As a surname Guf. The creative side of life


Aleksey Sergeevich Dolmatov, known to all of us as Guf (GUF), was born on September 23, 1979, in Moscow. From about the age of 10, he became interested in rap art. In the 5th grade, he encountered drugs. He often began to skip class, after which he was taken by his parents to China. For seven years he lived in China, where he studied at one of the universities. Alexey has 2 higher education: economic and linguistic. After that, he returned to Russia.

Already at the age of nineteen, he performed his first track - “ Chinese Wall". He was recorded in tandem with Roma Korobchansky (with whom Guf studied together, in the same group). For 2 years, Guf had a short break (due to drugs) in his hobby.

Guf became more famous in 2000 when he joined the ROLEX-X group. And now he finally realized that you should not sit and wait for something, you need to move forward. It was after this idea that he became one of the creators of the famous this moment group - "CENTER" ("CENTR"). So he got his first demo album “Gift”. Few copies were released, only 13 pieces, they were also presented to their close friends as a New Year's gift.

He was very familiar with the KASTA group, as he often visited his area. He took part in the shooting of the video “We take it on the streets”, and one of the members of the Caste - Shym wrote the music for “New Year”.

Many songs touched on his favorite topic - “Drug”, on this topic they began to recognize him in the circle of rappers. Guf claims that he forgot about drugs a long time ago, he no longer uses them.

Already in 2002, she begins to work on her new, next album. Found a new friend - Slimy (Slim), who at that time was part of the group "Smoke Screen".


In 2006, the song “Gossip” became very popular. The album “City of Roads” contains the song “Original Ba”, dedicated to Guf’s grandmother, Tamara Konstantinovna, in which she even takes part.

Also in 2006, a video called “New Year's” was released, for one of documentaries called "Drug Users (drug addicts)", soon this clip became quite popular. Was created new hit with SMOKIE MO “Traffic”, it was placed in the album “Air is OK” (2008).

Already in 2007, a popular album entitled “City of Roads” was released. Soon a new track called “My Game” appears in a duet with the popular rapper Basta. Guf also begins his concert activity. The same year, on October 25, an album called "Swing" from the group "CENTR" was released. In 2008, Center won the Best Rap Group at the RMA.

In 2009, together with the Center group, he performed on Muz-TV with the song “City of Roads”. Also in 2009, he voiced a doll named “Fifth” in Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov - “Nine”. By 2009, Guf decides to leave CENTER, he confirmed this in his interview. starting from September and ending in December, all members of the CENTER group release solo albums. Album from GUF'a - "At Home" was released on December 1, 2009.

Personal life of GUF

Soon after Guf decided to quit drugs, he began to lead healthy way life. He only lasted half a year, but then his girlfriend named Aiza came to his aid.

Isa helped Guf a lot with this problem. Once, when she found out about his drug addiction, she locked herself and him in the apartment for 5 days, soon helped to completely forget about them.

When they hear the combination Rapper Guf", only one thing comes to mind: the most popular song of 2009 is Ice baby. A former member of the Centr group with a memorable name, Guf, released the album "At Home" on December 1, 2009. By 2010, almost all of Russia knew the text from the cult song of the Ice baby collection .

Who would have thought that Guf would gain such popularity? This composition was dedicated now already ex-wife rapper Isa. A lot of time has passed since 2010. What is he doing now popular rapper? What is going on in his personal life? Are the rumors that Guf is a drug addict true? Let's deal with the life of a celebrity together.

Biography of rapper Guf

Gaining color in the fall of 1979, the future famous Russian rap artist was born in Moscow. 38 years have passed since that moment, the artist has long grown to 182 cm, got married, raised his son, divorced. A lot has happened since 1979, but we are only interested in the most unusual facts from the life of a celebrity. First you need to find out the name of the rapper Guf. And his name is the simplest: Lesha. But Lesha is only for relatives and friends. The whole country called young man Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov. A tall young man, brown eyes, dark hair, Virgo by zodiac sign - the most banal thing that can be said about a person. The life of Alexei Dolmatov deserves to be told a little more about her than height and weight.

A photo of rapper Guf can be seen below.

The creative side of life

So, using his name as one of the components of the name of the group, at the beginning of the 2000s, Alexei Dolmatov entered the world of hip-hop. Rolexx - this is exactly the name of the group that Alexey and his partner Roman came up with to connect their creativity. Combining the two proper names, they created their "brand".

It was only the beginning creative way. Further more. The first time Guf used the name musical group as his pseudonym and only later became known as Guf. Then Alexey becomes a member of the Centr group, where, in addition to Guf, there are also such colorful rappers as Slim, DJ Shved, Ptaha, Princip. This musical community existed for a relatively short time - 6 years. Many tracks have been released, several albums.

But the hero of our story wanted to move on and develop in solo career. Guf himself says that his vanity, commercialism and increased self-esteem due to popularity served as a departure from Centr. Alexey imagined himself a soloist. It was at this moment that the song Ice baby was born.

2009: Alexey is already married to Aiza, released a solo album, dedicated an insanely sweet rap song to her. In the near future Russian rap artist son will appear. It seems that Dolmatov's life is filled with colors, his career is going up, his beloved wife is nearby, but what really worries the singer?

A new stage in creativity

Alexey Dolmatov, filming for the popular channel on Yiutobe "vDud" admits that it was very candid interview. In the course of communication with Yuri, the rapper says that he has the most ordinary days for a celebrity: he woke up, had breakfast, went to an interview.

That's just Dud invites really interesting personalities. The life of Alexei Dolmatov is now not too full of events. The singer is landscaping his country house he has a lot of free time. Leads a quiet, measured life. For Guf, it is more comfortable to live outside the city, where there is no unnecessary noise, neighbors.

IN creative life by a rap artist new idea- joint work with Slim, former member Centr groups. By the way, Aleksey does not deviate from tradition and in 2017 again comes up with a name for the duet, combining two stage names: Guf + Slim = Gusli. Slim again with Guf, but without Bird. Dolmatov explains this by the fact that he cannot find mutual language with him. Even though they Good friends and Guf speaks of Ptah with warm words, in everyday things, according to Alexey, they are incompatible. He can no longer work with this artist in the same team, they cannot find a common language in creativity.

Guf - real?

Guf tells Dudya that he has been having problems with rights to creative pseudonym. Once Aleksey signed a 10-year contract with the producers, transferring them all the rights to his name. Further history becomes interesting story: producer Gufa crashes in a car accident, the rights are transferred to the new owner of the company - the producer's wife. She, in turn, sells her husband's company and, accordingly, the contract with Guf passes to other unknown owners. And this is where the problems started. The pseudonym of Alexei was no longer in his hands, the artist was called an impostor, 150 lawsuits were filed, but the rapper won the case, regained his invented name.

Speech problems

Dissonance occurs in the head when we find out that Guf has a speech defect. And we're not talking about the rapper burr. It turns out that Alexei stutters, but this does not interfere with his career. When he hears a beat, this problem fades into the background, and he begins to rap without obstacles.

Dolmatov admits that at school he could not even answer at the blackboard. I did all the tasks in writing - the problem with stuttering was so strong. And even now, in his forties, he cannot read a book without stuttering. On numerous court hearings when Guf returned his name, he could not introduce himself. The judge spoke for him. Such a small uniqueness for an artist - to rap, neglecting stuttering. Perhaps music for him is a kind of treatment.

Guf is shy of the stage

It is very interesting that, despite the already sufficient age and extensive experience in the hip-hop industry, Dolmatov is shy of the public. At his concerts, it is difficult for him to show emotions, to charge the hall. He cannot "drive", joke during performances. However, Guf is trying to correct the flaw and is jealous of those who can arouse emotions in the audience. But he does not consider it necessary to repeat after other rappers, it is stupid to jump around the stage by the age of forty, Guf believes.

Drug problems

Dolmatov does not hide information about existing problems with drugs. Without hesitation, he says that when he studied in China, he began to trade in hashish.

I was the coolest huckster in the hostel. Italians came to me separately, Germans, Koreans separately. I sat with a piece of hashish and cut it like a Prague cake.

This story could not go on for long. The embassy learned that the young man was selling illegal goods. Alexei had to leave China in the luggage compartment, because staying there meant signing up for the death penalty.

Rapper Guf tried drugs for the first time at the age of 12.

I just went with the Armenians to smoke herbs.

Already at the age of 16-17, the rap artist got hooked on heroin. The artist connects his addiction to drugs with the fact that his father left him at the age of 3.

If you conduct statistics, then the majority of drug addicts, the majority dependent people they have one parent.

When the parents divorced, the mother left for China with a new boyfriend. It was from that moment that Guf was left to himself, his grandmother was nearby all his life. Drug addiction once almost brought the rapper Guf to death. He actively fought against this, went to Israel for treatment, but he believes that it is impossible to recover from such an addiction. Alexey says that he will do everything so that the children are not addicted to drugs.

failed marriage

The artist was married from 2008 to 2013. The ex-wife of rapper Guf Aiza was always there, supported him in moments of weakness, helped fight drug addiction. Once she even managed to pull him out of this hole. The personal life of rapper Guf was public. Everything, like behind glass - half the country followed the development of their relationship.

The reason for the divorce was the numerous betrayals of Alexei. He began to flirt with other girls already during Aiza's pregnancy and continued to "go to the side" even after the birth of his son. At one point, Guf stopped hiding his betrayals, disappeared in striptease bars for several days and was not shy about his behavior. For him, it was okay. Now Isa and Guf keep in touch. Alexey believes that he is to blame for the breakup, and the relationship did not need to be flaunted. That is why there is practically no information about his current girlfriend. One thing is known - this is not a media personality.

"I will love you..."

The most popular song of rapper Guf is Ice baby. The text of this track stuck in the head of a thousand people, the lines were sung by all the youth who are fond of this genre of music. But now at Guf's concerts it is almost inaudible. Alexey says:

The songs of rapper Guf are a reflection of his whole life. The artist is inspired by the events of his days, reads only about what is happening to him in this period.

The famous rapper Guf, named Alexei Dolmatov, found more popularity not because of his music, but because, being alive, he became a “dead hero”.

He also became famous not only for the fact that he was constantly buried by the media and fans, but also for the fact that there are too many references to drugs in his works. Guf was a soloist in the CENTR group. In addition, the artist created a label called ZM Nation.

Rumors of death

In January 2011, there was a rumor that the rapper died during a terrorist attack in Domodedovo along with rapper Basta. At that time, everyone believed only in the death of Dolmatov. There has been a lot of controversy around the rumors. This information was quickly refuted, but for a short time Internet users have created a meme on this topic.

After some time appeared new rumor. Some media published information that the CENTR group had a car accident in which Dolmatov and another guy died. One was severely injured and ended up in intensive care. The group's producers have officially stated that nothing of the sort happened and that all members are safe and sound.

Behind recent years 5 Guf has already died several times. Some fans, or vice versa, competitors attributed the death to the artist from drugs. Several times in the press there was information about a terrible car accident in which the rapper died. In one of the albums, the singer, together with his group, released a track that was dedicated to these inventions. Several times it was said about the death of colleagues in the Dolmatov group.
At present, in many in social networks and Internet resources have supposedly confirmed information about death famous artist. Of course, this is not true. To date, the artist has many concerts and meetings planned.

Photos on the topic: Guf died

Video on the topic: Guf died

Who needs rumors about the death of Guf

No one knows who is spreading these rumors. There are many versions of what is behind this. Some believe that the artist himself spreads these rumors so that they do not forget him and talk about it. Some people think that behind them are people from their PR department, who are used to composing any information so that their client is recognizable.

Some believe that the spread of rumors is just a game of fans who love dark humor.

The artist himself shows that he treats such rumors with irony. Like all members of the group, he laughs at these gossip and says that if this happens, then the fans will certainly immediately find out the confirmed information. The artist himself hopes that such a situation will not happen yet. for a long time.

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A native Muscovite was born on September 23 (Virgo), 1979. I started listening to rap at the age of 10. Loved artists like 2pac, Nas and Biggie. Dreamed of writing down joint track with Nasir Jones. In the fifth grade, the biography of Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) begins to change. He was in a company that introduced him to drugs. After that, there is a gradual transformation of an obedient child into a burden for parents.

The beginning of a rap career

In the early 2000s, a friend of Roma appears in the biography of Alexei Dolmatov. Together they create the Rolexx group (short for Roma and Lech). Even when Alexei left the group and started solo work, he used the group's name as his pseudonym until 2005.

Alexey's first track was released when he was 19 years old, the song was called "Chinese Wall".

Since 2002, Alexey Dolmatov began to write songs more often and worked on his first album. In the same year begins cooperation with Slim. Their first joint track was called "Wedding".

Group "Center"

Alexey wanted to continue rapping, but he understood that he needed help. Together with rapper Princip in 2004, Alexey created the Center group. The guys release their first album "Gift". At that time, the guys did not think about sales, so they released the album in a small edition - only 13 discs, which they later presented to their friends for the New Year.

At the time of 2006, Guf established himself in the rap community as an experienced drug addict, who clearly had a special style of storytelling. Further in the biography of Alexei Dolmatov, rapper Basta is found. They record the track "My Game" and accompany the work with a clip. Then there is work with Smokey Mo on the track "Traffic", which was also accompanied by a clip.

By 2007, the "Center" consisted of three MS - Guf, Slim and Ptah. Princip got in trouble with the law long before and dropped out of rap. In April of the same year, the Center group presented the album City of Roads. Guf starts concert activity. In October, the "Center" in the new composition releases the second album "Swing".

Two years later, Guf, in one of his interviews, declares that he is leaving the Center due to disagreements with two other participants. It doesn't stop him from doing solo work, Guf, inspired by his place of residence - "zamoskvorechye" - creates the ZM Nation label and releases the album "Houses" in December.

In the period from 2009 to 2014, the following solo albums by Alexei Dolmatov were released: “At Home” (2009) and “Sam and ...” (2013). As well as joint releases with Basta "Basta / Guf" (2010) and with Rigos "420" (2014).

After leaving the "Center", Guf uploads the video "One Hundred Lines" to the Internet, where he indirectly mentions Slim and Bird in a negative way. These lines can be regarded as former colleagues pretty tired of Gufu during the cooperation.

Slim and Bird in response shoot a parody clip for the most popular song Gufa Ice Baby, where his behavior is ridiculed. Despite the departure of Guf, the Center continues to work and the guys release an album.

Band reunion

2014 becomes a significant year both for the fans of the Center and for the biography of Alexei Dolmatov. First, the song "Caspian Cargo", on which Guf and Slim appeared. Then a photo on Ptakh's Instagram account, on which the same trinity stands. The end point, when everyone understood about the reunion of the group, was the joint track of Ptakhi and Guf "Po Nizam".

Later, the group announced the start of concerts and performed in in full force on Channel One. The members of the group admitted and forgave each other past mistakes, and also realized that they had done stupid things when they ruined the team.

During the concerts, Alexey Dolmatov (Guf) understands that he stepped on the same rake as he once did. He cannot get along on the same team with Bird. The band informs the fans about the end of the concerts. Also, the group members note that the album "System" will be the last joint creation.

Despite the fact that Aleksey Dolmatov (Guf) could not get along with Bird, they had a good relationship and mutual understanding. As a duet, they even release two albums GuSli and GuSli II.

Battle vs Bird

In October 2017, Ptah, who remained on the sidelines, uploads a three-minute video to the Internet in which he calls Guf to the Versus battle.

Guf responded harshly with a live broadcast on his Instagram account. In the broadcast, in addition to Bird, the embittered rapper also touched Pharaoh, T-Fest, Scryptonite and Basta. main idea was that he accepts an invitation to a battle. True, provided that he is paid 2 million rubles.

The organizer and creator of Versus on the stream blogger Leha Med confirmed the information that the battle will take place. He also noted that 1 million will be allocated for Ptakhi, and 2 million for Guf.

On February 18, 2018, the very long-awaited battle comes out. By decision of the judges, Guf won with a score of 3-0.

Alias ​​rights

In 2007, the first proposal to sign a contract appeared in the biography of Alexei Dolmatov. In those days, Guf led wild image life, every penny was important to him, and he did not read the terms of the contract. It so happened that by signing the contract, he transferred his name with all rights for 10 years. For this, he received $ 5,000 and was very happy, because then rap did not bring big fees. After signing a huge pile of papers, the rapper shook off the sweat from his forehead and rushed to his former life. The realization that he had transferred the rights for 10 years came to him later, but it was impossible to turn back time.

After the death of the owner of the company with which Guf signed the contract, all rights were transferred to his wife. Then this company was bought by another person. After that, for the remaining 9 years, Guf received lawsuits and accusations that he was an impostor and was making money on someone else's name. The concert organizers were in a state of confusion, because they received calls from the tax and police, they did not fully understand who the concert was being organized for until they met the rapper in person.

The total number of claims was 150 pieces. From each concert, the rapper had to pay 150 thousand rubles, if he went for it, now he would be bankrupt. Due to the huge amount of fines, Guf decides to hire lawyers, because it will be cheaper to get out of the situation. In December 2017, the problem was resolved, and now Guf is the owner of his name and everything connected with it.

Problems with stuttering

While still a schoolboy, Guf suffered from stuttering and could not answer, standing in front of the class when the teacher called him. Therefore, he handed over all assignments in writing. Even when Guf reads a book aloud, he stutters. The rapper has logoneurosis. As the rapper himself explains, whether stuttering will appear or not depends on internal state. When he is nervous, he cannot articulate his first and last name. The musician also notes that if he drinks coffee in the morning, then stuttering is guaranteed for the rest of the day.

Restriction of the public

Guf is mortally afraid of communicating with the public. Concerts for him are earnings. The main thing is to shoot quickly. When Guf feels a hitch, he runs to the DJ and asks to put on the next track as soon as possible in order to avoid communicating with the public. For 15 years of his career, Guf has not learned to overcome his fear, his performance looks like reading a verse. However, he is trying to work on it.

Guf is surprised at young artists who, entering the stage, conquer the audience from the first words and “blow up” the hall with their performance. Guf is already afraid to try on such a role. He thinks that he will not succeed, or it will look ridiculous at his age. He even finds it ridiculous that he's rapping at 37.

Life in China

Moving to China took place at the age of 11. Prior to that, Alexei lived with his grandmother and was left to himself. Mother, after a divorce from Guf's father, was engaged in arranging her personal life. Soon a stepfather appeared, with whom she spent all the time. Guf thinks that the drug connection was due to a large number free time and bad company.

Alexey's family went on a business trip to China for 5 years. In order not to waste time, Guf enters the Chinese Institute foreign languages. The rapper began to sell drugs and was respected among his acquaintances. Representatives stood in line for a purchase different countries- Italians, Germans and Koreans.

Having learned that Alexey is engaged in the distribution of drugs, Russian embassy promptly sends Guf back to Russia. Leaving all his belongings that he has acquired over seven years, Guf goes to his homeland by baggage charter. It is not known what would have happened to the young rapper if he had been caught by the Chinese authorities, because China provides for the death penalty for the drug trade. True, only for Chinese citizens, most likely, Guf would also be sent home. Only in this case, a Russian court would have been waiting for him.

First drugs

IN school years Guf had an Armenian friend, who at that time already had acquaintances with the elders. Once this friend suggested that Alexei smoke marijuana. It was at the age of 12, Guf, without thinking twice, agreed, because he had previously watched his peers who had been in this topic for a long time, and wanted to try what it was for himself. For the first time, Guf did not feel the effects of the drug on himself.

The first acquaintance with hard drugs happened at the age of 17. On that moment permanent place Guf's residence was China, he came to Russia to visit his grandmother every few years to stay for a month. And on the next such vacation, Guf notices that many young people sniff heroin. And Alexey also decides to try. Alexei snorted heroin the day before he left for China.

About a bad experience with drugs

In the fall of 2016, the single "About Summer" was released, in which the rapper reads that he again got out of the even order of life. Talks about planning a productive life. But due to a creative impasse, after 4 years of abstinence, he returned to drugs again. I decided to try once, but in the end it turned out that Guf did not remember how six months had passed. And in August, he himself felt that a little more and his life would end in death. It all ended with the fact that he was sent to rehabilitation, where he was injected with sleeping substances so that the body would recover and no longer require a new dose.

After that, he returned to Moscow, but again he could not restrain himself. Guf understood that this was no longer possible and, with a serious attitude, he returned to rehabilitation, which lasted a month and a half. This is not the first time, the rapper was close to death from an overdose in 2012.


The presidential amnesty helped the rapper not to stay in Butyrka. After serving seven months, he is released - he was released under a presidential amnesty.

Guf had a suspended sentence for possession of marijuana, it lasted 1 year. Literally five days before the end of the probation, Guf passed the session and decided to celebrate it in a familiar way. I bought a glass of marijuana and went to the station, then to go to the country. But while Aleksey was studying the train schedule, a policeman approached him and began to conduct an inspection. In Guf's purse, he found cigarettes and eye drops. Continuing the search, Guf found a glass of grass in his shorts. Guf resolves the issue with the investigator in such a way that he was promised a second suspended sentence. And now Aleksey is asked to come, allegedly to take away the court's decision on the second suspended sentence. But the investigator changed in the case, and Guf was sent to Butyrka.

The film "Gazgolder"

Probably all fans and listeners of Guf know about his role in the film "Gasholder" (2014). In fact, this is not the rapper's first film experience. In 2006, he worked on the soundtrack for the film ZHARA. In 2009, he had the opportunity to duplicate one of the heroes animated film"9". Guf also participated as an actor and producer in the film "Egor Shilov" (2017).

Personal life

After Guf met Aiza, the biography and personal life of Alexei Dolmatov changes in better side. They have been a couple for a long time. In 2008 they got married. With the support of his girlfriend, Guf tried several times to distance himself from drugs. In 2009, the couple has a son, Sam. A photo of Alexei Dolmatov with his son is above in the article.

As Guf admits, he began to cheat on his wife when she was still pregnant. The lady of the heart forgave him this oversight. However, the couple divorced in 2014.

After Aiza, a girl named Anastasia Kiushkina appeared in the personal life of Alexei Dolmatov. However, they did not succeed, the rapper explains this by saying that the girl was too stupid.

In October 2017, rapper Alexei Dolmatov posted a photo of his son on his Instagram account. Under the photo, the rapper wrote that he is looking for his son and asks fans to tell him if they see the boy on the streets of the city. The son is not really missing. And such a post is explained by the fact that Aiza Anokhina limited the communication of Sam and her ex-husband.

Dolmatov was born in Moscow in 1979 and did not start playing music right away, however, today many people listen to his hits, there is even a club of fans from whom, not in colleagues, Guf does not hide, many know where the performer lives, and therefore at the entrance of a high-rise building, you can often meet fans with notebooks or flowers.


Alexei only changed his place of residence a few times. The first time it was due to the fact that his parents decided to move to another country. In the 80s, when he was still quite, he had to follow his parents to China. There he made many friends and even tried to learn Chinese. During his stay in China, Guf managed to get an education in one of the higher educational institutions this country.

Guf is registered in Moscow in his grandmother's apartment, which did not prevent him from renting an apartment in the central part of the city for several years.


Gufu felt uncomfortable living in this controversial country and he decided to return back to his native. In Moscow, he began to live with his grandmother. He dedicated a lot to his place of residence: it's no secret that Dolmatov's main home is Moscow's Zamoskvorechye. In his music, he raps about how life is there, and attentive listeners can even hear the name of Novokuznetskaya Street in one of his compositions, where the “father’s” house of the rapper stands. By the way, you can rarely see Guf in Zamoskvorechye, he lived with his wife in the center of the capital for several years, meticulous fans, of course, knew this one, but Alexei cannot be found there today either.

And moving again

The rapper has not yet acquired his own housing, because, according to his statement ex-wife, he does not belong to the category of people for whom it is important to have their own apartment. He has enough removable options for conducting his activities.

To date, the exact address of the performer is not indicated anywhere, because he is divorcing his wife, as a result of which they had to leave the apartment in which they lived all their family life. This one is located in the central part of Moscow. Many believed that Guf owned this luxurious apartment, but after the discord of Aiza (his ex-wife) in an interview said that the living space was rented. The cost of the rent was 200 thousand rubles, which is a lot even by Moscow standards. The current place of residence of Guf is still known only to his devoted fans.

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