible for what you do. Every time you step on stage, you must become best version himself.

At seventeen you had Don Quixote. Where to grow next?

And you succeeded. You've had a phenomenal career and are applauded all over the world.

I .: Over the years, I have managed to dance in many places. I worked with the best dance troupes in New York, London, Munich, Rome... I was Ivan the Terrible, and Spartak, and the Prince in Swan Lake, and there Evil genius. I don’t have such that, they say, like this, you put me as an Evil Genius, and I only want to be a prince. If the role is interesting to me, let it be secondary, what's the difference. After all, you can go out and dance it so that it becomes the main one!

It's right. You seem to have very different personalities. If Ivan is temperamental, explosive, then Masha is calm, unflappable...

I.: In some ways, we are still similar. For example, both are homemade, such “couch troops”. Most big buzz when you can sit at home together, talk ...

I know that Masha is a native Muscovite, but Ivan has a rich geography.

I .: Yes, it shook me. I was born in the Primorsky Territory, and studied ballet in Minsk. ( Smiling.)

Why Minsk and not Moscow?

I.: I was advised good teachers there. From Vladivostok we moved to Ukraine, I was twelve years old. From there to Minsk.

Interestingly, Vanya, were you told from the very beginning that you have outstanding ballet abilities?

I .: At the age of five, I already danced a variation from Don Quixote ...


I.: So, probably, there was a potential. I can’t say that everything was easy, but I liked to work since childhood.

I didn’t like to idly run around the school, play tag or sit in a computer club, it was simply not interesting to me, and what’s the point of all this? He only did what could bring some result. I have always been a leader, even English language learned for this reason. When I came to work under a contract in New York, at the American Ballet Theatre, I thought: how is it that I won’t be the soul of the company? And he began to learn the language. I guess it's in my nature to be the center of attention. ( Smiling.)

Were you invited to the Bolshoi after winning the Moscow International Ballet Competition? In any case, then everyone was just talking about the phenomenal Ivan Vasiliev.

I .: They invited a little later. gold medal at a competition in Moscow I received at the age of fifteen.

М.: By the way, Ivan and I met there for the first time: that year I also became a laureate.

I .: No, we first met before, when you came to a concert to us at the Minsk School. Don't you remember? I participated in a one-act production staged especially for me, and Masha danced in The Nutcracker. True, then we did not meet.


I.: I was generally a shy boy. He went on stage, danced, and then remained in his own world. Every time a ballet was given in the Minsk theater, I was sure to be in auditorium, on the gallery. Classmates at the school were surprised: “Why do you go to the same production so many times?” But I didn’t understand how you can skip, the performers are different every time, there is a lot to learn.

Your older brother Victor is also into ballet. Have you followed in his footsteps?

I.: No, rather, he followed mine. It so happened that we started working together in folk ensemble, and then I was ahead of him everywhere. I went to Minsk, a year later he arrived. When I came to the Bolshoi, he entered the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Now my brother works at the Bolshoi Theater in Mimans, so there is only one Vasilyev in the state! ( Smiling.) And I was called to the Bolshoi three times.

Did you have to persuade?

I .: The first time they called for a conversation when I was at a competition in Perm, so I could not come. I won the Perm competition, and they called me a second time, but at that time I had state exams at the school. And on the third time, they actually sent me a train ticket. I got acquainted with the management, and I was immediately offered to become a soloist.

Usually, everyone starts with the corps de ballet.

I .: In the Bolshoi, this happened for the first time: seventeen years old, only with school bench- and immediately a soloist.

Did you think that all this was in the order of things, or did you perceive it as gifts of fate?

I.: What are the gifts of fate? I just wanted to make it happen. At the age of twenty, I already became the premiere of the ballet, bypassing the position of the leading soloist.

In Masha, in this sense, everything is even, smooth, step by step.

M .: Yes, I went through all the steps at the Bolshoi: from the artist of the “second corps de ballet” to the leading soloist. First main role Anastasia became in Ivan the Terrible, then Spartak, and then new interesting roles.

And Ivan is now also a choreographer. Tell me, when did you feel the need to stage ballets?

I.: Even before dancing. I always want to do something new, otherwise it's boring. Masha constantly heard that I wanted to bet, and then one day she told me: “If you want, bet.” That is, in fact, pushed me to realize my dream.

M .: When Vanya composes a ballet, this separate story. A person is completely immersed in his world. He can wake up in the middle of the night, turn on the music, start telling me something or even showing me something.

I .: Several of my productions are in the repertoire of the Mikhailovsky Theater, where I serve today.

And on December 31, the Hermitage Theater will host the premiere of my two-act ballet A Christmas Carol based on Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, I myself am dancing a hero named Scrooge.

If Ivan dances on December 31 in St. Petersburg, then you will celebrate the New Year separately?

I .: I specifically scheduled my premiere for sixteen hours, so that later I could catch a plane to Moscow. So New Year we will definitely meet together!

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev. Style: Polina Shabelnikova. Makeup and hair: Natalia Oginskaya/Pro.FashionLab

On the eve of Valentine's Day, I would like to wish happiness and success to those who are together in life and on stage. In fact, creative marriages between artists are not uncommon, and often lead to the birth of brilliant works. So Balanchine staged his ballets for all his beloved wives, Rodion Shchedrin wrote music for Maya Plisetskaya, Roland Petit created his own theater for Zizi Zhanmer.

Beautiful ballet couples instill in us, the audience, confidence in absolute harmony.

Vladimir Shklyarov and Maria Shirinkina- Mariinskii Opera House.

Vladimir was born in Leningrad, graduated from the Academy of Ballet. Vaganova in 2003, after which he entered the Mariinsky Theater, where he became the premiere in 2011. Maria was born in Perm, graduated from the Perm Choreographic School, in the troupe Mariinsky Theater since 2006. The couple have a son, Alex.

About how their duet develops on stage, Vladimir told in an interview:

"If you feel understanding, eyes in love, you yourself fall in love. Then you can break into a cake and do everything! Most of all I love to dance with my wife Masha Shirinkina, now Shklyarova. But these are not the easiest performances, rather the most difficult ones. Rehearsals are taking place tensely, we swear, because I am a maximalist. I want no one to do better. "

Stephen Macrae and Elizabeth Harrod - Royal Ballet

Stephen was born in Sydney (Australia). He began learning dance at the age of seven. In addition to ballet, he was engaged in tap dancing. In 2003, he won the Prix de Lausanne and received a scholarship to study at the Royal Ballet School in London, where he began working in 2004. In five years, he managed to rise to the top step in career ladder: in 2009 he was elevated to the rank of prime minister.

Elizabeth was born in Lincoln, graduated from the Skelton Cooper School, after which she entered the Royal Ballet School, and since 2007 she got a job in the theater, since 2008 she became the first soloist, and in 2013 - prima.

Stephen and Elizabeth met at the Ballet School, in one of the interviews he noted that his wife is an excellent cook, and cooks him well favorite dish the one he eats before performances is chicken risotto. The couple has two children, Audrey and Frederic, whose pictures often appear on their dad's Instagram. Steven admits that his wife is "Superwoman" - she had time to study ballet while pregnant, and with two young children continues to perform on stage in a very busy schedule.

But the couple has not appeared on stage together for a long time, so on the video we will admire Elizabeth as the White Cat paired with Paul Kay.

Yana Salenko and Marian Walter - Berlin Ballet

Marian was born in 1981 in Thuringia, Germany. In 1992-2000 he studied at the Berlin State ballet school. From 2000-2002 he danced with the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich. In 2002, he joined the Berlin State Ballet, where he soon became a soloist and in 2010 became a premier.

Yana was born in Kyiv and as a child she was engaged in the ensemble "Kiyanochka", and at the age of 14 she was released to study in Donetsk, to Pisarev. Then Yana became a soloist National Opera Ukraine, participated in international competitions. She spoke about meeting her husband in an interview: " I met my husband at a ballet competition in Vienna. And fell in love, for the first time and at first sight. And he comes from Berlin, and even then he danced in the Malakhov troupe. And because of him I came here."

The couple has a son, Marley, who does not seek to repeat the fate of his parents and, more than ballet, is fond of athletics.

Ivan Vasiliev and Maria Vinogradova

Ivan was born in the village of Tavrichanka. He studied at the Dnepropetrovsk State Choreographic School, since 2002 - at the Belarusian State Choreographic College. During his studies, he trained at the National Academic Bolshoi Theater of the Republic of Belarus. In 2006-2011 - in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. On May 1, 2010, he became prime minister, bypassing the title of leading soloist. Since December 1, 2011 - Premier of the Mikhailovsky Theatre. Since September 2012 - also a permanent guest premiere of the American Ballet Theatre.

Maria Vinogradova was born in Moscow. In 2006 she graduated from the Moscow state academy choreography (teacher Natalya Revich) and was accepted into ballet troupe Bolshoi Theatre. Leading theater soloist.

Maria and Ivan met for about two years before the wedding, before that Ivan had an affair with Natalya Osipova, and Maria was married to Alexander Savitsky. The ballet "Spartacus" brought the couple together, in which Ivan danced his crowning role, and Maria performed his beloved Phrygia. The couple had a daughter, Anechka.

Maria speaks of joint rehearsals as follows: “We don’t swear in any way. I always listen to Vanya - his opinion is very important to me. Although it happens that I’m not in the mood or he is harmful.”

Artem Ovcharenko and Anna Tikhomirova - Bolshoi Theater

Artem was born in Dnepropetrovsk.
He received his initial choreographic education at the Dnepropetrovsk State Choreographic School, then entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (teacher Alexander Bondarenko).
In 2007, after graduating from the Moscow State Academy of Arts, he was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Since 2013 - Prime Minister of the Bolshoi.

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