Jessica Lange with her daughter Alexandra. Mikhail Baryshnikov: personal life


27.01.2011 09:56

Mikhail Barynikov is the greatest dancer of our time who has achieved worldwide recognition.

On January 27, 1948, in Riga, in the family of a military man, Nikolai Baryshnikov, a son, Mikhail, was born. The boy's life was not easy - he grew up in a large communal apartment. His relationship with his father was not very good. And when the guy was 12 years old, a tragedy struck the family: the mother of Alexandra Vasilievna committed suicide. However, despite the fact that she passed away so early, she managed to do a lot for her son: it was her mother who taught little Misha to the theater and supported his decision to go to the Riga Choreographic School.

Baryshnikov spent several years with his father, but then he got new family, and Misha began entirely independent life. He moved to Leningrad. It happened like this: in 1964 the Latvian national opera toured in Leningrad, and Mikhail was also busy in performances. Drawing attention to a talented young man, one of the artists of the Kirov Theater (now the Mariinsky Theater) took him to the Leningrad Choreographic School to the teacher Alexander Pushkin (Rudolf Nureyev studied with him). Pushkin took an exam from Baryshnikov and invited him to the school. So, in fact, the fate of the future soloist of the theater. Kirov.

In 1967, Baryshnikov graduated from his studies and began performing on the stage of the Kirov Theater. He instantly became a favorite of the audience - and not only because of his dancing skills. Baryshnikov is not only a great dancer, but also an excellent actor. And this is what captivated those who sat in the hall.

He danced in "Giselle", "Vestris", "Creation of the World" ... In 1973, Mikhail Nikolayevich was awarded the right to arrange his own creative evening, for which a whole series of one-act ballets was specially created for him.

In the same year, Baryshnikov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. However, despite the recognition, such a freedom-loving young man like him had a hard time with the country with its regime. Mikhail did not develop relationships not only with the leadership, but also with other artists. Joseph Brodsky, close friend Baryshnikov, once mentioned that if Mikhail Nikolaevich had stayed in the USSR, he would have drunk himself. But famous artist a completely different fate was prepared.

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Alla Sizova

In the summer of 1974, Mikhail Nikolaevich, as part of a Soviet troupe, was on tour in Canada. On June 29, 1974, Baryshnikov ran away from the rest of the artists and management. He decided not to return to Russia. Mikhail's friend, dancer Alexander Mints, helped him organize the escape (then he already lived in the USA). He admitted that this decision was not easy for Baryshnikov - after all, it completely severed all ties with past life with loved ones. But the artist was ready to sacrifice this in favor of creative freedom. Just at one time, 13 years ago, another dancer, Rudolf Nureyev, did the same. He escaped directly from the Paris airport.

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev - legendary dancers through the eyes of Annie Leibovitz

Of course, in addition to Nureyev, there were many other "refugees" from art. So, already at the end of July 1974, Barshnikov entered the American stage together with the ballerina Natalya Makarova, who remained in the West in 1970. By the way, they danced Giselle on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

Mikhail Baryshnikov with Natalia Makarova

And with the British ballerina Merle Park

Soon Mikhail Nikolayevich was already the prime minister of the American ballet troupe, he performed in a variety of performances - both in classical productions and in productions contemporary choreographers. In 1978, Baryshnikov moved to the New York City Ballet, the troupe of the legendary George Balanchine, who simply adored Baryshnikov.

Michael and Patricia McBride

In 1988 Baryshnikov became director of the American Ballet Company. During his work as artistic director, he managed a lot - he created a permanent troupe (previously, guest stars often soloed at ABT), staged the ballet "Cinderella", and also "corrected" a little " Swan Lake". However, he soon decided to leave the troupe - he did not like to constantly coordinate work plans with the board of directors. And in 1990, Baryshnikov created his own troupe (together with Mark Morris) White Oak Dance Project.

By the way, after leaving the American Ballet Company, Mikhail also left classical ballet- the fact is that Baryshnikov faced a problem familiar to every artist - with age. He realized that physical forces they begin to leave him, and he was not going to lower the bar in performances in classical productions. But, of course, he did not leave the stage. Since the early 1990s, Baryshnikov has become a modern dancer.

Among the modernist productions in which Mikhail Nikolayevich took part, a special place is occupied by solo ballets, in which, it seems, he finally managed to gain complete creative freedom, which he always aspired to.

Baryshnikov and his performances in the White Oak Dance Project have greatly influenced the Western dance culture- since the beginning of the existence of the troupe, both spectators and professionals began to perceive modern dance differently, Mikhail Nikolayevich was able to clearly demonstrate that even in ballet there is a place for eclecticism. And this is a very big achievement.

Today's birthday man has done a lot in his professional field. At the same time, he also managed to conquer movie lovers. He has several screen works on his account, for one of which - the 1977 film "Turning Point" - Baryshnikov received a nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar awards as best actor second plan. Well, many modern ladies remember Mikhail as the last boyfriend of Carrie Bradshaw before she decided to get married. Artist Alexander Petrovsky performed by Baryshnikov charmed all lovers of "Sex in big city".

Baryshnikov and Sarah Jessica Parker on the set

Another legendary achievement of Mikhail Nikolayevich is connected with restaurant business. It's about about the New York institution "Russian Samovar", which he opened with Joseph Brodsky. They say that Mikhail invested in him the savings accumulated from performances, and Brodsky - the Nobel Prize.

Mikhail's personal life has also always been more than eventful. leaving Soviet Union, he left his civil wife ballerina Tatyana Koltsova. Later, he began a stormy romance with actress Jessica Lange. Moreover, then Mikhail did not yet know English properly, so he had to communicate with Jessica in French. In 1981, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra, but this did not save Baryshnikov and Lange from breaking up.

Now Mikhail Nikolayevich lives with the ballerina Lisa Rinehart, they have three children.

Michael and his main women - Jessica Lange, ...

Lisa Rinehart...

AND eldest daughter Alexandra

Name Mikhail Baryshnikov known all over the world. The brilliant dancer was born in Latvia, mastered the art of ballet in Russia, and most performed in the USA during his life. During a tour in Canada back in 1974, Baryshnikov fled to literally words, he understood that he would not be able to stay abroad peacefully. Further fate showed that the choice was made correctly.

Now Mikhail Baryshnikov is 68 years old, however, he has so much strength and energy that it is simply impossible to believe in it. Dancer, actor, choreographer, photographer - in any creative fields he did not try himself! And everywhere he certainly succeeded.

Mikhail Baryshnikov's childhood passed in a small village under Nizhny Novgorod and it turned out not easy: at the age of 11, the boy was left half an orphan: his mother committed suicide. The father soon had new wife, and the boy ended up being raised by family friends. Left to himself, Misha decided to enter the ballet school, and this act determined his entire life. later life. It is worth noting that his mother instilled in him a love for art, she constantly took her son to theatrical performances.

Baryshnikov turned out to be very capable student, he coped with the most difficult elements, did not spare himself and trained tirelessly. Mikhail was handsome and did not experience a shortage of roles, however, he was not destined to shine in the main roles for a long time. The reason is banal: growth did not come out. The teachers directly told Mikhail that if he had grown a couple of centimeters, the dream of soloing in productions would have been quite achievable. Despite the fact that the task of "growing up" was almost impossible, Baryshnikov developed a set of exercises ... and really stretched out.

In fairness, it is worth noting that Baryshnikov's talent has always been appreciated in his homeland: he performed in the troupe of the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Kirov. However, dry academic productions could not satisfy the dancer's ambitions. While in London in 1970, he first saw a modern dance production, and 4 years later, Baryshnikov was given a chance to get into the American ballet troupe. While on tour in Canada, he drops everything and literally runs away from the troupe after the performance.

The American public appreciated the skill of the Russian dancer from the very first performances. Mikhail Baryshnikov managed to realize his passion for experimental dance. He not only directed the ballet theater, but also organized his own troupe "White oak". For my creative career Baryshnikov also tried himself in a TV show, starred in a movie (“Sex and the City”), organized personal exhibitions photos.

These are shots from the autobiographical film "White Nights" about the escape from the USSR, based on the dancing genius of Baryshnikov. The visiting card of the film - the song "Fussy Horses" - found in Baryshnikov's dance such fantastic plasticity, such energy, which, perhaps, the author himself did not put into it. Baryshnikov's work has been talked about in White Nights for more than 20 years. Vysotsky was born on January 25, Baryshnikov - on the 27th, they were not just friends, they were like twin brothers in freedom of spirit and contempt for restrictions, in creative diversity and the absence of creative, whether domestic, brakes, in best sense of these words....

It's funny, but in the mass consciousness of today's Russians, Baryshnikov appeared as an actor from the Sex and the City series, where he plays a playboy - a Russian artist. Then it was released Russian film"My dad Baryshnikov" about teenage dancers and their childhood in the dashing 90s. The artist himself is present there figuratively (all the same "Fussy Horses" on a video cassette, watched by the main character to the holes), but many remembered: oh yes, there was such a dancer ... By Hollywood standards, Baryshnikov is an actor of the first category, was nominated for an Oscar ". This is what we respect. And we don’t remember how he dances, because for forty years he was deleted from our life, because he fled from the USSR. Although he turns out to be the greatest dancer in the world today.

Who is he?

Sergei Dovlatov: “...I went into a hardware store near Queens Boulevard in New York. And I saw a huge portrait of Mikhail Baryshnikov on the wall. One image, no caption...

And suddenly I realized what glory is! What is real world fame.

I think fame is when your image can be hung in a hardware store. And make sure everyone knows it. And that there will be no surprised looks ... Not in the foyer opera house. Not in a fashion magazine. Namely - in the hardware store ... "

Olga Khrustaleva: “Once at a reception at the White House, he was at the same table next to Princess Diana. Diana turned her misty eyes on him, and in her most touching voice asked:

You don't remember me, do you?

Excuse me, Your Highness?

Before I got married, I never missed one of your performances at Covent Garden. And once, together with your other fans, I waited for you after the performance, and you even gave me an autograph.

And what did I write to you then?

Last name only. It seems to me that you were in a hurry then ... "

Why did he run away

Yes, because he tried to live wider than was allowed. He tried not because he had excessive ambition, he was also considered a star here and carried in his arms, but because he was more theater, in which he danced, more than classical ballet, in other words, because he did not fit anywhere. He ran away from the crowd.

This is a tiny number "Variation with Cups" from Don Quixote, one of the incredible numbers with which he wowed the Western audience. Ends to thunderous applause solo dance a huge handsome man, a favorite of the public, and then little Baryshnikov appears. He grabs a goblet of wine from the hands of a stunned handsome man, which he was about to drain, takes another goblet from someone from the crowd, drinks both, becomes drunk and suddenly soars into the air with an incredible jump, he is carried across the stage by a drunken force, he only teases that of a handsome man who danced, but does everything as he never dreamed of. And finally, right out of the air, it falls to the very edge of the stage, raises the goblets, unclenches its fingers, the goblets fall... And something happens that, probably, every dancer dreamed of, but did not come true in life: the audience gets up and starts screaming crazy... Such they couldn't even imagine.

>It's easy to guess that Hollywood couldn't get past the unique combination - an actor with inimitable plasticity, Baryshnikov began to shoot. And successfully, although the most powerful film with him, a film that we also practically never saw, “White Nights”, as if autobiographical, but this is not just a film about escaping from Russia, this is a film where Baryshnikov’s dances outshine everything, probably no one could no longer dance in a ballet under Vysotsky. Moreover, the song "Fussy Horses" acquired such fantastic plasticity, such energy, which, I'm afraid, the author himself did not put into it. His work in the film "White Nights" has been talked about for more than 20 years. Find this movie. You will not regret and never forget it.

On the set of the film "White Nights"

In the Kirov Theater, however, Baryshnikov had difficulties precisely because of this "acting" feature of his, which is so in demand in the West. A favorite of the public, for whose participation in the tour performances the state received a lot of money, he kept trying to dance something different than what the classical repertoire offered him and classical technique dance, that is, precisely because of what "in the field of ballet" we were "ahead of the rest."

The escape

That stuffy evening in Canada, the performance that Misha promised himself to dance, as always, impeccably, that ridiculous chase staged by fans who witnessed a historic flight Soviet artist to the West, - all this is already overgrown with legends.

Baryshnikov describes it this way: “After the performance, I was signing autographs, and my Canadian friends were waiting in the car a few blocks further. There were quite a lot of people who wanted an autograph, and I said: "Sorry, I have to leave for a minute, but I'll be back." And ran. But they ran after me. I started laughing, stopped, subscribed a few more times. Seriously, I was very worried about the fate of my troupe, the fate of my partner Irina Kolpakova, she, by the way, also lives in the States now, but I did not dare to tell her. Intuitively understood that during the interrogation it would be easier for her if she remained in the dark.

And then we went to one farm, and I got drunk to smithereens. He interfered with various drinks, did not go to bed until five or six in the morning ... And the next morning, the mind already began to act.

This detective story with a conspiracy of the initiates, with the transfer of secret notes-instructions to dinner party, with the signing of the necessary legal documents Literally half an hour before the final concert in Toronto, Baryshnikov's friends spoke in detail. He himself was not up to it.

Waiting for the execution of all the necessary papers, he drank a crazy amount of alcohol to drown out the excitement and longing - his friends remained in Leningrad. The closest native creature remained - the poodle Foma, with whom he had not parted before, but then left with friends, whom he also did not say anything. And Foma waited for him for many more evenings at front door. Nobody could explain anything to him.

A month later, the owner made his debut on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera with his longtime partner, Natalya Makarova.

In America, Baryshnikov, an unattainable star for his St. Petersburg fans, suddenly suddenly became just Misha. Own and reachable. And everyone there desperately fell in love with him - from note balletomaniacs to taxi drivers and housewives. That's why they didn't call him Michael. Misha. And in Russia they stopped mentioning him. There was a man and - no. Failure in the memory of the country.


Maria Riva, daughter of Marlene Dietrich: “It was in Paris. In 1986. At eighty-five years old, my mother was awarded the American High Fashion Association Award. Her grandson David was invited to receive the award instead, but Dietrich rejected his candidacy, preferring to find some celebrity, best of all - a person who became famous for his legs. She tracked down the New York home phone number of Mikhail Baryshnikov (although she never met him personally) and asked him to receive this award, after which she fell madly in love with him. A few weeks later, she called me asking me to compose a few love phrases in Russian to end the long telephone marathon across the Atlantic with appropriate passionate confessions in his native language.

Oh dear, if only you could hear him! He's great! So soft, so lyrical, so romantic! Imagine, the first time I called him, I thought I dialed the wrong number. I was answered by a strange voice with that nightmarish American nasal accent! But it was him! Mind unbelievable! After all, he's Russian!

I told him: "I was in love with Nuriev, but now I love you! You are a much better dancer than him, and you are a real man!"

He wants to come and see me. Of course, this is impossible, but it would be so nice ... After all these empty years, I would get excited and, probably, there, “below”, something would tense up again. He would love it. And even sleeping with him would be nice ... "

He was always surrounded by admirers, long before they began to fall in love with him over the phone. And contrary to standard legends about male dancers, he wasn't gay. When he served at the Kirov Theater, he lived - the "star of the stage" - in a tiny Leningrad room, where cardboard boxes replaced furniture, and friends entered guests right through the window. But it was fun there, and recklessly, and together. When he finally got a decent studio apartment a stone's throw from the theater, Tanya Koltsova moved in - his first wife, a civilian, very worried about her not quite legal position, but a faithful friend and a worthy partner in ballet performances.

They broke up in 1972.

When the legendary George Balanchine and his troupe came to Leningrad on tour, Misha did not miss a single performance. Then he first met his future partner (she herself called their meeting "fate") - Gelsey Kirkland.

Later, already in America, they formed an amazing creative duet. And in life they were connected by love. If not for Gelsi's addiction to drugs, Kirkland would have been considered one of the best ballerinas of the 20th century in the history of world ballet and, perhaps, would have stayed with Misha forever.

He fell in love with "King Kong Girl" Jessica Lange. Their daughter, Alexandra, is now married and has a daughter. Baryshnikov's "love list" includes several sensational novels. Among them - with the crazy Liza Minnelli - a partner in the musical "Baryshnikov on Broadway". With Sarah Jessica Parker - her lover in Sex and the City, where Baryshnikov acted as a strange Russian artist.

With all his women, he remained "friends." They have nothing to show him as claims. They all had only one rival - his work.

His current wife is former ballerina Lisa Reinhart - a quiet friend and faithful companion of her bright husband, gave birth to three children for him. At the christening of the eldest - Peter and was present in the late 80s Brodsky, along with Yursky and Tenyakova. Now Peter already directs performances. The family constantly lives near New York, sometimes in Paris, there is also a villa in the Dominican Republic, in a paradise, next to the estates of friends Oscar de la Renta and Julio Iglesias.

How does he live

"The only white man who dances like a black man." This is what the most famous black ballerinas say about him.

Brodsky once said: "In order to live in America, you need to love something in this country." Baryshnikov fell in love above all with freedom. Freedom of creativity and freedom of enterprise.

Baryshnikov skillfully does his business. Even the part of the business that exploits his name is enough to accept him business qualities seriously. “Thank God, I don’t have to earn money for myself and the maintenance of my family by dancing. My business provides for me to be able to make art. By the way, the content of the White Oak Dance Project ballet troupe is expensive. This private theater we don't get a dime from the government. I and my name provide the box office for this theatre. When there is no money, I pay them to the whole theater, and there are 25 people in it - from my own pocket.

His generosity is legendary, but it's true. He gave money for publishing projects in Russia, paid for the treatment of friends, made charitable contributions. He helped the dying Balanchine - even brought him his favorite food - kebabs. Helped Yuz Aleshkovsky. Patrick Swayze once dreamed of dancing with him in the show, but a knee injury prevented. good relations remained with them until the death of Patrick. Baryshnikov paid for his funeral.

Ballet time is worth its weight in gold. So he would have danced in the Kirov "Giselle" until the age of thirty-five, and then retired, became a teacher, nowhere. And so the whole world opened up before him. New plastic, new images, everything new... He saved time.

He is fond of many things - he collects paintings, plays musical instruments, and in last years I also became interested in photography. October 3 at the Department of Private Collections of the Pushkin Museum im. ASPushkin for the first time in Russia will present the art collection of the legendary dancer and choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov. Mainly graphic works on theatrical themes, including sketches Alexandra Benois for the ballet The Nutcracker, Portrait of Sergei Diaghilev by Jean Cocteau, graphics by Joseph Brodsky, works by Alexander Yakovlev, Nikolai Lapshin, Anatoly Zverev, David Salle and many others.

Baryshnikov and Nureyev studied in Leningrad with the same teacher - Alexander Pushkin

He is not going to stop dancing on stage just yet. His body is still in great shape. This proves the work famous photographer Annie Leibovitz based on Walt Disney cartoons. Baryshnikov is there in the image of Peter Pan. And his appearance is still boyish.

>«...Keep dancing "Giselle"... Well, well, I could. I'm in such a shape that I could dance "Giselle" quite calmly tomorrow, well, not tomorrow - in a week. But for me it will be a completely pointless step, although the performance can be quite interesting. An old ladies' man comes out in tights... It's funny."

In the play "Mr. XYZ ”Baryshnikov played a decrepit old man with a stick, who recalls his youth. Suddenly transforming and becoming the handsome man he once was. This is also an almost autobiographical performance with direct references to their previous roles. With lovers swirling around him like butterflies, with wheelchair, in which he ends his earth path once a graceful and agile man.

But the theme of parting with the world that gave him such a gift appears more and more often in his works. Contrary to, contrary to ... but still ... And somehow, after the end of the ballet number “Heartbeat” (in which he dances to the beat of his own heart, to which sensors are attached), when in the finale he goes into darkness, and heart still beating, the sound was suddenly turned off. And the hall was numb. Everyone decided that Baryshnikov's heart had stopped. But then Misha, radiant with a smile, entered the stage, and the audience exhaled and gave him a standing ovation.

It was said about him that he did not aspire to dance better than others, he aspired to dance better than himself. This is how they characterized Mikhail Baryshnikov, who is rightfully considered best artist ballet in the last century.

Mikhail Baryshnikov moved to America in the early 70s. But, despite this, he had a great influence on Russian ballet. He was literally in love with this art form, and for the sake of it he left his homeland and his beloved woman.

Russian love

The decision to stay in America was not easy for Baryshnikov. He understood the seriousness of his act, but was torn between his beloved woman and his beloved ballet. Mikhail sought to develop and reach new heights in ballet.

However, at that time, the Soviet government in every possible way prevented the emergence of something new in art. The talented dancer was cramped within these limits.

Even Tatyana Koltsova could not influence his decision not to return to his homeland from a tour of America. She was a ballerina and performed on stage Mariinsky Theater. Mikhail did not formalize official relations with her and lived in a civil marriage for several years.

These two people were connected by a love of art. They were just in love with the dance. But if Tatyana had enough of that, then she had, then Mikhail wanted more. Tatyana Soviet authority sent to America to reason with Baryshnikov and return him to his homeland. However, the dancer preferred ballet.

Relations in America

At first, Baryshnikov in America was very difficult. The first thing that limited him was ignorance in English. But soon it ceased to be a problem. Mikhail began to have friends and, of course, mistresses.

About him love affairs there were whole legends. It was rumored that he could be met for a cup of coffee in the same cafe, but at the same time every time new girl. How true such statements are, no one can say, and Mikhail himself prefers not to talk about this topic.

For some time, the dancer had a relationship with the famous American actress Jessica Lange. They met in 1976. At that time, she was already known to the whole world for her role in the film "King Kong".

Most likely, the couple's relationship was driven by passion. It was a stormy romance, which resulted in the birth of Alexandra's daughter. But all the close friends of the couple did not believe in a long-term relationship.

Jessica was at the top of her popularity. There were always other men next to her. Cases of betrayal by the actress Mikhail were not alone. This is what caused the separation of the actress and dancer.

Interesting Notes:

Although some interviews Lang said that life with Mikhail was simply unbearable.. He forced her to cook national dishes. He could often bring his friends to visit, who stayed up late.

Their feelings cooled as well as flared. Jessica met another man, who turned out to be playwright Sam Shepard. With him, the actress is happy to this day, despite the fact that they never registered a relationship. They had two wonderful children.

Baryshnikov has repeatedly admitted that he regrets their breakup. Lang was one of the few women he truly loved. But they were too young and busy with work to save love.

only wife

After Jessica Lange, Mikhail had several high-profile novels. The most striking of them was an affair with Liza Minnelli. It was a crazy relationship. He lived in Washington, she worked in New York, but at the same time she flew to him every evening.

Mikhail was simply smitten with Lisa's energy and captivated by her dance and stage style. He considered her almost a genius. After some time, the couple broke up, but was able to maintain friendly relations.

For the past twenty years, Mikhail Baryshnikov has been happily married to his first legal wife, Liz Reinhardt.. It can be said that ballet introduced them, because Liz also famous ballerina. She was born in Austria. Her grandfather was the famous theater director Max Reinhardt.

The secret of their happy marriage is hard to unravel. Perhaps this is what Liz left the stage for the sake of the family and devoted herself to marriage. Once Mikhail jokingly said that he did not get along with American women, he could not understand them. Since his wife is Austrian, this has become part of a long-term relationship.

In marriage, the couple had three children. The eldest son, who was born in 1989, was named Peter Andrew. Then the couple had two girls - Anna Katerina and Sophia Louise. Anna is already quite famous in the world of cinema and fashion.. She became the face of several famous brands, and also played in the film "Manchester by the Sea" along with Hollywood actors first magnitude.

Many years later, Mikhail Baryshnikov can be called happy man. He realized himself as a dancer and choreographer. He is invited to act in films. And he also has loving family who will always support him.

0 October 11, 2016, 04:18 PM

In early October, Mikhail Baryshnikov attended the world premiere of Manchester by the Sea, starring his 24-year-old daughter Anna. After the premiere, the Western media noted how the daughter of the famous dancer and choreographer grew and blossomed. the site decided to tell more about the new Hollywood actress with famous parents.


Anna Baryshnikova (in the West, the female ending of Anna's surname was removed, in the English-language media the actress is called Anna Baryshnikov) was born in 1992 in the USA in a family famous artist ballet by Mikhail Baryshnikov and ballerina Lisa Reinhart, granddaughter of the famous theater director Max Reinhardt. In total, the couple had three children in marriage: in addition to Anna, Mikhail and Lisa raised their son Peter (born in 1989) and daughter Sofia (1994).

Mikhail Baryshnikov also has a 35-year-old daughter, Alexandra, from his marriage to actress Jessica Lange.

Anna Baryshnikova with her mother Lisa Reinhart


Despite the fact that Anna's parents are famous and successful ballet dancers, the girl dance art preferred acting.

When your relatives famous people, then comparisons are inevitable, no matter what you do. It took me a while to come to terms with this and understand that this is part of my personal experience,

- Anna said in an interview with Interview magazine.

Anna Baryshnikova has dreamed of a career on stage since she was six years old, ever since she played a fairy in a children's production of Shakespeare's play.

My parents were skeptical about my choice of profession. After high school, I took acting classes, then other courses, then I went to an acting college. Slowly but surely, they began to take my choice seriously,

- recalls the daughter of ballet dancers.

Anna a good relationship with her father, whose advice she always listens to.

He is an incredibly disciplined person. My father took time to consider my choice of profession. One day, he realized what was going on, sat down next to me and said (he mimics a Russian accent), "So, you have to focus and work very, very hard every day." He taught me when I was very young: "So you want to be an actress? Learn French. Do you want to be an actress? Learn to play the piano." I didn’t understand why then, but now I have grown up and realized that it would be nice to speak French and play the piano,

Anna recalls.

Anna graduated from university two years ago. There are still few projects in the girl’s filmography: she appeared in episodic roles in several HBO series, had a small role in the comedy "Dachshund" and a fairly prominent role in the indie drama "Manchester by the Sea."

Latest project for this moment is one of the most high-profile and promising in Anna's career. The film was directed by Kenneth Lonergan, who wrote the scripts for Gangs of New York and Analyze This. The film also stars Casey Affleck, Kyle Chandler, Michelle Williams and Matthew Broderick.

Still from Manchester by the Sea, Casey Affleck and Lucas Hedges

"Manchester by the Sea" (released November 18) is the story of Boston plumber Lee Chandler, who returns home to a fishing village by the ocean to look after his fatherless teenage nephew. The death of his brother and the return to his native places force Lee to face his past: many years ago, something mysterious happened in the Chandler family.

In the film, Anna plays the girlfriend of the protagonist's 16-year-old nephew. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where critics considered the drama one of the main contenders for the future Oscar.

Mikhail Baryshnikov sincerely rejoices at the first successes of his daughter.

Someone says she might get an award for acting work. What reward? She (Anna - ed.) for me is the reward,

- joked Baryshnikov at the premiere of the drama "Manchester by the Sea".

Anna is now focused on her career, red carpets and bright exits are not very exciting for her yet.

I don't work with stylists, I prefer simple things. Many actors are similar to each other, but I don't want to stick to any image, I'm interested in being different. I love black, gray and white colors and I really like the Rag & Bone brand,

Baryshnikov says.


Anna Baryshnikov signed up to participate in the Fabulous Nobodies project based on short story of the same name Lee Tullock. The project is in development and filming has not started yet. An independent movie will tell about a girl who goes to nightclubs in New York. Anna in the film will play a strange friend of the main character.

The actress is going to stop there - she plans to take screenwriting courses.

I learned from my parents to be far-sighted. Every time they finish work on one project, they are already thinking about what to do next,

Anna said in an interview. The actress also admitted that she was inspired to work in the cinema by idols Patricia Clarkson, Allison Janney and Annette Bening.


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