Modern dances for adults. Dances for Beginner Adults


Dance is an art, a way to relax and make yourself feel good. physical form. Studios offer professional pursuits dancing for beginner adults in Moscow - anyone will learn how to move correctly to the music. It is important to choose a school where they teach experienced trainers- they will be mentors on the way to achieving the goal.

What are the benefits of dancing

To improve the state of health, dancing is useful, giving a charge of positive emotions. This pastime helps to strengthen:

  • cardiovascular system, normalize blood circulation and blood pressure;
  • respiratory system, reduce the risk of colds;
  • skeletal system, develop joints.

In addition, an even posture appears, the shoulders are straightened, the figure becomes slim and toned. Dancing gets rid of excess weight, improve mood, self-esteem and energy - these pluses are the reason for attending special lessons.

Dance classes for beginner adults in Moscow: choice of studio

Beginners who want to learn to dance, first of all think about how to choose a school so as not to be disappointed from the very beginning. Decide for yourself main problem Why do you need dancing? Maybe you want to make it a hobby, a distraction from everyday worries - then a regular studio is enough to get amateur skills. If you want to make dancing your life's work, then choose a school with vocational training.

The correct training schedule is one of the most important criteria for dancing classes.

After defining the tasks, adhere to the following criteria:

  • Dance direction. Pay attention to what classes the studios offer: ballroom, Latin American, modern dance, or both. Choose according to your specific needs.
  • The cost of lessons. In this case important role budget plays - how much money you can allocate for classes. Find out if the school provides discounts, bonuses, and what subscriptions it offers.
  • Schedule. Specify what hours the training sessions are held, set the optimal time for visiting the studio.
  • Reputation. Read reviews, watch student performances - this is how you get general idea about school. The main thing is not only how well they teach, but also the environment in which you will be, because this also affects the final result.

When choosing a studio, consider its location - it will take a long time to get to it or not. Focus on the availability of changing rooms and showers, the size of the hall and the number of people in the group. Work out individually if you are not comfortable working out with other people. To make dance classes for beginner adults in Moscow interesting and not cause discomfort, follow these steps simple rules at the choice of the studio.

A good coach is the key to great results

Finding a coach is a serious and responsible business. Only thanks to a professional teacher success is achieved. Don't try to get into training famous dancer, with many awards and vast experience. It may turn out that a teacher will turn out to be nothing from him. In addition to that, he won't have time to train other people as he will have to prepare for competitions and performances.

A popular dance school with a good reputation does not mean that it has competent teachers. Rating is gained not only due to this indicator. On the contrary, masters of their craft can work in a little-known studio, able to teach any person the skills of dance. Read reviews - grateful students will not write badly about their teacher. Attend trial classes with different coaches, evaluate their skills and ability to establish contact with the wards.

Algorithm of dance lessons for beginners

You came to dance classes for beginners in Moscow for the first time and do not know what lies ahead - this causes a certain fear. There is nothing to be afraid of, the main thing is to prepare for training. Choose a comfortable form of clothing and shoes - in this case, focus on style direction. For ballroom dancing fit a simple short dress and low-heeled shoes, Pole dance provides a short top, shorts and Czechs.

Warm-up allows you to prepare for an effective workout

Each lesson is divided into three stages:

  • Warm up. Muscles are warmed up and prepared to perform movements, which is necessary to prevent injury.
  • Main part. Beginners learn the basic dance elements and reinforce them.
  • Completion. The load gradually decreases, breathing and heart rate are restored.

Beginning students can consult with teachers and attend extra classes if they do not understand the material being passed. With group training, it is important that a friendly atmosphere reigns - this way you will feel more confident and liberated. Communicate with other students, share your achievements and failures - this will allow you not to repeat the mistakes of others and motivate you to follow your goal.

Where to learn to dance in Moscow - Anix Dance Pole Dance School

In professional dance studio Anix Dance every beginner adult dancer will try himself in the directions, and others. Our qualified trainers will teach everyone, help in mastering the elements.

Dance school for beginners dancers from 18 and all the way to the outskirts. We have dancing for adults in Moscow - average age of our students in group classes aged 25-45. Also, there are students of twenty years old, and quite a few really adults loving dancing, aged 40-55 who are engaged in the First dance school 6-12 months or more.

We offer both couple dances - salsa, bachata, kizomba, rueda de casino, as well as solo dance classes for adults - pilates, latin, reggaeton, oriental dances.

Come visit us for free lesson, try. We are sure you will definitely like it!


A healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more fans in the world, in Russia and in Moscow. Many people already understand that it's time to get off the couch and go in for sports. But gym, Treadmill, and often fitness is quite boring classes, designed for the monotony of repetitions of numerous exercises or a long, even run. And I still want to give food to the mind, recharge my emotions, shake things up, finally. There is a great alternative to simple physical education - dancing for adults.

You can choose any style for yourself, and there are a huge number of them - fast and slow, explosive and viscous, youth and classic, folk and modern. Moscow world of dance and in particular

Dances for Beginner Adults

You watch on TV dance shows, admire the members and envy their youth, physical strength, craftsmanship and beauty. “I wish it was like this in my time,” you think. – I would, maybe, also could / could. But it's all gone and you can't turn back." And why was it once your time, and now not yours? There would be a desire, and no age, employment and degree physical training not a hindrance to come on dancing for beginners.

Of course, you will have to work hard, but the pleasure of participating in the great art of dance, new young emotions, slim figure better health is worth it. And you don’t have to be shy, because in these classes everyone is the same as you. Everyone who decided that their youth has not passed and will never pass, and physical data is a thing to come. And experienced coaches will carefully and respectfully guide you from one small victory to another. And then maybe not so small. You will have your own club, new friends, new hobbies and interests. And all this will be called dances for beginner adults. The main thing, after all, is to find the address of the nearest dance school and decide to cross the threshold.

Dance school for beginners

Once upon a time, everyone knew how to dance, they learned new movements with pleasure. Dance teachers were in-demand teachers of an important discipline, and dance was the main entertainment at any holiday. This art has been studied throughout life. And even very elderly people did not consider it shameful or embarrassing for themselves to go out with a partner to the parquet or rural, town square for the dance. The art of dance has become elitist or just a sport.

But in recent times a lot has changed, dance with capital letter is back in fashion, and therefore the dance school for adults opens its doors not far from your home. She is waiting for you and your friends. After all, dancing is not only great, but also good for health. This physical activity will make you lose weight, get stronger, even look younger. And an explosion of pleasant emotions during the dance will allow you not to notice fatigue. Or rather, even noticing fatigue, you will want to dance again and again. The dance school for beginners is also a club of interests, a friendly atmosphere, a world of harmony and music. And experienced teachers will confidently introduce you to this wonderful world and guide your success.


School of Modern and street dancing Trix Family offers you dance training for beginners, advanced, adults and children in the following areas: Hip-Hop dance, Breakdance, booty dance, Twerk, Dancehall, Stretching, Go-Go, Experimental, Body Work and more dance styles, with each of which you can learn more by going to the appropriate tab on this page.

If you have never been involved in dancing or sports before - do not be afraid and do not worry =)) 80% of our students come to us with this level. That is why we have formed groups in which dance lessons for beginners from scratch. We are sure that everyone can learn to dance, if there is a desire, conditions and a competent teacher. Our choreographers have developed teaching methods that make it possible fast learning dancing from scratch, while we guarantee that you will have fun from the very first training, gradually immersing yourself in dance world deeper and deeper. The "training for beginners" course is designed in such a way that as your physical performance improves from training to training, the complexity of the dance elements will increase, which, drawing you along, will rapidly develop your dancing skills.

Modern dance training for free - trial lessons

\"Better to see once than hear a hundred times!\". But believe me... It's better to try once than to see a hundred times! And hear or read 1000 times =)) We are waiting for you for a free trial lesson for learning any type of dance that you find on this page.

If you have not yet decided on the type of dance for training, then The best way to understand yourself is to come to a trial lesson, to feel the style on yourself, to appreciate the atmosphere and skill of the teacher. Our dance school provides everyone with a unique opportunity ABSOLUTELY FREE to understand themselves and evaluate the direction in free trial classes. We also often organize open lessons and master classes in all types of dances we practice.

If you have not yet decided on the choreographer you would like to go to! We offer a great opportunity to find the best for yourself - come to a free trial lesson with each teacher and determine the one you would like to study with. For example, in Hip-Hop we have 6 teachers... who is the best? See what you need. If you want to learn how to freestyle - then this teacher, if you want to put on a good polecat - then another, if you want fun training, then the third one. Each coach has his own chip and his own approach to training.

Teaching children to dance

The studio organizes hip-hop dance training for children. Dance classes for beginners are held, and then the development of skills in groups. Hip-hop is an element of street culture, it allows everyone to express their individuality. So that everyone can develop their own style, we provide training for girls and boys during dance classes.

Our school-studio also conducts dance training for adults in Moscow. It is proposed to master dance training from scratch, technique and improvement own style. We provide dance lessons for girls and boys. We train men to dance hip-hop. Today, this style is very popular, hip-hop elements are used at parties, it is included in the performances of pop stars. That's why we offer training club dances in this style, as well as training in pair dances.

Dance lessons for beginners at Trix Family School:

  • High professionalism of teaching, use of own methods.
  • Classes are held in different age groups: dance lessons for adults and children. For each category of students, the methodology takes into account the characteristics physical development and level of psychological perception.
  • Each student has the opportunity to choose the type of classes that suits him, including dancing individually under the guidance of an experienced master.
  • Dance classes develop physical abilities, coordination of movements, the ability to control your body. They revitalize and promote development mental capacity children.
  • Holding interesting events, master classes, during which students get the opportunity to communicate with famous masters.
  • Participation in competitions allows you to prove yourself and test your strength, gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the level of skill and teaches you how to win.
  • The studio brings together people connected by a common hobby, helps to find friends.

Never danced before? Don't know where to start? Then you are on the Basic Course!

The course includes a wide range of couples dance styles from waltzes and foxtrots on the one hand, to club latin on the other. In the process of learning, we will touch upon both European and European countries in varying degrees of detail. Latin American dances. According to the curriculum, 19 different dance styles will be presented in our classes.

This course is suitable both for those who want to expand their horizons in the field of various dance styles, and for those who simply have not decided which dances they would like to do.

The main highlights of this course are:

All over the planet, from ancient times to the present day, dancers of all colors of the rainbow have been dancing on different continents. And they dance to different music. But what is surprising? It is surprising that no matter how different these dances are from each other, with scrutiny it becomes clear whether you are dancing barefoot on the sand to the sound of a zebra-skin drum or moving to the sound of symphony orchestra on the typesetting parquet in patent shoes, you are affected by the same physical laws and principles of biomechanics. Therefore, the principles of shifting weight from foot to foot in dance, setting the body, leading the partner, and the basics of balance and balance will be similar in a variety of dance traditions. And it is precisely these basic things that will be primarily given time in the Basic Course classes at the Maximum Club.

The basic course of the club Maximum maximizes the dance erudition of students, they do not just get acquainted with one or another dance direction“from the outside”, but they recognize the soul of the dance, feel this dance from the inside. And this is how the most complete idea of ​​all possible dances is created.

Such an introduction to dance can take place through active learning dance moves, dance skill automation different directions, that is, through a serious physical activity and workouts.

Here are the numbers we get: on the synthesis of various styles and trends :)


Class start time:

MORNING Basic Course: Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00.
EVENING basic course: Tuesday and Thursday at 19:00.

Basic course (vol. 2.0): Tuesday 19:00; Thursday at 20:00.

Lesson duration: hour

Subscription: MORNING basic course
8 lessons - 2400 rubles, 4 lessons - 1400 rubles, trial lesson - free of charge. Single visit - 500 rubles.

If the age is retirement, but dancing is not a hindrance, then daytime classes are 1500 rubles!

Subscription: EVENING basic course
8 lessons - 2800 rubles, 4 lessons - 1800 rubles, trial lesson - free of charge. Single visit - 500 rubles.
And for those who come with a spouse, 16 lessons for one subscription for 4000 rubles!

If you are a student, then business first, then walk boldly! Or dance in the evenings for 1500 rubles!

Subscription: Basic 2.0
8 lessons - 3200 rubles, 4 lessons - 2000 rubles, trial lesson - 350. Single visit - 700 rubles.

Our school is in Moscow, closest to residents of ZAO and SWAD.
We can be reached from the metro station "Prospekt Vernadskogo", "Yugo-Zapadnaya", "Universitet", "Kaluzhskaya", as well as from Leninsky Prospekt and Michurinsky prospect.

Lessons base rate pass at the address: Prospekt Vernadskogo, 29. Our halls are located on the 5th floor.

Dance is an art that can transform you. Dance classes for adults will help you discover your creative potential and improve self-esteem. You can start dancing at any age - in this area, age really does not matter. If you are 20, 30 or 40 years old, you will definitely succeed in reaching heights in this art.

Daria Sagalova's dance school for adults invites you to take classes. Our professional teachers will teach you how to move beautifully, help you improve your physical shape, gain self-confidence. After our lessons you will feel more comfortable not only in the club, but also in everyday life.

How are the classes

Daria Sagalova's dance school for adults is training without pre-training, from scratch. Classes are suitable for all ages, body types and musical taste. All you need to do is bring the appropriate form with you. Clothing depends on the chosen direction. For example, if you want to practice body ballet, you need tight leggings and a T-shirt. If your choice is hip-hop, loose pants and a loose or fitted t-shirt are more suitable. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you are not sure which form is better to choose, our teachers will always tell you.

Dance classes for adults at our school in Moscow are conducted only by professional teachers with extensive experience. They regularly improve their skills and participate in variety projects. Under the guidance of a professional, you can quickly learn new things and reveal yourself in dance - the effect can be felt and seen after the first lesson. All lessons are held in a positive way, a friendly, cheerful atmosphere always reigns in the hall. Any lesson begins with a warm-up, after which the load gradually increases. The lesson ends with relaxation exercises.

Why us?

Do you want to study with pleasure, in comfortable conditions and quickly see progress? Then the dance school for adults Daria Sagalova is for you!

  • Classes in comfortable conditions. We care about our guests, so we have equipped comfortable rooms. Each has air conditioning, non-slip flooring and plenty of mirrors so you can see yourself from different angles. We provide all the necessary equipment for classes, from mats to elastic bands. The spacious changing rooms also have everything you need: a shower, a hairdryer, comfortable lockers.
  • Any style you like. In our dance classes for adults, you can learn absolutely any kind of choreography. We offer not only classic strip plastic, trendy pop choreography and high-hills, but also such non-standard directions as Afro jazz, Krump and Conteporary.
  • Opportunity to showcase your skills. Upon completion of the training, you will master your body at the level of professional dancers. To give you the opportunity to showcase your skills, we host our own reporting concerts. Our most successful students are involved in regular concerts, festivals, filming, competitions. With us you will have the opportunity to perform at the Olympic, State Kremlin Palace, Crocus City Hall and other major venues in the capital.

Not sure which direction is right for you? We have compiled for you detailed description each type of choreography - information is available on our website. You can learn more from our administrators official group In contact with. If you want to try a new direction for yourself, our dance school in Moscow for adults offers a trial lesson absolutely free! Groups are open throughout the year.

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